Re: multipart/alternative

2002-01-24 Thread JT

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Nick Wilson wrote:
 Yeah. Thanks guys, reason I asked was that I've gotten a couple of odd
 mails from one of the w3c lists i'm on. multipart/alternative and when I
 open if it's just full of stuff that looks very much like a pgp sig,
 only *much* longer?

Sounds like someone sent a part that got base-64 encoded.  There should be 
something like a filename or some information in the Content-headers for 
that part which tell you something about it.

- --JT

- -- 
[ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.  ]
[ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ]
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Re: multipart/alternative

2002-01-23 Thread JT

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Nick Wilson wrote:
 What kind of monster is would a message containing multipart/alternative
 be? Is there somewhere that gives idiots guides to mime types?

multipart alternative messages are those which have multiple renditions 
(say text and html) of the exact same content.

As to an idiots guide to mime types, I don't think so.  The best you can 
get is ... 'read the RFCs' and 'pray' :)

- --JT

- -- 
[ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.  ]
[ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: What's the trick?

2002-01-13 Thread JT

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Derek D. Martin wrote:
 I thought I would write a filter for Pine users to be able to deal
 with PGP-MIME signed messages.  It struck me that the concept should
 be fairly simple.  I hacked together a quick shell script that does
 the following:
  - separate the text of the message
  - separate the PGP signature of the message
  - gpg --verify them
 Only when I run the gpg --verify, it fails.  I'm not sure why.  I'm
 including in the message everything between (but not including) the
 LAST Content-Blah: header and the mime boundary.  I also tried
 removing the trailing and leading blank lines.  No comination of that

Read RFC 2015. :)

 Is there some magic trick?  Does mutt sign some other portion of the
 text message, or include mime headers?  This would make no sense to
 me, but I suppose it's possible.

The mime headers are defined to be included in the signature by RFC 2015.  
It's *also* require that the body still be in QP encoded form as well as 
that lines are terminated by \r\n instead of the unix standard of \n.

All of this is explained in the RFC pointed to above.

 Note that the message I'm testing on is a plain text message, not
 quoted printable, so the conversion shouldn't be an issue, if it ever

Check the line terminator as well as making sure you're including the mime 
headers.   By following RFC 2015 by hand, I can verify a PGP/MIME encoded 

- --JT

- -- 
[ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.  ]
[ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Question about mutt and folders

2002-01-12 Thread JT

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, David T-G wrote:
 % Okay, a bit of history.  I'm currently a Pine user and I'm considering 
 % switching to Mutt since I have need of useable and useful PGP/GPG 
 % handling.
 Good for you!  We love mutt here :-)

*laugh* I figured as much.

 % Under pine, I can easily set up three mail collections as follows
 % folder-collections=server1 {}mail/[],
 %server2 {}mail/[],
 %local mail/[]
 % which will let me see all of the folders on the local machine, server1 and 
 % server2 on the folder screen and transfer files between them easily.  This
 % functionality is actually fairly important to me as it enables me to get 
 % things I need to do done quickly.
 That's pretty slick, I must admit.  mutt currently does not have that
 functionality, but I can see how it would be rather nice.


 Perhaps that feature will come.  I'm afraid, though, that at the
 moment your lack of results is the expected behavior.
 HTH  HAND  I sure would like to see that, too!

Unfortunately it doesn't really help.  Maybe someone on here will be 
adventuresome enough to make such a patch?  I certainly don't know the 
internals of MUTT enough to do so currently.

Unfortunately this leaves me in a rather annoying place.
I have to either (as I'm doing now) use pine and deal with it's poor 
handling of PGP/GPG and eventually find or write a patch which makes pine 
handle PGP/MIME bodies, or I have to learn a new mailer, deal with it's 
poor handling of folders and eventually find or write a patch which gives 
it the folder handling I want.

If there is someone who wants to take on (or collaborate) on taking on 
this second task, I'd love to discuss it and help with it as I consider 
myself a fair-to-decent coder :)

Thanks again for the help.

- --JT

- -- 
[ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.  ]
[ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ]

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Question about mutt and folders

2002-01-11 Thread JT

Hash: SHA1

Okay, a bit of history.  I'm currently a Pine user and I'm considering 
switching to Mutt since I have need of useable and useful PGP/GPG 

I have one local machine and two remote IMAP machines, each of which have
mail folders on them. For sake of explanation, lets call them which contains INBOX, folder1 and folder2
and which contains INBOX, folder3 and folder4

Under pine, I can easily set up three mail collections as follows
folder-collections=server1 {}mail/[],
   server2 {}mail/[],
   local mail/[]

which will let me see all of the folders on the local machine, server1 and 
server2 on the folder screen and transfer files between them easily.  This
functionality is actually fairly important to me as it enables me to get 
things I need to do done quickly.

Under mutt, I cannot seem to get this to work.  I figured out that if
I 'set folder={}; set imap_home_namespace=mail' I can see 
the folders on server1, and if I set folder={} I can see 
the folders on server2.  However, try as I might, I cannot seem to find a 
way to get all of these folders to appear on the 'c' screen.

I spent most of today hunting around a bit in the hopes that somewhere on 
the web this was documented, or that someone had implemented something 
similar to pines folder collections for mutt, but so far I seem to have 
hit a blank wall.

Anyone out there able to help me out?

The requirements of the solution are
a) being easily able to get a list of the folders on either machine as 
well as locally, preferably all at the same time with some sort of 
b) being able to easily move a message from one folder (on any machine) to 
any other folder (potentially on a different machine) without having to 
type in the entire imap URL or local path.  IE, being in server1 in 
folder1, I would love to be able to say 's folder3' and have it go to the 
right place, or even (at worst) 's serv2/folder3' (ie collection/folder).

Best would be able to have something similar to pine where it let me 
quickly scan through the collections and the folders within them via 
something akin to the ^N/^P that pine allows.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

- --JT

- -- 
[ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.  ]
[ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ]

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Other termcap things....

2001-06-25 Thread JT

Varying terms you use may help... I have similar problems with WTerm and rxvt
on FreeBSD - stable versions; I have trouble binding function keys.

The workaround I found was to use ctrl-v literals while editing muttrc.  So
instead of binding my macros to 'F2', etc, I map them to (type this
literally, not as it appears) CTRL-VF2.  In vi/vim the ctrl-v says insert
the next character, literally.

I don't know why this works but it does.

On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 12:18:34PM -0400, Matt Dunford wrote:
 Perhaps test it out on a stable version of Eterm.  Page up and down work
 for me.  I'm also using the latest cvs'd version of mutt and Eterm
 0.8.10 on Mandrake 7.2.

lynx -dump for html mail

2001-06-21 Thread JT

I've been getting an increased amount of HTML mail *BLECH*.  I have
the following line in my mailcap:

text/html;  lynx -dump %s; copiousoutput

and I keep getting the raw HTML instead of the formatted output in my

Strangely, lynx from the command line does what I would want it to do
with -dump.

Anyone have any suggestions?


alias list expansion

2001-05-15 Thread JT Williams


How can I request that mutt does *not* expand an alias list?
Suppose I have

alias   foo-workers worker1, worker2, ...

and I send a message to `foo-workers'; I do *not* want the To:
field to be expanded into the names of everyone on that list.


Re: alias list expansion

2001-05-15 Thread JT Williams

-: or set up a proper mailing list.

I suspect this is what I'm wanting to do.  Is this
a mutt-thing, or do I have to go fight my sysadmin?


`ask-send' variable?

2000-12-07 Thread JT Williams

How can I implement something like an `ask-send' quadoption variable
that asks for confirmation to send a message after I hit `y' to send?

character sets

2000-11-13 Thread JT Williams

I'm trying to figure out how to display diacritical marks in my received
emails.  I've tried setting LC_CTYPE as suggested in the FAQ; that leads
to the error message `couldn't set locale correctly'.  I've read about
`charset' and `charset-hook' in the manual, but what do I actually *do*
in my .muttrc to get a better character set?  (Something like PC-850
charset would be fine).

PS: I installed charmaps-0.0.tar.gz prior to building mutt.

% mutt -v
Mutt 1.2.5i (2000-07-28)
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: SunOS 5.7
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
To report a bug, please use the muttbug utility.

Re: IMAP blues

2000-11-08 Thread JT Williams

 -:  set envelope_from
 Ok, that did the trick.  Thanks!
Well, maybe I spoke too soon.

It's true that the list servers I was having problems with are
now recognizing me, but our SysAdmin tells me there are still
problems (see his explanation below).  Is this really a problem?
I'd like to keep using mutt/IMAP if I could  TIA/jtw
   MUTT seems to use normal sendmail channels to send messages rather
   than connecting directly to the IMAP server.  We run in a full IMAP
   environment (/var/mail is not mounted to client machines and clients
   do not run sendmail daemon).  

   This results in the sender's address being set to user@localhost
   regardless of what MUTT settings are changed.  The final header 
   shows the sender's address as being from the workstation MUTT was 
   running on rather than the mail server.  In this respect, it behaves 
   exactly like "mailx".

Re: nonstandard screen size

2000-09-13 Thread jt williams

-:  % How can I tell Mutt to work with an 18 line x 80 column
-:  % screen?
-:  Use your stty command to set the number of rows to 18 like

Ok, mutt definitely cooperates with `stty' resizing of the terminal
on my Sun station (with TERM=dtterm and with TERM=vt100).

Resizing the `vt100' terminal on the Psion S5 does well with some
things (e.g., GNU less), but with mutt there is still some scrambling,
text misalignment, and incomplete redrawing of the screen.  (Frankly,
I think the S5 `vt100' emulation must not be too good, because I can
see lots of ANSI-type control sequences scrolling across the screen
during mutt startup).

Is there anything else I could try?  The only terminal emulation
choices on the S5 are `vt100' and `tty'.
