Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA? (Was: Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?)

2010-01-28 Thread bergman

In the message dated: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 20:53:46 EST,
The pithy ruminations from Ken Hornstein on 
Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA? (Was: Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?) were
= Have we not beaten this subject into the ground yet?
= Here's where we differ. For me, it's easier to configure sendmail, so that
= the nmh configuration remains the same in any network environment.
= Alright ... so, my answer to this is: So what?
= Yes, it's easier for _you_.  Great.  But that doesn't translate to easier
= for _everyone_.  We've already seen numerous examples of people providing

I never said that my was was easier for everyone...hence the use of the wording 
For me...
I was simply offering a counter-example to a use case that you proposed as an 

= legitmate reasons for using the SMTP MTS.  The SMTP MTS is not a new
= feature in nmh; it's been there forever.  Clearly people thought it was

Right. Been there forever, with little maintenance (as evidenced by all the 
calls for TLS support). Building more MTA features into nmh is kind of like an 
arms race...without on-going maintenance to keep up with the requirements being 
introduced by ISPs, corporate environments, etc., nmh will often be unable to 
send mail.

On the other hand, dedicated MTA tools are under faster development cycles, and 
can be used in more environments.

= useful, even a bazillion years ago.  Both MTS's will continue to be

I'd argue that the MTA within nmh was more useful a bazillion years ago, when 
Vaxen roamed the earth and when there were fewer mail/authentication/security/
transport protocols.

= supported for the foreseeable future.  Anyone is free to configure nmh
= however they want to meet their needs.  What, exactly, is the problem here?

Configuring nmh isn't the problem. If TLS support existed, it still wouldn't be 
a problem.

The problem, as I see it, is limited resources for maintaining and enhancing 
nmh, as evidenced by the slow pace of development. The question that's being 
posed is where it is best to spend those limited resources. I suggest that 
adding MTA functions into nmh which already exist in external tools that can 
easily be used by nmh is not a good use of resources. You obviously disagree.

= And as for it being _easier_ ... well, literally, configuring the SMTP
= MTS is as simple as placing this in your .mh_profile:
= send:-server -port your.mail.port here

Yes...if nmh supports the protocol...which seems to be in question.

= There's already
= extensive support in popular MTAs (sendmail, postfix, etc.) for multiple
= delivery mechanisms (TLS, POP-before-SMTP, SMTP AUTH, MSA, etc), so
= this doesn't need to be duplicated in nmh. I prefer to let the MTA accept 
= from nmh and then do the external transfer for me.
= This is a bit disingenuous; of the things you list, only one (TLS)

Perhaps a bit sloppy on my part, but not disingenuous. I wasn't attempting to 
give a comprehensive list of mail protocols, nor did I ever say that nmh did 
not support those protocols. I was simply listing things off the top of my head 
to illustrate that there are many protocols, and that external MTAs offer more 

= is not supported by nmh.  And honestly ... POP-before-SMTP?  It's
= not like you need to do anything to your client to support that.
= I also take objection to your subject line.  This has been hashed

Why not take your objections right out the door.

The amount of discussion makes it clear that this is still a point of interest.

= out extensively on this list; when using the SMTP MTS, nmh is _not_
= acting as a MTA, it is not looking up MX records and performing
= final delivery.  It is, in fact, acting like the large majority of

I'm not going to spend half my day reading RFCs to see just how MTA is
defined. The post manual page has references to both delivering mail directly,
and to interacting with a local MTS (sendmail is given as an example).
To me, it walks like an MTA and talks like an MTA.

If you don't want nmh to act as an MTA, then why do you want to extend it's 
MTA-functions, instead of having it interact with a real MTA (the intention of
post(8), as I read it)?

It sounds like you want some of the features of an MTA (in this case, TLS), but
not a full implementation. I can see why some people want that, and why the
limited scope looks like it's consistent with the original [n]mh design in
providing some transport functions. However, the original design came at a time
when there were fewer SMTP options, and relied on tools outside nmh (ie.,
post(8) didn't have a uucp client). Does it make sense to put resources into
providing functions that have already been implemented--and are being
maintained--in MTAs that nmh is designed to interact with?

= MUAs today (certainly any graphical email client) and using the
= SMTP protocol to submit email into the email system.  This is a
= recognized and standardized method

Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA? (Was: Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?)

2010-01-28 Thread Ken Hornstein
The problem, as I see it, is limited resources for maintaining and enhancing 
nmh, as evidenced by the slow pace of development. The question that's being 
posed is where it is best to spend those limited resources. I suggest that 
adding MTA functions into nmh which already exist in external tools that can 
easily be used by nmh is not a good use of resources. You obviously disagree.

Well, here's the thing about open source projects that are done by
volunteers ... resources can't exactly be shuffled around to different

Why does nmh have SASL support?  Because I needed, and I wrote the
code.  Why does nmh _not_ have TLS support?  Because no one has written
the code (in more cynical moments, I might say, Because I _didn't_
need it).  Note that anyone is free to _write_ the code, and it's not
clear to me that it's really all that hard ... but it hasn't happened
yet.  It's not like people working on TLS are somehow stealing
programming time away from improving nmh in other ways ... people are
free to improve nmh in whatever ways they see fit.  Or not, as the
case may be.

I'm not going to spend half my day reading RFCs to see just how MTA is
defined. The post manual page has references to both delivering mail 
and to interacting with a local MTS (sendmail is given as an example).
To me, it walks like an MTA and talks like an MTA.

Well, I'm sorry ... if you don't understand exactly _what_ am MTA is, then
how do you expect to participate in a discussion about them?  I mean, you're
the one who changed the subject line!  And you should read the post(8)
man page more carefully ... nowhere does it say that mail is delivered
directly.  All it mentions is a few extra configuration options available
when using the SMTP MTS (note: MTS is purely nmh termology).

Let me ask you this: do you consider Thunderbird to be an MTA?  KMail?
Sylpheed?  If the answer to these questions is yes, then I would suggest
that you try to understand exactly what an MTA is and is not.

If the answer to these questions is no, then it's worth pointing out
that nmh is doing the _exact same thing_ that these MUAs are doing
in regards to SMTP message submission.

It sounds like you want some of the features of an MTA (in this case, TLS), but
not a full implementation.

TLS is not a feature of an MTA.  It is a feature of the SMTP protocol, which
is implemented by both MUAs and MTAs.  We already support SMTP AUTH (in
fact, we support it better than most gateway programs people have listed
here; TLS would merely be an additional SMTP protocol extension).


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA? (Was: Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?)

2010-01-28 Thread Sean Kamath
Ken Hornstein wrote:
 I'm not going to spend half my day reading RFCs to see just how MTA is
 defined. [...]
 Well, I'm sorry ... if you don't understand exactly _what_ am MTA is, then
 how do you expect to participate in a discussion about them?  I mean, you're
 the one who changed the subject line!  And you should read the post(8)
 man page more carefully ... nowhere does it say that mail is delivered
 directly.  All it mentions is a few extra configuration options available
 when using the SMTP MTS (note: MTS is purely nmh termology).

Let me help, for those who fear RFCs:

I direct your attention to the Functionality and configuration
section.  In summary:

A Mail User Agent (MUA) retrieves mail from a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)

A Mail User Agent (MUA) formats mail for display, and allows editing of
new messages.

A Mail User Agent (MUA) submites messages to an MSA or MTA.

I am befuddled how anyone would want to limit the how on any of these
actions, beyond technical capabilities/support issues.  Enforcing a
*local* MSA is insane; an MUA should be able to contact as many MSA/MTAs
as technically feasible.  And I don't think it is beyond the scope of
the Unix philosophy.  Do one thing and do it well doesn't mean do that
one thing only one way. Sure, 'show' shows plain text and HTML messages.
 You could argue it does two things.  Or more.  Based on plugins.  So
why don't we have a plugin/module that talks to an MSA with TLS?

And it is very much accepted that TLS is a *STANDARD* way of delivering
mail, even to a MSA running on a local box.

Frankly, it sounds like there's disagreement about the support issues.

My $0.02.


Sent from the 1st Circle

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA? (Was: Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?)

2010-01-28 Thread Ken Hornstein
I think the difficulty may depending on the TLS library to use.
When I looked at years ago wrt openssl, it appeared to me that the
work require rewriting I/O stuff in nmh.  Of course, I was not an
expert at the time, but I did not see a quick fix to the problem.

Recently (post-1.3) I made a bunch of changes to the SMTP network
code; part of that was running the I/O though the SASL
encryption/decryption routines.  Shouldn't be too bad to call
openssl_whatever() instead of sasl_encode().  Obviously there will
have to be some initial negotiation as well), but anyway, my point
is some of that work should already be done.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-27 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

i know there have been a couple of fuse attempts at imap
integration -- i don't recall how far they've gotten.  if it
weren't for possibly already having been done, i'd think that
would be an almost ideal summer-of-code project, since it would
be a somewhat stand-alone project, and something with pretty
well-understood requirements.   and there wouldn't be a lot
of code archaeology needed to implement it, unlike some other
possible projects.

A good IMAP client isn't something you're going to write in a few months, 
and certainly not by a student with no prior IMAP implementation 
experience.. IMAP has a lot of subtle behaviours that make writing *good* 
clients difficult until you've had a non-trivial amount of experience 
actually implementing the protocol. At one company I worked at we went 
through three complete ground-up redesigns of our IMAP server over three 
years before we came up with something we were happy with.

A FUSE based imapfs isn't a suitable candidate for a GSOC project.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-27 Thread Michael Richardson

 Lyndon == Lyndon Nerenberg writes:
Lyndon A good IMAP client isn't something you're going to write in
Lyndon a few months, and certainly not by a student with no prior
Lyndon IMAP implementation experience.. IMAP has a lot of subtle
Lyndon behaviours that make writing *good* clients difficult until
Lyndon you've had a non-trivial amount of experience actually
Lyndon implementing the protocol. At one company I worked at we
Lyndon went through three complete ground-up redesigns of our IMAP
Lyndon server over three years before we came up with something we
Lyndon were happy with.

Is a single threaded IMAP *CLIENT* really as complex as the server side?

]   He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!   |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON|net architect[
] |device driver[
   Kyoto Plus: watch the video
   then sign the petition. 

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-27 Thread markus schnalke
Thanks for the many responses and active discussion.

I agree that MIME support should be improved. For people in
non-English speaking Countries, like me, bad MIME handling is a big
argument against nmh. But also the point of how to handle attachments
in replies should be worked on.

Also, threading is a main point. This must fit into the existing

Hooks (or scripting support) might be a good point too. I can't decide
for me yet. At least, one should give it a try.

TLS seems to be already solved. However, why does nmh need TLS?
Doesn't it delegate mail transfer to an MTA?

IMAP is surely of interest. But I think this should not be the job of
nmh, but of a FUSE layer below, as some already said. There might not
be the danger of too many storage backends, but conceptional, such
stuff does not belong into a MUA. (Because I don't use IMAP, this
would probably not be a good job for me.)

Lyndon said that nmh does not need someone like me to work on it.
Don't get me wrong, I surely don't want to add lots of features. I
don't want to break stuff. I don't think nmh should be changed. In
contrast, I think nmh is great like it is, but there are always things
to work on. This shall be work to support nmh, not to change it or to
blow it up. Nmh bases on the Unix Philosophy -- I am convinced that
this is the right way to design good software.

The development on nmh slowed down much, but nmh is not dead. There
might be few users, but the idea behind nmh is great ... and nmh is
the only MUA to follow this idea. That alone is reason enough.

I see a big chance for nmh in gsoc. Why not go for it?

Appying under NetBSD's umbrella is surely a good way to go. Being an
own mentor organization might make it more difficult to get accepted.
But why not, if there is someone who cares for a good application? In
any case, you have to provide descriptions, a roadmap, a goal, a
vision and similar stuff. Maybe someone has experience.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-27 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Wed, 27 Jan 2010 23:21:10 +0100, markus schnalke said:
 TLS seems to be already solved. However, why does nmh need TLS?
 Doesn't it delegate mail transfer to an MTA?

You may need it to talk to a remote MTA that insists on doing TLS.  And
there's valid use cases for it.

Half the time my laptop is at home, so letting my local sendmail do the
delivery isn't workable, lot of sites whinge at the fact that it's a cablemodem
address. So if I want my mail delivered, my easiest is to forward through the
MTA here at work.  And it was easier to just tell nmh to forward rather than
have it point at the local sendmail and reconfig that to forward.

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Nmh-workers mailing list

should nmh be an MTA or an MUA? (Was: Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?)

2010-01-27 Thread bergman

In the message dated: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 18:01:26 EST,
The pithy ruminations from on 
Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc? were:

= On Wed, 27 Jan 2010 23:21:10 +0100, markus schnalke said:
=  TLS seems to be already solved. However, why does nmh need TLS?
=  Doesn't it delegate mail transfer to an MTA?

Personally, I agree.

= You may need it to talk to a remote MTA that insists on doing TLS.  And
= there's valid use cases for it.
= Half the time my laptop is at home, so letting my local sendmail do the
= delivery isn't workable, lot of sites whinge at the fact that it's a 

I'm in the same positionmy laptop is the primary machine, and it's often on 
different networks, with varying outbound filtering.

= address. So if I want my mail delivered, my easiest is to forward through the
= MTA here at work.  And it was easier to just tell nmh to forward rather than
= have it point at the local sendmail and reconfig that to forward.

Here's where we differ. For me, it's easier to configure sendmail, so that the
nmh configuration remains the same in any network environment. There's already
extensive support in popular MTAs (sendmail, postfix, etc.) for multiple
delivery mechanisms (TLS, POP-before-SMTP, SMTP AUTH, MSA, etc), so
this doesn't need to be duplicated in nmh. I prefer to let the MTA accept mail
from nmh and then do the external transfer for me.

Another advantage with this method is that it works with any process on my
machine that wants to send mail (ie., log file monitor, the SteelVine software
that monitors the health of my attached RAID array, calendar program that sends 
monthly reminders, etc.).


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: should nmh be an MTA or an MUA? (Was: Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?)

2010-01-27 Thread Ken Hornstein
Have we not beaten this subject into the ground yet?

Here's where we differ. For me, it's easier to configure sendmail, so that
the nmh configuration remains the same in any network environment.

Alright ... so, my answer to this is: So what?

Yes, it's easier for _you_.  Great.  But that doesn't translate to easier
for _everyone_.  We've already seen numerous examples of people providing
legitmate reasons for using the SMTP MTS.  The SMTP MTS is not a new
feature in nmh; it's been there forever.  Clearly people thought it was
useful, even a bazillion years ago.  Both MTS's will continue to be
supported for the foreseeable future.  Anyone is free to configure nmh
however they want to meet their needs.  What, exactly, is the problem here?

And as for it being _easier_ ... well, literally, configuring the SMTP
MTS is as simple as placing this in your .mh_profile:

send:   -server -port your.mail.port here

There's already
extensive support in popular MTAs (sendmail, postfix, etc.) for multiple
delivery mechanisms (TLS, POP-before-SMTP, SMTP AUTH, MSA, etc), so
this doesn't need to be duplicated in nmh. I prefer to let the MTA accept mail
from nmh and then do the external transfer for me.

This is a bit disingenuous; of the things you list, only one (TLS)
is not supported by nmh.  And honestly ... POP-before-SMTP?  It's
not like you need to do anything to your client to support that.

I also take objection to your subject line.  This has been hashed
out extensively on this list; when using the SMTP MTS, nmh is _not_
acting as a MTA, it is not looking up MX records and performing
final delivery.  It is, in fact, acting like the large majority of
MUAs today (certainly any graphical email client) and using the
SMTP protocol to submit email into the email system.  This is a
recognized and standardized method of injecting email into the
network, and there is absolutely no reason for nmh to not support it.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-27 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

Lyndon said that nmh does not need someone like me to work on it.

Well, he's just ONE guy.

Ya, but I'll still take you all on!!! :-)


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-27 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

Is a single threaded IMAP *CLIENT* really as complex as the server side?

No. It's about ten times *more* complex than the server side.

Most so-called IMAP clients are really POP clients that know how to switch 


Nmh-workers mailing list

FUSEd IMAP Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-27 Thread Jerrad Pierce
It's not necessary to write an entire IMAP implementation from scratch,
there are a few possible codebases to work with.

List member David Keijser wrote of his attempt in Python this October:

And there's also:  -- Java, perhaps based on... -- Older Java

The idea's also been around for some time, probably as long as FUSE:
Free map of local environmental resources:
MOTD on Pungenday, the 28th of Chaos, in the YOLD 3176:
Save the environment, use styrofoam oranges. --JP

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-26 Thread Ken Hornstein
A big advantage of nmh's code stability is that it provides
a natural place to stop.  Should we consider starting with a
clean slate?  An extensible architecture and modern language
would make enhancements and maintenance much easier.  And
safer, e.g., nmh still uses mktemp because replacement is
just too painful.

Here is my $0.02 on that topic.

I have no objection to anyone doing that.  If people want to do that, hey,
more power to them!  It's not like I have it in my power to stop a group
of people from doing that, even if I wanted to.

But ... I'm not going to participate in that myself.

I can't speak for anyone else, but my undergraduate days when I could
spend weeks programming on a project just for fun are long gone.  I've
got a full-time job, a mortgage, a kid ... and I barely have enough time
to balance my checkbook, much less do programming for _fun_.  When
I work on nmh, I have to give up something else, like watching TV or
a movie with my family, exercise, or sleep (for the record, all of my
significant programming work on nmh has been as part of larger projects
at work).

When I think about the amount of work involved in starting a nmh
replacement from scratch ... well, it's just exhausting thinking about
it.  And I have to be blunt here ... while there are plenty of people
who have good _ideas_ about nmh, what we seem to lack is an abundance
of people who have the time and/or knowledge to _implement_ those ideas.
Sure, we can talk about Grand New Ideas for New NEW MH until we're
blue in the face ... but who's going to write that code?

Me, I know that while it may be a hack, it will take less _time_
to change nmh to make it do what I want ... and time is what's really
in short supply for me.

And for the people who think nmh has reached the pinnacle of software
development ... well, let me ask you: Why do you care what happens
with nmh?  You can still download MH 6.8.3, and every version of nmh
ever released.  If you think nmh 1.3 is perfect, well, if someone adds
IMAP support, a native Java interpreter, or three copies of Emacs to
nmh ... so what?  The perfect nmh version 1.3 (or whatever) will still
exist for people to use; I don't see anyone suggesting that we purge
the Internet of all of the old ancient copies of nmh.

Of course, it won't be easy to reach consensus on what
should and should not be in it, what language, whether or
not to use middleware, etc.  But going through that process
should give the gsoc student more exposure to real-world
software development scenarios.

A giant pile of ancient, poorly-documented legacy code?  A cranky and
brittle userbase?  Sounds like the most real-world software development
scenario imaginable! :-)


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-26 Thread Paul Fox
david wrote:
  A big advantage of nmh's code stability is that it provides
  a natural place to stop.  Should we consider starting with a
  clean slate?  An extensible architecture and modern language
  would make enhancements and maintenance much easier.  And
  safer, e.g., nmh still uses mktemp because replacement is
  just too painful.
  Of course, it won't be easy to reach consensus on what
  should and should not be in it, what language, whether or
  not to use middleware, etc.  But going through that process
  should give the gsoc student more exposure to real-world
  software development scenarios.

it would also pretty much guarantee the gsoc student about 10
summers worth of work.  :-)

i know there have been a couple of fuse attempts at imap
integration -- i don't recall how far they've gotten.  if it
weren't for possibly already having been done, i'd think that
would be an almost ideal summer-of-code project, since it would
be a somewhat stand-alone project, and something with pretty
well-understood requirements.   and there wouldn't be a lot
of code archaeology needed to implement it, unlike some other
possible projects.

 paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 41.2 degrees)

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-25 Thread Ken Hornstein
Have you thought about applying for Google Summer of Code 2010?

If you do, I am interessted in working on an nmh task.

We have not ... but that might be worth doing, actually.  I see one big
hurdle - nmh doesn't really have a mentoring organization so to speak.
If someone wants to set that up, then that would be cool ... but it's not
something I'm personally interested in doing.  Alternatively, we could
glom onto another mentoring organization.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-25 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg
Why? nmh doesn't need any new features, and the code is stable and 

The best indicator that a chunk of code is mature is when it hasn't been 
touched for five years. It ain't broke, so leave it alone.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-25 Thread bergman

In the message dated: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 13:37:15 EST,
The pithy ruminations from Ken Hornstein on 
Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc? were:
= Why? nmh doesn't need any new features, and the code is stable and 
= portable.
= The best indicator that a chunk of code is mature is when it hasn't been 
= touched for five years. It ain't broke, so leave it alone.
= Uuuhhh ... yeah, okay.  That is certainly ONE possible interpretation.
= Another possible (and much more likely) interpretation: no one uses nmh
= very much anymore, so no one cares about fixing/improving it.  I don't
= know about you, but when I go to look at a software package and I see
= the last new release was 5 years ago, my first thought isn't, Oh, it's
= perfect!  That's why they stopped developing it!; it's Oh, I guess
= that project is dead.

= Here are some pie-in-the-sky things I would like:

I'll add my wish-list:

+ minor bug fixes (for example, the NAMESZ limit that affects
scan listings)

+ improved MIME handling, particularly for replies

+ improved attachment handling (supression(?)
of replies to messages with attachments)

+ threading. I do some threading with exmh, but that's kind of a hack.
One idea would be to present threads through ordered sequence
lists, rather than by re-numbering each message. This would
multiple sorted views of a folder (ie., sorted by date, subject,
sender, threaded, etc.) without the overhead of renumbering

+ masquerading: we've probably all got multiple email accounts ($WORK,
personal, gmail, etc.). I like to use [ex|n]mh as a single
interface, but I want composed mail and replies to reflect
different accounts (identities) correctly. I've written a
wrapper to repl for this, but that functionality should
probably be within nmh, so that the actions that arise from
selecting a persona are available to all programs that send
mail (repl, comp, forw). For example, selecting a persona may
alter some or all of:

From: address, Reply-To: address, Fcc folder, X-*
headers, signature lines, quoting style, even different
SMTP server[s]

The very brevity of my wish lists reflects the mature level of the nmh 
code...or just my personal ossification. :)



Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-25 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

know about you, but when I go to look at a software package and I see
the last new release was 5 years ago, my first thought isn't, Oh, it's
perfect!  That's why they stopped developing it!; it's Oh, I guess
that project is dead.

I know. It's referred to as Slashdot syndrome.

On an daily basis I'm using large swathes of code that haven't been 
touched in years, or even a decade. They stopped developing it because it 
works. Even five or ten years later. But today everybody wants to be a 
'cool open software developer' which leads to insanity like Linux's 
cat(1). (I'm not accusing anyone here of being that way; my point is 
that's become a general malaise in today's software community.)

- TLS support

That one I'll give you.

- IMAP support (I am not interested in arguing about whether or not this is
 a good idea, breaks the MH model, or other such nonsense - the
 undeniable truth is that there are people who are interested in it).

I have wrestled with this one for years. By adding a VOP-like interface to 
the message store you could have two storage backends -- the native file 
store, and IMAP. But the pile-on will start immediately, and in no time 
we're dragging around 15 different storage backends, each with their own 
little quirks that need little tweaks to various MH commands, leading to 
the inevitable mess of conditional code, and the complete loss of the 
elegance and symmetry of what's there now.

IMAP support is better handled completely outside of MH. With the advent 
of FUSE, the way to do this is to build an IMAP client that exports an 
MH-style file tree via FUSE. Then all you need to do is 'export 
MAILDROP=/mnt/imapfs' and everything just works. (Absent FUSE you can 
use loopback NFS mounts.)

- Some sort of embeddedable language support for components files

I'd rather see hooks in the component files that make it easy to invoke 
external commands. It's much more in spirit of the scriptability of MH. 
Execing things has higher overhead than an embedded language, but I doubt 
it would really be that noticeable. And I would certainly trade off the 
overhead of the exec() vs. the overhead of the additional code complexity 
that comes with embedded languages. And there would be more than one -- 
just like multiple message stores, if you open the door the flood *will* 


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-25 Thread Peter Galbraith wrote:

 I'll add my wish-list:
   + minor bug fixes (for example, the NAMESZ limit that affects
   scan listings)
   + improved MIME handling, particularly for replies
   + improved attachment handling (supression(?)
   of replies to messages with attachments)
   + threading. I do some threading with exmh, but that's kind of a hack.
   One idea would be to present threads through ordered sequence
   lists, rather than by re-numbering each message. This would
   multiple sorted views of a folder (ie., sorted by date, subject,
   sender, threaded, etc.) without the overhead of renumbering
   + masquerading: we've probably all got multiple email accounts ($WORK,
   personal, gmail, etc.). I like to use [ex|n]mh as a single
   interface, but I want composed mail and replies to reflect
   different accounts (identities) correctly. I've written a
   wrapper to repl for this, but that functionality should
   probably be within nmh, so that the actions that arise from
   selecting a persona are available to all programs that send
   mail (repl, comp, forw). For example, selecting a persona may
   alter some or all of:
   From: address, Reply-To: address, Fcc folder, X-*
   headers, signature lines, quoting style, even different
   SMTP server[s]

It would be great to have these in nmh. Just FYI, in the meantime, MH-E
(a Emacs-based nmh frontend) does MIME handling (althought character
encoding in headers isn't great yet because it gets them from nmh),
threading, and masquerading.  Dealing with attachments of replies is


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-25 Thread Ken Hornstein
On an daily basis I'm using large swathes of code that haven't been 
touched in years, or even a decade. They stopped developing it because it 
works. Even five or ten years later.

I've seen this in some cases ... but many times it's rather special-purpose
code.  I don't see it that much in what I would call system utilities,
because those depend on features supplied by the operating system, and
those DO move (hardware changes, operating system bugs force upgrades, et
cetera).  You want to have some fun?  Try compiling the original MH on
a modern operating system.

I have wrestled with this one for years. By adding a VOP-like interface to 
the message store you could have two storage backends -- the native file 
store, and IMAP. But the pile-on will start immediately, and in no time 
we're dragging around 15 different storage backends, each with their own 
little quirks that need little tweaks to various MH commands, leading to 
the inevitable mess of conditional code, and the complete loss of the 
elegance and symmetry of what's there now.

Do you honestly think that if someone writes an IMAP message store,
there will be a pile on of additional message stores?  I CANNOT see
that happening.  We do not have an active developer community; that is
simply a fact.  Most of the code is contributed by a half-dozen
people, and is mostly driven by their needs.  I cannot see those people
each writing their own message store; to suggest otherwise is simply
crazy.  Notice that everyone who posted their wishlist included better
MIME handling for replies in nmh; has this code been written?  Nope.

To return to the original point - I would be willing to ask the NetBSD
Foundation (I'm a NetBSD developer) if they would be willing to be a
sponsor organization for nmh, and do the leg work to make that happen.
This means that they would get a small cut of the Google SoC stipend.
If someone else wants to do the leg work for nmh directly (and get
the stipend cut), then I have no objection.  Last year the mentoring
organization for Google SoC projects received $500; I think anyone
doing the SoC legwork for nmh deserves that money.


Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-25 Thread Michael Richardson

1) could act as a mentoring organization.

2) THINGS needed in my mind:
   a) better MIME
   b) IMAP support. (I know various people have figured out how
to do this with fuse, but I think it's far from
stable, and maybe it could be better integrated)

   c) outgoing SMTP/SUBMIT authentication support, TLS
   d) some kind of vCard interface for exmh, mh-e.  
   e) some updates to debian/redhat packaging
(those organizations might want to co-mentor)
   f) some way to interface and/or share address book info from
thunderbird/gmail/etc. and nmh/mh-e/bbdb/exmh.
A standard address book API for POSIX would be cool here.
   g) unit testing and refactoring.

(I haven't used exmh for ten+ years, mind you, since I started using mh-e)

Nmh-workers mailing list

Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh @ gsoc?

2010-01-25 Thread Ken Hornstein
   c) outgoing SMTP/SUBMIT authentication support, TLS

Done!  (Except for the TLS part, though).  nmh has had this for
years, via Cyrus-SASL.  Also supports encryption if the SASL mechanism
supports it.


Nmh-workers mailing list