2018-04-12 Thread Frederic Neyrat

Others links, infos, about the ZAD:
- twtitter, in French:

-This article:
followed, below, by its translation.

As with the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, we should defend other ways of

*January 17, 2018, the ultimate abandoning of a long hoped-for airport
project in the Notre-Dame-des-Landes region of France is a promising
victory for those supporting a new way of thinking in harmony with the
environment. As one of the longest recent struggles in France concerning
the environment and ecology, this substantial victory resonates as an
expression of hope for those continuing to fight in the name of ecology.
Nevertheless, the French government is still threatening to clear out and
dismantle the zone. It’s for this reason that a number of architects,
urbanists, thinkers, and citizens, have gathered together to write the
following statement in order to defend this unique experience of living the

The Victory Against the Construction of an Airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes
is based off a very large and diverse mobilization. Through the myriad of
diverse means of struggle that have contributed to the abandonment of this
airport project, the resistance by way of the permanent occupation of the
Zone to Defend (ZAD) has a primordial place. For over tens years now, by
continuing to allow for this territory to thrive, both the old and the new
inhabitants living there have helped to preserve and prevent the
destruction of both the natural lands as well as agricultural spaces. The
population has gone to great lengths to care for these spaces through
creating new forms of collective organization and the development of a
variety of activities: woodworking, bakeries, the collective cultivation of
vegetables and grains, professional forest clearing [bûcheronnage], the
creation of a library, orchards, a brewery, cheese production facility, a
cannery, an herbalist shop, musical gatherings, a tannery, a foundry, and a
silk printing shop… They have shown that another way of living was
possible, well beyond the state-form and standardized scenarios of
industrial agriculture, as much through other modes of construction as well
ways of imagining a viable and sustainable future for the rural and
agricultural territories.

*A Common Territory*

Throughout this wooded countryside, one could see the invention and weaving
together of a diversity of forms of life, all aspiring for a better harmony
and balance with the territory they occupied. Within the interactions
between the “historical” population, the farmers, the squatters, neighbors,
both wild animals and livestock, vegetation, insects and trees, but also
with everyone who passed through the region—friends, students, militants,
travellers, artisans— everyone together created a common territory, beyond
old notions of property, and other forms of belonging and typical routines
of living. This full-scale experiment undertaken over a long period of time
led each and every person to evolve in both their own representations as
well as their personal practices, far beyond the landscape of the
countryside. And for this very reason, the joyous horizon opened up by the
ZAD in spaces other than in the metropoles, is something that should matter
to each and every one of us.

*Another Way of Inhabiting and Building*

The ZAD is also the adventure of its construction. It can be seen in the
construction of a renovated farm, through a collective construction site,
through the new agricultural warehouses and barns created with fantastic
architectural designs; it can also be found in the poetic force of a
collection of cabins in the woods, it’s poetic force can found in the
middle of a lake, at the edge of a wilderness or in a vacant field; The
ZAD’s force can also be found in the presence of loosely constructed or
nomadic habitats, the campers, trucks, and yurts that complete the
inhabited landscape.

Outside of the norm, multiple, diverse, poetic, adapted, makeshift,
precarious, simple constructions— made out of local or reused materials—
out of earth, wood, straw, or through the recuperation of previously used
materials, these constructions respond, at their scale, to the ecological
stakes and energy crises at hand, in direct contrast to the world that the
industry of concrete and steel continues to construct throughout the entire
planet. The constructions of the ZAD are also the result of an inventive
architecture, one that is hands-on, DIY and very creative, a construction
process that is preferred through the collective stimulation of the ZAD
collective, pushing folks— both those accustomed to such work as well as
neophytes— to re-appropriate for themselves the activity of constructing
something for themselves. The multiplicity of forms constructed shows the
numerous possibilities fo

Re: On #deletefacebook in the Netherlands

2018-04-12 Thread sebastian
> #deletefacebook

> Facebook Liberation Army

with love -seb

> On Apr 12, 2018, at 4:52 PM, Geert Lovink  wrote:
> Dear nettimers,
> it’s been a busy week here in NL with the Facebook exodus movement. Numbers 
> of people that left are of course very hard to estimate but I guess it been 
> so far 10-20.000 people who followed the ByeByeFacebook call of the Dutch 
> comedian Arjen Lubach, last Sunday night:
> Next Monday night there’s a meeting in De Waag of the Facebook Liberation 
> Army where we will discuss all these issues. The announcements are in Dutch, 
> and so will the gathering be, I suppose. This is a follow-up of the Facebook 
> Farewell Party in the Amsterdam main theatre, in April 2015.
> Below there’s a link list that we just compiled. I have been posting daily 
> link lists to the Unlike Us list, which was founded in 2011 by me and Korinna 
> Patelis and is still active. If you like, forward the list list, change it, 
> add others to it.
> Best, Geert
> —
> Facebook Liberation Army Link List (April 12, 2018)
> Compiled and edited by Geert Lovink & Patricia de Vries (Institute of Network 
> Cultures)
> Facebook Delete Manuals
> Divorce Tools
> Departure & Alternatives
> The RSS Alternative
> To Regulate or Not to Regulate
> Long Reads & Analysis & Opinion
> (Tech) Facts &  & Threads
> #  distributed via : no commercial use withou

**The Technology as a Cause** (by Raymond Williams, 1974)

2018-04-12 Thread Newmedia
[Raymond Williams, *Television: Technology and cultural form*, Chapter  
3, "The Forms of Television," p. 129-132]

C. The Technology as a Cause

Sociological and psychological studies of the effects of television,  
which in their limited terms have usually been serious and careful,  
were significantly overtaken, during the 1960s, by a fully developed  
theory of the technology -- the medium -- as determining . . . The  
work of McLuhan was a particular culmination of an aesthetic theory  
which became, negatively, a social theory: a development and  
elaboration of formalism [by which he probably means a "search" for a  
long-abandoned "formal causality"] which can be seen in many fields,  
from literary criticism and linguistics to psychology and  
anthropology, but which acquired it most significant popular influence  
in an isolating theory of "the media."

Here, characteristically -- and as explicit ratification of particular  
uses [mistakenly imagining that McLuhan "endorsed" anything he wrote  
about] -- there is an apparent sophistication in just the critical  
area of cause and effect which we have been discussing.  It is an  
apparently sophisticated technological determinism which has the  
significant effect of indicating a social and cultural determinism: a  
determinism, that is to say, which ratifies the society and culture we  
have now [completely missing the fact that McLuhan's popularity was a  
result of a "counter-culture" that adopted him as its "guru"].  For if  
the medium -- whether print or television -- is the cause, all other  
causes, all that men ordinarily see as history, are at once reduced to  
effects.  Similarly, what are elsewhere seen as effects [here implying  
"efficient causality"] and as such subject to social, cultural,  
psychological and moral questioning, are excluded as irrelevant by  
comparison with the direct physiological and therefore "psychic"  
effects of the media as such.  The initial formulation -- "the medium  
is the message" [title of Chapter 1 in "Understanding Media" (1964)]  
-- was a simple formulation.  The subsequent formulation -- "the  
medium is the massage" [title of the 1967 book, not actually written  
by McLuhan and from which his estate collects no royalites] -- is a  
direct and functioning ideology . . .

If specific media are essentially psychic adjustments, coming not from  
relations between ourselves but between a generalized human organism  
and its general physical environment [aka, a "proto-psychology"], then  
of course intention, in any general or particular case, is irrelevant,  
and with intention goes content, whether apparent or real.  All media  
operations are in effect desocialized; they are simply physical events  
in an abstracted sensorium, and are distinguishable only by their  
variable sense-ratios.  But it is then interesting that from this  
wholly unhistorical and asocial base McLuhan projects certain images  
of society: "retribalization" by the "electronic age"; the "global  
village."  As descriptions of any observable social state or tendency,  
in the period in which electronic media have been dominant, these are  
so ludicrous as to raise a further question.

The physical fact of instant transmission [beginning in the 19th  
century, with telegraph], as a technical possibility, has been  
uncritically raised to a social fact, without any pause to notice that  
virtually all such transmission is at once selected and controlled by  
existing social authorities.  McLuhan, of course, would apparently do  
away with all such controls; the only controls he envisages are a kind  
of allocation and rationing of particular media for particular psychic  
effects, which he believes would dissolve or control any social  
problem that arises [never something McLuhan ever seriously proposed]  
. . . The effect of the medium is the same, whoever controls or uses  
it, and we can forget ordinary political and cultural argument and let  
the technology run itself . . . The particular rhetoric of McLuhan's  
theory of communications is unlikely to last long.  But it is  
significant mainly as an example of an ideological representation of  
technology as a cause, and in this sense it will have successors . . .  
What is to be seen, by contrast, is the radically different position  
in which technology, including communication technology, and  
specifically television, is at once an intention and an effect of a  
particular social order.

[Raymond Williams (1921-88) was a Welsh Marxist theorist and academic,  
who was an influential figure in the New Left (i.e. the version of the  
"left" developed in the 1960s, under the influence of television, as  
opposed to the "Old Left" which developed under earlier radio  
conditions.) He is often credited with "laying the foundations of  
'cultural studies'", as reflected in his 1958 "Culture and Society."   
In the late-1930s, he attended Trinity Hall college, Cambridge, whe

Re: On #deletefacebook in the Netherlands

2018-04-12 Thread olia lialina

so many options, tools and manuals!
but nothing will bring back Hyves :/

On 12.04.2018 16:52, Geert Lovink wrote:

Dear nettimers,

it’s been a busy week here in NL with the Facebook exodus movement. 
Numbers of people that left are of course very hard to estimate but I 
guess it been so far 10-20.000 people who followed the ByeByeFacebook 
call of the Dutch comedian Arjen Lubach, last Sunday night:

Next Monday night there’s a meeting in De Waag of the Facebook 
Liberation Army where we will discuss all these issues. The 
announcements are in Dutch, and so will the gathering be, I suppose. 
This is a follow-up of the Facebook Farewell Party in the Amsterdam 
main theatre, in April 2015.

Below there’s a link list that we just compiled. I have been posting 
daily link lists to the Unlike Us list, which was founded in 2011 by 
me and Korinna Patelis and is still active. If you like, forward the 
list list, change it, add others to it.

Best, Geert


*Facebook Liberation Army Link List (April 12, 2018)*
*Compiled and edited by Geert Lovink & Patricia de Vries (Institute of 
Network Cultures)*

*Facebook Delete Manuals*

*Divorce Tools*

*Departure & Alternatives*

*The RSS Alternative*

*To Regulate or Not to Regulate*
*Long Reads & Analysis & Opinion*

*(Tech) Facts &  & Threads*

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultur

Re: Astrology and Storytelling

2018-04-12 Thread Alice Yang
My mistake: I forgot to put in the date, time, and location of the course.

May 20 - July 8, Sundays, 1-3 PM
New Women Space
199 Woodpoint Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11211

For now, this program is only available IRL in Brooklyn. If you do not live
locally but would like to receive information about my future URL
activities and future programs, email me to get on my mailing list (updated
only 2-3 times a year).


On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 11:05 AM, Alice Yang 

> Hey All,
> I want to share my workshop, Astrology and Storytelling, with this
> community. The course will be using astrology as a system of abstraction
> relevant to big data and as postmodern as contemporary physics. It is
> formally a writing course but we will be talking about economies of spirit
> and belief and diasporic subjectivities. I would love to have some voices
> from this community if anyone is interested in registering.
> A 101 course on astrology including: a history of astrology, how
> astrological meanings are generated, interpreting planets in signs, houses
> and relocation, aspects and shapes, the moving planets, and fixed stars and
> critical points. This astrology course responds to the huge body of work
> white astrologers have produced by describing the zodiac as the western
> matrix of control and the interpretation of a person's chart as that
> individual's participation and resistance in said matrix. The purpose of
> this workshop is to use astrological methods of telling time to innovate
> story telling.
> *The seven week course will include the following topics:*
> History of Astrology: Appropriation, and Reflection
> Intergenerational Trauma and how Meaning is Formed
> Planets in Signs: People in Places
> Houses and Relocation: Themes of Immigration
> Formation: Aspects, Shapes, Relationships, and Community
> Fixed Stars and Recurring Themes
> The Moving Sky: Change and Development
> Email to register or for
> more information about the program :)
> Yours
> --
> Alice
> #  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
> #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
> #  more info:
> #  archive: contact:
> #  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

Re: Bad ZAD news ...

2018-04-12 Thread sebastian

Maybe this is a good time to watch:

Shinsuke Ogawa - Nihon Kaiho sensen: Sanrizuka no natsu AKA The Battle for the 
Liberation of Japan: Summer in Sanrizuka (1968)

In 1968, Ogawa decided to form Ogawa Productions and locate it at the newly 
announced construction site of Narita International Airport in a district 
called Sanrizuka. Ogawa chose to locate his company in the most radical of the 
villages, Heta. Some farmers immediately sold their land; others vehemently 
protested and drew the support of social movements across the country. Together 
they clashed with riot police sent in to protect surveyors, who were plotting 
out the airport. Summer in Sanrizuka is a messy film – its chaos communicating 
the passions and actions on the ground.

Noriaki Tsuchimoto - Paruchizan Zenshi AKA Prehistory of the Partisans (1969)

At the peak of student activism in the follow-up to the renewal of the 
controversial Anpo: US-Japan Security Treaty, Tsuchimoto’s socially-engaged 
documentary traces the struggles of the students of Kyoto University from their 
discussions to preparations for armed action. Produced by Ogawa Productions, 
the film follows new-left radical Osamu Takita and his debates with students, 
which are captured with exceptional intimacy.

Shinsuke Ogawa - Sanrizuka: Heta buraku aka Narita: Heta Village (1973)

In the early ‘70s, the Japanese public’s attention was focused on the village 
of Narita. Here, in a conflict that became increasingly symbolic as it wore on, 
student radicals joined with the farmers and villagers of Narita to protest the 
impending demolition of the village to make way for an airport. For Narita: 
Heta Village, Shinsuke Ogawa, Japan’s premier documentary filmmaker, went to 
live among the peasants and he and his crew stayed for several years. In this 
unique documentary, the events of struggle around the airport remain outside of 
the film; all of our knowledge of it is indirect. Instead, the film focuses 
entirely on the peasants themselves and registers the conflict solely through 
its effect on their thoughts and lives. Composed entirely of long duration 
shots, Ogawa allows the film’s phenomenal world to unfold slowly through time. 
The audience watches and listens as a village elder describes the government’s 
destruction of an ancient burial ground. Centuries-old customs, such as the New 
Year celebration, are rendered exquisitely. As an idea, the form of the 
documentary is brilliant; as a documentary, Narita: Heta Village is one of the 
most important produced in the last 50 years and was awarded a Critics’ Prize 
at the Berlin Film Festival.

Message me offlist for download links.

pirate cinema berlin

> On Apr 12, 2018, at 4:43 PM, Menno Grootveld  wrote:
> Dear all,
> Just for your information: Frank Theys and I are on our way to the ZAD. We 
> are "armed" with two movie camera's and a lot of audio equipment. I will try 
> to write a short impression after we get there and post it. Meanwhile: spread 
> the news and resist! Show your solidarity with the ZAD by squatting, 
> occupying or just protesting, wherever you are!
> Menno Grootveld
> Rebel City Amsterdam
> Op 12-04-18 om 16:02 schreef XLterrestrials:
>> Hi Patrice et al,
>>  Thx for the boost...
>> the anti-commonists... good one !! :)
>> Day 4 updates ( the good news ) :
>> 1. robopopo taste the mud ! ( via catapult )
>> 2. tractors on the roll to defend the Saulce barricades.
>> 3. the Dutch report from
>> 4. it only took 50 years to make, but Macron may have just triggered May 68 
>> The Sequel, Bravo ! :)
>> 5
>> stay tune,
>> it's going to be a wild * woolly spring !
>> podinski
>> 0O-o
>> arts + praxis organisms
>> o-O~0
>>> On 12 April 2018 at 12:00 wrote:
>>> Send nettime-l mailing list submissions to
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of nettime-l digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>>1. Bad ZAD news ... (Patrice Riemens)
>>>2. Re: Bad ZAD news ... (Joseph Rabie)
>>> --
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 14:04:11 +0200
>>> From: Patrice Riemens 
>>> To:
>>> Subject:  Bad ZAD news 

Astrology and Storytelling

2018-04-12 Thread Alice Yang
Hey All,

I want to share my workshop, Astrology and Storytelling, with this
community. The course will be using astrology as a system of abstraction
relevant to big data and as postmodern as contemporary physics. It is
formally a writing course but we will be talking about economies of spirit
and belief and diasporic subjectivities. I would love to have some voices
from this community if anyone is interested in registering.


A 101 course on astrology including: a history of astrology, how
astrological meanings are generated, interpreting planets in signs, houses
and relocation, aspects and shapes, the moving planets, and fixed stars and
critical points. This astrology course responds to the huge body of work
white astrologers have produced by describing the zodiac as the western
matrix of control and the interpretation of a person's chart as that
individual's participation and resistance in said matrix. The purpose of
this workshop is to use astrological methods of telling time to innovate
story telling.

*The seven week course will include the following topics:*

History of Astrology: Appropriation, and Reflection

Intergenerational Trauma and how Meaning is Formed

Planets in Signs: People in Places

Houses and Relocation: Themes of Immigration

Formation: Aspects, Shapes, Relationships, and Community

Fixed Stars and Recurring Themes

The Moving Sky: Change and Development

Email to register or for
more information about the program :)

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

On #deletefacebook in the Netherlands

2018-04-12 Thread Geert Lovink
Dear nettimers,

it’s been a busy week here in NL with the Facebook exodus movement. Numbers of 
people that left are of course very hard to estimate but I guess it been so far 
10-20.000 people who followed the ByeByeFacebook call of the Dutch comedian 
Arjen Lubach, last Sunday night:

Next Monday night there’s a meeting in De Waag of the Facebook Liberation Army 
where we will discuss all these issues. The announcements are in Dutch, and so 
will the gathering be, I suppose. This is a follow-up of the Facebook Farewell 
Party in the Amsterdam main theatre, in April 2015.

Below there’s a link list that we just compiled. I have been posting daily link 
lists to the Unlike Us list, which was founded in 2011 by me and Korinna 
Patelis and is still active. If you like, forward the list list, change it, add 
others to it.

Best, Geert


Facebook Liberation Army Link List (April 12, 2018)
Compiled and edited by Geert Lovink & Patricia de Vries (Institute of Network 

Facebook Delete Manuals 

Divorce Tools 

Departure & Alternatives

The RSS Alternative 

To Regulate or Not to Regulate

Re: Bad ZAD news ...

2018-04-12 Thread Menno Grootveld

Dear all,

Just for your information: Frank Theys and I are on our way to the ZAD. 
We are "armed" with two movie camera's and a lot of audio equipment. I 
will try to write a short impression after we get there and post it. 
Meanwhile: spread the news and resist! Show your solidarity with the ZAD 
by squatting, occupying or just protesting, wherever you are!

Menno Grootveld

Rebel City Amsterdam

Op 12-04-18 om 16:02 schreef XLterrestrials:

Hi Patrice et al,
Thx for the boost...

the anti-commonists... good one !! :)

Day 4 updates ( the good news ) :

1. robopopo taste the mud ! ( via catapult )

2. tractors on the roll to defend the Saulce barricades.

3. the Dutch report from

4. it only took 50 years to make, but Macron may have just triggered May 68 The 
Sequel, Bravo ! :)


stay tune,
it's going to be a wild * woolly spring !



arts + praxis organisms

On 12 April 2018 at 12:00 wrote:

Send nettime-l mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of nettime-l digest..."

Today's Topics:

1. Bad ZAD news ... (Patrice Riemens)
2. Re: Bad ZAD news ... (Joseph Rabie)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 14:04:11 +0200
From: Patrice Riemens 
Subject:  Bad ZAD news ...
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

Podinski is right, let's focus (also) on happenings on the ground ...

bwo the INURAlist/Ivor Stodolsky, Miguel Martinez

Some of you have heard of the ZAD. Only a short time ago, after years of
dedication and courage and work for the commons, the ZAD celebrated
victory over the mega-project for a new airport:

Now, the anti-commonists, appalled by the fact that people can live in a
peaceful sustainable way on shared property have attacked. With the
brutal force of a police state:
(i'm no great fan of RT, but they are among the few teams on the ground)

In Paris, spontaneous solidarity actions have sprung up!

We should also show our solidarity. Perhaps a banner out the window or a
picture on the web? An ECA statement? A personal statement each. Please

There is also a Liveblog on:


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 15:05:20 +0200
From: Joseph Rabie 
To: nettime-l 
Subject: Re:  Bad ZAD news ...
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Here is a petition for the ZAD at Notre-Dame-des-Landes initiated by French 
academics, intellectuals, architectes...


-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...


#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:

End of nettime-l Digest, Vol 127, Issue 21

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

Re: Bad ZAD news ...

2018-04-12 Thread XLterrestrials
Hi Patrice et al,
Thx for the boost...
the anti-commonists... good one !! :)

Day 4 updates ( the good news ) :

1. robopopo taste the mud ! ( via catapult )

2. tractors on the roll to defend the Saulce barricades.

3. the Dutch report from

4. it only took 50 years to make, but Macron may have just triggered May 68 The 
Sequel, Bravo ! :)


stay tune, 
it's going to be a wild * woolly spring !



arts + praxis organisms

> On 12 April 2018 at 12:00 wrote:
> Send nettime-l mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of nettime-l digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Bad ZAD news ... (Patrice Riemens)
>2. Re: Bad ZAD news ... (Joseph Rabie)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 14:04:11 +0200
> From: Patrice Riemens 
> To:
> Subject:  Bad ZAD news ...
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> Podinski is right, let's focus (also) on happenings on the ground ...
> bwo the INURAlist/Ivor Stodolsky, Miguel Martinez
> Some of you have heard of the ZAD. Only a short time ago, after years of 
> dedication and courage and work for the commons, the ZAD celebrated 
> victory over the mega-project for a new airport: 
> Now, the anti-commonists, appalled by the fact that people can live in a 
> peaceful sustainable way on shared property have attacked. With the 
> brutal force of a police state:
> (i'm no great fan of RT, but they are among the few teams on the ground)
> In Paris, spontaneous solidarity actions have sprung up!
> We should also show our solidarity. Perhaps a banner out the window or a 
> picture on the web? An ECA statement? A personal statement each. Please 
> share.
> There is also a Liveblog on:
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 15:05:20 +0200
> From: Joseph Rabie 
> To: nettime-l 
> Subject: Re:  Bad ZAD news ...
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Here is a petition for the ZAD at Notre-Dame-des-Landes initiated by French 
> academics, intellectuals, architectes...
> Joe.
> ...
> -- next part --
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 
> --
> #  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
> #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
> #  more info:
> End of nettime-l Digest, Vol 127, Issue 21
> **
#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject: