[Mpls] Re: MPD: New smoking ban approach

2005-03-12 Thread David Shove
I like it.

It is already established in law that, if you suffer damage/have an
accident on Smith's property, you can sue Smith for damages. This is why
property owners carry such insurance.

We have here a smoking-induced injury caused on the property, with the
associated liability.

Smoking bar owners could either 1) take all that liability on themselves,
and get out of the business and out of the country before the law suits
started, or 2) buy smoking liability insurance.

Now, how much would that insurance cost per month? it would depend I
imagine on sales, number of customers, ventilation verification, general
age/health/class of the average customer, smoking mortality/sickness
figures in the bar neighborhood, etc.

If the damage done to the clientele/employees only amounts to $100 a
month, and give the insurance co its usual 20-30% markup, that's only $120
to $130 per month. Easily made up in alcohol profits - especially if
smoking it supposed to be so GOOD for profits.

On the other hand, let us suppose that, given the cost of treating say
lung cancer, and given say 3% of those who hung out in that bar fall ill
and sue, the total damage is probably in the hundreds of thousands. If
this high, the only way the bar can make money is option 1) above - excape
to another country. Else we are asking that amount to be paid by the
victims of cancer, so that bar owners can (they imagine) make more money.

A third option arises: the bars could insist that the Big Tobacco
companies pool their resources and buy the insurance for the smoking bars.
No free insurance, no smokers in our bar, fewer customers for Big Tobacco
in the future, smoking becomes even less fashionable, the Big tobacco
families go on welfare or get an honest job. BT might come through. They
would then FINALLY begin to pay for all the collateral damage of their
actions - a very good thing. Let them make money, but make them pay for
all the damage they cause as they make it.

(I would really like to know how much a typical bar owner's property
liability insurance would rise if smoking liability were added to it.
Insurance gurus?)

--David Shove

On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, Steve Nelson wrote:

> Since the objections to a smoking ban seem to be a fear of loss of
> profits over concern for employees health, I propose the following law
> be enacted to preserve the freedom of choice for bar and private club
> owners...and any other employer who wishes to allow smoking in their
> business.  The argument that people choose to work in smoking
> establishments makes sense only in an economy where there is a plethora
> of well-paying jobs and working in such establishments is truly a
> choice.  In today's economy, people are often forced to work where they
> can find it not where they would like.
> "Any employer who wishes to allow his establishment to be a non-smoke
> free environment takes on the liability of his employees health care in
> relation to any health care problems related to or aggravated by tobacco
> smoke.  The burden of proof falls upon the owner of the establishment to
> prove that the health problem was NOT caused by exposure at his place of
> business.  No employees shall be forced to sign waivers to this
> provision prior to or during employment nor shall any such waivers be
> deemed valid as related to smoking exposure.  This burden shall not be
> construed as license to disregard employees right to privacy.
> Reasonable access to medical records and health history shall be
> permitted but shall not rise to the level of harassment as defined by
> law."
> Take issue with the wording any way you want but I think the gist of it is 
> clear.  Since a preponderence of scientific evidence (including a study 
> showing that exposure to second hand smoke increases the risk of breast 
> cancer, the results of which were released the day bar owners asked the 
> courts to overturn the city of Minneapolis ordinance) shows that exposure to 
> second hand smoke causes many health related problems, bar and club owners 
> who wish to continue to profit by placing their employees at risk assume the 
> burden of that risk as well.  And the employee does not have to prove that 
> their work exposure caused their problem to recover medical and other related 
> expenses from the employer.
> So let the discussion begin.
> Steven M Nelson
> Willard Hay
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Re: [Mpls] New smoking ban approach

2005-03-12 Thread gemgram
Steve Nelson writes:
"Any employer who wishes to allow his establishment to be a non-smoke free 
environment takes on the liability of his employees health care in relation 
to any health care problems related to or aggravated by tobacco smoke.  The 
burden of proof falls upon the owner of the establishment to prove that the 
health problem was NOT caused by exposure at his place of business.  No 
employees shall be forced to sign waivers to this provision prior to or 
during employment nor shall any such waivers be deemed valid as related to 
smoking exposure.  This burden shall not be construed as license to 
disregard employees right to privacy.  Reasonable access to medical records 
and health history shall be permitted but shall not rise to the level of 
harassment as defined by law."<

Real good Steve, but there might be another way.  How about smoke bars being 
licensed to proven smokers and those bars only being allowed to hire those 
who can prove they presently smoke. Have customers required to sign an 
affidavit that they are indeed smokers to be allowed in the building.  Heck, 
why force anyone to have to work in a smoke filled environment when they 
don't smoke.  Have a building owned and operated , employing, and serving 
only smokers?

If the government wants to make all that tax money off of smokers, which it 
has for more than fifty years, then make the government pay for the lung 
cancer from those taxes.  If health care is too expensive then, lets slap a 
seven dollar a pack tax on it.  A tax that is totally and only dedicated to 
health care for smokers.  In that way the smokers pay for their own sins. 
Talk about hypocrisy, how much, (or better yet what percentage) of the 
tobacco settlement went to pay for health care or addiction prevention and 
treatment for tobacco addiction.  My, My, My! Those politicians sometimes 
have sticker fingers than a snake oil salesman or some of the evangelical 
"Profits of the Lord" in our midst.

I know the ban language is only political pandering in Minneapolis, but we 
might as well put some logic into it.  I wonder if anyone but me sees the 
ridiculousness of Minneapolis banning smoking in bars while the Federal 
Government subsidizes the farmers who grow tobacco?  Perhaps the City of 
Minneapolis CM's should also limit the depths of their own hypocrisy and 
stop licensing stores to sell cigarettes.  Just remove any such licensed 
sales within the City Limits.  Minneapolis has apparently decided it does 
not like tobacco, so why license the sale of it.  It does not have to be 
illegal to posses tobacco, just do not allow the licensed sale of it.

Starting to sound sort of like Marijuana don't you thin?  So maybe when 
viewed as such a comparison a couple of our jay smoking CM's might start 
being more in favor of legal smoking. Minneapolis Police and Judges 
presently do not have the resources to catch or the will to put people in 
jail for smoking crack cocaine and crystal meth. Wouldn't it be funny if 
evil tobacco smokers were sentenced to stiffer sentences than those caught 
smoking crack or grass on 26th and Knox? Reality  is constantly more 
laughable than most comedy acts.

Well I better get some sleep, I feel a sermon coming on about "Equal 
Protection Under The Law" and tomorrow is Sunday! I certainly would not want 
to disappoint Brother Dave and company if the Spirit moves me.

Jim the "Rev" Graham
Ventura Village
"The only time some people are not hypocrites is in their sleep.I try to 
remember this when awake."<
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[Mpls] New smoking ban approach

2005-03-12 Thread Steve Nelson
Since the objections to a smoking ban seem to be a fear of loss of profits over 
concern for employees health, I propose the following law be enacted to 
preserve the freedom of choice for bar and private club owners...and any other 
employer who wishes to allow smoking in their business.  The argument that 
people choose to work in smoking establishments makes sense only in an economy 
where there is a plethora of well-paying jobs and working in such 
establishments is truly a choice.  In today's economy, people are often forced 
to work where they can find it not where they would like.

"Any employer who wishes to allow his establishment to be a non-smoke free 
environment takes on the liability of his employees health care in relation to 
any health care problems related to or aggravated by tobacco smoke.  The burden 
of proof falls upon the owner of the establishment to prove that the health 
problem was NOT caused by exposure at his place of business.  No employees 
shall be forced to sign waivers to this provision prior to or during employment 
nor shall any such waivers be deemed valid as related to smoking exposure.  
This burden shall not be construed as license to disregard employees right to 
privacy.  Reasonable access to medical records and health history shall be 
permitted but shall not rise to the level of harassment as defined by law."

Take issue with the wording any way you want but I think the gist of it is 
clear.  Since a preponderence of scientific evidence (including a study showing 
that exposure to second hand smoke increases the risk of breast cancer, the 
results of which were released the day bar owners asked the courts to overturn 
the city of Minneapolis ordinance) shows that exposure to second hand smoke 
causes many health related problems, bar and club owners who wish to continue 
to profit by placing their employees at risk assume the burden of that risk as 
well.  And the employee does not have to prove that their work exposure caused 
their problem to recover medical and other related expenses from the employer.

So let the discussion begin.

Steven M Nelson
Willard Hay
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[Mpls] NAACP officers cut a deal, bypass Executive Committee

2005-03-12 Thread Socialist2001
Below is the text of a letter from Duane Reed, Minneapolis NAACP branch 
president to Ms. Marceline Dubose, Department of Education, project manager for 
Parent Information Centers.  

[On Minneapolis NAACP Branch letterhead]
March 5, 2005

Ms. Marceline Dubose
Minnesota Department of Education
1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, Minnesota 55113

Dear Ms. Dubose:

Thank you and Mr. Brown for all your time in meetings and phone calls to 
clarify "all requirements" necessary to close out the NAACP - Parent 
Center (PIC) grant with the Department of Education, State of Minnesota. We 
appreciate the State authorizing funds to be spent for a program audit of the 
NAACP-PIC and the purchase buyout of the two copiers, so we can proceed with 
final steps in preparation of the final report and reimbursement of cash 

We anticipate the time line as follows:
-Approval by Mr. Carl Breeding, NAACP National Level 2 Administrator of audit 
firm to conduct the NAACP/PIC audit by March 8, 2005.
-Pay off Copier lease by March 8, 2005.
-Have Program and Financial narrative complete and submitted to Mr. Breeding 
for his approval by March 15, 2005.
-Return Balance of net funds to the Department of Education by March 15, 2005
-Have you and Mr. Brown conduct an information session with NAACP membership 
upon completion of the audit.
-Have completed audit, then reviewed by Mr. Breeding and present to the 
executive committee and membership of the Minneapolis NAACP.
-Complete closure of NAACP-PIC obligation with the State of Minnesota upon 
completion of the above schedule
***The above time schedule is contingent on the audit schedule and Mr. 
Breeding review and approval.

Finally, the only persons authorized to represent the Minneapolis NAACP/PIC 
in this closure matter are Carl Breeding, Duane Reed and Jessie Overton.


Duane K. Reed
President, Minneapolis NAACP

Cc: Carl Breeding, Jesse Overton, Morgan Brown, Mpls NAACP Executive 
-Doug Mann, King Field
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[Mpls] re: Recent history of 2nd Ward DFL endorsements and a proposal

2005-03-12 Thread Tim Bonham

   My first and last ward endorsing convention put me off a bit. I can't
remember the number of ballots (few), but I do remember what happened between
last two votes: An assistant to the incumbent CP handed her cell phone to the
lowest vote getter, he listened to it, then proceeded to throw his support to
the incumbent in the final vote.
The actual votes of that convention are still online at the 
mpls.dfl.org website --
see here http://www.scc.net/~t-bonham/MPLSW02.HTM.

There were only 2 ballots; Joan Campbell had 55% on the first one, and was 
endorsed with 61% on the second ballot.
Brian Hanninen had 16% on the first ballot; he encouraged his 
delegates to support Joan Campbell.  But only 6% actually moved to 
Campbell, 9% moved to Zerby and 1% moved to no endorsement.  (Candidates 
can try to "throw their support" however they want, but DFL delegates make 
up their own mind; they are a notoriously unregimented bunch.)

I don't recall anything about this cell phone incident; I don't even see 
how it would make sense.
Joan Campbell and Brian Hanninen were standing next to each other 
in the hall outside the ballot counting room, talking.  Pal Zerby was 
further down that hall, speaking to delegates and waiting for his chance to 
talk to Brian Hanninen.  They weren't more than 50 feet apart; the Park 
building isn't all that big.  I don't see why a cell phone would be needed 
at all.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson.
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Re: [Mpls] Re: Bonham and the violins

2005-03-12 Thread David Shove
Hasn't anyone here heard of training in non-violins?

--David Shove

On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, Tim Bonham wrote:

> >it was the first time in about 40 years that an incumbent City Council
> >Member had been defeated in a primary.
> >. . .
> >The Elite Few don't want to believe that ordinary people are
> >capable of thinking and making decisions - the EF have to do it for the
> >ordinaries.  Zerby's flogging Campbell showed that the Elite Few were
> >wrong.
> >. . .
> >Bob Johnson
>  And what does winning all the other races in the last 40 years show?
> The Minneapolis DFL members have a very successful record of electing their
> endorsed candidates to office.  Because we generally endorse qualified
> candidates, who are representative of the ward.
>  We put the candidates thru a whole lot before endorsing them.  We
> have screenings, debates, forums, etc.; and we expect that they will phone
> up most of the delegates and talk with them.  A real stress test for
> candidates, because they are dealing with activists who know what's
> happening in the neighborhoods, and are good at separating knowledgeable
> candidates from flakes or BS'ers.  We DFLers fight like feuding siblings
> over candidate endorsements; then afterwards we work real hard to elect our
> endorsed candidates.
>  And we're pretty good at doing that.  But that's easier when you
> have really good candidates to elect!
> P.S.  And Paul Zerby did not "completely ignore the party".  He was on the
> DFL Sample Ballot for the General Election, and he raised money to help
> fund that.  Plus he & his campaign distributed several thousand of the
> joint lit piece for the DFL Board candidates.  We're very proud to have
> Paul as a DFL elected official!
> Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson
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[Mpls] Re: Bonham and the violins

2005-03-12 Thread Tim Bonham

it was the first time in about 40 years that an incumbent City Council
Member had been defeated in a primary.
. . .
The Elite Few don't want to believe that ordinary people are
capable of thinking and making decisions - the EF have to do it for the
ordinaries.  Zerby's flogging Campbell showed that the Elite Few were
. . .
Bob Johnson
And what does winning all the other races in the last 40 years show?
The Minneapolis DFL members have a very successful record of electing their 
endorsed candidates to office.  Because we generally endorse qualified 
candidates, who are representative of the ward.
We put the candidates thru a whole lot before endorsing them.  We 
have screenings, debates, forums, etc.; and we expect that they will phone 
up most of the delegates and talk with them.  A real stress test for 
candidates, because they are dealing with activists who know what's 
happening in the neighborhoods, and are good at separating knowledgeable 
candidates from flakes or BS'ers.  We DFLers fight like feuding siblings 
over candidate endorsements; then afterwards we work real hard to elect our 
endorsed candidates.
And we're pretty good at doing that.  But that's easier when you 
have really good candidates to elect!

P.S.  And Paul Zerby did not "completely ignore the party".  He was on the 
DFL Sample Ballot for the General Election, and he raised money to help 
fund that.  Plus he & his campaign distributed several thousand of the 
joint lit piece for the DFL Board candidates.  We're very proud to have 
Paul as a DFL elected official!

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson
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[Mpls] Other transit agencies' problems

2005-03-12 Thread Bruce Gaarder
See this article for Chicago problems


Visit www.EffectiveTransit.org

The Independent Unsubsidized Voice of
Citizens for Effective Transit in the Twin Cities  (no lrt)

* lrt isn't a potato chip, you can stop at just one *

Bruce Gaarder
Highland Park  Saint Paul  MN
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RE: [Mpls] IRV will help ensure endorsement

2005-03-12 Thread Eva Young
At 10:10 PM 3/10/2005, Jeanne Massey wrote:
Forwarded by Jeanne Massey from Tony Solgard:
As I see it, the way to use IRV in the endorsement process (with a 60
percent supermajority requirement) is to use the instant runoff mechanism on
the first ballot to narrow the field to two candidates. If this results in a
candidate with 60 percent support, then you've got a first ballot
endorsement. If not, the convention proceeds to a second ballot with those
same two candidates and continues as DFL conventions normally do. "Normal"
usually involves a rules negotiation over the number of ballots that must be
taken before either a vote for "no endorsement" or for adjournment is in
order. So, the convention doesn't have to endorse if it doesn't want to. And
the convention still has the option of pushing a 55 percent candidate over
the 60 percent threshold on the next ballot. But the process is expedited so
you don't have to sit through 6 ballots when you could condense the process
into just one ballot or two ballots and come to the same outcome.
This IRV idea for local party conventions sounds rather wacky to me.  It's 
much more difficult for tellers to count votes with an IRV situation than 
counting for traditional ballots without the rankings.  There's also much 
more room for counting errors.

When you are talking about elections, ballots aren't counted manually 
(except in a manual recount - which is the exception rather than the rule).

I personally see very little use for DFL endorsements for "non-partisan" 
city elections.

Eva Young
Near North
"You do not have the right to never be offended.  This country is based on 
freedom, and that means freedom for everyone - not just you!  You may leave 
the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the
world is full of idiots, and probably always will be."  --Article II of the 
Bill of Non-Rights. 

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[Mpls] Storm Water Fee criteria (apparent absence of, that is)

2005-03-12 Thread ABerget
I got my storm water fee billing this week and was surprised to find my  
property charged the highest rate since I have a 40'x140' lot with no driveway, 
alley or garage. Only my house sits on the lot unless you count my garden  shed 
(6'x8').  I wanted to know what the criteria is for the different  fee 
levels. I called the number on the bill for questions yesterday (Friday),  and 
sitting on hold for nearly 10 minutes, I hung up and called Gay Noble  in the 
Ward 10 office. She didn't know and wasn't able to find the information  on 
the website either. She said that the first round of billing had been done  
with a blunt instrument (my language, not hers).  In other words, I  won the 
lottery and get charged at the highest level just because that's  what they're 
charging me. No one looked at my property to decide what level was  
appropriate and it is my burden to complain and ask for "reconsideration" -  
actually no one "considered" my property in the first place. Gay  asked called 
John McLean to call me and we are now playing phone tag. I will  report back 
after my conversation with him.
If anyone already has the criteria, please post them so we can all see what  
they are.
Ann Berget
Kingfield 8-6 (formerly 10-11)
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[Mpls] Part 2. The violins continue to sob but play on the wrongpage

2005-03-12 Thread Steve Cross
Michael Atherton said:
Dan Miller is a PPERRIA boardmember.  I'd like to hear his
honest opinion on how inclusive he believes PPERRIA to be,
but I don't think I'll get it.
Just to be fair, people should know that Dan Miller has supported 
amending PPERRIA's Bylaws to admit dorm students as members.  Also to be 
completely fair, people should know that Michael Atherton is also a 
PPERRIA board member.  When the vote was taken last November on 
admitting students, he ABSTAINED from voting (after speaking in favor of 
admitting dorm students).  Despite being a board member, Atherton 
abstains from ALL votes.  It's not because of a conflict of interest but 
because of some "principle" that I no longer recall.  Consider the 
absence of all logic in being strongly in favor of something but, when 
push comes to shove, ABSTAINING from voting.  (And, since an absolute 27 
of the Board was needed to pass the proposal, Atherton's abstention was 
effectively a vote of "no.")

And, while Atherton complains of the failure of students to attend the 
NRP-2 kick-off meeting, he neglected, somehow, to mention one other 
salient fact.  That fact is that a written invitation was sent to every 
student in every dorm room in all of the "dorms" in the Prospect Park 
area.  That invitation included a flyer specifically written to appeal 
to the students on why they should attend.  Written information was also 
sent to every address in Prospect Park including every address occupied 
by student renters.  The meeting was held at Luxton Park, which is 
literally across the street from one "dorm" and only blocks from several 
others.  It is true that the attendance by students was disappointing.   
But the fact that it was disappointing was not due to the lack of 
significant efforts to get students to attend.

And, while we are discussing student attendance, when the meeting voted 
against Atherton's position at the meeting, he immediately walked out.  
Thus, we were deprived of his participation as a student.  (Albeit as a 
Ph. D. student, which is not quite what people have in mind when 
conjuring the image of a "student.")

He also said:
There was just one person there to represent a whole section
of the neighborhood south of Franklin
Wrong.  There were three people "south of Franklin" who attended and 
they elected a delegate to the steering committee.

He also said:
and no one for the area
North of University
Wrong again.  There were three or four people from "north of University" 
(that is, 4th Street -- the only area north of University with housing) 
who attended.  Again, they elected a delegate from their area to the 
steering committee.

Finally, he also says:
I always knew that the housing sweeps were BS.
This is his opinion and it is also wrong.  I was there when the need for 
housing sweeps were discussed by CM Zerby and others.  Everyone's 
statements were to the effect that something had to be done to generally 
ensure the safety of students in their housing.  To suggest anything 
else was going on is just mean spirited.  The housing sweeps were done 
by firefighters looking for ANY safety violations.  While it is true 
that it eventually turned out that most of the violations turned out to 
be over-occupancy, the firefighters (who are parents too) looked for any 
safety violations.  And anyone who thinks that students are somehow 
entitled to try to save money by violating the fire safety laws, is 
sadly mistaken.  It is also my understanding from those who have dealt 
with those protesting the finding of over-occupancy, that those who 
think that there is a right to violate the fire-safety laws for reasons 
of economy are but a small fringe of student opinion.  Unfortunately, 
some of that fringe are expressing their opinions here.

Steve Cross
Prospect Park
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2005-03-12 Thread V.L. Freeman
MA says: I find it curious how people on the North side (and Central) get up 
in arms (no pun intended) when one or two people are killed, but are silent 
about a much more pervasive problem
affecting far more children.

VF says: First, let me say Hello! You must have me twisted. I have been 
posting on this list for quite a while now, and let say that I have always 
voiced concerns of the continued problems in the community, this is not the 
first post. While I love to read here and voice "my" opinions here in this 
forum, I do so as well out in the community; and I do so at my appointment 
to the Public Health Advisory Comm.., Elected co-chair. I do so when I go to 
the State of Minnesota Conferences, and I do so in front of city council. I 
do so at the gas stations, at cub, at the nail saloons, at Mickey D's. I 
continue to do so, at every chance I get.

MA say: People cry for community involvement and services.
VF says: We cry because it has either been taken away from us, or has never 
existed.  Or like always a pilot program lasting for a year...

MA says: but I rarely hear anyone complain bout the 47% dropout rate or the 
poor quality of the schools.

VF says: Are we living in the same city? Not only have people been talking 
about it, there are even stats to show that there are more Black men in 
custody then there are professionals. Don't say there is no one is speaking 
about the issues of education, because they are. It may not be within your 
ear shot, or done in your neighborhood, but rest assured they are in mine, 
also on cable access too.

MA says: Why aren't American Americans outraged?
Vf says: We are...
MA says: Have you forgotten that one of the major objectives of the civil 
rights movement was access to quality education?

VF says: No, I have not forgotten. Civil rights period was established for 
those who came and suffered for the black race.  Be it education, freedom, 
jobs etc. etc.. I cannot and refuse not to ever forget what people before me 
have done for me and my race.

MA says: Why aren't people marching in the streets?
VF says:  There are marchings. However, just not during the cold temps in 
"Minnesota". March for Peace marches every year; and every year the groups 
of people out grow the following years numbers.  In additions to marches 
there are dialogs and community focus groups that talk about issues that 
affect the northside. Even in the churches there is talking and discussions 
on involvement. I think that shows people's concerns here on the Northside.

Innovation, everyday entrepreneurship, and creativity are the aims of 

Vanessa L. Freeman Hawthorne
Peter Keen
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[Mpls] Minnesotans favor medical marijuana two-to-one

2005-03-12 Thread Jason Samuels

To my surprise, I haven't seen anything in the papers about this. The
Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) released the results of a Zogby poll on
Thursday showing that 60% of Minnesotans support medical marijuana. In
Minneapolis/St. Paul the number was 78.5%. Interestingly the response was
even stronger when people were asked if qualified patients should be allowed
to purchase medical marijuana legally from a nonprofit, regulated
dispensary. 78.7% of respondents statewide answered yes to that question,
including a whopping 90.4% in Minneapolis/St. Paul.


Taken at face value, that means nine out of ten people in Minneapolis agree
with the intent of the proposed charter amendment which was blocked from the
ballot last August. Also, MPP released the results of this poll on the same
day the Court of Appeals heard arguments about City Council's decision block
that amendment from last November's ballot. A decision on that should come
within 90 days. Full results of the poll can be seen at:



Jason Samuels


Administrative Coordinator, Citizens Organized for Harm Reduction

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RE: [Mpls] Part 2. The violins continue to sob but play on the wrongpage

2005-03-12 Thread Michael Atherton

Bob Johnson wrote:

>  Once again, occupancy limit ordinances are irrelevant here since the 
>  three students were not killed by overoccupancy.  You are really 
>  trying hard to ignore this fundamental fact.

I always knew that the housing sweeps were BS.  Dinkytown
is no more safer now than before.  You need better
smoke detectors not fewer numbers of roommates.  Those
kids were not killed as they were tramped on the
way to an exit. If people think that PPERRIA members
are truly concerned about students they should sit
in on some neighborhood meetings and listen to what
is said either explicitly or between the lines.  

>  You are quite consistent in your exclusion politics.  For you it is 
>  apparently acceptable to exclude students from neighborhood 
>  participation (as Prospect Parkers do on the basis that students 
>  are not PERMANENT residents) just as NRP process excludes the great 
>  majority of residents from decision-making on the expenditure 
>  of large sums of taxpayer dollars, allowing mainly the 
>  participation of activists.

I attended Prospect Park's Phase II initiation meeting and
inquired about the number of students who were in attendance.  
There were, besides myself, three students who were there as
part of a class project, one of whom lived in the neighborhood.
I told this resident that he could and should participate
in meeting and that he was guaranteed this right by law.
He didn't believe me and went to ask Mr. Cross, who was 
chairing the meeting, if he could participate.  When I made
a motion that the meeting should be postponed because PPERRIA
had failed to garner enough student participation (there are
approximately 3000 to 4000 students living here), those in
attendance voted to continue.  Just on causal observation,
it appear that there were two major groups represented.  A
contingent of Somali residents from Glendale and a bunch
of White folks 95% of whom appeared to be PPERRIA board members.
There was just one person there to represent a whole section
of the neighborhood south of Franklin and no one for the area
North of University.  To me, two students (one of them me) is
not sufficient to represent the interests of 3000 others.  NRP
citizen participation is a joke.

Dan Miller is a PPERRIA boardmember.  I'd like to hear his
honest opinion on how inclusive he believes PPERRIA to be,
but I don't think I'll get it.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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2005-03-12 Thread Michael Atherton
V.L. Freeman wrote:
>  Look if you need me and/or other folks to help, just ask! 
>  But, please don't sit by and do nothing. Don't just send 
>  the MPD  alone. Send services along with MPD. Embrace the 
>  whole problem not just part of a problem. Don't use the band 
>  aid solution to a problem that requires a wholistic solution.

I thought that I would take advantage of an appropriate title.
I find it curious how people on the North side (and Central)
get up in arms (no pun intended) when one or two people are
killed, but are silent about a much more pervasive problem
affecting far more children.  People cry for community
involvement and services, but I rarely hear anyone complain
about the 47% dropout rate or the poor quality of the schools.
These problems are inexorably intertwined.  A 47% dropout rate 
produces a new crop of gang recruits each year.  Even good job
programs will do little to help children who are literate
and lack the social skills to maintain employment.  The public
schools are failing the American Americans in this city! Do you
know how the schools are proposing to solve the budget shortfall:
reduce the funding of poverty programs in favor of keeping
class sizes small (an ineffectual program intended to make the public
at large happy).  Why aren't American Americans outraged?  Have 
you forgotten that one of the major objectives of the civil rights 
movement was access to quality education?  Why aren't people marching 
in the streets?

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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2005-03-12 Thread V.L. Freeman
Hello List!
"I guest this posting is especially for those in power to do something."
I am sorry, that this is not about ward 2, or rain barrels etc… This is 
about the quality of life, which means a whole heck of a lot more to me then 
any election, rain barrels, light rail, 94 corridor etc… I mean know 
disrespect to any of those issues, but, I not feeling any of them right now. 
Those issues will not help the situation in North Minneapolis right now.

The streets in North Minneapolis is tensed. You see it, hear it, and feel 
it. I’m sure  MPD knows the feel. Even in my house where both of my sons 
grew up with Frank, there is grief, frustration and anger. My oldest, tells 
me that the last Biggie and Tupac song says most of what he is feeling:

“Why am I dying to live, if I am just living to die; and why am I trying to 
see when there is nothing in sight. Finally, Why am I trying to give, if no 
one gives me a try. “

He feels like he is at risk, from drive by’s, mistaken identity, and/or just 
walking down the streets of North Minneapolis.  In the past 10+ years since 
being in Hawthorne, my boys have lost more friends, then me as an adult, and 
my friends have had health problems. Theirs from violence. They both have 
discussed their funeral wishes with me as their mother. When they make it to 
their birthday’s they are just thankful to be alive, and so am I. However, 
this is not natural. Children are to burying their parents, not the other 
way around. As much as I as a parent want to keep them both close to my 
heart, and safety, I know they are men, and I must let them go and be men.  
It hurts, and it’s fearful. Even as I write this post to you, my heart is 
troubled, my soul is troubled.

You have the powers in your reach, and it is your obligation to protect 
those who you were elected into office to represent. The underserved and 
those of that are least of us, most importantly. I hear people tell me all 
the time, that our neighborhood does not vote. I say that makes a difference 
how?  I am pleading with you and begging you to combine services together 
and find money to put toward reducing death, hopelessness, and the streets 
of destruction.

Look if you need me and/or other folks to help, just ask! But, please don’t 
sit by and do nothing. Don’t just send the MPD  alone. Send services along 
with MPD. Embrace the whole problem not just part of a problem. Don’t use 
the band aid solution to a problem that requires a wholistic solution.

Innovation, everyday entrepreneurship, and creativity are the aims of 

Vanessa L. Freeman hawthorne
Peter Keen
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[Mpls] Zimmermann at the Capital

2005-03-12 Thread Barbara Lickness
Selections from Zimmermann's PRT testimony:


Listen to more of Zimmermann bashing transit and spinning elaborate PRT  
fantasies at the Capitol:


Click on the March 9th meeting...he's toward the end...after Mark Olson  
and before Morrie Anderson.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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[Mpls] Part 2. The violins continue to sob but play on the wrong page

2005-03-12 Thread Bob Johnson
If you don't like the current ordinances dictating occupancy limits 
work to change them but a violation is a violation. 
Once again, occupancy limit ordinances are irrelevant here since the 
three students were not killed by overoccupancy.  You are really 
trying hard to ignore this fundamental fact.

I expect the inspectors to enforce all of them not just pick and 
choose based on public outcry.
You also try to ignore the very serious overoccupancy in Riverside 
Plaza also in CM Zerby's ward - this was certainly mentioned in my 
first post on this subject.

While I am not attempting to speak for Council Member Zerby here I 
suspect that after the fire over there he received a great many 
calls complaining about the general substandard condition that many 
of the properties rented by students at the U of M were in. I know 
it has crossed my mind several times and I am just a passerby. 
The calls CM Zerby got were from PP and MH residents who realized 
that this was a golden opportunity to put the clamps on the students 
in a new and more official way, led by a crusading City Councilman.

It is common knowledge that the rental rates over in that area are 
skyhigh for properties that are very old and in substandard shape 
because of their proximity to the U. While I understand that the 
consumer dictates what the market will bear in terms of rental 
rates, I do expect the structures to be in qualify for an occupancy 
certificate according to the current housing ordinances. 
Why don't you take an unguided tour of Riverside Plaza and then 
repeat that sermon.  Don't just walk the hallways, be sure to get 
into some apartments, and don't miss the stairwells.

But then perhaps you are one of those who think that 
'Cedar-Riverside West Bank always has been the place in the city 
for immigrant ghettos, and always will be.  It's just the destiny 
of Cedar-Riverside.'

You are quite consistent in your exclusion politics.  For you it is 
apparently acceptable to exclude students from neighborhood 
participation (as Prospect Parkers do on the basis that students 
are not PERMANENT residents) just as NRP process excludes the great 
majority of residents from decision-making on the expenditure 
of large sums of taxpayer dollars, allowing mainly the 
participation of activists.

Minneapolis, the city where everything is either banned or heavily 
regulated should be consistent and ban the term 'citizen participation'.

Minneapolis must stop pussyfooting around with the banning of leaf 
blowers, cigarette smoke, diesel fumes.  Do something democratic for
a change - at least replace the mythical term 'citizen participation' 
with the accurate term 'activist participation'.  The former is just 
code for the latter.  

Guess I will have to start a nonprofit and be the executive 
director and apply to the Legislature for a grant to promote this.

Bob Johnson
Cedar-Riverside West Bank
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[Mpls] Part 1. The violins continue to sob but play on the wrong page

2005-03-12 Thread Bob Johnson
Mr. Johnson, are you suggesting that violations of occupancy limits 
should have been ignored?
Of course I am not suggesting any such thing, but you are trying 
really hard to change the subject by ignoring the fact that the 
three UM student deaths were not caused by overoccupancy.  

One can call a sow's ear a silk purse, but that doesn't make it one 
(although it once was proven technologically possible to convert 
the one into the other at great expense).

So it being established that the deaths were not caused by 
overoccupancy, then why did the sweeps become mostly about 
occupancy limits and just a bit about fire safety? 

The tradition on the East Bank of the residents discriminating 
against students is a longstanding one, and the Prospect Park 
club worked hard to keep it going even before Zerby became 
CM Zerby.  But then the three UM student deaths in September 
2003 was an excuse to do the extensive overoccupancy sweeps 
under the pretense of 'safety sweeps'. 

I cite once again an article in the East Bank's neighborhood 
newspaper, "Renters left out in the cold?", "Southeast Angle", 
p. 4 (Dec 2003), which in paragraph 5 reports: "JoAnn Velde, city 
housing inspections director, said most violations cited in the 
sweeps so far were for occupancy limits." 

That is now supplemented by referring to another article the 
following month in that newspaper, "Fury erupts at meeting on 
renter issues", "Southeast Angle", pp. 1-3 (Jan 2004), which on 
p. 1 reports, "The safety weep has become an occupancy sweep, 
as owners are cited for overoccupied properties rather than safety 

Moving just across the Mississippi, I ask you, how do you explain 
the major overoccupancy and very poor general conditions in Riverside 
Plaza with its 1,303 units which is also in CM Zerby's ward, but 
which he totally ignores?  

Does Riverside Plaza being across the Mississippi River somehow make 
the overoccupancy problem there into some Western-cow-country-situation 
which is judged to be tolerable, but not at all acceptable in the Elite 
Eastern Enclave on the East Bank?  

As far as the PP folks and CM Zerby are concerned, living in 
Cedar-Riverside must be about like living on the wrong side of the 
tracks as it was spoken of in the 1940s and 1950s.  I thought that in 
great progressive Minneapolis that sort of segregationist thinking 
had been left behind long ago.

(continued in Part 2 which follows)
Bob Johnson
Cedar-Riverside West Bank
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[Mpls] Recent history of 2nd Ward DFL endorsements and a proposal

2005-03-12 Thread WJKAHN
   My first and last ward endorsing convention put me off a bit. I can't 
remember the number of ballots (few), but I do remember what happened between 
last two votes: An assistant to the incumbent CP handed her cell phone to the 
lowest vote getter, he listened to it, then proceeded to throw his support to 
the incumbent in the final vote. It put many people off and the end result was 
that we have had thoughtful, extremely capable, and fair handed service from 
Paul Zerby for the last few years (despite a claim to the contrary on this 
list). I can't help but think that Instant Run-off Voting would have resulted 
a decidedly different outcome at this particular convention, but who is to 
know for a certainty?
   If the local DFL is not ready for IRV, perhaps they are up for a 
"natural experiment" of sorts (as opposed to a highly manipulative experiment 
in a 
lab or highly controlled environment). Most who know me, know that the study 
of biology informs my views of human behavior and this situation is no 
different. I recall a test question for a course in evolutionary ecology asking 
for a 
design for a natural experiment to learn something about pocket gophers. It 
would be a simple matter to include a ranked ballot in the first vote from all 
us gophers to learn a bit about IRV as compared to our present process; as an 
experiment, it would not disrupt, but inform us after the fact about how useful 
IRV might be in all sorts of applications. By applying different 
methodologies to the same data collected in an initial ranked ballot, we can 
learn a great 
deal without causing traditionalists much stress (this time anyway). Simply 
move to suspend the rules, then move for delegates to rank candidates in the 
first ballot and that these ballots be turned over to a group of volunteers to 
analyze and report back their results to city and state DFL offices for 
distribution, then get back to business as usual. Delegates could propose the 
same at 
any future conventions. We could do that, or rules committees could simply 
include the experiment from the beginning.
  I would love to have had ranked preferences tallied up for my last 2nd 
Ward experience; I can only hope that the next experience will be better. One 
wonders if the DFL endorsement process would seem as superfluous as it does 
now if it were not chained to our traditional methods. I think a decision on 
endorsement after two ballots, one IRV and one runoff, is much better than a 
decision after two ballots between which that decision is effectively removed 
the convention delegates. Sometimes two traditionally cast ballots is enough, 
sometimes they are not; I hope for greatly shortened conventions and fairer 
results reflecting the will of a convention using IRV, but I have seen 
something completely different from that in the traditional approach to 
voting in the DFL. When folks see our endorsement process versus our perceived 
values of the party, you will see parties change or folks changing parties. The 
sky may not be falling, but it has been too dark for my taste in the last 
several years. Ain't it time for a Jeffersonian revolution? Perhaps just a 
one? Or at least some experiments in alternative voting systems. If the DFL 
does not adapt, will it face extinction?

Bill Kahn
Prospect Park
Reluctant DFL delegate from 2-5, number four I think, but thinking about 
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[Mpls] Submission for Mpls Issues list

2005-03-12 Thread Stephen Rueff

Below is a letter from Councilmembers Niziolek and Zimmerman and me regarding 
ongoing conversation with the community on the environmental impact of leaf 
and options to address these concerns. This letter invites YOU to participate in
the conversation - your voice is needed to determine what actions are taken on 
issue. Both Councilmembers are scheduled to be at the meeting to hear public 

Addtionally, I am writing to ask that you consider to help sending this e-mail 
your own e-mail list, as many will share our concern and will want to offer 
commnents at the upcoming public meeting. 

For more information on the impact of leaf blowers go to: 
and click on neighborhoods and scroll down to the leaf blower announcement. 
good site is: www.zapla.org

Additionally, if you have a little time and interest, please contact me to help 
creating position papers and fact sheets and other fun community organizing 
I need your help!

Thanks for your consideration.
We hope to hear from you, your neighbors and friends on the 19th!

-Stephen Rueff

If you live in Minneapolis and can't make the meeting, please contact your city 
councilmember with your view on this issue.

March 10, 2005
Dear Friends and Neighbors: 
The first Urban Noise and Leaf Blowers Community Meeting went well. There were 
representatives from neighborhoods throughout the city. Discussions focused on 
associated with leaf blowers, concerns about regulating leaf blowers, as well as
community strategies in relation to leaf blowers and their use (see accompanying
notes from the meeting.)

We are now planning a follow-up meeting to: 

1) hear more thoughts, comments, and recommendations and
2) develop next steps in working on the issues. 

One proposal that we will be discussing is the introduction of an ordinance that
would prohibit combustion engine leaf blowers in the City of Minneapolis.

Please join us for the final meeting of the Quiet Community Coalition regarding 
the proposed regulation of leaf blowers on Saturday, March 19th from 9:30 a.m. -
11:30 a.m. at Lyndale Farmstead Park 3900 Bryant Avenue South.

Indeed, over 250 cities in North America have regulated leaf blowers, including 
Los Angeles, California, where no gas powered leaf blower may be used within 500
feet of a residence (see www.zapla.org). Therefore, through this initiative, we 
will be following a national trend in which cities remain vigilant to the 
of so-called 'modern conveniences' which have wasteful and harmful effects on
our quality of life.
Please bring signed petitions, community experts, allies and other information 
the meeting. This meeting will be to coordinate our strategy and bring together 
our resources before presenting our case to the Minneapolis City Council.


Dan Niziolek

Stephen Rueff, Resident
East Harriet Farmstead Neighborhood
Dean Zimmerman 

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Decorum note (Was [Mpls] Bonham and the violins)

2005-03-12 Thread List Manager
Please do not put members' names in the subject - it encourages personal
disputes forbidden by the rules.

Speak to the issue, not the person.

David Brauer
List manager

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[Mpls] Bonham and the violins

2005-03-12 Thread Bob Johnson
>Yes, DFL "honchos" do support the DFL-endorsed candidate chosen by
>the DFL delegates.
>Of course!  Why should that be puzzling, or frustrating, or at all 
hard to
>Who do you expect DFL party officers to support other than DFL-endorsed

Yes, the DFL honchos and hacks stayed true to The Party and voted and
worked for Joan Campbell, but it didn't do much good. So many DFLers
voted against The Party and for Zerby that Zerby whupped Campbell in
the primary election (and won in the general election).  And if you recall,
it was the first time in about 40 years that an incumbent City Council
Member had been defeated in a primary.  To his great credit, Zerby
ignored The Party.
So much for endorsements - just another example in Minneapolis of the
elite few masquerading as representing the real thing, that is, the
people.  Seems its the same whether the DFL Party, or the Log Cabins,
or the Stonewalls or NRP are involved.  Some may not think that's true
but it is.  The Elite Few don't want to believe that ordinary people are
capable of thinking and making decisions - the EF have to do it for the
ordinaries.  Zerby's flogging Campbell showed that the Elite Few were
I will never forget watching the one West German TV channel as I studied
in Zürich 1960-1963, seeing the Berlin Wall go up.  But even more
impressive were the interviews of Walter Ulbricht, the Vorsteher (chief) of
the Deutsche Demokratische Partei, and Praesident of the (East German)
Deutsche Demokratische Republik.  He only had one sermon and he
always preached from the same text which was, "Die Partei hat immer
recht."  (The Party is always right.)  There was even a Party song with
that title - the text can be found by googling.  Like at the movies in the
40s and 50s, watch for coming attractions - there may be in the future
a translation of that Party song for the DFL.
Bob Johnson
Cedar-Riverside West Bank
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