Re: Lambdas?

2019-09-27 Thread SolitudeSF

just omit the procedure name

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread moigagoo
Base images for Ubuntu and Alpine don't include GCC ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 

Re: Nim beginners tutorial

2019-09-27 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Great work miran!

Your Asciidoctor css layout looks nice. I was never fully satisfied with the 
default Asciidoctor style, and also liked the Asciidoctor Stylesheet Factory 
themes not really. So I tried tuning them a bit, but was not too successful.

It seems you tuned CSS for html, pdf and even the CSS for code listings 
successful. Looks all nice.

I think Dom's book was also written with Asciidoctor, and the initial draft was 
looking good in ebub and pdf version, but unfortunately Manning made it uglier 
in the final release, so I newer read the final version.

Re: Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?

2019-09-27 Thread GordonBGood

> the new keywords owned, sink and lent...

As @Araq has explained as a follow-up, they are in the library system.nim, but 
they aren't explained very well or at all in the library documentation. The 
best source of documentation for them is [the "destructors" 
document]( The top part of this 
page describes Nim's implementation of destructor/assignment/move semantics 
including sink/=sink (move) and the bottom part the implementation of owned 
ref, lent, etc.


> For Destructors what function can I call to free?

That's the point, with \--gc:destructors you don't need to call anything to 
free standard library allocated items that allocate heap space as in string's 
and seq's as this turns on the generation of =destroy/=/=sink "hooks" for these 
whose functionality is as described in the above documentation. That said, the 
default destruction time is when the binding goes out of scope at the end of a 
proc and if one wants to force destruction, =destroy can be called whenever 
immediate destruction is desired.

For your own allocated pointers, you can tap into this at any time (you don't 
need the \--gc:destuctors compiler flag) by wrapping them in an object for 
which you have defined your own custom override versions of these "hooks" that 
take care of destruction/assignment/move semantics; The compiler flag just 
makes it available automatically for the standard library structures.

Re: Unexpected error using parseInt

2019-09-27 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Yes, that may be a bit confusing, there are two parseInt() procs in stdlib.

You may go to 

and type parseInt into the "search" field. Then you get

parseutils: parseInt(s: string; number: var int; start = 0): int

strutils: parseInt(s: string): int 

Re: Unexpected error using parseInt

2019-09-27 Thread jyapayne
You are using the module parseutils instead of strutils. See the [parseutils 

How I found this was using [the index]( 
and using ctrl-F.

Unexpected error using parseInt

2019-09-27 Thread hotcore
_I get this error on parseInt_

type mismatch: got  but expected one of: **proc parseInt(s: string; 
number: var int; start = 0): int**

first type mismatch at position: 2 missing parameter: number

expression: parseInt(param)**

_but the manual states that parseInt only has one argument:_ 


2019-09-27 Thread eko23
i don't seem to find any documentation on lambdas, so far i'm enjoying 
programming in nim, but i would love to try those multi-line lambdas that nim 
says it features, so... how do i use 'em?

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread charlieH
I think Alpine Linux comes with wget by default, and you can do wget -O - url 
to achieve the same effect as curl.

Re: Nim for Beginners Video Series

2019-09-27 Thread Kiloneie
Here i go again ! #4 Live 

Re: Nim beginners tutorial

2019-09-27 Thread ffred60
great ! thanks for the nice PDF version..

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread miran
> For anyone who want to get in with Nim quickly - use Manjaro

Btw, Nim v1.0 has already hit Manjaro Testing branch (only half a day after the 
release!), and it will be part of the next Stable update.

(Bleeding edge Arch still has Nim v0.18, lol)

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread SebastianM
For anyone who want to get in with Nim quickly - use Manjaro LXDE. I've created 
myself Bootable USB and when run in Live Nim works out of the box. Mount your 
home partition (with your Nim folder)and you have your environment ready

Re: Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?

2019-09-27 Thread Araq
> However, for this purpose, I expected (but failed) to find the new keywords 
> owned, sink and lent in the lexer's token list. So, if not there, where are 
> they?

Oh simple, they are in system.nim, no need to make them keywords, Nim's syntax 
is flexible enough to allow for `wordHere T`.

Re: Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?

2019-09-27 Thread treeform
Does Boehm work for threads and async?

For Destructors what function can I call to free?

Is it possible to use normal RefC for everything but use region's 
withScratchRegion for critical sections?

@Araq, may I remove v2, generational or stack from the code base? They appear 
to be disabled and deprecated and not documented.

Shared table with ref objects from different heaps. Will this work?

2019-09-27 Thread treeform
> I am created a shared table but then each value comes from a ref object 
> located on a different thread.

So in the end globalTable will point to 10 ref objects all from different 
heaps. Will this cause memory corruptions?

import os, collections/sharedtables

type Foo = ref object
  a, b, c: int

  globalTable: SharedTable[int, Foo]
  thr: array[0 .. 10, Thread[int]]

proc threadFunc(index: int) {.thread.} =
  for i in 0 ..< 10:
echo index, " ", i
globalTable[index] = Foo(a: index, b:i, c:123)

for i in 0 ..< thr.len:
  createThread(thr[i], threadFunc, i)



Re: Accessing Mysql on Windows

2019-09-27 Thread Tom
I renamed the program - no effect. And yes, its definitely the 64 bit version 
of the DLL.

So, compiling works, I get a exe file. But when I execute it, it can't find the 
DLL. Are there any parameters I have to add to the compiling process? Or when I 
execute the app?

Re: Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?

2019-09-27 Thread juancarlospaco
Oh, everywhere I read about Boehm it said is a very conservative algo, like 
constantly cleaning, so I was thinking it was slow. 

Re: Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?

2019-09-27 Thread Araq
Actually Nim helps Boehm by telling it about "pointer free" data that doesn't 
have to be scanned. Secondly, the fact that it's conservative scanning over 
lots of little objects where many words are pointers anyway (can be quite 
common in compilers ;-) ) can speed up the scanning process. Winning over Boehm 
isn't so easy on a 64 bit system.

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread juancarlospaco


Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread moigagoo
These 19 MB probably don't include GCC and git and curl and other packages 
necessary to build Nim.

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread kaushalmodi
On Linux, I just run this for deploying Nim at work: 

It results in a meager 19MB install size.

Re: Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?

2019-09-27 Thread Sixte
 , at command line option "newruntime",

I could locate `defineSymbol(conf.symbols, "nimV2")` and `conf.selectedGC = 

So something like nimV2 and gcDestructors seems to exist. However, for this 
purpose, I expected (but failed) to find the new keywords `owned`, `sink` and 
`lent` in the lexer's token list. So, if not there, where are they?

Re: Nim beginners tutorial

2019-09-27 Thread Phillips126
Well done! This was one of the resources I used when learning Nim and I'm happy 
it is continually updated. It's always a struggle when learning a new language 
and all of the tutorials are outdated. Also, very nice PDF - the design is very 
clean and easy to read.

Re: Nim beginners tutorial

2019-09-27 Thread miran
To celebrate the release of Nim v1.0, the tutorial has been updated.

Several typos and errors have been fixed, but the most noticeable improvement 
is in the [PDF 
version]( of 
the tutorial, which is now much nicer to read, and not just an afterthought 
like previously.

If you prefer the web version, it is still at 

Re: object message bus for embedded systems

2019-09-27 Thread dponyatov
Damn, yet again I'm facing with binary parsing requirement. Is looks like there 
is no way is only implement it myself from scratch in Nim, it's a bad 


Re: object message bus for embedded systems

2019-09-27 Thread Araq
> ( don't know detail how memory management is implemented in Nim core

Yeah but I do and that's why I'm pointing out to you it's usually simpler than 
you think.

Re: object message bus for embedded systems

2019-09-27 Thread dponyatov
MQTT gives me much more control than raw socket: authorization, encryption, 
cast groups, pub/sub with different policies (at most one, send for every, 
buffer if offline,..). But the blob stays the same blob. 

Re: object message bus for embedded systems

2019-09-27 Thread dponyatov
blobs also require deserialization, how can I know what object must be created 
every time I see incoming blob?

It requires some binary parser which able to do blob decoding and validating, 
starting from the classical TLV encoding (with first byte/int indicates the 
object type, then length, value, and CRC to check all before object accepted 
into the queue).

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread charlieH
Haha. I was just going to submit the pull request. I think doc and tests can be 
removed as well.

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread moigagoo
Removed `c_code` from the Docker images, which got them **almost three times** 
thinner, from 1.3 GB to 527 MB. Thanks, @charlieH!

Re: Set Literal Problems

2019-09-27 Thread miran
How about something like this:

  MyRange = range[0'u8 .. 15'u8]

var s = {12.MyRange}


Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread charlieH
Doesn't nim requires openssl and pcre as dependency? It seems you didn't 
install them in the dockerfile, or are they already included in the nim source 

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread Araq
> Just to confirm that I can delete the c_code directory and everything will 
> function as normal?

That is correct, yes.

Set Literal Problems

2019-09-27 Thread mrhthepie
Consider this code:

var x: 0..15 = 12
var s: set[0..15] = {12}


The first line defining x works fine. The second line defining s fails with 
this error:

/usercode/in.nim(1, 21) Error: type mismatch: got  but expected 'set[range 0..15(int)]'


After some experimentation it seems like a set literal with bare numeric 
literals inside is always interpreted as a `set[range 0..65535(int)]` unless 
there's some other variable in there to force the typing. ex:

var x: 0..15 = 11
var s: set[0..15] = {x, 12}



Is this a bug/oversight in Nim? Is there a way to specify the type on a set 
literal? Is there a way to create a range number constant? (apart from 
`range[0..15](12)` which is quite ugly.)

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread moigagoo
If you find a way to reduce the installment size, please consider contributing 
to the Docker images at moigagoo/nimage.

Re: 1.0.0 is here

2019-09-27 Thread GordonBGood
@jehan: Thanks for the summary on Boehm; thought the disadvantage might be 
latency, but as you say only a big problem if one does a lot of 

@Araq: If you are impressed with Boehm (other than if latency is a problem) as 
compared to the current default, it must be good and it looks like I'll have to 
try it.

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread charlieH
Just to confirm that I can delete the c_code directory and everything will 
function as normal?

Re: object message bus for embedded systems

2019-09-27 Thread Araq
What's wrong with sending raw bytes over a socket. Nim doesn't stop you from 
using blobs, `addr myseq[0], myseq.len * sizeof(myseq[0])` is your friend. ;-)

Re: Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?

2019-09-27 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
Hm. For one of my projects I did a sinful thing: shared objects between threads 
by pointer. To atone my doings I also set gc mode to 'none'.

Is --newruntime really an option for my doings ?

Re: Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?

2019-09-27 Thread Araq
Boehm is actually often the fastest these days, and it has the best support for 
shared libraries and threading. Its downside is that it's not for realtime.

`--newruntime` is very likely to stay as the much better alternative for 

> Where can I find libbohem.dll for 64 bit windows? I was not able to compile 
> it from source.

They are now included [here](