Re: Libreoffice: Error about /usr/lib/

2023-08-26 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Wed, Aug 09, 2023 at 04:15:17PM +, nia wrote:

On Wed, Aug 09, 2023 at 08:51:52AM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:

At this point I think you have having a pkgin problem which I am not
super good at diagnosing.  I think, that you can remove the contents of
/var/db/pkgin and it will regenerate.  The idea of "keep" packages is
actually stored in the automatic=YES variable in the pkgdb.

pkgin's database being re-created is normal, a pkgin update
is enough to rebuild it based on the regular pkg database.
So I think there is a problem there.

Has pkg_admin rebuild/rebuild-tree been tried already?

Yes,the output when I attempt those is:

pkg_admin rebuild:

"pkg_admin: Package `openjdk17-' has no @name, aborting."

pkg_admin rebuild-tree:

pkg_admin: Dependency poppler-22.10.0{,nb*} of poppler-cpp-22.10.0 unresolved
pkg_admin: Dependency osabi-NetBSD-9.3 of x11-links-1.35 unresolved
pkg_admin: Dependency webkit-gtk>=2.36.8nb1 of liferea-1.12.8nb11 unresolved

So it seems the pkgin database is corrupted, do I have more issues with the
pkgdb to address as well based on those results?

Any ideas on where to look for solutions to the corrupted pkgin database
(or pointers on good directions to just properly remove all of pkgsrc and
cleanly start over)?

Goodhart's Law: Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse
once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes.
(Charles Goodhart)

Re: Libreoffice: Error about /usr/lib/

2023-08-08 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 07:14:23PM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:

Bruce Nagel  writes:

Using either my original pkgsrc url that e.g. url I get this error when trying
to do 'pkgin upgrade':

pkgin: empty local package list.

'pkgin list' gives the same: Requested list is empty.

It is possible you have crossed wires about where your pkgdb is.I
suggest you read carefully:

and look around in your filesystem and see the script and be super

The 'check and fix' script finds no problems.

I confirmed that in the following files, PKG_DBDIR=/usr/pkg/pkgdb is the
file path set:


It does appear that pkgin is still putting info in /var/db/pkgin, because
the cache, pkg_install-err.log, and pkgin.db files there have all been updated
today (when I updated pkgin using pkgin):

 contents of /var/db/pkgin:

 drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel 23552 Aug  8 12:42 cache
 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   4959205 Aug  8 12:42 pkg_install-err.log
 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  35078144 Aug  8 12:42 pkgin.db

So it appears pkgin is still writing to /var/db/pkgin for some reason, what
config file controls that for pkgin?

The manpage for pkgin says:

   This directory contains the individual files and
   directories used by pkgin listed below.

The version of pkgin I have installed is 22.10.0nb2, the most current showing
on, so it should be putting things in /usr/pkg/pkgdb, correct?

Maybe I missed something in

You may also want to update pkgin.   I have no idea how old your
installed packages are.   As I said before, having some packages old,and
especially very old, is asking for trouble because essentially nobody
who contributes to pkgsrc does is that way.

My starting point on this system was a fresh NetBSD 9.3 install (in April).
I have now installed pkgin-22.10.0.nb2 (and with it pkgin also installed

'pkgin upgrade' still gives "pkgin: empty local package list."

'pkg_admin check' gives a lot of errors to the effect of:

pkg_admin: libreoffice- File 
re/extensions/dict-is/license.txt' is in +CONTENTS but not on filesystem!

but mentions no other packages, just libreoffice.

So your installed libreoffice is broken.  I suggest 'pkgin rm
libreoffice' to get to a safer that.

Attempting this gives the "pkgin: empty local package list." error

'pkg_info -a' gives a long list of packages that looks like what I have

Also check if you hvae /usr/bin/pkg_info and /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_info both
and if they print the same thing.

/usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_info -Vgives   2025
/usr/sbin/pkg_info -Vgives   20201218

If I try to do: 'pkgin install libreoffice' it now offers to install it,
without the libsdtc++ error it was giving before, but due to the 'empty
package list' error I have not done that yet, figuring there's a bigger
issue to resolve.

Try also "pkgin sk" and "pkgin -n upgrade".

"pkgin sk" gives: a long list (looks like all of my installed packages)

"pkgin -n upgrade" - gives error: "pkgin: empty local package list."

I'm puzzled as to why pkgin is storing its information in /var/db/pkgin
(and why the manpage still says that's where it should store it).

If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young
into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending
quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical 

(H.P. Lovecraft)

Re: Libreoffice: Error about /usr/lib/

2023-08-08 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 09:06:34AM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:

Bruce Nagel  writes:

NetBSD Bast 9.3 NetBSD 9.3 (GENERIC) #0: Thu Aug  4 15:30:37 UTC 2022 amd64

packages are coming from:

OK, not super surprising, but could have been all sorts of things

That is likely still packages from 2023Q1, but 2023Q2 packages are
mostly built, perhaps fully.  You may wish to use a URL with an explicit
quarter rather than relying on the symlink, e.g.

however, as always, you should make a backup before you start.

Using either my original pkgsrc url that e.g. url I get this error when trying
to do 'pkgin upgrade':

pkgin: empty local package list.

'pkgin list' gives the same: Requested list is empty.

'pkgin stats':

Local package database:
Installed packages: 546
Disk space occupied: 7566M

Remote package database(s):
Number of repositories: 1
Packages available: 24863
Total size of packages: 38G
'pkg_admin check' gives a lot of errors to the effect of:

pkg_admin: libreoffice- File 
re/extensions/dict-is/license.txt' is in +CONTENTS but not on filesystem!

but mentions no other packages, just libreoffice.

'pkg_info -a' gives a long list of packages that looks like what I have

If I try to do: 'pkgin install libreoffice' it now offers to install it,
without the libsdtc++ error it was giving before, but due to the 'empty
package list' error I have not done that yet, figuring there's a bigger
issue to resolve.

So standard NetBSD/pkgsrc practice is to do a 'pkgin upgrade' rather than
upgrading individual packages using 'pkgin install ' as one might do
on e.g., a Linux system?

Well, in theory there are dependency rules and pkgin should not let you
violate them.   However often a new package will want a dependency which
is newer than one you have installed.   And then something else you have
installed will have had a dependency replaced out from under it, and
it's hard to say if it will be ok.

To get concrete

 progA 3 and libX 1 are installed from 2022Q4

time passes, wait until 2023Q2 is available.   Now, progA and libX both
have new versions in the repository, progA 4 and libX 2

pkgin install progB which is at version 5
  let's say progB also depends on libX 2
  so it upgrades libX to 2, and installs progB 5

but now, progA 2 is expecting libX 1 and doesn' have it

maybe, it's possible that pkgin recognizes this and rejects the
installation, or maybe it upgrades progA.  But knowing if a binary
package that is installed will be ok with a new dependency is basically

I view it as a clue that I don't understand what happens in these
partial upgrade scenarios.  I think it's just asking for trouble and I
don't do it.  That doesn't mean it can't, shouldn't or doesn't work.

I am unclear on what happens in say Debian (as this is about a package
manager not the kernel).   But the choices are basically:

 don't allow upgrading something if there is a depending package not
 being upgraded

 if a package is upgraded, refresh/upgrade everything that depends on

 somehow have data about what is an ABI break and what will work

 upgrade it anyway and break

I would expect Debian does one of the first two, but on the two Debian
systems I deal with, I just 'apt update' and 'apt upgrade' and have thus
never had a reason to figure it out.

Upgrading individual packages is apparently a bad habit from my days running
Debian.  My impression was that apt-get checked for those sorts of cross-package
library version issues and prompted you for decisions if there was a conflict.
I seem to recall more libraries were in separate packages of their own which
probably made that easier for it to do.

This is why I am recommending that for binary packages with pkgin, you
pick a consistent build and "pkgin upgrade" to it, so that all our
packages are from the same consistent build.

From here on out I'll just do pkgin upgrade, better safe than sorry.

I just need to resolve the 'empty package list' issue first.

Thank you,
It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute
courage, that we move on to better things.
(Theodore Roosevelt)

Re: Libreoffice: Error about /usr/lib/

2023-08-07 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 08:02:53AM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:

Bruce Nagel  writes:

When attempting to upgrade libreoffice using pkgin, I am getting the following
before the (massive) list of packages to be updated:

You didn't say what version of NetBSD, which arch, and where the binary
packages you are using are coming from.

/usr/lib/, needed by gcc7-7.5.0nb6 is not present in this system.

After having updated some other packages (installing a new version of Firefox52
in hopes that it wouldn't crash like crazy) trying to run libreoffice gives
this error:

It is in general unsound to update some but not all packages.   I guess
in theory the dependency rules should express what's necessary and
partial updates should be ok.

Sorry Greg, that would be:

NetBSD Bast 9.3 NetBSD 9.3 (GENERIC) #0: Thu Aug  4 15:30:37 UTC 2022 amd64

packages are coming from:

Currently-installed gcc reports its version as 7.5.0nb4, 7.5.0nb6 is to be

So standard NetBSD/pkgsrc practice is to do a 'pkgin upgrade' rather than
upgrading individual packages using 'pkgin install ' as one might do
on e.g., a Linux system?

Thank you,
I had the misfortune or the fortune to learn how to read fluently starting
about the age of three, so I had read maybe 150 books by the time I hit first
grade, and I already knew the teachers were lying to me.
(Alan Kay)

Libreoffice: Error about /usr/lib/

2023-08-06 Thread Bruce Nagel

When attempting to upgrade libreoffice using pkgin, I am getting the following
before the (massive) list of packages to be updated:

/usr/lib/, needed by gcc7-7.5.0nb6 is not present in this system.

...which appears to be saying the C++ in the base system is not the version
it's expecting.

After having updated some other packages (installing a new version of Firefox52
in hopes that it wouldn't crash like crazy) trying to run libreoffice gives
this error:

Warning: failed to launch javaldx - java may not function correctly
/usr/pkg/libreoffice- Shared object 
"" not found

...which is what prompted me to try to upgrade libreoffice, in hopes that it
might resolve that issue.

Any indications on how to proceed appreciated.

We have met the enemy and he is us.
(Walt Kelly)

Re: help with "SMTP error: 454 4.7.1 : Relay access denied"

2022-05-22 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Sun, May 22, 2022 at 04:13:45PM +0200, Rhialto wrote:

On Sun 22 May 2022 at 22:35:09 +0900, Henry wrote:

More than a decade too late, but I am finally moving from sendmail to
postfix.  Unfortunately, fetchmail doesn't work anymore; I get the
following error (translated from Japanese):

fetchmail: SMTP error: 454 4.7.1 : Relay access denied
Reading first message addressed to (22114 bytes)
Messages not deleted from server.

I guess fetchmail is trying to deliver the message (which it just
fetched from upstream) by passing it to the local sendmail (or now

In my case I'm doing it differently. I'm passing the mails to procmail
as the local delivery agent:

   to "rhialto@localhost"
   mda "procmail -Y -f %F -d rhialto"

If you don't use procmail, I think there are several other local
delivery agents that just deliver to the local mailbox. local(8) comes
with postfix but maybe you can't just run it from fetchmail.


___ "Buying carbon credits is a bit like a serial killer paying someone else to
\X/  have kids to make his activity cost neutral." -The

I found maildrop very simple to use with fetchmail.

One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.
(Heinrich Heine)

Re: /usr/pkg/lib/ Shared object "" not found

2022-03-12 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Mon, Mar 07, 2022 at 09:04:19AM -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:

Bruce Nagel  writes:

Looking through the 'pkgdb-change' page, I'm missing 2 of the 3 files

/etc/mk.conf has:

so that line just needs to be changed to:

I have no /etc/pkg_install.conf file or /usr/pkg/etc/pkg_install.conf -
should I create them and just include PKG_DBDIR=/usr/pkg/pkgdb in them?
Or do I need to do something more (is there other content needed in
those files)?

I would say yes, and then all the tools should agree on the pkgdb.

pkg_admin check:   pkg_admin can't open
/var/db/pkg/gdk-pixbuf2-2.40.0nb2/+CONTENTS: No such file or directory

Start looking at the pkgdb, both of them.  Learn what normal packages
look like.  If there is a dir with no control files, just remove it.

pkg_admin rebuild-tree:   pkg_admin: Cannot read +CONTENTS of package

Same problem as above.

_NetBSD-pkgdb check found:  FATAL: TWO copies of PKG_DBDIR found

So it's definitely the split-brain package databases problem.

/usr/sbin/pkg_add -V gives:   20191008

/usr/sbin/pkg/pkg_add -V gives:   20210308

Do I need to fix anything there?

probably not, except that updating the base system to 9.2 is probably a
good idea.  But with the PKG_DBDIR lines it should be ok.

So you need to dig in and see what is in both databases, and probably
you can move the dirs from /var/db/pkg to /usr/pkg/pkgdb or the other
way around (either is ok, but you must have 1 and you must have all 3
configs pointing to the chosen one.  I prefer /usr/pkg/pkgdb at this
point.)   This is sort of a manual merge process.

Then the script should fix up the embeedded paths.  Read and understand
the script - I tried to comment it well.

I made sure all 3 places had the some /PKG_DBDIR=/usr/pkg/pkgdb in them.

I did the 'manual merge' from /var/db/pkg and /var/db/pkg.refcount to
/usr/pkg/pkgdb and /usr/pkg/pkgdb.refcount.  I removed the older
versions of duplicates in /usr/pkg/pkgdb.  I removed the old /var/db/pkg
and /var/db/pkg.refcount directories.

I ran the script with 'check' and it found no problems.

I ran the script with 'migrate' and it reported no problems after

pkg_admin check complains about failing md5 checksums for a variety of
things including the libffi that's been an issue all through this.

pkg_admin rebuild-tree complains about not being able to read the
+CONTENTS of gdk-pixbuf2-2.40.0nb2

pkgin appears to update and appears to install e.g., vim but vim does
not get installed, isn't in /usr/pkg/bin, it still doesn't appear to
actually do anything.

What do I investigate or try next?


[ Re: /usr/pkg/lib/ Shared object "" not found]

2022-03-07 Thread Bruce Nagel

- Forwarded message from Bruce Nagel  -

Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2022 16:52:22 +
From: Bruce Nagel 
To: Greg Troxel 
Subject: Re: /usr/pkg/lib/ Shared object "" not 

On Sun, Mar 06, 2022 at 08:44:18AM -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:

Bruce Nagel  writes:

> I'm running NetBSD 9.0 on amd64.

What its the path in /usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf

> I have tried: pkgin install libffi
> It indicates that it's installing libffi-3.4.2nb1 and gives no errors or

> warnings.
> After doing that I don't see a copy of in /usr/pkg/lib.

I am using binary packages I built myself, but my libffi has that

$ pkg_info -L libffi
Information for libffi-3.4.2nb2:


lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel 15 Jan 10 09:47 /usr/pkg/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  26120 Jan 10 09:47 /usr/pkg/lib/

I get:pkg_info: can't find package 'libffi'

> When I try: pkgin remove libffi
> It indicates that there is "no such installed package libffi"

Probably you have a mix of two PKG_DBDIR locations in /var/db/pkg and 

I didn't change the location, but I wrote up instructions and a script
of how to deal with it.

I strongly recommend setting PKG_DBDIR in all 3 places, under manual, no
matter what else you do.  First you need to figure out where your pkgdb
is, and if two how to merge it.

Looking through the 'pkgdb-change' page, I'm missing 2 of the 3 files

/etc/mk.conf has:

so that line just needs to be changed to:

I have no /etc/pkg_install.conf file or /usr/pkg/etc/pkg_install.conf -
should I create them and just include PKG_DBDIR=/usr/pkg/pkgdb in them?
Or do I need to do something more (is there other content needed in
those files)?

> Any ideas on how I can resolve this?
> Would it be a bad idea to try to compile and install libffi locally from

> /usr/pkgsrc/devel?

no but I am guessing that is not your problem.

> It seems like pkgin itself is having issues, is there something I can do
> to troubleshoot that?
> Should I risk trying to upgrade pkgin (using pkgin or compiling in

> /usr/pkgsrc)?
> In the bigger picture, how do I avoid getting into this situation in the

> future, just avoid pkgin?  What are the good alternatives?

The pkgdb change is a one-time issue.

Per your other email, results of these are:

pkg_admin check:   pkg_admin can't open
/var/db/pkg/gdk-pixbuf2-2.40.0nb2/+CONTENTS: No such file or directory

pkg_admin rebuild-tree:   pkg_admin: Cannot read +CONTENTS of package

_NetBSD-pkgdb check found:  FATAL: TWO copies of PKG_DBDIR found

So it's definitely the split-brain package databases problem.

/usr/sbin/pkg_add -V gives:   20191008

/usr/sbin/pkg/pkg_add -V gives:   20210308

Do I need to fix anything there?

Thank you, both for putting the script together and for helping me sort
this out.

People shouldn't be afraid of their government.  Governments should be afraid of
their people.
(Alan Moore)

- End forwarded message -

At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
(Italian Proverb)

/usr/pkg/lib/ Shared object "" not found

2022-03-06 Thread Bruce Nagel

I just made the error of trying to upgrade the gimp using pkgin again.
It seems like every time I use pkgin to upgrade my installed version of
either gimp or libreoffice a library issue like this pops up and breaks
something important.

I'm running NetBSD 9.0 on amd64.

When I attempt to run X I get an error:

/usr/pkg/lib/ shared object "" not found
and X will not start.

mutt will not let me compose an email, vim fails to start.  Fortunately
I was able to ssh into to send this, as I have no idea what all
else won't run without libffi.

I have tried: pkgin install libffi

It indicates that it's installing libffi-3.4.2nb1 and gives no errors or

After doing that I don't see a copy of in /usr/pkg/lib.

When I try: pkgin remove libffi

It indicates that there is "no such installed package libffi"

Any ideas on how I can resolve this?

Would it be a bad idea to try to compile and install libffi locally from

It seems like pkgin itself is having issues, is there something I can do
to troubleshoot that?

Should I risk trying to upgrade pkgin (using pkgin or compiling in

In the bigger picture, how do I avoid getting into this situation in the
future, just avoid pkgin?  What are the good alternatives?

Thank you,
Behold, we must sully the fresh snow with footprints in order to get anywhere.
(Ursula LeGuin)

Re: httpd, cgi, ikiwiki, and me.

2021-04-20 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 10:37:29PM -0400, Bob Bernstein wrote:

On Mon, 19 Apr 2021, Bob Bernstein wrote:

On Fri, 9 Apr 2021, Bob Bernstein wrote:

THE FIX was adding this arg to httpd_flags: '-c /var/www/cgi-bin'


I found that '-c' in bozohttpd's man page.

When asked why I prefer NetBSD to all the rest, my answer has always 
been, "Because they are always civil and kind to a moron like me."

The present question, about httpd and cgi-bin, is a perfect example; 
no one went out of their way to say that, "Obviously Bob, while 
floundering around trying to get cgi-bin to work, you installed 
bozohttpd, and took advantage of one of its differences from httpd."

And forgive me of course for chewing up yet more bandwidth that isn't 
free of charge to NetBSD (or, in fact anyone else making noise out 
here in cyberspace.)

IMHO it is not a waste of bandwidth to note the character of the exchanges
that take place on this list since that is one of the ways they are
reinforced and maintained over time.  I think you have plenty of company
in appreciating both how helpful and respectful this list is for those who
don't already know anything, myself included.

The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat.
(Lily Tomlin)

Re: qemu: How to detach / reattach to console in -nographic mode?

2020-11-13 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 08:52:19AM +, Ottavio Caruso wrote:

On 13/11/2020 03:12, Mayuresh wrote:

I am looking for something like tmux/screen to attach and detach from qemu
guest's console (not qemu's console) when qemu is started in -nographic

Well I can use tmux/screen itself to keep one dedicated terminal, but
that's the last resort.

I tried adding a telnet monitor, but it gives me qemu console, not the
guest OS console. (Can I switch to OS console from qemu console?)

Also quitting from qemu console kills the guest. Is there way to just
detach leaving the guest running?

Also the CLI options given here [1] for graphics support do not work for
me when running an armv7 guest. vnc session comes up but hangs during the
boot. Instead of these options, if I just add a telnet monitor vnc session
works fine. Don't know the relation between the two, it looks strange to


I am not sure if this is what you want, and I haven't tried it on an 
arm guest, but this is how I launch my NetBSD 9.0 x86_64 guest:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-drive if=virtio,file=/home/oc/VM/img/netbsd.image,index=0,media=disk \
-M q35,accel=kvm -m 250M -cpu host -smp $(nproc) \
-nic user,hostfwd=tcp:,model=virtio-net-pci,ipv6=off  \
-daemonize -display none  -vga none \
-serial mon:telnet:,server,nowait \
-pidfile /home/oc/VM/pid/netbsd-pid \

telnet 6665

When I telnet to port 6665, I get the OS serial console and I can 
switch to the qemu serial console by pressing CRTL-C CTRL-A. Killing 
the session doesn't kill the guest. This assumes you have installed 
the serial bootblocks. I'm not sure how this fits into the arm 
ecosystem, though.

There are also security implications. The qemu docs mention using unix 
domain sockets instead of telnet.

Ottavio Caruso

You may want to look at detachtty, although it looks like it's not currently
available in pkgsrc (it has been in the past).

If this is not what you expected, please alter your expectations.
(Erik Naggum)

Shared object "" not found after installing w3m-img

2020-07-03 Thread Bruce Nagel

After installing w3m-img recently (with whatever dependencies pkgin pulled in)
I get the following error when I try to run gimp:

Shared object "" not found

When I check in /usr/pkg/lib I find that indeed instead of
there is now

Is there a straightforward way to resolve this and get gimp working again?

Trying to reinstall gimp via pkgin just gives:

# pkgin install gimp
gimp is not available in the repository
calculating dependencies...done.
nothing to do.

Trying to rebuild gimp in the pkgsrc folder just seems to fall victim to
Perl dependency issues with intltool, p5-XML-Parser and friends:

pkg_add: Can't open +CONTENTS of depending package p5-URI-1.74
pkg_add: Can't install dependency perl>=5.30.0<5.32.0
pkg_add: Can't install dependency p5-XML-Parser>=2.34nb4

I'm running NetBSD 8.0:

uname -a
NetBSD Bast 8.0 NetBSD 8.0 (GENERIC) #0: Tue Jul 17 14:59:51 UTC 2018 amd64

Any help sorting this out or where to look would be appreciated.

Behind this mask there is more than just flesh.  Beneath this mask there is
an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.
(Alan Moore)

Re: sdf members : please participate in the poll for choice of OS

2019-05-10 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 08:11:31AM +, Christopher Pinon wrote:

U'll Be King Of The Stars  wrote:

If anybody has the email address for one of the SDF admins, could you
please let me know?  Or, forward my email address to them and tell them
I need to make contact regarding my account?

I donated several days ago for ARPA membership but I haven't heard back
and I'm having difficulty making contact.  Thanks!!

Well, in my experience, they aren't so quick in this respect: "several
days" are nothing! :-) The last time that I applied for ARPA, more than
several days passed.

If you want to nicely prompt them, I assume that Stephen is still the
guy in charge: smj@

Actually the proper address for contacting the admins on membership issues
and the like is now:  membership  sdf  org, or posting on the
Requests board on 'bboard'.

In a nation ruled by swine, all pigs are upward mobile.
(Hunter S. Thompson)

Re: Issue mounting USB mass-storage drive

2018-12-29 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Fri, 28 Dec 2018, Michael van Elst wrote:

Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2018 08:45:15 - (UTC)
From: Michael van Elst 
Newsgroups: lists.netbsd.users
Subject: Re: Issue mounting USB mass-storage drive (Bruce Nagel) writes:

umass0: failed to create xfers

Usually means the kernel ran out of (contigous) memory. This can be
a consequence of using USB3, the xhci driver does not support
multi-segment DMA yet.

It should only happen after some larger uptime when kernel memory
might be too fragmented.

'Turning it off and back on' did resolve the issue, so probably 'myth 
confirmed'. :-)  I had an uptime beyond a month when this issue presented 
itself.  Trying again the next day after rebooting allowed mounting the 
drive it is still working okay.

I'm guessing there isn't a simple means to use USB2 drivers and avoid this 
issue?  Nothing in the case is newer than 2012 so I don't need USB3 


The Mouser felt a compulsive urge to take out his dagger and stab himself
in the heart.  A man had to die when he saw something like that.
(Fritz Leiber)

Issue mounting USB mass-storage drive

2018-12-27 Thread Bruce Nagel

I am now having an issue with mounting a mass-storage 1TB drive that in the 
past I was able to mount.  I'm having the same issue with mounting USB flash 
drives (8GB and 16GB).

When I attach the drive and attempt to run disklabel I get this output:
# disklabel sd0
disklabel: /dev/rsd0d: Device not configured

dmesg shows this:
umass0 at uhub2 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0
umass0: Generic (0x58f) Mass Storage (0x6387), rev 2.00/1.05, addr 2
umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
umass0: failed to create xfers

I'm running NetBSD 8.0 on AMD64.  I'm not sure if I've mounted the 1TB drive or 
a flash drive since the upgrade to 8.0.

In case it matters, I am using a Logitech USB wireless mouse and haven't had 
any issues with it.

Any ideas on what I should check?  Giggle has not turned up much by looking for 
that error or searching on how to mount USB drives.

Thank you,
Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
(Lily Tomlin)

Re: Recommended desktop environment?

2018-09-08 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Sat, 8 Sep 2018, Thomas Mueller wrote:

Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2018 07:25:17 +
From: Thomas Mueller 
Subject: Re: Recommended desktop environment?

from Pedro Pinho:

Here's a complete list of WM's for *nix systems

What exactly do you mean with " I tried awesome some years ago, but the
"awesome" decoration/artwork just got in the way and confused me"?
Don't take me wrong, I would just like to know what was so confusing.
Awesome user here ;-)

I looked through that list of WMs web page, found i3 but not i3w.

Steffen Nurpmeso's preferred ahwm was listed as discontinued; is also not in 
FreeBSD ports (category x11-wm).  So I might not be able to try it even if I 

When I tried awesome, it was on version 3.5 (approximately).  I believe the 
website was .  I couldn't separate the substance from the 

I like substance as opposed to hot air, hence would stay away from something 
like Enlightenment (seemed poorly documented, at least in the time of NetBSD 

When I had NetBSD 7.99.1 installed (and still do thanks to GPT even if I hardly 
ever use this outdated version), I was apparently in pkgsrc directory instead 
of proper package directory when I updated packages.  System just tried to 
update everything in sight, and I got unexpected package installations 
including Enlightenment, but this accidentally installed Enlightenment crashed 
the system every time I tried to start it.

Interest in ratpoison is because of the desire to see what I can do with no 
extras, even if I wouldn't use ratpoison all the time.

If you're looking for something that stays out of your way and has various 
types of window-maximization available, though not a tiling wm, 
windowmaker may be worth a try.


If she has a med-tech's ticket, Slick thought, the med-tech probably 
hasn't noticed it's missing yet.

(William Gibson)

Re: Libreoffice after upgrade to NetBSD 8.0

2018-08-13 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Sun, 12 Aug 2018, C??g wrote:

Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2018 14:00:21 -0500
From: "[utf-8] C??g" 
Subject: Re: Libreoffice after upgrade to NetBSD 8.0

Bruce Nagel wrote:

File attached for the output of that, thanks for the tip on using tee.
It appears to still be failing in much the same way.


Okay, I'm at loss now. Upgrade to pkgsrc-2018Q2 maybe? On CURRENT
boost-jam builds and installs without errors, the same 1.67.0 as in
2018Q2. pkgsrc-2017Q3 you appear to be using is old anyway.

...and that was it, at least for installing Libreoffice.  I had to 
manually install a few libraries that it found missing and keep restarting 
the compilation but it eventually completed.

I think there is still an issue in that pkgin refused to install it, and I 
wonder why I had to manually install libraries that it should have been 
pulling in automagically (as I understand it) but at least I have a 
working office suite again.

*Thank you* for helping, I didn't want to resort to using my Winders work 
computer and rebuilding my resume from scratch to be able to edit it.


I eat my peas with honey
I've done so all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny
But it keeps them on the knife.

Re: Libreoffice after upgrade to NetBSD 8.0

2018-08-11 Thread Bruce Nagel

On Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 01:05:30PM -0500, C?g wrote:

Robert Nestor wrote:

I?ve run into this a few times using pkgin. Not sure if it?s a problem
with pkgin or with the packages and their dependencies. What seems to
work for me is to remove the newer version of the package that it?s
complaining about, then retrying the installation. In you case, remove
boost-headers-1.67.0nb4, then try the install of libreoffice again.

It has nothing to do with pkgin. OP, run `make deinstall clean` in
devel/boost-headers, and rebuild LibreOffice.

Thanks for offering ideas but building libreoffice still fails, now it's 
complaining about boost-jam-1.65 and the installed boost-jam-1.67.  I tried 
'make deinstall clean' for boost-jam as well, it still fails.

Even if version 1.67 of boost-headers and boost-jam are explicitly uninstalled 
something is convinced they're installed and that's stopping make from just 
building and installing version 1.65 and getting on with building libreoffice.

There must be something in libreoffice's install scripts that's calling 
explicitly for version 1.65 of boost-jam and boost-headers, any idea where I 
should look?

Or how do I really (really) force pkgin and/or pkgsrc to accept that version 
1.67 of them isn't already installed?  I've tried the -f switch but either it's 
broken or I need to flip a switch on something else that I'm unaware of.

I'm at a loss, but willing to try other ideas, thanks to all who are trying to 

Well well well, three naughty, nasty children gone.
Three good, sweet little children left.
(Willy Wonka)