Re: Help with multiple emails

2011-10-23 Thread 42possibletrash
Thank you for your replies Gregor Zattler and Jostein Gogstad. I have 
followed Gregor's advice and moved all my emails into one folder, 
/data/mail. This is my current .muttrc:] The current problem 
I am having is setting up mutt to my liking in terms of composing 
emails. This may not be a crucial problem, but I hope you don't mind 
helping me out all the same. On eudora and previous email clients I was 
able, albeit with some work, to get them to let me compose new emails 
with no 'From' information by default. This helped as it meant that I 
had to consider which account I should be sending emails from on an 
individual basis, hence less mistakes. However as you can probably see 
from my .muttrc I have been having trouble configuring this. Ideally I 
would like mutt to prompt for a from address every time I compose a new 
email, rather than having to use a macro which can properly function 
only once (subsequent attempts brings up a list of every alias entry). 
Also I note that currently my alternate addresses seem to have no 
function, as the index limiting macros have the addresses input as 
literal strings anyway. Any help would be appreciated :-) .

Help with multiple emails

2011-10-22 Thread 42possibletrash
Hello, I'm new to mutt and in the early stages of migrating over from 
Eudora OSE. My problem is the lack of obvious support for someone with 
several email addresses. I have four email accounts, for which mutt will 
work well with one at a time, but I have no method of swaping. Please 
note that at this time I have not configured any program to receive my 
emails and am only concerned with moving my emails over to be viewed on 
mutt. My .muttrc: When researching this 
problem I came to the conclusion it should be possible to write a macro 
to swap from one email to another, e.g. F1-4. However I am not 
convinced this would be possible now as I am aware each email has it's 
own mailbox, e.g. '/Main', with it's own subdirectories, e.g. '/Inbox'. 
This complicates matters as the script used to find mailboxes is static 
and does not rely on mutts own internal vars, e.g. '$folder'. I am at a 
lose, and would desperately appreciate any help possible.
  I have looked for an answer online but failed. To clarify what I want 
is to be able to swap email accounts within one session of mutt, 
possibly using a set of macro bound keys. I was using mbox format within 
Eudora, but have decided to move to maildir, the conversion seems to 
work perfectly. I have also started this thread online, but 
unfortunately did not get a lot of help: Once I have mutt 
viewing each account properly I will then configure it to receive and 
send emails. Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me. :-)