Re: [music-dsp] Hourly / Daily Rates in Audio-DSP 2020 survey - remarks

2020-05-27 Thread gm

answers to some questions that had been asked:

1. "Rates per day" including tax or not?

Before any taxes etc., since these vary widely and depend on lots of things

2. Paid/Unpaid Ratio: What does 0 or 100 mean? Does 0 mean 0 unpaid work?

typical lapse of mine: I actually ment percentage...

Left of slider: percentage of payed work, right side: percentage of 
unpayed work.

I believe that most people actually answered it like this?

3. Why rates per day and not annual salary?

Because I dont think it's meaningful in this context:

Someone might charge a high rate, but only work or get payed a couple of 
days per year.

This might go along with an unsual set of skills or type of work.

An annual salary would totally distort things regarding this kind of work.

4. Why no question capturing work experience vs. fresh students?

An experience question is indeed missing, for such things I added the 
remarks field.

dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Hourly / Daily Rates in Audio-DSP 2020 survey - link to results page

2020-05-23 Thread gm

now here is the link to the results page:

questions are still open, I didn't set any date limit, assume they will 
stay open:

dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

Re: [music-dsp] Hourly / Daily Rates in Audio-DSP 2020 survey - who's asking

2020-05-22 Thread gm

someone asked, who is asking these questions.

It's just me personally (and the surveymonkeykraken of course).

No head hunter here nor sinister scanning of the place nor marketing BS.

Reason I am asking is I got out of touch with a few things and need to know
and recalibrate what my past and present labour is actually worth today.*

That's why this survey is not asking things like how much are you 
"making" per year.

That is totally irrelevant to me.

I used the survey website so people can answer anonymously, thought that 
most would prefer that.

Asking for typical tasks and tools to get a very coarse idea of what you 
might actually do,
how you might work, how that might relate to my work, how 
common/uncommon your skill set might be, etc. etc..

Paid/unpaid asks what actually appears on an invoice.

I assume the answers (3 so far) will also be interesting for some other 

but I havent figured out how to get the data out from a free account.
Difficult since it's mostly free text fields.

If only a few people are answering I could copy it, but I am hoping for 
a few more answers during the week.

*please no: it's-worth-what-they-pay-you replys, thanks

Am 22.05.2020 um 21:27 schrieb gm:

you can answer here or on surveymonkey if you prefer


type of employment (employed, freelance / self employed, other):

rates per hour (or per day):

estimated ratio paid/unpaid work:

job description (examples of what you do, or did, typcially):

tools (tools / software you are working with mostly):


fictional example, to give you the idea


type of employment:

rates per hour:
 0.00 - 1.00 Euro / h

estimated ratio paid/unpaid work:

job description:
 physical modelling (Stylophon emulation)

tools (tools / software you are working with mostly):
 Modzilla Thunderbird


dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

[music-dsp] Hourly / Daily Rates in Audio-DSP 2020 survey

2020-05-22 Thread gm

you can answer here or on surveymonkey if you prefer


type of employment (employed, freelance / self employed, other):

rates per hour (or per day):

estimated ratio paid/unpaid work:

job description (examples of what you do, or did, typcially):

tools (tools / software you are working with mostly):


fictional example, to give you the idea


type of employment:

rates per hour:
 0.00 - 1.00 Euro / h

estimated ratio paid/unpaid work:

job description:
 physical modelling (Stylophon emulation)

tools (tools / software you are working with mostly):
 Modzilla Thunderbird


dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list