Re: Minneapolis Issues (Was:[Mpls] Re:Strib poll)

2001-09-25 Thread ABerget
Friends, I've been a list member almost from the beginning of this forum. I am disappointed to see it lately decline from a forum marked by thoughtful and substantive discussion into just another place for a few folks to rant and insult one another. It's getting to the point that I'm having a hard time telling the difference between the junk mail I find in my inbox every day and the rant that is too often becoming standard fare on this list. 

Maybe it's the late hour or maybe it's a moment of clarity, but I'm dropping off this list for a while. I have grown weary of unnecessarily inflamatory postings and personal attacks. 

I hope that the general level of civility and substance improves. Minneapolis'issues deserve better. 

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10


[Mpls] R.T. v. Sharon on emergency preparedness

2001-09-25 Thread Dyna Sluyter
Title: R.T. v. Sharon on emergency

am writing this not to favor a particular candidate, but to push both
of them to come up with better plans for emergency preparedness. I
like both R.T. and Sharon and will be happy to see either elected,
however I would encourage both of them to engage in constructive
debate on this issue.

Despite considerable provocation, I have yet to see R.T.
address this issue. R.T., terrorism isn't going to go away anytime
soon, and we still have the usual floods, tornados, and blizzards to
deal with. So I'd like to see you and your campaign use their talents
to come up with some creative responses to potential future

Sharon and her administration have made some contributions to
our high state of emergency preparedness. First off under Sharon's
watch the cities fleet, shops, etc. has been updated. When a terrorist
flies into the side of a skyscraper, you want fire trucks that start
and a state of the art shop to make sure they do. Sharon and her
administrations response on the 11th did the city proud. Within
minutes the cities facilities were secured. Police officers were held
over and polkice reserves and CSOs were called to duty until the
threat had eased. Sharon's campaign was the first to suggest a
suspension of campaigning on the 11th partly to insure that campaign
volunteers would be available if they were called to duty. Even
now, two weeks later, Minneapolis police keep 24 hour a day guard on
our water supply.

facilitate the discussion and allow more folks to contribute their
ideas. I'm going to throw out a few scenarios and invite suggestions
to how the city should respond. Have at it!

1. A supertanker is blown up by
terrorists. All other oil tankers quickly put into port and unload,
and refuse to take to the seas again. 60% of our fuel is

2. Terrorists are thwarted in an
attempt to take control of a nuclear power plant just upriver from
Minneapolis. The power company wants to keep the plant

3. The heartland has seen 3 100 year
or greater floods in the last 8 years. The 100 year flood plain
clearly needs to be recalculated... After a winter of heavy
snows their is a rapid melt and torrential
rains. NOA says the flood will
match but go no higher than 1965's record. But a concerned citizen
like me sends the mayor an e-mail of an unpublicized Corp of Engineers
study that predicts much worse. The Corp study takes into account the
effects of man made structures in the flood plain and used the Corp's
model of the river valley. Snow removal has already cut deeply into
the cities budget reserves... what would you do?

4. What appears to be a small
nuclear weapon has been detonated in the air above the upper peninsula
of Michigan. The area of the blast is pretty remote, and their appears
to be little loss of life. But almost every computer has gone dead,
and many radios are not functioning. Strangely enough, the older
equipment seems to have survived better, and the only reliable
communications are between a few amateur radio operators with ancient
tube type radios. What happened? What would you do?

Let's see some creative solutions...

Sluyter from Hawthorne, an alternative terrorist target if they miss
Phillips (humor)

Dyna Sluyter

friend of Bill W. and Harry B.
USPS TTO, 55401 tour 3 trailer jockey 

de N0EGF, qrv 70cm, 2m, 10-80m
proud IBT and APWU member for over 20 years, solidarity forever!
mk.1 Mini Cooper S, mk.2 Golf diezel, Ranger XL 4x4 longbed (da
service truck) 
R100GS, R65LS+Motorvation Spyder sidecar 
Teledyne Titan, Santana, Trek 7300
Quickie GP, Fortress AeroEdge
running C/PM, DOS, Linux, and Mac OS. Micro who? 
Amtrak 1007, highball!

Re: Minneapolis Issues (Was:[Mpls] Re:Strib poll)

2001-09-25 Thread richard carney

richard carney
st. paul

Friends, I've
been a list member almost from the beginning of this forum. I am disappointed
to see it lately decline from a forum marked by thoughtful and substantive
discussion into just another place for a few folks to rant and insult one
another. It's getting to the point that I'm having a hard time telling
the difference between the junk mail I find in my inbox every day and the
rant that is too often becoming standard fare on this list.
Maybe it's the late hour or maybe
it's a moment of clarity, but I'm dropping off this list for a while. I
have grown weary of unnecessarily inflamatory postings and personal attacks.
I hope that the general level
of civility and substance improves. Minneapolis'issues deserve better.
Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

[Mpls] list manager thank you

2001-09-25 Thread Mark Wilde

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

i want to take a minute and publicly thank david
brauer for all his work on this list.  i think we can
all agree that david has done the community a great
service by managing this list.  i appreciate him
taking the time to moderate and handle the technical

i've been a reader and sometimes poster for about two
years, and the list has really given me a lot of
valuable facts and opinions.

mark wilde
windom park

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Re: [Mpls] list manager thank you

2001-09-25 Thread Brobson34
Most everyone on this list knows that I am a close personal friend of Mr. Brauer's, so my seconding of Mr. Wilde's "thank you" will not come as a great surprise. However, what list members don't know is that the nasty tone and non-Minneapolis focus this list has taken in recent weeks has weighed heavily on Mr. Brauer and has caused him to very seriously consider abandoning his work on the list altogether.

I am revealing this without Mr. Brauer's blessing or foreknowledge, in the hopes that list members readopt the focus and civility that has made the list so successful in recruiting a wide range of opinions over the past couple of years. I have been guilty of twisting the knife in recent posts where I thought I had a particularly righteous argument--once in response to Mr. Wilde and his statements about Intermedia Arts, but also on threads about terrorism and comparisons of Mayors Belton and Guiliani. For what it's worth, I apologize to those on the receiving end of those posts and pledge to limit my inflammatory rhetoric as much as my abrasive nature allows. I encourage members to remind me offlist when I stray from that pledge. 

Put simply, the long-term future of the list is problematic so long as vitriol and non-Minneapolis subjects hold sway. I encourage those who value this list to keep that in mind when they post.

Britt Robson

[Mpls] Mayor and City response to Sept 11 attack

2001-09-25 Thread Freeman, Ann E

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

Since several members of the list have posted questions about the Mayor's
response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, I thought it would be useful to
provide an overview of her activities to list members.  This was all
well-reported in the media and much of the information can be found on the
City's web site at:

On the morning of September 11, the Mayor was preparing for a full day of
campaigning.  I had taken a vacation day from work to campaign as well.
Upon hearing news of the terrorist attack, the Mayor immediately suspended
her campaign activities to focus all of her attention on her duties as
Mayor.  I was called to City Hall as well. 

The following activities unfolded:

Within an hour of the attack, Mayor Sayles Belton was meeting with the
City's Police Chief, Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief in charge of Emergency
Operations, President of the City Council and City Coordinator to assess the
situation, determine what action the City should take to ensure public
safety, and how to communicate this information to the public.

At 11:00 a.m., the Mayor and City leadership held a news conference to
inform the public and the media of the City's public safety plans and to
call on the community to remain calm.  The Mayor also called for tolerance
among all Minneapolis residents.   The following decisions had been made,
and the following measures were in place:
*   City government would remain open.
*   Polling places would remain open.
*   The City was on alert status, with security and preparedness
measures in place.
*   Additional police officers and were stationed in government
buildings and in the central business district.
*   Within neighborhoods, all officers were put on the streets and
CCP-Safe personnel were called in for back up.
*   The Police Emergency Response unit was activated.
*   The Minneapolis Bomb squad was placed on alert.
*   The Minneapolis Police Department began assisting Fridley and
Hennepin County at the Water Control Plant.
*   The Emergency Communications staff was beefed up.
*   The Police Chief had established liaisons with federal and state
*   The Emergency Operations Center was activated.
*   The City's Emergency plan was reviewed.
*   All fire stations were activated to full security with extra
*   Firefighters were stationed in the Emergency Operations center.
*   Hospitals and other primary responders and support agencies were on
preparedness alert status.
*   The Fire Chief asked mutual aid fire departments in the Twin Cities
to be on alert.
*   At 4:30 p.m., the Mayor and City leadership updated the public and
the media about public safety actions and to inform the public that there
had been no direct threat to Minneapolis throughout the day.

Additionally, Mayor Sayles Belton send a letter to faith leaders in
Minneapolis asking for their help in providing guidance and support to
citizens during this crisis. Mayor Sayles Belton also sent a call to youth
workers and youth serving organizations throughout the City to work with
young people to help them address their questions about this tragedy and to
guide them in their response to it.

Since September 11, there have been some reports to the police of telephone
threats to Islamic businesses.  The police have responded by keeping squad
cars parked by the business and working directly with the business owners.
The Mayor has continued her call for calm, unity and tolerance.

On September 21, the Mayor met with leaders of the local Islamic community
to offer her support and listen to concerns.

It is also important to note that the City and County have had emergency
preparedness plans in place for years and the elected leadership and
professional staff have participated in preparedness exercises.  

The Mayor has also worked nationally on emergency preparedness issues.  She
was appointed to President Clinton's Advisory Committee for the Commission
on Critical Infrastructure Protection.

When the attack occurred on September 11, the City's swift response was
possible because of it's long-established preparedness measures and
experienced leadership to carry those measures out to the extend that was
needed.  This is not about campaign rhetoric.  This is not about politics.
This is about qualified public servants doing their job. 

Ann Freeman
Communications Director
Minneapolis Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton
(612) 673-2156

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[Mpls] Court Appearance Re Charger

2001-09-25 Thread Amy Draeger

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

Jeremy Meyer will make a first appearance in Hennepin County Court tomorrow
for the disorderly conduct charge he was issued related to the shooting of
his dog, Charger, August 13 by Minneapolis Police.  His mom, Sandy will be
there also.

Hennepin County Govt Ct
Rm. 1156
9:00 a.m.

Amy Draeger
Lowry Hill

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Re: [Mpls] local leadership in the age of terrorism

2001-09-25 Thread W. Brandon Lacy Campos

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

I want to add on to this post
 Several years ago, I listened to a group of older, financially
 well-to-do white men talk about how much safer the world had
 become since the Cold War and Nuclear Winter threats were over.
 I found it hard to accept, since I daily listened to tales of
 low-income young adults - african americans, latinos, caucasians
 and more - as they spoke of the fear they felt every night as
 they stepped past drug addicts on their way home.

I am a Black/Puerto Rican/mixed blood young adult with a working class
background who also feels no more comfortable now than when I did during the
Cold War. And it has little to do with drug addicts on the street. As a
matter of fact, drug addicts on the street add to my fear, but I don't fear
them. They are a syptom of a system that has continued to provide safety for
well-to-do white folks and has continually failed to meet the needs of the
working class, the working poor, and people of color.

I want to hear the real strategic plans that SSB and RT Rybak have for
ending racial profiling. (I've heard another jibberjabber and seen no
reduction in profiling). I want to know what sort of state initiatives the
candidates will support/push for in an effort to curb an ever widening
income gap/skills gap/and education gap between the poor and rich, people of
color and white folks.   I want to hear what kind war on drugs the
candidates plan to wage, and if that war will continue a cycle of
victimization of those who have already been victimized by our beloved
political system and has made it that much to turn to be overcome by
hopelessness and drug use.

I also want to know what the candidates plan to do in terms of
renewable/reusable energy sources. I want to know how the mayor/candidate
are going to react to the article published today in the STRIB concerning
the computer system and the injustices it is creating at the new improved
jail in downtown.

These are my issues/concerns. Sharon has in the past answered some of these
questions. RT has been silent. I want to see/hear more than RT in pajamas at
an inconsequencial protest, and I want to see/hear more from the mayor other
than condolences for the tragedy in New York. As Atherton and others pointed
out before, I want to hear about what the candidates plan to DO and enough
of what they didn't do right or aren't doing right or supposedly did that no
one can really agree upon.

-Brandon Lacy Campos
-Powderhorn Park

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[Mpls] Frustration with the list

2001-09-25 Thread Michael Hohmann

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

A note to Ann and others contemplating leaving mpls.issues...

I understand your frustration; perhaps some of my recent posts have added to
your dilemma, if so I apologize.  Times have been difficult in recent weeks
and undoubtedly the elections have put people on edge.  However, how can we
expect the quality of list dialogue to improve if thoughtful and
knowledgeable members continue to drop their membership?  A lack of
thoughtful, knowledgeable, participating members will only assure the demise
of the mpls.issues forum.  The list will be successful only if thoughtful
and knowledgeable people continue to actively participate.  I hope you will
reconsider and stick around to add to the quality of discussion.

Mike Hohmann
13th Ward

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[Mpls] Barney Frank Lecture

2001-09-25 Thread Lee Schneider

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

Vermont Sen. Barney Frank to give a lecture at the
Schochet Center at the UofMN campus this Friday
September, 28.

---Forwarded Message---


Congressman Barney Frank, The Politics of Fairness

The Schochet Center for GLBT Studies Distinguished
Lecture Series: the Allan Spear Lecture in Public

Friday, September 28th, 2001
7:00 p.m.

Cowles Auditorium of the Hubert H. Humphrey Center
(301 19th Avenue South) on the University of
Minnesota West Bank campus.

FREE amp; OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  For more information
or accommodations, call 612/625-3499 or email 

The Steven J. Schochet Center for GLBT Studies is an
interdisciplinary center focusing on academic and
community-based knowledges and historic preservation
of GLBT lives.

About Congressman Frank:
In 1980, Congressman Frank was elected to the United
States House of Representatives where he continues to
serve, out and proud, today.
Congressman Frank has been called one of the
intellectual and political leaders of the Democratic
Party in the House. He has published numerous essays
on politics and public affairs. Congressman Frank
published a book in 1992 entitled 'Speaking Frankly',
an essay on the role that the Democratic Party should
play in the 1990s.

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity
educator and employer.
This material is available in alternative formats upon

Linnea A. Stenson, Ph.D.
Program Director
Steven J. Schochet Center for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
Transgender Studies
office 612/625-3499fax 612/624-9028
132 Klaeber Court
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MNnbsp; 55455


-End Forward-


Lee J Schneider  -  Stonewall DFL
Eletronic Communications
Newsletter Editor  Webmaster

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Strib Pole

2001-09-25 Thread Rich Chandler

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

Jordan, if you state that a group is racist, have the
integrity to stand behind it.  A hypothesis is an
assuption you are trying to prove or disprove. You're
looking for a different word.  Look for one that
means, I want to attack a group's credibility without
being asked to defend my opinion.

If you want to posit that a group is racist, back
yourself up.  And when challenged, do something other
than repeat yourself.

Rich Chandler - Ward 9

--- Jordan Kushner
1) I suggest that many liberals and conservatives
as reflected in the poll are basing their opinions
more an race than on substance.

2) My hypothesis is that at least a substantial
percentage of conservatives dislike the Mayor
because she is African American rather than her

3) My hypothesis remains that a substantial portion of
people describing themselves as conservative dislike
or despise the Mayor because of her race.  While I
posed this statement as a hypothesis, I cannot avoid
a personal conclusions that there is a lot of racism
behind much of the consevatives' hatred of the Mayor.

Jordan Kushner
8-?, west powderhorn

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[Mpls] Afford Housing, NEW IDEAS

2001-09-25 Thread craig miller

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

The primary season is over.  The real race begins.  Many people with all of
the campaigns have asked me and other landlords  what's the solution
Craig.  The issue of course is the lack of affordable housing.

Public housing has given up on people with troubled crim, credit, or housing
court history.  The non-profits are being examined for the large amount of
money they spend.  The private sector landlord is being put over a very
large barrel when it comes to renting to high risk ( Not my words, Julie
Sabo's-Linda Berglin's)tenants.  So most are excluding them.  Under current
circumstances, they are way to expensive to house.

The city finances for the next few years look bleak.  We have a recession
approaching or upon us.  Tax revenues go down when that happens.  Large
property owners petition to have their taxes lowered.  The large office
buildings get large cutbacks when that happens.  So there will be little
that the city can do directly.  A list lurker has pointed out that it has
been a long time since we have had down times.  It's great to be a tax
cutting governor or rebating governor.  Or that it's great to be a hold the
line Mayor and council.  It is easy when the bread dough keeps rising.  What
happens to the big patty melt we call Mpls when the loaf starts shrinking?

1. Legislative cutbacks that make the past year or so like a tea party.
Anyone remember the 1990-3. Budget years.  Or the 1977-1983 years.
2. MN House still in Republican control
3. Washington DC preoccupied with concerns overseas

With close to half the city budget coming from sources other then the Mpls
taxpayer, we could be in for a rude shock or two.

What can the city do? What can the next Mayor do?  What can the next council

I posit that the track record over the last 4 years has been spotty at best.

Before I launch on my solution,  I would like to hear from the list.  What
is the new solution?  Most of all the plans tried so  far have failed.

Craig Miller
Camden Landlord

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Re: [Mpls] Barney Frank Lecture

2001-09-25 Thread Andy Driscoll

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

Say what?

The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who, in times of
moral crisis, remain neutral --Dante

 From: W. Brandon Lacy Campos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 James Jeffords is a Senator from Vermont, and while he will hold a special
 place in my heart for a long time, he's not the gayest man in the Senate,
 that's a toss up between Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond (I think they've
 been lovers since the early 80s).

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Strib Pole

2001-09-25 Thread Tom Borrup

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

What I find really fascinating about this list is that whenever someone brings up 
issues of race or
racism, there is a harsh reaction from two or three people shouting that person 
down, sometimes
calling for their expulsion from the list. And I must say that there is often an 
irrational tone
in their voice, such as in the message below.

What I see is an unwillingness to acknowledge (at least by this small sample) that 
racism in its
many forms does exist all around us every day in this community and in probably all 
communities. These harsh reactions probably tend to stifle much serious conversation 
about issues
of race on this list -- and in general in this community. Personally, I think racism 
is typically
very subtle and often unintentional, but it is a HUGE factor in political and economic
institutions. I do not know either of the writers below, but I do find merit in what 
Mr. Kushner
has to say and I hope he is not discouraged to pursue his thoughts on this list, or in 
any other

Tom Borrup
Elliot Park

Rich Chandler wrote:

 Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion.

 Jordan, if you state that a group is racist, have the
 integrity to stand behind it.  A hypothesis is an
 assuption you are trying to prove or disprove. You're
 looking for a different word.  Look for one that
 means, I want to attack a group's credibility without
 being asked to defend my opinion.

 If you want to posit that a group is racist, back
 yourself up.  And when challenged, do something other
 than repeat yourself.

 Rich Chandler - Ward 9

 --- Jordan Kushner
 1) I suggest that many liberals and conservatives
 as reflected in the poll are basing their opinions
 more an race than on substance.

 2) My hypothesis is that at least a substantial
 percentage of conservatives dislike the Mayor
 because she is African American rather than her

 3) My hypothesis remains that a substantial portion of
 people describing themselves as conservative dislike
 or despise the Mayor because of her race.  While I
 posed this statement as a hypothesis, I cannot avoid
 a personal conclusions that there is a lot of racism
 behind much of the consevatives' hatred of the Mayor.

 Jordan Kushner
 8-?, west powderhorn

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[Mpls] Likely voters?

2001-09-25 Thread Steve Brandt

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

I don't pretend to be a polling expert or an expert in statistical
procedures, but I'll take a try at answering the question raised by
Tim Bonham: Is the Star Tribune's screening of likely voters valid? 
For a more technical explanation of polling techniques, call Rob
Daves, who runs the poll here at 673-7278.  He can talk for hours
about polling techniques, and he will if you let him.  He also does
peer review for Public Opinion Quarterly, the scholarly magazine for
people who poll.

Tim asks if the Star Tribune adequately screens to determine which
voters are likely to vote, and whether self-reporting produces invalid
results.  Here's the procedure:

First, the confirmed non-voters * people who say won't vote in the
upcoming election -- are excluded.  Then because people tend not to
admit that they won't vote, a four-question screening is used to
detect who is more and less likely to vote.  For example, people might
be asked if they are registered, if they voted last time, if they'll
vote in the next election, and so on.  They are then ranked on the
basis of their answers.  More weight is given to the poll responses of
people judged more likely to vote, and less is given to the people
less likely to vote.  A critical component is that this weighting is
based on historical research.  It's not practical, given
considerations of timeliness, to go down to City Hall in the midst of
a poll to see if 400 people actually are registered or did vote last
time.  So this weighting is based on the past voting performance of
people who scored similarly on the screening questions.  In other
words, after a group of people is screened and polled, whether they
actually voted is researched and sorted by their screening rank  The
proportion of these people who actually voted determines the weighting
given to people who will be screened and polled the next time.  There
are still flaws in this, such as in 1998 when a larger proportion of
the gubernatorial general election vote was accounted for by
less-likely voters or people who registered on election day, both
groups tending to favor Ventura.  But it's based on sound polling


Steve Brandt
Staff Writer
Star Tribune (Mpls-St. Paul)
425 Portland Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55488
612-673-4438 (voice)
612-673-4359 (fax)

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[Mpls] R.T. v. Sharon on emergency preparedness

2001-09-25 Thread Tim Bonham

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

Sorry to disagree with my friend Dyna Sluyter, but I hope both candidates 
will NOT spend time talking about preparing for such emergencies.
 Unimaginable events of this level happen infrequently, and are of 
such a magnitude that almost any plans would be inadequate  outdated.  On 
the other hand, many of the issues we have discussed on this list 
(affordable housing, development  zoning, police  crime, city 
infrastructure  budgeting to pay for it, etc.) are daily issues for the 
Mayor of Minneapolis; and I would rather see them spend their time 
discussing these real problems.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12
I am writing this not to favor a particular candidate, but to
push both of them to come up with better plans for emergency
preparedness. I like both R.T. and Sharon and will be happy to see
either elected, however I would encourage both of them to engage in
constructive debate on this issue.

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Strib Pole

2001-09-25 Thread Jordan S. Kushner

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

- Original Message -
From: Rich Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Re: Strib Pole

 Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful

 Jordan, if you state that a group is racist, have the
 integrity to stand behind it.  A hypothesis is an
 assuption you are trying to prove or disprove. You're
 looking for a different word.  Look for one that
 means, I want to attack a group's credibility without
 being asked to defend my opinion.

 If you want to posit that a group is racist, back
 yourself up.  And when challenged, do something other
 than repeat yourself.

 Rich Chandler - Ward 9

Mr. Chandler,

I don't think that questioning a person's integrity is a rational or
appropriate response to simply raising  questions (or hypotheses) about the
degree to which race is a factor in the various groups' support or
opposition to particular candidate.  Although some are intent on
discouraging any such discussion, some of us also consider such a reaction
to indicate the need to avoid the underlying realities of racism in most
aspects of our society.  I was trying to be polite, perhaps conservative
(believe it or not), and basically trying to promote discussion, in framing
as a hypothesis the issue of whether many people are motivated by race in
their decision to oppose or support the Mayor.  Now that you have questioned
my integrity in trying to ask questions and promote discussion about racism,
I will add that it is my personal opinions that at least many, if not most,
conservatives oppose the Mayor because of her race rather than her
substantive policies.  There are non-racist reason for opposing the Mayor.
I have certainly made a personal effort to be as certain as possible to make
sure that my own reasons for opposing the Mayor are not related to her race.
I would not give such credit to many others.

Jordan Kushner
Ward 8

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[Mpls] Mayor and Terrorism preparation

2001-09-25 Thread Becker

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

From: Michael Hohmann

 What if a plane hit the IDS at about the 40th floor; or biological
 agents/infected persons were distributed throughout the metro area;
 agents; nuclear materials distributed in the air or in the water
 distribution system?  Heck, what if the nuclear power plant upstream on
 Mississippi were targeted and there was a major release-- in the air
 in the river?  She's (the Mayor) had eight years, what is the plan?  Just

In response to what the Mayor has done on the issue of domestic terrorism
and allegations that she has done nothing over the last eight years.  The
most significant thing that the Mayor has done is been a national leader in
issues of terrorism and local government.  One thing she did was serve on
the Advisory Panel for the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure
back in 1997.  This includes threats on:

* Information and Communications
* Electrical Power Systems
* Gas and Oil Transportation and Storage
* Banking and Finance
* Transportation
* Water Supply Systems
* Emergency Services
* Government Services

She was the only Mayor on the panel I believe.  This group developed a
workplan which was then handed to the Gilmore Commission.  For the people
who are going to attack my comments, I have attached the website to make
your work easier.

At the Mayor's direction our City Coordinator has been serving on the
Gilmore Commission, a group which developed a long list of recommendations
to improve the Country's defences against terrorism and improve the
Country's response.  It would appear that many of the President's current
proposed changes are based on the work of this group.  Again, to save time
for the people who are going to attack me, here is the website for the
Gilmore Commission.  (Also, for anyone genuinely interested in government
response to terrorism).  The site was up earlier today but the Rand website
is down as I send this (about 7:00 pm Tuesday).

The City has full disaster response plans and given the work with the
federal government, is apparently ahead of many other communities in this
respect.  The last thing I would note is that the City tested these plans
and did a wholescale mock disaster a year or to ago.  I had some friends who
went and died for the day as the City tested its disaster response

Carol Becker

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Re: [Mpls] Frustration with the list

2001-09-25 Thread Becker

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

Why I would consider leaving this list:

A couple of clips of comments about me from some recent posts.  You can see
why I would tire of this.

I empathize with Ms. Becker's frustration and anger about the second
sunning setback of her mayoral candidate one week ago
(From someone who I've met once, amazing divination of my emotions.  This
person may have a future as a psychic!)

I respect Ms. Becker enthusiastic support of the status quo leadership...
(Hey, it is much more fun to shoot at people who are really working in the
trenches, making the sausage that is public policy than try to understand
why they do what they do.)

This type of hysterical rhetoric coming from the Colvin Roy camp through Ms.
(It's OK, being hysterical.  Women are like that.  And apparently my own
opinions are so weighty that I am now a camp?  Must be because I've gained
some weight...)

And about a friend of mine...

I sometimes get the impression that Colvin Roy doesn't even know what she
is voting on half the time.  What will she do without Joan Campbell?
(Let's see how much more demeaning can we be?  Can we add that she beats her
dog too?  Maybe we can just spread that rumor...)

Those were responses to just the last post I made.  Makes you wonder why I
continue here.  A question many of my friends have asked.

I think there are three groups of people who do these kind of things:

1) The people who temporarily lose their temper but don't do this routinely.
They later feel bad and wish they could take their posts back.  These folks
I accept as part of a group of human beings because I think everyone
sometimes loses their temper.  Even me.

2) The people who really don't understand what they are doing.  These people
do ultimately get banned because they really aren't interested in civil
discourse.  Mr. Brauer does a good job of policing this.

3) The groups of people who are doing this as an organized tactic to tear
other people down. They seem to be on some holy war where any means is
justified by their end.  Past elections were contentious but were not like
this in part because of folks in this group.  This group I don't know what
to do with.  If I call them on it, I am lowering myself to their level.  If
I say nothing, my silence gives them consent.  And encourages them do to
more.  I am in a Catch-22.  In situations like this, I try to figure out
what the kindest thing is to do.  I expect that the kindest thing is to just
sit and take it.  But I get angry.  And I get tired of it.  Bone weary tired
to the point of not wanting to participate.  But then that also lets the
people using this tactic win.  And I don't want to give into that either.
If anyone has any solutions to this, I would love to hear them.

I agree with Ann Berget.  I think Minneapolis deserves better.

Carol Becker

PS I also have an article from Finance and Commerce from February this
year eerily predicting that we would get to this point.  I have hesitated to
post it to this list  because some people may find it inflammatory as it
names one group who engage in this tactic.  But I will send it out privately
to anyone who wants to send me a private post.  Please note in the subject
of your e-mail that this is a private post so I can distinguish this from
the torrent of other posts.

PPS - the opinions in this post and every post under my name are the express
thoughts, ideas, and opinions of Carol Becker, and do not represent anyone
other than the aforementioned Carol Becker.  I do not post on behalf of
any campaign, organization, or group even though there are many people who
continue to try to label me.  Because, as I have noted in the past, once you
can label someone, you can dismiss them.

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[Mpls] Paul Ostrow for Council President ... NOT!

2001-09-25 Thread Steve Sumner

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

This is a copy of a letter that I had published in the latest edition of the
Northeaster newspaper.

I was shocked and appalled by the article in the StarTribune September 13
noting that Council Member Paul Ostrow is seeking the presidency of the city
council.  Considering what our city, state, and nation are going through I
find this public announcement to be completely self centered, arrogant and
opportunist.  Two days after the worse attack in our nation's history, Mr.
Ostrow is concentrating on partisan politics when everyone else is more
concerned about loved ones and public security.  Leadership decisions
normally aren't made until after the elections and this public announcement
really shows a serious lack of respect and concern for the current events.
To Mr. Ostrow I say shame on you.

Steve Sumner
Ward 1
P.S. Based on the number of calls it has generated to my home, all in
agreement with my assessment, I'm finding that I'm not alone in this

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[Mpls] Strib pole

2001-09-25 Thread Eva Young

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

At 05:39 PM 09/25/2001 -0500, Tom Borrup wrote:
Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful

What I find really fascinating about this list is that whenever someone
brings up issues of race or racism, there is a harsh reaction from two or
three people shouting that person down, sometimes calling for their
expulsion from the list. And I must say that there is often an irrational
tone in their voice, such as in the message below.
Since I often respond to these posts, this is my feeling.  I think racism
is a serious charge -- and so I'd like to evidence of it when it is leveled
at someone.  I've seen racism, homophobia and sexism all leveled at people
as a weapon -- and when that's not the real issue.  

What I see is an unwillingness to acknowledge (at least by this small
sample) that racism in its
many forms does exist all around us every day in this community and in
probably all American

These harsh reactions probably tend to stifle much serious conversation
about issues of race on this list -- and in general in this community.
Personally, I think racism is typically very subtle and often
unintentional, but it is a HUGE factor in political and economic
It's important to describe subtle racism then -- in a way that people can
understand it.  I think what happens too much is many people are
intimidated about talking about the subject at all because they are afraid
of getting called racist.  This means that there is less open communication
and less learning from each other.  Saying that conservatives are likely to
be racist and liberals are not -- which is how I read Kushner's comments --
just suggests an anti-conservative bigotry if you will.  

I do not know either of the writers below, but I do find merit in what Mr.
has to say and I hope he is not discouraged to pursue his thoughts on this
list, or in any other
I hope he isn't either.  I respect alot of what he says on this forum.
What I get tired of, is hearing conservatives labeled with the racist label
with no evidence to show that.  

I'm sure Rich Chandler can respond more on this subject.  But this is what
I understood of his critique of Kushner's comments.  

Eva Young

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[Mpls] Re: List manager thank you

2001-09-25 Thread KTrain9003
Mark Wilde writes:

i want to take a minute and publicly thank david
brauer for all his work on this list. i think we can
all agree that david has done the community a great
service by managing this list. i appreciate him
taking the time to moderate and handle the technical

 Me too. It's too bad the local newspapers can't get us this kind
of panoramic (yet grittily detailed) view of local politics in this town.
And there is no question that David has made the list what it is by
playing sheepdog to the often (lately, anyway) contentious members.
Domo arigato, Brauer-sensei!

Kevin Trainor
6-10, East Phillips
I used to be involved, but now I'm just disgusted.


Re: [Mpls] Basim and Brian and Brock -- Oh MY!

2001-09-25 Thread wizardmarks

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

Eva Young wrote:
 Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion.
 A few days ago, there was an article posted here about
 Herrongate/Sabrigate.  Recall that Vickie Brock did not return calls
 regarding that. 
 Vickie Brock worked in Herron's office during this time.  She took many of
 the calls -- including the call from Sabri mentioning the need for Brian to
 help Ortega out with the liscencing people.
Every city council member has an aide and an office
assistant. Their jobs are to answer phone calls, among about
10 zillion other duties. On this list Eva has bent over
backwards to try to connect Brock to Herron's debacle
because her job included answering the phone in the 8th Ward
office. The intention seems to be to imply that Brock was
somehow connected to the problems Herron nd Sabri created
for themselves. Eva Young hs brought this up regularly since
July 15. It's now September 25 and time to move on to
another topic.
 Vickie Brock's campaign manager, Matthea Little Smith told me she had
 forwarded this message to Vickie Brock and that Vickie would respond to this list. 
It's pretty clear to me that Brock has no intention of
responding to this list about this. With the election only a
few weeks away that should come as no surprise. Time to move

Since Eva Young is backing Lilligren for the 8th ward seat,
it seems pretty obvious that her 'poor Johnny one note'
routine is in the service of Lilligren. If I were Lilligren,
I'd be pretty upset about it, since it will drive voters
into one of the other camps.

WMarks, Central

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[Mpls] M A Gate

2001-09-25 Thread M A

Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

MA Gate:

The Eva writes:

Last night, I got a rather unpleasant private email from MA (who posts
regularly to this list and has a website that supposedly promotes Sayles

Belton -- but really does the opposite).  The email referred to Robert
Lilligren as buggerboy and said that Brock would outlast him on a
family values program and the race.  The email continued that Sayles
Belton was going to teach the boy (I assume this meant Robert -- what
politics is all about.)

The email is available for people to read for themselves on the CNIA
egroup -- under the subject line Ugly Rhetoric.  I contacted Jo
Sayles Belton's campaign manager about this -- and have forwarded her
email.  She told me the campaign knows nothing about MA, but she will
email the supporters list in case this person is on the list as a
and tell the supporters that if they are sending this type of email to
knock it off.  A few hours later, Mattson called me back.  The SSB
did identify MA as M A al-Kabir. He is the sales manager at Cranston
Software at  3255 S Hennepin Ave. Phone #: 612-825-6251.

I also contacted Brock's campaign manager, Matthea Smith about this.
Matthea says that MA is not active with the Brock campaign.  I've called

Vickie Brock for comment both at work (her coworker told me Vickie was
in the office all day -- she was at meetings but would be calling in for

messages), and on the campaign Brok Line at 332-brok.  I have not
a return call. 

Poor Eva  she is the backer of yet another losser.
We have never encounter Vicke Brock in the course of  our everyday
However,we do support her based on her record of service to the

The term boy pointed to the  Candidate' Organisation.
We have at no time represented ourselves as speaking for the Mayor.
She has a general staff that isses statements on policy and other
Supporters do not issue Offical or Unofficial  statements.

We first had Herrongate,then Vickegate and M A Gate.
 The common factor in all these gates is Race.
People lets face it,this campaign is dirty !

Eva has been a bad girl.

m a al-Kabir

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