Re: Onsetgame ReelValley goes opensource

2019-01-30 Thread Libman
This is awesome! Thank you very much! ☺

I hope this gets as many views as possible. To promote this, I would highly 
recommend a more detailed blog post [(like this older 
one)]( or an updated 
Web-site ([]( is out of date), both 
promoting the game and the development choices it involved. A video would also 
be awesome. 

Re: no "--opt:size" leads EXE to "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)"

2019-01-30 Thread oyster
Maybe you have forgotten the binding, but I am using wxnim from [PMunch 
fork]( from you, 
[Araq](, it is not my wrapping code. And the 
example2 is in the wxnim too.

nim cpp -r  -d:useSysAssert -d:useGcAssert   example2.nim



Traceback (most recent call last)
example2.nim(7)  example2
example2.nim(40) createFrame
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)



line 07   let f = createFrame()
line 40   text.styleSetForeground(wxSTC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, 
constructWxColour(75, 75, 75) )
line 41   text.styleSetBackground(wxSTC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, 
constructWxColour(220, 220, 220))


if I comment out line 40 and 41, then the compiled EXE can run without crash. I 
am puzzled why line 7 can passed this time

If I change line 40, 41 to 

line 40  var c1 = cnew constructWxColour(75, 75, 75)
line 41  text.styleSetForeground(wxSTC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, c1 )
line 42  var c2 = cnew constructWxColour(220, 220, 220)
line 43  text.styleSetBackground(wxSTC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, c2)


then I get 

example2.nim(41, 7) Error: type mismatch: got 
but expected one of:
proc styleSetForeground(this: var WxStyledTextCtrl; style: cint; fore: 
  first type mismatch at position: 3
  required type: WxColour
  but expression 'c1' is of type: ptr WxColour
1 other mismatching symbols have been  suppressed; compile with 
--showAllMismatches:on to see them

expression: styleSetForeground(text, 33, c1)


I still don't know how to fix it 

Re: no "--opt:size" leads EXE to "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)"

2019-01-30 Thread Araq
Compile without -d:release and with `-d:useSysAssert -d:useGcAssert`, you have 
a memory corruption, most likely because of a bug in your wrapping code. Don't 
assume that it's "only" \--opt:size that makes your program crash, you are 
simply "lucky" for the other optimization levels.

Re: How to keep the output of a recursive proc?

2019-01-30 Thread doofenstein
Grabbing the result from stdout(echo) is a bit of a detour. You usually want to 
seperate the calculation of something from the I/O. So for example if you later 
want to use that function in a GUI application you wouldn't need any 
modifications to the function itself, you would fetch the inputs from the GUI 
and then put the calculated values back into the GUI.

As a small note, your `output_lcs` proc has the return type `string`, but never 
writes to it, so it always returns an empty string when using echo.

Now let's come back to the question. One solution would be always return the 
concatenated results of the recursive calls, like so: 

proc output_lcs(backtrack: seq[seq[int]], v: string, i: int, j: int): 
string =
  if i == 0 or j == 0:
  if backtrack[i][j] == 1:
result.add output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j)
  elif backtrack[i][j] == 2:
result.add output_lcs(backtrack, v, i, j-1)
result.add output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j-1)
result.add v[i-1]


The only thing left to do, is to remove the `result = ""` in the calling proc, 
so the last statement can count as an implicit return(we could also prepend the 
call by a return, but this way it's cleaner)

Alternatively we could also pass a `string` as a var parameter, so we can 
modify the passed variable: 

proc output_lcs(backtrack: seq[seq[int]], v: string, i: int, j: int, 
result: var string)=
  if i == 0 or j == 0:
  if backtrack[i][j] == 1:
output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j)
  elif backtrack[i][j] == 2:
output_lcs(backtrack, v, i, j-1)
output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j-1)
result.add v[i-1]


Note that this result variable is not the implicitely defined one from a proc 
with return type. Here the name result is just choosen arbitrarily and doesn't 
bear any special meaning.

In case we use this method, we also have to change the initial call, so that 
the recursive proc writes into the result variable of `lcs_backtrack`: 

output_lcs(backtrack, v, vlen, wlen, result)


The latter solution is more efficient, since it only modifies the output the 
`string` when needed, though it doesn't really matter in this situation, 
because the bottlenecks lie in other places.

Re: Text adventure engine in Nim using macros

2019-01-30 Thread Arrrrrrrrr
Surprising how the macro itself is larger than vanilla adaptation to nim.

Re: Text adventure engine in Nim using macros

2019-01-30 Thread b3liever
Well it does a lot of work, which in the original, was the programmers burden. 
If you look at `originalprogram.nim` you will see it is quite hard to figure 
out the Map structure.

Re: How to keep the output of a recursive proc?

2019-01-30 Thread zevv
You should be able to pass an additional variable of type 'var string' around 
your recursive functions, and simply use add() to add characters as you go - 
strings in Nim are modifiable and adding to them is cheap.

When you've fully bubbled back up the call stack the result is there for you in 
your string.

Text adventure engine in Nim using macros

2019-01-30 Thread b3liever
Hey all! Wanted to share with you [Night 
Adventure]( It is...

> This adventure is based on the original that was published in Sonic's "Python 
> Games: Programming _should_ be fun", at > DeltaHacker magazine in March 2012. 
> ...which in turn was based on Stathis Efthimiou's "Adventure Games", Pixel, 
> January 1986.

Now also re-written in Nim! What might interest you is that I have chosen to 
write a `gameworld` macro which converts the Rooms in the game from Array Of 
Structures to SOA format. Instead of writting it OOP I also kept the original 
logic which used a 2x2 matrix to point to the next Rooms. All of that with a 
DSL which makes it easy to write your own adventure. Hope you like it!

How to use closureScope to be used in thread?

2019-01-30 Thread Arrrrrrrrr
Thinking about it, would be nice if closureScope had an argument to capture the 
variable. As it stands now, is so redundant: 

for i in 0..threads.high:
  closureCapture i:


How to keep the output of a recursive proc?

2019-01-30 Thread cag104
This is a homework problem where I am using nim to identify the longest common 
subsequence. I have the correct output, but I don't know how to grab the output 
from a recursive algorithm.




Code to run example:

import os, strutils, sequtils
# down = 1
# right = 2
# diag = 3

proc pp[T](matrix: seq[seq[T]]): char =
  for line in matrix:
echo line

proc output_lcs(backtrack: seq[seq[int]], v: string, i: int, j: int): 
string =
  if i == 0 or j == 0:
  if backtrack[i][j] == 1:
discard output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j)
  elif backtrack[i][j] == 2:
discard output_lcs(backtrack, v, i, j-1)
discard output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j-1)
echo v[i-1]

proc lcs_backtrack(v: string, w: string): string =
  let vlen: int = v.len
  let wlen: int = w.len
  let sfill = repeat(repeat(0, wlen + 1), vlen + 1)
  let btfill = repeat(repeat(0, wlen + 1), vlen + 1)
  var s: seq[seq[int]]
  var backtrack: seq[seq[int]]
  result = ""
  echo "starting matrices: "
  echo pp(s)
  echo pp(backtrack)
  for i in 1..vlen:
for j in 1..wlen:
  if v[i-1] != w[j-1]:
s[i][j] = max(@[s[i-1][j], s[i][j-1]])
s[i][j] = max(@[s[i-1][j], s[i][j-1], s[i-1][j-1] + 1])
  if s[i][j] == s[i-1][j]:
backtrack[i][j] = 1
  elif s[i][j] == s[i][j-1]:
backtrack[i][j] = 2
  elif s[i][j] == s[i-1][j-1] + 1 and v[i-1] == w[j-1]:
backtrack[i][j] = 3
  echo "s after pop: "
  echo pp(s)
  echo "backtrack after pop: "
  echo pp(backtrack)
  echo output_lcs(backtrack, v, vlen, wlen)

proc main() =
  let f = open(paramStr(1))
  defer: f.close()
v = f.readLine()
w = f.readLine()
  echo lcs_backtrack(v, w)



I'm a bad coder so please ignore that. My main problem is with my recursive 

proc output_lcs(backtrack: seq[seq[int]], v: string, i: int, j: int): 
string =
  if i == 0 or j == 0:
  if backtrack[i][j] == 1:
discard output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j)
  elif backtrack[i][j] == 2:
discard output_lcs(backtrack, v, i, j-1)
discard output_lcs(backtrack, v, i-1, j-1)
echo v[i-1]


The output looks like:



which is the correct answer "AACTTG". But i'm not sure how to grab that output 
from echo (return doesn't work since it simply returns the the first return 
statement after i and j are both equal to 0.

Hopefully this made a bit of sense. Thanks!

Re: "Nim needs better documentation" - share your thoughts

2019-01-30 Thread miran
One more week, one more quick recap.

In addition to 10 already improved modules last week, we now have better 
documentation for **7 more** modules:

  * sets, insets, parseopt, xmltree, algorithm, parsecsv, os

Also, now when you're viewing the documentation for some proc, you can click on 
its name to get the direct link, for easier sharing.

The following modules are in the works:

  * random, jsffi

* * *

**I 'm inviting you once again to help us with this.** [Here is the 
list]( of modules you could work 
on (some of them are really short). 

no "--opt:size" leads EXE to "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)"

2019-01-30 Thread oyster
I use nim in MSYS2+Mingw64 on Windows 7 64 bits.

The involved code can be download 
[here]( which uses 
[wxnim]( . And I have stated the [details to 
compile wxWidgets](

**First of all**

I can compile and run the [CPP version by 
PB](, no matter with 

g++ -Os `(/opt/windows_64/bin/wx-config --cflags)` test.cpp 
`(/opt/windows_64/bin/wx-config --libs all)`



g++ `(/opt/windows_64/bin/wx-config --cflags)` test.cpp 
`(/opt/windows_64/bin/wx-config --libs all)`


**Then for the nim code**

I use 

$ nim
Nim Compiler Version 0.19.9 [Windows: amd64]
Compiled at 2019-01-28
Copyright (c) 2006-2018 by Andreas Rumpf


$ nim cpp -r -d:release --passL:-s --opt:size example2.nim| the EXE runs 
without crash  
$ nim cpp -r -d:release --passL:-s example2.nim| the EXE runs and crash  
$ nim cpp -r -d:release --opt:size example2.nim| the EXE runs without crash  
$ nim cpp -r -d:release example2.nim| the EXE runs and crash  
all the crashes says 

SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
Error: execution of an external program failed: 
'C:\Users\USER\.nimble\pkgs\wxnim-0.8.0\examples\purewx\example2.exe '


of cause, all the EXE files have different file size.

so what is the problem and how to fix it? Thanks

Re: Buggy concepts

2019-01-30 Thread lqdev
I wasn't able to create a MCVE, that's why I didn't include it in the post.

Re: Buggy concepts

2019-01-30 Thread Araq
Anything reproducible available?

Re: Buggy concepts

2019-01-30 Thread andrea
The situation is not as dire as described, I use them quite extensively in 

Still, I find some issues with them, they are not completely stable right now

Buggy concepts

2019-01-30 Thread lqdev

I have been trying out Nim's concepts for the past few days, and I have to say: 
they're far from stable. In simple use cases they work, but when you add 
advanced OOP techniques into the mix, you get an amalgamate of compiler errors 
and meaningless exit codes.

So far, concepts are very unpredictable, take my current project as an example: 

I tried to create an interface for a proper `RodVM`, to avoid cyclic imports 
(and add some modularity). Unfortunately, it didn't work out, because for some 
reason, the compiler crashed with exit code 1 without any reason on 
compilation. I wasn't able to trace down where the issue is, so I went for a 
different model:

I decided to use a `RodBaseVM` class, which didn't help at all. I still needed 
concepts to define a meta-type, that would describe a type that implements the 
required methods of a VM, but failed miserably, with a cryptic compiler error:

Error: internal error: getTypeDescAux(tyProxy)
No stack traceback available
To create a stacktrace, rerun compilation with ./koch temp c 


I get that concepts are still in development, but I expected that the compiler 
would at least give me some line numbers, but no. That never happened.

Overall, I think the overall idea behind concepts is brilliant: they're much 
more powerful and modular than interfaces, however, they still need a lot of 
work to be considered stable.

TL;DR: Don't use concepts. Not yet, at least.

Re: Concatenate identifiers in template

2019-01-30 Thread lqdev
Thank you!

Re: Concatenate identifiers in template

2019-01-30 Thread SolitudeSF
`proc `r id` = body `


Concatenate identifiers in template

2019-01-30 Thread lqdev

I would like to concatenate two identifiers in a template, like so:

template myTemplate(id: untyped, body: untyped): untyped =
  proc r##id() = # I've seen it done this way in C


Is this possible without the use of macros?

Re: An Attempt to Access NumPy Array Data rom Nim

2019-01-30 Thread zarican
Thanks. Indeed, neo, arraymancer and nimtorch are feasible alternatives.

Regarding accessing elements using ptr arithmetic, is there a simpler way?

Is there a generic way for pointer casting (instead of ptr cdouble)? 

Re: Read gzip-compressed file line by line

2019-01-30 Thread alexsad
Thanks @dom96!

see please my PR ti fix it: 