Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread David Shove
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Diane Wiley wrote:

 Why is it that so many of the white men think that Jennings was opposed
 because he was a white male, when they can clearly see that the process was
 flawed, whatever the legal requirements were?

It's like harrassing the umpire. Next time around there will be a free
ride for any white male whatsoever, no questions asked. That's the way
they like it, white power forever.

--David Shove
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread David Strand
I never heard any of the critics say as Jim Boyd does
that the candidate needed to be a person of color
because the majority of students are of color.  I
heard that people were upset that David Jennings had
historically taken political positions antagonistic or
contrary to the views of the vast majority of
residents of Minneapolis on questions related to
race(i.e. divestiture in South Africa to end
apartheid).  These historic positions I believe
rightly cause one to question whether David Jennings
would be the best qualified individual to head the
Minneapolis Public School System.

I have been further unimpressed by his reaction to the
controversy.  Rather than explaining his past
positions and how or whether his views have changed or
expressing a willingness to discuss his past views and
current views to answer community members questions
and concerns he appeared to immediately become
defensive and dismissive of the concerns.

I also find it remarkable that people don't understand
that equal opportunity does not exist when only one 
internal candidate is interviewed for the position.  I
believe that the school board needs the community's
support behind a superintedent and this is even more
important when the internal candidate being considered
is not traditionally credentialed.  I don't understand
why David Jennings could not have continued to benefit
the district as a lobbyist, consultant or in some
other capacity if his presumed political connections
or influence or experience are what the school
district found so desireable.

I find it sickening when someone calls rascism in a
situation when it is their views that are in question
and not their race.  I believe it was David Jennings'
views and sensitivity to questions of race that were
of concern and not the color of his skin.  The views
of concern were expressed as a matter of public record
when he was a state legislator and I believe it to be
perfectly valid for community members to want answers
to their questions about these past votes and
positions even if they were taken 20 years ago.  It's
a shame he did not take the opportunity to respond in
a constructive manner by respectfully offerring to
meet with the questioners and attempt to address the

I believe his reaction to the questions confirmed his
discomfort with the questions and in my mind supports
the verisimilitude of those community activists who
question his sensitivity and understanding of
questions of racial and cultural diversity.

The reaction of the broader community (including on
this list) has been very disappointing.  Personally, I
am gravely disappointed that the community seemed
unable to engage in a conversation about this without
making broad accusations of those with whom they

Whatever happened to there being no stupid questions?

Since when did it become inappropriate to raise
questions about a school board decision simply because
they are elected?

David Strand
Loring Park
--- Chris Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Shawn Lewis wrote:
 Jim Boyd: Jennings deserved a chance to try
 Jim Boyd 
 Published October 12, 2003  
 David Jennings and the Minneapolis school district 
 got the shaft. It was administered by perennially 
 angry rabble-rousers who can't see beyond their own
 narrow agenda. They were aided by a school board
 didn't lay the proper groundwork for naming
 but for this crowd that probably wouldn't have made
 any difference.
 I think Jim Boyd's Sunday editorial gave the
 clearest and most accurate 
 view of the situation I've seen yet.  It should be
 required reading for 
 anyone wanting to comment on the topic of David
 Jennings as MPS 
 superintendent for, if no other reason, it clears up
 just what the laws 
 say and do not say about what requirements a school
 superintendent must meet and what obligations the
 school board has with 
 respect to choosing a superintendent.
 I happen to agree with Boyd's position as well.
 Chris Johnson
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread Socialist2001
In a message dated 10/16/2003 4:33:34 AM Central Daylight Time, David Strand 

 I never heard any of the critics say as Jim Boyd does
  that the candidate needed to be a person of color
  because the majority of students are of color 

That argument was out there, nonetheless. Two examples: A column by Clarence 
Hightower in Insight News. An opinionated news item in the Pulse of the Twin 
Cities by Ed Felien. Passages from both pasted are below, after two short 
paragraphs of commentary by me.

The Strib doesn't have a problem with reverse racism, when it can be 
utilized to support the status quo. The Strib supported Carol Johnson because she 
was a trusted team player, not a boat rocker or feather ruffler.  Johnson was 
qualified and black, and could therefore help to muzzle the NAACP. No need to 
look further.

The Strib doesn't have a problem with reverse racism when it serves to 
stifle dissent and paralyze opposition to the status quo.  The Strib never took 
anyone to task for saying Isn't it wonderful that we have a black female 
superintendent! and How dare you criticize our black superintendent! 
In Minnesota, its one and done for our people
by Clarence Hightower President/CEO Minneapolis Urban League

Many will say that I am wrong. Some will say that I am off base. A few will 
say that I am barking up the wrong tree. Well, a few days ago this great state 
could have proved me wrong. Carol Johnson, a person of color, vacated her 
position as superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools. Did the school board 
hire another person of color? No! Did the school board interview another person 
of color? No! Did the school board seek the opinion of folks of color? No!

There couldnt have been a better opportunity to prove me wrong. I mean, 
after all, the Minneapolis Public Schools system is 70% students of color. There 
is a tremendous achievement gap between students of color and White students. 
The district has acknowledged this gap and fashioned a 12-point plan to 
improve the achievement of students of color. Here was a great chance to prove me 
wronghire a superintendent of color!

What is the School Board doing now?
Wednesday 01 October @ 14:04:48  
by Ed Felien

Now, they have appointed Dave Jennings as Superintendent of Public Schools 
for Minneapolis.

Why would they appoint a former head of the Republican Party to lead the 
schools in a heavily Democratic city?

Why would they appoint a white male to lead a school system that that now 
counts a non-white majority and furthermore a person who voted against making 
Martin Luther King Day a State holiday and who voted against sanctions for South 
Africa when it was practicing apartheid?

Why would they appoint someone with no education experience and no education 
credentials to run an education system?

-Doug Mann, King Field
Mann for School Board web site:
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread Jason C Stone

It is unfortunate that people are so ready to throw around the terms racist and 
reverse racist. 
We all know how much baggage they carry.  If you can't craft your arguments without 
actually using
those words, it's probably not very well considered.

I understand that there is mixed opinion on why Jennings was not a suitable candidate, 
on what your sources are, but can someone explain to me why it *would be* wrong for a 
community of
color to express their preference for a leader of color?  Should not the school board 
be making an
attempt to keep their finger on the pulse of what their community wants?

If you're going to reply, I again encourage you to try and justify your statements 
without using
loaded words.

Jason Stone | Hale

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 10/16/2003 4:33:34 AM Central Daylight Time, David Strand 
  I never heard any of the critics say as Jim Boyd does
   that the candidate needed to be a person of color
   because the majority of students are of color 
 That argument was out there, nonetheless. Two examples: A column by Clarence 
 Hightower in Insight News. An opinionated news item in the Pulse of the Twin 
 Cities by Ed Felien. Passages from both pasted are below, after two short 
 paragraphs of commentary by me.
 The Strib doesn't have a problem with reverse racism, when it can be 
 utilized to support the status quo. The Strib supported Carol Johnson because she 
 was a trusted team player, not a boat rocker or feather ruffler.  Johnson was 
 qualified and black, and could therefore help to muzzle the NAACP. No need to 
 look further.
 The Strib doesn't have a problem with reverse racism when it serves to 
 stifle dissent and paralyze opposition to the status quo.  The Strib never took 
 anyone to task for saying Isn't it wonderful that we have a black female 
 superintendent! and How dare you criticize our black superintendent! 
 In Minnesota, it’s one and done for our people
 by Clarence Hightower President/CEO Minneapolis Urban League
 Many will say that I am wrong. Some will say that I am off base. A few will 
 say that I am barking up the wrong tree. Well, a few days ago this great state 
 could have proved me wrong. Carol Johnson, a person of color, vacated her 
 position as superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools. Did the school board 
 hire another person of color? No! Did the school board interview another person 
 of color? No! Did the school board seek the opinion of folks of color? No!
 There couldn’t have been a better opportunity to prove me wrong. I mean, 
 after all, the Minneapolis Public Schools system is 70% students of color. There 
 is a tremendous achievement gap between students of color and White students. 
 The district has acknowledged this gap and fashioned a 12-point plan to 
 improve the achievement of students of color. Here was a great chance to prove me 
 wrong…hire a superintendent of color!
 What is the School Board doing now?
 Wednesday 01 October @ 14:04:48  
 by Ed Felien
 Now, they have appointed Dave Jennings as Superintendent of Public Schools 
 for Minneapolis.
 Why would they appoint a former head of the Republican Party to lead the 
 schools in a heavily Democratic city?
 Why would they appoint a white male to lead a school system that that now 
 counts a non-white majority and furthermore a person who voted against making 
 Martin Luther King Day a State holiday and who voted against sanctions for South 
 Africa when it was practicing apartheid?
 Why would they appoint someone with no education experience and no education 
 credentials to run an education system?
 -Doug Mann, King Field
 Mann for School Board web site:
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread ABerget
A casual look at the gap in major metro school districts suggests no advantage 
associated with race of the superintendent,  but I don't think formal studies exist on 
this very provocative subject. Can anyone cite formal research here?

Ann Berget
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread Andy Driscoll
St. Paul's superintendent, a woman of color, is now resident on the board of
the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, the same body that opposed - as she
did - the last referendum passed by the city's voters. She openly defied her
own board in her opposition and her membership on the Chamber board is
without justification and loaded with conflict.

A superintendent of color - or the color of a superintendent - is hardly
indicative of the personal tastes or positions of the holder of the post. I
find Pat Harvey's Chamber board membership and sticking her thumb in the eye
of her employer(s) utterly inexcusable. It takes chutzpah and the kind of
arrogance that throws public confidence in their elected board members in
complete disarray. The Board should dismiss her forthwith, in my view.

David Jennings had shown by his work in the district - not in the
legislature - that the experience had a profound effect on his views of
public education

 and the Constitutional responsibility to provide a system of quality public
teaching and learning. That says nothing about the idiotic move to hire him
without allowing public input and explaining and defending their choice.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul

 Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 13:18:11 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues
 A casual look at the gap in major metro school districts suggests no
 advantage associated with race of the superintendent,  but I don't think
 formal studies exist on this very provocative subject. Can anyone cite formal
 research here?
 Ann Berget

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-15 Thread Diane Wiley
Why is it that so many of the white men think that Jennings was opposed
because he was a white male, when they can clearly see that the process was
flawed, whatever the legal requirements were?

Where is the evidence that the African American community members who spoke
out were appalled simply because he was a white male?  The process was

I don't know if Jennings was the best person for the job or not, but I don't
think this supposed reverse racism [which I don't believe in anyway -- 
prejudice maybe, but racism when you are not the powers that be]
approach is very very harmful to sorting out what's best for the kids and
the community -- White, Black, Asian, Native American, Latino.

We need to bring the parents into the system to support it -- accusing them
of being reverse racists doesn't help -- especially when the schools have a
dismal record of reaching out to the various communities in a meaningful
way.  I know very well as the parent of an African American kid who was part
of and tried to develop a support group for parents of African American kids
at Seward -- we were actively opposed by the administration at the school
and when we tried to get help from the area superintendent and Carol
office, we got none.

And while I'm at it, somebody posted something a while ago about parents
being totally responsible if their children aren't learning at school.
This is either someone who isn't a parent or who has a kid who doesn't have
any learning or other problems.   This is a much more complicated issue than
simply it's the parents' faults or it's the teachers' faults.  It
reminds me of the argument that African Americans are genetically
inferior   We have a school system where teachers have too many kids to
focus on any one child who is having problems learning.  We don't have
enough tutors and we don't have enough resources.   I frankly think that
whoever takes over the district is not going to be able to do much,
regardless of how smart they are or how good a plan they have.   We as a
society need to devote more resources to the schools and that is the only
thing that is going to make a difference.

diane wiley, recently moved to what I now know is Tangletown, thanks to
Barbara Lickness

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RE: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-14 Thread Jim Bernstein
Jim Boyd's op-ed piece was a hoot?  Actually, I suspect that an awful
lot of us found it be enlightening, thoughtful, accurate, and
insightful.  Jim Boyd wrote about what a lot of people in Minneapolis
are feeling!  We were all witnesses to one of the saddest episodes of
political lynching in Minneapolis history!  David Jennings is an
honorable man who wanted simply to work hard to make Minneapolis public
schools a better place for kids to learn and teachers to teach. The same
cannot be said for Mr. Staten and his confederates.

Jim Bernstein

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

Those 3 pieces in the Strib bring back memories of the 1960's when those

Negro leaders were really getting out of control. Watch out Staten,
Moss, and the 
rest of you troublemakers or the Strib will go out find some new leaders
the African American community!  Boyd's editorial was a hoot.

-Doug Mann 
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RE: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-13 Thread Jim Bernstein
Mr. Atherton - There is no law that prevents you from making a
recommendation to the School Board or it's search committee or a private
search firm if that is the process they use.  They are not required
however, to take your recommendation under consideration. 

Jim Bernstein

-Original Message-
Of Michael Atherton
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

Pamela Taylor says:

 I admire Barb's agenda, and I totally agree that 
 no superintendent will come armed with all the 
 answers.  That is why I stated we should not simply 
 look at credentials.  Look for the best candidate to 
 do the job that needs to be done.

I totally DISAGREE that the Board should hire a
superintendent that comes without answers.  The
Board should hire someone who has proven that they
know what works.  That is, the person should come from
a school district where it can be shown that 
they have had a truly significant impact on student
achievement.  That would pretty much rule out
anyone from the MPS, including Mr. Jennings.

I know what needs to be done.  I can articulate
an agenda with specific programs and backup my
many of my proposals with research.  If I, a lowly 
educational grad student, can do this we can certainly 
expect a candidate for district superintendent to do it 
as well.

I believe that credentials tell you little or nothing about
about how effective a candidate will be.  Credentials
tell you that someone is well versed in the status

 If anyone out there knows of good candidates, homegrown 
 or otherwise, is ther a law stating you cannot make viable 
 recommendations to the school board?  They may or may not 
 use them, but at least its being proactive, and helping to 
 move the search and selection process along faster.

I have nominated someone.  I would like to see the
opponents of Mr. Jennings make a nomination.  If they 
don't think that Mr. Jennings can do the job, then let 
them tell us who can.

At this point we might as well concede the fact that
Whites need not apply.  Let's go ahead and find a person 
of color who can actually close the achievement gap,
not someone who will be just another token appointment.
One of the school board members in Memphis cried when
Carol Johnson was selected.  Do you know why? Because
she will do just as much in Memphis as she did here.

The sad truth is that the person our Board will hire
will do nothing of substance to change the MPS.  Why?
Because the power structure in this city is happy
with the way things are and they are too afraid of 
losing what they have now to risk making any reforms.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park 

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RE: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-13 Thread Michael Atherton

Jim Bernstein wrote:

 Mr. Atherton - There is no law that prevents you from making a
 recommendation to the School Board or it's search committee 
 or a private firm if that is the process they use.  They are not 
 required however, to take your recommendation under consideration. 

I'm not sure what the point is.  I thought my post made it clear
that I did not expect the School Board to be interested in my
thoughts on the matter.  In fact, I probably agree with Mr. Brauer
who has told me repeatedly that no one is interested in my opinion.

I post so that people can have an alternative perspective, if they
should so choose.  That's generally why I read other people's posts, 
to see if they have an interesting take on something in a way that
might never have occurred to me. Please don't feel obligated to read 
my posts; if you find them trite, redundant, or officious please press 
the Delete Key before reading them.  

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park


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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-13 Thread David Brauer
on 10/13/03 11:20 AM, Michael Atherton at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In fact, I probably agree with Mr. Brauer
 who has told me repeatedly that no one is interested in my opinion.

To clarify: I don't believe I've ever said this.

While I believe Michael's proofs and research are frequently not as
convincing as he thinks, I uphold his right to comment. I certainly lack the
Oz-like power to judge how universally one's opinions are ignored.

David Brauer

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-13 Thread Andy Driscoll
Actually, I believe one can focus too much on the longer history of an
individual's politics and behavior and too easily disallow for changes in

That, it seems to me, is counter to everyone's hope that people are both
capable and desirous of changing outmoded views.

We hope and work for rehabilitation in criminals but presume they cannot be

We hope and work to change the hearts and minds of legislators and other
policymakers and don't believe them when they have.

It is cynical and sad to assume that people are incapable of reversing their
world view and of reforming their behavior to comport with that reversal.

This is one of the reasons alcoholics and other addicts find it necessary to
remain anonymous, and one of the reasons too many people cannot either admit
they've been wrong, made a mistake or that others can change their stripes
with enlightenment.

My reading of David Jennings' more recent past - his work and his views - is
that he underwent something of an epiphany while at the Minneapolis Chamber,
of all places and that his considerable assets could be put to very good use
working for a new friend he made then - Carol Johnson.

In doing so, he became what many believe is apostate in the eyes of his
former Republican colleagues by reversing his position on public education -
a system Republicans want to privatize and are doing well with by first
starving it, then taking the decayed corpse and raising it over their heads
to say, See, we told you it doesn't work. Now let's put education in the
hands of those who can do better - the marketplace!

The Minneapolis School Board was stupid in simply creating a line of
succession by elevating Jennings to the superintendency without a series of
hearings on why he should be so appointed. They could have predicted that in
that town the disingenuous Statens, Gleasons and Mosses of the world would
descend on that decision without a process justifying the selection of a
white male - and make no mistake that is what this is all about.

The board should have set up a process to allow community input on their
selection, but Jennings' political history should not render him
automatically unqualified to manage the system. And I don't believe for a
minute that the lack of a PhD or an ED qualifies a person more than the
innate talent and deep street experience and respect for what education is
suppose to do - create the next generation of qualified citizens and

Perhaps many people are more qualified to run the Minneapolis Schools, but I
dare say few within shouting distance and as familiar and Jennings is with
the workings of the system. As a dyed-in-the-wool progressive, I see little
in this argument to throw Jennings out of contention because he's a white
male and a/or has carried a Republican label...a Republican then, who has
recently voted for Democrats.

Labels and scarlet letters do no good to in running a society based on human

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul 

on 10/12/03 9:23 PM, Joe Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tom Searles of Waconia doesn't try to defend Jennings' legislative history.
 Actually, I have looked at his history.  Again, I ask you and others who are
 such strong defenders of Jennings, - what do YOU think he did in the
 legislature that would justify appointment, without looking around - to Mpls
 Tom also says a similar process (i.e., not looking around) produced Carol
 Johnson. True. Good point.
 Was Minneapolis well served by not looking around then? It's not clear. The
 Minneapolis Public Schools had a very mixed record under Dr. Johnson.
 Despite the record of the fundraising arm of Minneapolis schools, in a paid
 advertisement today, to say it has been a time of progress, the record is
 quite mixed. (Yes, I have looked closely at this).

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-13 Thread Chris Johnson
Shawn Lewis wrote:

Jim Boyd: Jennings deserved a chance to try

Jim Boyd 
Published October 12, 2003  

David Jennings and the Minneapolis school district 
got the shaft. It was administered by perennially 
angry rabble-rousers who can't see beyond their own 
narrow agenda. They were aided by a school board that 
didn't lay the proper groundwork for naming Jennings, 
but for this crowd that probably wouldn't have made 
any difference.

I think Jim Boyd's Sunday editorial gave the clearest and most accurate 
view of the situation I've seen yet.  It should be required reading for 
anyone wanting to comment on the topic of David Jennings as MPS 
superintendent for, if no other reason, it clears up just what the laws 
say and do not say about what requirements a school district 
superintendent must meet and what obligations the school board has with 
respect to choosing a superintendent.

I happen to agree with Boyd's position as well.

Chris Johnson
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[Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Shawn Lewis
Jennings says about-face on superintendent's job 
rooted in pragmatism
Allie Shah, Star Tribune 
Published October 12, 2003
It was opening night for David Jennings, and he 
wasn't showing any signs of jitters. 

Despite the scores of people who denounced his 
appointment as superintendent and demanded that 
the school board withdraw the offer, Jennings 
seemed determined to ride out the controversy.

Doug Grow: When the going started getting tough, 
Jennings got out

Doug Grow, Star Tribune 
Published October 12, 2003 
Maybe the Background Noise Brigade (BNB) was right. 
Maybe David Jennings really wasn't qualified to be 
the superintendent of Minneapolis schools.

The BNBers -- the Rev. Randolph Staten and a handful 
of others -- hadn't even really warmed up when Jennings 
threw in the towel.

Jim Boyd: Jennings deserved a chance to try

Jim Boyd 
Published October 12, 2003  

David Jennings and the Minneapolis school district 
got the shaft. It was administered by perennially 
angry rabble-rousers who can't see beyond their own 
narrow agenda. They were aided by a school board that 
didn't lay the proper groundwork for naming Jennings, 
but for this crowd that probably wouldn't have made 
any difference.

Shawn Lewis, Field Neighbhorhood

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,

Despite what Jennings says his reasons are for turning down the job, I believe if he really thought he was qualified he should have stayed. If he really believed that he had what it took to close the gap for kids and so forth, he should have toughed it out. IMHO, I think he really thought it would be an easier ride, and since it was not, he turned tail. I am not rooting for or against him, I just think it really shows what he is made of.

Had it been me and I totally believed that I was the right person for the job, I would have stuck like glue. As the interim superintendent, he had to be aware of the clauses for appointing individuals without the seemingly required criteria, so that would have putan end to that particular argument.

As to public input, I believe there should have been that. The school board certainly did not have to, but it would have been a nice curtesy prior to this hoopla. Maybe they still would have chosen him. And I do not believe that had Jennings stayed that parents and other interested community folks would have become disenfranchised altogether. I believe they would still participate even as they held Jennings feet to the fire to perform up to par.

When the school board members are running for office, they solicit input as they try to garner support to win. Why stop asking for how they can serve thier constituents better once they get in? The same goes for the Mayor and City Council.

That remark about how Jennings was given congratulatory handshakes by Mayor Rybek and others - big deal. The esteemed Mayor, City Council members and others were all given them too, and look at what's happening there. Thatis all fluff compared to the realwork that comes after the appointment.

As forRev. Staten and the others whom have raised the ire of some, I say keep raising ire. Somebody has to do it. If people don't like whatthey are saying, nothing is stopping them from rising up and speaking out, too. Change is usually attributedto those who make some noise.

In conclusion, this earthshattering announcement of Jennings departure has grown old. If people want input, tell us when the community input meeting is, and make sure all the school board members will be in attendance. Invite some KIDS. Invite the groups of parents who have special needs children,PTA moms and dads, talk about cultural competancy not just matters of race. Talk about what type of educational backgrounds teachers coming in to the schools where our children attend should have. What should our current crop of teachers have now. Talk about what parents can and should be doing. Talk about what CAN happen, and then set about the task of MAKING it happen.

When it all boils down to it, there are a lot of highly educated socially illiterate individuals walking around with Ph D's. Ihave personally met a few and I am not impressed. Find and hire the best person for the job. Don't look to hire credentials. You may find yourself being disappointed.

By the way, Doug Mann, when are you throwing your hat into the ring? I like your politics. You are very consistent and have back-upinformation when you speak out. Make sure you are at the big meeting. Let me know when your book comes out.

Pamela Taylor
(Whose granddaughter currently attends kindergarten in a Minneapolis school, and is the only one, according to her teacher, who can read in the class, and whom am hoping that her enthusiasim for learning will not be suffocated by the system, weighing in from Tampa, FL)

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Barbara Lickness
Pam said:

Had it been me and I totally believed that I was the
right person for the job, I would have stuck like

I say:

At what cost? Yes, I think it's human instinct to
fight for what is yours. But, to keep the school board
embroiled in a battle that wasn't going to go away any
time soon could prove to be an even costlier venture
for the kids in Minneapolis. Who wins in that
scenario. This isn't about a personal victory for
David Jennings. It sounds like he is a resilient man
who will find plenty of ways to contribute. Hopefully,
he will continue at the MPS to help guide whoever it
is they do choose. At any rate, I am sure he will land
on his feet. 

My personal agenda is to advocate for the children at
Whittier School. For their sakes and for the future of
this school I would like to see the decision regarding
superintendent made quickly so that the attention to
how we close the gap becomes paramount. I am not sure
any one we choose for school superintendent will come
armed with all the answers. I just think it will suck
up a lot of attention for now and will steer away from
what is important to me. That is improving the
education of the kids in the school by my house.  

Barb Lickness

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world.  Indeed,
it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Pamela Taylor

In a previous post I said:"Had it been me and I totally believed that I was theright person for the job, I would have stuck likeglue."Barbara Lickness responded:At what cost? Yes, I think it's human instinct tofight for what is yours. But, to keep the school boardembroiled in a battle that wasn't going to go away anytime soon could prove to be an even costlier venturefor the kids in Minneapolis. Who wins in thatscenario. This isn't about a personal victory forDavid Jennings. It sounds like he is a resilient manwho will find plenty of ways to contribute. Hopefully,he will continue at the MPS to help guide whoever itis they do choose. At any rate, I am sure he will landon his feet. 
My response:
Jennings knew, and should have understood,the cost when he took the job.The smart move would have been toprepare for the expected fallout, as it appeared to be brewing when Johnson was considering taking the new position. And, if the belief is that he is resilient, he should have been okay. I believe either way the school board was going to be embroiled in a battle, so no news there. I believe, as I stated before, the focus should be on this community input that people are wanting to see happen, so that the battledoes not have to drag on so long. 
Barbara Lickness said:
My personal agenda is to advocate for the children atWhittier School. For their sakes and for the future ofthis school I would like to see the decision regardingsuperintendent made quickly so that the attention tohow we close the gap becomes paramount. I am not sureany one we choose for school superintendent will comearmed with all the answers. I just think it will suckup a lot of attention for now and will steer away fromwhat is important to me. That is improving theeducation of the kids in the school by my house. 
Pamela Taylor says:
I admire Barb's agenda, and I totally agree that no superintendent will come armed with all the answers. That is why I statedwe should notsimply look at credentials. Look for the best candidate to do the job that needs to be done. And thenholdALL feet (Super/MPSB/Parents/Teachers/Community/etc.) to the fire for the sake of our kids.
If anyone out there knows of good candidates, homegrown or otherwise, is ther a law stating you cannot make viable recommendations to the school board? They may or may not use them, but at least its being proactive, and helping to move the search and selection process along faster.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
Barb and I seem to share an affinity for the same quote.It has always been one of my favorites. Why, because it has always rung true.
Pamela Taylor (Tampa)
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Maybe we should just take Jennings at his word -- dealing with this was
taking his time and attention away from the work he really wants to do
-- close the achievement gap between poor  minority and white
students.  By withdrawing he can concentrate on that work, which is why
he took the job in the first place.
Barbara Nelson
(formerly of Seward)

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Michael Atherton
Pamela Taylor says:

 I admire Barb's agenda, and I totally agree that 
 no superintendent will come armed with all the 
 answers.  That is why I stated we should not simply 
 look at credentials.  Look for the best candidate to 
 do the job that needs to be done.

I totally DISAGREE that the Board should hire a
superintendent that comes without answers.  The
Board should hire someone who has proven that they
know what works.  That is, the person should come from
a school district where it can be shown that 
they have had a truly significant impact on student
achievement.  That would pretty much rule out
anyone from the MPS, including Mr. Jennings.

I know what needs to be done.  I can articulate
an agenda with specific programs and backup my
many of my proposals with research.  If I, a lowly 
educational grad student, can do this we can certainly 
expect a candidate for district superintendent to do it 
as well.

I believe that credentials tell you little or nothing about
about how effective a candidate will be.  Credentials
tell you that someone is well versed in the status

 If anyone out there knows of good candidates, homegrown 
 or otherwise, is ther a law stating you cannot make viable 
 recommendations to the school board?  They may or may not 
 use them, but at least its being proactive, and helping to 
 move the search and selection process along faster.

I have nominated someone.  I would like to see the
opponents of Mr. Jennings make a nomination.  If they 
don't think that Mr. Jennings can do the job, then let 
them tell us who can.

At this point we might as well concede the fact that
Whites need not apply.  Let's go ahead and find a person 
of color who can actually close the achievement gap,
not someone who will be just another token appointment.
One of the school board members in Memphis cried when
Carol Johnson was selected.  Do you know why? Because
she will do just as much in Memphis as she did here.

The sad truth is that the person our Board will hire
will do nothing of substance to change the MPS.  Why?
Because the power structure in this city is happy
with the way things are and they are too afraid of 
losing what they have now to risk making any reforms.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park 

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Socialist2001
Those 3 pieces in the Strib bring back memories of the 1960's when those 
Negro leaders were really getting out of control. Watch out Staten, Moss, and the 
rest of you troublemakers or the Strib will go out find some new leaders for 
the African American community!  Boyd's editorial was a hoot.

-Doug Mann 
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