Re: Can I disable the GC and use "gc:none" or the "new runtime" for only parts of the code?

2019-09-29 Thread komerdoor
I am okay with managing my own memory. I mostly statically allocate, allocate 
on the stack and/or have large memory pools.

Thank you for all those examples. They answer more questions than what I was 
asking for, like alignment and prefetching :D.

My current C code divides work in batches and distributes them over multiple 
worker threads where they are run through kernels as decided by a scheduler 
managing batch dependencies etc. (a -> transform -> b -> transform -> c).

I also have to do several atomic operations for everything to be completely 
lock / wait free, but I already found out how.

Re: Can I disable the GC and use "gc:none" or the "new runtime" for only parts of the code?

2019-09-28 Thread komerdoor
@Araq I see you already answered this question once when I used another 
username I forgot about. Sorry :D

Also Nim seems to prefer that you copy list collection data-structures like seq 
etc. instead of sharing them between threads, but this time I really have to 
share them between multiple worker threads. I want to write the scheduler code 
that guarantees that no worker threads are working on the same batch at the 
same time myself.

Re: Can I disable the GC and use "gc:none" or the "new runtime" for only parts of the code?

2019-09-28 Thread komerdoor
So should I enable Nim's soft realtime GC for everything and then use `ptr` 
where I want to manage memory myself? Is that the default, what should I do to 
use it?

Can I compile using C99 to be able to use the `restrict` keyword with `emit`?

As an example, this is how I implemented one batch processor in C99 that can be 
used by any of the worker threads that picks it up (that is available for work):

void waves_integrate(XRESTRICT(waves_t*) waves) {
  size_t wave_index = 0;
  XRESTRICT(float*) velocities = waves->velocity;
  XRESTRICT(float*) last_heights = waves->last_height;
  XRESTRICT(float*) target_heights = waves->target_height;
  for(wave_index = 0; wave_index < WAVE_COUNT; wave_index++) {

// Load
float velocity = velocities[wave_index];
float last_height = last_heights[wave_index];
float target_height = target_heights[wave_index];

// Transform
float force = (TENSION * (target_height - last_height) - velocity * 

// Store
last_heights[wave_index] = last_height + velocity + force;
velocities[wave_index] = velocity + force;



Here `XRESTRICT` is replaced by the `restrict` keyword that the C compiler 
supports. The `waves_t*` argument is a pointer to one of the batches.

Sorry for the C code, but I just want to know if I can do this in Nim.

Can I disable the GC and use "gc:none" or the "new runtime" for only parts of the code?

2019-09-28 Thread komerdoor
For parts of the code I want to have full control over memory, but for other 
parts I still need a GC. Is this possible?

Basically I want a part to be more like C where I have to manage my own memory 
and do not mind to not use any extra features that require a GC.

I finally want the application to have the following layers:

high level: non-compiled game code for modding using Nim script 
 mid level: compiled game code using garbage-collector low level: data-oriented 
game engine not using a garbage-collector

I've been coming back to Nim multiple times waiting for the moment that I can 
finally switch. I also use several C libraries that I have to create bindings 
for, hopefully that is now easier as well.

Is using Nim as a scripting language still a good idea of would you recommend 
to use Lua there instead?

Re: Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-26 Thread komerdoor
Thanks. I will have a look.

Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-26 Thread komerdoor
I've been away from Nim for about 9 months. Can anyone give me a quick update 
about what happened in this time to help me get back on track?

A summary of the last things I did and my level of understanding Nim at that 

Anything improved, like the better concept system from @zahary? New interesting 
projects / repositories?

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-11 Thread komerdoor
Knoppix 6.2 is from 2009, that is pretty old for something as organic as most 
open-source projects ;)

You should really use a more recent Linux distro release.

P.S. Subscribe to the YT channel Cosmic Soundwaves, it has more of this kind of 

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-11 Thread komerdoor
I think this is because Knoppix is based on Debian Stable which has no official 
Nim package.

Do the following in a terminal to download the package:


And then after running that command do the following to install the downloaded 

`sudo dpkg -i nim*.deb`

>From there on it should be easy. 

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
I already answered that question above. Knoppix is Debian based. Try `sudo 
apt-get install nim` from a terminal.

Also no need to start and end with a greeting everytime ;)

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Yes, at (you may also try the unstable one): 

You may also find other packages there. Just search for them. Sometimes you 
have to download all the dependencies you are missing as well, but `dpkg` will 
tell you what is missing.

If you are using Debian Stable it could be that the Testing or Unstable Nim 
package will not install. In that case you will have to rebuild the "deb" 
package using `dpkg-buildpackage`, hopefully you do not have to do that :D.

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Just try them all (not only libui) and see what you like best. Create a simple 
_hello word_ button. You will also learn that most GUI libraries are not that 
different from each other. May be only some features.

The same counts for different programming languages as well. New paradigms are 
more difficult to learn, but once you know them it is easy to adapt.

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Yes. But for most of them you are actually using and learning the same 
interface as the one you would use when using C, Python etc.

I am not sure if you are new to programming. In modern programming it is best 
to be flexible about learning new libraries. The way all the different GUI 
libraries work are not that different from each other. It is more like learning 
MS Word and Open/LibreOffice Writer.

If you learn how to use a GUI library at a abstract level (the concept behind 
it) it will be easier to adapt that knowledge to other situations (different 
library / language etc.). 

Re: Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
`lim v -> 1` or buffer overflow / out of memory :D

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
You can also use `libui`. A simple cross platform UI library. I found a Nim 
wrapper at (by Araq): 

If you need a UI for use in a game or very interactive application you may try 
out a Immediate Mode Graphical User Interface. Have a look at: 
[]( You need 
to create a wrapper for it using `c2nim`. 

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
I updated my comment above.

If the computer is offline. Download the packages from a computer with an 
internet connection and store them on a USB drive.

In Debian and Ubuntu you can use `apt-get download nim`. Store the downloaded 
files on a USB drive. On the offline computer, after mounting and changing 
directory to the USB drive, you can then do `dpkg -i *.deb` (yes, Debian and 
Ubuntu use another utility called `dpkg` for doing local package management).

Most if not all package managers can install loose package files (deb, rpm 
etc.) from disk as well. It will tell you when it misses a dependency.

A more advanced way, but sometimes used because of security policies is 
creating your own package source (instead of one from the internet). You can 
also mirror an existing online package source on disk and use it offline. In 
debian you can use `apt-mirror` for that.

**Note**: if you install packages you usually need to do it as `root` (like 
Administrator on Windows) or else it will tell you it failed. It is better to 
prepend every command that needs to be `root` with `sudo`. Example.: `sudo 
apt-get install nim`.

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Hello Menno,

To add a directory inside the path you can do `export ${PATH}:/some/directory`. 
Modify `/some/directory` to the directory where the `nim` binary (executable) 

You can also add this line inside the hidden files (every file or dir that has 
a dot . in front) named `.profile` or `.bash_profile` inside your home 
directory so this command is executed automatically the next time you log in.

For most Linux distributions it is not needed to compile everything yourself or 
find packages on the Word Wide Web like you have to do with Windows. Always try 
the official package manager first.

Most package managers support adding extra sources of packages. In Debian they 
call it "sources", in Ubuntu they call it "repositories" and in Gentoo (which I 
use) they call it "overlays". If you cannot find the package you need, first 
look if you can add one of those package sources that contain the package you 
need (make sure the source is official, can be trusted and is stable). After 
you added the package source you should be able to install the package you need.

To install Nim in Ubuntu or Debian you can do `apt-get install nim`.

In case you use a Redhat / Fedora based distribution may be someone else can 
help you with that. It could be that you need to add a package source or still 
have to download and install an RPM package.

Make sure to update your Linux once in a while. 

Re: Using concepts for generic structures

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Tnx. I read the document `generics.txt` before I started using the `concept` 

Somehow I was under the impression concepts could be parameterized for me to 
refer to the contained value. Of course a container type may not even have 
`value` (it could be a function type or have a pair of values [if not a tuple]) 
while still being valid according to what I want.

It would have been nice if I could do `T & T` or `T is Semigroup` because then 
`concept` does not need to know about the structure of contained types.

Emmy looks interesting. It seems to extend the basic number types to be monoids 
under addition and multiplication (which they are). I already created 
`NumberSum`, `NumberProduct`, `LogicalOr` and `LogicalAnd` whose values are 
then under the their respective operation.

I like how Emmy uses `zero` and `id` to denote identity for addition and 
multiplication. In a C library I wrote I called it `sum_identity` and 
`product_identity`. I would like something like `zero`, `one` or `id`, `half`, 
`double` to be standard. 

Re: Using Nimscript as an embedded scripting language?

2016-12-08 Thread komerdoor
I added an example of how I embedded Nimscript in my Nim application at:


Still working (between other things) on the automatic binding generator.

Using concepts for generic structures

2016-12-08 Thread komerdoor
I want to do the following in a generic way:

  Constant[T] = object
value: T

# For testing: 'int' acts as monoid under addition
proc `&`(a: int, b: int): int =
  a + b

proc `$`[T](a: Constant[T]): string =

proc `==`[T](a: Constant[T], b: Constant[T]): bool =
  a.value == b.value

proc `&`[T](a: Constant[T], b: Constant[T]): Constant[T] =
  Constant[T](value: a.value & b.value)

proc identity[T](a: Constant[T]): Constant[T] =
  Constant[T](value: 0) # For testing: forced as identity for 'int' under 

let ca = Constant[int](value: 3)
let cb = Constant[int](value: 6)
let cc = Constant[int](value: 6)

echo("Compare setoid: ", cb == cc)
echo("Identity monoid: ", identity(ca))
echo("Appended semigroup (=9): ", ca & cb)

I tried the following: 

  Setoid[T] = concept a, b
a.value is T
a == b is bool
  Semigroup[T] = concept a, b
a.value is T
a & b is Semigroup[T]
  Monoid[T] = concept a of Semigroup[T]
identity(a) is Monoid[T]
  Constant[T] = object
value: T

# For testing: 'int' acts as monoid under addition
proc `&`(a: int, b: int): int =
  a + b

proc `$`[T](a: Constant[T]): string =

proc `==`(a: Setoid, b: Setoid): bool =
  echo "Compared" # For testing
  a.value == b.value

proc `&`[T](a: Semigroup[T], b: Semigroup[T]): Semigroup[T] =
  Semigroup[T](value: a.value & b.value)

proc identity[T](a: Monoid[T]): Monoid[T] =
  Monoid[T](value: 0) # For testing: forced as identity for 'int' under 

let ca = Constant[int](value: 3)
let cb = Constant[int](value: 6)
let cc = Constant[int](value: 6)

echo("Compare setoid: ", cb == cc)
echo("Identity monoid: ", identity(ca))
echo("Appended semigroup (=9): ", ca & cb)

But can only get the "Compare setoid" to work :( . I am sure I am doing 
something stupid. But what?

Re: Error: illegal capture 'a' -- I have no idea what that means

2016-12-08 Thread komerdoor
**Krux02**: I found the following document earlier today that explains some of 
the internals: 

I also made 
several months ago to test out functional programming in Nim. Had been away 
from Nim for a while so I am not sure if there are better libraries doing that 
now. I could not get it to work without the `pipe` function.

Re: Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C

2016-12-07 Thread komerdoor
I will be happy to share my project as soon as I get the first parts to work.

A long time ago I created a portal renderer. It used recursion and frustums 
that extended from each portal. Something like this:

# Pseudo

proc cellRender(cell, frustum):
  for o in cell.objects:
if frustum.contains(o.bsphere):
  case o.type:
of drawable:
  drawableRender(o, frustum)
of portal:
  cellRender(o.cell, o.frustum)

cellRender(startingCell, camera.frustum)

The same code can be used for each light as well. The portal and camera should 
then test for collision to decide if the observer enters an new cell.

About the conflict. The file `fancygl.nim` imports a regexp module called `nre` 
which is part of the Nim standard library. The module `nre` imports a module 
called `options`, but there are 2 modules called `options` inside the 
searchPath, `compile/options` and `pure/options`. This causes a conflict. I 
assume this is a bug in the master branch version I am using.

Re: Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C

2016-12-06 Thread komerdoor
**Krux02**: I had a look at your opengl-sandbox code and got most of the 
examples to compile. Had to modify the font path and remove the regexp code 
that triggers a conflict between `pure/options` (nice to know Nim has them :) ) 
and `compiler/options`.

Your code really shows the power of what is possible and is not too far from 
what I want to achieve.

Re: Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C

2016-12-06 Thread komerdoor
I did something similar to `array[M, Vec[N,T]` when I wrote my math library in 
C, but somehow it did not occur to me to do the same in Nim.

The reason that I am looking into Nim (again) is because I ran into limits 
creating a compute kernel DSL for C. I want to be able to write formulas (using 
Nim) and output them as OpenCL C, GLSL, SPIR-V using a function or expand them 
to (Nim) code for CPU execution (using scalar or SIMD etc.) using a macro. Nim 
seems to be perfect for this.

Re: Using Nimscript as an embedded scripting language?

2016-12-06 Thread komerdoor
> Read nimble's source code of how to accomplish this.

Thank you. I had a look at the Nimble code and tried some pretty complex things 
already. The only thing I could not get to work are macros, but am really happy 
with what Nimscript can already do.

Some more things I should be aware of? I already know about the FFI limitation.

Re: Using Nimscript as an embedded scripting language?

2016-12-06 Thread komerdoor
Thanks. I had a look at the compiler code and found `scriptconfig.nim`. Still 
figuring out what exactly I should do to integrate it in my Nim application.

Re: Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C

2016-12-05 Thread komerdoor
Thank you, that worked perfectly. I can now finally create and initialize 
objects on the stack. I also just found out that arrays in Nim get initialized 
to zero automatically ;) 

Re: Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C

2016-12-04 Thread komerdoor
> Then when you are on the development branch of nim, error has a second 
> optional argument, that allows you to pass a NimNode, so that positional 
> information from that node gets printed on the cosole whe the error occurs.

I am using that now. Tnx.

Do you by the way know if Nim supports static constructors? I want to do 
something like the following:

# Pseudo
  Matrix[M, N: static[int], T] = object
data: array[M * N, T]

proc newIdentityMatrix[N, T](): Matrix[N, N, T] =
  # fill result with zeroes?
  for row in 0 .. 

Re: Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C

2016-12-04 Thread komerdoor
> Does your own answer mean you already answered the question yourself?

Yes, the second post describes how I solved it.

> instead of this ... you can do this: definition.expectKind(nnkProcDef)

Nice to know this exists, but I want the switch / case / match to generate 
different code depending on the node-kind that is being passed.

> And for the AST generation I really recommend you to use quote do

Never expected there to be a sort of DSL for this. This is really what I 
needed. So it implicitly creates a template and parses it using getAST. It 
feels much more like Lisp now.

Thank you for the advice. 

Re: Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C

2016-12-04 Thread komerdoor
I managed to create a macro that creates a wrapper for functions that have the 
"scriptExport" pragma. It was easier than I expected.

import macros

proc expandFormalParamsForCall(formalParamsNode: NimNode): seq[NimNode] 
{.compileTime.} =
  result = @[]
  for i in 1 ..< formalParamsNode.len:
if formalParamsNode[i].kind == nnkIdentDefs:
  for j in 0 ..< formalParamsNode[i].len - 2:

proc expandFormalParamsForProc(formalParamsNode: NimNode): seq[NimNode] 
{.compileTime.} =
  result = @[]
  for i in 0 ..< formalParamsNode.len:
if formalParamsNode[i].kind == nnkIdent:
if formalParamsNode[i].kind == nnkIdentDefs:
  for j in 0 ..< formalParamsNode[i].len - 2:
formalParamsNode[i][^2], newEmptyNode()))

macro scriptExport(definition: untyped): typed =
  case definition.kind
  of nnkProcDef:
var scriptDefinition = newProc(newIdentNode($ & 
"_script"), expandFormalParamsForProc(
  newCall(!"echo", newStrLitNode($ & "_script called.")),
  newCall(, expandFormalParamsForCall(definition.params))
return newStmtList(definition, scriptDefinition)
error("Only works with procedures for now")

proc sum(x, y: int): int {.noSideEffect,scriptExport.} =
  x + y

echo(sum(1, 2))
echo(sum_script(1, 2))

Still have to do the same for other types etc. as well. From this I can write 
code that will create bindings etc.

Using nimscript as an embedded scripting language?

2016-12-04 Thread komerdoor
Is it possible to use Nimscript as an embedded scripting language instead of 
for example using Lua? And if possible, can I create bindings for my own 
functions and restrict which built-in functions can be called from the 
scripting language?