MySQL Workbench 8.0.14 has been released

2019-01-21 Thread daniel . horecki
, or Copy Path to
   Clipboard) when applied to an open SQL editor tab caused
   the tab to close unexpectedly on Linux. (Bug #28721377)

 * The color used to highlight a query in the SQL editor was
   the same color used for the text, which made the selected
   query appear to be missing when it was highlighted.
   (Bug #28691256, Bug #92535, Bug #28715080)

 * The Report a Bug action from the Help menu returned an
   error instead of opening the MySQL bug database on macOS
   systems. (Bug #28612380, Bug #92327)

 * The last file selected from a previous directory during
   any browse operation was carried over after navigating to
   a new directory and without selecting a new file from the
   directory. Files now must be selected explicitly within
   the browse dialog box. (Bug #28608962, Bug #92104)

 * Some columns within a Microsoft SQL Server database table
   were not migrated as expected. The operation returned an
   error when copying mixed data types. (Bug #27838190,
   Bug #84777)

 * Multiple SQL queries executed sequentially in separate
   tabs did not resolve as expected on Windows. The first
   query ran to completion, but the tab would not close. The
   second query never finished. Thereafter, no additional
   queries could run and the program would not exit.
   (Bug #25965655, Bug #86090)

 * The Migration Wizard was unable to retrieve a schema list
   from source when the source RDBMS was Microsoft SQL
   Server and a valid FreeTDS driver (required by Linux) was
   provided. (Bug #25457611)

 * No context help was displayed with a view or stored
   procedure in the SQL editor. (Bug #24697574)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Daniel Horecki

MySQL Connector/J 8.0.14 has been released

2019-01-21 Thread daniel . horecki
value of 00:00:00 to null. With this fix, it returns a
   java.sql.Time instance of zero hours, minutes, and
   seconds, as expected. (Bug #28101003, Bug #91065)

 * When using server-side prepared statements and working
   with a table with multicolumn primary key, an updateRow()
   call failed with a NullPointerException or a
   SQLException. (Bug #25650514)

 * When using server-side prepared statements, a
   refreshRow() call after an updateRow() call failed with a
   SQLException. (Bug #25650482)

 * changeUser() failed to change or reauthenticate a user
   when all of the following were true: (a) connection to
   the server was by SSL; (b) the caching_sha2 or
   sha256_password authentication plugin was used for the
   user; and (c) the user password contained Unicode
   characters. (Bug #25642226)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Daniel Horecki

MySQL Workbench 8.0.13 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread daniel . horecki
 color to distinguish it from the other items
   easily. The new highlight color makes it easy to see
   which item is selected. (Bug #25456216)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,

Daniel Horecki

MySQL Cluster 7.4.20 has been released

2018-04-20 Thread daniel . horecki

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication
  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
    and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http, Memcached
    and JavaScript/Node.js)

MySQL Cluster 7.4 makes significant advances in performance;
operational efficiency (such as enhanced reporting and faster restarts
and upgrades) and conflict detection and resolution for active-active
replication between MySQL Clusters.

MySQL Cluster 7.4.20, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !


Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.20 (5.6.40-ndb-7.4.20)
(2018-04-20, General Availability)

   MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.20 is a new release of MySQL NDB
   Cluster 7.4, based on MySQL Server 5.6 and including features
   in version 7.4 of the NDB storage engine, as well as fixing
   recently discovered bugs in previous NDB Cluster releases.

   Obtaining MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.  MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4
   source code and binaries can be obtained from

   For an overview of changes made in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4, see
   What is New in NDB Cluster 7.4

   This release also incorporates all bug fixes and changes made
   in previous NDB Cluster releases, as well as all bug fixes
   and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.6
   through MySQL 5.6.40 (see Changes in MySQL 5.6.40
   (2018-04-19, General Availability)

Bugs Fixed

 * NDB Cluster APIs: The maximum time to wait which can be
   specified when calling either of the NDB API methods
   Ndb::pollEvents() or pollEvents2() was miscalculated such
   that the method could wait up to 9 ms too long before
   returning to the client. (Bug #88924, Bug #27266086)

 * Race conditions sometimes occurred during asynchronous
   disconnection and reconnection of the transporter while
   other threads concurrently inserted signal data into the
   send buffers, leading to an unplanned shutdown of the
   As part of the work fixing this issue, the internal
   templating function used by the Transporter Registry when
   it prepares a send is refactored to use
   likely-or-unlikely logic to speed up execution, and to
   remove a number of duplicate checks for NULL. (Bug
   #2908, Bug #25128512)
   References: See also: Bug #20112700.

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Daniel Horecki

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Workbench 8.0.11-rc has been released

2018-04-19 Thread daniel . horecki
   (Bug #23098982, Bug #81068)

 * The Reverse Engineer Database wizard excluded tables in
   which the WITH PARSER clause was present. (Bug #22940775,
   Bug #80760)

 * A column with the STORED keyword could not be generated
   by using the EER Diagram or MySQL Model tabs on macOS
   hosts. This fix updates all of the relevant tabs to
   include the missing STORED option for generating a column
   or for editing generated columns. (Bug #22645321,
   Bug #80211)

 * Table rows were not generated properly when a valid
   Microsoft SQL Server table was migrated using the MySQL
   Migration wizard. (Bug #22200194, Bug #77933)

 * The forward engineering operation passed the default
   collation when a custom collation was defined for a
   schema. (Bug #22148986, Bug #79115)

 * When synchronizing a MySQL model that contained a table
   with JSON columns, the operation attempted to create a
   new table instead of fetching the table from the
   database. (Bug #22060787)

 * Columns with custom collation were reset to the default
   collation when the model containing the table was
   exported. (Bug #22006966, Bug #78817)

 * Models synchronized with existing databases produced an
   error message if any of the tables within a model had
   comments enclosed between /* and */ characters in
   triggers. (Bug #21551643, Bug #76176)

 * Generated queries were incomplete for models that
   included table columns of type VARCHAR with partitioning
   enabled. (Bug #21104120, Bug #76489)

 * Some fields within the Table Data Import wizard were
   misaligned and difficult to use. (Bug #20956767)

 * If the SCHEMAS tree was refreshed during a long query,
   MySQL Workbench became unresponsive until the query
   finished. (Bug #20896682, Bug #76594)

 * An error message was displayed when the delete operation
   was performed on an existing connection in the Manage
   Server Connections window. (Bug #20652117, Bug #76153)

 * The mouse pointer did not always change shape to match
   the area it was moved to within the visual SQL editor.
   (Bug #20588048, Bug #75993)

 * A complex IF, ELSEIF, ELSE structure when used to create
   a stored procedure within the new procedure - Routine tab
   produced a syntax error message as clause 45 was added
   and for each clause that followed. (Bug #18972055,
   Bug #72991)

 * Code completion did not provide a suggestion reliably for
   instructions included in the server dictionary, such as
   statements or system variables. In addition, types like
   TIMESTAMP were completed with the wrong type values.
   (Bug #18445589, Bug #27386829, Bug #89222, Bug #26897612,
   Bug #87907, Bug #18871688, Bug #72812)

 * Attempting to access the MySQL Enterprise Backup
   interface caused MySQL Workbench to stop working.
   (Bug #18019469)

 * An on-screen label with inaccurate text was corrected.
   (Bug #16808557)

 * Erroneous input at the beginning of the line in the SQL
   editor generated an error marker that continued to
   display after the wrong input was corrected or removed.
   (Bug #13820997, Bug #64481)

 * Popular Windows themes did not always render as expected,
   especially when color themes were selected on Windows
   hosts. In particular, some areas persisted a white
   background regardless of the setting. (Bug #11760110,
   Bug #52485)

 * When out-of-range index, unique index, or primary key
   values were define in the source, no warning was provided
   to indicate that the code produced could not be executed
   by the MySQL server. (Bug #11745588, Bug #17509)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,

Daniel Horecki

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.7-rc has been released

2018-02-26 Thread daniel . horecki
ot;: "$.coords", "type": "GEOJSON", "srid": 3128
7 } ]


   XAPI example:
ret = mysqlx_collection_create_index(coll, "idx",
    "fields": [
  { "field": "$.zip", "type": "TEXT(10)" },
  { "field": "$.count", "type": "INT UNSIGNED" }

ret = mysqlx_collecton_create_index(coll, "loc",
    "type": "SPATIAL",
    "fields": [ { "field": "$.coords", "type": "GEOJSON", "srid": 3128
7 } ]

mysqlx_collection_drop_index(coll, "idx");

 * It is now possible to use the Session interface to create
   savepoints inside transactions and roll back a
   transaction to a given savepoint. This interface supports
   the operations provided by the SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK TO
   SAVEPOINT, and RELEASE SAVEPOINT statements. For more
   information about these statements, see SAVEPOINT,
   X DevAPI example:
string point1 = sess.setSavepoint();
sess.rollbackTo(point1); // this also removes savepoint "point
string point3 = sess.setSavepoint();
sess.releaseSavepoint(point3);  // explicitly remove savepoint

   XAPI example:
const char *point1 = mysqlx_savepoint_set(sess,NULL);
const char *point3 = mysqlx_savepoint_set(sess,NULL);

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * MySQL Connector/C++ now implements TLS connections using
   the OpenSSL library. It is possible to build
   Connector/C++ with OpenSSL or the bundled yaSSL
   implementation of TLS. This is controlled by the WITH_SSL
   CMake option, which takes these values: bundled (build
   using bundled yaSSL code); system (build using system
   OpenSSL library, with the location as detected by CMake);
   path_name (build using OpenSSL library installed at the
   named location). For more information, see

   Bugs Fixed

 * replaceOne() and similar methods did not correctly detect
   document ID mismatches. (Bug #27246854)

 * Calling bind() twice on the same parameter for complex
   types resulted in empty values. (Bug #26962725)

On Behalf of the MySQL/Oracle Release Engineering Team,
Daniel Horecki

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Cluster 7.4.18 has been released

2018-01-23 Thread daniel . horecki

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication
  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
    and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http, Memcached
    and JavaScript/Node.js)

MySQL Cluster 7.4 makes significant advances in performance;
operational efficiency (such as enhanced reporting and faster restarts
and upgrades) and conflict detection and resolution for active-active
replication between MySQL Clusters.

MySQL Cluster 7.4.18, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !

Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.18 (5.6.39-ndb-7.4.18)
(2018-01-17, General Availability)

   MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.18 was replaced following release by
   NDB 7.4.19. Users of NDB 7.4.17 and previous NDB 7.4 releases
   should upgrade directly to MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.19 or later.

   For changes that originally appeared in NDB 7.4.18, see
   Section Section, "Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.19
   (5.6.39-ndb-7.4.19) (2018-01-23, General Availability)."

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Cluster 7.4.19 has been released

2018-01-23 Thread daniel . horecki

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

  - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance
  - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
  - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication
  - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
    and on-line maintenance
  - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http, Memcached
    and JavaScript/Node.js)

MySQL Cluster 7.4 makes significant advances in performance;
operational efficiency (such as enhanced reporting and faster restarts
and upgrades) and conflict detection and resolution for active-active
replication between MySQL Clusters.

MySQL Cluster 7.4.19, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !

Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.19 (5.6.39-ndb-7.4.19)
(2018-01-23, General Availability)

   MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.19 is a new release of MySQL NDB
   Cluster 7.4, based on MySQL Server 5.6 and including features
   in version 7.4 of the NDB storage engine, as well as fixing
   recently discovered bugs in previous NDB Cluster releases.

   NDB 7.4.19 replaces the NDB 7.4.18 release, and is the
   successor to NDB 7.4.17. Users of NDB 7.4.17 and previous NDB
   7.4 releases should upgrade directly to MySQL NDB Cluster
   7.4.19 or newer.

   Obtaining MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.  MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4
   source code and binaries can be obtained from

   For an overview of changes made in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4, see
   What is New in NDB Cluster 7.4

   This release also incorporates all bug fixes and changes made
   in previous NDB Cluster releases (including the NDB 7.4.18
   release which this release replaces), as well as all bug
   fixes and feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL
   5.6 through MySQL 5.6.39 (see Changes in MySQL 5.6.39
   (2018-01-15, General Availability)

   Bugs Fixed

 * NDB Replication: On an SQL node not being used for a
   replication channel with sql_log_bin=0 it was possible
   after creating and populating an NDB table for a table
   map event to be written to the binary log for the created
   table with no corresponding row events. This led to
   problems when this log was later used by a slave cluster
   replicating from the mysqld where this table was created.
   Fixed this by adding support for maintaining a cumulative
   any_value bitmap for global checkpoint event operations
   that represents bits set consistently for all rows of a
   specific table in a given epoch, and by adding a check to
   determine whether all operations (rows) for a specific
   table are all marked as NOLOGGING, to prevent the
   addition of this table to the Table_map held by the
   binlog injector.
   As part of this fix, the NDB API adds a new
   getNextEventOpInEpoch3() method which provides
   information about any AnyValue received by making it
   possible to retrieve the cumulative any_value bitmap.
   (Bug #26333981)

 * A query against the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table
   returned no results when it included an ORDER BY clause.
   (Bug #26877788)

 * During a restart, DBLQH loads redo log part metadata for
   each redo log part it manages, from one or more redo log
   files. Since each file has a limited capacity for
   metadata, the number of files which must be consulted
   depends on the size of the redo log part. These files are
   opened, read, and closed sequentially, but the closing of
   one file occurs concurrently with the opening of the
   In cases where closing of the file was slow, it was
   possible for more than 4 files per redo log part to be
   open concurrently; since these files were opened using
   the OM_WRITE_BUFFER option, more than 4 chunks of write
   buffer were allocated per part in such cases. The write
   buffer pool is not unlimited; if all redo log parts were
   in a similar state, the pool was exhausted, causing the
   data node to shut down.
   This issue is resolved by avoiding the use of
   OM_WRITE_BUFFER during metadata reload, so that any
   transient opening of more than 4 redo log files per log
   file part no longer leads 

MySQL Cluster 7.4.17 has been released

2017-10-18 Thread daniel . horecki
 reduce space used, DBTC instance number: is
    shortened to DBTC number:.

  + A new error code is added to assist testing.
   (Bug #26364729)

 * A potential hundredfold signal fan-out when sending a
   START_FRAG_REQ signal could lead to a node failure due to
   a job buffer full error in start phase 5 while trying to
   perform a local checkpoint during a restart. (Bug #86675,
   Bug #26263397)
   References: See also: Bug #26288247, Bug #26279522.

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering
-Sreedhar S & Daniel Horecki

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.6-dmr has been released

2017-09-28 Thread daniel . horecki
on string or in the session creation options.
   X DevAPI examples:
XSession sess("mysqlx://user:password@(/path/to/mysql.sock)/schema");

XSession sess({ SessionSettings::USER, "user",
SessionSettings::PWD, "password,
SessionSettings::SOCKET, "/path/to/mysql.sock"
SessionSettings::DB, "schema" });

   XAPI examples:
mysqlx_session_t *sess = mysqlx_get_session_from_url(
  err_buf, _code

mysqlx_opt_type_t *sess_opt = mysqlx_session_option_new();
  MYSQLX_OPT_SOCKET, "/path/to/mysql.sock",
  MYSQLX_OPT_USER, "user",
  MYSQLX_OPT_PWD, "password",
  MYSQLX_OPT_DB, "schema");

mysqlx_session_t *sess = mysqlx_get_session_from_options(
  sess_opt, err_buf, _code

   Bugs Fixed

 * Creating a TLS session with only the ssl-ca option
   specified could succeed, although it should fail if
   ssl-mode is not also specified. (Bug #26226502)

 * mysqlx_get_node_session_from_options() could succeed even
   when a preceding mysqlx_session_option_set() failed.
   (Bug #26188740)

On Behalf of the MySQL/Oracle Release Engineering Team,
Daniel Horecki

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Cluster 7.2.28 has been released

2017-04-11 Thread Daniel Horecki

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Cluster is the distributed, shared-nothing variant of MySQL.
This storage engine provides:

   - In-Memory storage - Real-time performance (with optional
 checkpointing to disk)
   - Transparent Auto-Sharding - Read & write scalability
   - Active-Active/Multi-Master geographic replication
   - 99.999% High Availability with no single point of failure
 and on-line maintenance
   - NoSQL and SQL APIs (including C++, Java, http and Memcached)

MySQL Cluster 7.2.28, has been released and can be downloaded from

where you will also find Quick Start guides to help you get your
first MySQL Cluster database up and running.

The release notes are available from

MySQL Cluster enables users to meet the database challenges of next
generation web, cloud, and communications services with uncompromising
scalability, uptime and agility.

More details can be found at

Enjoy !

Changes in MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2.28 (5.5.55-ndb-7.2.28) (2017-04-10, 
General Availability)

MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2.28 is a new release of NDB Cluster,
incorporating new features in the NDB storage engine, and
fixing recently discovered bugs in previous MySQL NDB Cluster
7.2 development releases.

Obtaining MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2.  MySQL NDB Cluster 7.2
source code and binaries can be obtained from

This release also incorporates all bugfixes and changes made
in previous NDB Cluster releases, as well as all bugfixes and
feature changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.5
through MySQL 5.5.55 (see Changes in MySQL 5.5.55 (2017-04-10, 
General availability)


Bugs Fixed

  * NDB Disk Data: Stale data from NDB Disk Data tables that
had been dropped could potentially be included in backups
due to the fact that disk scans were enabled for these.
To prevent this possibility, disk scans are now
disabled---as are other types of scans---when taking a
backup. (Bug #84422, Bug #25353234)

  * NDB Disk Data: In some cases, setting dynamic in-memory
columns of an NDB Disk Data table to NULL was not handled
correctly. (Bug #79253, Bug #22195588)

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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MySQL Connector/C++ 2.0.4 m2 has been released

2017-03-21 Thread Daniel Horecki

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/C++ 2.0.4 is the next development milestone of the MySQL
Connector/C++ 2.0 series. Connector/C++ 2.0 can be used to access MySQL
implementing Document Store or in a traditional way, using SQL queries. 
It allows writing both C++ applications using X DevAPI or plain C 
applications using XAPI.

To learn more about how to write applications using X DevAPI, see X
DevAPI User Guide ( and 
X DevAPI reference at For more
information about using plain C XAPI see XAPI reference at For generic
information on using Connector/C++ 2.0, see


Connector/C++ 2.0 requires MySQL Server version 5.7.12 or higher
with X Plugin enabled. For general documentation about how to get
started using MySQL as a document store, see Using MySQL as a Document
Store (

To download MySQL Connector/C++ 2.0.4, see the "Development Releases"
tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/C++ 2.0.4 (2017-03-16, Development

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Support was added for secure sessions over TLS
   connections. A secure session can be requested either via
   the ssl-enable and ssl-ca options of a connection string,
   or using explicit session creation options. For X DevAPI
   session settings, see
   For XAPI session settings, see
   (check the documentation for enum mysqlx_opt_type_t).

 * The format of document ID values generated when adding
   documents to a collation has changed. It is still a
   string of 32 hexadecimal digits based on UUID, but the
   order of digits was changed to match the requirement of a
   stable ID prefix.

 * The X DevAPI Schema object now supports methods for view
   manipulation: createView(), alterView(), and dropView().
   XAPI now contains functions that implement similar
   functionality: mysqlx_view_create(),
   mysqlx_view_replace(), mysqlx_view_modify(), and
   (implemented previously) mysqlx_view_drop().
   As with other XAPI operations, there are functions that
   create a statement handle without executing it:
   mysqlx_view_create_new(), mysqlx_view_replace_new(), and
   These XAPI functions modify view DDL statements before
   execution: mysqlx_set_view_algorithm(),
   mysqlx_set_view_definer(), and mysqlx_set_view_columns().

 * Connector/C++ now supports IPv6 target hosts in
   connection strings and when creating sessions using other

   Bugs Fixed

 * When rList is an empty list, table.insert().rows(rList)
   caused a segmentation fault. (Bug #25515964)

On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Workbench 6.3.9 GA has been released

2017-02-07 Thread Daniel Horecki
he current statement of a query by using the
   CTRL+ALT+ENTER keyboard shortcut (Vertical Text Output)
   partially or fully hid the output. (Bug #20573658, Bug

 * When closing a tab in the SQL Editor, the focus always
   returned to the first tab regardless of the number of
   tabs open. This fix returns focus to the preceding tab
   (to the left) of the closed tab. (Bug #20351753, Bug

 * A valid server connection was required before a script or
   model file could be viewed or edited. (Bug #20326028, Bug

 * Starting MySQL Workbench from the command line with an
   optional argument of a script or model file required the
   absolute (or fully qualified) path name of the file. (Bug
   #20268606, Bug #75305)

 * SQL Editor identified syntax errors in valid statements
   that executed properly. (Bug #20116982, Bug #74183)

 * Font sizes were increased in the Home screen for improved
   readability. (Bug #19982157, Bug #74721)

 * The MySQL Table Editor did not display the name of a
   selected table within an EER diagram when the editor was
   first opened. (Bug #19693466, Bug #74102)

 * Because the sys schema is installed by default as of
   MySQL server 5.7.7, MySQL Workbench now checks for and
   uses it. Otherwise, MySQL Workbench (as it has since 6.1)
   provides the option to install it.
   References: See also: Bug #71207.

On behalf of the MySQL Workbench and the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team

Daniel Horecki

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Connector/C++ 1.1.8 has been released

2016-12-16 Thread Daniel Horecki

Dear MySQL Users,

A new GA (general availability) version of MySQL Connector/C++ has
been made available: MySQL Connector/C++ 1.1.8 GA. The MySQL
Connector/C++ provides a C++ API for connecting client applications to
the MySQL Server 5.5 or newer.

You can download the production release at:

MySQL Connector C++ (Commercial) will be available for download on the
My Oracle Support (MOS) website. This release will be available on eDelivery
(OSDC) in next month's upload cycle.

The MySQL driver for C++ offers an easy to use API derived from JDBC
4.0. MySQL Workbench has used it successfully for years.

We have improved the driver since the last GA release. Please see the
documentation and the CHANGES file in the source distribution for a
detailed description of bugs that have been fixed. Bug descriptions are
also listed below.



Changes in MySQL Connector/C++ 1.1.8 (2016-12-16, General

Security Notes

  * OpenSSL is ending support for version 1.0.1 in December
2016; see
Consequently, Connector/C++ Commercial builds now use
version 1.0.2 rather than version 1.0.1, and the linked
OpenSSL library for the Connector/C++ Commercial has been
updated from version 1.0.1 to version 1.0.2j. For a
description of issues fixed in this version, see
This change does not affect Oracle-produced MySQL
Community builds of Connector/C++, which use the yaSSL
library instead.

Functionality Added or Changed

  * Connector/C++ now supports a OPT_TLS_VERSION connection
option for specifying the protocols permitted for
encrypted connections. The option value is string
containing a comma-separated list of one or more protocol
names. Example:
connection_properties["OPT_TLS_VERSION"] = sql::SQLString("TLSv1.1,TLS

The permitted values depend on the SSL library used to
compile MySQL: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2 if OpenSSL was
used; TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 if yaSSL was used. The default is
to permit all available protocols.
For more information about connection protocols in MySQL,
see Secure Connection Protocols and Ciphers
-protocols-ciphers.html). (Bug #23496967)

  * Connector/C++ now supports a OPT_SSL_MODE connection
option for specifying the security state of the
connection to the server. Permitted option values are
SSL_MODE_VERIFY_IDENTITY. These values correspond to the
values of the --ssl-mode option supported by MySQL client
programs; see Command Options for Secure Connections
-options.html). For example, this setting specifies that
the connection should be unencrypted:
connection_properties["OPT_SSL_MODE"] = sql::SSL_MODE_DISABLED;

The OPT_SSL_MODE option comprises the capabilities of the
sslEnforce and sslVerify connection options.
Consequently, both of those options are now deprecated.
(Bug #23496952)

  * Connector/C++ now supports OPT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET and
OPT_NET_BUFFER_LENGTH connection options. Each option
takes a numeric value. They correspond to the
mysql_options() C API function.

  * Issues compiling Connector/C++ under Visual Studio 2015
were corrected.

Bugs Fixed

  * A segmentation fault could occur for attempts to insert a
large string using a prepared statement. (Bug #23212333,
Bug #81213)

  * The certification verification checks that are enabled by
the verifySSL connection option were not performed
properly. (Bug #22931974)

  * Connector/C++ failed to compile against a version of the
MySQL C API older than 5.7. (Bug #22838573, Bug #80539,
Bug #25201287)

On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team
Daniel Horecki

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