NetSurf 3.11 Released

2023-12-28 Thread Michael Drake
NetSurf 3.11 is now available to download from

The biggest change to the core is improved CSS support, including
support for the “display: flex” property value, which improves the
layout of some web pages. There is also a new option in the Choices
to disable CSS.

A huge number of other changes have also been made including
new features, significant performance optimisations, stability
improvements, and other fixes.

Change Log

NetSurf 3.11

### Core / All platforms

* HTML: Fixed failure to reflow SVGs if fetched and ready before layout.
* HTML: Support for `display: flex` layout.
* HTML: Improved minimum/maximum sizes in box layout.
* HTML: Improved handling of percentages.
* HTML: Minor cleaning up of layout code.
* HTML: Use new LibCSS API for unit conversion.
* HTML: Improved ordered list handling.
* CSS: Updated selection callbacks to latest LibDOM API.
* Options: Added core option to disable CSS.
* Options: Added core option to prefer dark mode.
* Options: Improved user choices file processing.
* Bitmap: Opaque testing now implemented in core.
* Bitmap: Added core support for premultiplied-alpha.
* Bitmap: Format logged on startup.
* Bitmap: Added support for pixel colour component order configuration.
* Bitmap: Added colour component order conversion functions.
* Bitmap: Generally more optimal on all platforms for all image formats.
* Image: JPEGXL image handler.
* Image: Compatibility with latest rSVG version.
* Image: Improved handling for broken GIF images.
* Image: Updated to new LibNSGIF API.
* Image: Updated all image format handlers to use new core bitmap capabilities.
* Fetch: Updated to new libcurl API.
* Fetch: Disabled TLS1.0 and TLS1.1.
* Fetch: Improved handling of bad SSL connections.
* Fetch: Change to libcurl to optimise HTTPS connections (upstreamed).
* Local history: More robust rendering.
* Resources: Updated certificate bundle.
* JavaScript: Minor updates to DOM bindings.
* JavaScript: Updated to Duktape 2.7.0 release.
* JavaScript: Console: Don't log through closed window.
* Utility: Cleaned up UTF8 handling.
* Utility: Improved recursive directory removal.
* Utility: Add support for xx_YY format language codes.
* CI: Various improvements to build automation and testing.
* General: Various warning fixes.
* General: Aligned UserAgent with compatibility spec.
* Documentation: Updated URLs to https.
* Documentation: Added front-end development guide.
* Text areas: Clear selection on word left/right.
* Buildsystem: Fixed handling of removed header files.
* Disc cache: Minor fixes.
* Debug: Added generated charts to image cache stats page.
* Debug: Added descendant bounding boxes to HTML box tree dumps.
* Built in: Cleaned up generated `about:` pages.

* LibParserUtils library 0.2.5 (parser building utility functions):
  - Optimised consuming from buffer.
  - Optimised endian detection.
  - Added new API to append vector to buffer.

* Hubbub library 0.3.8 (HTML parser):
  - Massively optimised element type detection using perfect hash.
  - Optimised and updated performance tester.
  - Fixed bitrot in tests.
  - Improved example client code.
  - Buildsystem improvements.

* LibCSS library 0.9.2 (CSS parser and selection engine):
  - Added support for SVG `fill-opacity` property.
  - Added support for SVG `stroke-opacity` property.
  - Added support for CSS property wide `revert` value.
  - Added support for CSS property wide `unset` value.
  - Added support for CSS property wide `initial` value.
  - Added support for CSS `position` property `sticky` value.
  - Added support for CSS `display` property "grid" values.
  - Added support for `prefers-color-scheme` media query.
  - Added new public API for CSS unit conversion.
  - Added support for predefined counter styles.
  - Optimised media query handling.
  - Made selection code generator deterministic.
  - Various selection code generator improvements.
  - Squashed leak of system font names.
  - Improved internal handling of property units.
  - Improved internal string map.
  - Minor buildsystem improvements.
  - Improved example code.
  - Added new tests.

* LibDOM library 0.4.2 (Document Object Model):
  - Fixed XML parser error handling.
  - Fixed XML parser empty document handling.
  - Added DOMTokenList implementation.
  - Added DOM tree walking function.
  - Improved example code.
  - Fixed HTML Element int32 attribute getter to handle signed values.
  - Various stability improvements.
  - Buildsystem improvements.

* LibNSGIF library 1.0.0 (GIF support):
  - Complete rewrite.
  - New API that doesn't expose internal state.
  - Much better handling of bad or broken GIFs.
  - Support for decoding to client's choice of pixel colour component order.
  - Many fixes.
  - Faster decoding.
  - Updated documentation.

* LibSVGTiny library 0.1.8 (SVG support):
  - Fixed X11 example utility build.
  - Implemented path arc correctly.
  - Updated documentation.

### RISC 

Please test the latest build

2022-11-03 Thread Michael Drake

Please could you test the latest builds (5377 or later) from:

Particularly please test the Amiga OS4 and RISC OS builds as
we have updated the versions of 3rd party libraries that we
build against. Amiga OS4 builds have had about 3 years worth
of updates and RISC OS builds about 1.5 years.

In addition we have patched the version of libcurl we build
against which should make HTTPS connections much faster for
the RISC OS and Amiga OS4 builds.

Best regards,

Michael Drake
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: NetSurf wont start with certain (required) fonts

2022-10-11 Thread Michael Drake
On 11/10/2022 02:53, Mike Hobbs wrote:
> I just upgraded MessengerPro (R-Comp) and to be able to display
> unicode characters certain fonts are required (e.g. Libertine,
> DeJaVu).  However, when these fonts are installed Netsurf fails to
> start up.
> Is there a workaround for this?

What version of NetSurf are you using?

Please try a recent development build (e.g. 5367):;O=D

Michael Drake
netsurf-users mailing list --
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Re: Using Netsurf cookies with wget

2022-01-21 Thread Michael Drake

On 21/01/2022 13:17, Harriet Bazley wrote:

> Then the browser history getting updated with the new page and a
> FETCH_REDIRECT from the login page to the user home page.   No record of
> what data was sent to the server, that I can see.

In your Choices file, try setting:


Michael Drake
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: Build 5293 on Atari

2021-05-24 Thread Michael Drake
On Sun, 23 May 2021, 13:10 Peter Slegg,  wrote:

> >
> > Date: Sat, 22 May 2021 12:35:02 + (GMT)
> > From: Peter Slegg 
> > Subject: Build 5293 on Atari
> > To: 
> > Message-ID: <>
> >
> > I just updated to 5293 and while it doens't crash it never displays
> > the local page that I had opened.
> >
> >
> >
> > Peter
> >

Does it work with the latest build?

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Re: Crashing after #5252

2021-02-24 Thread Michael Drake
Hi John,

On 24/02/2021 09:33, Petit Four wrote:
> On 24 Feb, wrote:
>> For example, #5255 crashes with the attached error log.

Please try with #5261 or later.

Best regards,

Michael Drake
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: Dragging from URL icon

2020-12-03 Thread Michael Drake
On 02/12/2020 22:24, Harriet Bazley wrote:
> On 2 Dec 2020 as I do recall,
>   Martin Avison  wrote:
>> In article <>,
>>Harriet Bazley  wrote:
>>> I'm on RISC OS 5.27.
>>> Neither dragging the little yellow star nor dragging the URL text is
>>> currently working.
> Also, if the star is the thing you're supposed to drag ('favicon'),
> isn't there a problem with accidentally creating a favourite in the
> process?  Having a draggable object distinct from the icon text sounds
> like a good solution in principle, but using that particular one seems
> awkward.

The star is a hotlist/bookmarks/favorites toggle.

The favicon is either a website-specific icon, or if none is provided,
the NetSurf content icon should be used as a fallback:

Michael Drake
netsurf-users mailing list --
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Re: Dragging from URL icon

2020-12-02 Thread Michael Drake
This is all getting very confusing.

For what it's worth, this is the target behaviour that NetSurf's
aiming for, note it varies depending on whether the version of
RISC OS supports text selection / C in writable icons:

  RISC OS with text selection support

  RISC OS Versions:
  * RISC OS 4/6 from 4.37 onward (I think, it's been a while.)
  * RISC OS 5 from 5.28 onward

  Dragging the URL text should perform text selection, and you
  should be able to cut/copy/paste the text with Ctrl+X/C/V.

  Dragging the favicon should drag-save the whole URL.

  RISC OS without text selection support

  RISC OS Versions:
  * RISC OS 2/3/4 up to 4.37
  * RISC OS 5 up to 5.28.

  Dragging the favicon or the actual URL text should drag-save
  the whole URL.

If that's not happening, it's not as intended, however, we'll
need a RISC OS developer to fix it for us.


Michael Drake
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: Dragging from URL icon

2020-11-25 Thread Michael Drake

On 25/11/2020 16:51, Harriet Bazley wrote:
> I upgraded to v5223 and have just noticed that dragging a URL from the
> URL icon no longer produces any result - you have to go via Page->Save
> location->Text, or try to select, copy and paste.

> Is this an intentional change?

Not completely.  Ideally if you're on a version of the OS that
supports text selection in writable icons, a URL drag should
select text.

It needs a RISC OS developer to make any sense of it, however.

Contributions welcome!


Michael Drake
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

NetSurf 3.10 released

2020-05-25 Thread Michael Drake
NetSurf 3.10 has been released.

It is available from:

NetSurf 3.10 features many fixes, better performance
and improved functionality. In particular, handling
of authentication, certificates and fetch errors have
been updated and unified. The GTK front end has had a
major overhaul too.

NetSurf Developers
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: HTML5 element support

2020-04-14 Thread Michael Drake
On 14/04/2020 17:18, Ewen Pring wrote:

> At least some of my problem can be seen at these 2 simplified test pages:

Those are great, thanks!

It looks like a problem with our Hubbub library. (The HTML5 spec
has moved on a long way since it was written.)

> If Netsurf is supposed to support HTML5 elements perhaps I should log this 
> as a bug on the tracker.

Please do!


Michael Drake

Re: HTML5 element support

2020-04-14 Thread Michael Drake
On 14/04/2020 13:39, Ewen Pring wrote:

> Specifically, my web site has over 60 pages that use the HTML5 figure and 
> figcaption elements to contain content (images and their captions 
> alongside). Netsurf doesn't recognise these and doesn't act upon styles 
> applied to them in CSS. The page renders as if they were not there.

They work here.  What version of NetSurf are you running?

Michael Drake

Re: Please test webp image format

2019-12-30 Thread Michael Drake
On 28/12/2019 23:48, Chris Young wrote:

> Not working on AmigaOS 4/PPC, just fails to recognise them at all (once 
> I'd remembered to disable my old WebP datatype).

I think the Amiga (and Atari) toolchain builds need to have libwebp
enabled in the SDK.

Michael Drake

Please test webp image format

2019-12-07 Thread Michael Drake

Recently we added the webp library to our SDK. NetSurf Builds from
our CI should now have webp support.

So far we've only tested on Linux. Please could users of other
platforms visit

and let us know if it's working?

The CI builds are available from here:



Local history update

2019-08-04 Thread Michael Drake
Hi all,

The local history window has had a few updates.

* It will now open scrolled to show the current entry.
* It can now be navigated with the keyboard.  (Cursor
  Left, Right, Up, Down, and Return.)
* Thumbnails are now slightly larger, and their dimensions
  take account of the screen DPI.


Michael Drake

Re: The 3.9 Release / documentation for Media Queries etc

2019-07-22 Thread Michael Drake
On 22/07/2019 11:00, Jim Nagel wrote:

> As I understand it from the bottom of my learning curve, Media Queries has 
> to do with designing a website so that it automatically adapts according 
> to whether the user is viewing it on a large or small screen.

Yes, exactly.  It's a way to make conditionalise the application
of groups of CSS rules.

So you can give elements different CSS properties depending on, for
example, the width of the window.

Here's a trivial example.  It will show "large", "medium", or
"small" depending on the width of the page.

Note, in NetSurf we don't support dynamic changes to the computed
style yet, so as you change the width of the window, you'll need
to click reload to see the effect.


Michael Drake

Re: NetSurf 0002562 - not quite fixed

2018-08-31 Thread Michael Drake

On 30/08/18 20:21, David Higton wrote:
> In message 
>   David Pitt  wrote:
>> David Higton, on 29 Aug, wrote:
>>> but
>>> if you delete an entry of the hotlist when all of the list is displayed
>>> (i.e. there is empty space at the bottom of the window), the bottom line
>>> is repeated.
>> Also trying to delete a single entry is a bit odd.
> I discovered, by fluke, another way to get an instant crash.  Open
> the hotlist, open an ordinary window in front of it.  Drag the mouse
> from the hotlist into the ordinary window.  Bang.

We need a RISC OS maintainer to step up to work on these sorts of
things.  They simply aren't reproducible on the GTK front end that
the core developers develop on.


Michael Drake

Re: Please try the latest build

2018-08-16 Thread Michael Drake
On 15/08/18 21:33, Peter Young wrote:

> Yes, I got one of those too. Why ask for a reply to a closed group to a 
> message to the general public?

I simply sent the e-mail to two mailing lists, so that
it would be seen by people who are only on one of them.

Both are public, but you might not be subscribed to both.


Michael Drake

Re: new release and nested

2018-08-15 Thread Michael Drake

On 15/08/18 12:55, Jim Nagel wrote:

> Here's an example:
> At first I groaned and presumed it's the usual Javascript impasse. But
> looking at its HTML code, you can see that its navigation system uses 
>  (unordered list) for the three menu items that Netsurf shows, but 
> WITHIN each of these list items is nested a second  set that 
> Netsurf does not display.
> Any chance that the new Netsurf release could add this trick?  I've no 
> idea how difficult it would be.  (But at least it ain't Javascript!)

Our current layout engine doesn't support dynamic changes
to the page.  The layout engine needs a rewrite to handle
this, which is a big job.

It won't happen for the release.


Michael Drake

Re: Please try the latest build

2018-08-15 Thread Michael Drake

On 15/08/18 12:08, Jim Nagel wrote:
> Michael Drake  wrote on 15 Aug:
>> Please try entering the incorrect credentials, the correct
>> credentials, and canceling the login, by closing the login window.
> Problem arises in testing this:  After a successful login, Netsurf 
> will return to the site without asking again for credentials.
> How do we make it forget so that we can try again to see what happens 
> with bogus credentials?

With you can
adjust the "correct" credentials by altering the
URL.  For example:


Michael Drake

Re: Please try the latest build

2018-08-15 Thread Michael Drake
Hi Brian,

On 15/08/18 11:57, Brian wrote:
> In article ,
>Michael Drake  wrote:

>> Which platform are you testing on?
> Win 7, VRPC, RISC OS 4.02, NetSurf #4402

Just spotted this!  It needs to be #4403 or later.

Please could you try with #4403 or the latest one
(currently #4405).


Michael Drake

Re: Please try the latest build

2018-08-15 Thread Michael Drake
Hi Brian,

On 15/08/18 11:57, Brian wrote:
> In article ,
>Michael Drake  wrote:

>> Can you send me the log file for the crash.
> I've saved the log file but forgotten where to send it

Please e-mail it to me direct.


Michael Drake

Re: Please try the latest build

2018-08-15 Thread Michael Drake

On 15/08/18 09:05, Brian wrote:
> In article <>,
>Michael Drake  wrote:

>>(Where "foo" is the username, and "bar" is the password,
>>and you can change the "correct" username and password
>>by changing the URL.)
> Seems not to work. Serious error - crashes NetSurf.

Which platform are you testing on?

What exactly did you do?

Can you send me the log file for the crash.


Michael Drake

Please try the latest build

2018-08-15 Thread Michael Drake


Could people please test build #4403 or later?  (Or build from
latest master, if you compile from source.)

We are close to making a release, and would like to check that
nothing is broken.

I am particularly interested to hear from anyone who can run
the following platforms:

- Amiga
- Atari
- Haiku
- Windows

We have just changed the way that HTTP authentication works,
so I would be grateful if people could check that anything
that requires an HTTP basic auth login still works with the
latest build.

If you don't know any sites which use HTTP authentication,
you can use:

  (Where "foo" is the username, and "bar" is the password,
  and you can change the "correct" username and password
  by changing the URL.)

However, testing with real-world sites is better.

Please try entering the incorrect credentials, the correct
credentials, and canceling the login, by closing the login

Note: the Windows build doesn't yet support HTTP auth, so
  for that platform, I'm just looking for a general
  indication of whether the browser functions.


Michael Drake

Re: why is site so slow in NetSurf?

2018-07-17 Thread Michael Drake
On 16/07/18 23:18, Jim Nagel wrote:
> Trying to learn stuff from  is so painful on NetSurf 
> because any page from the site takes ages to load and a further age to 
> scroll.  (Using #4342)
> I'm curious about the mechanisms involved.  Any wisdom, please?

It's because of this SVG being used as a tiled background on the
HTML element:

Since its an SVG it bypasses all the optimisations we have
for tiled bitmap redraw.

It also isn't a filled rectangle, its just strokes, so
it doesn't get "knocked out" by our normal rendering

Finally it uses opacity, which wouldn't help either,
although I think we ignore that anyway for now.

It could potentially be optimised by pre-rendering it once
to a bitmap, but it would be a fair amount of effort for
what is a pretty uncommon case.

For now, I'd try just toggling background images off
in the menu for that window, and forcing a redraw
(F12, Return).

Hope that helps,

Michael Drake

Re: Image won't display

2018-06-12 Thread Michael Drake
On 12/06/18 14:07, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:
> A very weird problem...
> The page
> which I am writing. It has a line
> But Netsurf won't display the image. Chrome does it properly.

It's getting caught by NetSurf's ad blocking CSS.

Looks like it matches the following selector.


You can disable ad blocking in the preferences.

Michael Drake

Re: Persistant error boxes.

2018-05-14 Thread Michael Drake
On 13/05/18 18:08, lists wrote:

> I get persistant error boxes from NetSurf "failing to identify the
> authenticity of an SSL certificate". Whether I select reject or accept, I
> get a continued succession of similar boxes and can end up with dozens all
> over the screen.

Do you have a URL that causes it?

Which version of NetSurf?

Have you tried the latest build?


Michael Drake

Re: URL crashes Netsurf

2018-04-13 Thread Michael Drake
On 13/04/18 14:02, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:

> causes NetSurf to totally crash on the ARMX6 with 5.23 (18-Feb-18). 

Works for me with the GTK front end on Linux.

What version of NetSurf are you using, and have you tried the
latest development build?


Michael Drake

Re: linking to root of website, not root of drive

2018-02-19 Thread Michael Drake
On 19/02/18 15:46, Jim Nagel wrote:

>   - NetSurf displays the pages served up via WebJames perfectly, 
> except that it is NOT obeying the stylesheet
I guess WebJames is not serving the CSS file with the "text/css"
MIME type.

I think there's a mimemap file that lives somewhere in !Boot, which
may need updated with an entry for CSS.

WebJames may ship with an example mimemap for this.


Michael Drake

Re: linking to root of website, not root of drive

2018-02-19 Thread Michael Drake

On 19/02/18 10:35, Jim Nagel wrote:


Is there a way around this?

Use a webserver to serve the root directory of the web
site you're developing, and point your browser at

I believe WebJames can do this on RISC OS.


Michael Drake

Re: CSS support for display:table

2018-02-15 Thread Michael Drake

On 15/02/18 16:00, Jim Nagel wrote:

That seems to mean Mozilla and Webkit.  Is there perhaps an equivalent
for NetSurf?

No, we have no plans to implement draft specifications under
a vendor prefix.

We don't have enough developer bandwidth to implement all the
stuff that is currently standard, never mind trying to keep up
with volatile draft standards.


Michael Drake

Re: CSS support for display:table

2018-02-15 Thread Michael Drake

On 15/02/18 12:17, Jim Nagel wrote:

I'm wondering if Netsurf CSS supports these commands (if that's the
correct term)
   display:table   or   width:min-content

Supported: display:table
Unsupported: width:min-content

The min-content value for width is just at editors draft stage.

So it's subject to change, and not standardized yet.  As the
mozilla documentation says, it shouldn't be used in production

The third idea uses  table:caption; caption-side:bottom;  -- again,
does Netsurf support it?  In my attempts the caption lands at the
right of the picture, not beneath it. (See "tablecaption-X.html".)

NetSurf doesn't support table captions.

As for how I'd do it, I think there would be more mileage in
constraining the outer figure element with image dimensions,
rather than the image.

Something like (untested, and requiring polish):

figure {
display: block;
width: 33%;
max-width: 400px;
min-width: 100px;

figure.left {
float: left;

figure.right {
float: right;

figure > img {
display: block;
width: 100%;

figure > figcaption {
display: block;
width: 100%;

Then you'd have e.g.

Lots of text...

Michael Drake

Re: CSS for a RiscOS font and button

2018-02-09 Thread Michael Drake

On 09/02/18 14:56, Jim Nagel wrote:

In CSS, is it possible to specify a particular RiscOS font?

No, NetSurf only supports the generic font families.

In CSS, how would I define a button to look like a familiar RiscOS
action button?

Input type image is probably your best bet, but it won't match
desktop button style if users have customised the RISC OS button
rendering in any way.

Michael Drake

Re: Failure to initialise Unicode font library

2017-12-07 Thread Michael Drake

On 07/12/17 11:12, John Williams wrote:

My RPi has suddenly developed an inability to load NetSurf:

 The Unicode font library could not be initialized. Please report
 this   to the developers.


Any suggestions as to what to look at next?

I think the usual cause is the installation of a subtly broken font.
Have you installed any fonts recently?

Michael Drake

Re: Experimental treeview search feature

2017-10-03 Thread Michael Drake

On 03/10/17 16:09, Bernard Boase wrote:

By the way, 'Global history' doesn't appear to include the list given
by the main window's drop-down 'URL suggestion icon'. That list is
stored in file Choices.WWW.NetSurf.URL. I'm unclear which URLs are
placed there, but I  do see that it is unaffected by deleting the
items from Global history.

That's something separate from the core global history that is
managed by the RISC OS front end.  It stores the URLs that are
typed manually into the URL bar, I think.


Michael Drake

Re: LibCSS: Flexbox property support review

2017-10-01 Thread Michael Drake

On 30/09/17 21:05, Tim Hill wrote:

In article <>,
Michael Drake <> wrote:

This is great news even though I suspect you didn't mean to post it to
'users' :).

Yes, I meant to send it to the dev list, sorry.

This work adds handling of flexbox properties to LibCSS, but there
has currently been no work to implement the Flexbox layout algorithms
in NetSurf.

We only change version numbers when we do a release.


Michael Drake

LibCSS: Flexbox property support review

2017-09-30 Thread Michael Drake
 (min_height == CSS_MIN_HEIGHT_AUTO) {
uint8_t display = get_display(style);

if (display != CSS_DISPLAY_FLEX &&
min_height = CSS_MIN_HEIGHT_SET;

return min_height;

Finally, I don't think it's OK to override the value
to *_SET and not set appropriate values for length and unit
at the same time.  When the computed value is set to *_AUTO
in the cascade it doesn't clear any values for length and
unit.  So we should be them up for 0px where we override

Same for both css_computed_min_height() and for

In css_computed_display():
+} else if (display == CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE_FLEX) {
+   return CSS_DISPLAY_FLEX;

Spaces used for indent on the first inserted line.

In src/select/computed.h:

+ * 35 yyybbbaa overflow-y | background-repeat | align-content
+ * 36 bbaj flex-basis | align-content | justify_content
+ * 37 fffcccjj flex-direction | clear | justify_content

Since align-content and justify-content are split over two
areas, I would say somthing to hint at that in the comments,

 * 35 yyybbbaa overflow-y | background-repeat | align-content1
 * 36 bbaj flex-basis | align-content2| justify_content1
 * 37 fffcccjj flex-direction | clear | justify_content2

In the long term perhaps we could consider using a uint32_t
array for the bit data than uint8_t, so its easier to pack
things in without splitting stuff.

+css_fixed flex_basis;
+css_fixed flex_grow;
+css_fixed flex_shrink;
+int32_t order;

Spaces used for indent.

In src/select/dispatch.c:

+   },
+   PROPERTY_FUNCS(align_content),

Spaces for indent on the middle inserted line above.

In src/select/propget.h

-#define BOX_SIZING_INDEX 34
+#define BOX_SIZING_INDEX 23

Good spot!  Ditto for the similar change in propset.h.

In get_align_content():
+/* Most significant bit out of three */
+   bits_b <<= 2;
+uint8_t bits = bits_a | bits_b;

Spaces for indent on the first and last lines above.
Similar in get_justify_content().

Selection: Logic for the flexbox properties

In src/select/properties/flex_basis.c:

In css__cascade_flex_basis():
+   uint16_t value = CSS_FLEX_BASIS_INHERIT;
+   css_fixed length = 0;
+uint32_t unit = UNIT_PX;

Spaces for indent on last line above.

In src/select/properties/order.c:

+   /* Undo the <<10, because this is an integer */
+   order = *((css_fixed *) style->bytecode) >> 10;

Use CSS_RADIX_POINT instead of 10.  (From include/libcss/fpmath.h)
Or use the FIXTOINT macro from include/libcss/fpmath.h.

Michael Drake

Re: Experimental treeview search feature - a problem

2017-09-28 Thread Michael Drake

On 25/09/17 14:19, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:

I have just spotted a (hopefully small) problem - it's impossible to
delete items!

Is #4213 any better?


Michael Drake

Re: Experimental treeview search feature

2017-09-22 Thread Michael Drake

On 22/09/17 02:20, Harriet Bazley wrote:

Other thoughts: from a practical point of view, I think it would be
preferable if any active search were deleted when the window is closed.
Otherwise it gets a bit disconcerting when you go to reopen your
history/hotlist and there are only two or three entries visible, due to a
search you carried out earlier and have long since finished with -
particularly as the icon in question doesn't have the input focus when the
window reopens,

I agree, it would be better to cancel the search when the window
is closed.  Unfortunately the core doesn't know when the front
end closes the window at the moment, so it's not straightforward
to change that just yet.

and clearing the old search string is a pain!

Once the search field has focus, either ESC or CTRL+U should clear it.


Michael Drake

Re: Experimental treeview search feature

2017-09-22 Thread Michael Drake

On 22/09/17 01:11, Harriet Bazley wrote:

The size of the work area gets a bit confused if you toggle the 'expand
entries' icon with a search active (seems to reset to what it would be if
the whole window were being displayed, rather than just the visible
entries). It corrects itself if you then carry out a fresh search.

Good spot, that should be fixed in the latest build.


Michael Drake

Experimental treeview search feature

2017-09-18 Thread Michael Drake


An experimental search feature has been added to the following:

  1. Hotlist viewer (bookmarks)
  2. Global history viewer
  3. Cookie manager window

To use it, click in the area next to the search icon at the top
of the window, and start typing.

It has currently only been tried under the GTK front end.

It would be helpful if people could put it thoroughly through its
paces.  Any feedback gratefully received.


Michael Drake

Re: Redraw oddity

2017-06-02 Thread Michael Drake

On 16/05/17 13:23, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:

At first this displays a blank page. But wipe over it with another

Please try with CI build #4098 or later.


Michael Drake

Re: Codethink sponsored work on NetSurf

2017-05-05 Thread Michael Drake

On 05/05/17 13:46, Kevin Wells wrote:

In message <>
  Vincent Sanders <> wrote:

On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 12:51:54PM +0100, Kevin Wells wrote:

It has fixed a bug I submitted. :)

I tried to inform the bug tracker, but it appears to be down.

Thanks for reporting this, It was due to a configuration error after
last weeks upgrades, fixed now I hope. Please let me know if there are
any additional issues with the bug tracker.

This bug has been fixed, I could not find a button on there to update
the status:


I've closed it.  Thanks for the feedback!


Michael Drake

Codethink sponsored work on NetSurf

2017-05-02 Thread Michael Drake

Over the past few weeks I've been able to spend time
contributing to open-source projects at work.

Codethink [1] values open-source software, and so I
was approved to work on NetSurf and related components
while I was between projects.  I'd like to thank
Codethink for this opportunity, which I very much
value and appreciate.

What follows is a summary of the development I've been
able to accomplish during this time.


LibCSS (CSS parsing and selection library)

* Added parsing and selection support for the CSS3
  box-sizing property.


Core: HTML layout engine

* Added support for the CSS3 box-sizing property.  This
  helps us assign element widths and heights as the web
  page author intended.
* Extended :after pseudo element handling to cover the
  table display type.  This improves layout of pages that
  use a variant of the clearfix CSS trick for clearing
* Fixed the handling of the CSS min-width and max-width
  properties to correctly affect the auto-width left and
  right margins.
* Added support for width attribute on HR element.
* Fixed use of uninitialised value in CSS presentational
  hint handling, that had potential to reduce the
  likelihood of computed style sharing.
* Improved layout tree dump, to make debugging layout
  problems easier.

Core: Content handling

* Improved logging, making it easier to track HTML contents
  through a session, for debug purposes.
* Removed bogus assertion in the HTML object fetch handler,
  which would sometimes crash the browser.
* Fixed bug in content state machine, which made aborted
  fetches cause their contents to get stuck in the cache.
  This would happen on JavaScript location assignments.

Core: URL handling

* Improved file: URL handling.
* Removed redundant code.
* Improved hexadecimal handling.
* Improved test suite.

Core: Hotlist (bookmarks/favourites)

* Added support for saving the hotlist automatically after
  entries are added or removed.  This helps prevent loss
  of hotlist changes if NetSurf is unable to save the file
  on exit.
* Added support for read-only hotlist mode, which can be
  selected by frontend code.  In this mode, the hotlist
  file may be read, and the hotlist updated, but changes
  are never saved to disc.

GTK frontend

* Fixed bug where different pango layout contexts were used
  for measuring and painting text, which in some situations
  caused either lines with overlapping text, or large spaces
  between bits of text on a line.
* Slight optimisation to the text line break handling code.
* Rewrote bitmap rendering plotter.  The new implementation
  is many times faster for tiled rendering, such as for
  repeating background images, and simplifies the handling
  of scaled plots.

RISC OS frontend

* Improved handling of external hotlist managers, by setting
  the core hotlist to read-only mode, when configured to use
  an external manager.

NetSurf's JavaScript engine (Duktape)

NetSurf uses the excellent Duktape JavaScript engine.

* Updated NetSurf and nsgenbind (our JavaScript binding
  generator) from Duktape 1.6 to Duktape 2.0.  We had
  been stuck on the 1.X series due to API changes
  in Duktape 2, and lack of time to make the transition.
  Duktape 2.0 provides greater performance, amongst many
  other improvements.
* Added support for HTML style comments (ES6 spec) to
  Duktape and upstreamed it to the Duktape author, Sami
  Vaarala.  This feature had been requested by our users.
* Updated NetSurf from Duktape 2.0 to the recently
  released Duktape 2.1, which gives further performance
  gains, adds the HTML stlye comment handling, and other
* On the advice of the Duktape author, enabled Duktape's
  fastint build option, for faster integer arithmetic.

LibNSGIF (GIF decoding library)

* Complete rewrite of LZW decompression.  The new
  implementation is both 30% faster and cleaner code.
  It also now handles LZW codes that span three sub-blocks.
  (Although these are unlikely to actually appear in the
  real world.)

LibSVGTiny (SVG decoding library)

* Build system improvements to fix warnings about use of
  gperf-generated code.



Re: history and hotlist not saved; CSS site

2017-04-28 Thread Michael Drake

On 28/04/17 11:18, Michael Drake wrote:

We could change it not to save the hotlist on exit when
an external hotlist manager is used, since that would
be a simple change.


Re: history and hotlist not saved; CSS site

2017-04-28 Thread Michael Drake

On 28/04/17 10:51, Michael Drake wrote:

In any case, I can make it more robust by consulting the
external hotlist option before removing from the hotlist.

Actually it already does that, so NetSurf shouldn't be saving
the hotlist when the hotlist is edited, when configured to
use an external hotlist manager, however, it will still
save the hotlist on exit.

We could change it not to save the hotlist on exit when
an external hotlist manager is used, since that would
be a simple change.

Adding support for querying the external hotlist about
whether it has a URL and removing URLs from external
requires more work, and would need a RISC OS developer.

If there are any developers interested in working on the
RISC OS front end, they would be most welcome.  None of
NetSurf's core developers use RISC OS, so we have trouble
maintaining and supporting it.


Re: history and hotlist not saved; CSS site

2017-04-28 Thread Michael Drake

On 27/04/17 18:03, Michael Drake wrote:

On 26/04/17 18:30, Nick Roberts wrote:

Can you just confirm that NetSurf doesn't save the file if there is an
external hotlist manager?

I don't know, off the top of my head.  I'm unfamiliar with the
external hotlist option.  If I have time tomorrow I could have
a look at the code.

As far as I can tell there are three differences in behavior when
the RISC OS front end's external hotlist option is enabled:

1. Opening the hotlist will Filer_Run the external application,
   rather than opening the NetSurf hotlist manager window.

2. The hotlist_has_url test always returns false for external
   hotlists.  (Meaning the star in the URL bar will always be
   an empty outline, rather than filled yellow, even when the
   current page is in the external hotlist.)

3. When adding pages to the hotlist, NetSurf's core hotlist code
   isn't informed.  This means that the NetSurf won't save the
   file when adding URLs.

So NetSurf won't save the hotlist file when adding pages, and
set to use an external hotlist manager.

It looks like the RISC OS front end code for removing pages
from the hotlist first checks whether the core hotlist has
the page, and if it does, it instructs the NetSurf core
hotlist to remove it, rather than the external application.

The remove from hotlist handling has no code to tell an
external hotlist to remove pages.

This means that if this code is called, and the the core
hotlist had the URL, it will remove it, which will cause
NetSurf to save the hotlist file.

I can't remember exactly how the RISC OS UI presents the
interface for removing pages from the hotlist.  It might have
been select clicking on a filled URL bar star, or adjust
clicking on a URL bar star, or something else.  If the former,
then because of point 2 above, it would not let the remove
page code get called in the first place, so the file wouldn't
get saved.

In any case, I can make it more robust by consulting the
external hotlist option before removing from the hotlist.


Re: history and hotlist not saved; CSS site

2017-04-27 Thread Michael Drake

On 26/04/17 18:30, Nick Roberts wrote:

Can you just confirm that NetSurf doesn't save the file if there is an
external hotlist manager?

I don't know, off the top of my head.  I'm unfamiliar with the
external hotlist option.  If I have time tomorrow I could have
a look at the code.


Re: history and hotlist not saved; CSS site

2017-04-26 Thread Michael Drake

On 23/11/16 09:58, Harriet Bazley wrote:

On 23 Nov 2016 as I do recall,
  Jim Nagel  wrote:

Does NetSurf not save its hotlist and history till the user quits the

No, it doesn't.

As of CI build #4070, the hotlist file is saved shortly after URLs are
added / removed.


Re: Horizontal rules in NetSurf 3.5 & 3.6

2017-04-10 Thread Michael Drake

On 08/04/17 21:41, wrote:

This displays as expected in NetSurf 3.0 and Firefox but in NetSurf 3.5
and 3.6 it produces a full width rule.

Should be fixed in CI build #4060.



Michael Drake

Re: Printing from Netsurf

2017-04-04 Thread Michael Drake

On 03/04/17 22:52, Harriet Bazley wrote:

Can anyone remind me again of the reason why Netsurf can't print to
Postscript printers? (I've simply been working round it all the time by
using Drawprint, but I'm trying to explain to my mother why it doesn't

Please see the Printing section here:



Michael Drake

Re: Non-displaying page

2017-01-05 Thread Michael Drake

On 05/01/17 13:27, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:

Is this a bug or a style fault on the page?

The "body { visibility: hidden !important; }" style means "hide the
whole page from view".  There is some JavaScript to unset it,
revealing the page.

It's daft, because the page won't display at all in any browser with
JavaScript disabled.  In NetSurf, it doesn't work with JavaScript
enabled because our JavaScript support is far from complete.


Michael Drake

Re: Comments and the JS engine

2016-11-30 Thread Michael Drake

On 30/11/16 13:37, Brendan Stephenson wrote:

Either the javascript engine is choking on 

Re: No-display page

2016-09-24 Thread Michael Drake

On 24/09/16 11:34, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:

Does not display.

Should be fixed in the next build (#3717).


Michael Drake

Re: Fail to load

2016-08-23 Thread Michael Drake

On 23/08/16 09:22, Gerald Dodson wrote:

Further to my posting just now, Organizer has been affected or is also
involved. When I try to load it the error message "file does not start
with orgdata" appears. It has been overwritten by NS.

Sounds like it might be disc corruption.  Have you tried DiscKnight?

Michael Drake

Re: Slow ?

2016-05-12 Thread Michael Drake

On 12/05/16 20:18, Peter Slegg wrote:

Build 3242 required 5m 15s
Build 3537 required 8m 28s

3242 was built without JavaScript for Atari.

Michael Drake

Re: Slow ?

2016-05-12 Thread Michael Drake

On 11/05/16 20:48, Peter Slegg wrote:

I am going to work back through the versions to see if it is a real
or imagined performance drop.

If the performance drop came around the time JS builds were enabled for
Atari, try running with JS configured off.


Michael Drake

Atari front end

2016-03-10 Thread Michael Drake

Are there any Atari users around?

Could you let us know if the current m5475 and m68k builds are working?;O=D

Michael Drake

Re: Javascript features list

2016-02-19 Thread Michael Drake

On 19/02/16 20:11, Peter Slegg wrote:

Is there a maintained list of available JS features ?

The closest is this:

Michael Drake

Re: Review: Codethink sponsored work on NetSurf, LibCSS and LibDOM

2016-02-15 Thread Michael Drake

On 12/02/16 17:46, Jim Nagel wrote:

NetSurf (#3382) timed out when I tried to look at the Codethink site,
but when I immediately tried again it displayed immediately.

We made a change to the fetch behavior some time ago that resulted
in us not waiting very long for a server to respond.

We've moved back to the old behavior in build CI #3406.



Michael Drake

Re: Backgrounds fill stopped working?

2016-02-13 Thread Michael Drake

On 13/02/16 16:08, Bob Latham wrote:

Is it me or has  stopped working?

Yep.  Should be fixed in the next build, thanks.

Michael Drake

Review: Codethink sponsored work on NetSurf, LibCSS and LibDOM

2016-02-12 Thread Michael Drake
file changed, 199 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
2443cc4 Attempt to squash warning that happens on CI.
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
b1dbc04 Add paragraph proto test.
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)
9fb755b Handle known HTML elements without specialisations.
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
3cc80b6 Add test for document.write() adding a STYLE element.
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)

Next was a complete rewrite of CSS presentational hints handling.
Presentational hints are mostly legacy HTML element attributes which
affect the presentation of the elements.  They affect the CSS computed
style when no other styles have affected it.  Using the new LibCSS API
coupled with the new LibDOM element tag type feature has made support
for presentational hints much faster.

2784514 Rewrite hints handling to be more efficient.
 2 files changed, 788 insertions(+), 1123 deletions(-)
eb67607 Merge branch 'tlsa/upfront-hints'

I noticed and investigated an apparent memory leak.  Some changes were
made to improve the cache logging, which ruled the cache out as the
cause of the problem.  The leak was tracked to a particular issue in
the GTK front end's text rendering.

63fb2cb Add URL to llcache object destruction logging.
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
fc2d766 Style: Wrap some long lines.
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
255361a Log the cache limit along side size, after clean.
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
9cb522c Don't haemorrhage Pango layouts out of nsfont_paint.
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

A few tidy-ups to GTK font rendering and core CSS hint handling:

df2d62a Use readonly get_line, since it is supposed to be faster.
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
f5be1eb Add switch case fallthrough comments.
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
5108424 Add switch case fallthrough comment.
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
3af77ea Can free pango font desc as soon as it's set.
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

Finally I fixed several bugs on the bug tracker.

The first was an assertion (crash) that could occur during HTML
layout.  The issue stemmed from NetSurf's allowing :before and
:after pseudo elements to be generated for replaced elements.
This behaviour was unspecified in CSS 2.1, but in CSS 3 it is
not permitted.

Second was to remove some code which was complicating the status
bar updating for HTML contents.

Third was to fix the object accounting that is done to keep track
of fetches used for additional resources such as images when
rendering an HTML content.  This accounting went wrong when a
fetch for an HTML content was stopped, preventing the content
ever reaching the DONE state, and causing misleading status
bar messages.

3bee7b7 Layout: Don't generate :before and :after boxes for 
replaced elements.

 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
d4a01d5 HTML: Remove some status bar updating code.
 4 files changed, 43 deletions(-)
04e61b7 Fix object accounting for aborted HTML contents.
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

I also did quite a bit of testing, particularly of the JavaScript
related code, to ensure that there is nothing major blocking the
forthcoming NetSurf 3.4 release.

Overall, there were 20 commits to NetSurf through the course of this stint.

Overview and thanks

I was able to get many hours of work done on the NetSurf project over
this period.  It has been a very nice experience, working on this
project at work.  Thanks to the work environment, I found myself more
focused than I usually am when I'm working on it in my spare time.

Many thanks to [Codethink]( for providing
this opportunity.  I'm very grateful and I've really enjoyed it.

The stats and logs presented were gathered using the following commands
in the NetSurf, LibDOM and LibCSS repositories.

$ git shortlog -n -s -e | grep ""
$ git log --author="Michael Drake <>" 
--oneline --shortstat --reverse


Michael Drake

Re: Big push on testing needed

2016-01-27 Thread Michael Drake

On 27/01/16 18:05, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:

Daniel Silverstone  wrote

Have you reported this, along with an *attached* test case, to the BTS?
If so, can you let me know the issue number?

Michael Drake has reported it upstream to Duktape

That doesn't change the need for a report in the NetSurf bug tracker.
The upstream may decide that the fix doesn't belong in duktape, or
they could implement it, but that would fix nothing for NetSurf
users unless we update duktape in the NetSurf source.

We have an issue tracker to keep track of all the things we need to
do.  It's impossible to remember everything.

I've created an issue here:

I'd be grateful if someone could attach a test case.


Michael Drake

Re: Big push on testing needed

2016-01-27 Thread Michael Drake

On 27/01/16 10:33, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:

Assuming that that JavaScript is entirely defined by the ECMAScript
standard, it seems clear that html style comments are valid.

Thanks John.  This has been reported upstream to the maintainer of
Duktape (the JavaScript engine we use).

You can follow the issue here:



Michael Drake

Re: Latest builds missing.

2016-01-26 Thread Michael Drake

On 26/01/16 07:49, David Pitt wrote:

Currently the Changes page shows #3312 as the latest successful build but
the Downloads page only goes up to #3307 for all builds.

The downloads are still there, but "json" has been removed from the

Michael Drake

Re: Big push on testing needed

2016-01-25 Thread Michael Drake

On 25/01/16 21:43, Dave Higton wrote:

One other thing: the CI builds are coming out with logging
enabled.  This will be changed for the release version.

All RISC OS releases and CI builds have had logging enabled.
I would not suggest turning it off.  If something does
go wrong there would be nothing to help us fix the problem
In the very rare cases when we've logged so much that it
makes a significant impact on performance it's because we're
aware something is buggy and want to gather the info needed
to help fix it.

The reason I suggested turning logging off to you last night
was to determine what the problem was without needing to
rebuild anything.

Since then, I've disabled the excessive JavaScript debug
output, so there should be no reason for users to do
anything unusual with the !Run file.


Michael Drake

Re: JavaScript enabled builds for Atari

2016-01-24 Thread Michael Drake

On 23/01/16 23:06, Peter Slegg wrote:

Using Netsurf JS today it has crashed a few times.
It isn't as stable as the last non-JS versions.

How about when you use it with "enable_javascript:0"?

Michael Drake

JavaScript enabled builds for Atari

2016-01-23 Thread Michael Drake

We have enabled JavaScript builds (json) for Atari on the CI server.

You can get them here:;O=D

I'm not sure if the Atari front end exposes the JavaScript option in
its GUI.  If not, you can edit the Choices file setting either:


I'd be interested to get confirmation on whether its working from
Atari users.  You can test by visiting:

Michael Drake

Re: El Reg formats differently these days - why?

2015-08-25 Thread Michael Drake

On 21/08/15 19:36, Dave Higton wrote:

NS used to render The Register in three columns, like other browsers.
Recently it renders with each line of three headings broken over two
lines, with the additional oddity that some single items appear left
justified and some appear centred.  Go to
and you'll see.

They changed the way they did the layout, exposing a layout issue
in NetSurf.

NetSurf CI builds from 2934 contain a fix.

Michael Drake

Re: Updated disc cache summary

2015-04-08 Thread Michael Drake

On 08/04/15 12:41, Chris Newman wrote:

So given all this, on my RiscPC Strong ARMv4 Adjust 4.39 with Unipod, to what
should I set the Cache parameters in NetSurf Choices?

Too slow to be useful.  Set disc cache size to 0.

Michael Drake

Re: massively scaled images

2014-12-11 Thread Michael Drake

On 03/12/14 19:10, Cristopher Dewhurst wrote:

Does anyone know why NetSurf scales the images on to
what seems like several thousand percent?

They use media queries, a CSS3 feature that we don't yet support.

Support needs added to both libcss and NetSurf.


Michael Drake

Re: links no longer work

2014-10-23 Thread Michael Drake

On 22/10/14 22:26, Tony Moore wrote:

Visit about:testament and if you have user in the Provenance
column for the scale setting, then you'll have some other value set.
The default is 100%.

about:testament displays the following

Oops, I meant to write about:config

Yes, the problem has gone away!

Good.  :)

Michael Drake

Re: links no longer work

2014-10-22 Thread Michael Drake

On 22/10/14 00:00, Tony Moore wrote:
 Using RiscPC, RO 6.20, NS #2190, the links no longer work


 Does anyone else see this bizarre problem?

I'm guessing you have your own scale setting configured?

Visit about:testament and if you have user in the Provenance column 
for the scale setting, then you'll have some other value set.  The 
default is 100%.

Anyway, assuming that non-standard scale configurations are the problem, 
it should be fixed in the latest build.


Michael Drake


2014-10-22 Thread Michael Drake

Since NetSurf doesn't have enough JavaScript support to use Google
Maps, I've added a simple front end to the Google Static Maps API.

You can have a go with this if you visit:


in the latest NetSurf development build.

Michael Drake

Re: bug about SSL security certificate -- Mantis grrrr

2014-09-27 Thread Michael Drake

On 27/09/14 10:30, Martin Bazley wrote:

The correct response to invalid input in a form is to display
the form again, with the input the user just submitted, and the
offending fields highlighted and annotated, not to redirect to a blank
(and uninformative) error page and rely on a convenience feature in the
browser to prevent the user's data from being summarily deleted.

You could make the feature request to the Mantis developers.  Anyway, 
this is way off topic for here.

Michael Drake

NetSurf 3.2 released

2014-09-01 Thread Michael Drake
The NetSurf developers are happy to announce NetSurf 3.2. This release
contains many bug fixes and improvements.

It is available to download from

Binaries are available now for RISC OS and AmigaOS 4 systems.

NetSurf 3.2 is primarily a bug-fix release. In addition to bug fixes and
tidy-ups, a disc cache feature has been added, and a little work has
been done to improve CSS3 support. Several of the front ends have
received quite a bit of attention, with new features and improvements;
notably the GTK, AmigaOS 4 and Framebuffer front ends. We recommend all
users upgrade.

A more detailed and complete list of changes is given below.

   Core / All platforms

   * Improved building on OpenBSD.
   * Improved interface between front ends and core.
   * Improved internal URL handling.
   * Cleaned up many internal interfaces.
   * Added support for disc caching.
   * Fixed treeview selection issue.
   * Fixed line breaking of plain text with multi-byte sequences.
   * Improved out-of-memory handling.
   * Added support for overflow-x and overflow-y CSS3 properties.
   * Improved web search feature.
   * Improved internal task scheduling.
   * Improved support for Unicode URLs.
   * Fixed issue relating to CSS imports.
   * Improved debug dumping of box trees.
   * Fixed SSL certificate viewer lifetimes bug.
   * Fixed HTML ordered list numbering issue.
   * Fixed DOM tree debug dump.
   * Fixed handling of malformed URLs.
   * Fixed text selection.

   * LibCSS library (CSS parser and selection engine):
  + Added support for CSS3 overflow-x and overflow-y properties.
  + Fix to !important handling with play-during property.
  + Improved test coverage.

   * LibDOM library (Document Object Model):
  + Implemented many missing specialisations of HTMLElement.

   RISC OS-specific

   * Fix for toolbar width calculation.
   * Code clean-ups.
   * Added option to use disc cache.


   * Improved configuration handling.
   * Improved commandline usage.
   * Enabled disc caching.
   * Improved context menu.
   * Fixed gdkpixbuf usage issue.
   * Improved view source, and debug features.
   * Improved main menu.
   * Improved developer options.
   * Added options to open view source, etc, in new window, tab,
 or editor.
   * Many code clean-ups.
   * Internationalisation fixes.


   * Removed Cairo.
   * Improved installer script.
   * Enabled disc caching.
   * Improved line splitting behaviour for text wrap.
   * Improved web search.
   * Improved hotlist menu.
   * Improved task scheduler.
   * Wait for network activity, rather than polling for it.
   * Improved throbber operation.
   * Fixed tab bar update failure issue.
   * Improved favicon handling.


   * Various fixes.


   * Made several little bug fixes.


   * Added Unicode support to internal font.
   * Added codepoint rendering to internal font, for missing glyphs.
   * Added scaled glyph rendering to internal font.
   * Added support for window resizing, were underlying surface
 supports it.

   * LibNSFB library (NetSurf Framebuffer):
  + Made SDL surface resizeable.
  + Fixed rendering for 1bpp glyphs with greater than 1 byte width.

   Also included are many smaller bug fixes, improvements and
   documentation enhancements.

Michael Drake

Re: Memory still not being released

2014-08-29 Thread Michael Drake

On 29/08/14 16:53, wrote:

 the problem seems to persist

You say persist and still; is there some context for this that I am
missing?  Do we have a log files for such runs?

If there isn't one for this already, please open a bug report[1] with
the relevant details and logs.



Michael Drake

Re: CSS Base

2014-07-05 Thread Michael Drake

On 05/07/14 14:19, Peter Slegg wrote:
 Does anyone know what is wrong with the Atari daily builds?
 Any page just opens a dialogue box saying CSS Base (attached).
 No pages are rendered.

Looks like it's failing to find its resources.  Neither the default
style sheet or the Messages file have loaded.  I don't know how the
Atari front end deals with loading them.

Michael Drake

Re: Not enough application memory to start Basic

2014-06-14 Thread Michael Drake
On 14/06/14 13:48, David Pitt wrote:

  All the NetSurf needs to run its cache is a value for Cache$Dir
  pointing to the chosen location.

Indeed.  The original proposal for Cache by Rob Kendrick[1] simply set
two variables in its !Run file.  These were:

  Caches$Write - Expands to where you should write new cache data
  Caches$Path  -  Expands to where you should read cached data

We recently decided to make use of !Cache as we assumed it would be
suitable and correct.  (None of the core developers are actually using
RISC OS at the moment, so we hadn't checked it actually worked.)

Looking at the content of the supplied !Cache it seems to contain a
lot of extra stuff and unexpected complexity.

As shipped, it currently looks like this:


While we'd expect something like:


We can either create our own !Caches that behaves as we expect, or we
can try to get the upstream !Cache fixed and continue to use that.
Although !Cache does seem over-complex; I'm not sure why it needs a
!RunImage, for example.

Also, whichever we choose, we should move the RUfl cache to the
persistent cache, rather than storing it in Scrap.

[1] See this thread:

Michael Drake

Re: Not enough application memory to start Basic

2014-06-14 Thread Michael Drake

On 14/06/14 14:30, Andrew Pinder wrote:

 We recently decided to make use of !Cache as we assumed it would be
 suitable and correct.  (None of the core developers are actually using
 RISC OS at the moment, so we hadn't checked it actually worked.)

 If you give some clues as to how to test it, some of us may be able to 
 give feedback :-)

Thanks, but I think it's already been tested enough to show it doesn't
work, as it stands.  You should be able to put it in !Boot without it
throwing up errors or having other side-effects.

Our options are to get Cache from
fixed, and continue using it, or create our own simpler solution.

Steve Fryatt: any thoughts on this?


Michael Drake

Fixed: BBC Sport overlapping content

2014-06-02 Thread Michael Drake

At the recent RISC OS show in Wakefield, someone pointed out to me that
we were making a mess of the BBC Sport site, and I said I'd post here
once I'd got around to fixing it.

The problem was that BBC was using the overflow-x property from CSS3 and
neither LibCSS or NetSurf supported that.  (We only supported the
overflow property.)

So LibCSS has been updated to support overflow-x and overflow-y, and so
has NetSurf.  The original overflow property is now a shorthand that
sets both overflow-x and overflow-y.


Re: MousAxess

2014-02-06 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:

 I hav found Netsurf very inclined to crash. It feels like it's caused
 bey switch bounce, usually from the menu button. But removing MouseAxess
 seems to stop it.

Please could someone who is seeing this crash file a bug report with a Log
file attached. Otherwise it is unlikely ever to be investigated.



Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Iconv report

2014-01-25 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   John-Mark Bell wrote:

 This is generated by UnixLib. See
 for details.

And GCCSDK hasn't had a release since UnixLib was fixed[1], so we're still
using the old gccsdk 4.1.2 r2 release from October 2012.



Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Output from forms different in Netsurf than other browsers.

2014-01-22 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Brian Jordan wrote:

 A bit more checking show that 3.1 (Dev CI #1586) submits emails formatted
 the sames as other browsers whereas (Dev CI #1598) submits the different
 formatting. I don't have versions between these to enable me to narrow it
 down further.

Please report it on the bug tracker and include the HTML for the page with
the form.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Paypal bank transfer

2014-01-21 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Harriet Bazley wrote:
 I can't seem to withdraw money to my bank account from Paypal using
 Netsurf any more (it just gives a page saying there may have been an
 error) -- is it a temporary glitch or have they introduced a JavaScripty
 dependency since I last withdrew money in October?

You don't say which version of NetSurf you're testing.

Anyway, try #1635, which has a SELECT element bug fix.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Atari daily build

2014-01-09 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Peter Slegg wrote:

 The Atari daily build is still broken. It renders the url underscores
 but not the fonts and then exits abruptly.

At which build number did it stop working?


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Bugs, their care and stomping

2013-12-17 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Vincent Sanders wrote:

 [1] http://

That's of course.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

CSS selection speedup

2013-12-03 Thread Michael Drake

Recent development builds now use an updated version of our libcss
library.  It makes a significant optimisation to the amount of time
NetSurf spends applying CSS rules to document elements to discover their

The improvement is in NetSurf CI builds from #1508 onward.

For more details about the change to libcss and profiling results, see
this posting:


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Summary of recent changes

2013-12-03 Thread Michael Drake

Here is a brief list of the main changes made to NetSurf's core code since
the release of NetSurf 3.0:

 + Choices behaviour improvement
   - Now only saves options which differ from the defaults.

 + about:config improved
   - Visiting about:config shows which settings were modified by the user.

 + Textarea undo/redo
   - Supports keyboard shortcuts to undo/redo changes made in textareas.
   - The shortcut keys are platform dependent.

 + Rewritten treeviews [*]
   - Faster (especially application startup time).
   - Fixes rendering glitches.
   - Improved new look.
   - Nicer behaviour.
   - Keyboard navigation.
   - Treeview clients rewritten for new treeview:
 - Hotlist
 - Global history
 - Cookie manager
 - SSL certificate viewer
   - Several bugs fixed, e.g. cookie delete.

 + Hotlist has default folder [*]
   - New additions go into the default folder, rather than into root.
   - Default folder has different icon.

 + Directory listing of file: URLs
   - Improved sort to fix File1, File10, File2.
   - Icons shown for folder/file differentiation.

 + Several leaks squashed
   - Memory leaks in various places in NetSurf fixed.
   - Reference counting leaks in LibDOM fixed.

 + URL bar hotlist indicator [*]
   - Indicator shows whether current URL is in the Hotlist.
   - Click to add/remove from hotlist.

 + LibCSS speedup
   - Faster handling of CSS selection.

[*] Core change also requires front end updates which may or may not have
happened for any given platform.

I've left out all purely front end developments.

Please test the latest development builds and let us know how you get on.



Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Daily build 1374 - crash on Yahoo

2013-10-08 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Peter Slegg wrote:

 I noticed that it does seem to depend on which Yahoo sign-in page is

I've not been able to reproduce this.  Please give the URL of the sign-in
page that leads to a problem, and the exact steps to reproduce it.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: 3.1 (Dev CI #1330)

2013-10-03 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Brian Bailey wrote:

 Looks just great here. I can now see what is happening.

Good good.  Thanks for the feedback eveyone.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Cut to clipboard

2013-10-03 Thread Michael Drake
In article 5595b59453.pitt...@iyonix.home,
   David Pitt wrote:

 Using 1369 as far as I can see F8 and F9 work as expected.



Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: 3.1 (Dev CI #1330)

2013-10-02 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Michael Drake wrote:
 In article,
John Williams wrote:

  My treeview display pluses and minuses have changed to 25/b8 and 25/be.

 They should be triangles, but you don't have any fonts containing the
 correct glyphs.

The latest build uses the polygon plotter to draw the triangles instead. 
On some platforms, this means the triangles are no longer anti-aliased.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: 3.1 (Dev CI #1330)

2013-10-02 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Michael Drake wrote:

 The latest build uses the polygon plotter to draw the triangles instead. 
 On some platforms, this means the triangles are no longer anti-aliased.

That looked dreadful, so I've changed it to generate bitmaps of
anti-aliased triangles of the appropriate size and colours at runtime.

Is anyone testing this stuff?  Also the undo/redo textarea handling.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Cut to clipboard

2013-10-01 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Michael Drake wrote:
 In article,
Harriet Bazley wrote:

  would it be possible to have areas deleted by overtyping automatically
  cut to the clipboard, a la Impression?  Or at least have a do you
  really want to do this? warning, a la Impression II?

 Editing blunders should be handled by undo/redo.  NetSurf's textarea
 doesn't currently support this.

Supported via keyboard shortcut in the latest build.  The shortcut depends
on the front end.

   |   GTK  Framebuffer   |   RISC OS   |
   | Undo   | Redo | Undo | Redo |
   | Ctrl+Z | Ctrl+Y or| F8   | F9   |
   || Ctrl+Shift+Z |  |  |

The other front ends don't yet pass KEY_UNDO / KEY_REDO to the core.

Note that on RISC OS, F8 is undo when the caret is in a textarea, and
view source otherwise.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Cut to clipboard

2013-10-01 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Chris Young wrote:

 I've removed the shortcut from Clear selection as I don't think it needs
 one anyway (the Style Guide didn't have an opinion on that or Redo).

The Escape key normally acts the same as clear selection.

 Are there any can_undo()/can_redo() type functions?

No.  At least, not yet.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Hotlist editing

2013-09-29 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Harriet Bazley wrote:

 It is (as of at least v1356, and currently in v1359) no longer possible
 to edit/manually update the URLs in a hotlist, something which I used do
 on a regular basis.

Alt+Click?  It should behave like the filer.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Atari daily build 1344

2013-09-09 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Peter Slegg wrote:

 bash-2.05a# ./ atari/gemtk/guiwin.c:810: gemtk_wm_get_grect: Assertion `win != 
 ((void *)0)' failed.

Can you get a backtrace?  Also, run with -v and put the log output in a

[*] e.g.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Cut to clipboard

2013-08-11 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Harriet Bazley wrote:

 would it be possible to have areas deleted by overtyping automatically
 cut to the clipboard, a la Impression?  Or at least have a do you
 really want to do this? warning, a la Impression II?

No, the clipboard should only be modified by the operations that
specifically affect it; cut to clipboard, and copy to clipboard.

Editing blunders should be handled by undo/redo.  NetSurf's textarea
doesn't currently support this.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Sourceforge

2013-07-22 Thread Michael Drake
In article,
   Jim Nagel wrote:
 Michael Drake  wrote on 7 Jul:
  Has anyone managed to submit a new bug report with NetSurf since
  SourceForge changed their site?

 Any upshot from this, Michael?

Noone replied, so I assume it doesn't work in NetSurf now.

I'll raise the issue when the developers meet on Aug 10th, if nothing's
been sorted out by then.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

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