Re: [Mpls] HUD cuts to public housing budgets

2003-01-26 Thread David Shove
As I read of all the draconian cuts in services, things that we in the
richest country apparently can no longer afford to do, I look to the black
hole more and more of our national wealth is going down - the black hole
of the super-rich, the ones who are engineering Enron and tax cuts for the
wealthy and tas elimination in stocks, etc etc. All for more and more and
more money for an insatiable (how much is enuf?) band of billonaires.

We can continue to let them steal more and more of our common wealth, and
with it our services and amenities and necessities and eventually
also our freedom and democracy.

Or we can say, It's time to TAKE IT BACK!

For instance, does Carl Pohlad NEED all two billion of the dollars in his
name? Do the other fancy state names need mega-millions? Do Mpls sited
international corporations need huge tax write-offs - especially at the
expense of necessities for average citizens? Do we imagine that the only
aim of life on earth is to give the rich a chance to own it all (like
Monopoly), and at the expense of everyone and everything else? This is
insanity. Insanity. We must be crazy ever to have listened to such bunk.

The members of the 'Forbes 400', a compilation of the 400 richest people
in the United States, have a combined net worth of $1 trillion dollars -
greater than the gross domestic product of China (see Peter Newcomb, The
Richest People in America Forbes 164 (October 1999): 169).

We have let/helped some people become too damn rich - and at our expense.
Are we willing to stand down from life so Sturdly Frothingale III can do
prep school then Harvard then president of X Oil Co profiting from US
imperial war and cutting basic services in Mpls?

Class war? Yes, and about time - for our side -- the other side has been
at it since the dawn of history.

Most of the major ills of history (eg wars), I claim, are due to actions
of the rich to get richer. A tiny percent, running everything -- the usual
thru history. With the usual grim results for everyone else.

Now Bush and the richies he acts for are moving for world domination,
troops everywhere, wars anywhere, millions upon millions dead -- so
multi-billionaires can add more multi-billions to their accounts before
they die and rot.

There is a DIRECT CONNECTION between all the cuts threatened below, and
the the rapacious greed of the super-greedy.

Tax the rich - hard. End corporate welfare. Support co-ops and small
business (local, more jobs, more money stays here, sovreignty here) so
that our money can't wind up in New York City or the Grand Cayman Islands.

If the cuts below go thru, let's all think about where the money went. Who
got it, and how. What this means for everyone else.

--David Shove

On Sat, 25 Jan 2003, Fredric Markus wrote:

 Kevin Diaz' article in today's Star Tribune gives the gist of HUD's
 backpedaling on moneys already committed to this fiscal year's budget
 for MPHA.$1.5 million erased from the current operating subsidy creates
 a serious challenge for MPHA management - where to slice when the entire
 package is already in execution. Mention was made at the Minneapolis
 Highrise Representative Council's board meeting this past Thursday that
 security costs are a big-ticket item and that a triage decision at MPHA
 would perhaps prefer continuing the roving team of Minneapolis police
 officers over full funding of the security guard contract.

 This choice can be framed as preferring reactive to proactive management
 of security concerns and is analogous to the one strike and you're out
 profile that Congress has insisted is the rule for removing tenants
 accused sometimes anonymously and sometimes for off-site behavior of
 acquaintances and/or relatives over which said tenants may well have no

 Removal of federal Project Lookout funding for citizen crime watch
 initiatives is a companion piece that HUD Secretary Martinez defends,
 averring that eviction is a more suitable tool than the highly
 successful resident-driven crime prevention strategy.

 To the credit of the Pawlenty Administration, state funding that
 replaces this federal subtraction has been left in place for now but the
 deep deficit in the next state budget suggests that such continuing
 support may be in jeopardy. Municipal financial support related to
 preventative security concerns may also be in harm's way as the City of
 Minneapolis confronts its own hard fiscal challenges.

 If public housing tenants are returned to the tender mercies of persons
 who prey on the elderly, sell drugs to the gullible, and tear at the
 social fabric of our lives with other violence against persons and
 property and the public's defenses are reduced to a roving team of eight
 uniformed officers for a population of 5000 tenants in forty-odd
 highrises and the overworked capacities of 911 responses, we will
 inevitably lose ground in what has been a dramatic turnaround in the
 quality of life in our public housing domiciles since the 

[Mpls] Rybak cites community activism in Samuels endorsement

2003-01-26 Thread Shawn Lewis
Rybak cites community activism in Samuels endorsement
Rochelle Olson 
Star Tribune 
Published Jan. 26, 2003 
Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak endorsed 
Third Ward City Council candidate Don 
Samuels on Saturday, saying he brings 
the guts and energy of a true grass-roots 
community leader.

Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood
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[Mpls] NRP: reform it or replace it:Editorial in MN Spokesman

2003-01-26 Thread Shawn Lewis
NRP: reform it or replace it
By: Pauline Thomas
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Originally posted 1/23/2003 

In our editorial column titled “NRP excludes 
people of color, renters” 
(Spokesman-Recorder, Thursday, January 9, 2003),
 we were accused of leveling serious charges 
of racial discrimination against the 
Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP). 
Extensive research has been done to support 
our analysis of the NRP program.

Posted by Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood

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re:[Mpls] R.T. et al, please let us 3rd ward residents decide

2003-01-26 Thread Tamir Nolley
Dyna Sluyter wrote:

I read with no great surprise the announcement of
R.T. Rybak's attempt to manipulate the 3rd ward race.

I don't really see a problem with this.  Sharon
Sayles-Belton frequently campaigned for Jackie
Cherryholms and Joan Campbell because they supported
the same agenda.  SSB endorsed one of my opponents in
the 6th ward race two years ago, Dean Kallenbach. 
Presubmably, she wouldn't have wanted to deal with any
of the rest of us has she been re-elected.

RT may be a southsider, but he represents the entire
city and should be out there endorsing whoever will
support his goals. (I learned what a Mayor does 17
years ago in my 9th grade civics class.)

RT probably feels he needs a council he can work with.
 Who knows, maybe we'll finally get a competent police
chief and a licensing director who doesn't harass and
talk down to everyone and treats people like they're

For the Northside slice of the 3rd to be represented
by a 
Northeaster who didn't give a damn about us was bad
enough. Now we 
have southsiders and wealthy suburbanites
carpetbagging in our 
Northside 3rd ward too.

As I recall, you supported Joe Biernat and frequently
criticized all of his opponents, saying what a good,
competent council member Joe was.  

I think Joe was a pretty awful Council Member, but I
don't really believe he did anything illegal enough to
bring us to this situation. I don't think he should
have resigned. I still say that Joe (who usually
supported the brutal methods of the MPD) was
ironically a victim of over agressive tactics by law
enforcement.  I think this whole thing (Herron too)
was orchestrated by the federal government and all of
us who live here are going to pay for it.  

As much as I disliked Beirnat's heavy handed,
vindictive way of dealing with residents and small
businesses, I'd rather deal with Joe than anyone from
the Bush administration.  (DISCLAIMER: I have no love
for the DFL, I usually vote Green or Independent.  I'm
just calling a spade a spade.) 

It's time to take back the 3rd ward- vote for a real
3rd ward 
Labor Endorsed DFLer, Olin Moore!

Those labor endorsements include the Pawlenty/Stanek
endorsing Minneapolis Police Federation.  Dyna, I
thought you were a hardcore DFLer!  Do you really want
a council member who won't stand up to bullies like
Rich Stanek?!?  Do you really want to see more heavy
haded police tactics, more harassment of people of
color, more harassment of immigrants and the
counter-culture? As long as Olin Moore wears that
Police Federation endorsement, it is a statement that
these are the things he supports.

Anyone who cares about human rights or civil rights on
the local level should be very afraid of having more
police federation endorsed people on the city council.

I'm skeptical of Don as well, but Don at least talks
to the victims of police brutality and consideres
their needs. The more I hear from him, the more I like
him, and one telling thing. Don doesn't spew out all
of this nonsense about leadership.  He talks and
LISTENS!! Olin doesn't really seem to do much of
either, he just tries to cinvice you of how good he is
becuase of his connections (I've talked to both of
them.)  Olin however is pretty good about respnding to
people right away, I'll give him that.

I'm pretty close to supporting Don Samuels myself, but
these races need a little integrity.  My decision
won't be made by RT, Mark Stenglien or even Natalie
Johnson Lee.  It will be made by who I feel will best
represent my interests as a resident.  So far, Olin's
just not doing it.

Tamir Nolley 
Ward 3

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[Mpls] Housing and NRP Reform Proposals

2003-01-26 Thread Jim Mork
It is interesting to me that the federal administration is so calm about deficits when 
they come from tax cuts or military increases but so vexed about the possibility of 
spending adequate funds for housing.  Frankly, I think there's no need to cut housing 
funds from Minneapolis if they can afford to spend wildly on some of these other 
plans, such as the gargantuan, Ceaucsecuan Homeland Security Department.
Read the Spokesman-Recorder editorial.  It is quite militant, but it fails to try to 
answer the question of what if you build it and they DON'T come?  That is, what can 
really be DONE to increase inclusivity when minorities just aren't interested. Did the 
editorialist actually TALK to some minorities who wanted in and found barriers?  What 
barriers were there?  Does NRP fail due to holding meetings on weekday nights?  Then 
NRP committees could reschedule to non-work nights.  It is an information gap?  How 
could that be remedied.  Would interested minorities register their phone numbers so 
they could be called (with, of course, times when they'll be there if they don't own 
an answering machine?)

In short, less militant rhetoric, more practical talk, would be welcome.  I've gone to 
the meetings here in Longfellow, and we're lucky if ONE minority shows up who can be 
DRAFTED to represent the whole community.  The problem we seem to have is a Catch-22 
that if the membership is overwhelmingly white, it therefore loses its interest to 

Jim Mork--Cooper

War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our Country 
deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. Gen. William T. 
Sherman (1864) Letter to the Mayor of Atlanta.

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[Mpls] Housing Cuts;NRP Reform

2003-01-26 Thread Jim Mork
It is interesting to me that the federal administration is so calm about deficits when 
they come from tax cuts or military increases but so vexed about the possibility of 
spending adequate funds for housing.  Frankly, I think there's no need to cut housing 
funds from Minneapolis if they can afford to spend wildly on some of these other 
plans, such as the gargantuan, Ceaucsecuan Homeland Security Department.
Read the Spokesman-Recorder editorial.  It is quite militant, but it fails to try to 
answer the question of what if you build it and they DON'T come?  That is, what can 
really be DONE to increase inclusivity when minorities just aren't interested. Did the 
editorialist actually TALK to some minorities who wanted in and found barriers?  What 
barriers were there?  Does NRP fail due to holding meetings on weekday nights?  Then 
NRP committees could reschedule to non-work nights.  It is an information gap?  How 
could that be remedied.  Would interested minorities register their phone numbers so 
they could be called (with, of course, times when they'll be there if they don't own 
an answering machine?)

In short, less militant rhetoric, more practical talk, would be welcome.  I've gone to 
the meetings here in Longfellow, and we're lucky if ONE minority shows up who can be 
DRAFTED to represent the whole community.  The problem we seem to have is a Catch-22 
that if the membership is overwhelmingly white, it therefore loses its interest to 

Jim Mork--Cooper

War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our Country 
deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. Gen. William T. 
Sherman (1864) Letter to the Mayor of Atlanta.

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[Mpls] Third ward race

2003-01-26 Thread Phyllis Kahn
Nobody asked me to make my personal endorsement, but I've been working
for Olin Moore's campaign since the beginning of January. Besides having
worked with him for years (campaigns and other stuff), I want a
candidate who lives in and will continue to live in the ward. As a
resident of the new 3rd ward, and disenfranchised by this election
taking place in the old third ward, I have a particular stake in this 
selection. I fully expect  a complete city council election in 2003,
either through legislative  or court action. An election 15 years after
the census (in 2005) makes a mockery of one person- one vote, one of
the cornerstones of democracy.  Olin is one of the few candidates from
the original field who lives in both wards (and has lived on the North
Side). (And also supports a 2003 election.) I understand that Don
Samuels has not promised to move within the boundaries of the new third
ward, even if elected. (If, I'm wrong on this point, I expect a Samuels
supporter to correct me.) One of the principles of representative
government is residency so I would prefer to have a now and future
resident elected. I also find it outrageous that one ward (6) has two
resident council members and another (8), has none, but that's really an
issue for a general elections piece, not a Third Ward discussion.

Finally, to John Kremer, worried about Southside involvement in NE
issues, the freeway fight 30+ years ago was over Hiway 335, not 394. It
did not get built because I passed an amendment stopping it in state law
with the help of an important Southside resident, Martin Sabo, then
Speaker of the House.

Phyllis Kahn  State Rep. 59B
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[Mpls] How did Steve Cramer get the housing job with County Commissioners

2003-01-26 Thread m1r3201
Does anyone know the process involved in hiring Steve Cramer for his current job in housing with the Hennepin County Commissioners'
 The man has a terrible record on poverty issues, issues regarding homelessness and low income housing. Yes, I know his stint with PPL, but every good politico needs something to point to help neutralize legitimate criticism.
 How is it that this person, who clearly serves the wealthy and has contributed to the destruction and dearth of low income housing gets yet another job with housing?
  Margaret Hastings-Mpls.-Kingfield

Re: [Mpls] R.T. et al, please let us 3rd ward residents decide

2003-01-26 Thread ABerget
If I recall correctly, one of the more noxious aspects of the last round of council elections in 2001 was the unwelcome involvement of non-residents (SSB for sure, but quite a few others as well) in many DFL ward conventions. While it certainly is RT's prerogative to do as he pleases in the W3 race, I believe that it is far preferable for the mayor, any mayor, to leave the ward races to the ward residents.

Just FYI, although it has merely been a custom, I think the school board practice where sitting board members who are not up for reelection refrain from involvement in other candidates campaigns is a good one. 

Ann Berget

RE: [Mpls] Public housing funds

2003-01-26 Thread Michael Atherton
R.T. Rybak wrote:

 There will be more coming on this but it would be helpful if 
 people who do not live in public housing would read these 
 stories and try to become familiar...we need help from many 
 sides so we can help get these buildings the help they need.

I think that it is clear, that in the long run, we should
work towards the elimination public housing.  In the short
term it appears that the agencies involved will be able to
absorb the cuts.  For instance, it is unclear to me what
would be impact in Minneapolis given that in St. Paul the
result would be to: 

...lose between five and 20 jobs from the 
245-member staff. In addition, it may have to 
close the waiting list for housing, suspend 
non-emergency overtime and eliminate training 
and travel and some offices.

Why are they paying for non-emergency overtime and traveling

I believe that we should reorient our approach to public
housing from large public projects to serving specific
needs and shifting to private ownership.  That is to say,
we need a provide a pathway from public housing to private
ownership in situations where it is reasonable.  It is not
practical or cost effective to provide public housing for
the lifetime of an individual.  There are a number of ways
that we can achieve this goal.

1. Provide short-term housing for the homeless.  Such housing
should be minimal.

2. Require that private developers allocate a portion of their
projects be reserved as affordable housing.

3. Provide loan programs and training for low income individuals
to become homeowners.

The city already does all of these to some degree, we just
need to focus more on the goal of eliminating public housing

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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RE: [Mpls] Third ward race -Phyllis is incorrect

2003-01-26 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

[DFL Rep. Kahn said] I understand that Don Samuels has not promised to
move within the boundaries of the new third ward, even if elected. (If,
I'm wrong on this point, I expect a Samuels's supporter to correct me.)

This is not accurate. Talking once with Don would confirm this.  In fact
Don has spoken numerous times at public forums, house parties and on
this list about this issue. 

Don is not a career politician planning his next election now. For Don,
the council seat is not a launching block for a political career. He is
running to represent the current residents of the Third Ward. 

If the voters choose Don, after the lawsuit is finalized, the borders of
our new wards are secured, and Don has had the experience of serving as
a Council Member he will take three variables into consideration:

1. What will be best for his family?
2. What type of representing will the residents of the new Fifth be
3. What is the feedback and support from residents in the new Third?

As Don and Sondra did in this race -- he will get together with
neighbors and supporters from throughout the Ward -- and decide what is
in the best interest of the people of the Third Ward.

If that means Don and his family moves -- then they will move. 

Joseph Barisonzi
Samuels Campaign Coordinator

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Re: [Mpls] R.T. et al, please let us 3rd ward residents decide

2003-01-26 Thread Gary Bowman
Dyna writes about RT's endorsement, 

We 3rd ward DFLers heard out all the candidates,
including yours, and decided to endorse Olin Moore.
Apparently you and your pack of outside interests have
no respect for our 3rd ward process.

While I didn't hear or read the exact quotes by RT
(and perhaps there would be something more telling in
an exact quote), there's three thoughts I have on the
above statement.

1)  Believe it or not, not every DFL'er attends
conventions.  That said, I don't think all 3rd ward
DFLers actually heard out all the candidates...  As
anyone who has been involved in the DFL endorsement
process (and likely other parties also) knows, only a
portion of even DFL delegates attend the convention,
and that number is only a tiny fraction of all DFLers
within a ward boundary.  However, despite only a tiny
fraction of voters attending a convention, the
endorsement often carries immense weight with it.

2) Believe this or not, but not every last citizen of
the 3rd ward is a DFLer.  I know, what a horrible
thought for the Minneapolis DFL.  With that said, the
DFL endorsement is of little consequence to those who
aren't DFLers.  Therefore, to claim that RT is doing
something improper to the third ward just because he
didn't honor the DFL endorsement is a claim without

3) Believe THIS or not, but RT is the mayor of the
whole City of Minneapolis, not just Linden Hills or
any neighborhood.  It is absolutely fair he attempt to
bring about what will be, in his opinion, the best
representation for an area of the City he represents.

Gary Bowman
Audubon Park

Wars are, of course, as a rule to be avoided; but they are far better than certain 
kinds of peace.'' 
--Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President

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[Mpls] Re: anti-war resolution

2003-01-26 Thread Gary Bowman
Maybe the big, sophisticated berg of Minneapolis is
sophisticated enough to know what is local business
and what is national business.  Maybe the big,
sophisticated berg of Minneapolis is also
sophisticated enough to know while war is not
preferable and exacts a price, debating and endless
diplomatic talks which are bordering on being on joke
are meaningless without the willingness to back up the
talk. Maybe the big, sophisticated berg of Minneapolis
is sophisticated enough to realize that nations like
France and Russia are opposing military action because
they're more worried about their own business deals in
Iraq than ridding the world of a dictator on par with

Gary Bowman
Audubon Park 


Below is a copy of an antiwar resolution being
considered by my hometown, 
Portland, Me. Too bad a big, sophisticated berg like
Minneapolis can't do 
this. (Bar Harbor, Me., another huge metropolis, is
also considering a 

Linda Mann

Wars are, of course, as a rule to be avoided; but they are far better than certain 
kinds of peace.'' 
--Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President

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RE: [Mpls] NRP: reform it or replace it:Editorial in MN Spokesman

2003-01-26 Thread Michael Atherton
 NRP: reform it or replace it
 By: Pauline Thomas
 Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder

Although tactically I appreciate the added
pressure for reform within the NRP, I am 
appalled by its character.

It seems that the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder's
concern revolves around the lack of benefits for
a particular group, rather than its inherent
lack of representation for many classes of
residents and individuals.  It is with sincere
regret that I have observed a transition from
the politics of civil rights to the politics
of individual benefit.  The rights of individuals
should not be determined their race or by their 
income, be it wealth or poverty.  We need to
retreat from this Piece of the Pie Politics
and focus on insuring that every individual in
our society is represented and treated equally 
by our government.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Re: [Mpls] Public housing funds and Quasi_Public Housing funds

2003-01-26 Thread JIM GRAHAM
RT, you may be technically correct when you say,
 because there has not been new public housing built in this country in a
couple decades.
but you are wrong in the reality.  When almost all the funding to build a
housing complex, and the majority of funding for rent, comes from tax
dollars, then how can these units be looked at as Non Public Housing?
Without the public this housing would not, and could not exist!

Let us look at an example project which I have personally supported so there
does not appear to be bias against public housing. An example is Portland
Village in my neighborhood.  Please show me what is the source of
non-public dollars?  What private dollars are involved? The rents are
reasonable for the residents, but are still quite high in total.  The
difference comes from heavy public subsidies of those rents. If 2/3 of the
rent comes from public tax payers please do not tell me these are not
quasi-public housing.

It is not that there is no public housing being built.  It is a matter of
public housing being built with public dollars by private Non-Profit
housing providers.  This quasi-public housing thus avoids much of the
constraints, regulations, and criticism of true public housing.  There are
approximately 800 beds of Supportive Housing within a one 1/4 mile circle
of each other in my neighborhood of Ventura Village.  If those projects were
under the Public Housing rule, they would for sure come under the Holman
Decree and be forced to relocate.  As it is the City has been able to engage
in this pattern of discrimination without being challenged.  Until now!

The Affordable Housing shortage is most dramatic in the Affordable
Homeownership area.  Affordable homeownership has been demonstrated to be
the BEST and most sustainable means of stabilizing poor people's lives.
Yet it is an area that seems to be totally overlooked by your present
administration.  In fact anything other than quasi-institutional large
multi-unit buildings owned by Non profits seem to be the only thing
receiving consideration.

This is a perception on my (and other's) part.  So if it is a
miss-perception please correct it with the number of affordable
homeownership units your administration has initiated.  Please do not
include those units coming from neighborhood NRP. If you have possibly
overlooked this source of sustainable affordable housing then please realize
what Habitat for Humanity and Jimmy Carter figured out a long time ago. It
is Affordable Homeownership that changes lives and stabilizes communities.

The vast majority of affordable housing comes from the private sector, not
from the Public sector.  So in this time of budget and fiscal restraint,
please look to the private sector for small, affordable, rental housing.
Private residents using private financing can provide far, far more
affordable, and higher quality, housing than large institutions.  I know
this was explained to you before, but you probably forgot with all the
distractions and pressures that your office and those around you place on
your time and mind.

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village

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[Mpls] This Week in The Minneapolis Observer

2003-01-26 Thread Craig Cox
T H E  M I N N E A P O L I S  O B S E R V E R
A Weekly Digest of All Things Minneapolitan
Vol. 2, No. 24
January 27, 2003

This is a preview issue of The Observer. To see a sample issue, check out
the Web site at Subscriptions are $12/yr.


* Neighborhoods Bark as City Hall Moves to Slash NRP
* Midtown Farmers' Market to Be Unveiled
* Park Board and MCDA at Odds in Community Garden Tiff
* Pawlenty Hedging on No Tax Increase Pledge?
* University Med School Student Debt Called Worrisome
* Piper Jaffray Suitors May Include Dain
Plus: Downtown bike racing, camping out at the government center, Natalie
Johnson Lee's State of the Union, the art of wrestling, and the power of


Mayor R.T. Rybak and three city council members on January 10 proposed a
budget-cutting resolution that could cut more than a third of the 2003
budget for the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP). The move,
according to David Brauer in the Southwest Journal
( triggered a resolution from a group of
neighborhood organizations and a sharp response from leading council

The community response, authored by representatives of 35 city neighborhood
organizations, demanded that the council allocate $33 million for community
development in 2003 and that one-third of that amount be set aside for the
NRP budget. The neighborhoods also demanded that they control the
designated funds and that the NRP continue as an independent agency rather
than be consolidated in the city's new planning and economic development

This sparked a testy retort from three influential council members, who
argue that the neighborhood demands are so far from the reality we face in
this financial climate that we need to address them immediately so that no
one will be forced to reject this resolution if and when it comes before
the council. The council members, Barret Lane (13th Ward), Lisa Goodman
(7th Ward), and Scott Benson (11th Ward), noted that the largest source of
community development funding comes from federal Community Development
Block Grants, which account for about $18.5 million a year. This money,
however, cannot be applied to neighborhood projects. Indeed, they note,
two-thirds of the city's $33 million for community development is
ineligible for NRP use. And if that $11 million was guaranteed to the NRP,
no money would be left for other projects.

Lane, Goodman, and Benson go on to point out that because the city last
year used a $4 million community development levy to support an NRP budget
that had been eviscerated by tax reform legislation at the state level, the
program now has to compete with other essential services for general funds.
With state Local Government Aids cuts a real possibility, we must preserve
our ability to fund basic services in the general fund (police, fire, and
public works) before funding community development, they wrote.

The city's precarious budget situation, they add, requires that the NRP,
like every other city department work toward the most efficient structure
and cost-effective operation. Demanding that the agency remain an
independent entity, they argue, makes no sense. The purpose of NRP was to
redesign city services and better integrate neighborhood planning into all
city planning and development decision-making, they conclude. Now, NRP
has become more about the money, not the planning, and that's unfortunate.

About 30 neighborhood activists met with Rybak and council members January
16, but were unable to get officials there to back off from their
budget-cutting intentions. Rybak said flatly that he would not guarantee
$11 million to NRP and Goodman reiterated that the money simple isn't

The next day, however, Deputy Mayor David Fey e-mailed neighborhood
activists, reassuring them that city officials have no intention to
eliminate the program. The resolution doesn't address NRP at all, he
wrote, except to clarify that NRP funding is part of total community
development funding . . . that can be supported within its property tax

Mayor R.T. Rybak and Ninth Ward Council Member Gary Schiff will host an
open house February 18 to introduce the new Midtown Public Market, an
outlet for fresh vegetables, baked goods, and other products at the
intersection of Hiawatha Avenue and Lake Street.

The Park Board last month adopted a resolution supporting community gardens
now threatened by the Minneapolis Community Development Agency's (MCDA)
aggressive building program.

Governor Tim Pawlenty toured North and South Side businesses January 10,
seeking support for his budget plan, and may have 

RE: [Mpls] Public housing funds

2003-01-26 Thread dain lyngstad
Truth be told the monies and structures put in place
to support affordable housing have become a monster
that seeks to protect its self. Why would the city
back million dollar townhomes on the river yet allow
thousands of homes to be destroyed? Money and power
seek money and power, this is how ssb and cherryhomes
played it. I believe the admin. in power now will try
to overcome the dfl, we love the developers money, to
create housing for the less fortunate of mpls. Dain
Lyngstad phillips/edina
--- Michael Atherton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 R.T. Rybak wrote:
  There will be more coming on this but it would be
 helpful if 
  people who do not live in public housing would
 read these 
  stories and try to become familiar...we need help
 from many 
  sides so we can help get these buildings the help
 they need.
 I think that it is clear, that in the long run, we
 work towards the elimination public housing.  In the
 term it appears that the agencies involved will be
 able to
 absorb the cuts.  For instance, it is unclear to me
 would be impact in Minneapolis given that in St.
 Paul the
 result would be to: 
 ...lose between five and 20 jobs from the 
 245-member staff. In addition, it may have to 
 close the waiting list for housing, suspend 
 non-emergency overtime and eliminate training 
 and travel and some offices.
 Why are they paying for non-emergency overtime and
 I believe that we should reorient our approach to
 housing from large public projects to serving
 needs and shifting to private ownership.  That is to
 we need a provide a pathway from public housing to
 ownership in situations where it is reasonable.  It
 is not
 practical or cost effective to provide public
 housing for
 the lifetime of an individual.  There are a number
 of ways
 that we can achieve this goal.
 1. Provide short-term housing for the homeless. 
 Such housing
 should be minimal.
 2. Require that private developers allocate a
 portion of their
 projects be reserved as affordable housing.
 3. Provide loan programs and training for low income
 to become homeowners.
 The city already does all of these to some degree,
 we just
 need to focus more on the goal of eliminating public
 Michael Atherton
 Prospect Park
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RE: [Mpls] Third ward race -Phyllis is incorrect

2003-01-26 Thread dain lyngstad
Perhaps Ms. Kahn would like the 16 year olds to vote
dfl to stop any real public involvment.(she did
sponser abill asking for children to have the right to
vote). Dain Lyngstad phillips/edina
--- Joseph Barisonzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [DFL Rep. Kahn said] I understand that Don Samuels
 has not promised to
 move within the boundaries of the new third ward,
 even if elected. (If,
 I'm wrong on this point, I expect a Samuels's
 supporter to correct me.)
 This is not accurate. Talking once with Don would
 confirm this.  In fact
 Don has spoken numerous times at public forums,
 house parties and on
 this list about this issue. 
 Don is not a career politician planning his next
 election now. For Don,
 the council seat is not a launching block for a
 political career. He is
 running to represent the current residents of the
 Third Ward. 
 If the voters choose Don, after the lawsuit is
 finalized, the borders of
 our new wards are secured, and Don has had the
 experience of serving as
 a Council Member he will take three variables into
 1. What will be best for his family?
 2. What type of representing will the residents of
 the new Fifth be
 3. What is the feedback and support from residents
 in the new Third?
 As Don and Sondra did in this race -- he will get
 together with
 neighbors and supporters from throughout the Ward --
 and decide what is
 in the best interest of the people of the Third
 If that means Don and his family moves -- then they
 will move. 
 Joseph Barisonzi
 Samuels Campaign Coordinator
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[Mpls] Has R.T. peaked? Meddling Mayor Rybak and Stenglein supportSamuels,

2003-01-26 Thread dyna
	I was at a DFL event today and noted the reappearance of the 
Sharon Sayles-Belton for Mayor button.

	I feel sorry for R.T.- he barely takes office and the city 
gets hit with it's biggest financial crisis in memory. It ain't gonna 
be pretty, and a lot of oxen, sacred cows, and various pet projects 
won't just be gored or sacrificed- they're going to slaughter. R.T. 
and the council will get to fight over who gets to hold the smoking 
electrodes... Now the traditional solution to this problem is to 
follow the political Peter Principle- run for higher office. 
Unfortunately for R.T. there are no statewide offices up for election 
in 2004, and thank goddess Congressman Sabo is not about to give up 
his seniority.

	So R.T. is stuck for the full term. If he wants to run for 
reelection or for Governor in 2006 he needs to find a scapegoat for 
Minneapolis' financial crisis. Now the Republicans have this act down 
to an art- they simply blame those greedy public employees. Being 
as taxpayers far outnumber public employees this sick strategy 
usually works. Perhaps R.T. is going to steal a page from the 
republican playbook and balance the city budget on the backs of city 

	To pull this fiscal atrocity off R.T. would need some votes 
on the city council, at least enough to sustain a veto. With 3 
Council Members behind him in bucking the pro labor DFL majority, 
R.T. needs only the support of the other Green Party Council Member 
and the election of Don Samuels to give him those 5 votes to sustain 
his veto of any city budget respectful of labor.

	If this is what R.T. Rybak is planning it's a desperation 
tactic- he'd be more likely to be reelected by respecting and working 
with city workers to solve the cities financial crisis rather than 
disrespecting them.

	standing up for working folks and Olin Moore in Hawthorne,

		Dyna Sluyter

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Re: [Mpls] Has R.T. peaked? Meddling Mayor Rybak and Stenglein support Samuels,

2003-01-26 Thread Annie Young
What makes you think that Greens aren't pro-labor?
Annie Young
East Phillips

At 11:57 PM 1/26/03 -0600, dyna wrote:

I was at a DFL event today and noted the reappearance of the 
Sharon Sayles-Belton for Mayor button.

I feel sorry for R.T.- he barely takes office and the city gets 
hit with it's biggest financial crisis in memory. It ain't gonna be 
pretty, and a lot of oxen, sacred cows, and various pet projects won't 
just be gored or sacrificed- they're going to slaughter. R.T. and the 
council will get to fight over who gets to hold the smoking electrodes... 
Now the traditional solution to this problem is to follow the political 
Peter Principle- run for higher office. Unfortunately for R.T. there are 
no statewide offices up for election in 2004, and thank goddess 
Congressman Sabo is not about to give up his seniority.

So R.T. is stuck for the full term. If he wants to run for 
reelection or for Governor in 2006 he needs to find a scapegoat for 
Minneapolis' financial crisis. Now the Republicans have this act down to 
an art- they simply blame those greedy public employees. Being as 
taxpayers far outnumber public employees this sick strategy usually 
works. Perhaps R.T. is going to steal a page from the republican playbook 
and balance the city budget on the backs of city workers?

To pull this fiscal atrocity off R.T. would need some votes on 
the city council, at least enough to sustain a veto. With 3 Council 
Members behind him in bucking the pro labor DFL majority, R.T. needs only 
the support of the other Green Party Council Member and the election of 
Don Samuels to give him those 5 votes to sustain his veto of any city 
budget respectful of labor.

If this is what R.T. Rybak is planning it's a desperation tactic- 
he'd be more likely to be reelected by respecting and working with city 
workers to solve the cities financial crisis rather than disrespecting them.

standing up for working folks and Olin Moore in Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter

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Re: [Mpls] Third ward race

2003-01-26 Thread Dennis Plante

I guess then the question becomes, should we just have the residents living in the "new" 3rd ward hold sway over the upcoming special election? 
While in fact an election for all city council positions may, or mayNOT be forced by legislative action in the upcoming future, a special election for a currently vacant city council seat exists and WILL take place next week on February 3rd.
Unless I am missing something, it would appear that The Honrable Rep. Kahnis suggesting that residents of the existing 3rd ward cast their votes to accomodate her concerns and needs, instead of theirs. Who then would be faced without "one person, one vote" representation ? Or should "they" just wait for representation until redistricting occurs?
Dennis Plante

From: "Phyllis Kahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] Third ward race 
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 22:46:23 -0600 
Nobody asked me to make my personal endorsement, but I've been working 
for Olin Moore's campaign since the beginning of January. Besides having 
worked with him for years (campaigns and other stuff), I want a 
candidate who lives in and will continue to live in the ward. As a 
resident of the new 3rd ward, and disenfranchised by this election 
taking place in the old third ward, I have a particular stake in this 
selection. I fully expect a complete city council election in 2003, 
either through legislative or court action. An election 15 years after 
the census (in 2005) makes a mockery of "one person- one vote", one of 
the cornerstones of democracy. Olin is one of the few candidates from 
the original field who lives in both wards (and has lived on the North 
Side). (And also supports a 2003 election.) I understand that Don 
Samuels has not promised to move within the boundaries of the new third 
ward, even if elected. (If, I'm wrong on this point, I expect a Samuels 
supporter to correct me.) One of the principles of representative 
government is residency so I would prefer to have a now and future 
resident elected. I also find it outrageous that one ward (6) has two 
resident council members and another (8), has none, but that's really an 
issue for a general elections piece, not a Third Ward discussion. 
Finally, to John Kremer, worried about Southside involvement in NE 
issues, the freeway fight 30+ years ago was over Hiway 335, not 394. It 
did not get built because I passed an amendment stopping it in state law 
with the help of an important Southside resident, Martin Sabo, then 
Speaker of the House. 
Phyllis Kahn State Rep. 59B 
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Re: [Mpls] Has R.T. peaked? Meddling Mayor Rybak and Stenglein support Samuels,

2003-01-26 Thread Dennis Plante

It really hasn't very much at all to do with whether or not the greens are or are not "pro-labor". I had the opportunity to befriend the first publicly elected "Green-Party" official in the U.S. - Kelly Weaverling (yes, I voted for him). He was as pro-labor as you can get. As are Don Samuels and RT Rybak. 
To assert, as Dyna has often, that Don Samuels is anti-labor is absurd. Without even knowing anything about an individual, how could anyonebelieve that an immigrant that has not won the power ball, or inherited a large sum of money be anti-labor? Did he somehow mystically leap-frog over a few levels of society right out of college? Is his address in North Minneapolis just a PO Box that forwards mail to a plush home in an affluent part of Minneapolis?
Apparently, unfounded judgements are being made.

Dennis Plante

From: Annie Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Has R.T. peaked? Meddling Mayor Rybak and Stenglein support Samuels, 
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 00:32:16 -0600 
What makes you think that Greens aren't pro-labor? 
Annie Young 
East Phillips 
At 11:57 PM 1/26/03 -0600, dyna wrote: 
 I was at a DFL event today and noted the reappearance of 
the Sharon Sayles-Belton for Mayor button. 
 I feel sorry for R.T.- he barely takes office and the city 
gets hit with it's biggest financial crisis in memory. It ain't 
gonna be pretty, and a lot of oxen, sacred cows, and various pet 
projects won't just be gored or sacrificed- they're going to 
slaughter. R.T. and the council will get to fight over who gets to 
hold the smoking electrodes... Now the traditional solution to this 
problem is to follow the political Peter Principle- run for higher 
office. Unfortunately for R.T. there are no statewide offices up 
for election in 2004, and thank goddess Congressman Sabo is not 
about to give up his seniority. 
 So R.T. is stuck for the full term. If he wants to run for 
reelection or for Governor in 2006 he needs to find a scapegoat for 
Minneapolis' financial crisis. Now the Republicans have this act 
down to an art- they simply blame those "greedy public employees". 
Being as taxpayers far outnumber public employees this sick 
strategy usually works. Perhaps R.T. is going to steal a page from 
the republican playbook and balance the city budget on the backs of 
city workers? 
 To pull this fiscal atrocity off R.T. would need some 
votes on the city council, at least enough to sustain a veto. With 
3 Council Members behind him in bucking the pro labor DFL majority, 
R.T. needs only the support of the other Green Party Council Member 
and the election of Don Samuels to give him those 5 votes to 
sustain his veto of any city budget respectful of labor. 
 If this is what R.T. Rybak is planning it's a desperation 
tactic- he'd be more likely to be reelected by respecting and 
working with city workers to solve the cities financial crisis 
rather than disrespecting them. 
 standing up for working folks and Olin Moore in Hawthorne, 
 Dyna Sluyter 
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