Re: OpenFlow, please don't start a flame war...

2012-12-15 Thread Dave Israel

On 12/14/2012 11:11 PM, wrote:

It's been about 2 years in since I've heard about the concept, and honestly
I'm about ready to jump into test environments at my house. My questions
are pretty basic, what distro would you recommend for a controller, and
should I start by virtualizing in VMWare or HyperV or jump into some cheap
Linksys WRT routers.  The more I hear about the tech from colleges, Google,
BigSwitch, etc is leaning me to really start learning, so any help would

OpenFlow is a big arena.  Do you know what you want to do with it?

If you're looking to write your own intelligence, I recommend the 
OpenFlow tutorial at .  It helps you 
get started in a virtual environment, and introduces you to a number of 
controller platforms.


Re: Whacky Weekend: Is Internet Access a Human Right?

2012-01-05 Thread Dave Israel

On 1/5/2012 11:29 AM, Leo Bicknell wrote:

In a message written on Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 11:09:59AM -0500, Jay Ashworth 

Didn't *say* broadband.  Didn't even say Internet service.  Said Internet
*access*, in the non-techspeak meaning of those words.

For the purposes of my e-mail and this point in time, they are all

That is, if interenet access is a right, providing someone a
9600bps dial up does not, in my mind, qualify.  That might qualify
for e-mail access, but you can not use a reasonable fraction of the
Internet at that access speed.  Similarly, denying someone internet
service denies them internet access.  The only difference between your
terms and mine, is that mine are fixed to this point in time while
yours is a general concept that may move in the future.  One day 50Mbps
broadband may not qualify anymore as internet access due to where the
interernet ends up.

I think you're still thinking of service, as opposed to access.  Public 
terminals, say at libraries, are also access.  Free public wifi is also 

But let's take a specific (famous) example.  Kevin Mitnick.  From
his wikipedia page:

   During his supervised release, which ended on January 21, 2003, he was
   initially forbidden to use any communications technology other than a
   landline telephone.

If Internet access (to use your term) had been a human right than
his human rights were violated by the government when they banned
him from using any communications technology.  Do we really want to
suggest that banning him from using the computer is the same level of
violation as enslaving him, torturing him, or even killing him?

Clearly not, at least at this point in history.  Internet access is more 
like access to transportation; the law implicitly requires you to have 
it (in the form of being able to compel a person to appear at a given 
place and time), but not only fails to mandate its availability, but 
includes provisions for explicitly denying access to it in some cases.

Internet access becomes a human right only when your other, more basic 
human rights depend on it.  If a person without internet access cannot 
obtain food, shelter, or basic transportation, then it is a human right.

As an aside, your example is flawed, because judicial punishment does 
involve a loss, or at least a curtailment, of what many people consider 
to be basic rights.


Re: incoming smtp from v6 addresses

2012-01-04 Thread Dave Israel

On 1/4/2012 10:46 AM, Mike Tancsa wrote:
I suspect the higher inbound values might be due to tech mailling 
lists which tend to come from IPv6 enabled hosts ?

Yeah, all of my (non-internal) ipv6 mail is from such mailing lists.


Re: quietly....

2011-02-02 Thread Dave Israel

On 2/2/2011 10:52 AM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

No, the point is that DNS resolvers in different places all use the same 
addresses. So at the cyber cafe 3003::3003 is the cyber cafe DNS but at the 
airport 3003::3003 is the airport DNS. (Or in both cases, if they don't run a 
DNS server, one operated by their ISP.)

I understand people use DHCP for lots of stuff today. But that's mainly because 
DHCP is there, not because it's the best possible way to get that particular 
job done.

So what if I want to assign different people to different resolvers by 
policy?  What if I want to use non-/64 subnets with a resolver on each 
one?  What if I round-robin amongst more or less resolvers than there 
are well-known addresses assigned to?  What if, in 1/2/5/10/20/50 years, 
we need to do things differently?  Why intentionally burden a protocol 
with something that screams I am going to be a depreciated legacy 
problem someday!


Re: quietly....

2011-02-02 Thread Dave Israel

On 2/2/2011 5:42 PM, Brian Johnson wrote:

I must have missed something.  Why would u do NAT in IPv6?

1) To allow yourself to change or maintain multiple upstreams without 

2) To allow your IPv6-only hosts to reach IPv4 addresses, or vice versa.
3) To give all your outbound sessions a mutual appearance, so as to 
confound those attempting to build a profile of your activity.

4) To irritate the IPv6 faithful.
5) Because it is funny.
6) Because you have allocated a single address to a machine that later 
on actually represents n differerent actual network entities, and 
retrofitting them with their own unique IPv6 subnet presents a problem.

7) Because Iljitch bet you you couldn't, and you don't want to lose a bet.
8) Because chicks/dudes think it's hot.
9) Because you can.
10) Because it is the year 8585, and we're running low on IPv6 addresses.

Re: quietly....

2011-02-01 Thread Dave Israel

On 2/1/2011 2:57 PM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

On 1 feb 2011, at 16:21, Jack Bates wrote:

I still know a LOT of people who have no desire to switch. They are holding out 
until vendors implement the features they want. NAPTv6, default router in 
DHCPv6, etc, etc.

What's the point of switching to IPv6 if it repeats all the IPv4 mistakes only 
with bigger addresses?

Bigger addresses.  People want to engineer their networks they way they 
want to.  Let them.  If their way is stupid, then they'll have the 
stupidly engineered network they wanted.  Telling them they have to do 
it your way because their way is stupid is just going to keep them from 
changing and increases a chance of a NATernet.


Re: quietly....

2011-02-01 Thread Dave Israel

On 2/1/2011 3:10 PM, Randy Carpenter wrote:

- Original Message -

On 2/1/2011 2:57 PM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

On 1 feb 2011, at 16:21, Jack Bates wrote:

I still know a LOT of people who have no desire to switch. They are
holding out until vendors implement the features they want. NAPTv6,
default router in DHCPv6, etc, etc.

What's the point of switching to IPv6 if it repeats all the IPv4
mistakes only with bigger addresses?

Bigger addresses. People want to engineer their networks they way they
want to. Let them. If their way is stupid, then they'll have the
stupidly engineered network they wanted. Telling them they have to do
it your way because their way is stupid is just going to keep them
changing and increases a chance of a NATernet.


So, we should just have no rules or standards at all, and just let people do 
whatever they want. How well would that work?

We should, and do, have rules and standards for how networks communicate 
with each other.  We can, and should, publish advice on how a network 
can be built to work properly, internally and externally.  We should not 
say, you must run your internals the way we think a network should be 
run internally.  Every network operator's network is their concern, and 
making it work is their responsibility.  If they want to use DHCPv6, or 
NAT, or Packet over Avian Carrier to achieve that, let them.  If using 
them causes them problems, then they should not use them.  It really 
isn't the community's place to force people not to use tools they find 
useful because we do not like them.


Re: quietly....

2011-02-01 Thread Dave Israel

On 2/1/2011 3:32 PM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

On 1 feb 2011, at 21:03, Dave Israel wrote:

People want to engineer their networks they way they want to.  Let them.  If 
their way is stupid, then they'll have the stupidly engineered network they 

The problem is that their stupidity impacts ME. If I want to talk to Microsoft 
from behind a  1500 byte MTU link: too bad, not going to happen. They stupidly 
send packets with DF=1 but filter incoming packet too big messages.

So I'm all in favor of the IETF blocking stupidity whenever possible.

I completely agree that, when interoperating, you have to follow the 
rules, and I would (naively) hope that customers cannot reach me 
because of my configuration choice is sufficient incentive to fix the 
problem for the majority of network operators.  But what I am arguing 
against was the stance some people take against DHCPv6, or prefix 
lengths longer than /64, or other internal-to-my-network, 
why-should-you-care choices I might make.  Telling me it is dumb is 
fine; implementing software/hardware/protocols such that I can't do it 
simply because you think it is dumb is a problem.


Re: quietly....

2011-02-01 Thread Dave Israel

On 2/1/2011 9:33 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

On Feb 1, 2011, at 6:24 PM, Chris Adams wrote:

Once upon a time, Owen  said:

On Feb 1, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Karl Auer wrote:

Devil's advocate hat on: NAT (in its most common form) also permits
internal addressing to be independent of external addressing.

Which is a bug, not a feature.

That is an opinion (and not a unversally held opinion), not a fact.  I
tend to agree with you, but you keep stating your opinion as fact.
Telling people I'm right, you're wrong over and over again leads to
them going away and ignoring IPv6.

Using this definition of bug from Wikipedia:

A software bug is the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, 
failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or 
unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways.

I argue that breaking the end-to-end model which is a documented fundamental 
tenant of the internet protocol and the internet addressing system is, by 
definition, within the definition above.

Q.E.D. it is, in fact, a bug, not merely my opinion. Others are welcome to
consider said bug to be a feature, but, it is, by definition, factually, a bug.

I apologize in advance for the strong wording, and will apologize for it 
in person (with a beer) at some point.  But:

A NATed client connects to a server, and they speak end to end.  A NATed 
server receives connections directly from clients.  It is more or less 
end to end, communications-wise, and so it is the same or less of a 
bug, by your definition, than a proxy server, or a web cache, or ipv4 
anycast DNS, or inspecting/fixup capable firewalls.  And those are all 
things people want.  If you are advocating that IPv6 should not be 
capable of performing tasks people want it to perform, then you are 
advocating for IPv6 to follow the path of the OSI protocols as a could 
have been the new Internet protocol, and you are pushing the world 
toward the NATernet, and you are actually, unintentionally, one of 
IPv6's worst enemies.

Look back across all the big arguments over the years that had people 
turning purple and calling each other names and declaring that IPv6 was 
broken.  They are all about features in IPv6 that operators did not 
want, because directly or indirectly, they either disabled features 
people use now, or they told people how hey had to build their 
networks.  They were features dreamed up by academics, theoreticians, 
and purists, and opposed by operators.  You can blame sloth, ignorance, 
and heads in the sand all you want for the long wait for IPv6 adoption, 
but the insistence by IPv6 evangelists that IPv4-think is necessarily 
evil and that they are going to force everybody to conform to their 
perfect paradigm is also a big factor.  And this isn't just a perception 
issue, or rebellion at being told what to do.  Part of what made IPv4 so 
successful was that its simplicity made it inherently flexible, and even 
operators who are wrong about what things like NAT give them are right 
to rebel against restricting flexibility to meet certain people's 
perception of what network purity means today.


Re: Did your BGP crash today?

2010-08-27 Thread Dave Israel

On 8/27/2010 3:22 PM, Jared Mauch wrote:
 When you are processing something, it's sometimes hard to tell if something
 just was mis-parsed (as I think the case is here with the missing-2-bytes)
 vs just getting garbage.  Perhaps there should be some way to re-sync when
 you are having this problem, or a parallel keepalive path similar to
 MACA/MCAS/MIDCAS/TCAS between the devices to talk when something bad is

I know it wasn't there originally, and isn't mandatory now, but there is
an MD5 hash that can be added to the packet.  If the TCP hash checks
out, then you know the packet wasn't garbled, and just contained
information you didn't grok.  That seems like enough evidence to be able
to shrug and toss the packet without dropping the session.


Re: the alleged evils of NAT, was Rate of growth on IPv6 not fast enough?

2010-04-27 Thread Dave Israel
On 4/27/2010 1:36 PM, Andy Davidson wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:29:59AM -0400, John R. Levine wrote:
 Did you use Yahoo IM, AIM, or Skype?
 Yes, yes, and yes.  Works fine.
 What about every other service/protocol that users use today, 
 and might be invented tomorrow ?  Do  will they all work with 
 NAT ?

Sure, I can invent a service/protocol that doesn't work with NAT.  While
I am at it, I'll make it not work with IPv4, IPv6, Ethernet, an
architectures using less than 256 bits of memory addressing.  I bet
it'll be popular!

 Do many others work as well or act reliably through NAT ?

Yes, nearly everything that end users use works great through NAT,
because end users are often behind NAT and for a service to be popular,
it has to be NAT-friendly.  Protocols that are not NAT friendly and yet
survive are generally LAN applications that are resting on their
NAT-unferiendliness and calling it security.

 Will it stop or hamper the innovation of new services on the
 internet ?


 The answer to these questions isn't a good one for users, so
 as the community that are best placed to defend service quality
 and innovation by preserving the end to end principal, it is 
 our responsibility to defend it to the best of our ability.

The end to end principle only helps service quality and innovation when
the services are built on an end to end model.  In a client-server world
where addresses only identify groups of endpoints and individual
identification is done at higher layers (which is what the ipv4+NAT
Internet is looking like), end to endness is an anomaly, not the norm.

 So get busy - v6 awareness, availability and abundancy are
 overdue for our end users.

Nearly all of the end users don't give a rat's hindquarters about ipv6. 
It gives them nothing they know that they want.  Meanwhile, those who do
know they want it are getting used to working around it, using PAT
tricks and STUN services.  Should people *have* to use those services? 
No.  But there's so many other things that we shouldn't have to do, but
we do anyway because that's how it works, that these NAT-circumvention
tricks are not a dealbreaker.

Meanwhile, the NATification of the Internet continuously increases the
contrast between services (with real addresses) and clients (with shared
addresses).  Over time, this differentiation will increase and become
more and more a standard (a de facto one if not an actual codified
one.)  Clients will have shared, ephemeral addresses, and services will
have stable ones.  This helps ensure that clients cannot generally
communicate without a facilitating service, and every transaction will
then have a middleman, somebody you have to pay somehow to get your
services.  You may pay in cash, by watching commercials, by sacrificing
personal information, or by submitting your communciations to analysis
by others, but somehow, you will pay.  The vast majority of users won't
care; they communicate that way now, and it does not bother them much. 
It's only those few who want to communicate without paying, in time,
money, or privacy, or to communicate in ways other than the standard
protocols, who will really suffer.  And their complaints will have to
fight against the voice of those who will say, well, if you make it end
to end, then businesses lose money, and people will be able to share
files again and violate copyrights, and all these things will cost jobs
and tax dollars, etc, etc.

If you want to avoid that future, I strongly suggest you deploy ipv6 and
pressure others to do the same.  But you're going to need to use valid
arguments, about privacy and protection from the deprecations of
unscrupulous middlemen, instead of insisting that the Internet will
break down and die and locusts will descend from the heavens and eat our
first born if we don't.


Re: ARIN IP6 policy for those with legacy IP4 Space

2010-04-09 Thread Dave Israel

On 4/9/2010 12:30 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
 Put differently, you work in this arena too...  you've presumably
 talked to stakeholders.  Can you list some of the reasons people have
 provided for not adopting v6, and are any of them related to the v6
 policies regarding address space?

(many excellent reasons removed)

Let me just add on:

+Bonus Fear: Because IPv6 deployments are small and vendors are still
ironing out software, there's concern that deploying it in a production
network could cause issues.  (Whether or not this fear is legitimate
with vendor x, y, or z isn't the issue.  The fear exists.)

+Bonus Uncertainty: There is a lack of consensus on how IPv6 is to be
deployed.  For example, look at the ongoing debates on point to point
network sizes and the /64 network boundary in general.  There's also no
tangible benefit to deploying IPv6 right now, and the tangible danger
that your v6 deployment will just have to be redone because there's some
flaw in the current v6  protocol or best practices that will be uncovered.

+Bonus Doubt: Because we've been told that IPv4 will be dead in 2
years for the last 20 years, and that IPv6 will be deployed and a way
of life in 2 years for the past 10, nobody really believes it anymore. 
There's been an ongoing chant of wolf for so long, many people won't
believe it until things are much, much worse.


Re: IP4 Space

2010-03-26 Thread Dave Israel

On 3/26/2010 1:31 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

 On Mar 26, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:

 You should ask your server guy how he plans to talk to your core
 stakeholders when they can't get IPv4 any more.

Then, at that time, both he and his key stakeholders will experience
pain while they both deploy IPv6, or more likely,  his key stakeholders
will add another level of NAT-like indirection to give themselves space
to expand with the address pool they have.

 At the CxO level, it's all about the money.  Or the lack therof.

 How much less money will you have when donors can not reach your
 website or have a poor user experience doing so?

This assumption is incorrect. They can't keep nursing IPv4 forever. 
Eventually everybody will have to switch to v6.  If you don't, you'll be
sorry.  Just wait and see.  That attitude did not force any previous
supposed IPv4-killer protocol to be deployed.  The fact is, for the
foreseeable future,  his donors will tend to have a better experience
over v4 than v6.  He isn't going to be blindsided by the need to deploy
v6, and he knows it.  By the time an important v4 host is not reachable
via the entire internet (and at full speed), v6 will have been
everywhere for years.

An address space crisis will not result in v6 deployment from repentant
network engineers who did not see the light in time.  An address space
crisis will merely result in more hacks to keep v4 running longer.  v6
will be deployed slowly by the curious, encouraged by features v6 has
that they want and with the assumption that they will still be able to
do everything they can do on v4 (either through translation or dual
stacking.)  This process can be accelerated by something that v6 can do
that v4 can't.  So far, there's nothing that fits that description;
everything being done over v6 can also be done over v4. 

Re: more news from Google

2010-01-13 Thread Dave Israel
Joe Abley wrote:
 On 2010-01-13, at 11:31, Anthony Uk wrote:

 The ability to automatically discern users' political positions from their 
 inbox is not one that any email provider reasonably needs.

 It's arguably something that gmail users consent to when they give Google 
 rights to index and process their mail, though.


Or... Maybe account X is attacked, and it is registered to somebody
named Liu Xiaobo, and Liu Xiaobo turns out to be a prominent human
rights activist.   After some investigation, it turns out accounts
belonging to people whose names match known human rights activists were
attacked and those that don't, weren't.  Sure, assuming Google is being
Sinister Santa Claus (brings gifts ostensibly from the goodness of their
hearts, but mysteriously knows what you want, knows when you've been
sleeping, knows when you're awake, etc) through data mining makes a good
story, but it isn't the obvious conclusion.

Re: Revisiting the Aviation Safety vs. Networking discussion

2009-12-24 Thread Dave Israel

I _do_ create action plans and _do_ quarterback each step and _do_
slap down any attempt to deviate.

imagine a network engineering culture where the concept of 'attempt to
deviate' just does not occur.

Are you trying to suggest that this is something horrible, or that it's the 
future of network engineering? :)

I'm actually serious in asking the question, despite the grin.

Possibly, he is trying to hint at a connection with Nazis, so somebody 
will mention it, invoking Godwin's Law, and bringing a fruitless 
religious thread to a close.

There's a full range of methods, with just do it on one side, 
deviation is terms for dismissal on the other, and plenty of shades of 
gray in between.  I've seen both extremes result in excessive downtime. 
(How impromptu engineering can go wrong shouldn't take much imagination; 
the no deviation rule is especially hysterical when the backout plan 
doesn't work, but even without that, the one thing didn't work exactly 
right, back it out and try again in two weeks effect is destructive to 
both progress and morale.)  Working with the dynamic and quality of the 
team is more important than any change management paradigm.


Re: small site multi-homing (related to: Small guys with BGP issues)

2009-11-03 Thread Dave Israel

Clue Store wrote:
 Well you and the rest of these so called dreamers can help with the
 purchase of my new routers that don't exist yet to support you wanting to
 multi-home a /29 and have the rest of the Internet world hold all of these
 said /29's in their tables. Most folks who get a /29's don't care how they
 get to and from the internet, they just want to always be able to get there.
 TE at that granular of a level is not needed. So in other words, you and the
 rest of the world of these dreamers can keep dreaming, because I doubt any
 sensible ISP would accept and pass along anyone announcing /29's  and
 then there's V6, which I won't even get started on. Most ISP's are having a
 hard time holding 300k ipv4 routes as of today, and you want to de-aggregate
 even farther??

It's clear that you have some impatience with deaggregation, and with
cause.  However, there are a few flaws in your position.  The first is
that you contradicted yourself.  If most folks who get a /29 don't care
how they get to and from the Internet, then there won't be a flood of
new /29s.  It is the minority who do care how they get to and from the
Internet who will be adding routes.  Currently, they are doing so by
getting more address space than they need assigned, so as to have a
block large enough to be heard.  If 500 companies are currently
announcing /24s to be heard, but could be moved to /29s, then you still
have 500 route announcements.  You just have a lot less waste.

The second is that you said BGP.  Mike didn't say BGP.  He said he was
dreaming of the future.  That future coudl easily include a lightweight
multihoming protocol, something that informs interested parties of
presence on multiple networks, or allows for extremely fast
reconvergence, so that a second route need only join the routing table
when needed.  And he's right; if I want to change my name to Joe, grab a
sixpack, build a rack in my kitchen, and pay two providers for service,
it isn't unreasonable to want an infrastructure that supports my

We shouldn't dismiss a dreamer's dream because it is hard, or we can't
do it right now with what we have.  The desire to do what is not
currently possible is the source of innovation, and we shouldn't shoot
down innovation because it sounds hard and we don't like it.


Re: small site multi-homing (related to: Small guys with BGP issues)

2009-11-03 Thread Dave Israel

Clue Store wrote:
 I think you're missing my point and did not read my post completely.
 First off, BGP was never mentioned in my post.

Oops, you are correct.  Somebody else said BGP.  You spoke of the
existing table, and so I had BGP in my mind, and I muddled the two
together.  Mea culpa.

 If I accept a /29 for the minority and pass that prefix along to the
 next provider, I have to accept it for the majority and pass them
 along to the next provider. And these 500 company's you speak about,
 the other blocks given back to insert RIR or LIR here would be
 hashed back out which WOULD still increase prefixes in the global
 table as they want to advertise their /29's. I agree that it would
 save v4 space right now for those who wouldn't announce the remainder
 /29's, but you're thinking short term as we all know that v4 space has
 out-welcomed it's stay (thank you NAT). Yes, it will run paraellel for
 3, 5, maybe 7 years until enough folks get a clue and make the switch
 to v6, but in the end, v4 will go away.

That assumes that there isn't a solution that requires constant presence
in the global table, instead of a
tell-me-about-this-prefix-when-I-need-it-and-not-before method.  I admit
that there hasn't been a good solution to the problem yet, but that
doesn't mean there isn't one.  I'm not sure it has been seriously
researched in recent years.

 Having all that said, I am not knocking the 'dreamers' out there one
 bit. I encourage new ideas to help solve issues that we've discussed
 in this very thread. But at this point, there's more dreaming than
 solutions and revenue. And de-aggreation is one of the biggest
 problems with global routing today. Add v6 and the possibility of
 /48's being permitted into the global table, and most folks with a
 router from any vendor today couldn't support a full global table.

No, but providers having to upgrade software or hardware to support the
needs of the network in 3, 5, or 7 years isn't anything new, and neither
is router vendors coming up with incremental software or hardware
upgrades to make boxes do what they can't do now.


Re: Fwd: Dan Kaminsky

2009-08-03 Thread Dave Israel

Paul Vixie wrote:
 digital security is getting a lot of investor attention right now.  i wonder
 if this will ever consolidate or if pandora's box is just broken for all time.

It'll consolidate to the point where probabilities and probably costs
can be accurately assessed, at which point it can be insured, and that's
where it'll level off.

Re: AH or ESP

2009-05-26 Thread Dave Israel

Tony Hain wrote:
 Merike Kaeo wrote:
   ESP-Null came about when folks
 realized AH could not traverse NATs.

 Thus the absolute reason why people should promote AH to kill off the 66nat
 nonsense. Just because you can't use it for IPv4 is no reason to avoid using
 it for IPv6 now and let its momentum suppress the 66CGN walled garden


That should make for a fascinating discussion.

You should use AH.
So you can't use NAT.
Any other reason?
... No.
Great.  I'll get right on that.

The delusion that network operators can successfully use unhelpful
protocols and/or smoke and mirrors to force idealist network design on
others needs to end.  People use new protocols because they are better. 
If  the benefit of moving to a new protocol does not outweigh the pain
of moving to it, people don't use it.  That's why the OSI protocols did
not kill IP like they were supposed to in the 90s, it is why the largely
forgotten mandated move from Windows to secure OSes (ie, Unix) for all
government employees never happened, and it is why IPv6 is sputtering. 
If people want to use NAT, they are going to use NAT.  They may stop
using it if the widespread adoption of peer to peer protocols means they
are missing out on things other people are doing.  They are not going to
stop using NAT to use a protocol maliciously designed to break it; they
will just wait, patiently and nearly always successfully, for somebody
to come out with a version that has no such malice.  They are certainly
not going to stop using NAT because somebody tells them they should use
a security protocol that does not secure anything worth securing.

BitTorrent is a better anti-NAT tool than AH ever will be.  More carrot,
less stick.


Re: switch speed question

2009-02-25 Thread Dave Israel

Nathan Ward wrote:
 On 26/02/2009, at 2:48 AM, David Barak wrote:
 If two hosts are exchanging 1Gbps flows, the traffic across the bus
 will be 2Gbps, right?

 You don't get to add transmit and receive together to get 48Gbps.
 Packets don't go across the backplane once to receive, and then once
 more to transmit. They go across once, from the receiving port to the
 transmitting port. (sure, sometimes perhaps packets do go across
 twice, but not normally)

Assuming a crossbar switch, sure.  If your ports individually look up
the outgoing port for an incoming packet, request backplane to that
port, and transmit, then you only need 24Gbps.  If your ports need to
connect to an intelligent entity on the backplane to do your
routing/switching/IGMP snooping/QoS enforcement/etc, then you are indeed
going to cross the backplane twice, and need both transmit and receive

Since many of us are routing goons with store-and-forward roots, we tend
to think along those lines.  And it is still wise, even in this day and
age, to make sure that backplane bandwidth doesn't include a central
switching point, or, if it doesn't, the marketing folks haven't doubled
the backplane numbers because they took it out.


Re: 3/11 (invalid or corrupt AS path)

2009-02-16 Thread Dave Israel

We're seeing them from AS 48438, coming across to us as an Optional
Transitive Attribute which our force-10s are not parsing (but cheerfully
passing along to our clients, who are then flapping their peers because
of it.)   Sample route;

Ozar wrote:
 I am starting to see random BGP neighbor messages from multiple neighbors on
 different boxes.

 %BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: received from neighbor X.X.X.X 3/11 (invalid or corrupt
 AS path) 516 bytes

 I dont see much documentation on this, and we are in the process of opening
 a TAC case, just curious if anyone else has seen these and may be able to
 shed some light.


Re: Sprint v. Cogent, some clarity facts

2008-11-03 Thread Dave Israel

Rod Beck wrote:
 And a 'Tier One' nework is a transit-free network that can reach all end 
 points (end user IP addresses)
A Tier One is best defined as the ISP the salesman represents.  It
originally referred to transit-free, settlement-free ISPs, but over
time, bigger ISPs began to play with the definition to try to
differentiate themselves from the smaller ISPs that did not have the
reach they had, and smaller players began glossing over paid peering and
similar arrangements and claiming Tier One status.  Since there's no
formal definition, anybody can claim they are Tier One or that somebody
else is not.  Don't trust the term.

Re: Force10 Gear - Opinions

2008-09-04 Thread Dave Israel

Paul Wall wrote:

Please realize that the above is list vs. list.  Cisco 6500 series
hardware is extremely popular in the secondary market, with discounts
of 80% or greater on linecards, etc common, furthering the argument
that Cisco is the cheaper of the two solutions.

Secondary market prices aren't a fair measure, unless you include the 
corresponding cost for software and support.  And the fact is, when we 
put this out for an RFP, we ended up with Force10 having the lowest 
price by a fair margin; the closest competitor in price was Foundry, 
with Cisco a distant third.  List prices aren't a good measure o actual 
price; they're a number for salesmen to compare their discount to to 
make people feel special.

In short: You can get the Force10 cheap.

Re: interger to I P address

2008-08-27 Thread Dave Israel

Normally, I don't participate in this sort of thing, but I'm a sucker 
for a there's more than one way to do it challenge.

Shadow wrote:

Robert D. Scott wrote:

The harder way:

Decimal: 1089055123
Hex (dashes inserted at octals): 40-E9-A9-93
Decimal (of each octet): 64-233-169-147
IP Address:

The this could take all day way :

(in bc with scale=0 for integer portions only)


(Note: 2^0=1  x/1=x so last line could reduce to 1089055123%(2^8).)



The ugly, please adjust according to your endianness, etc way:

int *dec;
unsigned char *oct1, *oct2, *oct3, *oct4;

main(int argc, char **argv) {
 dec = malloc(sizeof(int));
 *dec = 1089055123;
 oct4 = dec;
 oct3 = oct4 + sizeof(char);
 oct2 = oct3 + sizeof(char);
 oct1 = oct2 + sizeof(char);

 printf(dec: %lu  ip: %hu.%hu.%hu.%hu\n, *dec, *oct1, *oct2, *oct3, 
