Re: [Mpls] Re: Mpls School walk-outs

2003-03-21 Thread Gypsycurse7
In a message dated 3/21/2003 12:08:35 AM Central Standard Time, 

 Middle school students at Seward also walked out to go to the rally at the
  U.  They too are facing detention as a consequence.  Seeing all these kids
  taking a stand makes me think there may be hope for the world.  I can't
  imagine why anyone would deny our children the rights we hold dear for
A contact in the St. Louis Park Greens tells me that the kids there face 

Linda Mann

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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs

2003-03-21 Thread Mark Snyder

Two questions for those who argue student walkouts in Minneapolis are a
waste of taxpayer dollars:

1. Will you be raising similar objections in Eden Prairie, where 40
students at Central Middle School staged a walkout on Wednesday?

2. Would you be complaining if those students had walked out to join the
Taxpayers League on Wednesday when they held their annual protest at the
State Capitol or would that have been considered cool?  In other words, are
you really riled up because some kids are missing class or because of what
the kids are protesting about?

Lastly, Craig mentioned a recent series in the Doonesbury comic strip about
kids from a high school in Oregon being passed over when they applied for
college.  What he left out was the part of the storyline where that school
system had closed five weeks earlier than usual because of budget cuts
forced by tax reductions for the rich, so they were presumed to have
received inferior educations.

Maybe that's the lesson we should take away from Garry Trudeau.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs

2003-03-21 Thread Susan Maricle
I have to admit, I'm very conflicted on this issue.
Maybe because I'm looking from the myopic viewpoint
that my son is in kindergarten and I don't see the
relevance yet.

I agree that this is an issue that children should be
concerned about for many reasons, one of which is
they're the ones who will be paying for Bush's war.  

I understand their concern about children being
bombed, that the same thing could happen to them.
Would a better strategy, then, be for the kids to
amass food, medicine, toys, and other aid for the
Iraqi children? {Maybe this is already happening.}

I agree there will be kids who take part in protests
because it's cool and it's a way to get publicity. 
Much like the jive-talkin' interviewee who always
seems to get interviewed on the 10 pm news and casts a
bad light on all neighborhood residents, 
an interview with one clueless student casts a bad
light on the ones who are committed and informed.

There was a walkout recently at our local school over
the suspension of a favorite teacher. There, I see the
direct correlation between cause and walkout. Here, I
don't.  But the more I read the thoughtful postings on
this list, the less conflicted I become. I appreciate
the dialogue and the ideals that fuel it.

Susan Maricle
Bruno, MN
formerly of Folwell


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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs against the war

2003-03-20 Thread Seidel
Well Paul.  Congratulations!  This is my first post in over three years 
of being a passive observer to the Minneapolis Issues bulletin board. 
You just hit a little too close to home and I thought I would comment 
on your comments.

Just so you know, Paul, I am one of those obnoxious parents who has not 
one but two children at Field School.  My eldest told me the night 
before of the planned demonstration, which was being planned solely by 
one of her close friends at school.  I told my daughter that I was not 
going to persuade her either way about whether she should protest or 
not.  But I did tell her that she would have to bear the consequences of 
her actions, whether a detention or worse.  Understand, Paul, that most 
of the kids organizing this protest were in the top of the 8th grade 
class in one of the District's top schools.  They are very capable of 
organizing a protest without their parents making the signs for them. 
To my knowledge, no parent assisted in convincing any of the kids to do 
this protest.

My understanding is that nearly all of the kids protested during their 
lunch hour and remained
on school property.  It just so happens that the property line of the 
school falls on 46th Street, a very busy street in that part of 
Minneapolis.  The Administrators of the school felt that this was 
acceptable, as do I in retrospect.  Some students chose to walk off the 
school premises and hold signs over the 35W and 46th Street bridge. 
Those students were hit with a truancy violation, which can end up in 
suspension, because they walked off the property during school hours.  I 
thought this also was very acceptable.  In whole, I believe all acted 
civil and First Amendment rights were upheld very well.  I don't always 
agree with the School District and I don't always agree with my 
children's opinions on things, but I do respect them and I think they 
both deserve our respect in this case.

Jeff Seidel
Paul Kuettel wrote:

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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs against the war

2003-03-20 Thread kuettels
Hi All!

I really appreciate Jeff Seidel's excellent and informative post. It took much 
of the wind out of my sails and went a ways toward restoring my faith in The 
Public Education Establishment, at least the that consists of Field Elementary.

My biggest misconception was that all Public Elementary Schools are K-6 
nowadays.  Throwing 7th and 8th graders into the equation does give some 
credence to the possibility that the protest was organized by soley by the kids.

Jeff says that it occured during lunch hour and that most of the kids stayed on 
school property -- I assume he means the playground, and that the ones who 
strayed face consequences.

Assuming all of this is true, I am sorry for having reacted so viscerally to 
Linda Mann's initial post.

There is still plenty to be concerned about, but the information provided by 
parent Seidel puts a better, saner perspective on the incident.



Paul Kuettel
Falcon Heights
Kids in Elementary (my innocent baby girl) Middle-School (the smart-ass with 
more smart than ass) and High School (a good boy who is staying in class today 
during a planned walkout)

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[Mpls] School Walk outs against the war

2003-03-20 Thread kathy Hacmac
Perhaps you should get your information correct before you start
making unfounded accusations about schools and teachers.

First, the district, in anticipation of walkouts and protests, sent 
specific guidelines to ALL schools and teachers. These guidelines
specifically laid out what could and could not be done in the event
of a student walkout.

The teachers could say NO but they can NOT restrain students if they
do walk out of the classroom.

Students, upon THEIR request, were given the opportunity to form a 
protest during their half hour lunch time. Many anticipated this, due
to OTHER PARENTS AND SCHOOL activities which they learned about from
older siblings and friends. Therefore, some had their own signs and
participated. Others, as is always true with a protest or walkout,
participated because it looked like fun.

Regardless, this WAS IN NO WAY planned nor was assistance provided by
teachers or school officials. The only participation by the adults
was to observe and provide a safety net in case of harassment or
incident outside the ability of the students to handle. And this was
only as long as they remained on school property!

Second, I happened to be at the school right after students dispersed
for the day. I found teachers greatly distressed that their students
did walk out and they felt powerless to prevent them. Again, physical
restraint is NOT nor should it be condoned in today's schools. There
was an officer present had such restraint been necessary.

Many teachers encouraged their students to remain in the classroom
and a number of them took the time to allow students to talk about
their feelings about the war as part of the class curriculum. Others
have encouraged students to write how they felt - and those who
participated in the walkout may face similar requirements. Some who
did not return in the time allotted will also receive no credit for
missed classwork.

All students who exceeded the lunch time allotment, will have at
least one half day of unexcused absence on their records - officially
as this information will be sent to the District. This is per
District guidelines. 

Students who left the school grounds will have additional actions
taken as they are considered truant. Although warned, some still left
the grounds and  returned only to board buses for home.

Finally, perhaps your children are too young, too old, or simply
don't care, but I can tell you there are many, many students at the
middle school level who have very strong feelings about the war. I
certainly remember the air raid drills we had and I had no
information to form an opinion since details weren't broadcast into
my home for breakfast and dinner every day. Today's children have
opinions and they have the guts - and the right - to be 
heard in a way I never did.

Did I support my child's participation in the protest? First, I
didn't know about it until afterwards. By then, I had heard the
comments from teachers, the principal and other parents. Regardless
of my feelings, I was proud that my son decided for himself how he
felt about the war and participated because HE wanted to . . . it had
absolutely nothing to do with my feelings nor with the teachers.

Just because you are an adult, it doesn't mean your intellectual and 
moral judgements are right or supported. I hope my child always keeps
the right and the wisdom to determine what he feels about an issue
and I certainly hope he always has the right and opportunity to
PEACEFULLY show others his perspective.

Thank you Field School and the Minneapolis District for preparing our
teachers to deal with the anticipated walkouts in an intelligent and
non-combative manner while giving students the freedom to make their 
choice on how to show their feelings about war.

Kathy Hacmac
PTA Chair, Field School and active parent

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[Mpls] Re: Mpls School walk-outs

2003-03-20 Thread Sueherr
I just got back from the protest down at the Federal Court Building.  
Thousands, many children and youth among the crowd.  Very serendipitously, I 
was talking to a staff member from Anthony Middle School this afternoon,  and 
he told me that my 12-year old son was one of 200  of their students that 
walked out in protest against the war.  He didn't tell me anything about it, 
nor do I think I will hear about it in retrospect since he tends toward the 
taciturn.  I am very proud, and happy that the acorn didn't fall very far 
from the tree.  Incidentally, the school decided that all kids that walked 
out would receive after school detention on Monday and write a short 
reflection piece on what they believe about the war - and why they choose to 
protest.   Seems fair to me.

Susan Herridge
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the 
affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure 
the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in 
others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden 
patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has
breathed easier because you have lived.  This is to have succeeded.   
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson  

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[Mpls] School Walk outs

2003-03-20 Thread Gypsycurse7
Below is an excerpt from the the Wrap a news service from the Guardian 
newspaper in England I subscribe to. It concerns school walk outs in England 
(the right wing carping should strike a familiar note).

I certainly hope that there isn't any retaliation against students at Field 
or any other school for exercising their first amendment rights. But in case 
there is, we can help them by contacting school board members or going to the 
school board meeting at 807 NE Broadway on the 2nd and last Tuesdays at 4:00. 
Go to for details (wait until tomorrow, Friday - 
Doug and I still coming down from that awesome demonstration in town this 

Lets not let today's students experience the same types of civics lessons 
my generation received in the 60s around protests against the Vietnam war (I 
remember being forced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance once when my best 
friend I were caught just mouthing the words).

A sort of pacifist jingoism has gripped the country, complains the
Telegraph: schoolchildren are taking to the streets to oppose the
war. Unauthorised absence from school may still be truancy as far as
the authorities are concerned, but that didn't prevent hundreds of
pupils massing in Parliament Square yesterday.

The only ones with permission to be there, the Times notes ironically,
were the Etonians. Prince Harry pulls my peace badges off, one
sixth-former said, but revealed that Eton had sanctioned the day off
because it believes in free speech.

The Mirror's John Pilger urges readers to leave your home, work,
college, school ... The polite term is civil disobedience. The
street term is rebellion.

* Britons urged to join anti-war protests,2763,918039,00.html
 * Times: Schoolchildren bring city to a halt,,173-617296,00.html

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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs

2003-03-20 Thread Gypsycurse7
Forgot to sign my post. So in case people out there don't know who's 
responsible for this latest outrage,

Linda Mann

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Mpls School walk-outs

2003-03-20 Thread Diane Wiley
Middle school students at Seward also walked out to go to the rally at the
U.  They too are facing detention as a consequence.  Seeing all these kids
taking a stand makes me think there may be hope for the world.  I can't
imagine why anyone would deny our children the rights we hold dear for

Diane Wiley Powderhorn Peace Zone

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[Mpls] School Walk outs against the war

2003-03-19 Thread Gypsycurse7
While delivering mail today, I came upon a demonstration organized by the 
students at Field elementary school. About 100 -200 kids lined 46th Street 
between 4th and 5th Avenues holding signs and cheering every time a car 
honked in support (so there was a continuous din for about 3 hours).

One boy gave me a sign that read: $750,000 is spent on the US military every 
minute. 40 of those minutes could pay off all the debts the public schools 
have. He managed to get all this on 2 large pieces of construction paper 
taped together.

Has anyone heard of other schools walking out in protest?

Linda Mann

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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs against the war

2003-03-19 Thread Jason C Stone
You should have gone with your first impulse and not responded... inflammatory and 

Jason Stone / Nokomis

--- Paul Kuettel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All!
 100-200 Elementary School Kids?  Organized a walkout?  C'mon.
 Could not possibly have happened without help of parents and school officials.
 Shameful and cowardly to use these innocents as anti-war props.
 I waited a few hours to respond, first to calm down, and second to see if there
 was anyone else except me that was disgusted to learn of this.
 Adults can form their own intellectual and moral judgements.  Even some High
 Schoolers can reason.
 But no matter what your feelings on this finally-begun war are, leave them
 damned kids alone.
 Fiield Elementary should be investigated.
 Children -- the bastion of cowards.
 Paul Kuettel
 Falcon Heights
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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs against the war

2003-03-19 Thread Nrussell
To Paul Kuettel re Mpls school children being manipulated to protest:

A city issue:  Are the citizens of Minneapolis safer or are we more at risk
of  terrorism than we were yesterday at this time?  Does that make anyone
else besides me angry?

In spite of how rebellious I have always felt about wrong decisions by our
leaders at whatever level--school administration, local, county, state or
federal government, at different times and places, I rarely was forced by my
parents' opinions. Do you honestly believe, Paul, that any kid would protest
because of what their parents feel?  Not even a chance.  However, my
thinking is that any good parent will try to keep their children informed in
a true and accurate way of the current events of our times, and if the
result is for one's child to protest an unjust war, or on the other hand to
protest for a just war, then that's what's right and proper.  For you to
intimate that those protesting against a just war is propoganda or
manipulation offends me very much.  There are obviously two sides to this
argument.  Half of us are with me (those who are right) and the other half
are with you, apparently.   Step up to the bat, take courage, act on your
well-thought-out  and well-researched convictions.  George Bush has done so.
And I will do so.  And I encourage everyone else to, whether they're 60, 30,
or 15 or 12.  We're talking life and death here--and it's worth the courage
of one's convictions.  I deny that naysayers are being manipulated. Rather,
I would say the yes-men/women are the ones who think it's too hard to
actually research the facts, but rather to trust that those who are elected
or appointed know best.

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[Mpls] School Walk outs against the war - Clarification of Point

2003-03-19 Thread Paul Kuettel
Hi All!

Before this devolves into yet another errant thread about the non-Mpls issue of
the War in Iraq, let me try to make my point in a different, perhaps less glib
way.  Heck, I'm not gonna sleep anyway as long as new developments keep

My Point:  Is it the policy of Mpls Public Schools to allow 100-200 elementary
school kids to get up at the same time from many classrooms, pick up the signs
they brought in in the morning (or created in class?) and march out?

From my perspective, it is hard to believe that the urchins organized this with
their collective little heads filled with mush.

By any standard, it is not acceptable, and if their parents were involved, they
should be ashamed, and if paid employees of the Mpls school district aided and
abetted, they should be fired.

I have three kids who went/are going thru a Roseville District elementary
school.  I cannot in my wildest imagination picture 100, let alone 10 kids
getting up at a set time, getting protest signs out of their lockers and
marching outside.

If by some impossible chance they could evade their teachers, the principal
would have stood in front of the door.  Those involved would at least have to
take a scolding letter back to their parents.

For safety's sake, for godsake, if for nothing else, Roseville elementary kids
can't even leave school for a doctor appointment or a family emergency without a
teacher escorting the kid to the office and their parents signing them out --
after showing id, even if the secretary knows them well.


This is about Mpls Public Schools in general, and Field in particular.  Why
would someone send their kid to a school system with such disregard for it's
duty to provide learning in a safe environment.

Middle School?  Would't get past the door.  Closed campus..

High School?  Hard to control these kids, detention or suspension.

College and other Adult Kids?  Do your thing, just don't wreck property or
endanger lives by, say, disrupting rush hour.

Hope this saves bandwidth and listmaster headaches by focusing the discussion on
the appropriateness of Mpls Schools allowing grade schoolers to leave class and
play in traffic.



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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs against the war - Clarification of Point

2003-03-19 Thread Nrussell
Obviously you are totally out of touch with how Minneapolis school children
think...they are individuals with individual thoughts--some are just
looking to play hooky, I bet.  Some are just wanting to have some
excitement, I bet.some actually know whereof they are speaking or
protesting. why are you so agitated?  I'm sure there will be equally
agitating protests in favor of a war...isn't THAT an exciting thought!

Kids will be kids, you know..

N. Russell

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Re: [Mpls] School Walk outs against the war - Clarification ofPoint

2003-03-19 Thread Mark Snyder

I've been reading quite a bit recently about students organizing to protest
the war.  From what I've seen, the general approach by the schools has been
to allow walkouts so that students could exercise their rights to free
speech and assembly but make sure they were aware of the consequences of
leaving class (unexcused absence, etc.).

I disagree with Paul's assumption that these ideas must have been planted by
parents or teachers.  Not long ago, there was a group of middle-school
students in St. Paul that organized their classmates to walk out of class to
meet in the auditorium for a war discussion all by themselves - how hard
could it be to organize a walkout?  With kids, you don't even need fliers,
word of mouth will do the job just fine and all they have to know is what
time to stand up and where to meet outside.  Maybe some got help from
parents with making signs, but so what?

As far as traffic is concerned, I don't know where Field Elementary is, but
I remember managing that nifty stoplight contraption in kindergarten when I
had to cross Johnson St as I walked over to the old Pillsbury Elementary
with my best buddy back in the late 1970's.  Though we did have his older
brothers who were in second and third grade with us, so I guess I shouldn't
brag too much.

As a volunteer with an elementary school in St. Paul for the past five
years, I've seen some pretty darn intelligent and mature students - hardly a
collective group with their heads filled with mush.

I believe that description should be reserved for our leaders in
Washington DC.  The students at Field Elementary should be commended.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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