Re: [Mpls] MPS teacher realignment and Strand

2004-07-04 Thread Socialist2001
In a message dated 7/4/2004 7:53:55 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


It's an old decision (1986), not at the state Court web site. However, there 
is summary of it in a more recent MN Appeals Court decision, and excerpts from 
other relevant Appeals Court decisions, which I appended to a writing 
entitled "Realignment and the Strand decision."  It's published at my web site (Mann 
for School Board). 

-Doug Mann, King Field
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[Mpls] Realignment & the Strand decision (MPS teachers)

2004-07-04 Thread Socialist2001
Realignment and the Strand decision
by Doug Mann

* The District's rationale for teacher layoffs and reassignments 
* The district's actions are unfair & illegal 
* The district's actions are unreasonable - 
* How excessive layoffs & reassignments 
can cut payroll costs, increase reimbursements - 
* Excerpts from Minnesota Appeals Court 
Opinions re district's duty to "realign"

For the text of "Realignment and the Strand decision" go to

-Doug Mann, King Field
Mann for School Board
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Fw: [Mpls] Walker Library Idea

2004-07-04 Thread md
> I made a joke about "the curse of Walker Library" referring to the fact
> every business that has gone into the old Walker Library building has
failed.   Why?
> Does the Met Council still own the building?  Now that it will be vacant
> again, what do they plan to do with it?   To quote Councilman Niziolek's
> "My conversations with the Met Council indicated that they were
> willing to be a partner in moving the library back into the old Walker
> Library building.  The building sold for $800,000. That was truly an
opportunity lost. "
> Is this opportunity permanently lost?   Couldn't a new partner be found or
> new  owner that would return the old Walker library back to it's original
> The old building is on the National Historic Register which limits any
> improvements  or changes to the exterior.   The Minneapolis Heritage
> Commission accepts requests for "historic variances" for properties they
> designated.  Perhaps the NHR has a similar process.
> Jeff Scherer of Meyer, Scherer and Rockcastle has designed many award
> winning libraries. He could probably come up with an innovative re-design
for the old Walker.
> The proceeds from the sale of the new Walker could partially finance the
> project.
> I believe the NHR designation was one reason that MPL decided to build a
> building, because there was no cost effective way to make the old library
> compliant. I know there were other reasons, which perhaps someone on this
list knows.
> Madeline Douglass
> Kingfield

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Re: [Mpls] Walker Library mixed-use - make the case

2004-07-04 Thread WizardMarks
Council Niziolek makes my point in his post. The city has put the 
library in the position of having to choose which essential part of 
their library do they choose to give away to the city, after the city 
has already taken away $2 million of their already inadequate budget. 
All the la-de-dah and hoopla about mixed use be damned. This is outright 
theft from the library system.
Lake and Lagoon has been and remains an excellent spot for a library 
and, if anything, maybe should be bigger than it is. Yes, it's prime 
real estate; yes, it has pedestrian traffic up the wazoo; yes, the 
transit station is right there. All those points are reasons to keep the 
Walker in situ.
We are shooting ourselves in the foot (both feet and one arm) by even 
entertaining the notion of a library/housing building. It creates more 
problems than it could possibly solve. And, in the bargain, we thumb our 
noses at THE most important, and most democratic institution we have and 
allowing the city to continue robbing the library for every cent they 
can squeeze out of it.
It's beneath contempt.

WizardMarks, Central
Niziolek wrote:
In response to David's questions:
1) The study conducted by the Library board (with support of CPED.)

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[Mpls] MPLS: Minneapolis Public Education

2004-07-04 Thread John M O'Neal
 It is clear to me that the problems of education in Minneapolis are
only in part due to the actions in the classroom. Children not attending
class, children not awake in class, children hiding at school from their
home or neighborhood situations also contribute to lower performance. In
addition, some children are learning English at the same time that they
are trying to become literate. Some children have physical or mental
limitations the schools must compensate for while the District is under
funded. Some of the children are over medicated.
 Instead of beginning a coordinated community approach to education,
the response to classroom under funding and non school related problems
is to transfer teachers to technically qualified but not experienced
positions, to layoff a massive number of teachers, and to close schools.
To be fair, the current District is too large and involves too many
distinct communities to make a thought out community approach. It would
have to split into at least five districts, probably more, to have a base
for community coordinated action.
 Community coordinated action would involve groups outside the school
districts performing related tasks. Branch libraries within two blocks of
some high school and middle school facilities are currently available.
However, more are needed with sufficient high speed Internet connections
available at least six days a week. Community clinics within two blocks
of schools that offer counseling as well as preventative health care
would be necessary. That is not common. Coordinated athletic leagues
could include Boys and Girls Clubs, Chamber of Commerce Teams, Church
Youth Leagues, Park Board Teams, Police Athletic Leagues, YM and YW CA's,
to name some. There are enough children to support 10 or 12 teams in
every school that now partially supports one team.
In some countries, we used to have festivals every six weeks to get
people together to plan and party. We can do that in Minneapolis to
relieve the non school functions on the District(s). The schools have
fund raisers and special fees to do that now. I still have rolls of
unused wrapping paper from the 90's.
Why is community education a challenge? Currently we have many
distinct organizations with conflicting and separate rules to provide for
specific functions in the schools and in the city. Many have devoted
money and time to the success of those programs. Further, many
influential people do not want public education to succeed. They have no
children in school or have moved their children out of the system. They
want to get back tax money spent for schools or at least not spend the
tax dollars for public education.
 In my opinion, grade school education should teach literacy in at
least two languages and basic skills in understanding the environment,
math, the society, and science. Middle school and high schools should
open up students to specific vocations and advanced education. We need
class sizes of 17 to 20 students. We need experienced trained teachers.
We need to accomplish this in public schools that coordinate with their
Minneapolis communities and Minneapolis communities that coordinate with
their public schools.
 Our current isolated approach will likely continue the decline of
public education. Of course many of us believe that is an unstated or
barely stated goal of some efficiency proponents.

John O'Neal
Holland Neighborhood
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[Mpls] Walker Library Idea

2004-07-04 Thread Tracy
Has anyone thought about moving the new Walker Library back to the old 
Walker Library site across Hennepin?  I understand that Pagoda, the 
upscale spa that has been in that space for about 6 months, is closing 
shop and, again, the building will sit vacant.  I dont' know why the 
library originally left that site, but it is a beautiful old building, 
a protected historic resource in Minneapolis, right next to the transit 
stop, and if modifications could be made to the building (ADA 
requirements met, necessary technology improvements, maybe an outdoor 
cafe in the front courtyard), the parcel across the street could be 
condos and upscale Uptown shops beneath.

Perhaps someone has proposed this already.  But, as a poet once said, 
maybe what lasts is what you start with.

Tracy Nordstrom
Avid reader, Uptown Pedestrian, ECCO Resident
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Re: [Mpls] Walker Library mixed-use - make the case

2004-07-04 Thread Dorie Rae Gallagher
Of course there are other funding possibilities for a library. Bake Sales!
We have NRP monies that have helped us out for 17 weeks. There might have
been more if our NRP money was not allocated to hire police at time and a
half for the Phillips neighborhood. Just how much taxpayer's money was given
to Ventura Village? How about all the money that dissappeared! That could
have kept our library open for about 15 years.  Sounds like a solid little
group that might be a little self serving!
Dorie Rae Gallagher

- Original Message -
From: "gemgram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Walker Library mixed-use - make the case

> Great post Dan.
> There are of course other funding possibilities for a library.  The
> of the funds raised for the "temporary" library during the time the
> Library is closed for reconstruction is an example of such.  If a
> truly wants that resource to continue the community can become very
> resourceful.
> And Dan, your "mixed-use - make the case" was right on. Your example of
> on the street, and from the street on the happenings in buildings, are
> certainly true.  That human interaction is what makes enjoyable, safe,
> life possible.  And desirable!  Hennepin and Lake and the Uptown are about
> the only place where Minneapolis presently approaches a vibrant, safe,
> street life.
> The downtown area of Minneapolis would certainly benefit from such.  Our
> downtown largely becomes a graveyard of nothing but dead stone monuments
> (Buildings) after 7:00 PM.  The reason is that we have NOT encouraged
> building developers to ring the first floor street level of every building
> with small shops and restaurants.  The very things that create a desire to
> be there, and to create such interaction as you speak of.  Such space (if
> used for such purpose) is incredibly valuable per square foot.   It also
> makes the whole structure more valuable as it makes it a more enjoyable
> fun place to be. Also, think of the number of jobs that could and should
> in Downtown, if we only used our Downtown for a "higher use".  We need
> Downtown to have at least two shifts, one for "Office Workers" and one for
> "Pleasure Seekers" (and those that serve them).
> If we look at a place like Vancouver, B.C. we can see how vibrant and fun
> downtown can be.  Twice the people in half the area and four times the fun
> and pleasure. Some may say well our Minnesota winters don't allow that,
> look at what happens in the heart of the winter in downtown.  It is called
> Christmas and Holly-dazzle and it is the only time Downtown Minneapolis is
> truly walkable fun. (Dodging drunks and crime in the warehouse district
> be titillating to me on a Friday night, but not to most casual strollers)
> If we are going to be subsidizing these monuments with the people's tax
> dollars let's at least demand that they are "friendly" to the people. A
> "higher use" certainly would be the small shops and restaurants, rather
> the dead after 6:00 office space that could just as easily be on the
> floor.  We waste the best part of almost every one of our downtown
> buildings. We have already spent (some would say wasted) hundreds of
> millions of dollars, perhaps we should hedge our bet and spend a few more
> encourage developers to finally give us what we paid for. The people of
> Minneapolis have paid for a great downtown lets start demanding that we
> one.
> So Dan, Lisa, and Gary, you folks are the ones who seem to like urban
> downtown life, as well as sitting on the Minneapolis Zoning and Planning
> Committee,  how do we start "Planning the Zoning" so we can get that great
> downtown life?  Lets start planning a happy future now, for if we wait our
> children will not have one when we get to that future.
> Jim Graham,
> Ventura Village, Phillips Community Planning District, Sixth Ward of what
> should be the Vancouver of Middle-America
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[Mpls] FW: Public Transit

2004-07-04 Thread Chuck Holtman
Mr. Bernstein reports that 2/3 of bus riders would cease using the bus if
they had a car or a second car. Conversely, an adequate public transit
system would allow our family to DISPENSE WITH our second car, something
that we would like nothing better than to do.

To my mind, a transit system has two purposes: (a) in the present, to
provide transportation for those who cannot afford, or are not able, to
participate in our grand collective automobile fetish; (b) in the future, as
an absolute requisite for a livable and sustainable metropolitan area.  (No,
contrary to the straw argument regularly put forward by the privatizers, at
this stage transit is not for the purpose of reducing congestion.  Moving
toward market pricing of automobile use (e.g., as economic studies suggest,
a $10/gallon gas tax, with revenues directed as well as possible toward
those bearing the externalized costs of automobile use) is the only way that
congestion would be mitigated in the near term.

The conversation about fixed rail infrastructure needs to occur after we all
have transported ourselves in a time machine (ah! PRT!) forty or fifty years
into the future.  What should our transportation system look like in 2054?
Well, 2004 is the time to get started on it (actually 1954 was the time, but
let's not dwell on the past).  Alongside the straw criterion that the
Hiawatha LRT line must prove itself by reducing congestion, the other straw
notion is that LRT needs to "prove itself" in order for further investment
in fixed rail to occur.  The value and use of the Hiawatha line will be as
part of a system, and to build it is to commit to the development of the
system over time.  If the goal of transit opponents is to use Hiawatha's
expectedly moderate ridership to deny further system development (and to
deny it operating funds to suppress that ridership), it is engaging in
dishonesty and simply stranding a considerable public investment.   

Chuck Holtman
Prospect Park

Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 02:27:53 -0500
From: "Jim Bernstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Re:lrt operating costs
To: "'Bruce Gaarder'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

Pretty consistently, surveys of citizens in large metropolitan areas
indicate that more than half would never get on a bus no matter how
convenient and more than half would gladly use light rail if it were

When I worked on corridor analysis studies for MNDOT (10 years ago now)
we found that the largest segment of regular bus riders were people who
were transit dependent.  Ironically, more than 2/3 would stop using the
bus if they could afford a car/second car! 

LRT does not replace the need for buses nor does it eliminate the need
for roadways.  It is simply another part of the urban transportation
system; perhaps personal rapid transit is another component on the

Jim Bernstein

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[Mpls] RE: MPS "Empty Classrooms"

2004-07-04 Thread Chuck Holtman
The MPS has listed Pratt School as contributing 14 "empty classrooms" to the
total.  In fact, at the core of the Pratt School concept is the integration
of K-5 into the community, in part by combining K-5 and community education
in the same building.  I believe that Pratt has the largest committed
Community Ed program of any school building in the MPS.  According to the
facilities people, the 14 "empty classrooms" are used by Community Ed from
7:30 am to well after the close of the school day, every weekday during the
school year.  This is by intention.

If the MPS is so completely in error here, I well can accept what Mr.
McGuire says about the schools he cites.

Chuck Holtman
Prospect Park  

Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2004 00:35:22 -0600
From: Dan McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] Now, Pawlenty has heard MPS has 900 empty classrooms

It's getting out of hand.  Now Pawlenty is making statements about the
number of empty classrooms in MPS.  Somebody needs to show him the list of
800 empty classrooms that the district published last spring - that was the
list that had over fifty 'empty' classrooms at the Andersen complex, 27 at
Sullivan, and 17 at South where there were a couple of teachers working from

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Re: [Mpls] Walker Library mixed-use - make the case

2004-07-04 Thread gemgram
Great post Dan.

There are of course other funding possibilities for a library.  The example
of the funds raised for the "temporary" library during the time the Franklin
Library is closed for reconstruction is an example of such.  If a community
truly wants that resource to continue the community can become very

And Dan, your "mixed-use - make the case" was right on. Your example of eyes
on the street, and from the street on the happenings in buildings, are
certainly true.  That human interaction is what makes enjoyable, safe, urban
life possible.  And desirable!  Hennepin and Lake and the Uptown are about
the only place where Minneapolis presently approaches a vibrant, safe,
street life.

The downtown area of Minneapolis would certainly benefit from such.  Our
downtown largely becomes a graveyard of nothing but dead stone monuments
(Buildings) after 7:00 PM.  The reason is that we have NOT encouraged those
building developers to ring the first floor street level of every building
with small shops and restaurants.  The very things that create a desire to
be there, and to create such interaction as you speak of.  Such space (if
used for such purpose) is incredibly valuable per square foot.   It also
makes the whole structure more valuable as it makes it a more enjoyable and
fun place to be. Also, think of the number of jobs that could and should be
in Downtown, if we only used our Downtown for a "higher use".  We need
Downtown to have at least two shifts, one for "Office Workers" and one for
"Pleasure Seekers" (and those that serve them).

If we look at a place like Vancouver, B.C. we can see how vibrant and fun a
downtown can be.  Twice the people in half the area and four times the fun
and pleasure. Some may say well our Minnesota winters don't allow that, but
look at what happens in the heart of the winter in downtown.  It is called
Christmas and Holly-dazzle and it is the only time Downtown Minneapolis is
truly walkable fun. (Dodging drunks and crime in the warehouse district can
be titillating to me on a Friday night, but not to most casual strollers)

If we are going to be subsidizing these monuments with the people's tax
dollars let's at least demand that they are "friendly" to the people. A
"higher use" certainly would be the small shops and restaurants, rather than
the dead after 6:00 office space that could just as easily be on the second
floor.  We waste the best part of almost every one of our downtown
buildings. We have already spent (some would say wasted) hundreds of
millions of dollars, perhaps we should hedge our bet and spend a few more to
encourage developers to finally give us what we paid for. The people of
Minneapolis have paid for a great downtown lets start demanding that we get

So Dan, Lisa, and Gary, you folks are the ones who seem to like urban
downtown life, as well as sitting on the Minneapolis Zoning and Planning
Committee,  how do we start "Planning the Zoning" so we can get that great
downtown life?  Lets start planning a happy future now, for if we wait our
children will not have one when we get to that future.

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village, Phillips Community Planning District, Sixth Ward of what
should be the Vancouver of Middle-America

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[Mpls] Walker

2004-07-04 Thread Dorie Rae Gallagher
Perhaps the old library can be purchased back since it was sold just three years ago. 
I believe all existing libraries, however, should be taken care of.. not just Uptowns. 
As was written before, Uptown and Nokomis are three and four in  the library chain and 
in juvenile and usage we surpass Walker.  Due to our area  that is a major 
accomplishment...but we are not the "in" neighborhood. It does not make sense to be 
building a new grand library, when one exists, while other libraries are closed to 
their beautiful little children. 

We wish to emulate Europe. .they have gone underground due to their building 
Underground of the Louvre, art displays, shopping and eateries have been built going 
under the entire entrance courtyard. In Hamburg & Berlin Germany, miles of underground 
eateries, offices, salons. In Montreal, underground shopping that is still being built 
that encompasses about three miles. Toronto's city art museum is mainly below ground. 

Lets open our minds and open the doors to all libraries so all children can excel, 
dream, and have memories! 

Dorie Rae Gallagher
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RE: [Mpls] Walker Library mixed-use - make the case

2004-07-04 Thread David Brauer
>From Dan Niziolek

In response to David's questions:

1) The study conducted by the Library board (with support of CPED.)
- Jim Nelson studied the idea of constructing a 4 story building
with 24 units of condos (occupying the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors of the
building), a library on the first level, and 60 parking spaces underground.

David here:

As a fellow July 4th shut-in, I want to thank Dan for the substantive,
holiday response. 

I have some follow-up questions, but I'll defer those for now. I'd rather
here from people who have looked at this issue (more than I have) and
reached a different conclusion than Dan.

Thanks again for keeping the spirit of discussion! Happy Fourth!

David Brauer
Will be grilling, swatting mosquitoes, and watching fireworks far away from
the computer later today!

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[Mpls] MPS teacher realignment and Strand

2004-07-04 Thread Dan McGuire
The controversial interpretation of teacher tenure rights being invoked to move 
MPS teachers this last week is based on a MN Supreme Court case called the Strand 
case.  I haven't been able to find the specific language of that case. - anybody have 
Lexis access?

 Neither have I been able to find out whose  #$%*#$  idea this was.  This can't be 
good for anyone other than those few tortured souls who might be coveting the jobs of 
those teachers who, in many cases, quite by accident, may have another license in 
addition to the one under which they have been practicing.  Assigning teachers to a 
job that they don't have experience doing or a desire to do is not the way to close 
the achievement gap or increase enrollment. 

There's gotta be a better way. 

Article 22, Section C, of the Moorhead, MN teachers' contract (below) is an 
example of a school board and a union agreeing that the doctrine of the Strand case is 
not a good idea. (There are probably more examples of exclusions from contracts;  it's 
the only one I could document at this time.) Could this be used as a precedent to 
avoid the invocation of this process at this very precarious time in our district?  I 
would think that the likelihood of grievances and challenges outside the grievance 
process by those who won't be able to be contacted in a timely manner would be reason 
enough by itself to attempt to find a way to get around this interpretation of teacher 
tenure rights, not to mention the horrendous disruption it will cause in the lives 
teachers, and by extension the lives of their students. 
C. (1) Layoff and recall shall be on the basis of seniority with the 
  District as defined in this Article and shall be according to the provisions 
  set forth in this Article. 
  Seniority shall not entitle an employee to a position for which the employee 
  is not licensed and qualified. 

  (2) Nothing in this Article shall require the District to reassign a senior 
  teacher to a different area of licensure in order to accommodate the 
  seniority claims of a junior teacher. The doctrine enunciated by the 
  Minnesota Court of Appeals and Supreme Court in the Strand case shall not 

Another question that comes to mind for me, but which is not necessarily related 
to an immediate solution is, was the Strand case discussed in any recent MPS teacher 
contract negotiations?  It is very likely to come up in the next round. 

Dan McGuire 

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Re: [Mpls] Walker Library

2004-07-04 Thread Fredric Markus
Thanks to CM Niziolek for sitting down at his computer at the very beginning
of this Independence Day to write at length and with care about his purposes
related to the renewal of the Uptown branch of the Minneapolis Public
Library. We had a Carnegie library in Portage, WI when I was a youngster in
the late 1940s and that treasure house stood out for me far beyond other
institutions in my home town. I had to partner with my parents, teachers,
and religious mentors because I had a fierce curiosity about every sort of
thing and the structured learning environments and interactions with my own
age peers couldn't hold a candle to the wonders at my fingertips a few short
blocks from where I lived. To this very day I view the public library as a
sturdy and reliable source for the intellectual building blocks I've
accumulated over the years.   

Whatever the roads I've traveled since those early days, I still relish the
sense of potential discovery that comes over me when I walk down the
Greenway from Ebenezer in West Phillips to the Walker Library in Uptown.
Sometimes I prefer to amble through my old Whittier neighborhood or down
Lake St. - ever interesting alternatives - but the clarity of the purposes
of my trip to the library has never wavered for the thirty-five years that
I've spent here in Minneapolis since I arrived on July 4, 1969, as it
happens. Thank goodness for the MTC when I'm not up for the exercise and
more thanks for the Library's digital world. We are so very blessed in this
city and this country of ours.   

There are plenty of nifty positives I can trot out about Minneapolis and its
leadership but not all gardens are tended in public view and not all
contemplations are meant to be shared. Even the grand universities I've had
the privilege to be a part of don't have the unique blend of repository of
knowledge and precondition of populist access that invites my still
youthful, sometimes private, but still persistent curiosity. The Walker
Library should surely be there for Dan's twins and all the other youthful
lights that will celebrate our Independence Days on into the future.   

Fred Markus, West Phillips 

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