[Mt-list] AMTA 2020 1st Call for Papers and Presentations

2020-01-26 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

1stCall for Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials

AMTA 2020

The14th biennial conference of the 

Association for Machine Translation in theAmericas. 

September 8-12

Sheraton Orlando LakeBuena Vista Resort

Orlando, Florida, USA


AMTA conferences are unique in bringingtogether MT researchers, developers, and 
users of MT technology from academia,industry, and government. This year AMTA 
2020 we have arranged for aspectacular venue in Orlando, Florida, located just 
outside the Disney themeparks.

Why attend AMTA 2020? For academic andcommercial researchers, it provides a 
unique opportunity to share the latestresults with colleagues as well as 
understand real-world user requirements.Business and government participants 
will benefit from updates on leading-edgeR&D in Machine Translation and have a 
chance to present and discuss theiruse cases.

The conference will feature three main tracks– Research, Commercial, and 
Government, each dedicated to a respective area inmachine translation research, 
commercial application, and government use. Therewill be invited talks and 
panels, and for the first time, a special StudentResearch Workshop that will 
provide students an opportunity to present theirwork during a session of the 
main conference. Relevant and engaging tutorialsand workshops will also be held 
on the first and last days of the conference.

The following important dates apply to eachof the tracks listed below:

·Submission deadline:  Monday, 27April 2020

·Notification of acceptance: Monday, 8 June 2020

·Conference registrationopens:  Monday, 22 June 2020

·Final “camera-ready” versions:  Monday, 27 July 2020

·Main conference:    September8–12, 2020

Thesubmission and “camera-ready” deadline time zone is "Anywhere onEarth" 

We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!


AMTA President


Call for MT Research Papers

Contact:Michael Denkowski, Christian Federmann (mtresearch...@amtaweb.org)

AMTA solicits original research papers that willadvance the field of Machine 
Translation. In addition to regular contributions,we are also seeking extended 
abstracts that report in-progress work or novelapplications of technology to 
real scenarios. Submissions must be unpublishedand in English.

We seek submissions across the entire spectrumof MT-related research, but with 
a particular focus on AMTA’s strength: theclose interaction between researchers 
and practitioners who are looking toapply the latest MT technology to their 
tasks. We particularly encouragesubmissions that are oriented towards building 
robust and practical systems,including user-in-the-loop translation systems, 
adaptation to particulardomains or usage scenarios, and utilization of 
available resources inproduction scenarios.

Submission instructions:

Full papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pagesplus 2 (two) pages for references, 
and must be formatted according to the AMTAstyle guide: PDFversion / 
LaTeXversion / MSWord version. These papers will be rigorouslyreviewed for 
novelty and impact, and they will be published in the AMTAproceedings. They 
will be presented at the conference as either oralpresentations or posters.


We will also be accepting submissions ofextended abstracts of no more than 6 
(six) pages plus 2 (two) pages forreferences. These abstracts can be used to 
report in-progress or late-breakingresearch results, analyses of the effects of 
applying research technology topractical application scenarios, or descriptions 
of demos appearing at theconference. Abstract submissions are further divided 
into two subcategories:
   - Original contributions, which will be included in the conference 
proceedings upon acceptance.
   - Non-archival submissions, which will not appear in the proceedings, but 
will still be presented at the conference.

Both types of abstracts will be double-blindreviewed for informativeness, 
correctness and clarity. They will be presentedat the conference as posters. 
Abstracts should be anonymized, and should put“This is a submission to the 
[original / non-archival] extended abstract track.”at the end of the abstract 
field in the START submission page (it does not needto be noted in the paper 


Submitted papers must be in PDF. To allow forblind reviewing, please do not 
include author names and affiliations within thepaper, and avoid obvious 
self-references. Papers must be submitted to the STARTsystem 
(https://www.softconf.com/amta2020/papers/) by 11:59 pm (UTC-12), Monday, 27 
April 2020.

Topics of interest include but are not limitedto:
   - Advances in various MT paradigms: data-driven, rule-based, and hybrids

MT applications and embedding:translation/localization aids, speech-to-speech, 
speech-to-text, OCR, MT forcommunication (chats, blogs, social networks), 
multilingual applic

[Mt-list] AMTA 2020 - Second Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials

2020-03-11 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

The 14th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the 
Americas will take place from September 8th to the 12th at the Sheraton Orlando 
Lake Buena Vista Resort Orlando, Florida, USA

|  |  |


|  | 
Sheraton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Resort

Stay in the heart of our dynamic city, near Disney theme parks, dining and 
shops, at Sheraton Orlando Lake Buena...



AMTA conferences are unique in bringing together MT researchers, developers, 
and users of MT technology from academia, industry, and government. This year 
AMTA 2020 we have arranged for a spectacular venue in Orlando, Florida, located 
just outside the Disney theme parks.

Why attend AMTA 2020? For academic and commercial researchers, it provides a 
unique opportunity to share the latest results with colleagues as well as 
understand real-world user requirements. Business and government participants 
will benefit from updates on leading-edge R&D in Machine Translation and have a 
chance to present and discuss their use cases.

The conference will feature three main tracks – Research, Commercial, and 
Government, each dedicated to a respective area in machine translation 
research, commercial application, and government use. There will be invited 
talks from experts in the field such as Colin Cherry (Goggle Research), Mona 
Diab (George Washington University), Chris Wendt (Microsoft Research), and Eric 
Paquin (Translators without Borders), as well as panels of practitioners from 
across the MT spectrum.  A special Student Research Workshop that will provide 
students an opportunity to present their work during a session of the main 
conference. Relevant and engaging tutorials and workshops will also be held on 
the first and last days of the conference.

The following important dates apply to each of the tracks listed below:

·Submission deadline: Monday, 27 April 2020

·Notification of acceptance:Monday, 8 June 2020

·Conference registration opens: Monday, 22 June 2020

·Final “camera-ready” versions: Monday, 27 July 2020

·Main conference:   September 8–12, 2020

The submission and “camera-ready” deadline time zone is "Anywhere on Earth" 

We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!

Call for MT Research Papers

Contact: Michael Denkowski, Christian Federman (mtresearch...@amtaweb.org)

AMTA solicits original research papers that will advance the field of Machine 
Translation. In addition to regular contributions, we are also seeking extended 
abstracts that report in-progress work or novel applications of technology to 
real scenarios. Submissions must be unpublished and in English.

We seek submissions across the entire spectrum of MT-related research, but with 
a particular focus on AMTA’s strength: the close interaction between 
researchers and practitioners who are looking to apply the latest MT technology 
to their tasks. We particularly encourage submissions that are oriented towards 
building robust and practical systems, including user-in-the-loop translation 
systems, adaptation to particular domains or usage scenarios, and utilization 
of available resources in production scenarios.

Submission instructions:

Full papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages plus 2 (two) pages for 
references, and must be formatted according to the AMTA style guide: PDF 
version / LaTeX version / MS Word version. These papers will be rigorously 
reviewed for novelty and impact, and they will be published in the AMTA 
proceedings. They will be presented at the conference as either oral 
presentations or posters.

We will also be accepting submissions of extended abstracts of no more than 6 
(six) pages plus 2 (two) pages for references. These abstracts can be used to 
report in-progress or late-breaking research results, analyses of the effects 
of applying research technology to practical application scenarios, or 
descriptions of demos appearing at the conference. Abstract submissions are 
further divided into two subcategories:
   - Original contributions, which will be included in the conference 
proceedings upon acceptance.
   - Non-archival submissions, which will not appear in the proceedings, but 
will still be presented at the conference.

Both types of abstracts will be double-blind reviewed for informativeness, 
correctness and clarity. They will be presented at the conference as posters. 
Abstracts should be anonymized, and should put “This is a submission to the 
[original / non-archival] extended abstract track.” at the end of the abstract 
field in the START submission page (it does not need to be noted in the paper 

Submitted papers must be in PDF. To allow for blind reviewing, please do not 
include author names and affiliations within the paper, and avoid obvious 
self-references. Papers must be submitted to the START system (The 14th 

[Mt-list] AMTA 2020 | 1st Workshop on Post-Editing in Modern-Day Translation

2020-03-21 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

AMTA 2020 | 1st Workshop on Post-Editing in Modern-Day Translation

PEMDT1 @ AMTA 2020

September 8th

Sheraton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Resort

Orlando, Florida, USA


Building on the success of past workshops that address post-editing, such as 
the ones held at AMTA 2018 and MT Summit 2019, we present PEMDT1 
(https://www.naturallang.com/post-editing). Like its predecessors, this 
workshop will bring together post-editing translation tool users 
(practitioners) and researchers to compare and contrast how each use digital 
technology for translation. Specifically, the workshop focuses on novel 
advances in modern-day Computer-Assisted Tools (CAT) such as, but not limited 
to, Automatic Post-Editing (APE), Neural Machine Translation (NMT), and 
post-editing techniques and their usefulness as components in a practitioner's 
workflow. The workshop's aim is to gain a modern-day outlook on tools and the 
latest research in the post-editing sector. There will be open discussion 
amongst attendees along with invited speakers with an attempt to discern what 
is best for the post-editing field.

Topics of Interest

We are highly interested in (1) original research papers and (2) demos on the 
topics below; however, we welcome all novel ideas that cover human involement 
with digital translation tools:
   - Inclusion of practitioner (post-editing or translator) feedback
   - Automatic post-editing approaches
   - Interactive post-editing techniques
   - Practitioner productivity studies
   - Studies on post-editing effectiveness
   - Evaluation mechanisms for post-editing
   - Novel uses of post-editing techniques
   - Quality comparisons of machine translation and post-editing
   - Machine translation integration with post-editing
   - Post-editing quality estimation
   - Error analysis of post-editing operations
   - Tools that use post-editing and machine translation
   - Machine translation inclusion in CAT tools
   - Metrics that relate post-editing productivity to machine translation 
   - Text-based systems that operate on any of the above
   - Neural and deep learning approaches of any type (machine translation, 
post-editing, or CAT tools)
   - Interactive machine translation use and implementation

Research Papers

Original papers are accepted for submission similar to those of AMTA 2020. 
Papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages with unlimited pages for references, 
and must be formatted according to the AMTA style guide: PDF version / LaTeX 
version / MS Word version. These papers will be rigorously reviewed for novelty 
and impact, and they will be published in the AMTA proceedings. They will be 
presented at the PEMDT workshop as oral presentations.

Submitted papers must be in PDF. To allow for blind reviewing, please do not 
include author names and affiliations within the paper, and avoid obvious 
self-references. Papers must be submitted to the START system 
(https://www.softconf.com/amta2020/pemdt1) by 11:59 pm (UTC-12), Monday, 08 
June 2020.

Papers must represent new work that has not been previously published 
(pre-prints posted online on servers such as arXiv do not count as published 
papers, and thus are allowed to be submitted). It is the responsibility of the 
author(s) to inform the program organizers of any potential problem with 
respect to this requirement. Authors submitting a similar paper both to PEMDT 
and another conference or workshop must inform the organizers by email (see 
below for organizer information), specifying to which other conference or 
workshop they are submitting their work. If a paper is accepted at both PEMDT 
and another workshop/conference, then to appear at PEMDT it can either be 
presented at PEMDT as a full paper and withdrawn from the other conference, or 
it can be withdrawn from the proceedings, but still presented at PEMDT as a 
non-archival extended abstract. Full papers presented at the conference and 
included in the proceedings will also be hosted on the ACL Anthology.


We also invite one-page descriptions of interesting tools related to 
post-editing, including commercial products, in-house systems, research 
prototypes and open source software. Authors should be ready to present demos 
of the tools during the workshop. See Demo submission instructions below.

Demo submissions consist of a 1-page product description. They should not be 
anonymized. Please email your demo submissions directly to John Ortega by 11:59 
pm (UTC-12), Monday, 08 June 2020.

Important Dates
   - Research Paper deadline: Monday, 8 June 2020
   - Demo Submission deadline: Monday, 8 June 2020
   - Notification to authors: Monday, 27 July 2020
   - Camera-ready version due: Monday, 17 August 2020
   - Workshop: Tuesday, 8 September 2020


To be announced


John E. Ortega (Universitat d’Alacant and New York University): je...@alu.ua.es

Marcello Federico (Amazon): marcf...@amazon.com

Constantin Orasan (University 

[Mt-list] AMTA 2020 Workshop on the Impact of Machine Translation (iMpacT 2020)

2020-03-21 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

AMTA 2020 Workshop on the Impact of Machine Translation (iMpacT 2020)

September 8, 2020

This workshop is part of AMTA 2020, to be held in Orlando, Florida, September 
8-12, 2020.

Machine Translation is here to stay. For many years, MT has seen advances in 
the quality of output, the number of users, language pair and domain coverage, 
as well as the number of enterprises investing in MT. MT is now an integral 
part of most CAT tools and post-editing is a de facto task required from 
language professionals in many domains. The introduction and wide-scale 
adoption of NMT has boosted this even more. Languages and domains that were not 
supported previously are now serious contenders for MT, at least for gisting, 
if not for more. As MT becomes more and more mainstream, an increasing number 
of people are interacting with it, for a variety of purposes, even beyond the 
commercial language industry. The 2020 AMTA conference is therefore an 
excellent moment in time to take stock of the nature of this interaction, the 
impact to date and the potential impact into the future.

The workshop will feature invited talks (to be announced) as well as oral 
presentations of ongoing research work.


Sharon O'Brien -- ADAPT, CTTS Dublin City University, Ireland

Michel Simard -- National Research Council Canada

Mt-list site list

[Mt-list] AMTA 2020 Rescheduled to OCTOBER 6-10 as Virtual Conference

2020-04-27 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

The 14th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the 
Americas has been rescheduled to OCTOBER 6-10 and will be held as a virtual 
conference using a powerful, enterprise collaboration platform. It was 
previously scheduled from September 8th to the 12th in Orlando, Florida

We apologize for sending out this notice only now, but along with the 
organizers of many other conferences, we have been scrambling to finalize the 
new arrangements.

The submission deadline for all papers and presentations, which was April 27, 
will now be extended approximately two months in order to give everyone plenty 
of time to rework their submissions, and in some cases reconsider making 
submissions during what continues to be a time of great uncertainty.

An updated Call For Papers and Presentations with new dates and submission 
instructions will be distributed on or before next Monday, May 4th.

Please know that we will do everything possible to maximize virtual 
interactions between conference attendees within all the contexts normally 
provided by a physical conference, and we expect to have an expanded virtual 
audience of experts and practitioners from research, industry, and academia, 
including many students who might normally not be able to attend.

For academic and commercial researchers, AMTA 2020 provides a unique 
opportunity to share the latest results with colleagues as well as understand 
real-world user requirements. Business and government participants will benefit 
from updates on leading-edge R&D in Machine Translation and have a chance to 
present and discuss their use cases.

The virtual conference will continue to feature three main tracks – Research, 
Commercial, and Government, each dedicated to a respective area in machine 
translation research, commercial application, and government use. There will be 
invited talks from experts in the field such as Colin Cherry (Google Research), 
Mona Diab (George Washington University), Chris Wendt (Microsoft Research), and 
Eric Paquin (Translators without Borders), as well as panels of practitioners 
from across the MT spectrum. A special Student Research Workshop that will 
provide students an opportunity to present their work during a session of the 
main conference. Relevant and engaging tutorials and workshops will also be 
held on the first and last days of the conference.

We look forward to “seeing” you at AMTA 2020 – VIRTUAL!

Mt-list site list

[Mt-list] Virtual AMTA 2020 - UPDATED Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials

2020-05-05 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

UPDATEDCall for Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials


The14th biennial conference of the 

Association for Machine Translation in theAmericas. 

October 6-10


The 14th biennial conference of theAssociation for Machine Translation in the 
Americas hasbeen rescheduled to OCTOBER 6-10 and will be held as a 
virtualconference using a powerful, enterprise collaboration platform. It 
waspreviously scheduled from September 8-12 in Orlando, Florida. 

The submission deadline for all papers andpresentations has now been extended 
two months in order to provide time torework submissions, and in some cases, to 
reconsider making submissions duringwhat continues to be a period of great 

The organizing committee will do everythingpossible to maximize virtual 
interactions between conference attendees withinall the contexts normally 
provided by a physical conference. We expect to havean expanded virtual 
audience of experts and practitioners from research,industry, and academia, 
including many students who might normally not be ableto attend.

For academic and commercial researchers, AMTA2020 provides a unique opportunity 
to share the latest results withcolleagues as well as understand real-world 
user requirements. Business andgovernment participants will benefit from 
updates on leading-edge R&D inMachine Translation and have a chance to present 
and discuss their use cases.

The virtual conference will continue to featurethree main tracks – Research, 
Commercial, and Government, each dedicated to arespective area in machine 
translation research, commercial application, andgovernment use. There will be 
invited talks from experts in the field such asColin Cherry (Google Research), 
Mona Diab (George Washington University), ChrisWendt (Microsoft Research), Eric 
Paquin (Translators without Borders), andDanielle Silverman (National Virtual 
Translation Center), as well as panels ofpractitioners from across the MT 
spectrum.  A special Student Research Workshop willprovide students an 
opportunity to present their work during a session of themain conference. 
Relevant and engaging tutorials and workshops will also beheld on the first and 
last days of the conference.

The following dates have been updated toprovide for the new virtual format and 
they apply to each of the tracks listedbelow:

·Submission deadline:  Wednesday,1 July 2020

·Notification of acceptance: Monday,3 August 2020

·Final “camera-ready” versions:  Monday, 31August 2020

·Main conference:  6-10 October2020

Thesubmission and “camera-ready” deadline time zone is "Anywhere onEarth" 
(UTC–12). Before the conference, the organizing committee willwork with each 
presenter to ensure readiness for presenting in the virtualenvironment. By 
default, we expect presenters to give live presentations with anopportunity for 
questions and discussion at the end of each presentation. Incertain cases, 
however, the committee may determine that pre-recording thepresentation is a 
preferable option to ensure its quality.  More information on acceptable modes 
ofpresentation will be forthcoming.

We look forward to “seeing” you at AMTA 2020 -VIRTUAL!


AMTA President


Call for MT Research Papers

Contact:Michael Denkowski, Christian Federmann (mtresearch...@amtaweb.org)

AMTA solicits original research papers that willadvance the field of Machine 
Translation. In addition to regular contributions,we are also seeking extended 
abstracts that report in-progress work or novelapplications of technology to 
real scenarios. Submissions must be unpublishedand in English.


We seek submissions across the entire spectrumof MT-related research, but with 
a particular focus on AMTA’s strength: theclose interaction between researchers 
and practitioners who are looking toapply the latest MT technology to their 
tasks. We particularly encouragesubmissions that are oriented towards building 
robust and practical systems,including user-in-the-loop translation systems, 
adaptation to particulardomains or usage scenarios, and utilization of 
available resources inproduction scenarios.

Submission instructions:

Full papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pagesplus 2 (two) pages for references, 
and must be formatted according to the AMTAstyle guide: PDFversion / 
LaTeXversion / MSWord version. These papers will be rigorouslyreviewed for 
novelty and impact, and they will be published in the AMTAproceedings. They 
will be presented at the conference as either oralpresentations or posters.


We will also be accepting submissions ofextended abstracts of no more than 6 
(six) pages plus 2 (two) pages forreferences. These abstracts can be used to 
report in-progress or late-breakingresearch results, analyses of the effects of 
applying research technology topractical application scenarios, or descriptions 

[Mt-list] AMTA 2020 - 2nd Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials

2020-06-03 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

2ndCall for Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials


The14th biennial conference of the 

Association for Machine Translation in theAmericas. 

October 6-10


The 14th biennial conference of theAssociation for Machine Translation in the 
Americas hasbeen rescheduled to OCTOBER 6-10 and will be held as a 
virtualconference using Microsoft Teams, a powerful,enterprise collaboration 
platform. It was previously scheduled from September 8-12 in Orlando,Florida. 

The submission deadline for all papers andpresentations has now been extended 
two months in order to provide time torework submissions, and in some cases, to 
reconsider making submissions duringwhat continues to be a period of great 

The organizing committee will do everythingpossible to maximize virtual 
interactions between conference attendees withinall the contexts normally 
provided by a physical conference. We expect to havean expanded virtual 
audience of experts and practitioners from research,industry, and academia, 
including many students who might normally not be ableto attend.

For academic and commercial researchers, AMTA2020 provides a unique opportunity 
to share the latest results withcolleagues as well as understand real-world 
user requirements. Business andgovernment participants will benefit from 
updates on leading-edge R&D inMachine Translation and have a chance to present 
and discuss their use cases.

The virtualconference will continue to feature three main tracks – Research, 
Commercial,and Government, each dedicated to a respective area in machine 
translationresearch, commercial application, and government use. There will be 
invitedtalks from these expert keynote speakers: 

ColinCherry (Google Research)       Mona Diab (George 

ChrisWendt (Microsoft Research)    DanielleSilverman (National 
Virtual Translation Center)

Eric Paquin (Translators without Borders) Andy Way (ADAPT Centre, Dublin 

A special Student Research Workshop willprovide students an opportunity to 
present their work during a session of themain conference. Relevant and 
engaging tutorials and workshops will also beheld on the first and last days of 
the conference.

Thefollowing dates have been updated to provide for the new virtual format and 
theyapply to each of the tracks listed below:

·Submission deadline:  Wednesday,1 July 2020

·Notification of acceptance: Monday,3 August 2020

·Final “camera-ready” versions:  Monday, 31August 2020

·Main conference:  6-10 October2020

Thesubmission and “camera-ready” deadline time zone is "Anywhere onEarth" 
(UTC–12). Before the conference, the organizing committee willwork with each 
presenter to ensure readiness for presenting in the virtualenvironment. By 
default, we expect presenters to give live presentations with anopportunity for 
questions and discussion at the end of each presentation. Incertain cases, 
however, the committee may determine that pre-recording thepresentation is a 
preferable option to ensure its quality.  More information on acceptable modes 
ofpresentation will be forthcoming.

We look forward to “seeing” you at AMTA 2020 -VIRTUAL!


AMTA President


Call for MT Research Papers

Contact:Michael Denkowski, Christian Federmann (mtresearch...@amtaweb.org)

AMTA solicits original research papers that willadvance the field of Machine 
Translation. In addition to regular contributions,we are also seeking extended 
abstracts that report in-progress work or novelapplications of technology to 
real scenarios. Submissions must be unpublishedand in English.


We seek submissions across the entire spectrumof MT-related research, but with 
a particular focus on AMTA’s strength: theclose interaction between researchers 
and practitioners who are looking toapply the latest MT technology to their 
tasks. We particularly encouragesubmissions that are oriented towards building 
robust and practical systems,including user-in-the-loop translation systems, 
adaptation to particulardomains or usage scenarios, and utilization of 
available resources inproduction scenarios.

Submission instructions:

Full papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pagesplus 2 (two) pages for references, 
and must be formatted according to the AMTAstyle guide: PDFversion / 
LaTeXversion / MSWord version. These papers will be rigorouslyreviewed for 
novelty and impact, and they will be published in the AMTAproceedings. They 
will be presented at the conference as either oralpresentations or posters.


We will also be accepting submissions ofextended abstracts of no more than 6 
(six) pages plus 2 (two) pages forreferences. These abstracts can be used to 
report in-progress or late-breakingresearch results, analyses of the effects of 
applying research technology topractical application 

[Mt-list] MT Summit XVIII - 2021 - Hold the Date!

2020-06-11 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez
The next MT Summit Conference is now set to be held at the Sheraton Orlando 
Lake Buena Vista Resort in Orlando, Florida from August 16-20, 2021. We invite 
MT practitioners from industry, academia, and government around the world, as 
well as students and other parties interested in Machine Translation to mark 
these dates on their calendars and to plan to submit papers or presentations 
and to attend this engaging and informative conference. Information about 
submissions, registration, program, etc., will be sent out as the conference 
approaches, but with all the rescheduling that is happening due to the 
pandemic, we wanted to be sure that everyone was informed of this noteworthy 
event well in advance. We look forward to seeing you in person in Orlando!

|  |  |


|  | 
Sheraton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Resort

Stay at our resort in the heart of Orlando, near Disney theme parks and other 
top attractions. Discover more at ...



Mt-list site list

[Mt-list] Virtual AMTA 2020 - Submission Deadline Extended to July 13 - Final Call for Participation and Conference News

2020-06-26 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

October 6-10

New Submission Deadline: Monday, July 13, 2020

The 14th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the 


While we have already received several submissions, we have noted that due to 
pandemic-related challenges, there are others who desire to submit but need 
additional time to do so. Consequently, we have decided to make a single 
extension of 12 days to our submission due date, which will now be Monday, July 
13, 2020 at 11:59pm (AOE). All other dates will remain the same.

By the new date or before, we intend to open registration for the conference. 
We are currently finalizing the registration fee, but we now announce that 
there will be a single fee for the entire conference, which will include 
attendance at the tutorials and workshops scheduled for the first day of the 
conference (October 6). Information about the workshops is already available on 
our website.

The registration fee will also include a two-year membership in AMTA, which 
allows members to register for the upcoming  MT Summit XVIII conference in 2021 
as well as for conferences hosted by our sister organizations, EAMT and AAMT, 
at a discounted member rate.

We further announce that due to the generous sponsorship of Microsoft, the 
first one hundred students who register for AMTA 2020 will pay a significantly 
discounted fee of only US$10, and students whose papers are accepted in our 
Student Research Workshop will have their registration fee waved completely.

For academic and commercial researchers, AMTA 2020 provides a unique 
opportunity to share the latest results with colleagues as well as understand 
real-world user requirements. Business and government participants will benefit 
from updates on leading-edge R&D in Machine Translation and have a chance to 
present and discuss their use cases.

The virtual conference will continue to feature three main tracks – Research, 
Commercial, and Government, each dedicated to a respective area in machine 
translation research, commercial application, and government use. The Student 
Research Workshop will provide students an opportunity to present their work 
during sessions of the main conference.

The conference program will feature engaging keynote talks from these 
recognized experts in the research, development, and application of machine 

Colin Cherry (Google Research)  Mona Diab (George Washington 

Chris Wendt (Microsoft Research)   Danielle Silverman (National 
Virtual Translation Center)

Eric Paquin (Translators without Borders)Andy Way (ADAPT Centre, Dublin 
City University)

With the extended submission date, we encourage those who may have needed 
additional time to prepare the submissions to carefully note the following 
dates, which apply to each of the conference tracks listed below:

·Submission deadline: Monday, 13 July 2020

·Notification of acceptance:Monday, 3 August 2020

·Final “camera-ready” versions: Monday, 31 August 2020

·Main conference: 6-10 October 2020

The submission and “camera-ready” deadline time zone is "Anywhere on Earth" 
(UTC–12). Before the conference, the organizing committee will work with each 
presenter to ensure readiness for presenting in the virtual environment. By 
default, we expect presenters to give live presentations with an opportunity 
for questions and discussion at the end of each presentation. In certain cases, 
however, the committee may determine that pre-recording the presentation is a 
preferable option to ensure its quality. More information on acceptable modes 
of presentation will be forthcoming.

We look forward to “seeing” you at AMTA 2020 - VIRTUAL!

Steve Richardson

AMTA President

Call for MT Research Papers

Contact: Michael Denkowski, Christian Federmann (mtresearch...@amtaweb.org)

AMTA solicits original research papers that will advance the field of Machine 
Translation. In addition to regular contributions, we are also seeking extended 
abstracts that report in-progress work or novel applications of technology to 
real scenarios. Submissions must be unpublished and in English.

We seek submissions across the entire spectrum of MT-related research, but with 
a particular focus on AMTA’s strength: the close interaction between 
researchers and practitioners who are looking to apply the latest MT technology 
to their tasks. We particularly encourage submissions that are oriented towards 
building robust and practical systems, including user-in-the-loop translation 
systems, adaptation to particular domains or usage scenarios, and utilization 
of available resources in production scenarios.

Submission instructions:

Full papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages plus 2 (two) pages for 
references, and must be formatted according to the AMTA style guide: PDF 
version / LaTeX version / MS Word

[Mt-list] AMTA 2020 | 1st Workshop on Post-Editing in Modern-Day Translation - New Date: October 6th

2020-06-29 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

PEMDT1 @ AMTA 2020

September 8th October 6th

Due to COVID-19, we are virtual now!

Orlando, Florida, USA


Building on the success of past workshops that address post-editing, such as 
the ones held at AMTA 2018 and MT Summit 2019, we present PEMDT1 
(https://www.naturallang.com/post-editing). Like its predecessors, this 
workshop will bring together post-editing translation tool users 
(practitioners) and researchers to compare and contrast how each use digital 
technology for translation. Specifically, the workshop focuses on novel 
advances in modern-day Computer-Assisted Tools (CAT) such as, but not limited 
to, Automatic Post-Editing (APE), Neural Machine Translation (NMT), and 
post-editing techniques and their usefulness as components in a practitioner's 
workflow. The workshop's aim is to gain a modern-day outlook on tools and the 
latest research in the post-editing sector. There will be open discussion 
amongst attendees along with invited speakers with an attempt to discern what 
is best for the post-editing field.

Topics of Interest

We are highly interested in (1) original research papers and (2) demos on the 
topics below; however, we welcome all novel ideas that cover human involvement 
with digital translation tools:
   - Inclusion of practitioner (post-editing or translator) feedback
   - Automatic post-editing approaches
   - Interactive post-editing techniques
   - Practitioner productivity studies
   - Studies on post-editing effectiveness
   - Evaluation mechanisms for post-editing
   - Novel uses of post-editing techniques
   - Quality comparisons of machine translation and post-editing
   - Machine translation integration with post-editing
   - Post-editing quality estimation
   - Error analysis of post-editing operations
   - Tools that use post-editing and machine translation
   - Machine translation inclusion in CAT tools
   - Metrics that relate post-editing productivity to machine translation 
   - Text-based systems that operate on any of the above
   - Neural and deep learning approaches of any type (machine translation, 
post-editing, or CAT tools)
   - Interactive machine translation use and implementation

Research Papers

Original papers are accepted for submission similar to those of AMTA 2020. 
Papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages with unlimited pages for references, 
and must be formatted according to the AMTA style guide: PDF version / LaTeX 
version / MS Word version. These papers will be rigorously reviewed for novelty 
and impact, and they will be published in the AMTA proceedings. They will be 
presented at the PEMDT workshop as oral presentations.

Submitted papers must be in PDF. To allow for blind reviewing, please do not 
include author names and affiliations within the paper, and avoid obvious 
self-references. Papers must be submitted to the START system 
(https://www.softconf.com/amta2020/pemdt1) by 11:59 pm (UTC-12), Wednesday, 08 
July 2020.

Papers must represent new work that has not been previously published 
(pre-prints posted online on servers such as arXiv do not count as published 
papers, and thus are allowed to be submitted). It is the responsibility of the 
author(s) to inform the program organizers of any potential problem with 
respect to this requirement. Authors submitting a similar paper both to PEMDT 
and another conference or workshop must inform the organizers by email (see 
below for organizer information), specifying to which other conference or 
workshop they are submitting their work. If a paper is accepted at both PEMDT 
and another workshop/conference, then to appear at PEMDT it can either be 
presented at PEMDT as a full paper and withdrawn from the other conference, or 
it can be withdrawn from the proceedings, but still presented at PEMDT as a 
non-archival extended abstract. Full papers presented at the conference and 
included in the proceedings will also be hosted on the ACL Anthology.


We also invite one-page descriptions of interesting tools related to 
post-editing, including commercial products, in-house systems, research 
prototypes and open source software. Authors should be ready to present demos 
of the tools during the workshop. See Demo submission instructions below.

Demo submissions consist of a 1-page product description. They should not be 
anonymized. Please email your demo submissions directly to John Ortega by 11:59 
pm (UTC-12), Wednesday, 08 July 2020.

Important Dates
   - Research Paper deadline: Wednesday, 8 July 2020
   - Demo Submission deadline: Wednesday, 8 July 2020
   - Notification to authors: Thursday, 27 August 2020
   - Camera-ready version due: Thursday, 17 September 2020
   - Workshop: Tuesday, 6 October 2020


To be announced


John E. Ortega (Universitat d’Alacant and New York University): je...@alu.ua.es

Marcello Federico (Amazon): marcf...@amazon.com

Constantin Orasan (University of Surrey): c.ora...@surrey.ac.uk


[Mt-list] Virtual AMTA 2020 - Deadline for Post-Editing Workshop extended to Aug 12

2020-07-10 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez


We have received submissions but are looking for more.

Our committee of seasoned researchers want your best!


AMTA 2020 | 1st Workshop on Post-Editing in Modern-Day Translation

PEMDT1 @ AMTA 2020

September 8th October 6th

Due to COVID-19, we are virtual now!

Orlando, Florida, USA


Building on the success of past workshops that address post-editing, such as 
the ones held at AMTA 2018 and MT Summit 2019, we present PEMDT1 
(https://www.naturallang.com/post-editing). Like its predecessors, this 
workshop will bring together post-editing translation tool users 
(practitioners) and researchers to compare and contrast how each use digital 
technology for translation. Specifically, the workshop focuses on novel 
advances in modern-day Computer-Assisted Tools (CAT) such as, but not limited 
to, Automatic Post-Editing (APE), Neural Machine Translation (NMT), and 
post-editing techniques and their usefulness as components in a practitioner's 
workflow. The workshop's aim is to gain a modern-day outlook on tools and the 
latest research in the post-editing sector. There will be open discussion 
amongst attendees along with invited speakers with an attempt to discern what 
is best for the post-editing field.

Topics of Interest

We are highly interested in (1) original research papers and (2) demos on the 
topics below; however, we welcome all novel ideas that cover human involvement 
with digital translation tools:
   - Inclusion of practitioner (post-editing or translator) feedback
   - Automatic post-editing approaches
   - Interactive post-editing techniques
   - Practitioner productivity studies
   - Studies on post-editing effectiveness
   - Evaluation mechanisms for post-editing
   - Novel uses of post-editing techniques
   - Quality comparisons of machine translation and post-editing
   - Machine translation integration with post-editing
   - Post-editing quality estimation
   - Error analysis of post-editing operations
   - Tools that use post-editing and machine translation
   - Machine translation inclusion in CAT tools
   - Metrics that relate post-editing productivity to machine translation 
   - Text-based systems that operate on any of the above
   - Neural and deep learning approaches of any type (machine translation, 
post-editing, or CAT tools)
   - Interactive machine translation use and implementation

Research Papers

Original papers are accepted for submission similar to those of AMTA 2020. 
Papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages with unlimited pages for references, 
and must be formatted according to the AMTA style guide: PDF version / LaTeX 
version / MS Word version. These papers will be rigorously reviewed for novelty 
and impact, and they will be published in the AMTA proceedings. They will be 
presented at the PEMDT workshop as oral presentations.

Submitted papers must be in PDF. To allow for blind reviewing, please do not 
include author names and affiliations within the paper, and avoid obvious 
self-references. Papers must be submitted to the START system 
(https://www.softconf.com/amta2020/pemdt1) by 11:59 pm (UTC-12), Wednesday, 12 
August 2020.

Papers must represent new work that has not been previously published 
(pre-prints posted online on servers such as arXiv do not count as published 
papers, and thus are allowed to be submitted). It is the responsibility of the 
author(s) to inform the program organizers of any potential problem with 
respect to this requirement. Authors submitting a similar paper both to PEMDT 
and another conference or workshop must inform the organizers by email (see 
below for organizer information), specifying to which other conference or 
workshop they are submitting their work. If a paper is accepted at both PEMDT 
and another workshop/conference, then to appear at PEMDT it can either be 
presented at PEMDT as a full paper and withdrawn from the other conference, or 
it can be withdrawn from the proceedings, but still presented at PEMDT as a 
non-archival extended abstract. Full papers presented at the conference and 
included in the proceedings will also be hosted on the ACL Anthology.


We also invite one-page descriptions of interesting tools related to 
post-editing, including commercial products, in-house systems, research 
prototypes and open source software. Authors should be ready to present demos 
of the tools during the workshop. See Demo submission instructions below.

Demo submissions consist of a 1-page product description. They should not be 
anonymized. Please email your demo submissions directly to John Ortega by 11:59 
pm (UTC-12), Wednesday, 12 August 2020.

Important Dates
   - Research Paper deadline: Wednesday, 12 August 2020
   - Demo Submission deadline: Wednesday, 12 August 2020
   - Notification to authors: Thursday, 10 September 2020
   - Camer

[Mt-list] AMTA 2020 – VIRTUAL - Registration Details and Program Outline

2020-07-20 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez


October 6-9

Registration for AMTA 2020 will open soon.Fees are below.

The14th biennial conference of the 

Association for Machine Translation in theAmericas. 


The single registration fees listed in thetable below will include attendance 
at all tutorials and workshops, as well as atall presentations in the three 
conference tracks: Commercial, Research, andGovernment.  Additionally, after 
eachpresentation, a recording will be available for viewing on demand during 
theconference week and for a period of weeks after the conference.  Attendees 
will thus be able to enjoy allsessions and presentations even if they could not 
attend them at the time theywere given.

The regular registration fees also include atwo-year membership in AMTA (a 
US$100 value for non-students and US$50 for students),which allows members to 
register for the upcoming MTSummit XVIII conference in 2021 as well as for 
conferences hosted by our sisterorganizations, EAMT and AAMT, at a 
discountedmember rate.

We further announce that due to the generoussponsorship of Microsoft, the first 
onehundred students who register for AMTA 2020 will pay a significantly 

When registration opens next week, fees willbe in US dollars as follows:

Registration Type
Early Fee*
Late Fee **
Regular Individual
conference registration and 2-year AMTA membership
Regular Student
conference registration and 2-year AMTA membership
First 100 Students Sponsored by Microsoft
conference registration and 2-year AMTA membership
Current Members of EAMT or AAMT
conference registration; no AMTA membership

*Early Fee – through Monday, September 28

**Late Fee – starting Tuesday, September 29


Conference workshops and tutorials will takeplace on Tuesday, October 6. 
Currently confirmed are:

Tutorial 1
Quick-Start Guide to Understanding & Working with Machine Translation
Presenter: Adam Wooten (Middlebury Institute of International Studies)
Tutorial 2
NMT Domain Adaptation Techniques
Presenter: Yasmin Moslem (ADAPT Centre)
Workshop 1
1st Workshop on Post-Editing in Modern-Day Translation (PEMDT1)
Organizers: John E. Ortega (Universitat d’Alacant and New York University), 
Marcello Federico (Amazon), Constantin Orasan (University of Surrey), Maja 
Popovic (ADAPT Centre)
Workshop 2
Virtual Workshop on the Impact of Machine Translation (iMpacT 2020)
Organizers: Sharon O'Brien (ADAPT, CTTS Dublin City University), Michel Simard 
(National Research Council Canada)


On the three main conference days, Wednesday,October 7 – Friday, October 9, the 
schedule* will be: 

session opening and keynote speaker
parallel tracks consisting of four half-hour presentations each
four half-hour demonstrations by exhibitors and/or lunch break
session opening and keynote speaker
parallel tracks consisting of four half-hour presentations each

*All times are Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7):

A complete program will be posted in earlyAugust after the paper acceptance 

Thekeynote talks will feature these recognized experts in the development 
andapplication of machine translation from research, industry, and government:


Colin Cherry (Google Research)  Mona Diab (George 

Chris Wendt (Microsoft Research)   Danielle Silverman (National 
VirtualTranslation Center)

Eric Paquin (Translators withoutBorders)   Andy Way (ADAPT Centre,Dublin City 

Additionally, there will be two 1-hour studentmentoring sessions featuring 
experts from research, industry, andgovernment who will give brief opening 
presentations and then lead Q&Adiscussions on employment opportunities in 
machine translation and on preparingfor those opportunities.  These 
sessionswill be held in parallel with other tracks and/or scheduled in the 
evening toavoid conflicts for students who wish to attend the live session.

For academic and commercial researchers, AMTA2020 provides a unique opportunity 
to share the latest results with colleaguesas well as understand real-world 
user requirements. Business and governmentparticipants will benefit from 
updates on leading-edge R&D in MachineTranslation and have a chance to present 
and discuss their use cases.

We look forward to “seeing” you at AMTA 2020 -VIRTUAL!


AMTA President

Mt-list site list

[Mt-list] PEMDT @ AMTA2020: final call for papers

2020-08-08 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez
PEMDT @ AMTA2020: final call for papersThe final submission deadline is August 
26th.Accepting papers on MT and Post-Editing, including short papers and 
demos.For more information, please visit the website: AMTA 2020 | 1st Call for 
Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials · AMTA.

|  | 
AMTA 2020 | 1st Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials...

The 14th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the 
Americas. September 8-12 Sherato...




AMTA 2020 | 1st Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials · AMTA

|  | 
AMTA 2020 | 1st Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops, and Tutorials...

The 14th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the 
Americas. September 8-12 Sherato...




Mt-list site list

[Mt-list] Virtual AMTA 2020 | Registration is Now Open and Conference Program is Available!

2020-08-21 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez




The14th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in 

Registration Details

The single registration fee includes attendance at all tutorialsand workshops, 
special student mentoring sessions, exhibitions by vendors andconference 
sponsors, and all presentations in the three conference tracks:Commercial, 
Research, and Government. Additionally, after each tutorial,workshop, and 
presentation, a recording will be available for viewing on demandduring the 
conference week and for a period of weeks after the conference.Attendees will 
thus be able to enjoy all sessions and presentations even ifthey could not 
attend them at the time they were given.

The registration fee also includes a two-year membership in AMTA(a US$100 value 
for non-students and US$50 for students), which allows membersto register for 
the upcoming MTSummit XVIII conference in 2021 as well as for conferenceshosted 
by our sister organizations, EAMT and AAMT, at a discounted member rate.

Through the generous sponsorship of Microsoft, thefirst one hundred students 
who register for AMTA 2020 will pay a discounted fee  of only US$10.

Early registration prices are available through Monday,September 28, 2020.

Late registration starts Tuesday, September 29, 2020 and will continuethrough 
the last day of the conference.

Program Details

Our engaging keynote talks will feature the following world-recognizedexperts 
in the development and application of machine translation fromresearch, 
industry, and government:

Colin Cherry (Google Research)
Mona Diab (George Washington University)
Chris Wendt (Microsoft Research)
Danielle Silverman (National Virtual Translation Center)
Eric Paquin (Translators without Borders)
Andy Way (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)

Twostudent mentoring sessions will feature experts from research,industry, and 
government who will give brief opening presentations and thenlead Q&A 
discussions on employment opportunities related to machinetranslation and on 
preparing for those opportunities. One mentoring sessionwill be held in the 
late afternoon and the other will be held in parallel with anotherconference 
track in the morning to provide flexibility for students who mayhave scheduling 
conflicts but still wish to attend a live session.

The current conferenceprogram schedule is available here. Theprogram will start 
each day at 8am PDT (UTC-7) and end at 3pm PDT. On the mainconference days, 
about 10 minutes before 8am, there will be a short welcomewith a program 
overview. On Wednesday, one of the student mentoring sessionswill take place at 
3:15pm (PDT).

|  |  |


|  | 




AMTA 2020 provides a unique opportunity for academic andcommercial researchers 
to share their results with colleagues as well as to understandreal-world user 
requirements. Business and government participants will benefitfrom updates on 
leading-edge R&D in Machine Translation and have a chanceto present and discuss 
their use cases. Students who attend will gain a broadperspective and 
understanding of the fascinating field of machine translation.

We look forward to “seeing” you at AMTA 2020 – VIRTUAL!

Steve Richardson

AMTA President


Mt-list site list

[Mt-list] Virtual AMTA 2020 | Register Now! Early Registration Discount Ends Sept 28

2020-09-11 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez
Virtual AMTA 2020 | Register Now! EarlyRegistration Discount Ends September 28

October 6-9


The14th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in 

AMTA 2020 provides an exciting opportunity for researchers andusers of machine 
translation (MT) from academia, industry, and government, includinglanguage 
services providers and translators, to interact and benefit together 
fromupdates on leading-edge R&D in MT. Students are especially welcomed 
andencouraged to attend.

The single registration fee includes attendance at all tutorialsand workshops, 
keynote speaker sessions, student mentoring sessions,exhibitions by vendors and 
conference sponsors, and all presentations in thethree conference tracks: 
Commercial, Research, and Government. After each tutorial,workshop, and 
presentation, a recording will be available for viewing on demandduring the 
conference week and for a period of weeks after the conference.Attendees will 
thus be able to enjoy all sessions and presentations even ifthey could not 
attend them at the time they were given.

The conferenceprogram and registration details are available here.

Early registration prices are available through Monday,September 28, 2020.

Late registration starts Tuesday, September 29, 2020 and will continuethrough 
the last day of the conference.

Links to the online conference platform will be emailed to allregistrants the 
week before the conference begins.

We look forward to “seeing” you at AMTA 2020 – VIRTUAL!

Steve Richardson

AMTA President


Mt-list site list

[Mt-list] Virtual AMTA 2020 | Early Registration Ends Monday, Sept 28

2020-09-25 Thread Jose Luis Bonilla Sanchez

October 6-9


The14th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in 

AMTA 2020 provides an exciting opportunity for researchers andusers of machine 
translation (MT) from academia, industry, and government, includinglanguage 
services providers and translators, to interact and benefit together 
fromupdates on leading-edge R&D in MT. Students are especially welcomed 
andencouraged to attend.

The single registration fee includes attendance at all tutorialsand workshops, 
keynote speaker sessions, student mentoring sessions, exhibitionsby vendors and 
conference sponsors, and all presentations in the threeconference tracks: 
Commercial, Research, and Government. After each tutorial,workshop, and 
presentation, a recording will be available for viewing on demandduring the 
conference week and for a period of weeks after the conference.Attendees will 
thus be able to enjoy all sessions and presentations even ifthey could not 
attend them at the time they were given.

The conferenceprogram and registration details are available here.

Early registration prices are available through Monday,September 28, 2020.

Late registration starts Tuesday, September 29, 2020 and will continuethrough 
the last day of the conference.

Links to the online conference platform will be emailed to allregistrants a few 
days before the conference begins.

We look forward to “seeing” you at AMTA 2020 – VIRTUAL!

Steve Richardson

AMTA President


Mt-list site list