Re: Queued outgoing mail

2010-01-25 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 11:53:50AM -0500, Tim Gray wrote:
> On a related note, if I send an email while I'm offline, it goes
> into the postfix queue fine.  How/when does postfix flush that email
> out?

AFAIK, postfix simply retries delivering mail periodically.  I don't
think it does anything more advanced like watching for the network to be
up or down and automatically sending mail when the network comes up.
You can force postfix to try to deliver queued messages with the command
'postqueue -f'.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: Is Fetchmail still in vogue?

2009-12-21 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 03:59:41PM -0800, Rem P Roberti wrote:
> Take a look at Getmail. I've found it to be a much better retrieval
> program than Fetchmail.

Could you expound on why you prefer getmail over fetchmail? I am currently
using fetchmail and have only heard of getmail but not seen it in action.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: "All mail" meta-folder. Possible?

2009-11-19 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 12:50:37PM +, Salvatore Iovene wrote:
> I was wondering if anybody managed to achieve something like GMail's
> "All mail" meta folder. Sure I could have a procmail rule to copy
> every mail to a all-mail maildir, but that wouldn't synchronize the
> "read" status of a message when I read it from some particular
> maildir.

You might be able to do something using soft or hard links, procmail,
and some special deletion macro. Might get kind of messy though.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: Change default "Re: your mail" subject when replying to blank

2009-11-02 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 01:46:12PM -0800, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2009-11-02, Michael Williams  wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 12:49:38PM -0400, Monte Stevens wrote:
> > > > Is it possible to change the default "Re: your mail" subject that
> > > > [..]
> > > You can edit the source "send.c" file.  Look for:
> > > [..]
> > [..]
> > Seems like the kind of thing that should be exposed to end user
> > [..]

> But changing that subject doesn't require the user to edit source
> code--the user can easily change it when prompted for the subject of
> the reply or from the compose menu.
I think the point of having a configurable default is so that we don't
have to change it when prompted.  I'd rather not have to type
"Re: my custom non-subject reply subject" or whatever every time I reply
to a message which had no subject.

> Further, if you're going to be picky about the subject, it should
> really reflect the subject of the message, not be just some generic
> equivalent of "you forgot the subject".  It hardly seems worth making
> this configurable.
By that logic, why do we have the "Re: your mail" hard-coded default at

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: IMAP: TLS packet with unexpected length (Arcor)

2009-10-09 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 08:36:28PM +0200, J. Prendick wrote:
> Since a few days I've got a problem with my Arcor mail-account. I can't
> connect anymore and mutt keeps telling me "A TLS packet with unexpected
> length was received.". I didn't change my mutt-setup nor the mutt-version
> (which by the way is "Mutt 1.5.18 (2008-05-17)").
On my system at least (Gentoo Linux amd64 arch), mutt depends on gnutls.
Did you perhaps update gnutls recently?

> I'm afraid it's a mutt-related problem, for e.g. Sylpheed works just
> fine (using STARTTLS as well). The line "STARTTLS unavailable" in the
> above output seems a bit strange to me, as Sylpheed works with STARTTLS
> and even setting "ssl_starttls=no" in mutt doesn't change anything.
On my system, sylpheed depends on openssl instead of gnutls, so that would
explain sylpheed working and not mutt.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: Offical site's uncomplete manual.txt and broken manual.txt.gz

2009-09-23 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 02:44:40PM -0400, Noah Sheppard wrote:
> [ ... ] 
> Perhaps there is some character in manual.txt which is causing
> truncation somewhere, perhaps server-side, or perhaps in wget, less, and
> firefox (for the uncompressed manual.txt).  Maybe some library on our
> systems common to all those which does not like some special character?
> Just a guess.

There is a (C) (in a single character) right about where the truncation

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: Offical site's uncomplete manual.txt and broken manual.txt.gz

2009-09-23 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 02:37:21PM -0400, James Michael Fultz wrote:
> [ ... ] 
> > When I download manual.txt.gz with wget and then unzip it and
> > vim the result, I again see alternating valid character and
> > <##> (I have "set display+=uhex in my .vimrc).  This may very
> > well be a configuration problem on my side, that I don't see
> > non-utf8 files correctly.
> Try less and 'col -b manual.txt | less' if the former doesn't
> display cleanly.  The col command will strip embedded backspace
> sequences.

That worked, thanks for the tip (although col complained "Invalid or
incomplete multibyte or wide character").  Also, when I zcat the
downloaded gz, and run it through col, I get truncated at exactly the
same point (right after "Mutt is Copyright").  If, however, I zcat the
file directly to less without col, everything displays correctly, with
the bolding, and in its entirety, all the way to the end of chapter 10.

Perhaps there is some character in manual.txt which is causing
truncation somewhere, perhaps server-side, or perhaps in wget, less, and
firefox (for the uncompressed manual.txt).  Maybe some library on our
systems common to all those which does not like some special character?
Just a guess.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: Offical site's uncomplete manual.txt and broken manual.txt.gz

2009-09-23 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 06:09:38PM +0200, Michael Wagner wrote:
> * Wu, Yue  23.09.2009
> > In mutt offical site, the documentation for devel version:
> > 
> > text version:
> > 
> > is an uncompleted version, which just give a table of contents and the first
> > chapter.
> > 
> > text gzipped version:
> > 
> > isn't a gzipped version actually, I can't gunzip with it.
> Hello Wu,
> the version at is a gzipped 
> file. I've downloaded it for testing and everything is allright with the 
> it. Also when I visited the side with different text browsers, they 
> showed me all the correct file.

I can confirm the first problem using Firefox 3.0.14 on Gentoo Linux,
64-bit. As far as the second, I'm not sure if I'm experiencing what Wu
is.  I cannot reproduce the "unable to gzip" problem, at least.

Also, to the best of my knowledge, I have never before accessed
manual.txt, so I do not believe caching is an issue.  A couple
shift+refreshes did not lead me to the entire manual file.

When viewed in firefox or downloaded with wget, manual.txt is only the
table of contents + first chapter.

When viewed in firefox, manual.txt.gz displays as a text/plain file,
but it's apparently got some kind of unicode going on, because valid
characters alternate with little squares containing numbers (utf16
character codes or something similar, I presume).  It appears as though
Firefox is automatically gunzip'ing the file for me.

When I download manual.txt.gz with wget and then unzip it and vim the
result, I again see alternating valid character and <##> (I have "set
display+=uhex in my .vimrc).  This may very well be a configuration
problem on my side, that I don't see non-utf8 files correctly.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: doubled messages by copying

2009-05-12 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 11:39:23AM +0200, Joost Kremers wrote:
> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 11:22:46AM +0200, Jan-Herbert Damm wrote:
> > Embarrassingly i wasn't aware of . [..]
> Hardly embarrassing, [..]

I had similar troubles at first as well.  Perhaps the wording of that
command's description comes from mbox, in which "moving a mail to
another mailbox" really is little more than "saving the message to a
file".  By any chance was Mutt originally developed with only mbox
support, and then Maildir support added later on?

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: doubled messages by copying

2009-05-11 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 06:53:17PM +0200, Jan-Herbert Damm wrote:
> [..]
> I want to *move* read messages to another mailbox (mbox format) for archiving.
> I'm using "C" plus "d" because I haven't yet found a smarter way to move mails
> among mboxes.

You just want to move messages?  Then use s (), which
copies the message to whatever mailbox you specify, then marks the copy
in the current mailbox as deleted.

Apologies if I've missed something obvious in the conversation that
makes such an answer incorrect for this problem...

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: use current folder name as argument to abitrary command

2009-05-01 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 11:28:39PM -0500, David J. Weller-Fahy wrote:
> folder-hook +lists* "set shell=\"~/.mutt/ \$my_curdir && sleep 
> 0.5\""
> folder-hook +lists* "push "
> folder-hook +lists* "push source ~/.mutt/list-from"
> #v-
> Some explanation is in order.  The script takes the
> current mailing list mailbox name (something similar to
> "=lists.mutt-users") on the command-line, and writes the file list-from
> containing the line "set".
> Right now everything works except from never gets set.  I thought this
> might be because of the timing (source happening before the link is
> created), so I added a 0.5 second sleep after "list-from" generation.
> Adding the sleep did not fix the problem from never gets set because the
> source command runs before the shell finishes creating the link, but I'm
> not sure.
Hmm, I implemented a similar thing, and it worked correctly (thanks for
suggesting the whole using a script to write a mutt command to a file and
then sourcing it, since I hadn't gotten that far before).

For reference, here is exactly what I had:
in muttrc:
#get the name of the current directory in a variable, but preserve the
#record setting (where to save sent messages)
folder-hook . "set my_oldrecord=\$record"
folder-hook . "set record=^"
folder-hook . "set my_curdir=\$record"
folder-hook . "set record=\$my_oldrecord"

#test, results in my_revdir containing the current folder name, reversed
folder-hook . "set shell=\"~/ \$my_curdir\""
folder-hook . "push "
folder-hook . "source ~/muttintest" takes the first command-line parameter and places a set
command to put that value into the my_revdir mutt variable:
[ -e ~/muttintest ] && rm ~/muttintest
echo set my_revdir="$1" > ~/muttintest

As I said, this works for me, and I don't have any timing issues either.
I'm curious, why the "push " at the beginning of the last
folder hook up above?

I never knew whether mutt ran hooks in parallel or one after the other.
Was it just a hunch you had that mutt doesn't wait for one hook to
complete before moving on to another, or do you have some documentation
which indicates this?  I checked the mutt documentation but did not see
anything to that end.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: Failing to login to IMAP folder. IMAP REFERRAL mesg

2009-03-17 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 09:53:18AM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 17 at 10:48 AM, quoth Asif Iqbal:
> >Looks like this is what I am experiencing
> >
> >
> >
> >How do I tell mutt to follow the imap referral ?
> Mutt doesn't follow imap referrals; but it's relatively easy to simply 
> update your muttrc to use the new location for your email.
I'm curious. Is there a specific reason why mutt doesn't follow
referrals, or does someone just need to write the code to do so?

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: newbie install

2009-02-16 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 10:44:45AM -0600, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> [..]
> Of course, now we're getting into pedantry, and kinda off track. :)

We are computer geeks; pedantry is never off-track.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: newbie install

2009-02-13 Thread Noah Sheppard
> [..]
> well too. The only thing with them is: they will pull your email to 
> your computer and delete it from the server. You won't be able to read 
> email with the webmail frontend anymore; you'll have to use something 
> on your own computer.

Run fetchmail with the -k switch or set keep on your entry in
fetchmailrc, which will leave your messages on the remote server. I
don't know about getmail since I've never used it.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: how to revert an attachment when composing

2009-02-10 Thread Noah Sheppard
> > with the attachment highlighted:
> > 
> > D
> No, that lets you set a description (at least for me, and I have not
> remapped the D key in my muttrc.
Retract previous comment, I was hitting 'd' rather than 'D'.

Thanks, Cristóbal.
Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: how to revert an attachment when composing

2009-02-10 Thread Noah Sheppard
> with the attachment highlighted:
> D

No, that lets you set a description (at least for me, and I have not
remapped the D key in my muttrc.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: Multiple emails flag as read

2009-02-09 Thread Noah Sheppard
> [..]
> There is an option to let you apply commands to the set of tagged
> messages by default as well, but I don't remember exactly what it is
> called. auto_tag or something like that, RTFM if you want to.
Yes, it's called auto_tag.

To the OP, auto_tag is not enabled by default, so if you want to be
able to tag multiple messages and have your commands apply to all of
them, you'll need to "set auto_tag" in your muttrc.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: Multiple emails flag as read

2009-02-09 Thread Noah Sheppard
> How do I flag multiple emails as read? Lets say I have mail number 1,
> 7 and 15 that I like to flag as read without actually
> reading it. How do I go by doing it?
Tag the messages (select each one and press t), then hit shift+n like
you would to mark a single message as new. All the tagged messages will
then be marked new.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: How to save message w/o type [yes]?

2009-01-27 Thread Noah Sheppard
> I was wondering if there is any way to get rid of this question when I
> save a mail to other mailbox?
> "Appending messages to mailboxes? [yes]/no?"
unset confirmappend

Put that in your muttrc.

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: Starting shell command with name of current mailbox as

2009-01-20 Thread Noah Sheppard
> Can I somehow write a macro, which starts a shell command with the currently 
> selected Mailbox as argument?
Well, I can get you started on that anyway.  With the help of Kyle
Wheeler and Patrick Shanahan, we have a way to get the currently
selected mailbox into a mutt variable, like so:

folder-hook . "set my_oldrecord=\$record"
folder-hook . "set record=^"
folder-hook . "set my_curdir=\$record"
folder-hook . "set record=\$my_oldrecord"

This method hijacks the special functionality of $record to interpret
the "^", which contains the name of the current mailbox, while still
preserving $record.  $my_curdir ends up with the full path of the
mailbox, set when you change into that mailbox.

As yet I don't know how to pass a mutt variable as the argument to a
shell command.  I had a post to the mailing list asking how to do this
but never got any responses, and haven't had time since then to follow
up.  I am quite interested in how to do this, however.  So I guess that
makes this post half helpful and half "me too!".

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: use current folder name as argument to abitrary command

2008-12-15 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 10:59:12AM -0600, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> IF you could get $my_curdir to work, you could get your wish by 
> constantly re-creating the macro. But that gives me an idea - here's 
> something that should work:
>  folder-hook . "set my_oldrecord=\$record"
>  folder-hook . "set record=^"
>  folder-hook . \
>  macro index,pager "$my_archdir/$record"
>  folder-hook . "set record=\$my_oldrecord"
> This way, we can use the "special" status of $record to force the ^ to 
> be expanded. First, we save the contents of $record into a temporary 
> variable (so we need to escape $record). Then we set $record to ^. 
> Then we rebind the macro so that it's got the correct contents (note 
> we don't want escaping here). Then we restore $record's original 
> value.
Thanks!  This does what I need: gets the name of the current folder in a
variable without messing up $record, and makes my macro work on whatever
the current folder path is.  I modified it slightly so that I get the
current folder path in a variable on its own so I can be free to play
with it further:

folder-hook . "set my_oldrecord=\$record"
folder-hook . "set record=^"
folder-hook . "set my_curdir=\$record"
folder-hook . "set record=\$my_oldrecord"

The next step is to strip down that name so I have only the folder name,
not the full path.  The best way I can think to do this would be to pass
the full path folder variable to a shell command which will strip that
down, and return the folder name to another variable (or the same one, I
don't care).  I'm stuck at figuring out how to pass a mutt variable to a
shell command.

For testing, my command is:

   folder-hook . "set my_testval=`echo \$my_curdir`"

Now it gets weird.  That very simple command works.  set ?my_testval
returns the full path to the folder.  But, if I make some simple
addition, for example:

   folder-hook . "set my_testval=`echo \$my_curdir | rev`"

then rather than getting the full path to the mail folder, reversed, I

which is of course "$my_curdir" in reverse.  Why does the addition of one
simple pipe command make mutt stop interpreting the variable?

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: use current folder name as argument to abitrary command

2008-12-12 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 09:20:56AM -0600, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> > That said, even when I run 'set my_curdir="^"' in mutt after muttrc 
> > has been read, my_curdir is still empty.
> Really? When I do it, my_curdir becomes "^". Test it like this:
>  set ?my_curdir

My previous statement was incorrect.  When I run 

set my_curdir="^"

it does indeed contain "^".  HOWEVER, when I have the following:

folder-hook . set my_curdir="^"
macro index,pager S "$my_archdir/$my_curdir"

and hit 'S', Mutt says:

Create /mnt/data/storage/mail/boxes/? ([yes]/no)

indicating that, at least in the context of the macro, my_curdir was
empty. Is this because when reading the rc file, mutt did not actually
run the folder-hook because no folder is loaded until after the rc file
is loaded, and then the usage of my_curdir in the macro gets evaluated
at a point when that variable has not yet been defined?

> Your macro has an additional problem: it wouldn't work even if 
> my_curdir WAS correctly being set! You see, variable expansion is 
> evaluated at the time the macro is established!
I figured that might be a problem.  I switched to the folder-hook
because I thought that might get reevaluated every time the hook was
run.  Is that true, or do I also need to escape variables in hooks as

Speaking of variable escaping:

> If you want the variable to be re-interpreted every the macro is
> triggered, you'd have to do this:
>  macro index,pager S "\$my_archdir"
I tried the following (never mind in this case if the folder-hook
doesn't actually give me the current folder name):

folder-hook . set my_curdir="^"
macro index,pager S "$my_archdir/\$my_curdir"

Mutt's response was:

Create /mnt/data/storage/mail/boxes/$my_curdir? ([yes]/no)

Rather than causing the variable to be re-evaluated, it appears to have
literalized it. my_archdir will never change once mutt is started, so
I'm not escaping that one.

> > If not, how does one get the current folder name in a variable which 
> > can be used in various places?
> Well, technically, if you set $record to ^, you can use that. That's 
> not exactly *convenient*, since $record has a primary function, I know 
> that, but... As far as I know, there isn't a really *good* way to do 
> what you're looking for (at the moment).

Perhaps there's another variable that has a less important primary
function that I could use.

In general, how did you learn this stuff about which variables expect
mailbox paths, which are just regular strings, when macro expansion
happens, when stuff needs escaping, etc? I did not RT entire FM, but I
did look through it and didn't find anything very helpful.

Thanks for the help,
Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

Re: use current folder name as argument to abitrary command

2008-12-12 Thread Noah Sheppard
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 08:24:40AM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Noah Sheppard  [12-12-08 08:19]:
> > 
> > Thanks.  I just tried that, but it still takes the "^" literally
> > (Create /mnt/data/storage/mail/boxes/^? ([yes]/no)).
> > 
> Try it with two escapes:
>   macro indes,pager S "$my_archdir/\\^"

That still doesn't work; it just keeps taking stuff literally (Create 
/mnt/data/storage/mail/boxes/\^? ([yes]/no)).

Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department

use current folder name as argument to abitrary command

2008-12-12 Thread Noah Sheppard
Esteemed mutt users,

I would like to be able to use the current folder name as an argument to 
arbitrary commands.  I've read various wikis and forum postings about how "^" 
can be used in certain contexts (like setting record) to give the current 
folder name (as of 1.5.10 I believe), but this has not worked in the commands 
I'm trying to do.

I'm using this to set up some mail archiving. Here's what I tried first:

set my_archdir="/mnt/data/storage/mail/boxes" #the path to the directory which 
will contain my archive dirs
macro index,pager S "$my_archdir/^"

This did not work (it treats the "^" literally), which doesn't particularly 
surprise me since "^" looks more like a magic symbol than a real variable. The 
next thing I tried was putting the current directory in a variable as a 
folder-hook, which also did not work:

folder-hook . set my_curdir="^"
macro index,pager S "$my_archdir/$my_curdir"

The error mutt gives (/mnt/data/storage/mail/boxes is not a mail box) indicates 
that my_curdir is empty.  Does the "^" get replaced with the blank string when 
muttrc is first read and there is no "current" mailbox?  I would have expected 
the set command to be reevaluated each time I switch into a new folder. That 
said, even when I run 'set my_curdir="^"' in mutt after muttrc has been read, 
my_curdir is still empty.  If 'set record="^"' works to get the current folder 
name, why doesn't it work to put the current folder name in a user variable, or 
am I making a stupid mistake?  If not, how does one get the current folder name 
in a variable which can be used in various places?

Mutt version information:

Mutt 1.5.16 (2007-06-09)
Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: Linux 2.6.26-gentoo-r4 (i686)
ncurses: ncurses 5.6.20061217 (compiled with 5.6)
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to .
To report a bug, please visit


Thanks much,
Noah Sheppard
Assistant Computer Resource Manager
Taylor University CSE Department