Browsing speed

2011-12-09 Thread Jose M Vidal
Just wanted to share that I sent an inquiry to this post months ago
because the refreshing of my folders (50k emails, aprox) was very slow
due to the encryptation of my home folder.
Yesterday I decided to move my folders to a new EXT4 partition (with
noatime,data=writeback,barrier=0,nobh,errors=remount-ro as fstab
options) with no encryptation and now everything goes smooth (just 3
seconds to refresh the All_mail folder).


How to avoid mutt to change the name of received attachments

2011-07-27 Thread Jose M Vidal
is there any way to avoid mutt to change the name of attachments I receive?
For instance, a pdf called documentación_1s_2011.pdf appears in my
message as =?ISO-8859-1?Q?documentaci=F3n=5F1s=5F20...


Re: How to avoid mutt to change the name of received attachments

2011-07-27 Thread Jose M Vidal
  set rfc2047_parameters=yes
Solved it, thanks.


Adding the year in status screen

2011-05-09 Thread Jose M Vidal
I am missing to have the year beside the day and the month of every
message in the status window, specially when I am searching old
Is there any way to achieve this?
Thank you!


Re: Adding the year in status screen

2011-05-09 Thread Jose M Vidal
Thank you very much.
I finally decided to set following config:

set index_format=%4C %Z(%X) %D %-15.15L %s
set date_format=!%Y.%b.%d %H:%M



Sending in bulk mode from draft folder

2011-05-06 Thread Jose M Vidal
I use mutt+offlineimap+msmtp
I am in a long flight, reading and replying/sending new mails, which
are stored in the draft/ folder.
As soon as I get an internet connection, I need to send those e-mails,
but as far as I know, I need to:
1. Open mutt
2. m, enter [already into Draft folder]
3. Open first postponed message, which is opened inside Vim
4. :q, y
5. Goto 2

is there any way to send all the messages without the need to open
them one by one?


Re: Sending in bulk mode from draft folder

2011-05-06 Thread Jose M Vidal
 Since you're using msmtp, have you investigated the msmtpQ script that
 comes bundled with it?

Just did it!
And works great, thank you very much (to all).


Re: offlineimap much slower than gmail-imap

2011-05-05 Thread Jose M Vidal
Hi again,
Thanks for your help: I finally decided to use a database for my searches.
Just installed mairix and made a simple script: everytime I need to
search, just swich to terminal, run a script that waits for the string
I am searching, executes mairix and opens a new mutt sesion within the
new output folder in just some few seconds.
This is OK for me, so I will forget for a while about the I/O
performance of my system.


PS: will try new search databases, like mu next hollydays

Re: offlineimap much slower than gmail-imap

2011-05-03 Thread Jose M Vidal
Hi everybody.
Thank you very much for your help.

The situation now is:

1- As my /home folder is ecrypt I added to my .muttrc your suggestion
(folder-hook 'archive' 'push toggle-write; unset
Apparently, after a first refresh, the update of files looks
inmediate, but after using mutt a little bit, it turns slower againg.
The end result is that there's not a significant improve in
performance: Sometimes it is very fast, sometimes it is very slow.

2- I checked my data, ang got this:

jm@jm-ThinkPad-X200s:~/.mail/GMail/[Gmail].All Mail$ du -h
jm@jm-ThinkPad-X200s:~/.mail/GMail/[Gmail].All Mail$ find . -type f | wc -l

The data shown in my mutt status page is the same (I am using google
apps, premium, so nothing strange about having more than 7Gb)

3- My system is 32 bit.

jm@jm-ThinkPad-X200s:~$ uname -m

4- After working a little bit with I/O, I get:

120  4886 be/4 jm  2.38 M/s0.00 B/s  0.00 % 96.43 % mutt

Honestly speaking, I don't know what to do with this information.
Thanks again for your help.


PS: will keep tokyo-cabinet for later, thanks. Think that
understanding what is happenings is neccessary first.

Re: offlineimap much slower than gmail-imap

2011-05-03 Thread Jose M Vidal
 What does the following command give you (assuming your disk is /dev/sda):

    hdparm -tT /dev/sda

jm@jm-ThinkPad-X200s:~$ sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda6

 Timing cached reads:   2738 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1370.52 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  116 MB in  3.02 seconds =  38.45 MB/sec

PS: note I had to sudo it. My /home doesn't have a specific partition this time:
jm@jm-ThinkPad-X200s:~$ df -h
S.archivosTam.  Usado Disp. % Uso Montado en
/dev/sda6  45G   29G   14G  69% /
none  950M  320K  950M   1% /dev
none  956M  1,7M  954M   1% /dev/shm
none  956M  100K  955M   1% /var/run
none  956M 0  956M   0% /var/lock
/home/jm/.Private  45G   29G   14G  69% /home/jm

Thanks again,


Re: offlineimap much slower than gmail-imap

2011-05-02 Thread Jose M Vidal
No way: just set the caching just for headers, but the response is
still very slow.
Any other clue I can follow?
Thanks a lot!


offlineimap much slower than gmail-imap

2011-05-01 Thread Jose M Vidal
I was happily using mutt with gmail-imap.
Then I decided to switch to offlineimap+msmtp, so I could still use
mutt offline, have a backup of all my e-mails and, hopefully, increase
mutt speed by working locally.
But, after having all installed an all my e-mails already downloaded
(10GB / 45.000 e-mails), every time I switch from INBOX to All Mail,
it takes 6 minutes (!) to refresh the index.
I had caché enabled with imap, and I am stilll keeping it in my .muttrc:

set header_cache=~/.mutt/GMail/cache/headers¬
set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/GMail/cache/bodies¬

But I am afraid cache only works with online imap, because now
accessing to folders is much-much slower than with previous online
Is  there anything I can do to speed-up my mutt?
Thanks in advanced,


PS: my mutt is 1.5.20

Re: Issues working with GPG attachments

2011-01-10 Thread Jose M Vidal
Thanks Richard for your answer.
I think we souldn't look into the windows direction: I just took a
file from my linux box, encrypted it and sent it to myself. Once I
open it from mutt as an attachment, the file is shown in text mode:

---Adjunto: prueba.gpg: application/octet-stream (all)
No hay una entrada correspondiente en el archivo mailcap. Viendo como texto.

Sorry it is in Spanish: looks like I should edit my .mailcap file.
In fact I just did it, adding the following line:

application/octet-stream; gpg %s

Now, If i try to open the file from mutt I am asked for my gpg
passphrase, and the file is decrypted in /tmp, which is not that bad.
Sorry for being unable to go further, but: how could the file be
opened (after being decrypted) instead of haviong it just saved in
Many thanks!

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 9:03 PM, Richard wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 12:44:27PM +0100, Jose M Vidal wrote:

 What I am trying to do now is sending encrypted attachments instead of
 encrypted e-mails. I installed Cryptophane in the Windows boxes and
 all is ok, except my mutt is not recognizing .gpg attachments, and a
 message of  octet-stream/aplication is not supported is shown in
 every message I receive with encrypted files, at the time the name of
 the attachment is changed by something like
 Is there anything I can do to get the attachments un-encrypted on the fly?
 As an option, I would just save the attachments in a folder and
 un-encrypt them with the console, but I would need to get an unchanged
 name of the file, something like v.g. file.xls.gpg. (instead of
 I suppose I need to add the MIME type in my .mailcap.

 does the windows software set content type of the attachments correctly?
 If it does not you might need a procmail recipe or message view hook to
 fix the contetnt type before mutt can do aynthing with it.
 Otherwise a mailcap entry should do it although it should not be need
 in a reasonable configration.


 Name and OpenPGP keys available from pgp key servers


Re: Issues working with GPG attachments

2011-01-10 Thread Jose M Vidal
None of the possibilities is actually working.
But at least I have clues enough to go deeper with .mailcap options,
which I clearly ned to learn,
Thanks again.

 actually, forget my previous answer. It might work for this case but will try
 to decrypt many types of attachments which are in fact not pgp encrypted.
 The attachment should have type

 otherwise it needs to be fixed.



Issues working with GPG attachments

2011-01-09 Thread Jose M Vidal
I got mutt working smoothly with gpg encryption and signatures.
My problem now is that my working environment is full of Windows
boxes: I tried to find a solution to use gpg simultaneously with
Chrome/Gmail and Outlook'07, but didn't succeeded (some old apps,
others unsupported, etc)
What I am trying to do now is sending encrypted attachments instead of
encrypted e-mails. I installed Cryptophane in the Windows boxes and
all is ok, except my mutt is not recognizing .gpg attachments, and a
message of  octet-stream/aplication is not supported is shown in
every message I receive with encrypted files, at the time the name of
the attachment is changed by something like
Is there anything I can do to get the attachments un-encrypted on the fly?
As an option, I would just save the attachments in a folder and
un-encrypt them with the console, but I would need to get an unchanged
name of the file, something like v.g. file.xls.gpg. (instead of
I suppose I need to add the MIME type in my .mailcap.


Can not accs all of my goobook contacts

2010-12-30 Thread Jose M Vidal
My contacts have been udated from gmail by adding to my config file:

set query_command = goobook query '%s'
 24 bind editor Tab complete-query

Reccently I massively added more that 500 contacts to my gmail account
and launched the query.
I can check the file .goobook_cache in my laptop and see that all the
contacts have been successfully updated.
But, when I want to use them from mutt, and press the tab key, only
121 of the more than 600 contacts appear, so looks like mutt is not
able to load them from my local file.
Is there anything I can do?


beep not working

2010-12-17 Thread Jose M Vidal
Can you imagine any reason why beep doesn't sound when receiving new
e-mails (IMAP-Gmail)?
I have set beep_new in my .muttrc, and beep command is installed and working.


Avoiding jump to next message with PgDn

2010-12-16 Thread Jose M Vidal
Is there any way to prevent PgDn key to jump to next message (when
100% of the present message has been read) and reserve jumping to next
or previous message to updown arrows or jk letters?
Many thanks,


Re: Avoiding jump to next message with PgDn

2010-12-16 Thread Jose M Vidal
Great! Thank you.

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:27 PM, Christian Ebert wrote:
 * Jose M Vidal on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 20:48:01 +0100
 Is there any way to prevent PgDn key to jump to next message (when
 100% of the present message has been read) and reserve jumping to next
 or previous message to updown arrows or jk letters?

 I have mapped the following macro to Space, but it should work the same
 way for PageDown:

 macro pager PageDown \
 enter-command set my_pager_stop=\$pager_stop pager_stopEnter\
 enter-command set pager_stop=\$my_pager_stop my_pager_stopEnter\
  next page and stop at end of message

 What I would love to have is slrn's behaviour: stop at the end of
 the message, next press of Space: ask whether I want to jumpt
 to the next message, again Space jumps to the next message.

 \black\trash movie           _COWBOY  CANOE  COMA_
            Ein deutscher Western/A German Western



Removing menu bar

2010-12-15 Thread Jose M Vidal
I am tying to find how to remove the top menu bar, as far as I aleady
know all the commands and I really dontt need it.


Re: set help=no (was: Re: Removing menu bar)

2010-12-15 Thread Jose M Vidal
Very kind, thank you.


On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:54 PM, Gregor Zattler wrote:
 Hi Jose,
 * Jose M Vidal [15. Dec. 2010]:
 I am tying to find how to remove the top menu bar, as far as I aleady
 know all the commands and I really dontt need it.

 set help=no

 # Name: help
 # Type: boolean
 # Default: yes
 # When set, help lines describing the bindings for the major
 # functions provided by each menu are displayed on the first line
 # of the screen.
 # Note: The binding will not be displayed correctly if the function
 # is bound to a sequence rather than a single keystroke.  Also, the
 # help line may not be updated if a binding is changed while Mutt
 # is running.  Since this variable is primarily aimed at new users,
 # neither of these should present a major problem.

 Ciao, Gregor
  -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-


Re: Avoiding duplicate messages

2010-12-09 Thread Jose M Vidal
Solved it adding to .muttrc
set copy=no
Hope it can be usefull for someone.


On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 6:18 PM, Jose M Vidal wrote:
 All my outgoing e-mails (new messages and replies) appear as two
 messages in mutt (Gmail IMAP)
 When I check the web client they all are dupicated as well.
 I've seen some messages in this list explaining how to remove
 duplicate messages (D + ~=), but my problem is:
 1- It is inconvenient to do it every X messages, to keep the Sent
 messages folder clean
 2- When doing it, I need to remove every time the folder-hook .
 'unset trash' line from muy .muttrc, as I am used to archive my mail
 instead of deleting it.
 Is there anything I can do to avoid getting all my outgoing mail duplicated?
 Many thanks.



Re: Open attachments without blocking mutt

2010-12-08 Thread Jose M Vidal
I had to come back, because the kind solution provided by Syerling ( 
sleep n) was apparently working, but while viewing pdf documents, when
I was browsing to previous pages they turned blank.
So I decided to use the mutt_bgrun script, till I realize I ignore
where to save it and how to call it. I tried pasting it into .muttrc
without success. After Googling a bit and browsing Muttwiki I could't
find how to use scripts with mutt, sorry.
Thanks in advanced.

On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Chip Camden wrote:
 Quoth Marco Giusti on Sunday, 28 November 2010:
 On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 08:42:05PM +0100, Jose M Vidal wrote:
  While opening and viewing mutt attachments, mutt is not available
  until I close the attachment app (evince, chrome, etc)
  Is there any way to open attachments while keeping the mutt terminal 
  Thanks a lot!

 I use mutt_bgrun (attached), a script I found on internet. It contains
 copyrights notes so I don't repeat them here, just it's not me that
 wrote the script. For what I remember with mutt_bgrun I found other
 useful scripts.

 That's much better than my approach.  Thanks!

 Sterling (Chip) Camden    | | 2048D/3A978E4F |        |


Re: Open attachments without blocking mutt

2010-12-08 Thread Jose M Vidal
Solved! Thank you!

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 4:52 PM, Chip Camden wrote:
 Quoth Jose M Vidal on Wednesday, 08 December 2010:
 I had to come back, because the kind solution provided by Syerling ( 
 sleep n) was apparently working, but while viewing pdf documents, when
 I was browsing to previous pages they turned blank.
 So I decided to use the mutt_bgrun script, till I realize I ignore
 where to save it and how to call it. I tried pasting it into .muttrc
 without success. After Googling a bit and browsing Muttwiki I could't
 find how to use scripts with mutt, sorry.
 Thanks in advanced.

 I had the same problem with PDFs.  Here's my mailcap entry using

 application/pdf;                mutt_bgrun xpdf -q %s;

 Pretty simple.

 Sterling (Chip) Camden    | | 2048D/3A978E4F |        |


Avoiding duplicate messages

2010-12-08 Thread Jose M Vidal
All my outgoing e-mails (new messages and replies) appear as two
messages in mutt (Gmail IMAP)
When I check the web client they all are dupicated as well.
I've seen some messages in this list explaining how to remove
duplicate messages (D + ~=), but my problem is:
1- It is inconvenient to do it every X messages, to keep the Sent
messages folder clean
2- When doing it, I need to remove every time the folder-hook .
'unset trash' line from muy .muttrc, as I am used to archive my mail
instead of deleting it.
Is there anything I can do to avoid getting all my outgoing mail duplicated?
Many thanks.


Open attachments without blocking mutt

2010-11-28 Thread Jose M Vidal
While opening and viewing mutt attachments, mutt is not available
until I close the attachment app (evince, chrome, etc)
Is there any way to open attachments while keeping the mutt terminal available?
Thanks a lot!


Re: Open attachments without blocking mutt

2010-11-28 Thread Jose M Vidal
Worked like a charm.
Thank you very much!
