Re: EU == USSR v2.0 ?

2019-03-28 Thread Morlock Elloi
Property is just an opinion, programmed into certain number of human 
brains. It's soft, and can be modified or erased. There is no brain area 
dedicated for private property (witness human societies without it.) 
Using this ephemeral phenomenon to understand underlying dynamics is 
unproductive. Observers from Mars cannot detect property, as they cannot 
detect human gods. But they can detect lifecycles, illnesses, buildings, 
murders, poverty, luxury and such. The worse sleigh of hand done to 
communism was to divert focus to this single soft aspect (remotely 
similar to POTUS pussy grabbing idiocy.)

The basic similarity between USSR and EU is the willingness of large 
number of people, *not* based on religion, leaders, or tribal/national 
identity, to pitch in for the better common* future. Both events are 
unique in the history in this regard.

* note the word root

How is the EU seizing control of the means of production?  How is the EU
delegitimising the ownership of private property by private citizens?  When
last I checked, it was still possible to establish for-profit businesses in the
EU, and it was still possible for individual EU citizens to purchase goods from
Ka De We.  To say that the EU model incorporates elements of socialism is one
thing, to say that it is 'communism' is a bridge too far.

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Re: EU == USSR v2.0 ?

2019-03-28 Thread Emery Hemingway

On Wednesday, March 27, 2019 10:05:16 PM CET, Morlock Elloi wrote:

EU is really another attempt at communism.

Go home grandpa, you're drunk.
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Re: EU == USSR v2.0 ?

2019-03-28 Thread Felix Stalder

On 27.03.19 22:05, Morlock Elloi wrote:

> EU is really another attempt at communism.

As I just wrote in another post, I think the US (and the UK and the EU)
far facing a similar structural crisis as the USSR faced in the 1970s.
Whether these countries turns out to be like the USSR, depends on their
ability to reform and respond the the nature of the crisis.

I'm not hopeful, but the analogy has nothing to do with communism. The
EU is a neo-liberal project, at its core (which, to me, is still better
than nationalism, but far from good).


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Re: EU == USSR v2.0 ?

2019-03-28 Thread Geoffrey Goodell
How is the EU seizing control of the means of production?  How is the EU
delegitimising the ownership of private property by private citizens?  When
last I checked, it was still possible to establish for-profit businesses in the
EU, and it was still possible for individual EU citizens to purchase goods from
Ka De We.  To say that the EU model incorporates elements of socialism is one
thing, to say that it is 'communism' is a bridge too far.

Historical analogies are useful, and there may be nothing new under the sun.
However, we also need to understand what is different this time.  For example,
it may be that the automation and centralised control made possible by modern
technology, whose effects include but are not limited to altering the balance
between fixed and variable costs, have substantively changed the nature of
manufacturing and services.  And now we see that regulators in many countries
in Europe and America seem powerless to stop private interests from setting the
rules and collecting their own kind of unaccountable taxes.

It may be useful to consider the various emerging models for regulation pursued
by the EU as a response to such effects rather than a repudiation of
capitalism.  In particular, much of information and communication technology
has become a form of infrastructure, and governments have so far failed to
fully determine and implement appropriate forms of regulation for this
infrastructure [1].  Many people have offered reasons for this, and I shall not
recount those arguments here.  For various reasons the EU regulators are
well-positioned to give it a go, and they deserve our support.

Best wishes --


[1] Bob Frankston.  "Demystifying Networking."

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 02:05:16PM -0700, Morlock Elloi wrote:
> The arguments and narratives on EU don't really make much sense. Not that
> deeply entrenched sides do not have self-coherent dogmas, they do. But it
> all just doesn't make sense. There is a total disconnect between them and
> between them and reality, it seems. Immigration, sovereignty, neoliberalism,
> nationalism, etc. etc. ad nauseam, barren and fruitless drivel goes on and
> on. Especially in GB (why anyone cares so much what happens to the
> irrelevant inbred island is a separate topic) - intelligent people have to
> admit that they don't have a clue what Brexit-no-Brexit discourse is about.
> Not that it will prevent anyone to contributing.
> Maybe, then, the real issue is completely different, and present discourses
> and narratives are simply psychotic avoidance of confronting it.
> EU is really another attempt at communism.
> Communism appears to be genetically attractive to large swaths of
> population, so it does come up and will continue to be coming up, one way or
> another. It's like when you are constipated - it *will* come out sooner or
> later, and you know it. The question is how much are you going to pretend
> and suffer in the meantime.
> The first attempt, USSR, failed for known reasons. It did work in the
> beginning though. The same happened to EU. The really existing communism
> appears to be perishable matter.
> The neurotic need to brand it as something else in the case of EU didn't
> change much, if anything. The pattern is unmistakeable: wide initial support
> from working class masses and honest intelligentsia, belief in transnational
> unity and rosy future, followed by corruption of officials and apparatchik
> system of government. In the post-mortem phase, flourishing of 'analysis'
> and bickering about the exact way the decay should proceed.
> So don't be sorry about EU. Hopefully we learned something, and the next
> time it will be better. It *will* come out, again.
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EU == USSR v2.0 ?

2019-03-27 Thread Morlock Elloi
The arguments and narratives on EU don't really make much sense. Not 
that deeply entrenched sides do not have self-coherent dogmas, they do. 
But it all just doesn't make sense. There is a total disconnect between 
them and between them and reality, it seems. Immigration, sovereignty, 
neoliberalism, nationalism, etc. etc. ad nauseam, barren and fruitless 
drivel goes on and on. Especially in GB (why anyone cares so much what 
happens to the irrelevant inbred island is a separate topic) - 
intelligent people have to admit that they don't have a clue what 
Brexit-no-Brexit discourse is about. Not that it will prevent anyone to 

Maybe, then, the real issue is completely different, and present 
discourses and narratives are simply psychotic avoidance of confronting it.

EU is really another attempt at communism.

Communism appears to be genetically attractive to large swaths of 
population, so it does come up and will continue to be coming up, one 
way or another. It's like when you are constipated - it *will* come out 
sooner or later, and you know it. The question is how much are you going 
to pretend and suffer in the meantime.

The first attempt, USSR, failed for known reasons. It did work in the 
beginning though. The same happened to EU. The really existing communism 
appears to be perishable matter.

The neurotic need to brand it as something else in the case of EU didn't 
change much, if anything. The pattern is unmistakeable: wide initial 
support from working class masses and honest intelligentsia, belief in 
transnational unity and rosy future, followed by corruption of officials 
and apparatchik system of government. In the post-mortem phase, 
flourishing of 'analysis' and bickering about the exact way the decay 
should proceed.

So don't be sorry about EU. Hopefully we learned something, and the next 
time it will be better. It *will* come out, again.

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