On 22/07/2019 11:00, Jim Nagel wrote:

> As I understand it from the bottom of my learning curve, Media Queries has 
> to do with designing a website so that it automatically adapts according 
> to whether the user is viewing it on a large or small screen.

Yes, exactly.  It's a way to make conditionalise the application
of groups of CSS rules.

So you can give elements different CSS properties depending on, for
example, the width of the window.

Here's a trivial example.  It will show "large", "medium", or
"small" depending on the width of the page.


Note, in NetSurf we don't support dynamic changes to the computed
style yet, so as you change the width of the window, you'll need
to click reload to see the effect.


Michael Drake                 https://www.codethink.co.uk/

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