Re: [MSX] real disk to .dsk under winxp

2007-05-05 Thread Kim Daniel
make sure to be ready before dump disk to dsk..

- close right hole from disk for recognize 720kb (low density)
- clean your floppy disk drive head
- connect well your floppy disk drive (power supply and cable to 
- turn floppy activate from your motherboard BIOS *ON*

I don't think it was problem with linux or with windows xp or else more 
It should work perfectly.
Otherwise, you can dump your real disk to dsk if you make MSDOS boot disk 
and save dcopy files to floppy or CD. and.. you just load booting disk 
after turn PC on and type like this :

dcopy filename c:\filename.dsk enter

Don't forget to handle RAMdisk. It's good way to use..


From: Micha Rieser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

does anybody know, how to save (rescue) real disks to .dsk-files 
under winxp?

i tried the following:
- diskmanager (from rudolf lechleitner - but there is always an 
windows error that the disk isn't readable.)
- dcopy (under cmd.exe. - doesn't find any sectors. a stream of 
error messages.)
- dd if=/dev/fd0 of=./disk.dsk bs=512  (under linux. but there was 
always error messages too.)
- cat /dev/fd0  example.dsk (under linux. without any success.)

i can remeber, that diskmanager and dcopy worked well once under 

what can i do instead of installing win98se to rescue my disks?

thanks in advance.


Office ストーリー連載開始。豪華プレゼントあり! 

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[MSX] Tada! Real Brazilian MSX machine with 8192kb MainRAM

2007-02-16 Thread Kim Daniel
Hello everyone!
Look at this screenshot that I made picture!
I just put 4Mbytes RAM SIMM-30 memory inside of this Expert 3, 
and I inserted the 4Mbytes RAM ESE cart in SLOT B.
Tada! Look at the result!

I wonder if I put 16Mbytes RAM SIMM-30 memory inside of this machine..
What will be happened? Would it can be reach over 32Mbytes to RAM X)
bye all!
[ ]



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[MSX] Those videos remind me Kojima's games =))))

2006-11-14 Thread Kim Daniel
Ola', msx fans.

There are the links here..

Video of like-Snatcher(fake, but funny) :

Video of like-Metal Gear (it looks like ed209 from Robocop too) :

Enjoy it!

Kim in Swiss-Zurich International Airport Terminal.
Before to go to MSX Tilburg 2003 meeting.

- Mr. Kim, Where are you from?  - the stewardess from Swiss air company 
- I'm from Korea - I answered and showed my passport.
- North or South? - the stewardess from Swiss air company asked more
- West!

一番乗り! Windows Vista、 2007 Office system の情報はここから 

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[MSX] Is that Road Runner?? Randam Hajile's One-Wheel Cycle for Snatcher game!

2006-09-19 Thread Kim Daniel
Remember that part of Snatcher game scene?
When Gillian Seed got mal-function with his Turbocycle brake...
And suddenly Randam Hajile , The Bounty Hunter makes absurdly surprise 
with his one-wheel motorcycle, running to save Gillian Seed and Metal Gear 
Mk II.
I think that I gotta have that nice one before end of the world... =)

Foto + News  in English :

in French (Francaise) :

in Dutch (Nederland) :

in Korean (Hangul) :

in Japanese (Nihongo) :

Video (Watch it!) :

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2006-09-13 Thread Kim Daniel
Hello, msx users!
I'll explain step by step how do you access to Sound Test for this game 
It works for any MSX Emulator and for any Real MSX Machines.

1. Before coming soon a demo presentation. Please keep pressing the keys 
together between [SELECT] + [*]. Until you see a message down, you can free 
the keys.

2. So, just point with your finger to empty wall instead you want put 
another picture on the wall. It's located to above (up) of the dog and old 

3. After that, you press any joystick button where is plugged to any port.. 
or just press [Shift] key. Each time you press, it will play another music. 
There are 20 wonderful musics for this game. Enjoy it!

Any question, pvt me.

[ ]

Be Happy with MSX =

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[MSX] Date decided for MSX Club Argentina 2006

2006-05-11 Thread Kim Daniel
In English :

Hello, msx users!

I made a list for who are going to MSX Club Argentina 2006 meeting.

There are four persons from here, in Brazil until now, and I want invite 
somebodies from oversea.

The date for this meeting will be on July, 15th and 16th.

It will be after FIFA World Cup 2006 in Germany.

And I know this winter season in Argentina will be cold (8.C/48.F). So I 
recommend you bring a coat, a pair of gloves, a jacket, etc.. or even you 
bring your girlfriend/wife for hug =))

More Informations :

The question is : Why in Mar del Plata?

Cause there are a lot of msx users from Argentina living outside from 
Buenos Aires.
So does MSX Jau' meeting for all brazilian residents.
Please, understand this point.
Talk to me if someone wants to go to this meeting.. 
We'll glad you for share this information.
Bye all!
Thanks for reading!
[ ]

En espaniol :

Hola, msxzeros.

Yo hizo una lista para quien quieren que vaya al encuentro de el Club MSX 
Argentino 2006.

Son 4 personas brasilenios hasta ahora, y voy invictar mas alguien en 

El fecho seras en 15 y 16 de Julio del 2006.

Eso es, depues del termino de la copa del mundo de FIFA 2006 en Alemania.

Yo se que vay estar muy frio (8.C) en esa temporada de inverno en ciudad 
del Mar del Plata. Por favor no olvidar su abrigo, guantes, chaqueta, etc. 
y/o llevar tu enamorada/esposa para abrazo.. =

Mas informacions :

La pregunta es : Por que en Mar del Prata?

Porque yo se que la mayoria residentes msxzeros viven en el interior.

Asi como el grande encuentro do MSX brasilenio en ciudad de Jau' .

Por favor, ayude nos para mas informacions sobre el hospedes.

Donde vamos drumir, etc..

Mucha Gracias la todos.

y Abrazo.

[ ]


En portugues :

Ola', fudebada.
Fiz uma lista para quem vai querer de ir no encontro do MSX Club Argentina 
Sao 4 pessoas daqui que estao indo com certeza.
A data vai ser em 15 e 16 de Julho de 2006.
Isso e', depois do termino da copa do mundo.

Quem quiser de ir, traga casaco de urso polo e/ou a mulher pra abracar.
Pois vai ficar frio la' na cidade Mar del Plata (que e' segunda maior 
Na media de 8 grau nessa temporada.

Mais informacoes :

A pergunta e' : Por que em Mar del Plata?
Pois a maioria dos msxzeiros argentinos moram no interior.
Assim como o Jau' para todos os residentes de Brasil todo.
Ajude nos a escolher o voo mais barato.
Acho que ouvi falar se comprar a passagem de aviao hoje, sai mais barato do 
que pagar no ato.
Enquanto sobre hoteis, vamos ter que reservar para gente.
Vamos aguardar as respostas do galera para nos dar mais informacoes sobre 
Ate' a proxima.
[ ]

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[MSX] Last night, MSX Turbo-R on brazilian TV was wonderful..

2006-04-19 Thread Kim Daniel
Hello, everybody!
It was great show to see a brazilian news about older videogames including 
MSX Turbo-R.
It was really very beautiful to see famous MSX boot when Mr. Moacyr 
holding your Turbo-R on your arm.

Enjoy it!

Daniel Kim (Ginseng)

Ps : If you don't understand what they said, don't worry.. There is an 
official news link for you use any translator.,19125,VTJ0-2742-20060418-162663,00.html#

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RE: [MSX] price

2006-02-17 Thread Kim Daniel

From: Floris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
   February price

Was that msx international mailinglist monthly bill?
I thought it was gratis. How much? =P

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