Re: What are the compiler defaults? etc...

2019-12-07 Thread SolitudeSF
  * you can see defaults in nim.cfg supplied with the compiler.
  * check styleCheck compiler option.
  * there is no runtime cost.
  * koch tools builds nimble.

Re: What are the compiler defaults? etc...

2019-12-07 Thread Araq
  * Not easy to answer, roughly speaking all runtime checks are active by 
default and you get a debug build.
  * Use the new `--styleCheck:error` compiler option.
  * Imports have no runtime cost and Nim optimizes procs out that you don't use.
  * Here is the section of koch.nim

of "tools":
buildNimble(latest, op.cmdLineRest)


as you can see, "koch tools" does bulid Nimble.

> What I'm looking for is a language as convenient and fast to develop with as 
> Python but with static typing, easy deployment (single executable), and 
> C-speed runtime. Which is why I'm trying nim again.

Sounds like a good description of Nim for me. 

What are the compiler defaults? etc...

2019-12-07 Thread marks
  * In 
[]( it 
shows all the compiler options, but it doesn't seem to show the defaults. How 
can I find out what they are?
  * Is there a pragma that would force names to be fixed? For example, if I do 
_import mod_ and get **afunc** in my namespace, what I also get in effect is 
**aFUNC** , **aFunc** , etc., whereas I'd prefer just one. (I realise this is 
unlikely to be available or even possible.)
  * Is there any _runtime_ cost in doing _import mod_ compared with _from mod 
import foo, bar_? Is _import mod_ recommended rather than _from mod import ..._?
  * On Windows I used the prebuilt .zip but on Linux I built it myself. I think 
it might be worth adding to the instructions to run _. /koch nimble_ since _. 
/koch tools_ doesn't seem to build nimble.
  * Incidentally I tried nim a couple of years ago and gave up mainly because I 
couldn't get it to reliably install on Windows. Now I've installed on Linux and 
Windows and _finish.exe_ works fine. It gave an error when it came to fetch 
mingw but instead of giving up it offered to get it from nim's site and when I 
said yes it "just worked". What I'm looking for is a language as convenient and 
fast to develop with as Python but with static typing, easy deployment (single 
executable), and C-speed runtime. Which is why I'm trying nim again.