2005-07-10 Thread Jhpalmerjp
Tried to send this last week, but it kept bouncing back from the  list:
Vanessa, et. al.,

Thanks Vanessa, and you're right that we need to  do more outreach and 
awareness building in regards to the resources we have,  what it is we do and 
it is we don't do. Which is why we have a concentrated  effort towards 
developing awareness of the EZ and related  programs.

Currently, we're making the effort to get out to as many  community events 
and functions as possible (most recently Juneteenth), to be in  touch with the 
community and accessible to residents.  On our website  you'll see new content 
added such as a listing of all our allocated funding as  well as links to City 
business resources. In August, we're launching a pilot  project to go door to 
door and find out what residents are and are not aware of,  what resources 
they may need and how the Empowerment Zone can best be utilized  within our 

Lastly, I've made it a point for myself and my  staff to come out and meet 
with business associations, community groups,  economic development 
organizations, etc. So if you have community group that  needs more information 
or wants 
to be aware of what is available call or email  me and I'd be happy to come 
out, answer questions and provide information. Our  job is to be accessible and 
available.  Contact me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 612-673-5016.

Jonathan  Palmer

-Original Message-
From:  V.L. Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 05:44:43 -0500

Hello JP! and List;  

I guess I should clarify myself here. In no way did I mean that  the 
Empowerment Zone helped or is helping the businesses named, Sorry if that's  
appeared to sound like. I was just meaning instead of these type places.  There 
should be other more positive businesses in the area, The Empowerment  Zone, 
could do more outreach to those who are not aware of what and who they(EZ)  

The usual suspects explain it as a way of putting more money  in the existing 
big businesses, not investing into new or small. I think when  these people 
(usual suspects) address the issues of the EZ, one's expectation  seems to be 
lowered in their thinking that EZ. Feeling like it's not for them.  Hopefully 
the EZ can come out do it'd own education to the people of what EZ is  all 
about. Just my thoughts, as usual. 

Vanessa Hawthorne  

Innovation, everyday entrepreneurship, and creativity  are the aims of 

Vanessa L.  Freeman 

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RE: [Mpls] Bullhorn Evangelism

2005-07-10 Thread Williams, Brandt
We get a lot of that in Jordan as well.  Just this Saturday at around 4 or so 
the corner of 26th and Knox was alive with the sounds of a street corner 
revival.  They kept it short, picked up some trash and didn't come knock on my 
door.  They're welcome to come back anytime.  They tend to tick off the dealers.

Brandt Williams

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Constance Nompelis
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 12:56 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Bullhorn Evangelism

So I am wondering: do other neighborhoods besides
Phillips get tons of outdoor preaching at local
churches and weekend revivals in parks and such?

It seems that every Saturday and Sunday the air fills
with the sound of preaching voices, amplified by
microphone, megaphone or whatever, and I wonder if
it's just in my area?

Recipient of secondhand evangelism, (currently from
the Open Door church on 28th) wafting into my office

Connie Nompelis
West Phillips & Powderhorn

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[Mpls] This Week in The Minneapolis Observer

2005-07-10 Thread Craig Cox

* Heller to Sell Last of West Bank Holdings
* Park Board Will Trim Lake Calhoun Sailing Village Proposal
* North High Offering Summer Construction Trades Program
* Edison Arena, Hockey Program in Financial Trouble

Go to: 
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

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Re: [Mpls] Strib's Kersten profiles Phillips activist/mom

2005-07-10 Thread Barbara Lickness
Don't know the reporter but I do know of Linda Leonard. She is as coca cola 
would say "the real thing".  She is dedicated to her neighborhood and works 
hard to have a positive impact on the future of the environment she lives in. 
If there were more like her, the inner-city would be safer, cleaner, more 
connected and better educated. Regardless of who wrote the story, this woman 
deserves the praise she received. 
Barb Lickness

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the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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Re: [Mpls] Strib's Kersten profiles Phillips activist/mom

2005-07-10 Thread Steve Nelson

David Brauer
List manager

The tragedy in this story is not the neighborhood and community that Linda 
Leonard is working to save.  The tragedy is that since the columnist is 
Kersten it is hard to take it at face value.  Since she so often is 
promoting a strong right agenda and acting as a right wing apologist, is she 
telling this as the touching and inspiring story that it should be?  Or is 
she serving up grist for the "we don't need government we just need to rely 
on one another" argument?

Steven M Nelson
Willard Hay

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Re; [Mpls] Rybak: every new state dollar to the city for public safety

2005-07-10 Thread Gregory Reinhardt
Not having the eloquence of others, nor apparently the fiscal insight, it seems 
to me that if the city receives nearly every penny it sends off to the state; 
why then does it need to wait at the doorstep as a poor suffering  waif  only 
to have its own money given back under an elaborate set of criteria?  What is 
to prevent the same scenario two years from now?  What has change to ensure  
citizens shall not endure more of the same?  Tax, slash, borrow, or any 
combination thereof: it's who has control of the money who sets the agenda for 
public policy and services.

Greg Reinhardt  

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[Mpls] War on Dutch elm disease takes grass-roots approach

2005-07-10 Thread Jason C Stone
For every four elms we lose, one tree is being planted.
The Strib profiles grassroots efforts to deal with Dutch Elm Disease:

"Cathy Standing and other residents in the Cedar-Isles-Dean neighborhood of 
Minneapolis have been
protecting their trees since the 1980s and have held onto a lot of their elms. 
This year Standing
appealed to Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board members to encourage them to 
make a citywide
statement encouraging people to inoculate their trees. 

"I know what the neighborhood looks like with the trees, and I can visualize 
what it would look
like without," she said. "I've been through neighborhoods that have been 
devastated. I don't want
to get to that situation."


As I speak with constituents on their stoop about Dutch Elm Disease, the vast 
majority don't know
they can (or could have) pursued fungicide treatment for their elms.  Most 
would have or will. 
While some cities integrate fungicide treatment into their overall forest 
management plan (e.g.
St. Louis Park), Minneapolis isn't even letting folks know their options.

Jason Stone
Diamond Lake

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[Mpls] Forcing youth to emulate gangsta rap/Stats & The Street/Deja List Archive 8/2003

2005-07-10 Thread PennBroKeith
[Mpls] Carol Johnson's Legacy/Forcing youth to emulate gangsta rap 
Sun Aug 10 05:57:07 2003 


In a message dated 8/8/03 9:43:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes in a thread about former MPS Super:

<<  Over 20% of African American students are 
 diagnosed as having some type of Emotional-Behavioral Disorder and are 
 assigned to special education programs.
 -Doug Mann, King Field >>

Keith says; Offering this type of stat, with the implication that it is an 
unreasonably high number relative to Whites, and thus reflects the failure of 
the Super, is unfair and wrong.

I have no particular adoration for the Super, nor am I a statistician. I 
imagine that many more then 20% of Af. Am. students live in poverty. Well 
over 20% 
may live in one parent homes. Likely over 20% may suffer abuse, neglect, 
inadequate nutrition, and hyper mobility (life disruption through loss of 
home). I 
could go on...I always mentally red flag proffered "statistical disparity as 
proof of hypothesis" logic when I read it.

Most often it is about too many blacks get traffic tickets, end up in prison, 
drop out of high school, can't read, get evicted, have kids out of wedlock at 
13 1/2, or smoke too much crack, It is then, of course, the fault of Carol 
Johnson, the Police Chief, the patrol officers, the teachers, landlords, 
workers, and street maintenance policy.

Ultimately, that mass of schlubs, so-called white people, comprising the 
so-called dominant culture, are fully blamed for the disparity. They are then 
compelled to throw money at a rathole. NonProfiteers are near the hole. With 
blessing of the "dominant culture" they catch the money before it drops and 
break off a piece for themselves. They offer no sustainable solutions but the 
song and dance has a nice cadence, hence gives comfort.

Meanwhile, statistics show well over 20% of African American youth, at the 
end of the school day where they have attended, or not attended their 
ed. class", wander home to their hood. They pass drug sellers, on foot and in 
fancy cars, clogging 26th Avenue and convenience store parking lots. They may 
watch 5 hours of rap videos extolling the virtues of gang membership. Again, 
could go on...but would it not be easier to blame Carol Johnson?

I am tempted.

Keith Reitman  NearNorth 

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[Mpls] Strib's Kersten profiles Phillips activist/mom

2005-07-10 Thread List Manager

David Brauer
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RE: [Mpls] Property taxes explained across the river

2005-07-10 Thread Anderson & Turpin
Bob Spaulding's message about property taxes was forwarded to the List.  It
was a very good and clear explanation about how property taxes work.  But
his description of TIF taxes wasn't right so I thought I'd clear that up.

Bob wrote:
are a tool that is meant to spur new development that wouldn't have
happened without the help.  Basically, if your property is in a TIF
district, that means that all new value you add to your property
through improvements will not contribute to the overall tax levy for 
set period of time, say 20 years.  There are arguably legitimate uses
for TIF districts, but they are sometimes hard to differentiate from
illegitimate uses.  TIF districts are only warranted when there is NO
chance a property would be SUBSTANTIALLY improved over the period of
life of the TIF (20 years) without government assistance.  Otherwise,
the City is forgoing substantial tax revenue.


Mark Anderson here:
Actually including property in a TIF district does not have any effect on
the property taxes paid by the TIF properties.  The taxes paid are simply
allocated to a different jurisdiction.  As the value of TIF property
increases, the increased taxes that result are allocated solely to the TIF

TIF funds are normally spent to improve the infrastructure of the TIF
district.  In theory, the TIF taxes are self-funding, since the increased
value of the TIF property (resulting in higher property taxes) may be
attributed to the infrastructure spending of the TIF funds, which in turn
brings in private development.  In practice, it is often questionable
whether the increased value is due to TIF spending, or for totally unrelated
reasons.  And even if the TIF spending does result in greater private
spending in that district, it is likely that most of that spending simply
replaces what would otherwise have been spent at other nearby non-TIF areas,
adding no net development (or taxes) to the state as a whole.  So I do agree
with the conclusion above, that TIF districts often do result in higher
taxes for everyone else.

Mark V Anderson

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RE: Re; [Mpls] Rybak: every new state dollar to the city for public safety

2005-07-10 Thread David Brauer
Barry Clegg writes:

> Tim Bonham's post is thought provoking.  I've heard many say that 2/3 of
> the state's revenue comes from the metro but only 1/3 is reinvested
> there - but that's so often stated with so little backup that it's
> almost urban legend.
> Does anyone have the real numbers?  What percentage of state revenue,
> the total pot, comes from Minneapolis, and/or the metro area, and how
> much is spent there?  I'm looking for solid numbers if you have them.
> Thanks.

The subject has come up on the forum before, so hopefully those with Keith
Reitman-like archival skills can dig up info from those...

It's a couple of years old now, but the SW Journal article gets at some of
the figures:

Pertinent parts:

Of every tax dollar collected by the state, roughly 80 cents is returned to
communities and individuals as aid and grants. The remaining 20 cents pays
for state-funded parks, highways, colleges, prisons and state government.

Tax revenues are redistributed throughout the state through a complex system
of formulas based on need and other factors. Some areas receive less than
their citizens pay in; other areas receive more.

Minneapolis gets back 95 cents of every dollar it gives the state. However,
Hennepin, Dakota and Washington counties receive less than 60 cents back --
in other words, these largely suburban counties are the state's biggest cash

Rural western and northern Minnesota counties generally receive more than
they pay in.

...the last time this came up, I have a very good and respectful offlist
conversation with a suburban government-watcher who noted that while
Minneapolis in effects kicks in 5 cents to the state it doesn't get back
directly, the average take the state needs to keep going is 20 cents on the
dollar (the converse of the 80-cents figure in the above excerpt).

Thus, Minneapolis is "paying" 15 cents less than it should toward state
government operations.

There is no doubt that right now, the wealthier 'burbs are the big
subsidizers of operating costs - and rural Minnesota is the big
"subsidizee." Minneapolis isn't on the extremes.

I think Tim's point might be that there are legacy investments city folks
made that have reduced the cost of suburban expansion. Not sure exactly how
to calculate that. Also, philosophically, there's the idea that the city
absorbs costs the metro should share more equally (for example, some health,
housing and public safety costs for lower-income Minnesotans.)

David Brauer
Editor, SW Journal & Skyway News

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RE: [Mpls] Redistricting... taking downtown away Money, Power, Respect

2005-07-10 Thread Dorothy Titus

There are many ways the money in a ward benefits the citizens.  City
Councilpersons have the ability and obligation to look out for their
constituents.  When Cub came to the Northside, a lot of people talked to
them about how important it was that jobs be made available to Northside
residents, especially since many jobs were lost when Target moved out.  This
has resulted in a wonderful partnership between Cub and the local
neighborhoods and is giving many residents an alternative to unemployment or
under-employment. Cub is also supporting activities in our neighborhoods in
a variety of ways.

Now look at what has happened since the 5th Ward has lost the
"money" portion of its district.  A new stadium is likely along with all the
goodies it may bring, and two new upscale stores are in the works. Lofts and
fancy dwellings are rapidly being developed.  If this area had remained in
the 5th Ward, you can be sure that the City Councilperson would have been
talking to these new commercial businesses to encourage hiring employees
from the 5th Ward.  Partnerships would have developed that benefited the
Northside neighborhoods.  Hopes and dreams take off when opportunities open
up. Despair and resentment result when opportunities are taken away.

Beyond that, politicians pay attention to those who make
contributions to their campaigns.  It may not be fair, but campaign
contributions are vital. This is another reason why those districts with
strong financial resources are likely to be better served.  Had the downtown
and warehouse section of the previous 5th Ward remained intact, you can be
sure that as those expensive lofts were built and inhabited, the residents
would have been making it known that their ward needed more attention, more
services, whatever the issue was.  Because there would be a lot of well-off
people who were squawking, who can afford to make campaign contributions,
the city would have listened.  And in fact, it will listen--but to the
districts where that money will now be living.  While politicians may
empathize with those who cannot afford to contribute to their campaigns,
they must pay attention to those with the money.  This is not to say that
politicians ignore the poor; many do not.  But money talks.  And right now,
I suspect the 5th Ward has the quietest voice in town. 

I would love to see the numbers for the new wards.  I understand
that it is illegal to create voting districts that are grossly unbalanced in
terms of economics.  So far, I haven't seen how the numbers are for the new
districts.  Anyone have those?

Dottie Titus

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Re; [Mpls] Rybak: every new state dollar to the city for public safety

2005-07-10 Thread Barry Clegg
Tim Bonham's post is thought provoking.  I've heard many say that 2/3 of
the state's revenue comes from the metro but only 1/3 is reinvested
there - but that's so often stated with so little backup that it's
almost urban legend. 
Does anyone have the real numbers?  What percentage of state revenue,
the total pot, comes from Minneapolis, and/or the metro area, and how
much is spent there?  I'm looking for solid numbers if you have them.
Barry Clegg
Nicollet Island
Tim Bonham said:
What a pile of crap!   You've fallen hook, line, & sinker for the
Republicans line that this money is somehow state money to be given to 
Minneapolis out of the goodness of their (alleged) hearts.

In fact, this money comes from Minneapolis in the first place, then they

decide to give just a part of it back to the City, and we are supposed
be grateful for this Local Government Aid.  Even that LGA name is a 
falsehood, carefully concealing the actual in-City source of this money.

The Cities are the economic engine of this state, and the suburbs (and
rural areas) are just economic parasites sucking from the cities.
everything you pay for, from the city water you drink to the sewage you 
flush away includes a subsidy to support them at the expense of cities 

This s an economic fact of life, yet you will hardly see it mentioned at

all in such discussions.  And never mentioned in the Star-Tribune, of

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson


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Re; [Mpls] Rybak: every new state dollar to the city for public safety

2005-07-10 Thread Tim Bonham

By accepting LGA, the city has
abdicated a portion of its ability to meet citizens needs and relies on a

What a pile of crap!   You've fallen hook, line, & sinker for the State 
Republicans line that this money is somehow state money to be given to 
Minneapolis out of the goodness of their (alleged) hearts.

In fact, this money comes from Minneapolis in the first place, then they 
decide to give just a part of it back to the City, and we are supposed to 
be grateful for this Local Government Aid.  Even that LGA name is a 
falsehood, carefully concealing the actual in-City source of this money.

The Cities are the economic engine of this state, and the suburbs (and most 
rural areas) are just economic parasites sucking from the cities.  Nearly 
everything you pay for, from the city water you drink to the sewage you 
flush away includes a subsidy to support them at the expense of cities 

This s an economic fact of life, yet you will hardly see it mentioned at 
all in such discussions.  And never mentioned in the Star-Tribune, of course!

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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RE: [Mpls] Redistricting... taking downtown away Money, Power, Respect

2005-07-10 Thread Anderson & Turpin
Megan Goodmundson wrote:
Mark Anderson asks a question:  How exactly does having a rich section in
one's district make a council person more powerful?

When you were a kid growing up, did you want to always get stuck with the
'broken toys' or the hand-me-downs? Wasn't nice to have at least some new,
cool toys in your toy box? The way I see it, 'drawing out' downtown from the
5th & 'drawing in' Jordan into the 5th is about MONEY, POWER, RESPECT. 
By creating the 'ultra-impoverished' ward, you take away any money, power,
respect that may have come from the more important areas such as downtown,
with more attention, priority and economic importance; or NE, with more
active voters who donate time, money, input.  
What we are left with is further digging a 'moat' around North Mnpls that
the city, developers, home buyers, schools, businesses, recreational stuff
have no interest in crossing that moat. 
Don't really pretend like you can't understand how taking away a more
influtential part of town and combining 2 lowest influential, most
unimportant areas together is not right or smart. 
Mark Anderson replies:
I don't think you answered the question.  I agree that the richer areas of
town have more clout in getting city services.  If the city "forgets" to
plow a rich street after a big snowstorm, the residents have many ways to
get the city's attention.  I've seen such forgetfulness take place in poor
districts with no city reaction at all.  But I don't see how that translates
into more clout by the council person who represents the area.  PERHAPS a
council member will be treated with more respect by the other members on
issues that affect services in their rich areas, because no one wants to be
beaten over the head by the wealthy powers-that-be.  But does caution in
avoiding offense to rich areas translate to a similar caution about services
in poor areas just because they have the same representative?  I don't see
that.  More likely the council person will concentrate his or her services
on the more affluent areas where he or she gets more respect amongst peers
(although I'm still not convinced that respect for a district transfers to
its representative -- I haven't noticed the richer district reps having more
power than the rest).

Near North Minneapolis certainly does have a bit of a "moat" around it, when
it comes to commercial development.  My guess at the reason for this is a
combination of high crime there and a lower population in North than South.
I understand why northsiders want to turn this around (although there are
many southsiders that complain about too much development in their areas --
they call it gentrification and corporate takeover).  But you've got a lot
more explaining to do to convince me that mixing the ward with downtown will
result in more development.  It seems to be that making the ward more
homogeneous will more likely result in advocacy on the council.

Mark V Anderson

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Re: [Mpls] Rybak: every new state dollar to the city for public safety

2005-07-10 Thread Anne McC
 Terrell Brown states:
The city had options available to avoid or reduce this reduction

If they could, would you please list them for me?  I'm sure others would 
also be interested.  Thank you

Anne McCandless

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Re: [Mpls] Rybak: every new state dollar to the city for public safety

2005-07-10 Thread Terrell Brown

Press release from the mayor's office:

Mayor Rybak to Budget
New City Money for Public Safety, Cops

  State and federal governments have cut 120 cops from Minneapolis 
streets since 2000.

[TB]  More accurately:  The Mayor and City Councils budgeting priorities 
have reduced the size of the Minneapolis Police Department by 120 officers 
since 2000.  State and federal governments do not determine the strength of 
municipal police departments.

The city had options available to avoid or reduce this reduction but the 
brain trust at City Hall found it politically expedient to cut the size of 
both the police and fire departments.  In a move reminiscent to Gov. Carlson 
sending in the State Patrol a few years back when Minneapolis was 
experiencing a record high murder rate, this summer we see the Minneapolis 
Police Department being supplemented by Hennepin County Sheriff Deputies and 
Metro Transit Officers.

Minneapolis is running out of cops, the Mayor and Council need to quit 
blaming others and take responsibility for their own decisions.

Terrell Brown
Loring Park 

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[Mpls] Park Board Public Hearing/ what went wrong

2005-07-10 Thread Svattheriver
As I sat through a 5 1/2 hour Park Board Meeting, I had plenty of time to  
reflect on some of the problems at the Park Board and how they occur.
There has been a lot of conversation about the Park Board on this list and  I 
am sure it can be confusing to follow all this.
So here is a specific example of what went wrong. Sorry, this is long and  
The Park Board has both ordinance and policy concerning citizen input and  
notification requirements for its development and redevelopment projects and it 
has requirements to hold public hearings. Signed by then President Bob Fine,  
this ordinance went into effect Jan. 1,2000.
Why the Park Board does not follow the rules is a great mystery to me. It  
would make for a better plan and would provide political cover for those 
The St. Anthony Parkway Master Plan is a very expensive and complicated  plan 
that has a great effect on some residents.
The ordinance lays out the requirements of notification, the creation and  
authority of a citizens advisory committee, the format of the public hearing,  
notification required for the public hearing, and the rules for the appeals  
The ordinance is completely clear and yet the Park Board Public hearing and  
process ignored almost every requirement.
Requirement # 1 (not done) a citizen advisory committee shall be created  
when park facility construction or redevelopment projects are proposed.
While the Park Board held meetings, they never convened a citizen's  advisory 
There is a tremendous difference that may be subtle. But a citizens  advisory 
committee has specific obligations and shall have authority to make 
recommendations at the Planning committee Public Hearing. The  citizens who 
public meetings were given no authority to make  recommendations. From the 
Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Roles and Responsibilities  
The committee will make recommendations regarding the charge approved by the  
Members of an appointed CAC are expected to report back to their  appointing 
authority on a regular basis between meetings to determine that they  are 
accurately representing their jurisdiction or organization. Members should  
bring the solicited input, ideas, and comment back to the Citizens'  Advisory 
Committee for inclusion in the planning process.  
Committee members are expected to attend all meetings in order to ensure  
full, fair, and informed participation and decision-making. If a vote is  
required at the conclusion of the process, only members of an appointed  
who have attended at least 2/3 (two-thirds) of the scheduled meetings  will be 
eligible to vote.  
The Citizens’ Advisory Committee process will be held concurrently with  the 
Staff Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee process. After the  
Citizens' Advisory Committee process has been completed, the committee’s  
recommendations will be forwarded to the Planning Committee of the Minneapolis  
Park and Recreation Board for a public hearing. The Park Board staff may not  
alter the committee’s recommendations. 
It is also a citizen that is the chairperson of these public  meetings.
Requirement # 2 ( not done) Appointed Citizen Advisory committee  is required 
for projects over $100,000 ( This project will exceed this by many  millions) 
>From the website...  
When the MPRB begins a capital improvement project with a budget greater  
than $100,000, neighborhood residents are invited to volunteer as members of a  
citizen advisory committee. Depending on the project, the MPRB seeks to 
assemble  either an appointed or non-appointed citizen advisory committee.  
*   For large projects, which will occur at a regional park such as  
Minnehaha Falls Regional Park or Chain of the Lakes Regional Park, advisory  
committee members are appointed by Commissioners, City Council Members, and  
neighborhood organizations. 

Completing the Ground Rounds is a regional issues with Met council and  
federal money requiring an appointed Citizens advisory committee.  
Requirement # 3  (not done) Notice -10 days notice is required for  both the 
initial meeting and the public hearing in a newspaper of general  circulation. 
That was not done for either. There were thousands of  postcards sent out 
which was good, but many folks that should have received  them claimed not to. 
an accurate data base of mailings and copy of  the newspaper notice would meet 
legal requirements and lessen controversy). All  folks within a 3 bock area 
should be notified as well as park councils and  neighborhood groups in the 
Requirement # 4 (not done) Presentation of the Citizen Advisory  
Recommendations at the public hearing. Citizens are willing to do the hard work 
 of trying 
to make hard dec

[Mpls] Go see West Broadway, Highway 81, "big plan" next door in Robbinsdale!!

2005-07-10 Thread PennBroKeith

Below: An invitation to an Open House sponsored by Hennepin County and
Robbinsdale to highlight the fabulous road design plan for that City. We are
links on a chain called Highway 81, West Broadway here, and Bottineau Blvrd.
along the rest of, suburban, Highway 81 to Maple Grove and beyond. We should
track of the other chainlinks' progress in development of the Highway 81
Corridor Project. The implications for us, here, are huge as we compete, and
share, with those same neighboring municipalities.

The outcome that development of our whole Northwest Commercial Corridor will
bring us has positive, but also challenging, ramifications toward improving
our local West Broadway Avenue; and the neighborhoods it serves. To be
blunt; we
have to keep up with the Jone'es; the Jones'es being the whole string of
suburbs along Highway 81. Surprise, they have more combined political and
capital to toss around.

We need to know Robbinsdale's development plans and we are invited over to
our neighbor's open house. We better show up.

Keith Reitman  trying to help all stakeholders participate  NearNorth

The Official City/County announcement follows:


Hennepin County and the City of Robbinsdale invite you
to attend an Informational Neighborhood Meeting /
Open House to view the proposed design for County
State Aid Highway (CSAH) 81 roadway, utility and
streetscape improvements within the City of Robbinsdale.
Staff and consultants will be available to answer questions
about the plans and property acquisition process. Utility
company representatives have been invited to discuss their
facilities and services. The meeting will be informal - feel
free to stop by anytime between 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
on July 11 at the Police and Fire building.
Project Description:
Monday, July 11, 2005
5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Robbinsdale Police and Fire Building
4101 Hubbard Avenue N.
Lower Level Community Room
Parking is available on adjacent streets
Open House:
Craig Twinem
Hennepin County Design Division
Mike Turner
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
The project consists of the reconstruction of the existing
four-lane roadway to provide a new four-lane urban
roadway section between Lowry Avenue and Highway
100 within the City of Robbinsdale. The reconstruction
will include new roadway pavement with concrete curb
and gutter, new sidewalks where appropriate, improved
intersection geometry to better accommodate vehicular
and pedestrian traffic, new traffic signals, service road
access improvements, lighting improvements, landscaping,
and gateway intersection monumentation. Roadway
construction activities are scheduled to begin in April of
2006. Utility work along the corridor may begin this fall.

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Re: [Mpls] Cafe Dinapoli Can we keep it open for just a few months, to get one last go around?

2005-07-10 Thread Dorie Rae Gallagher
My first job was at Great Northern Depot as a waitress the summer '62 before 
going to MCAD. Great life lessons
were learned from Red Caps, a boss that pinched, and getting up at 3am to 
walk from 22nd & 1st to the Depot

at 17.

Second job that year was doing the Christmas windows at Woolworths and the 
third started at Bridgemans on 7th/Henn.
during the basketball season. Wages were .94 cents plus tips...hamburgers 20 
cents, w/cheese 25 and a hot
fudge banana sundae .40. The cops tipped well, sometimes .50 cents for a .50 
cent item. Little ladies gave us
gave us Jesus Saves cards tucked under their coffee cups, which contributed 
no monetary value to the $575 tuition at

the art $22,000.00.

Every Friday night, after working to one, we would go to Cafe DiNapoli with 
tip money to have the treat of
the week...never on Sat. night since that was date night. It always looked 
worn, the tall booths, the lighting,
but the same people and the food was great. Downtown was exciting 
thenthe 620 club where all
the sport figures would hang out, the Great Northern Market, where you 
walked around bushels of food on
the wood chip floor, watching the windows above the 620 club for activities 
from the cone station at Bridgemans!!
The Forum, Powers, there was so much to see and do...there was a shooting 
right on 7th and Hennepin one
Sunday morning when I was opening up the store...he laided there for a long 
time before anyone came. That leaves
an impressionCafe DiNapoli is of the last..hate to see it go, but 
thenI would rather experience a fish market
than Block e... Oh well...It's sunday morning meaning it's Mel o Glaze 

dorie gallagher/nokomis

I'm willing to bet that most of our listers have been to Cafe Dinap at 
least once.  Tell us your memory.  I took my first girlfriend to Cafe 
Dinap.  I remember it was Halloween night


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[Mpls] Rybak: every new state dollar to the city for public safety

2005-07-10 Thread Gregory Reinhardt
While the restoring some of the funds cut from LGA is welcomed and sorely 
needed; it highlights the complications and consequences of funding 
essential services, such as fire and police, from outside revenue sources. 
LGA, after all, is a statewide program that levels the playing field for 
cities whose expenses outstrip the cities property tax base and/or its 
willingness to pay for the statewide average for public services.   The 2003 
LGA Program Reform outlined each of the six criteria that calculate a cities 
fair share: number of pre-1940 housing stock, population decline in the last 
10 years, traffic accidents per captia, average household size, metro vs. 
non-metro status, and the adjusted tax capacity per capita.  Last years LGA 
contribution to the city was $84,273,424.  In short, an 84 million dollar 
budget shortfall.

The risk in becoming too comfortable in accepting (and perhaps creating a 
perpetual "need") of these funds is that when the revenue source is reduced; 
then services must be cut.  Therefore the reduction in public safety 
staffing was not made on a declining need for services (fewer fires and/or 
lower crime rates) but a cut in funding.Crime and fires too, do not wait 
for anyone, let alone funding.  These would seem areas in which the local 
government would concentrate its resources upon, the health, welfare, and 
safety of its citizenry.

The above arrangement sets-up a curious corundum; if the need for public 
services is determined by local citizens; and funding is (in part) 
determined by statewide criteria, who then has the control to set the agenda 
of the delivery of these public services.  By accepting LGA, the city has 
abdicated a portion of its ability to meet citizens needs and relies on a 
subsidy to provide a level of average services that are de5termined by 
state, not higher levels of quality and services that may be demanded by 

Another option is higher taxes.  Granted the 2003 LGA Program reform place a 
partial freeze on increase in 2003 and 2004 property taxes, but did not do 
for 2005.  Many have expressed the need for more police officers.  A few 
have offered to even pay more for these services. To borrow a page from Jim 
Graham's May post "it is not for the few to contribute to this fund, but for 
each and every resident in Minneapolis.  The last I heard that was called 
"TAXES".  It is the OLIGATION of the elected politicians to tax us ALL to 
the degree necessary provide adequate public safety for ALL of us".

Higher taxes would certainly equate to more public safety personnel.  How 
many are needed to provide a level of average services (as controlled by the 
state's LGA formula)?   How many are needed to provide adequate services as 
defined by the city's obligation to its citizens?  Or how many are need to 
provide a superior level of quality and service that would be defined by a 
community's vision?

It may be premature to wane the city from  LGA, but over-reliance on LGA to 
fund essential services has had the net effect of muddling toward the middle 
of the quality and quantity of your public services.

Greg Reinhardt

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[Mpls] district has axed 23 of its 88 music teachers in June.

2005-07-10 Thread Dan McGuire

   Why did the district decide that it would ax 23 of its 88 music 
teachers in June?

   Steve Brandt wrote that "vocal music teacher, Tara Stevenson, is 
gone from Field School in Minneapolis, another example of a talented 
young teacher lost to a seniority-driven layoff system."  Blaming Ms. 
Stevenson's layoff on the seniority system does not tell the whole 
story.  Before the seniority rules took effect the decision to cut vocal 
music in the district was made.  No seniority rule or state law dictated 
that vocal music should be cut. That was an administrative decision made 
with varying amounts of parent and teacher  input district wide.

   Later in the article Brandt says, "The use of seniority to determine 
layoffs is mandated by state law. Its defenders say it's a fair system 
in the absence of another means of determining who stays and who gets 
cut."  I'm not sure which state law Steve is referencing or why state 
law is being referenced.  The seniority rules are
a provision of the teacher contract which the administration helped 
write.  I am not a defender of the seniority system; I would much rather 
see a system that took into account many more factors than seniority.  
The problem is that another system is not currently in place and putting 
one in place will take time and money - lots of both.

   It's not news that the teacher tenure rules are being challenged.  
Ideas about what should be in place instead, would be news.

Dan McGuire
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