[Mpls] Basim Sabri's sentancing

2005-05-09 Thread Karen Forbes
For anyone who is interested Basim Sabri's sentencing has been moved to this
Thursday May 12.2005 @ 8:30.  The last sentencing was changed.  Here is a
number that people could call the day before in case it has been moved again

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] 8th Ward gathers, no endorsement

2005-04-30 Thread Karen Forbes
Actually I found Scott Vreeland for Park Board both clever and funny.  He
had visual aids like soccer balls and buckthorn to illustrate his points.

Having attended the convention in its entirity I have to say that the
campaigns for the two leading candidates felt like the old school DFL
machines in action.  The same force that we all were voting against when
Sharon and Jackie were in office and were voted out. Instead of Sharon and
Jackie it appears to be Gary Schiff and Lisa Goodman.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] Sewer Units (aka Storm Water Concerns)

2005-03-15 Thread Karen Forbes

>  I know many new things about city property, including that there now are
> approx. 75,000 single family residences in Minneapolis, that the average
> impermeable area of a residential property, based on a survey of 200+
> selected properties,  is 1530 sq. ft., and that the max. rate for  this
> stormwater fee is assessed on properties believed to have 1578 sq. ft.  of
> impermeable surface area regardless of the size of the property, and that
the  City
> hurried to adopt this strategy for raising $30M in order to avoid a


Thank you for your research.  I was looking forward to what you found out as
I, too, do not have a garage.  If I am understanding your post is that
idiosyncracies of our lots are not considered. So just assess every
homeowner the highest rate on their scale.
 So the fact that I have a garden and not a garage like my neighbor makes no
difference. So what is the incentive to keep water from going out in the
street? It sounds more like the law suit was the main motivation for this
new assessment not the water quality.

By the way did I miss something?  What is this $30 million lawsuit?

I am tempted to appeal my assessment.  I will keep the list posted on the

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] Southside Pride/Southwest Journal 8th Ward forum

2005-03-07 Thread Karen Forbes
I want to thank David and Eddie and everyone else who helped to get this
started.  With so many candidates this venue will be the best way for
everyone in the 8th Ward to both see and hear ALL the candidates.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

> Hi all --
> Straddling the concrete moat that is 35W, Southside Pride and Southwest
> Journal are teaming up to sponsor a candidates' forum for the 8th Ward,
> which also jumps the moat.
> This is a chance for DFL delegates - and everyone else - to buttonhole
> the candidates in one place.
> The event will be Thursday, April 21, 7-9:30 p.m. at Phelps Park, 701
> E. 39th St. Each candidate will get a five-minute intro and then we'll
> have an hour-plus for audience questions, with at least a half hour of
> more informal chat time at the end.
> Campaigns to be invited are:
> Titi Bediako
> Reggie Birts
> Elizabeth Glidden
> Marie Hauser
> Jeff Hayden
> Zack Metoyer
> Sandra Miller
> Dennis Tifft
> If there's someone we've left out, let me know.
> Also, could the campaigns please let me know if they will attend?
> Hope all interested 8th Ward folks can make it!
> David Brauer
> Kingfield
> Editor, SW Journal & Skyway News
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[Mpls] Other results of the 8-2 Caucus

2005-03-02 Thread Karen Forbes
I wanted to inform all of you inquiring minds about I would think were
successes at our caucus.

First, the turnout I thought was impressive.  There were about 75 people
there.  I think that is a respectable number for a non-presidential year.  I
think that the great turnout could be attributed to our open council seat.
People are very interested in who our next coucilmember will be.

>From my unofficial vantage point there were two candidates that appear to
have taken the lead in 8-2, Dennis Tifft and Titi Bediako.  There were many
people who also appear to be undecided and came to the caucus to hear about
the candidates.  We were fortunate in that all candidates did speak to the
body.  There was also a surprise announcement by Zachary Metoyer that he is
running for the 8th Ward.  He stated that at the precinct caucus was the
"proper" time to make this announcement.  I did not see any sign of Sandra

There were also 3 resolutions that  passed.  One was on the integrity of
voting machines and two others were about the Park Board.  I was impressed
with the Park Board resolutions as they captured the bad choices that this
body has approved.  I supported the resolutions as I believe the park board
has been going in the wrong direction and needs to get back on track to its
original purposes.  I wish we could have heard from more people running for
that office.

One final thought I have, I wish that there could be an 8th Ward forum that
included all the candidates before the city convention.  With so many
candidates running  the best way to choose is to be able to see everyone
that is running and compare.  Eddie Felien conducted a debate with the last
election and it was a success.

Over and out from 8-2

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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[Mpls] Inclusivity at the caucus

2005-03-02 Thread Karen Forbes
I was also at the caucus in 8-2 where the women made the offensive and
insensitive comment about the white males should step aside.  I was
infuriated on two points.

The first being I had worked on encouraging Mike to attend the precinct
caucus.  He had stated that he wouldn't go because as a white male he would
not feel welcome.  I was the one who said that was silly and he should go.
Then of course this women pipes up with her comment. I wish I saw who she
was because I wanted to speak with her personally.  The crowd was so large I
could not see who she was.

The second reason I was infuriated was what Andy referred to.  There are
many groups that are to be represented, many of those groups can not be
identified by just looking at the person.  The affirmative action statement
was written just for this reason to make sure all groups are represented.
There is a history of treating certain groups as invisible.  The woman last
night as she may have thought she was being inclusive was anything but.
There was no overt reaction to this woman's comment, it was like the
elephant in the living room.  The result was that people just volunteered to
be alternates instead of delegates.  From my vantage point I could not tell
what gender or race they were.  I would hope that if this situation was to
happen again that a breakdown of all the protected classes would take place.
Frankly, it may have resulted in having too many white women, a class that
would include myself.  We will never know.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] I am a subscribed member and would like to make a post tothe Metro Issues Forum

2005-03-01 Thread Karen Forbes
I will be waiting to hear from KFAI and Mr. MacFarlane about this matter.
If someone is gracious enough to have a candidate forum the least that
should happen is that all the candidates be invited. There would be the hope
that the organizers would be non-partisan.  To exclude a candidate sounds
much like a bias on the part of the organizers. I would be curious to know
who all the invited candidates were.  Were there other candidates that were
also excluded?

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

> KFAI Stiffs Tifft
> On Monday February 29th, KFAI's morning radio program "Conversations with
> MacFarlane" featured what was supposed to be a forum with all the
> running for Eight Ward City Council.  They however failed to invite or
> mention a very visible and viable candidate, Dennis Tifft.
> The Tifft campaign wasn't contacted or invited to participate in the
> We at the Tifft campaign believe in fair and equitable representation for
> all candidates.  We are disappointed at KFAI's overlooking and omitting
> candidate.  We are also disheartened that individuals who knew about the
> Tifft campaign didn't have the decency to ask or mention the omission of
> Tifft at these proceedings.  It begs the question if someone at the radio
> station had an agenda to exclude Mr. Tifft.  The following is a letter
> to KFAI on behalf of the Tifft campaign.

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[Mpls] 8th Ward Dennis Tifft Secures Stonewall DFL Endorsement

2005-02-13 Thread Karen Forbes
I am posting on behalf of the Dennis Tifft campaign.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

For Immediate Release 2.13.05

CONTACT:  John Hustad

Dennis Tifft, GLBT candidate for the Minneapolis Eighth Ward City Council
seat, won endorsement from the Stonewall DFL Caucus today by a margin of
nearly 2:1.  Stonewall DFL describes itself as "a political organization
that works for safe and equitable Minnesota by electing GLBT and allied
Democrats to office in Minnesota and in the DFL."

Elevated from the field of five candidates who submitted to the Stonewall
DFL Caucus" screening process, Tifft emerged with 64% of votes cast- more
than enough to secure the endorsement.  "I am humbled and honored by the
faith the Stonewall DFL has placed in my candidacy,"  Tifft said after the
victory, "Giving voice to GLBT issues in City Hall is fundamental to my

During questioning by Stonewall screeners, Tifft identified several adequate
resources for helping homeless GLBT youth, domestic partner benefits for
City employees, and on-going support and funding for HIV related education
and services.

Tifft and his partner of twenty years have resided in the Eighth Ward for
over 11 years.  A longtime neighborhood advocate and political organizer,
Tifft is currently serving his third term as president of the Bryant
Neighborhood Organization.  In his opening remarks at eh Stonewall
proceedings, Tifft also highlighted other priorities of his
campaign-improving constituent service, promoting the livability of
neighborhoods, and providing adequate levels of safety and security for
residents of the Eighth Ward.

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Re: [Mpls] Basim in the news again

2005-01-23 Thread Karen Forbes
No one seems to be concerned that this young man has been taken in by a
person with a long history of violent behavior according to court records.
There is also the fact that Basim is a convicted felon.  Mr. Sabri is not
the kind of person I would want mentoring and caring for my family member.
I was thinking when I saw the "Free Francisco" t-shirts that it should read
"Free Francisco from Basim."  Speaking of public relations, would the timing
of this act of benevolence  have any relationship to Basim's upcoming
sentencing?  Nah, couldn't happen.

Karen Forbes
South Minneapolis

> Onetime Apple Valley High School squatter Javier Francisco Serrano has
> traded his nights in the school boiler room and a county jail cell for
> his first taste of comfort in a long time at the Shorewood home of his
> benefactor, businessman and developer Basim Sabri.
> Barb Lickness
> Whittier
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret
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[Mpls] Lilligren's support of Pauline Thomes

2003-11-19 Thread Karen Forbes
Why is Robert Lilligren stroking Pauline Thomas? Robert recognized Pauline
for her efforts in the community through a resolution of a city committee.

I have to say that I am asking the same question regarding Robert's support
of Pauline. When I think of Pauline I associate her with the demise of CNIA,
as she was an outspoken board member at the time.  What also happened at the
time was the missing NRP funds.

 I have been mulling over this issue for quite some time.  I have questions
that I hope Robert will answer in this forum.  If Pauline is such an
upstanding citizen and Central neighborhood resident, would Robert please
inform us specifically what she has done to receive this award.  I have yet
to hear the reasoning for choosing her.  This Community Collaborative is not
an organization I have much knowledge of.  I hope I can be enlightened as to
what they do that improves our neighborhood.  Is what she did better than
what some other Central residents have done?  Who comes to mind is the hard
work of Mel North and Philip Miller who have helped Central Neighborhood
with their ongoing efforts in Weed and Seed.
Another question I have for Robert is what award is this that Pauline and
V.J. received?  Is this award a yearly thing or is it new?  Were there other
people considered for the award?  What is the criteria for this award?

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] Library vs. the Axis of Eagan?

2003-11-19 Thread Karen Forbes

I have to say that I am appalled to think that at this time of cutbacks at
the library that there is upper management hiring.  If it is true that PR
people have been hired at a time when services have been cut, I encourage
the Library Board to respond and justify their actions!

I would also like the board to justify the inequity of the lay-offs.  It
does not seem fair to cut a larger percentage of one class workers and not
cut the a similar percentage of another class of workers.

I would ask these questions tonight myself at the board meeting, however I
work in the evening and can't attend.  I hope someone can give and update on
the list as to the outcome of the meeting.

> I believe 3 of these new positions are in Public Relations. Curious,
> huh?
 , " AFSCME represents approximately 66% of
> the current MPL workforce, but is being faced with roughly 91% of the
> positions being eliminated through the reorganization. Administration
> represents 8% of the current workforce but is facing only 3%of the
> position reductions. MPL Librarians represent 21% of the current
> workforce but are facing only 6% of the position reductions."

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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[Mpls] Old Minneapolis

2003-07-10 Thread Karen Forbes
Robert's Shoes at Lake and Chicago has been around since at least the 50's
probably longer.  Then across the street there is the Vend-a-Wash.  That has
been around since 1956.

Karen   Forbes

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Re: [Mpls] NRP Policing Set Aside vote coming Monday

2003-06-30 Thread Karen Forbes

> On Monday, June 30, the Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board
> vote on Council Member Ostrow's proposal to allocate $1 million of its
Phase II
> funds to a reserve fund for community oriented public safety activities.
> I am probably going to vote against this but I would appreciate any and
> feedback or discussion. On the list.


I hope that you will reconsider your vote and vote to support the measure.
NRP is about improving the quality of life in our neighborhoods.  With the
massive cuts that have happened to our public safety the quality of life is
in jeapardy.  I know that restoring efforts to CCP/SAFE and other crime
fighting entities will help to restore a feeling of safety that I know has
already started to erode in my neighborhood of Central.  By restoring
funding to departments like CCP/SAFE not only is an element of safety
restored but there is also the community building aspect that they help to

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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[Mpls] City Lobbyist asleep at the wheel

2003-06-26 Thread Karen Forbes
I am trying to get some answers as to how the decision to cut the Gang
strike Force happened.  The cuts to this department greatly impact the
safety of the people in Minneapolis.  My understanding is that the city of
Minneapolis has a representaive or lobbyist that follows the state
government process.  Did this lobbyist have any idea that these cuts were
going to happen?  At a recent community meeting the chief of police stated
that the decision to cut the funds were made in the middle of the night.

Does anyone from a Minneapolis perspective have any idea what happened?

Karen Forbes

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Re: [Mpls] re: Mpls] NIMBYDALE MALL/Spring 2003/West Broadway & Upton

2002-12-12 Thread Karen Forbes

>> pharmacy (or even one pharmacy after Jan. 1 from what I hear).

I'm not sure what pharmacy you are referring to but there is a pharmacy on
Chicago Av. Medical Office Building Pharmacy that has been around forever
and is not going anywhere that I know of.  If it did Children's Hospital and
Abbott NW would be left in the lurch.  Of it is open to everyone not just
the hospitals.

Karen Forbes
Live in Central
Work in Phillips
> Eric Oines
> Lind-Bohanon - home
> Phillips - work
> ==
> Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 06:41:18 EST
> Subject: [Mpls] NIMBYDALE MALL/Spring 2003/West Broadway & Upton
> Neighborhood activists here are very anxiously awaiting the debut of the
> NIMBYDALE MALL. What had been a one acre site with two vacant buildings
> in-ground petroleum pollution; will soon be a sparkling new mixed use
> development. Jam packed because of density bonuses; the mall and the
> supportive housing above is already fully leased.
> The wide ranging diversity of tenants guarantees this mall's success, and
> popularity, in our city's future. We have welcomed most all the products
> services wanted by the public, yet effectively banned by City Zoning
> and fortress neighborhoods.
> We have signed the following businesses; Check cashing/payday advance,
> goods, pawnshop, gas station/auto repair, tattoo parlor, fast-food
> w/drivethrough, liquor store, gun shop, and homeless shelter.
> With the sex offenders, and halfway housing above, counter balanced by low
> income housing for single moms, we are confident of balanced development,
> and
> the right demographic mix, here.
> Our model was to take the best of Phillips/Ventura Village and add
> shopping options for our NorthSide. I think we did it right.
> Keith Reitman NearNorthNDC   NearNorth
> _
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Re: [Mpls] Gangs & Violence

2002-11-28 Thread Karen Forbes

I was thinking about the same thing and you beat me to it by posting.

On this Thanksgiving I wanted to  publicly express my appreciation to all
the people in law enforcement and the witnesses and everyone else who made
the arrests of the Tyesha's killers happen so quickly.

As a neighbor to this violence I know that I will do every thing I can to
make changes in our neighborhood.  I hope that this incident will help us
all mobilize to stop the gangs and their violence.

Karen Forbes

> I'm a bit surprised that there hasn't been much discussion of this topic
> on the list in the wake of Tyesha Edwards death.
> First of all, let me thank the police and praise them for their
> outstanding work in this case.  Now, it will be time to watch the courts
> and see what happens to the alleged perpetrators of this heinous crime.


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Re: [Mpls] I-35W Access Project - The flyover, northbound ramp and taking of housing

2002-11-27 Thread Karen Forbes

Thank you for the clarification on the 
flyover.  I would hope that a plan that would spare the housing would be 
accepted over the plan that destroys housing.
Karen Forbes

  - Original Message - 
  Jeanne Massey 

  Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 4:20 
  Subject: [Mpls] I-35W Access Project - 
  The flyover, northbound ramp and taking of housing
  Today at the PAC meeting, I asked the lead 
  engineer for clarification on the design of the flyover and the northbound 
  ramps and, what it is about the design that requires taking of housing on 2nd 
  Avenue. With so many details, I forgot exactly how this worked. It's an 
  important clarification because I believe that some people have the 
  understanding that it is the flyover to 28th Street that requires the taking 
  of 2nd Avenue houses. That's not true. It's actually the design of the 
  northbound entrance ramp from Lake Street that does this, at least as 
  currently designed. I remember the engineers being asked a while back if the 
  northbound ramp could be designed differently to avoid this consequence and 
  the reply was no, I believe because of how it interfaced with the proposed 
  (outside) bus lane on the freeway, which had to provide sufficient 
  acceleration space for the busses leaving the Lake Street transit station 
  before they merged with the northbound entrance ramp traffic. The bus lane is 
  no longer planned to be in the outside lane, but locating it in the center 
  doesn't, I guess, change the design of the northbound enteric ramp. 
  Thus, getting rid of or reconfiguring the flyover as part of 
  the design, but leaving the northbound entrance ramp, will not eliminate the 
  need to remove housing. 
  Jeanne Massey

Re: [Mpls] I35 Access Project votes today

2002-11-26 Thread Karen Forbes

> Why should Urban Ventures be a voting member on this PAC?  It seems rather
> wierd.

Many have asked the same question over the years.  I have never gotten a
clear answer to that question. I can only think that the powers that be want
them to stay on because their vote is a certainty to favor the corporations
like Abbott.
> I'm surprised by the votes of all the Phillips neighborhoods in favor.

Eva, I am also surprised.

Karen Forbes


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[Mpls] Gathering strength from tonight's Vigil

2002-11-23 Thread Karen Forbes
I just thought I would share some of my thoughts about the vigil I attended
tonight on my block for  12 year old Tyesha that was killed in her dining
room doing her homework.  The vigil was well attended at least 100 people.
It was nice that families came with their children and not just individuals.
I could not  get out of my mind how about 15 years ago we picketed the same
block with a police escort and our SAFE person Brian Herron.  Our block was
successful in shutting down the crack houses.  In their place PRG built and
rehabbed some of the houses and a wonderful COOP took the place of the drug
houses.  With the senseless act that happened yesterday I kept hoping that
our neighborhood is not returning to what we fought so hard to get rid of.
I learned tonight that the girl's family has lived there since the inception
of the PRG Dovetail COOP.

I felt really sad that as a block leader for the block across the street
that I had to meet this family under such tragic circumstances.  I thought
of one glitch in our system.  That being that Chicago Avenue is the boundary
between Powderhorn and Central Neighborhoods.  I expressed my hope to the
family as well as VJ(MAD DADS) at the vigil that I hope that this divide can
be bridged.  Our block had expressed concern with the property next door to
where this girl was killed.  From a SAFE perspective it is in another

After the vigil I went in and met the family and offered my condolences and
left a candle on the table that she was shot at.  The table was filled with
all these beautiful flowers and lots of pictures of Tyesha.  I looked up and
saw the bullet hole and just lost it.

I hope that the love and caring that was at the vigil tonight continues
towards finding the killers and also to bridge divides that we may have
created because of our neighborhood boundaries.  Supposedly the killers may
have been standing in the alley that is in Central.  Chicago Avenue was not
a divide for them.

These are just my thoughts.  Thanks everyone for listening, as I am still
quite raw and angry.

Karen Forbes


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[Mpls] 35W Flyover

2002-11-23 Thread Karen Forbes
I was driving  North on 94 today and I gazed over to the proposed flyover
site.  I understand that the flyover plan would take out housing on 29rd
block of 2nd Ave.  I noticed that Wells Fargo has a VERY large parking area
that runs parallel to a road that connects to 28th Street.  In addition to
their parking ramp that was recently completed.  Forgive me if this issue
has been covered but would this flyover impact the large surface lot that I
assume is owned by Wells Fargo?  This surface parking lot takes up alot of
space.  Couldn't this surface area accommodate an exit that would improve
the access to 28th?  I believe that David Piehl may have alluded to this.
It seems that impacting surface parking is less intrusive than taking out
housing for several families.

Karen Forbes


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Re: [Mpls] Greenway;Access or Excess;Graft

2002-11-20 Thread Karen Forbes

When I read this article today I thought of my time attending  meetings that
the Midtown Community Works facilitated a few years ago for people near
Central neighborhood.  The meetings among other issues were focused on how
our neighborhood could capitalize on the Greenway.  The Greenway was looked
upon as a catlyst for improved liveablity and improving property values.  I
was proud and excited to be a part of that process.  The Greenway was a way
our neighborhood could turn a corner and become something of beauty and an
area that people would want to live near.  However, the meetings had a
substantial focus on the Urban Ventures desire to put up a big huge indoor
tennis court right on the Greenway.  The tennis court would be this huge
behemoth that would mask the faces of our neighborhood heroes that we had
made that are under the 4th Ave Bridge.  Mr. Bruins was quoted in the
article today.  He stated that the Greenway had enough regulations.  I have
to say I had cringed when I read this.  My personal belief is that there are
enntities like Urban Ventures who have little appreciation for the beauty
the Greenway is trying to recreate.  I recall that at the 4th and Lake
intersection of the Greenway we had created a beautiful promenade that
encouraged people to walk from 4th and Lake on their lunch hour and just
hang out.  I applaud Tim Springer and everyone on the Midtown Greenway for
their hard work.  I support them in achieving a more "green friendly"
Greenway.  There are enough regulations throughout the city.  The Greenway
is a place that needs to create a serene space.

Karen Forbes

> What did people think of the Greenway article in
> today's Star Tribune?
> http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/3443502.html


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Fw: [Mpls] "Council member charges untoward coercion on I35W ramps"

2002-11-17 Thread Karen Forbes

- Original Message -
From: "Karen Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] "Council member charges untoward coercion on I35W ramps"

>  Hennepin County Commissioner Peter
> > McLaughlin urged officials to support the project, saying there had been
> > "handshake deal," an obligation to corporations to make the project
> happen.
> >
> > McLaughlin, who spoke at Thursday's meeting after Lilligren, didn't
> > directly respond. But he said afterward that Lilligren keeps changing
> > account of what McLaughlin told him and "is just making the stuff up."
> >
> >
> > Lilligren also alleged that Mayor R.T. Rybak and Council President Paul
> > Ostrow pressed him to sign a letter seeking state funding for the
> > when they attended a Virginia emergency preparedness meeting early this
> > year. He said he was told that several council members wouldn't sign
> unless
> > he did.
> >
> > Lilligren said that when he refused, Rybak told him "commitments were
> > made," and Lilligren replied, "Not by me."
> >
> > Rybak called Lilligren's allegation of pressure ludicrous. He added,
> > many months I've been trying to get a sense of where Robert is at on
> > very complicated project. When he's backed into a corner, he tends to
> > comments that don't have a lot of root in reality, so I'm not sure what
> > he's talking about."
> (KF) From my perspective  the Mayor, the president of the city council and
> county commissioner  all appear to be questioning Robert Lilligren's
> credibility.  I have to say that  I have a difficult time with the Mayor's
> credibility when I think about how he campaigned on no public money for
> stadium and after he is elected he supports public money for the stadium.
> I would  hope that I could trust what my elected officials tell me me
> however I am growing
>  more and more suspicious of the process and the people who are part of
> process.
> Thank you again Councilmember Lilligren for speaking out for the interests
> of the people who are not privy to the back room deals.
> Karen Forbes
> Central


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[Mpls] Re: Central Voter Turnout

2002-11-05 Thread Karen Forbes
I suspect that I voted at the same polling place as Robert may have and I
wanted to share the I was #250 at 10:00a.m.  I am embarrassed that I do not
know my new precinct numbers. I will by the time the night is over as I plan
to volunteer to help count ballots. I also live in Central neighborhood in
South Minneapolis.  I think the turnout is TERRIFIC!  I will be really
excited to hear the percentages.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
South Minneapolis

- Original Message -
From: "Robert Schmid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 9:59 AM
Subject: MPD: Central Voter Turnout

> I was voter #68 at 8:10 and a line was forming.  Not as good as some
> reports but high for my precinct!
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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis Wild Animal Safari

2002-10-28 Thread Karen Forbes

I was walking around Lake of the Isles last week and saw two muskrats
swimming.  Last year in our back yard in South Minneapolis we had a possum
in our back yard.  I have seen various birds at Powderhorn. I am not very
knowledgeable as to the specific species.  I did see a flicker in back yard
a couple of years ago.

Karen Forbes


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Re: [Mpls] Should the city require new houses to have garages?

2002-10-13 Thread Karen Forbes

I would like to weigh in on this garage issue.  I live in a house in South
Minneapolis.  I have to admit that it was a plus NOT to have a garage.  I
would not want to give up my extra garden space and other back yard
amenities.  Our neighbors put up a garage and I have to admit it makes their
property look so "suburban."  We have planted sumacs to hide their ugly
garage.  I think that one of the advantages to living in the city is that
there is some individuality to our properties.  The average lot in the city
is not all that big.  I hope that the city council will vote this idea down
and allow the home buyer to make up their own mind if they want a garage or

Oh I have parked my car on the street for decades and I have not had it
stolen.  I know more people in the city and the suburbs that have their
garages torched.

Karen Forbes
- Original Message -
From: "List Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Mpls list'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 9:24 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Should the city require new houses to have garages?

> The City Council is considering it...
> http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/3361908.html
> David Brauer
> List manager
> ___
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Re: [Mpls] City Council Cops Out on Iraq

2002-09-29 Thread Karen Forbes

Bravo! I have to agree with your perspective Barb.  I 
believe that the scope of the city council is with the city of 
Minneapolis.  We have a plethora of issues and problems here in our 
city.  We elected the council to address and focus on Minneapolis,  I 
wish they would do just that.
Karen Forbes

  - Original Message - 
  To: Jordan S. Kushner ; Minneapolis Issues 
  Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 10:34 
  Subject: Re: [Mpls] City Council Cops Out 
  on Iraq
  Personally Jordan, I wish Dean Zimmerman would spend more time passing 
  resolutions that would help his war torn ward than concentrating on issues 
  that are 12,000 miles away from here. While I am not diminishing the 
  significance of the ward in Iraq, we elected our city council people to 
  concentrate on the city.  I expect that to take precedence over 
  everything else. If I have a passion about the war in Iraq, I am calling Paul 
  Wellstone or Marty Sabo, not Dean Zimmerman or Robert Lilligren.
  Since Dean has taken office he has offered resolutions for us not to watch 
  T.V. for a week, against some human rights offenses in some country in the way 
  beyond and now the war in Iraq. HELLO, he has people that fear for 
  their lives every single day in Phillips and sleep with one eye open. I 
  haven't seen one resolution from him that might help them. In fact, I hear 
  very little from him on the horrendous crime issues in Phillips other 
  than the police are brutal.  Mostly, he shows up at meetings late, stands 
  in the back of the room, says nothing and then leaves. So far R.T. is the only 
  city leader that is taking a leadership role about the crime problems in 
  Many of the people I speak with in war torn Phillips are wondering when he 
  will put their safety and well-being ahead of his other passions in countries 
  far away.  This is why he was elected. If Dean wants to debate the war in 
  Iraq, then run for U.S. congress or U.S. Senate. In the meantime, Phillips 
  needs his attention here in Phillips.
  Barb Lickness/Whittier
   "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed 
  citizens can change the world. Indeed,it's the only thing that ever has." 
  -- Margaret Mead
  Yahoo! - We Remember9-11: A tribute to the more than 3,000 
  lives lost

[Mpls] Under the influence

2002-09-17 Thread Karen Forbes

I had to laugh when I read that CM Biernet actually tried to use as a
defense being under the influence of Cipro?!  Cipro is an antibiotic not a
narcotic like morphine or Demerol.  Not an anti-anxiety medication like
Xanax or Valium.  It is an antibiotic like all of us have taken for various
infections.  I believe that the worst side effects are of a gastrointestinal

I believe that with each day he embarrasses himself and the office that he
holds.  I believe that he should cut his losses before he embarrasses
himself and his constituents any more and just resign.

Karen Forbes

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Re: [Mpls] Scoop from the LCR Meeting

2002-09-05 Thread Karen Forbes

> Well as it's always nice to know, who came and who didn't at these things,
> I thought I'd tell you all that Council Member Robert Lilligren made an
> appearance at the LCR meeting.  No, he is not about to change parties, but
> he seemed quite tempted.

I appreciate you updating everyone on LCR.  However would you explain a bit
further what exactly Coucilmember Lilligren was tempted by?

Karen Forbes

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Re: [Mpls] Doug Grow: Activist or act. Spike Moss is a conundrum

2002-08-29 Thread Karen Forbes

I was pleased to read Doug Grow's column on Spike Moss because I have been
wondering who this guy is.  I have heard his name bantered about for years
but I know little about him.  Does anyone out there know anything about him?
For example where does he live for starters?

Also In Doug Grow's column he states that Moss would not speak to him.
Could this be due to the fact that several people from the press, including
two from the StarTribune that would assaulted?  Has anyone apologized to
these people for what happened?  Also is there an investigation still taking
place that will find the people responsible for these assaults and bring
them to justice?

Karen Forbes
- Original Message -
From: "Shawn Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 4:53 AM
Subject: [Mpls] Doug Grow: Activist or act. Spike Moss is a conundrum

> Doug Grow: Activist or act. Spike Moss is a
> conundrum
> Doug Grow
> Star Tribune
> Published Aug 29, 2002
> I've lived in Minneapolis for 23 years and
> for too much of that time I've been trying
> to figure out Spike Moss.
> An activist? An act? A Sharpton? A tough?
> A civil-rights leader? Or just another guy
> out to make a buck?
> http://www.startribune.com/stories/465/3196139.html
> Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood
> --
> __
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Re: [Mpls] Environmental Concerns

2002-06-29 Thread Karen Forbes


Thanks for your response. I just realized how appropriate it is to discuss
the relationship of heat and trees on a day that is incredibly HOT and our
air quality is being effected by the burning of trees in the West.

 I agree with you that education is the best remedy.  Do you think there is
a means that the city could employ that could encourage environmentally
friendly behavior for all of our residents?  Can we make something like a
"requirement" that each property needs to have a certain percentage of green
on it?  This could include trees or grass? How about an "environmental
education seminar" that would be mandatory for each homeowner that teaches
about the benefits of being friendly to the earth.

Just my thoughts,

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
- Original Message -
From: "Dean Zimmermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Environmental Concerns

> The City is a heat sink.  Every piece of concrete or asphalt that is
> to the sun will help heat up the city.  Every tree that can shade the same
> will help keep the air in the City cooler.  Also, concrete and asphalt
> keep rainwater from soaking into the earth, but instead tend to fill up
> already over used storm sewers, thus making flooding more frequent.
> Education is the only real answer.
> Dean Zimmermann
> Mpls City Council - Ward 6
> 673-2206

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[Mpls] Environmental Concerns

2002-06-29 Thread Karen Forbes

Hello everyone,
I wanted to bring to everyone's attention a disturbing trend I have noticed
at least in South Minneapolis and wanted input from those on the list.  What
I am seeing is homeowners taking down perfectly healthy and mature trees and
taking out their grass to put in cement "parking lots" in their back yards.
I'm no environmental wiz but I see a potential danger to the environment
with fewer trees and cement for back yards instead of grass. In addition to
the environmental impact doesn't this practice reduce the value of the
property by taking out the trees that are an asset and grass?  Are these
practices in compliance with current housing/inspections ordinances?  If not
what can we do to stop this practice?

I welcome any comments anyone might have.

Karen Forbes
Central neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] Final redistricting map (almost)

2002-04-12 Thread Karen Forbes

- Original Message -
From: "Craig Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Conor Donnelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "loki anderson"
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Final redistricting map (almost)

> Dean Zimmerman is the obvious loser under the proposed map.
I also believe that the people of the 8th Ward are also losers.  First we
have had to put up with a councilmember who takes bribes.  Which translates
into a councilmember who's priorities are not the constituents business.
Then we worked very hard to get a person of character elected to the 8th
ward seat, Robert Lillligren, to only lose him to  a stupid and apparently
biased redistricting recommendation.  I feel like  a causality of the
corruption and I question what is the use to try to make a community that
will attend to the community's needs and not supposedly to special
interests!  I don't understand where the 8th Ward benefits?

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] Library Site Selection

2002-01-19 Thread Karen Forbes

Carol states:
  In the debate for which block the Library should be on I
> voted for the South Block. And I wanted to lay out why I did so.

Karen states:

Carol you bring up some good points for choosing the current site for the
library.  But I want to bring up one down fall to that choice.  That if the
current site is chosen then the collection has to be moved to another site
and then of course moved back again.  I have heard from a person who
currently works at the library that this process could add $10 million
dollars to the library cost.  Has anyone else heard this?

Karen Forbes

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Re: [Mpls] Inauguration thoughts

2002-01-03 Thread Karen Forbes

Carol Becker stated:

> administration which has talked so much about openness in government to
> an inauguration which required tickets and guards.  The last one I went
> anyone could just walk in and the number of citizens in attendance was
> larger.

Karen states:

The world is different than it was four years ago thanks to 9-1-1 I would

>Carol stated:
> The big disappointment was that we now have no women or people of color in
> top leadership position.  White males at Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Council
> President, Council Vice President, and now as City Coordinator.

Karen states:

I would like to make a correction to your statement about the Vice
President.  Robert Lilligren is part Native American and not all white.  He
is also a gay man and doesn't that "count" for a minority status anymore?

Carol stated:
> And apparently there are gifts for people who attend the Citizen's Fair.

Karen States:

Ok, I did get my picture taken with the mayor and I did not have to pay a
dime for it.  Frankly, the citizen fair had a real welcoming feeling to it.
I felt like there was a genuine effort on the part of the new administration
to welcome everyone into the proces of making the city a better place.

I also want to make a quick comment about the election results of yesterday.
As an 8th Ward constituent I felt proud of the performance of our new
council member.  Robert made it clear yesterday that he will not be anything
like his predecessor Brian Herron who rarely spoke up and just followed the
status quo.  We voted for a change and after the first council meeting it is
clear that we do not have the same old politics.  I also think that Robert's
election to be VP brings a nice balance to the council.  Will Paul Ostrow as
President there is now representation from the North side and the South
side.  There is also representation from incumbents and the majority of
newly elected council members.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
> ___
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Re: [Mpls] RE: Stribs comments

2001-11-11 Thread Karen Forbes

I have to admit that I haven't read the whole 
editorial piece but I can not see RT keeping Mr. Cramer at all.  Not only 
for the huge cooperation appetite, but more so because of all the beautiful 
housing stock that has been destroyed on Mr. Cramer's watch.  One such 
house was described here by Kim Goodman a short time ago.
One of the main reasons that I supported RT and 
also Robert Lilligren was their emphasis on SAVING housing stock.
Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

  - Original Message - 
  Shannon McDonough 
  Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 9:01 
  Subject: [Mpls] RE: Stribs comments
  I think it's finally nice to the strib have 
  something nice to say about R.T.  I don't agree with keeping Steve Cramer 
  at least not for the long term.  I think R.T. will need to hire someone 
  who will truly have a focus on affordable housing and a little less of an 
  appetite for huge corporations.
  Shannon  McDonough 
  Ward 12

Re: [Mpls] Thursday's DFL Central Committee meeting

2001-09-12 Thread Karen Forbes

Thank you for your prompt response to my inquiry.  Do you have a time and
place for tomorrow's meeting?
- Original Message -
From: "Melendez, Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Karen Forbes'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Dana Bacon"
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Thursday's DFL Central Committee meeting

> With respect to the endorsement for the City Council, Ward 8, the
> City Central Committee at its July meeting adopted this resolution:
> "That the Party not consider an endorsement for the City Council,
> Ward 8, until after the primary election; and
> "That the Party support the efforts of Ward 8 and Senate Districts
> 61 and 62 in organizing two candidate forums before the primary election."
> The July meeting adjourned to meet on Thursday 13 September--that
> is, tomorrow.  The meeting tomorrow may proceed to an endorsement, or may
> recall the ward convention, but need not take either action.
> Brian Melendez, Chair,
>   Minneapolis DFL Party
> St. Anthony West (Ward 3)
> -Original Message-
> From: Karen Forbes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 2:30 PM
> To: Dana Bacon; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [Mpls] Thursday's DFL Central Committee meeting
> I am also wondering what the DFL plans to do regarding the 8th Ward
> endorsement.  There are now two identified democrats that made it through
> the primary.  If I recall the decision to be at the last Central
> was that endorsement would happen after the primary.
> Karen Forbes
> 8th Ward
> ___
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2001-09-12 Thread Karen Forbes
Title: '01 Primary Turnout vs. '93 &'97

Thank you for posting these numbers.  Does 
anyone know what the highest primary turnout is?  Is 27% 
Karen Forbes
8th Ward

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:19 
  Subject: [Mpls] '01 Primary Turnout vs. 
  '93 &'97
  Hey Folks, 
  Turnout was up quite a bit this year, I'll let these citywide 
  numbers speak for themselves. 
  2001 Mpls Citywide Primary 
  59,000 votes cast 
  27% turnout 
  1997 Mpls Citywide Primary 
  30,000 votes cast 
  15% turnout 
  1993 Mpls Citywide Primary 
  50,000 votes cast 
  23% turnout 
  Scott Persons 8th Ward 
  Lyndale Neighborhood 

Re: [Mpls] Thursday's DFL Central Committee meeting

2001-09-12 Thread Karen Forbes

I am also wondering what the DFL plans to do regarding the 8th Ward
endorsement.  There are now two identified democrats that made it through
the primary.  If I recall the decision to be at the last Central Committee,
was that endorsement would happen after the primary.
Karen Forbes
8th Ward
- Original Message -
From: "Dana Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:20 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Thursday's DFL Central Committee meeting

> Does anyone here expect there to be much of a mayoral
> endorsement debate at this Thursday's Mpls. DFL
> Central Committee meeting?  Call the question naive,
> but I'm surprised the thread hasn't been renewed now
> that the mayoral field has been narrowed to two
> DFLers.
> Dana Bacon
> Page neighborhood
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Re: [Mpls] Election day and national events

2001-09-11 Thread Karen Forbes

I echo Rosalind's concerns.  I was hoping that our city would break records
in terms of turnout this election, which excited me almost as much as all
the races.  However I too, believe that the events will indeed impact the
turnout.  I voted at Hosmer and I was number 64 about an hour ago.
Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
8th Ward

> events, the guy at the register said, "I just hope this doesn't screw up
> the election."
> I assume it will affect turnout at least some.  What do other people
> think?
> Rosalind Nelson
> Bancroft neighborhood, ward 8
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Re: [Mpls] Re: {Mpls} Sexuality and elections

2001-06-26 Thread Karen Forbes

> I can say with confidence that I have not seen any effort to promote
> unqualified candidates who are also members of the GLBT community within
> DFL. This past spring the Stonewall DFL chose endorse a highly qualified
> straight candidate, Brian Herron, over another candidate, Robert
> who we did not feel was prepared to be a city council member.

Megan, I would like to hear some specifics of what exactly the Stonewall DFL
saw in Brian that you believe was so qualified.  Also what do you believe
about Robert makes him not prepared to be a city council member?  I hope you
will be specific as you were with other candidates in your post.  Also you
are requesting Mr. Sabri to be specific as to why he would support a
candidate. As a member of the 8th Ward and a former member of Stonewall I
would like to know how you based your decisions.  "Get over it he lost" will
not due.
> 2) Doug Kress is certainly qualified to be on the City Council. His work
> with homeless youth and in the non-profit arena are exactly the type of
> management and caring we want on that body.
> This applies to all the other DFL endorsed candidates who are gay. Having
> been trapped in a discussion of city finances with Wally Swann I can
> definitely say he is qualified for the office. I also urge you to discuss
> the issue of staff development with Patrick Peterson and you will quickly
> agreed that he is needed on the School Board. John Erwin, a candidate for
> Park Board is a faculty member in the horticulture department at the
> University. Gary Schiff's expertise on urban development and his activism
> for historical preservation will be a marvelous addition to the City
> Council. These and all the other candidates for public office who are
> members of the GLBT community have tremendous skills to offer. Skills that
> the citizens of Minneapolis would be foolish to reject.
> 3) Contrary to Mr. Basim's statement there is not a slew of gay people
> elected to public office in Minnesota. There is no gay member of the city
> council as he asserts.

Megan, thank you for correcting Basim Sabri's inaccuracy with there  being a
gay person on the Minneapolis City Council.  I do not believe we have had an
openly gay person on the city council since Brian Coyle.  Or maybe he is
having a preminition, and knows that we WILL have a gay candidate elected in
November by the name of Robert Lilligren.

 There are exactly 5 openly gay elected officials in
> Minnesota: Scott Dibble and Karen Clark in the Minnesota House, Wally
> on the Board of Estimate and Taxation, Rod Krueger on the Library Board
> Al Oertwig on the St. Paul School Board. This number will obviously be
> up in the fall.
>  It is
> interesting that Mr. Sabri sees it fit to mention his support of Dan N.
> not say why. If you believe he is a better candidate say why but it is
> disturbing that you do not see fit to say why you support him in a post
> where you only discuss the sexuality of his opponent.
Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
> >
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Re: [Mpls] Stadium Issue/Mr. Humphrey/Neva Walker/Apology/Lisa McDonald AWOL from Mpls Issues

2001-06-11 Thread Karen Forbes

> >

> I don't know if there is a pattern here with you
> or not, but I see you consistently attacking Neva
> Walker and Brian Herron, both elected officials
> that live in the Central Neighborhood.
> The day the vote was taken Neva grieving the loss
> of her sister.

It is nice to hear where Neva and Brian were when they were not in the
places we would expect them to be.  However I find it a bit unnerving to
hear where they are from you and not from Neva and Brian themselves.  I
believe that the fact that they are elected officials representing my
district and ward, that they should be capable of responding to their
constituents themselves and not have you doing it for them.  Frankly I
personally lose trust in our elected officials who apparently have people
like you speaking for them.
> You might want to make sure you find out why our
> public officials are absent before attacking
> them.  I remember your jumping on the bandwagon
> of the Brian Herron attack when he was absent
> from a vote, because he was recovering from
> serious back surgery at the time the vote was
> taken.

Brian's attendence is nothing to write home about.  In fact I was just
watching the council meeting from last Friday and he was the only member

Karen Forbes
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Re: [Mpls] CPC/4Th and Lake

2001-06-06 Thread Karen Forbes

> With regards to Karen Forbes email claiming that I do not follow up on
> what I say I'm going to do, I resent that false statement.  As we all
> actions speak louder than words and I have never failed to complete a
> project as I said I would do. (> Karen seems to think that I promised I
would have certain businesses and
> affordable housing in the 4th and Lake building I purchased from the MCDA.
> invite anyone to examine the contract between me and the MCDA and you will
> find that Karen's accusations are untrue.

I feel the need to respond to Mr. Sabri as he is challenging my information,
however before I do that I would like to preface my points with a brief
explanation as to my overall motives in pursuing this tract.  I know that
people on this list are tiring of hearing about Central Neighborhood's
problems.  I  believe that issues and conflicts our neighborhood has had
with Mr. Sabri are an issue for everyone in Minneapolis because he is
branching out to other neighborhoods, for example Lyndale with his hopes for
a hotel and Whittier.  I hope that by informing people in other
neighborhoods, they may learn more about Mr. Sabri and how he operates.

Now with that disclaimer said I will defend my perspective from yesterday
and will not continue this thread after that, as I believe I will have
achieved my short term goal. A continuation of this thread may result in
more of a personal thread which should be taken off list.

I will specify what Mr. Sabri stated about his plans for the 4th and Lake
building at two different occasions:  the first was at the public CNIA
Business Development meetings where seven such proposals were given to the
community, which then was brought forward to the CNIA board of directors.
The second place I heard his proposal was through two of his staff people
that presented at the community development city council meeting that I
personally attended.  Mr. Sabri's proposal was as follows:
To have a family type restaurant that would serve breakfast
To maintain the nine low income housing units
To keep the theatre for five years

As I stated yesterday none of the plans that Mr. Sabri presented were
followed through with.  He refers to a contract with the MCDA, I can not
speak to that contract as I was not there at its signing, but I would hope
that it would include to the letter what he presented to the public.  I will
be contacting Bob Chong with MCDA to clarify the contents of the  contract,
as he was the MCDA staff person who oversaw this project.

As far as the low income housing being turned into offices for Mr. Sabri,  I
am taking informaton that you  and your staff members Zach and Val Metoyer
all stated at Judy Cooper Lyle's trial, the theatre owner that you tried to
sue.  I understand that you all said under oath that you moved the tenant's
out of the second floor and relocated your offices there.  I apogize if this
is not accurate.  You stated that you have more low income housing than was
there before.  I would appreciate if you would tell me how many
units/tennants you have living in the second floor so that I can have
accurate information.
> The 4th and Lake building was sitting virtually vacant for over 5
> before I purchased it.  Within 45 days of purchasing the building, it had
> full occupancy on the upper and lower levels.  In fact, there are more
> residents now living in the affordable units upstairs than when I got the
> building.  Let's get the facts straight.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] McDonald participation in City Planning Commission review

2001-06-05 Thread Karen Forbes

Mr. Leighton,
Thank you for another side of the story from a person who was there.  I
appreciated hearing a rendition of the meeting that was not filled with a
personal and derogatory slant.

I would like to hear more of the content of the meeting.  With your post I
at least know about where Mr. Sabri is wanting to develop.  I would also
like to know more of what he plans to do.I'm concerned for a couple of
reasons.  First I am just curious what is happening in a neighborhood close
to my own and also on the greenway.

A second reason is that Mr. Sabri has a history, at least in Central
Neighborhood of not following through with what he said he will do.  He
purchased the 4th and Lake building and had told the council committee that
he would keep the plan of the neighborhood which included a family
restaurant that served breakfast, the theatre and the affordable housing.
Some of you may recall my letters to this list regarding this issue. The
result after his purchase of the building was a restaurant but not one that
serves breakfast, the theatre is now a photomat and the people in the
affordable housing units were kicked out so that Mr. Sabri could have his

Mr. Sabri has a history of not always being truthful as Mr. Leighton pointed
out in his post and we in Central have also learned.  So again thank you for
another perspective and will be looking forward to hearing about the
considerations for the greenway.
Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
- Original Message -

> I am the Planning Department staff person who presented the report to the
> Planning Commission last night on the Karmel Plaza development,
> approval of all four development applications involved.  Mr. Sabri was a
> co-applicant with the Whittier Community Development Corporation.  I have
> enjoyed working with Mr. Sabri during my review of his project, but I am
> floored by his report on what happened.  Because of the surprisingly
> inflammatory tone he takes in this very public venue, I feel some
> responsibility to report that I saw none of the behavior described by Mr.
> Sabri.

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Re: [Mpls] Police, prosecutors, judges and graffiti

2001-05-16 Thread Karen Forbes

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 3:59 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Police, prosecutors, judges and graffiti

> David Piehl adds:
> Does the suggestion to eliminate SAFE have anything to do with your
> against SAFE, Basim?
> Karen Forbes

Mr. Sabri, I would like you to address this issue of a lawsuit against
CCP-SAFE?  Is this true and if so what are the details?

Karen Forbes
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Re: [Mpls] Police, prosecutors, judges and graffiti

2001-05-12 Thread Karen Forbes

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- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 4:53 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Police, prosecutors, judges and graffiti

> Mpls-Issues tip: PLEASE trim the previous message when responding. The
redundant characters make tough reading for Digest subscribers and
needlessly lengthens download times.
> ---
> >
> Though I disagree, I suggest that we eliminate the SAFE program since I
> strongly believe that it is ineffective and a waste of taxpayers money.

Mr. Sabri I have to strongly disagree with your idea of eliminating the
CCP-SAFE program.  I see your idea as being short sighted.  As a 16 year
resident of Central Neighborhood and a block leader, I have found the
CCP-SAFE program as an important conduit in our neighborhood.  With their
help they have helped our block reduce the crime and increase the
liveability in our neighborhood.  As a block leader  I have appreciated
being able to call their office for any problem, big or small, and they have
been very responsive.  As Mathew said they are our link to the police
department and that has helped reduce crime in our neighborhood.  I know
that our block has appreciated our SAFE team attending our block meetings
whenever we asked them, when we have had problems with crack houses and
other similar issues.  With their help we have built community with block
connection grants and help with National Night Out.

I will agree that graffiti is a problem.  In addition to business
properties, residental properties are also affected by this vandalism.  Mr.
Sabri you imply that the police who are working on the areas of reducing
graffiti are not competent, I would need to have specific examples and not
just a global derogatory statement.  Have you talked with the department and
had a dialogue with them to address your concerns?  Have you talked with
Officer Kingdon, the SAFE officer for Central neighborhood about your
concerns?  I have always found him to be very responsive and committed to
reducing the crime in our neighborhood.

The work of community residents with the CCP-SAFE team over the years has
made our neighborhood a safer place, thus increasing our property values,
thus improving the business climate for those  who live in the suburbs but
choose to operate businesses in our wonderful neighborhood.

I hope that others on this list will share their experiences of working with
the CCP-SAFE department .

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

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[Mpls] 8th Ward Candidate Forum

2001-05-12 Thread Karen Forbes

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characters make tough reading for Digest subscribers and needlessly lengthens download 
To all of those who have an interest in the 8th Ward City Council Race:

I have an idea to put a stop to all the bickering about who is the best 8th
Ward Candidate on GLBT issues and other issues that are of importance to the
8th ward...  LET'S HAVE A DEBATE!!  I would love to help organize an 8th
Ward Forum that all three candidates that are running could attend.  David I
would love to work with you to put this on.  Then we can see all the
candidates in action and have the opportunity to ask about their GLBT
records and their vision and plans for the 8th Ward and the city.  I also
think that a debate is most appropriate as this race has gotten more
coverage on MPLS issues than any other race.  So David let me know if you
would be interested as the 61st district Chair or anyone else with an
interest like Mathea or Wizard.  Let me know.

Karen Forbes
An 8th Ward Resident who DOES believe that Robert Lilligren is ready for
prime time

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[Mpls] Fw: [cnia-chat] Housing at Lk & 2nd

2001-03-20 Thread Karen Forbes

- Original Message - 
From: Herron, Brian C 
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:40 PM
Subject: RE: [cnia-chat] Housing at Lk & 2nd
Robert,  Lets' get together and talk then lets' 
sit down with Mr. Sabri and seewhat we can come up with...I really don't 
know how feasible a Hotel would be but I like the way youhave thought about 
this.I have been telling people maybe there is another location that is 
moresuited for this kind ofdevelopment..there is no need to be angry or 
mean spirited lets here themout give them our feed back and work with 
them on a better location if this is notaceptable...by the waythey have 
not yet submitted a formal propsal..Brian> -Original 
Message-> From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]> Sent:  Tuesday, March 
20, 2001 7:26 AM> To:  Herron, Brian 
Subject:  [cnia-chat] Housing at Lk & 
2nd> > CM Herron,> > I am forwarding a post of mine 
from the Mpls. Issues forum. In it I> outline a > feasible 
alternative to a hotel at this critical gateway to the region and> 
> offer an alternative which will truly reflect the surrounding 
community. I> > think it's a win/win solution. I discuss it 
below.> > 1. Relocate the hotel to the Sears site. Perhaps the 
Sears site could be > developed in pieces. Maybe several developers could 
own it in Assoc., > minimizing their risks and increasing the likelihood 
of project> completion. > My guess is that this is possible and 
now, while the project is being > parceled out (ie. Allina's ramp), is 
the time to determine this. This> program > could allow 
entrepreneurs who have reached this level of success an > opportunity to 
grow. Not all the developers would need to be at the table > from the 
start, but could be phased in. I suggest Phase 1 would be > 
DDS/Hotel/Transportation (mass-trans.;cars; bikes; ped; wheelchairs;etc). 
> Maybe this is a way to jump-start development there.> > 
2. Mixed-income Housing/Retail at Lake Street & 2nd Avenue. Nobody 
knows> more > than you how important it is for us to build housing 
at every opportunity.> > This project would create mixed-income 
housing and density. More> importantly, > it is the chance to 
figure out how to make affordable housing development > attractive to a 
private developer, which is a critical step to solving the> > 
housing crisis. This project could pilot others. Please use this 
important> > opportunity.> > At the 8th Ward 
Convention on Sat., when you asked for my help on finding > affordable 
housing solutions I was honored. I am offering my help. If the> 8th 
> Ward office will coordinate and participate, I will sit down at the 
table > with all interested parties to plan and build mixed-income 
housing with > street level retail/commercial on the 3000 block of 2nd 
Ave. I am already > part of this discussion. I attended two 
Artspace/Artist Housing group > meetings in Central in the spring and 
summer of '99.> > Congratulations on the 8th Ward Convention, CM. 
It looks like we are off> to > the good start of a clean race, and 
that's what's most important to the> Ward.> > I hope we can 
work together and help build a beautiful city.> > Yours,> 
Robert Lilligren> 8th Ward Candidate > www.VoteRobert.com > 
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Re: [Mpls] Re: East Lake motel

2001-03-18 Thread Karen Forbes

That's Wells Fargo which just moved its headquarters into the
> Honeywell property on 28th.  THEY want a hotel there.  Abbott and
> desperately need nearby hotel/motel space for relatives of critical and
> ill patients and for visiting doctors and training people.

Wizard, as an employee of Abbott for 11 years and a current employee fo
Children's for the past six years, a hotel on Lake Street would not serve
this population.  Most of the people who are visiting patients do not even
want to cross Chaicago Avenue.  So I question where you get your
information.  There are plenty of hotels in the area that offer discounts to
hospitals that when needed the families can use.  Now if there was a hotel
in the old Sears site, with a skyway to Abbott as had been discussed that
would be a different story.  I would still like to hear what Mr. Herron has
to say about this whole issue.
 That's who this
> hotel/motel is planned for.  Many will come in on planes and leave the
same way.
> You heard SSB say they were planning a medical corridor on Chicago.

I would like to hear more about this medical corridor.  Last I heard at our
employee meetings Children's was thinking of finding another space possible
in the burbs.
> >
> >
> This is David's side of the story.  From Sabri's point of view everyone
has a
> price.
Yes and the Lor's was having their children threatened.

Karen Forbes
> >
> >
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Re: [Mpls] CNIA "Family Festival"

2001-03-05 Thread Karen Forbes
s to spend and
we need your input to help prioritize our spending.  In order to continue
our progress we've made thus far we are undertaking a plan modification to
fund out community revitalization efforts.  So join us as we outline our

These are my concerns about this effort and the most recent flyer.

1. The flyer sounds like the board has already made their decision and they
just want to tell the neighborhood what they have decided.  The neighborhood
made the decisions about what to do with the NRP funds.  The board does not
have the right or authority to adjust the plan to meet their personal needs.

2. The original flyer talked about $120.000 dollars, now its up to 3.5
million?!  Where is this money coming from?

3.  There is a requirement, that the NRP sets up I believe, that
notification of meeting agendas come within one month of the meeting.  The
meeting is in less than a week.  Obviously, they are not within those

4.  This whole selling of this as a "Family Festival" irritates me.  They
seem to be hiding a very important agenda item, so that they can have their
own CDC, in the guise of a festival.  This infuriates me and diminishes the
importance of the process.

It would be nice to have some leadership from our council member on this
issue.  Or at least hear his stance on the issues at hand.

Karen Forbes
Cenral Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] CNIA "Family Festival"

2001-02-27 Thread Karen Forbes

- Original Message -
From: "Eva Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 12:17 PM
Subject: [Mpls] CNIA "Family Festival"

> Others in the neighborhood received this flyer by snail mail a few weeks
> March 10, 2001
> 12-5
> Place:  Richard Green Central Gym
> 3400 4th Ave. S.
> Purpose:  The Central Neighborhood will be conducting a NRP Plan
> modification meeting to discuss and review the proposed reallocation of
> $120,000 from remaining NRP funds for general administrative purposes.**
> **Watch for upcoming Community Word for further infomration and
> for further information concerning organizational activities and committee
> meetings feel free to contact us at 612-822-3302.
> I'll have to call CNIA to find out more.  The question that comes to mind
> is why does CNIA need to reallocate money into the general fund.  What has
> happened to the money they had budgetted?
> Eva Young
> Central

I have two concerns about this upcoming meeting.  The first is that I have
heard that the intention of the current board is to take monies that I
believe could and should be going to housing issues and put it in their
pockets to form a CDC that is supposed to address housing.  The meeting I
suppose is to get the neighborhoods blessing on their intentions.  This
concerns me because if this is true their plan would go against what the
neighborhood wanted the NRP funds to go to.  It sounds that they want the
funds to go more to individuals and not to help in overall housing
improvements.  One of the directives of the neighborhood was a Comp Block
Plan which would distribute $200,000 to each district in Central
Neighborhood to be used as each district sees fit to improve housing
quality.  I worry that the new board wants to take away from programs like
this.  I haven't heard anything about the continuation of this since they
were elected.

My overall second concern is that this current board has had nearly a year
to show the neighbors that they can actually accomplish the business of the
Central Neighborhood.  From my perspective they have not accomplished even
the simplest of tasks.  For example getting out notices and monthly minutes
of the various committees has stopped since they fired the Jana Metge, the
previous executive director.  The latest Comunity Word that they refer to in
the above flyer used to be delivered in the mail on a regular two month
basis.  I have received only one since the new board has taken over and that
was delivered to our household on a snowbank in the front of our house.  I
also understand that the board had to pay for a mailing list to mail the
above flyer.  If they had not refused to receive help form the previous
board they couldhave taken the current data base off the computer.  If they
can not handle the basic tasks they have no business making changes.

A third concern I have is how they appparently are handing the finances of
CNIA.  I understand they have laid off staff, yet they are paying their
current executive director $12,000 MORE than the previous executive director
was being paid.  I also heard that the new director also receives as a perk
a car so he can drive from the Northside to the Southside.

Many of us plan to attend this "Family Festival" and vote on what we feel
will be best for our neighborhood.  Of course I worry that the meeting will
be "stacked" as it has in the past and the voting will not be fair.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
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Re: [Mpls] 3424 Columbus

2001-02-22 Thread Karen Forbes

Mr. Cooper,
I would like to thank you for your thorough response to my concerns about
the snow removal at 3424 Columbus.  I do feel the need to respond to some of
your points however,

> 1.  The MCDA brought two development proposals out to the neighborhood for
> review.  One proposal was by Powderhorn Residents Group (PRG) for a
> single-family house to be sold to an owner-occupant; the other was from a
> family that would be the owner-occupant of a new house.  The PRG proposal
> required considerable subsidy; the family's proposal required no public
> subsidy.
Mr. Cooper, our block had many concerns in how the MCDA handled the above
transaction which I detailed very thoroughly in a letter to Keith Ford and
this list.  Bottom line the neighborhood wishes were totally ignored by
everyone at the city level throughout this entire process.  The issue of
subsidy was a complex one.  What appeared to happen is that your
organization changed the rules on how you were to deal with the non-profits,
which included PRG.  We perceive your organization as breaching an original
contract you had with the non-profit consortium because something better
came along.  So with our tax dollars we are forced to support an
organization and a process that does not respect  nor is responsive to what
the block has to say.
  Both proposals were forwarded to the MCDA Board of Commissioners.
> The Commissioners selected the proposal which required no subsidy.

The Board of Commissioners of course is the city council so we felt the
process left us with no recourse. The system is a flawed system that appears
to be totally self serving and not responsive to the "Community" in
Minneapolis Community Development Association.
> development is now under contract and should be under construction soon.
I assume they must have closed on the property.  Mr. Hall two weeks ago
stated that the closing had not happened.
> for the concern about affordable housing, the family (of five) is indeed
> or below 50% of median.
> 2.  The MCDA owns 1,032 lots around the city.  It is our policy to get out
> to each of them within 48 hours of a snowfall.  Admittedly, this is not
> always possible, but we do try to get it all cleared within two days.
It is nice to know what your goals are for the removal of snow.  Let it be
known that it took three months and only after a phonecall for you to remove
the snow.  Again, I will restate the question, Why do we have to make the
phone call?
> we do not keep property by property records on snow removal, I was able to
> verify that this is the first complaint that we have received on this
> property since the MCDA acquired it in 1995.

I would like to say that we have not have had snow fall like we have in the
past several years.  We only called because it had gotten so bad!
> 3.  In her message, Ms. Forbes writes of a truck with a six-foot plow on
> front getting stuck on the sidewalk, being towed away, and leaving the
> sidewalk unshoveled.  I have spoken with the MCDA's plow drivers and found
> that they did indeed get stuck in the REAR of the property where they were
> plowing a space for a tow truck to remove an inoperable vehicle that was
> parked on the lot.  (Incidentally, the tow truck got stuck in the alley,
> too.)  By Tuesday morning, when I went to look at the lot, the sidewalk
> cleared down to the cement.

Thank you for the clarification.  I think it was a fair assumption to think
that the truck was out to plow the sidewalk seeing as I had just called
about the sidewalk.  I had also called about the car that has been parked
there for the past six months.  So again you are not taking care of the
property that you currently own and are depending on the people who pay your
salary to inform you when attention needs to be paid to your property.  The
same people who care about what happens on their block and the same people
whose needs and desires you ignored.

In conclusion, I have heard many complaints about how the MCDA runs its
organization.  But not until I had to experience the total lack of
consideration of our block's needs and the process that we felt totally
excluded by, did I really have an entire appreciation of how dysfunctional
you department actually is.  If it was not obvious, I am totally irate with
the MCDA and the fact I have to contribute to this organization through my
tax dollars.

Again, as I did in the fall, I would like to thank the list for listening to
my frustrations with city government.  My hope is that the candidates for
mayor would discuss their views on the MCDA and possible ways to make the
organization more accountable to the comunity's needs.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood-where there is one more shoveled sidewalk
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[Mpls] Snow shoveling and the MCDA

2001-02-19 Thread Karen Forbes

I wanted to pass on our block's ongoing frustration 
with the vacant lot at 3424 Columbus Av, which I discussed on this list last 
fall.  As a brief reminder, our block's wish was to have this MCDA owned 
property to be purchased by PRG and have an affordable house built there.  
The MCDA at the last minute decided to sell the lot to a private party.  
The MCDA and the City Council both ignored our petition with over 20 signatures, 
our numerous phone calls and personally addressing whatever committee was deemed 
the responsibility of deciding this property's fate.  I would like to give 
an update on this property on our block.  It is now February 2001, six 
months since I appeared at the City Council committee and the lot remains vacant 
and is still owned by the MCDA.  In that six months as we all know, more 
than a couple feet of snow has fallen and the MCDA has not shoveled their 
sidewalk even once this past winter.  A couple of weeks ago I called MCDA 
staff member, Daryl Hall to inform him of the neglect on their part of not 
shoveling the sidewalk. I asked the question of why did someone have to call 
them to ask them to shovel the snow from their sidewalk.  Mr. Hall became a 
bit defensive and did assure me that he would take care of the situation, even 
though it was it was not in his job  description.  To Mr. Hall's 
credit, the very next day I saw the MCDA truck with the six foot plow on the 
front and a person with an ice pick on the property ready to take care of the 
job.  After a few minutes the truck became stuck on the sidewalk and 
needed to be towed.  Needless to say the sidewalk has yet to be 
shoveled.  The same day I called MCDA to report the neglect I also called 
public works about the sidewalk.  What they said was that they have had a 
problem with MCDA owned properties and getting the snow removed.  

This situation brings many questions to my 
mind.  First, is using a truck with a six-foot plow to shovel a sidewalk 
reasonable and legal?  The six- foot plow is much wider than the sidewalk 
so if they had not gotten stuck as they did, they ran the risk of damaging 
property.  Another question I have is why do neighbors have to call the 
MCDA and tel them to abide by a city ordinance of removing snow form their 
property?  Why is the MCDA not held to the same standard as any other 
property owner?  Frankly, I am infuriated that this inept organization is 
allowed to squander our tax dollars.  I suppose if the MCDA was a private 
company we would be bailing them out.
Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood

Re: [Mpls] Sayles Belton Polling

2001-02-15 Thread Karen Forbes

- Original Message -
From: "Russell Wayne Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 7:58 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Sayles Belton Polling

> I got a call tonight from the Sayles Belton hired gun pollster.  Here were
> their questions:
Thanks for the clarification on who was sponsoring the polling.  I received
the same call last night.
> >
> > Then they asked of the following candidates who was I supporting:
> R.T. (They didn't even mention his last name, just his initials.  I guess
> they figure he's got a lot of name recognition with those initials.)
> Sharon Sayles Belton
> Michelle McDonald (I wasn't sure if Lisa had a sister running in the race
> not, so I prompted her and then she did say it was Lisa.)
> Mike Shingle (I didn't know who Mike Shingle was, but I assumed it must be
> Mr. Steinglin from the County board.)
The man who was asking me questions was abit more accurate.

I was also asked who I plan to vote for in the 8th ward council race.

Karen Forbes
Central Neighborhood
> >
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