post sortieren mit ifile

2000-07-24 Thread clemensF

there's a nice utility named ifile, which uses word-frequencies to sort
messages into folders.  ifile itself is very generic:  it has no file-
locking interface and therefore can't be used directly.

it would be nice to use it with mutt.  one can pipe a message into it and
tell it where it belongs, and later similiar messages can be piped into
ifile asking it where to put them:  it learns by (complex) example.

now, ifile returns a sorted list of foldernames if invoked with the query
option, lines with a foldername first followed by a real number denoting
"tstistical relevance" or whatever one should call it.

what would be the best way to take ifiles output and "program" the folder
name to be used for a save-operation?  it's very easy to get at the first
word of the first line, that's one line of sh(1), but this result would
have to be the argument of the 's'ave!


Re: Qmail isn't delivering to MAILDIR/new....?

2000-06-30 Thread clemensF

 Jason Helfman:

 I have this as my .qmail file:

the maildir is an object of it's own, and it's structure is taken care of
by the software.  leave out that fg new/!


Re: Qmail and Mutt

2000-06-27 Thread clemensF

 Jason Helfman:

 I just installed Qmail last night and broke my Procmail, but I thought I
 had fixed it with setting up where Promail writes to...

had the exact same probs, also procmail complaining about every
write(2).  but i needed email badly and dropped procmail until i regain
the special nerve for it.

 Here is what I believe I have to do when I get home.
 1 In .procmailrc set DEFAULT=$HOME/Maildir/
 do the receipes change???

the recipes?  no.

   | preline -f /usr/local/bin/procmail



this i do not even understand.

 4 In mutt:set check_new=yes
set mailbox_type=Maildir

you don't *have* to do this, unless you wants to create maildirs per
default.  i had a working outfit with an incoming maildir and mailboxes
for safekeeping.

until i configured the exact same stuff for my new machine using
brandnew versions of the software.  but i did not have to be admitted to
the looney bin, because they were so understanding...


Re: Why use set hostname?

2000-06-24 Thread clemensF

 Gottipati Aravind:

 and that works just fine. My question now is whats the purpose of that 
 hostname variable if it does not work? am I doing it wrong or do I need
 to set some other variable too.. to get it to work?

whether you can forge your "from:" line or not depends on the mta.
sendmail set the standards for many years in that only administrators were
allowed to user that option.  so you should check your transport agent.


Re: End key doesn't work?

2000-06-22 Thread clemensF

 Sam Xie:

 read a mail, push the End key, an error message says, 
 "keys not bound.  Press '?' for help."

this happened to me when switching over from command- line to x11 on a new
computer.  try ^V End in the shell command- line, it tells you what key-
sequence gets emmitted.  control-V is for "verbose", it can also be used in
vi to input control keys, escapes etc. into macro- definitions, where they
must not be expanded until actual use.

example from my mutt/.xkeys:

the following line binds F1 to display documentation:

macro pager \e[11~ "shell-escapeless /usr/local/share/mutt/manual.txt\n"\

likewise, if one wants to update .muttrc with F2:

macro pager \e[12~ "shell-escapevi ~/.muttrc\n" "edit configuration"

i got the keysequence to use from the bash- commandline:  "^V ^[[11~" was
the answer to ^VF1, where ^[ is the control- code for escape.  the proper
command might look something like:

bind pager \e[11~ end-line

but please consult documentation first, or simply use "?" to find out about
the end-line function.


Re: problems with 1.2.2i

2000-06-21 Thread clemensF

 Mike Markowski:

 Notice that I now must put *two* slashes after "~mm".  With only a
 single slash, I get this:

how in the world did you find out?  i would never have had the idea to try
to put two slashes in there!  now tell us:  what made you do this?  not the
marsians again


Re: Mailboxes are not mailboxes

2000-06-20 Thread clemensF

Dennis Robertson proclaimed on mutt-users that:

Before I give up and retire hurt to netscape can anyone tell me in words
of one syllable how to create mailboxes that work.  I get the message
from mutt that every one of the "mailboxes" I have designated is not a
mailbox, even though I can see that procmail has delivered to them.  I
have read the manual at 3.11 and am none the wiser.  

call "procmail -f-" to have it make the from-lines that designate a


Re: Message attributes, MH folders

2000-06-20 Thread clemensF

Gerhard den Hollander wrote:
 * clemensF [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 07:49:56PM +0200)
  Ronny Haryanto:
  I've converted my mailboxes to maildir once, it turned out to be
  slower than mbox, so I converted back to mbox now. Dunno about MH, but
  I'm guessing it's about the same speed as maildir since it resembles
  are your files on a network?
 Actually, I think the problem is due to the huge number of files in your
 subdirs .. depending on the OS (w/ Linux I think the turn around point is
 between 1000 and 2000 entries per dir) soo many files in your directory
 makes all directory access slower ..
 sticking all files in a big folder will improve speed ..
 a lot of small files in a dir vs a big file containing a lot of small
 messages shows that the big file is faster
 (this is at least partly due to the fact that the caching helps ..)

well, i',m on the verge of converting to [nx]mh.  but i stick to the
rules, i.e. i will answer each message to me in due time, so i can't
keep n*1000 messages, a few dozen are the utmost horror to me.

so, why in the world would one want to leave mh for mutt?


Re: GPG and mutt

2000-06-20 Thread clemensF

Nils Vogels wrote:

 I'm using gpg 1.0.0 with mutt to handle my PGP ... but for some reason I keep on 
getting "key not found" messages .. I dont think noone has their keys on keyservers 
nowadays, so I 
must be doing something wrong ..

you probably need the rsa/idea extensions.  search the contrib
directories and follow the instructions in the lone {idea,rsa}.c files
you'll find.  these extensions are compiles as position independant code
and loaded as dynamic libraries.  you add load-extension {idea, rsa} to
~/.gnupg/options and you're set.  oh, watch gpg --version afterwards! 
better than ice-cream, close to beeing an astronaut!


Re: problems with quotes in send-hook lines within .muttrc

2000-06-19 Thread clemensF


 send-hook '~t linux-bruxelles' set editor="vi +set textwidth=72"

what about set editor="vi \"+set textwidth=72\""?


Re: Message attributes, MH folders

2000-06-19 Thread clemensF

 Brett Coon:

 1.  Folder changes are really slow.  My MH folders (directories)
 have thousands of messages, which undoubtedly is at least
 part of the problem.  Would it be faster if I stored messages
 in mbox format?  Is there anything else I can do to speed
 it up other than deleting all my old email?

try to convert to maildir format.  it resembles mh in that every message is
kept in a single file in directories (folders), but there is no seq-uence
file.  please feedback on results.

 2.  The feature I *really* want in a mailtool is the ability to
 (conveniently) put various attributes on messages, such as
 "answer within 1 week", "delete after 2 weeks", etc, and

i've searched for this feature for ages.  mutt has only the attributes you
described, but maybe with the aid of hooks and external applications...

currently i have a special folder called "termine" (dates in german), which
receives messages i should check frequently.  i forget them there with a
good conscience.

 suggestions?  Is there currently support in Mutt for
 annotating messages, or storing a separate message
 attribute database?

i wonder:  would this feature not be more easily implemented in a
mail-shell like mh/exmh?


Re: test=RunningX

2000-06-19 Thread clemensF

 Gary Johnson: it can be tested if an X-server is running. What is this program
  RunningX ? Is it an utility that comes with X (it is not on my

you might consider just using standard "/usr/bin/test -n $DISPLAY".  no
need for special programs, if you test the existence of the x- variable
used to indicate, well, the display to use.


Re: Message attributes, MH folders

2000-06-19 Thread clemensF

 Ronny Haryanto:

 I've converted my mailboxes to maildir once, it turned out to be
 slower than mbox, so I converted back to mbox now. Dunno about MH, but
 I'm guessing it's about the same speed as maildir since it resembles

are your files on a network?


Re: procmail question

2000-06-19 Thread clemensF

 Virginie [ ML ]:

 defaults mda "formail -ds procmail"

one can save one exec and much complexity using: 

   mda "/usr/local/bin/procmail -t -f-"


Re: test=RunningX

2000-06-19 Thread clemensF

 Mrinal Kalakrishnan:

 No it's different. If you're in a console while X is running, the
 RunningX test will fail, because it actually tries to open the
 display. Whereas the $DISPLAY variable still exists, so "test -n
 $DISPLAY" test passes. So if you're in a console, while X is running,
 then it'll try to load netscape!

that's good to know alright.  did the original poster mention this test to
be applied to "netscape -remote (URL)" or something suchlike?  how does
that work?


Re: test=RunningX

2000-06-19 Thread clemensF

 Mrinal Kalakrishnan:

 No it's different. If you're in a console while X is running, the
 RunningX test will fail, because it actually tries to open the
 display. Whereas the $DISPLAY variable still exists, so "test -n

isn't there some other way (a unix way) for trying to open the x- display?
is one of the standard /dev/* devices associated with an x- display?


Re: Location of mutt manual

2000-06-16 Thread clemensF

 John Poltorak:

 Where do users normally install the html version of mutt's manual?

usually /usr/local/share/doc/mutt/


Re: help!

2000-06-14 Thread clemensF

 Dirk Ruediger:

 This tags your mail and you can store it somewhere. The latter task can be
 better done with fetchmail/procmail!

btw:  for a leafnode this combination is not the worst one can have, right?
i don't have a static-ip, and this is really just the basic leaf of the
tree, and to me the combo fetchmail/procmail on the receiving side and
qmail as sender seems to be optimum (at the time beeing, that is).

should the family grow suddenly, i can always shift towards qmail.

the rest of my environment is, where i try to outsource
spam-protection, a few filter-rules at gmx (you never know, do ya) and my
trusty analog modem line.  which will turn into isdn flatrate as soon as
the big bears sort out the rates.

how do you guys'n'gals do it?


Re: help!

2000-06-14 Thread clemensF

 Suresh Ramasubramanian:

 polling [EMAIL PROTECTED] is slow, to say the least.
 Brightmail pops mails from gmx (not the fastest available pop server),
 then filters  it, then you pop mail from brightmail ...

that's correct, but primary concern is to keep spam away from my machine,
so there's no alternative.

 Take a look at - extensive procmail :)

i have, as a matter of fact, but, see above.

 You might also want to take a quick look at if you want to do a little
 more filtering (yeah, old hat I know - but please, I'd love your opinion
 on this article - you see, I wrote it) ;)

sir!  i am free (bsd, that is).

 May I suggest cable instead of ISDN?

yes you may.  now who's got the facts, is it true that one shares bandwith
with the gang in the same street, because cables are shared?

 Go climb a gravity well!

fall into it!


Re: news with mutt

2000-06-14 Thread clemensF

anyone ever tried to exploit the coarse resemblance between imap and the
classic structure in spool/news?


Re: HELP: How do I change my from address format?

2000-06-11 Thread clemensF

 Suresh Ramasubramanian:

 Can y'all help me?  Rather silly of me, I know - but I sort of prefer the
 second format :)

which is deprecated.


Re: changing to mailboxes

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

 Gottipati Aravind:

 I use fetchmail to get the mail and Procmail to deliver it. so I dont

same here.  all mailing happens on local, i.e. non-nfs filesystems.

 actually works. i.e it gives me the name of the next folder like "=fslc"
 or something like that, that has new mail, but in most cases it does not 

i have this in my .muttrc:

set spoolfile="$HOME/mail/IN/"
mailboxes ! "/var/qmail/alias/Maildir/" "/tmp/dubletten" "/tmp/spam"

... and whenever i type 'c', it reliably tells me the next of these folders
containing new mail.  i have my timeouts set to one minute, so after one
minute idleing and on any status-changing command, it beeps and tells me
where to find new mail.  no mistakes, works always (version 1.0.1).

 other mailing list folders where there is new mail. I have xbiff, but I

i don't use biff or xbiff, don't have to.

i'd like to know where our setups differ.  is it nfs?


Re: mutt - sendmail - sendmail hub. anyone?

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF


 Does anyone use mutt with local sendmail, where the local sendmail is
 configured to forward all mail to a central hub?


 If so could I have a look at your or relevant m4 file?

i'd rather not.  before i switched to qmail, some (hopefully relevant) part
of it looked like:

the smtp: protocol-designator was vital.  my system didn't work right
before it was in there.


Re: Mutt/Procmail/Fetchmail question

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

 Timothy Grant:

 However, when I start mutt I get an error telling me that
 /var/spool/mail/tjg is not a mailbox.

set logfile /var/log/fetchmail
set daemon 77177

mda "/usr/local/bin/procmail -t -f-"

... will make "from " headers needed by mbox-format.


Re: changing to mailboxes

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

 Gottipati Aravind:

 set folder=~/mail
 mailboxes ! `echo $folder/*`

did you really check out typing in some names manually?

 source ~/.addressesmutt


Re: ~/.muttrc not working after upgrade mutt to v1.2

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

 Nils Vogels:

 Does anyone know the default settings for FreeBSD 5.0 ?

didn't even know of a 5.0 current.  but my brother's name's also ni[e]ls.
he opts for e, though.


Re: How to discern underlying threads

2000-06-07 Thread clemensF

 Yip Weng:

 Some newbie rattle: I just migrated from Win2000 to Linux, and am using
 Mutt as substitute for my erstwhile mailer Forte Agent 1.8, to which
 threading is also a feature. I have found mutt to be outrageously
 flexible and powerful, and the text based screen is so much better for
 my eyes (really!)

on behalf of the mutt defel team, to which i don't belong, i take with
dignity what is natural for us.


Re: mailbox corruption and mutt

2000-06-05 Thread clemensF


 Local filesystem for all mailboxes. and erm.. disjunct?

sorry, i could not find the word and threw in what came up.  i mean, can
you guarante that no links, chrooted environments or whatever make
different mailboxes undifferent, i.e. the same file?


Re: Procmail vs. Mutt variables

2000-06-05 Thread clemensF

 Mikko Hänninen:

 Actually, you could embed `mkdir -p dirname` in any command -- it gets
 expanded but the result is an empty string.  However the command does
 run. :-)

whowherewhat?  where are commands like this allowed like this?


Re: mailbox corruption and mutt

2000-06-04 Thread clemensF

are you using several mutt windows in a gui or mbox formatted mailboxes
without locked access?


Re: mailbox corruption and mutt

2000-06-04 Thread clemensF

 Thomas Roessler:

 than maildir for large mailboxes.  Just imagine a rather
 traditional Unix file system design having to deal with
 7k5 files in _one_ directory...

this might trouble the traditional linux (linear search) fs.


Re: mailbox corruption and mutt

2000-06-04 Thread clemensF


 I'm using several mutts but they're all on a different mailbox.

mailboxes accessed by some nfs?  really every mailbox disjunct?


Re: how to change the default encoding method?

2000-06-01 Thread clemensF


 As i have "unset allow_8bit" in /etc/Muttrc, the mails i send are always
 encoded as "quoted-printable"!  Can i change it to "base64"?

if you change the mime-type to one transfer-encoded using base64, but you'd
loose the convenient "email-feeling".


Re: sending mail with POP

2000-05-30 Thread clemensF

 Hardy Merrill:

 Mail that I'm sending doesn't seem to get out - I think it's
 sitting in my "outbox".  What more do I need to do?

put ":your-isp's-smtp-(mail)-server-name" into control/smtproutes, if you
use the standard setup, that should get rid of your mail.


Re: sending mail with POP

2000-05-30 Thread clemensF


 First, you have to set your "smart host" in /etc/ 
 So, put a line of this kind (in /etc/ :
 # "Smart" relay host (may be null)

yes, this is vital.  i had this configured for ages until i found out that
the protocol designator was missing as well, i had to say:

to get it right.

 But that's not all. As you have a dialup workstation, each time you
 connect to your ISP, your IP address will change.  So, you have to
 tell Sendmail you official domain name. In order to give a correct
 domain name, you have to know your ip address.  The trick is that
 each time you connect to your ISP, your dialing deamon will restart
 sendmail with a correct domain name.

i don't agree.  would it not be better to masquerade, i.e. not to define
the hostname given by the isp, but instead to pretend to be a local
user@isp?  masquerading also avoids problems arising from reverse dns
lookups, when the given hostname turns out to be different when looked up
by ip-number.

masquerading is a feature easily configured into the using the
m4 macro processor.  templates are usually included in the distribution,
and the topic is defined and discussed in numerous archived messages and

it can also be configured manually, email me for info.


Re: Reply-to-all function?

2000-05-30 Thread clemensF

 Chris Woodfield:

 It seems mutt's default behavior when replying to a message is to only put
 the sender in the To: header. Is there a way to add Cc: recipients as

the group-reply, documented in the manual and in the quickref screen
launched by '?', is commonly bound to 'g'.  just check out lower g when you
would 'r'eply or post to a 'L'ist.


Re: x-mailer header

2000-05-30 Thread clemensF

 Andreas Wessel:

 What´s it with these "X"-headers anyway?
 Does there have to be an X before any self entered header?

the common use for it these days is to includer user-info in the headers
(e.g. my pgp-key#).  they coexist peacefully with the rfc822 headers until
religion claims it's toll.  only thing is:  they are not too well defined,
naturally, so i can't just grep for them, unless i know how a particular
user/company/organization use them.


Re: f1 mutt help

2000-05-29 Thread clemensF


 I haven't been able to get function keys to work at all with
 s-lang lib but they are quite okay with [n]curses lib.
 Here is what i get for the 2 cases:
 color ok;  function-keys not-ok;  "grey" keys got-working;
 color none;  function-keys ok;  "grey" keys mostly-not-ok;

could this have to do more with X than slang/curses?  i've never had any
problems using either, and i don't run X.  i'd be interested in the
environment in general.  as i said, no probs with either slang or curses on
freebsd 2.8.8 without X.

Valerian Q. Farthingsworthe-Jones III

Re: Binding bug + minor annoyance.

2000-05-26 Thread clemensF

 David Champion:

 Maybe the original poster (I forgot who...) would be OK with
 "unbind * *" and "unmacro * *".

and, finalizing this thread, should this not be the default content of the
default fallback etc/Muttrc?


Re: is the mailing list broken or is it just me?

2000-05-26 Thread clemensF

 Timothy Ball:

 I haven't gotten any mail from the mailing list in weeks now... I am I
 unsubscribed or what?

i've been unsubbed for bounces.  had to resubscribe.  happens often these


Re: Binding bug + minor annoyance.

2000-05-25 Thread clemensF

 David DeSimone:

 Mikko Hänninen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That's good as an option, but then the problem would be that you can't
  have an independent stand-alone binary that works even with no
  resource files...
 Is this really one of the design goals of Mutt?  I don't see a problem

as long as one can redefine anything compiled into the source, it's the
best way to go.


Re: Using multiple mailboxes with Mutt ( procmail filtering).

2000-05-25 Thread clemensF

 Tom Gilbert:

 Not entirely what you're after here, but may be of use to you... I find
 the default folder navigation painful too, so I wrote some cursor-key
 navigation macros to make life better. Try these out?
 bind  pager   up previous-line
 bind  pager   down   next-line

up, down, and-so-on...

dear mr. gilbert sir, we took the liberty of doing as advised.

 .^. | Tom Gilbert, England ||
 /V\ |--| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
// \\| Sites I recommend:   `---|
   /(   )\   | |
^^-^^` vim: set tw=72: -'

also stored your signature in our =ascii-art.


Re: threading problem

2000-05-24 Thread clemensF

 Michael Tatge:

 So, to get the threading in the way to want it just set the Date:
 header of that message to a reasonable value and you'll be fine.

that's cool!  whenever you suspect something's fishy, you just wade thru
your email to check the sequence of dates?  or did you already write the
program for that?


Re: deleting and undeleting

2000-05-24 Thread clemensF

 Manuel Arriaga:

 allows me to reach any message (del/undel). But in my computer j and k
 jump messages marked for deletion.

he specifically told you to use capital letters, which work.


Re: threading problem

2000-05-23 Thread clemensF

 Mikko Hänninen:

you got your path all wrong.  with windows it =must= look like this:



Re: Using multiple mailboxes with Mutt ( procmail filtering).

2000-05-23 Thread clemensF

 Mikko Hänninen:

 Jacob Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Tue, 23 May 2000:

  I think I could accomplish this with a wrapper that monitors all my
  mailboxes for new mail and display that on a menu, pushing me into
  mutt on that mailbox when I select one, but I don't want to reinvent
  the wheel (even though I didn't see anything like this out there).

 This sounds like a reasonable solution, and is probably better than
 implementing something like this in Mutt.  (Although it could be
 argued that something like this would be good to have in Mutt --

i have the url not handy, but there is dialog(1) from freebsd's standard
distribution and iselect(1) for putting up menues inside scripts, so the
task would have to be split into find(1)ing the mailboxes to show, display
them and finally munge the users choice.


Re: metoo not removing my address

2000-05-23 Thread clemensF

 Corey G.:

 I would be more than happy to write a better explanation if someone
 really wants me to for the documentation.  I only want to make Mutt
 better like everyone else.

sounds great!  i vote ``yes'' both for the effort and the offer.

thanks Corey!


Re: Success! Do you know which MUA I am using for sending this email??

2000-05-22 Thread clemensF

 Charles Curley:

 Now, if you run X, look at fetchmailconf. Get your configuration into
 .fetchmailrc, which will save you a lot of typing and is less error prone.

even without python, the language fetchmailconf is written in, the text was
enlightening as to making a .fetchmailrc.


Re: x-mailer header

2000-05-21 Thread clemensF

 Suresh Ramasubramanian:

 :)  ... but is there any hassle about X-Mailer: remaining in your mail?  I
 haven't yet seen an RFC raising any objection to X-Foo: headers yet :)

it's no rfc matter, it's personal taste.

 If you don't like to see it you can always set ignore X-Mailer :)

but i want to drop the x-mailer inserted into =my= messages.  and so i did,
by recompiling the sources with just one little line changed.


Re: absolute newbie...

2000-05-21 Thread clemensF

 Emily Slocombe:

 I got a bizarre error from trying to do a reply to all to you and the
 mutt user group. The message follows:
 From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun May 21 15:18:32 2000
 From: Mail Delivery Subsystem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

me too. same error message.


Re: absolute newbie...

2000-05-21 Thread clemensF

 Manuel Arriaga:

 Anyway, I would like to know whether it is possible to have mutt display
 any new messages that fetchmail retrieved automatically since mutt was

yes.  read the manual.  you can specify the intervals for mutt to look for
new mail.  also, whenever you say '$' to resynchronize, new mess will

 message has been put on the queue; but is it possible to have the mail
 dispatched once put in the queue, i.e., before I exit mutt?

send an alarm signal to the qmail-send process:  it will immediately work
the queue.

do  D4685B884894C483

x-mailer header

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

my messages carry a "x-mailer: mutt" header that i'd like to get rid of.
how do i do that?

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: support for compressed folders in 1.2?

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF


 folders. After I've changed the mutt folders to gz format, procmail 
 still delivers mails as uncompressed format, they can not work well 

then run the mails through gzip.  the line "| gzip  folder" will append
compressed data to the folder.  this has nothing to do with mutt.
furthermore, the attitude behind the statement "...they can not work well
together" drives me up the wall.  do you really silently expect any program
to foresee every users needs and integrate all possible solutions?  this is
the opposite of unix thinking, where a number of independant little
programs to their speciality bound into a framework by a smart and small
operating system, which operates the same way.  your statement reveals
micro$oft thinking:  give the users one big babel tower, and if they can't
get their tasks done with it, it cannot be done at all!

gzip does not even have to uncompress the target file to append new data,
it handles compressed data streams well.

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: Interesting From: header problem

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Mikko Hänninen:

  I guess what I'm basically looking for is a reply-hook.  Something that I
  can use to change things based on the message I'm replying to.  Does
  anything like that exist?
 Nope, sorry.  There's been talk of ways to solve this, and I think even
 the best way has been figured out (creating a pseudo-operator which tells
 that the next pattern operator should match against the headers of the
 replied-to message, not the current message, which could then be used in
 send-hooks).  It's just that nobody's done it yet.

there's always the possibility to pipe the mess thru some external program,
either in the editor or perhaps with some construct involving ":source
program |".


Re: support for compressed folders in 1.2?

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Roland Rosenfeld:

 | gzip  folder
 BUT DON'T DO THIS, if you do not want to loose mail!
 IIRC, there is no mechanism to merge changes in the compressed folder
 into the temporary uncompressed folder, so if you have a compressed
 folder open for reading, while a new mail arrives and is appended to
 this compressed folder, it will never been shown, but simply
 overwritten, when leaving the compressed folder with mutt.
 I suggest to use compressed folders only for archive folders but not
 for incoming folders.

an exception might be allowed if the folder is protected by a lock.  but
when looking at the details, updating a compressed folder while it's
uncompressed temporary image is open for reading will not damage anything.
but when the folder isn't locked and =updated= by the viewer when mail is
appended at the same time, things might well go wrong.


Re: x-mailer header

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Reinhard Foerster:

 On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 10:39:21AM +0200, clemensF wrote:
  my messages carry a "x-mailer: mutt" header that i'd like to get rid of.
  how do i do that?
 unset user_agent (mutt 1.2 only)

oh no, nono, please, there =has= to be a way!  please, save me!  do i have
to set sendmail='/local/bin/mutt-go-away | sendmail'?

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: x-mailer header

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Suresh Ramasubramanian:

 unset user_agent (mutt 1.2 only)
 +That+ will get rid of the User-Agent: Mutt 1.2i. I doubt if it will get
 rid of the X-Mailer tag (which is not generated by newer mutts anyway).

i think you repeat exactly what he said, and i'm not really sure if i am
grateful for it.

anyways, folks, i will undertake the task of pipapatching mutt away from


Re: x-mailer header

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 David T-G:

 I'd try something like
   my_hdr X-Mailer: ""

no go.  recompiled the whole s**t.  bet'ya can't see no heada!


Re: support for compressed folders in 1.2?

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Suresh Ramasubramanian:
 heresy Sounds a lot like emacs thinking to me :)  g,dr


Re: Interesting From: header problem

2000-05-20 Thread clemensF

 Mikko Hänninen:

 Well, I guess you could do a script that reads the message-to-be-replied
 to, writes a template reply email out to a file, and then this could be
 used with the resend-message (or edit-postponed) in Mutt as a basis of
 the new email...  It would work, but you'd be taking all the
 intelligence with regards to lists and send-hooks and all that outside
 of Mutt.  And it would be quite a bit of work, probably, to do such a

...which might be worth it if we find a general principal behind the
problem which lets us use the solution in more than just this case.  sorry,
but my imagination fails me on this one, i just thought this thread might
need a turn.


Re: Doing netnews with mutt

2000-05-18 Thread clemensF

 David Champion (Thu 18.0500-00:47):
 So, on a related note: are there any other NNTP patches for mutt,
 besides Brandon Long's 0.95 version?  I'd imagine that they'll never

i never heard of this nntp patch.  would you please give a pointer?


Re: Binding bug + minor annoyance.

2000-05-18 Thread clemensF

 Larry P. Schrof:

 When I hit 'k' or 'j' in the index, it gives me a "Key is not bound."
 error.  Yet, when I go to the binding listing screen (by hitting '?'),
 'j' and 'k' show up in the generic bindings section as bound to the
 functions I assigned.

think about it over a nice cup of hot chocolate.  this is exactly how it is
supposed to work.  you specified no operation for j and k in the index, so
they count as unbound.  if you change into another menu of keybindings,
they show up with their generic keybinding, if nothing special is defined.

 It'd be nice if I didn't have to do a 'noop' for the same key multiple
 times (for the reoccuring menu-specific bindings) , just so that my
 generic binding can apply to those menus. It kind of defeats the
 purpose of generic bindings in my opinion. I can't reliably set up a

you have understood the concept very well.  leave out those noops, define
generic bindings as defaults, specials for your specific requirements,
and you are set.

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`

Re: Doing netnews with mutt

2000-05-17 Thread clemensF

 Bennett Todd (Tue 16.0500-17:23):
 Ok, I've gotten so hooked on mutt that I'm wanting to use it for

did you have a look at leafnode?  it's a small nntp-handler without
newsreader.  i'm thinking about adapting mutt towards using leafnode to
swatt that fly...

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: mutt process doesnt terminate

2000-05-17 Thread clemensF

 Jan Houtsma (Wed 17.0500-22:12):
 'rlogin -l caroline localhost' which works fine.

what happens if you put "exec " in front of "rlogin"?

do  D4685B884894C483

Re: Possible index bug in 1.2...

2000-05-17 Thread clemensF

 Ben Beuchler (Wed 17.0500-21:29):
 Hmmm...  I'm using Eterm with a setting of 'xterm-color'.  Pretty standard
 stuff.  What made me consider mutt as a possible culprit as opposed to my
 terminal emulation is that it only happened when I was browsing my 'read
 mail' box which contained 9000+ messages.  Other mailboxes with far fewer
 messages were unaffected.  And since the terminal only sees one screenful
 of messages at a time, it seemed to be exonerated.

aha!  linux is the one (it's always the butler, isn't it?).  the ext2fs
tries to go thru the mail one last time as directed by mutt, and since
9000+ directory entries are visited with no sorting or any help at all:
this takes some time and makes people use freebsd, like me!

but seriously:  does this "insane" state go away with lots of time by
itself?  if yes, it could well be the filesystem, or... not?

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`

Re: Mutt and GPG

2000-05-16 Thread clemensF

 Graham Lillico (Tue 16.0500-08:46):

 email sent from mutt using gpg to sign it then I get the above message and
 then shortly followed by "PGP signature successfully verified."  why don't I
 get this from messages sent and signed using pine?  Does this mean it can't
 verify the GPG signature?

mutt uses MIME to package message and signature, where both are separate
blocks in the same email.  pine just pipes the message through gpg to have
it signed and you get the email in one chunk.  in this latter case i use a
little script and handfeed it the message by way of a pipe.  here's the

echo $PGPPASS |[1=5] gpg --passphrase-fd 5 $*

invoked by '|lgpg'.  it works when the mess is just signed and also when it
is both encrypted to me and signed by the author.  es() is some smart
little shell.  if my brains's mechanics don't fail me, the sh() translation
should read:

echo $PGPPASS 5 | gpg --passphrase-fd 5 $*

i risk putting my passphrase into $PGPPASS of the environment only because
i got my pitbull 'hate' trained to bite me every 15 minutes to remind me.
if you have a turtle or a rabbit, the training will need time, but with
your passphrase in memory, who cares?

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
[encrypted] return mail.
no return mail within a week, you in trouble.
no return mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: bind pager Q query

2000-05-15 Thread clemensF

 Mikko Hänninen (Mon 15.0500-05:31):
 What're you trying to do?  More specifically, what do you want to happen
 when Q is pressed in the pager?

isnt query bound in the sense of external-query?

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
if you dont get mail within a week, you in trouble.
if you dont get mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: mailbox sort order

2000-05-15 Thread clemensF

 Dave Ewart (Mon 15.0500-14:36):
 If you've pasted those lines straight from your .muttrc, then I can see the
 problem: you need to use "-", not "_" in "reverse-date-received".

you see, a mechanic could get fired for _-  0.5 !

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
if you dont get mail within a week, you in trouble.
if you dont get mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: Deleting IMAP folders - is it possible?

2000-05-15 Thread clemensF

 Chris Green (Mon 15.0500-15:39):
 Is there any way to delete IMAP folders (as opposed to mailboxes)
 using mutt?

if you enjoy the neccessary priviledges on the place hosting your
imap-folders, it should work, n'est-ce-pas?

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
if you dont get mail within a week, you in trouble.
if you dont get mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: Mutt and address books

2000-05-15 Thread clemensF

 Mikko Hänninen (Mon 15.0500-00:58):
 be integrated with Mutt with the external-query command in any address

excuse me:  whats the name of "the external-query command"?
query gives errors (in 1.0.1).

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
[encrypted] return mail within a week.
no return mail within a week, you in trouble.
no return mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: Deleting IMAP folders - is it possible?

2000-05-15 Thread clemensF

 Chris Green (Mon 15.0500-18:29):
 Well I should do, the IMAP server is running as a user process, all
 the files are in my user area and all the files are owned and
 writeable by me.

what does the imap protocol say?  does mutt send a valid delete-request?

do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
[encrypted] return mail.
no return mail within a week, you in trouble.
no return mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: Mutt and address books

2000-05-15 Thread clemensF

 Mikko Hänninen (Mon 15.0500-22:05):
   bind editor ^T complete-query


do  D4685B884894C483
gpg recv-key 0x9
echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \
gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \
mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address`
[encrypted] return mail.
no return mail within a week, you in trouble.
no return mail after a month, i in trouble.
please check

Re: Still alive?

2000-05-15 Thread clemensF

 Mikko Hänninen (Mon 15.0500-00:40):
 clemensF [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Sun, 14 May 2000:
  can this be done:  everyone may optionally supply a "backup" email-address
  which unsubscribe notification are forwarded to, so one at least knows
  what's happening?
 Hmmm, Majordomo doesn't support something like that.  Sorry.

does anybody know of a list manager with this functionality?  this could
prove important for desparate people...


bind pager Q query

2000-05-14 Thread clemensF

why, o why does "bind pager Q query" in .muttrc always give errors like "no
such function"?


Re: Still alive?

2000-05-14 Thread clemensF

 Gero Treuner (Sun 14.0500-18:48):
 If there is a problem (bounce) with your e-mail account, you are
 automatically removed from the list. Re-subscribe in this case.

this has already happened to me, and i am still waiting for my otherwise
trustworthy isp to answer my complaint.  i didn't even know i was unsubbed
until a message of mine to the list was answered by the list-managing
program as beeing forwarded to the owner for this reason.

can this be done:  everyone may optionally supply a "backup" email-address
which unsubscribe notification are forwarded to, so one at least knows
what's happening?
