Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-12 Thread Hendrik
Awesome bit of information thanks rayman! I guess that is understandable for 
Blender to want to try to keep things simple. And yes Python is annoying in the 
sense that you have previous version that is non backwards compatible with each 
other and being slow and bloated. I have high hopes for Nim I wish I could only 
just use it instead of wasting time with other languages.

Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-09 Thread rayman22201
This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Nim and Python are very different languages! 
There is some similarity in the syntax, but that is where it ends. Nim is much 
closer to Ada or Pascal :-P

I looked into adding Nim support to Blender a long time ago. Here is what I 

TLDR; It would be **extremely difficult**

It is a lot of work, and requires extensive knowledge of Nim, C++, and Blender, 
and you won't get a lot of help. It's definitely not a good beginner project.

1\. Blender embeds a full Python fork inside itself. They don't just use your 
system python. They have a custom python that has hooks all over the internal 
C++ code. (It was a big deal for them to migrate from Python 2 to Python3 for 
this reason)

2\. They don't have a published C++ api, and have **explicitly said** that they 
do not plan on publishing any documentation for their C++ api because it 
changes often and they like it that way. (They don't want to support backwards 
compatibility in their external C++ api)

3\. Related to point 2, the Blender programmer community is against adding 
other languages. Go look in their forums. Several people have asked for various 
languages (Lua for example). The answer is always, "it's open source, do what 
you want, but we will not support it in any way or accept any PR's for this"

I want to point out: I don't disagree with the Blender people. Blender is a 
very complicated piece of software, and they only have so much developer 
resources. They don't want to worry about having to maintain several language 
bindings. It's hard enough to maintain "Professional quality CG software".

The other side of the coin, it is technically possible. (Here be dragons.) 
There is a C++ api for Blender. People make C++ addons for Blender all the time.

You could make Nim bindings for the Blender C++ api. Nim is really good at 
binding to C code, but:

  * the api doesn't have good documentation
  * is not officially supported
  * may change with no notice

You will spend a lot of time figuring out how the Blender C++ api works, then 
getting Nim to talk to it, and then making sure it is kept up to date, and you 
probably won't get much help from the Blender people.

Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-08 Thread mikebelanger
> And since Nim and Python are roughly the same

Syntactically, yes Nim and Python are very similar. Admittedly one of the main 
reasons I use Nim is I'm already fluent in Python, and that makes learning Nim 
relatively easy.

That said - Nim and Python differ significantly in terms of their compilation 
targets. Nim is also statically typed, while Python is dynamically typed.

In terms of Blender, the biggest difference I'd see is the REPL experience. 
Part of the reason Python was chosen for Blender was its really mature REPL 
environment - which allows coders/scripters to quickly try out code without 
compiling entire files. Nim does have its own REPL too, but its far less mature 
than Python's.

So while I agree that Nim and Blender are amazing tools - I'm not sure 
combining them would be ideal. Also consider the amount of time/effort involved 
in refactoring Blender to support a new language.

Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-07 Thread Hendrik
hi mike you are not misunderstanding I am just inexperienced and busy learning 
this. My understanding was that blender uses python but I would have thought 
that using Nim in its place would make everything much faster. And since Nim 
and Python are roughly the same it wouldn't be that much of a leap. Especially 
something like Godot that uses gdscript. I must say it is quite amazing time to 
have such amazing tools available in opensource. I hope I can learn it to get 
to a point where I can use all 3 together.

Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-07 Thread mikebelanger
As a long-time Blender user, Nim and Godot fan - I'm unsure what you mean. 
Blender already has a well documented Python API. Godot has Nim bindings, which 
others here have already linked to.

Yes, Python is slow - but it is a scripting language that can be reloaded 
dynamically - which makes it ideal as an embedded language inside of an 
application such as Blender. I'm not sure how Nim would compare in this 
department, or even how it would get embedded in Blender. 

Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-04 Thread juancarlospaco
I tried the Nim Godot bindings and they compiled like >=2 month ago.

Blender uses Python so using it from Nim should be doable with Nimpy. 

Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-04 Thread kidandcat
There are existing bindings (maybe they are outdated)


Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-04 Thread Hendrik
Hey awesome didn't know that about Godot!

I will ask them maybe someone would be interested thanks for the reply.

Re: Godot and Blender

2019-12-03 Thread carterza
Godot already has Nim support via GDNative. If you want Nim support for 
Blender, it would be better to suggest it to the Blender folks. Or you could 
add it yourself.

Godot and Blender

2019-12-03 Thread Hendrik
I want to put forward a suggestion of maybe NIM support for Godot and Blender. 
Both are open source and Blender especially now since 2.8 have jumped in 
potential. Godot is improving by a lot and many people are moving from Unreal 
and Unity to it. The only problem its got is it is slow which I believe NIM can 
remedy. I think it be amazing for both NIM, Godot and Blender to work together 
to create the ultimate free and opensource combination.