Re: [NTG-context] beginners manual

2005-11-26 Thread David Arnold

Hans, Taco, et al,

It's time for me to wax philosophic on the beginner's manual. I've  
read a few posts to this list, and tried to think back to my  
experience, and looked at my troubles now, but I haven't reread the  
beginner's manual as yet. That I will do in the upcoming weeks.

My first thought is this: In my opinion, the beginner's manual  
remains one of very best sources for Context.

My second thought is the fact that this is a beginner's manual in  
every sense of the word. That is, you need to be very careful with  
what goes into the manual. Truly, a guiding principle should be: What  
does a beginner need to see? Think of a user who is beginning with a  
blank slate, or alternatively, think of a user who's been gone for a  
while (I've qualified for this category on several occasions and  
revisiting the beginner's manual has always been helpful). What does  
this user need to see? And what does this user need to be protected  

First and foremost, you've got to make sure that users on different  
platforms have a good install of Context. This could be a set of  
appendices: Appendix A -- Installation on Windows, Appendix B --  
Installation on Linux, Appendix C -- Installation on Mac OS. Again,  
users could be very helpful in testing these instructions. This is a  
beginner's manual, so it would be helpful if these instructions  
were of the Quick Start variety, as involved instructions will only  
serve to frustrate the beginner. Of course, these instructions should  
include a  Hello, World! example in order to test for a valid  

Whenever I teach a new concept in mathematics, I'm faced with a  
choice of two directions. I can start with the concept, then give  
examples. Or I can do some examples, then discuss the abstraction at  
a higher level. I am constantly forgetting that the second method is  
usually a better choice for my students. For example, suppose that I  
want to show that any multiple of an eigenvector is again an  
eigenvector of a given matrix. I can first prove it in the abstract (A 
(cx)=c(Ax)=c(lx)=l(cx)), then give examples. Alternatively, I can put  
a little 2x2 matrix on the board, find the eigenvectors, then  
demonstrate that multiples of the eigenvectors are again  
eigenvectors. Once the students have the idea, then I can put up the  
abstraction of the general proof. A reference manual is an example of  
the first method, a beginner's manual should follow the second  
method. It's easier, in my opinion, to learn by example, to learn by  

Topics should be included or excluded based on a guiding principle:  
What does a beginner need to know to get started? It will be tempting  
to include using a different font, or talk about interactive  
documents, etc, but these are advanced topics, which belong in  
separate manuals where space and time will do them justice. Indeed,  
what is truly needed is a separate beginner's manual on interactive  

Layout really threw me for a loss the first time (and times  
thereafter) I went through the beginner's manual. I was confronted  
with terms (cutspace, backspace) that might be familiar to  
typographers, but I had no clue what they meant. I can remember  
spending countless hours tweaking layout parameters, printing, then  
measuring with a ruler, only to scratch my head when I did not get  
predicted results. To this day, I am still not completely sure what I  
am doing in this area. I think what is needed in the beginner's  
manual is an image similar to Patrick's \ShowLayout result from his t- 
layout module. Secondly, it would be time well spent to build an  
improved \showframe command. Perhaps this even exists, but I am not  
aware of it. It needs to provide accurate measurements, even when  
printed and the rulers come out. Perhaps if a user included the  
\showframe command, a trigger of some sort could change the size of  
the paper that the document is typeset on, with an outline of the  
actual paper size, and the edges, margins, headers, etc, all framed  
and in view, even if they lie outside the actual paper outline.

List users can help to make sure that the manual is free of errors.  
If something doesn't work, this is much more upsetting to a beginner  
than a seasoned user. A seasoned user might say oh, that's just a  
typo, do this, but a beginner has an entirely different reaction on  
an entirely different emotional level.

Troubleshooting should get some time in the beginner's manual. People  
coming from a Word environment are not going to understand what is  
going on when a compilation halts. Seasoned TeX users know about  
typing h, x, s, e, etc, but people who've never seen TeX before are  
going to freak out. So, some time should be spent on troubleshooting.  
Or, a conscious decision has to be made: Will we assume that all  
beginners in Context have TeX experience?

So, I advise, stick to the basics. Get the user started. Ask yourself

Re: [NTG-context] beginners manual

2005-11-25 Thread Wolfgang Zillig

Maurice Diamantini (dom) schrieb:

Le 23 nov. 05 à 21:15, Mojca Miklavec a écrit :

What could be added:
- Tables: Natural tables (already mentioned by Taco). I just realized
  that this is the only manual where the usual tables are actually
  explained. I was looking for the explanation in cont-eni before.
- Bibliography
- Slides: some basic example with \usemodule[pre-whatever] to show the
  user that making slides is no more difficult than making an A4
- Metafun: some basic examples and a reference to the manual
- XML: a basic example

I agree with the above.
And for people comming from LaTeX, it would be nice to see also :
- a basic exemple for creating html from ConTeXt,

I would argument that it is easyer to create ConTeXt from a propper 
XML/XHTML source! But as it is the beginner manual a reference to the 
XML manual should be enough.

- some mathematics

not really a big problem, but you have the choice also to use MathML.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: Getting texfont to do batch installs on gwTeX (was Re: [NTG-context] Palatino)

2005-11-25 Thread David Arnold
de  texnansi-urw-palatino.tex
junk.m  texnansi-urw-zapfchan.tex
memoize.m   type-tmf.dat~
011-101:~/tmp davidarnold$

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods
Mathematics Department
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 476-4222

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] beginners manual (xml input versus html output)

2005-11-25 Thread Maurice Diamantini

Le 25 nov. 05 à 10:47, Wolfgang Zillig a écrit :

Maurice Diamantini (dom) schrieb:

And for people comming from LaTeX, it would be nice to see also :
- a basic exemple for creating html from ConTeXt,

I would argument that it is easyer to create ConTeXt from a propper
XML/XHTML source! But as it is the beginner manual a reference to
the XML manual should be enough.

- some mathematics

not really a big problem, but you have the choice also to use MathML.

This is always the same  difference of opinion :

- Some people like to see the only input format to be xml (write xml for
  math, ...) and think *TeX as one of the output formats (as for
  pdf, xhtml, ps...).

- Other poeple (specialy those coming from TeX community) prefere
  writing by hand (yes it does yet exists !) some readable and lite  

  with math formula or other, then convert then as pdf printable
  output and (if possible also some (x)?html resizable ouput format

But perhaps I doesn't understand ConTeXt xml features. Perhaps
context is able to generate xml files instead of only reading them?
If it is the case, then let me know, as it could solve the html  

problem. So I'll have to learn more about xm and xml styles?


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Moving close to Lucida but still not there

2005-11-24 Thread David Arnold

Hans, Taco, Adam et al,

I dropped all of my lucida pfb and afm fonts into a temporary  
directory, ~/tmp/lucida. Change to that directory and entered:

texfont --ve=yandy --co=lucida --ma --in

Log file is attached. I was able to compile the resulting texnansi- 
yandy-lucida.tex. Progress.

However, when you look at the log file you will see some skipping  
of the math fonts, certainly not what I want, being a mathematics  
teacher. For example,

  font identifier : LucidaNewMath-Arrows - math - skipping
  use supplied tfm : lbma

   font identifier : LucidaNewMath-Arrows-Demi - math - skipping
  use supplied tfm : lbmad

I looked in type-buy.dat and found:

# bh lucida

--en=? --ve=bh --co=lucida --re
--en=? --ve=bh --co=lucida --so=bh/lucida --ma --in --expert

Is the fact that I didn't use that --expert switch my problem? How  
can I get texfont to not skip the math fonts?

Description: Binary data


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] beginners manual

2005-11-24 Thread Maurice Diamantini (dom)

Le 23 nov. 05 à 21:15, Mojca Miklavec a écrit :

What could be added:
- Tables: Natural tables (already mentioned by Taco). I just realized
  that this is the only manual where the usual tables are actually
  explained. I was looking for the explanation in cont-eni before.
- Bibliography
- Slides: some basic example with \usemodule[pre-whatever] to show the
  user that making slides is no more difficult than making an A4
- Metafun: some basic examples and a reference to the manual
- XML: a basic example

I agree with the above.
And for people comming from LaTeX, it would be nice to see also :
- a basic exemple for creating html from ConTeXt,
- some mathematics


ntg-context mailing list

Getting texfont to do batch installs on gwTeX (was Re: [NTG-context] Palatino)

2005-11-23 Thread Adam Lindsay

Sorry I've been quiet on this front. I've been busy with other, non-
ConTeXt things for a while, and am in the process of re-engaging with it.

In order to run type-tmf.dat, you need a way around the hard-coded --
rootlist=TEXMFMAIN that's in the .dat file. gwTeX keeps the fonts we
need in what it calls the TEXMFTE directory. My brutish workaround is as

1) Go to some temp directory.
2) copy type-tmf into that directory:
 cp /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/context/data/type-tmf.dat .
3) munge type-tmf to something more gwTeX friendly:
 sed s/TEXMFMAIN/TEXMFTE/ type-tmf.dat  type-tmf-gw.dat
(literally: replace every occurrence of TEXMFMAIN with TEXMFTE and put
it in type-tmf-gw.dat)
4) run texfont (prepend with sudo if you have errors):
 texfont type-tmf-gw.dat
5) run it again, if you want the ec encoding:
 texfont --en=ec type-tmf-gw.dat
6) process one or two test files to see if it really worked:
 texexec --once --mode=compact texnansi-urw-bookman.tex

I hope that works for you. 
Gerben, Hans, can you think of a way to make this workaround unnecessary?


David Arnold said this at Tue, 22 Nov 2005 09:08:17 -0800:


When I try:

011-101:/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/context/data davidarnold$  
sudo texfont --encoding=texnansi -batch type-tmf.dat

I get a slew of messages similar to this last one:

TeXFont 2.2.1 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 2000-2004

   slant factor : 0.167
  checking root : TEXMFMAIN
 processing aborted : unknown subpath ../fonts/afm/urw/ncntrsbk

 --help : show some more info

Some extra information:

texexec --verbose reports:

applications will use : /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf

This last file is attached.

On Nov 22, 2005, at 7:32 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

 David Arnold wrote:

 Taco et al,

 OK, this didn't work. Log file attached.

 ? ?\usetypescript[palatino][texnansi]
 ? \switchtobodyfont[palatino]
 ? \starttext
 ? Hello World!
 ? \stoptext

 no logfile -)

 for that one you need to run

 texfont --encoding=texnansi --batch type-tmf.dat

 (since you are familiar with texnansi  although better than ec,  
 this encoding was never really supported in distributions, only by  
 mouh, which is why you need to generate metrics yourself)

 This one worked.

 ? \usetypescript[palatino][ec]
 ? \switchtobodyfont[palatino]
 ? \starttext
 ? Hello World!
 ? \stoptext

 Two questions:

 1. I don't know why one worked and the other didn't. What files  
 could I look at in my tex tree that would give a hint as to which  
 to use?

 2. How can I make the first one work?

 use texfont (or take cont-fnt from the website)

 ntg-context mailing list

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods
Mathematics Department
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 476-4222

ntg-context mailing list

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: Getting texfont to do batch installs on gwTeX (was Re: [NTG-context] Palatino)

2005-11-23 Thread David Arnold
 aborted : unknown subpath ../fonts/afm/urw/ncntrsbk

--help : show some more info

Some extra information:

texexec --verbose reports:

applications will use : /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf

This last file is attached.

On Nov 22, 2005, at 7:32 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

David Arnold wrote:

Taco et al,

OK, this didn't work. Log file attached.

? ?\usetypescript[palatino][texnansi]
? \switchtobodyfont[palatino]
? \starttext
? Hello World!
? \stoptext

no logfile -)

for that one you need to run

texfont --encoding=texnansi --batch type-tmf.dat

(since you are familiar with texnansi  although better than ec,
this encoding was never really supported in distributions, only by
mouh, which is why you need to generate metrics yourself)

This one worked.

? \usetypescript[palatino][ec]
? \switchtobodyfont[palatino]
? \starttext
? Hello World!
? \stoptext

Two questions:

1. I don't know why one worked and the other didn't. What files
could I look at in my tex tree that would give a hint as to which
to use?

2. How can I make the first one work?

use texfont (or take cont-fnt from the website)

ntg-context mailing list

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods
Mathematics Department
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 476-4222

ntg-context mailing list

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods
Mathematics Department
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 476-4222

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Palatino

2005-11-22 Thread David Arnold


When I try:

011-101:/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/context/data davidarnold$  
sudo texfont --encoding=texnansi -batch type-tmf.dat

I get a slew of messages similar to this last one:

TeXFont 2.2.1 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 2000-2004

  slant factor : 0.167
 checking root : TEXMFMAIN
processing aborted : unknown subpath ../fonts/afm/urw/ncntrsbk

--help : show some more info

Some extra information:

texexec --verbose reports:

applications will use : /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf

This last file is attached.

Description: Binary data

On Nov 22, 2005, at 7:32 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

David Arnold wrote:

Taco et al,

OK, this didn't work. Log file attached.

� �\usetypescript[palatino][texnansi]
� \switchtobodyfont[palatino]
� \starttext
� Hello World!
� \stoptext

no logfile -)

for that one you need to run

texfont --encoding=texnansi --batch type-tmf.dat

(since you are familiar with texnansi  although better than ec,  
this encoding was never really supported in distributions, only by  
mouh, which is why you need to generate metrics yourself)

This one worked.

� \usetypescript[palatino][ec]
� \switchtobodyfont[palatino]
� \starttext
� Hello World!
� \stoptext

Two questions:

1. I don't know why one worked and the other didn't. What files  
could I look at in my tex tree that would give a hint as to which  
to use?

2. How can I make the first one work?

use texfont (or take cont-fnt from the website)

ntg-context mailing list

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods
Mathematics Department
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 476-4222

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] mfonts.tex from manuals

2005-11-22 Thread David Arnold
kpathsea: Running mktextfm uplr8t
mktextfm: Running mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1;  
nonstopmode; input uplr8t

This is METAFONT, Version 2.71828 (Web2C 7.5.5)

kpathsea: Running mktexmf uplr8t
! I can't find file `uplr8t'.
* ...:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input uplr8t

Please type another input file name
! Emergency stop.
* ...:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode; input uplr8t

Transcript written on mfput.log.
grep: uplr8t.log: No such file or directory
mktextfm: `mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; nonstopmode;  
input uplr8t' failed to make uplr8t.tfm.

kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.

! Font \*palatino12ptrmtf*:=uplr8t at 12.0pt not loadable: Metric  
(TFM) file no

t found.
to be read again
\xxdododefinefont ...tspec {#4}\newfontidentifier

\fontstrategy \fontclass #2#3#4#5\endcsname
  \tryingfontfalse \fi
inserted text ...yle \fontalternative \fontsize
  \fi \iftryingfont  

\synchronizefont ...strategy \the \fontstrategies
  \relax \fi  
\iftryingfont \...

argument \getvalue [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ \fontstyle }
   \edef \fontstyle  
{\fontstyle }\if...

l.43 \stopMPenvironment


David Arnold
College of the Redwoods
Mathematics Department
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 476-4222

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] mfonts.tex

2005-11-21 Thread David Arnold

Hans, Steve, et al,

OK. I have subversion client installed. Now what?

What commands will download what I need?

On Nov 21, 2005, at 8:44 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

David Arnold wrote:

Hans et al,

OK. I'd like to start with mfonts.tex. I am working with GWTeX on   
Tiger and have just updated to all of Gerben's latest stuff, so I  
am  as current as I can be with that distribution.

I do have Ruby on this Mac.

So, hold my hand and and guide me through the compile stage. The   
first problem, as I see it, is to get the expected organizational   
tree for these manuals For example, in mfonts.tex, we have:

\environment ../allkind/mcommon.tex

So, should I do some sort of cvs thing and check out all these   
manuals and documents?

That seems to be the first issue to address.

you need a proper subversion client; steve peter told me he had  
that running on hsi mac so maybe he has some recommendation; one  
you have that you can connect to and check out  
the manuals tree

the svn tree is readonly, so info needs to be fed back using diff's  
or patch files to me

on windows there is tortoise svn which hooks nicely into the file  
handler; i dunno (yet) about the mac (need to look into it)


ntg-context mailing list

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods
Mathematics Department
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 476-4222

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Mini-survey: What do you do with ConTeXt?

2005-11-06 Thread Alan Bowen

Taco, Hans—

One of the key features of ConTeXt for me is its ability to create  
platform independent output that combines the ancient languages and  
mathematics in ways typical of publications in the humanities. So,  
first, my heartiest thanks to you both and also to Thomas Schmitz for  
his Greek module.

I currently use ConTeXt to publish the Institute’s review/journal  
(which is available online, in print, and on CD), as well as its  
brochures and announcements. I will also be using it to produce its  
books too.

I have designed a book publication series for my brother using  
ConTeXt; and I use it to write my own papers, reviews, and books.

The main problem that I have is not really with ConTeXt itself. Since  
few of the history of science journals that I send papers to use  
ConTeXt, I am often required to I submit an .rtf file along with  
the .pdf file produced with ConTeXt. So, what I am still  
contemplating is an efficient, “mechanical” way around this problem.

Best, Alan

On Nov 4, 2005, at 9:49 AM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

Hi all,

For the next issue of the ntg's Maps journal, Hans and I believe
it would be nice to publish the collected responses to this simple

  What do you do with ConTeXT?

We think it would be nice to see all the various ways in which people
experience ConTeXt. We are not looking for articles, in fact we really
want just a small amount of text per user, nothing longer then you
would normally type in an email message.

One, perhaps two paragraphs that simply tell about your personal  
experience using (or playing with) (or fighting with) (or yelling  
at) (or staring at in bewilderment) (or revelling in) (or running  
away from)


If you like this idea, just reply to this message. I will then
collect and merge the responses, and finally put a pdf on-line

Don't be shy!


ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Problem with special first page of chapter setup

2005-10-31 Thread Gerben Wierda
Thanks for the tip but I am having trouble getting this to work. I  
now have in my main text:

\startbuffer [chapter:quote]
Lee Chong's is to the right of the vacant lot (although why
it is called vacant when it is piled high with old boilers, with rusting
pipes, with great square timbers, and stacks of five-gallon cans, no  
one can

{\tf John Steinbeck} --- Cannery Row\crlf
Doc explained patiently, ``Both players know exactly the same
things. The game is played in the mind.''\crlf
``I don't get it.''\crlf
``Well, look! You can't cheat in mathematics or poetry or music because
they're based on truth. Untruth or cheating is just foreign, it has  
no place.

You can't cheat in arithmetic.\crlf
{\tf John Steinbeck} --- Sweet Thursday

and in my environment file:



\startsetups chapter:before



\noindent \em \getbuffer [chapter:quote]






\startsetups chapter:after



But now I get *nothing* on the page facing the chapter start. I  
changed it to

\startbuffer [chapter:quote]
Lee Chong's is to the right of the vacant lot (although why
it is called vacant when it is piled high with old boilers, with rusting
pipes, with great square timbers, and stacks of five-gallon cans, no  
one can

{\tf John Steinbeck} --- Cannery Row\crlf
Doc explained patiently, ``Both players know exactly the same
things. The game is played in the mind.''\crlf
``I don't get it.''\crlf
``Well, look! You can't cheat in mathematics or poetry or music because
they're based on truth. Untruth or cheating is just foreign, it has  
no place.

You can't cheat in arithmetic.\crlf
{\tf John Steinbeck} --- Sweet Thursday
\startsetups [chapter:quote]
\getbuffer [chapter:quote]


and in my environment file:



\startsetups chapter:before



\noindent \em \setups [chapter:quote]






\startsetups chapter:after



But that doesn't help either. Still nothing.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Problem with special first page of chapter setup

2005-10-31 Thread Peter Rolf
Hello Gerben,

use your second try and *remove*


from your environment. That's was all :)



Gerben Wierda wrote:
 Thanks for the tip but I am having trouble getting this to work. I  now
 have in my main text:
 \startbuffer [chapter:quote]
 Lee Chong's is to the right of the vacant lot (although why
 it is called vacant when it is piled high with old boilers, with rusting
 pipes, with great square timbers, and stacks of five-gallon cans, no 
 one can
 {\tf John Steinbeck} --- Cannery Row\crlf
 Doc explained patiently, ``Both players know exactly the same
 things. The game is played in the mind.''\crlf
 ``I don't get it.''\crlf
 ``Well, look! You can't cheat in mathematics or poetry or music because
 they're based on truth. Untruth or cheating is just foreign, it has  no
 You can't cheat in arithmetic.\crlf
 {\tf John Steinbeck} --- Sweet Thursday
 and in my environment file:
 \startsetups chapter:before
 \noindent \em \getbuffer [chapter:quote]
 \startsetups chapter:after
 But now I get *nothing* on the page facing the chapter start. I  changed
 it to
 \startbuffer [chapter:quote]
 Lee Chong's is to the right of the vacant lot (although why
 it is called vacant when it is piled high with old boilers, with rusting
 pipes, with great square timbers, and stacks of five-gallon cans, no 
 one can
 {\tf John Steinbeck} --- Cannery Row\crlf
 Doc explained patiently, ``Both players know exactly the same
 things. The game is played in the mind.''\crlf
 ``I don't get it.''\crlf
 ``Well, look! You can't cheat in mathematics or poetry or music because
 they're based on truth. Untruth or cheating is just foreign, it has  no
 You can't cheat in arithmetic.\crlf
 {\tf John Steinbeck} --- Sweet Thursday
 \startsetups [chapter:quote]
 \getbuffer [chapter:quote]
 and in my environment file:
 \startsetups chapter:before
 \noindent \em \setups [chapter:quote]
 \startsetups chapter:after
 But that doesn't help either. Still nothing.
 ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Problem with special first page of chapter setup

2005-10-28 Thread Peter Rolf
Gerben Wierda wrote:
 I have this setup in my environment file:
 \startsetups chapter:before
 \noindent \em \setups[chapter:quote]
 \startsetups [chapter:after]
 But when I call it
 \startsetups [chapter:quote]
 Lee Chong's is to the right of the vacant lot (although why
 it is called vacant when it is piled high with old boilers, with rusting
 pipes, with great square timbers, and stacks of five-gallon cans, no 
 one can
 {\tf John Steinbeck} --- Cannery Row\crlf
 Doc explained patiently, ``Both players know exactly the same
 things. The game is played in the mind.''\crlf
 ``I don't get it.''\crlf
 ``Well, look! You can't cheat in mathematics or poetry or music because
 they're based on truth. Untruth or cheating is just foreign, it has  no
 You can't cheat in arithmetic.\crlf
 {\tf John Steinbeck} --- Sweet Thursday

Lee Chong's is to the right of the vacant lot (although why
it is called vacant when it is piled high with old boilers, with rusting
pipes, with great square timbers, and stacks of five-gallon cans, no
one can
{\tf John Steinbeck} --- Cannery Row\crlf
Doc explained patiently, ``Both players know exactly the same
things. The game is played in the mind.''\crlf
``I don't get it.''\crlf
``Well, look! You can't cheat in mathematics or poetry or music because
they're based on truth. Untruth or cheating is just foreign, it has  no
You can't cheat in arithmetic.\crlf
{\tf John Steinbeck} --- Sweet Thursday

\startsetups chapter:quote

This works for me. But you better give the buffer a name :)



 I get that every word that is in the input file at th eend of a line  is
 glued (no whitespace) to the word that is on the next line of the  input
 How can I solve this?
 ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Problem with special first page of chapter setup

2005-10-27 Thread Gerben Wierda

I have this setup in my environment file:


\startsetups chapter:before



\noindent \em \setups[chapter:quote]






\startsetups [chapter:after]



But when I call it

\startsetups [chapter:quote]
Lee Chong's is to the right of the vacant lot (although why
it is called vacant when it is piled high with old boilers, with rusting
pipes, with great square timbers, and stacks of five-gallon cans, no  
one can

{\tf John Steinbeck} --- Cannery Row\crlf
Doc explained patiently, ``Both players know exactly the same
things. The game is played in the mind.''\crlf
``I don't get it.''\crlf
``Well, look! You can't cheat in mathematics or poetry or music because
they're based on truth. Untruth or cheating is just foreign, it has  
no place.

You can't cheat in arithmetic.\crlf
{\tf John Steinbeck} --- Sweet Thursday

I get that every word that is in the input file at th eend of a line  
is glued (no whitespace) to the word that is on the next line of the  
input line.

How can I solve this?


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Problem with special first page of chapter setup

2005-10-27 Thread Peter Rolf
Gerben Wierda wrote:
 I have this setup in my environment file:

 \startsetups chapter:before
 \noindent \em \setups[chapter:quote]
 \startsetups [chapter:after]
 But when I call it
 \startsetups [chapter:quote]
maybe this is ok, but I don't use any brackets here

This works for me (..not tested your example):

  \startsetups chapter:quote


Hope that helps,


 Lee Chong's is to the right of the vacant lot (although why
 it is called vacant when it is piled high with old boilers, with rusting
 pipes, with great square timbers, and stacks of five-gallon cans, no 
 one can
 {\tf John Steinbeck} --- Cannery Row\crlf
 Doc explained patiently, ``Both players know exactly the same
 things. The game is played in the mind.''\crlf
 ``I don't get it.''\crlf
 ``Well, look! You can't cheat in mathematics or poetry or music because
 they're based on truth. Untruth or cheating is just foreign, it has  no
 You can't cheat in arithmetic.\crlf
 {\tf John Steinbeck} --- Sweet Thursday
 I get that every word that is in the input file at th eend of a line  is
 glued (no whitespace) to the word that is on the next line of the  input
 How can I solve this?
 ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] German ß

2005-10-17 Thread Adam Lindsay
Wolfgang Zillig said this at Sun, 16 Oct 2005 19:57:35 +0200:

The font I use is from
the hfbright package (the hfbright package is a free version of the
cmbright font) but when I created that typescript I did't relalize that
a full font package was available and I renamed the fonts (therefore I
will not provide that ugly typescript file here). I don't know what has
changed but the german ß is not working any more. I use as font encoding
ec and as regime win.

Hi. I'm just catching up with this issue.
Mojca is giving you the right information. I've installed hfbright on my
machine and can confirm that it is OT1 (context's `default' encoding)
only. The easiest way to fix this for you is to return to the
typescripts and make sure they say:
  [encoding=default] instead of

As you are probably aware, there are issues with hyphenation and the OT1
encoding. However, the TFMs and free Type 1 glyphs for this font simply
are not around.

May I suggest looking at the new Latin Modern light sans fonts for text,
and using hfbright for mathematics only?

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] German ß

2005-10-17 Thread Adam Lindsay
[Wolfgang, I hope you don't mind me copying parts of your response to
the list. -adam]

Wolfgang Zillig said this at Mon, 17 Oct 2005 14:06:32 +0200:

Hello Adam,

thanks for your answer!

Hi. I'm just catching up with this issue.
Mojca is giving you the right information. I've installed hfbright on my
machine and can confirm that it is OT1 (context's `default' encoding)
only. The easiest way to fix this for you is to return to the
typescripts and make sure they say:
  [encoding=default] instead of

ok, I did not know that OT1 is equal default.

It's another FAQ...

As you are probably aware, there are issues with hyphenation and the OT1
encoding. However, the TFMs and free Type 1 glyphs for this font simply
are not around.

in the package hfbright there are pfb included (I think this are the
type 1). tfms are also on my system

Yes, on my system, the TFMs are actually from the CMBright package, and
the map file redirects to the HFBright Type1/.pfb files.

I don't know much about hyphenantion, but why are there problems?

There's a little bit of explanation here:
...but basically, TeX's hyphenation trickery doesn't know how to deal
with composite characters (when it puts an  atop a u [pardon my 7-bit
rendition]). If a word contains a composite u as a character, it won't
break. If it contains a full ü, TeX can deal with it.

May I suggest looking at the new Latin Modern light sans fonts for text,
and using hfbright for mathematics only?

Propably you are right and I should go the easy way and simply use an
other font. Do you know if there is a ready package for the Latin Modern
light sans?

Um, disregard that. I must have hallucinated that font. It doesn't
exist. Sorry.

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt to RTF Conversion

2005-09-23 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid

Dear gang,

I have followed this discussion with interest. I edit a journal myself. 
Despite announcing loudly that it is TeX-friendly, the only person who 
writes articles in TeX for it is, you guessed it, myself.

I know next-to-nothing about xml, so I apologize if the next question is 

Would it be possible to define an xml format for the journal so that I 
could more easily process both ConTeXt/LaTeX articles as well as the docs 
and rtfs I generally receive? Is this more work than it's worth? It's a 
humanities journal, so little-to-no math.


On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 22:54:47 +0200, Christopher Creutzig 

So if I understand wml,  I agree that xml is a format for filtering,
not a human writable format.
TeX, LaTeX or conTeXt is in input langage, which should be able to
be converted to the powerfull master XML format.

 No, sorry.  This only works for extremely simple TeX code.  forget
about any real-world mathematics.  Forget about 80% of what real-world
LaTeX users type into their computers.  TeX has simply never been
written to be easily parsed.

Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt to RTF Conversion

2005-09-22 Thread Christopher Creutzig
Maurice Diamantini wrote:
 So if I understand wml,  I agree that xml is a format for filtering,
 not a human writable format.
 TeX, LaTeX or conTeXt is in input langage, which should be able to
 be converted to the powerfull master XML format.

 No, sorry.  This only works for extremely simple TeX code.  forget
about any real-world mathematics.  Forget about 80% of what real-world
LaTeX users type into their computers.  TeX has simply never been
written to be easily parsed.  Besides, our actual users are way too much
concerned with what their stuff looks like on their screens with their
settings to bother about structured information and the like.  Believe
me, I have almost finished the translation of our highly structured
program documentation files to some DocBook-based XML format, and I am
very happy that I had decided to make this a one-time conversion with
the automated process only trying to get some 95% or so correct.  My
experience with the new format (which is still limited, I've been
working with it the last four months or so) leads me to believe that it
is no more difficult to use than some TeX dialect.  The only slightly
awkward thing is that you have to explicitly mark all paragraphs.  I
don't mind, but if you do, that sort of thing can be scripted.

 Short summary: Define an xml format that embeds what you need at the
moment.  One mistake I made: I didn't go for short names, but used
DocBook names.  I probably should have started from XHTML, using p,
em, a etc.  Then use that format as your master and edit in this
format.  There are magnitudes more decent editors to help you with
editing all sorts of xml than you will ever find for any TeX variant.
(I know, one is sufficient, but finding one that does exactly what *you*
want is much easier with more editors to choose from.)

 So my question was, is there any exeprience about the use of
 the ConTeXt module m-tex4ht?

 I do have experience with using tex4ht in LaTeX, which is its native
setting.  It is definitely much better than all the alternatives I
tried, but it does have problems with formulas, it is rather difficult
to teach it your new local commands and the generated HTML code is
usable for exactly one thing: Rendering in a graphical browser, for us
lucky ones without visual impairments.  I would not dream of using this
pile of mess for anything else.  HTML generated by Word simply can't be

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Disappearing characters

2005-09-21 Thread Duncan Hothersall
Hello all.

I have a file test-fonts.tex which just combines Palatino and Helvetica
into one typescript:

\starttypescript [TESTfonts]
  \definetypeface [TESTCombo] [rm] [serif] [palatino] [default]
  \definetypeface [TESTCombo] [ss] [sans] [helvetica] [default]

And I have a simple test file which tries that typescript out:

Palatino? Normal \Delta, Maths \mathematics\Delta, Greek \greekDelta\par
Palatino? Normal \delta, Maths \mathematics\delta, Greek \greekdelta\par

{\ss Helvetica? Normal \Delta, Maths \mathematics\Delta, Greek
Helvetica? Normal \delta, Maths \mathematics\delta, Greek \greekdelta\par}

With the line
everything works well, but when I change it to
the Delta signs disappear! (The lowercase deltas remain - weird?)

I am really confused (and it took ages to understand what was happening,
since the disappearing Greek originally occurred in a 700 page book...).

When comparing the log files for each version, the broken one (10pt) has
the line:

Warning: pdfetex.exe (file
c:\tex\texmf/fonts/type1/urw/palatino/uplr8a.pfb): glyph `uni20AC' undefined

whereas the working one (14pt) doesn't, and instead has:


So, it seems to be something to do with a missing switch to the font
which contains the \Delta character, but why should it only happen at
smaller font sizes? Experimentation suggests that 12pt and below has
this problem, and over 12pt the problem disappears.

Thanks to anyone who can explain and help me to fix it.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] footnotes with one *

2005-08-22 Thread Ciro Soto
Thank you for your replies. They helped. I need two more twiks...
Twik 1:
My font is too slanted and the asterisk (*) is printed too close to the 
last word in the sentence. 
Charles IV \footnote[]{asdfasdf}
will print an asterisk touching the V letter.
How do I instruct context to give me some room before printing the  asterisk?

Second twik:
How to control the distance between the page text and the line that separates
the footnote and the page text? 
I tried the distance=, the height=  arguments in the
setupfootnotes, but they don't do
what I want. 
thank you

On 8/22/05, Brooks Moses [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 05:57 AM 8/22/2005, Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think like this:
 Untested, but should work
 It doesn't quite work.
 If you give a single argument to \defineconversion, it expects the
 conversion to be a command that takes an argument.  Since you haven't taken
 an argument, the number gets typeset after the asterisk.  Also, the
 asterisk needs to be in math mode to get positioned correctly, I
 think.  Correcting for both of those gives this, which works:
 However, that's somewhat of a hack; better is to set up the footnotes to
 reset the counter on each page, and then use one of ConTeXt's predefined
 conversion sets that starts with an asterisk but follows it with other
 symbols.  That way, if one changes the file so that there end up being two
 footnotes on the same page, they won't both get asterisks (which would be
 That can be done quite simply, like so:
 \setupfootnotes[way=bypage,conversion=set 2]
 Set 2 uses a \dag and then \ddag as the symbols after *, which is fairly
 standard typographic practice.  If you prefer to do a sequence of *, **,
 ***, and  instead, try something like this:
 - Brooks
 ntg-context mailing list

All problems are at the interface. Each one of them has a solution.
The Guitar Maker: An Exploration of Wisdom, Design and Love. 
A novel by C. A. Soto Aguirre. Pub. Date: October 2005.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] changing from oldstyle to upright

2005-08-20 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:

Dear consortium,

Switching to oldstyle is easy:

\usetypescript [modern][\defaultencoding]
\usetypescript [map]   [latin-modern-os] [\defaultencoding]
\setupbodyfont [modern]

But how do I locally switch back to upright? Declaring

I don't think you can, actually. There are no metric files
for oldstyle in the latin modern distribution, only an encoding
vector (and .map).

Pdftex either uses entries from the 'lining' map file, or from
the 'oldstyle' mapfile, but it has no way of distinguising
between the two (the fonts have the same metrics).

The reverse of the old oldstyle trick should work though:


Cheers, Taco

ntg-context mailing list

RE: [NTG-context] changing from oldstyle to upright

2005-08-20 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
= Original Message From Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
 Switching to oldstyle is easy:

 But how do I locally switch back to upright? Declaring

I don't think you can, actually. There are no metric files
for oldstyle in the latin modern distribution, only an encoding
vector (and .map).

So once a map/encoding is defined for a given font/tfm set it cannot be 
changed by declaring another map; interesting.

The reverse of the old oldstyle trick should work though:


Yes! I should have thought of that!

As always, thnx a million!


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] \Shaped macro in MetaFun manual

2005-08-10 Thread Jin-Hwan Cho
The third line in the page 145 in the MetaFun manual (metafun-p.pdf)  

The \Shaped macro was defined as:

    some \inframed[background=Shape]{text} with a frame ...
    some \Shaped{text} with a frame ...

It seems to be a typo. Let me know the exact definition of \Shaped  

Thanks in advance.

Best, ChoF.
~   ***
| Cho, Jin-Hwan == ChoF |   ^ ^
~~~  o
| Dept. of Mathematics| ---
| The University of Suwon |  |
~~~  |
| Korean TeX Users Group  |  |
|   |  |
~~~  |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Clipping a path to a boundary --- Being more specific

2005-08-09 Thread David Arnold

Hans et al,

I tried what follows. But as far as I can see, I am not getting back a 
path q that is clipped to the cpath.

   vardef lastpath (expr p) =
   save _p_ ; path _p_ ; _p_ := origin ;
   for i within p :
   if stroked i : _p_ := pathpart i ; fi ;
   endfor ;
   enddef ;

   vardef firstpath (expr p) =
   save _p_, _b_ ; path _p_ ; _p_ := origin ; boolean _b_ ; _b_ := 
false ;

   for i within p :
   if not _b_ : if stroked i : _b_ := true ; _p_ := pathpart i 
; fi ; fi ;

   endfor ;
   enddef ;


%initialize a of f(x)=|x-a|
numeric a;

% initialize scale
numeric u; 10u=3in;

%function definition
vardef f(expr x)=

path F;
for x=-5 step 1 until 5:

%scale and draw F
F:=F scaled u;
draw F withcolor blue;

%clip path
path cpath;
cpath:=cpath scaled u;
clip currentpicture to cpath;

%save and null currentpicture
picture pic;

%retrieve first path
path q; q:=firstpath(pic);

%draw grid
for k=-5u step 1u until 5u:
draw (-5u,k)--(5u,k) withcolor 0.85white;
draw (k,-5u)--(k,5u) withcolor 0.85white;

% draw axes
drawarrow (-5u,0)--(5u,0);
drawarrow (0,-5u)--(0,5u);

% label axes
label.rt(btex $x$ etex, (5.2u,0)); $y$ etex, (0,5.2.u)); $5$ etex, (5u,0));
label.lft(btex $5$ etex, (0,5u));

drawdblarrow q withcolor blue;



On Aug 8, 2005, at 6:20 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

David Arnold wrote:

Hans et al,

Let me try to be more specific. Here is a file which is very typical 
of the way I draw graphs for my mathematics classes. When you 
compile, you will see the graph of the absolute value of x-1. That 
is, it draws the graph of y=|x-1|, but only after clipping it to the 
cpath.  What I would like to do is draw the graph with the 
drawdblarrow command so that the graph of the absolute value ends in 
arrowheads. So, I want to clip the graph to the bounding box, save 
the picture, null the picture, then somehow extract the path into the 
variable F in its clipped form (not the original path F that extends 
outside the clip path) so that I can replace the command draw pic 
with drawdblarrow F.

hm, this need some more brainpower than the previous solution,

in mp-tool there is a repathed macro that does most of the job so 
let's extend that one a bit:




def restroke  suffix p = p := repathed (21,p) enddef ; % keep 

def reprocess suffix p = p := repathed (22,p) enddef ; % no attributes

vardef repathed (expr mode, p) text t =
 begingroup ;
 if mode=0 : save withcolor ; remapcolors ; fi ;
 save _p_, _pp_, _ppp_, _f_, _b_, _t_ ;
 picture _p_, _pp_, _ppp_ ; color _f_ ; path _b_ ; transform _t_ ;
 _b_ := boundingbox p ; _p_ := nullpicture ;
 for i within p :
   _f_ := (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) ;
   if bounded i :
 _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ;
 setbounds _pp_ to pathpart i ;
 addto _p_ also _pp_ ;
   elseif clipped i :
 _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ;
 clip _pp_ to pathpart i ;
 addto _p_ also _pp_ ;
   elseif stroked i :
 if mode=21 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t   pathpart _ppp_)
 dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i
 withcolor _f_ ; ) ;
 elseif mode=22 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t   pathpart _ppp_)) ;
 else :
   addto _p_ doublepath pathpart i
 dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i
 withcolor _f_ % (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i)
 if mode=2 : t fi ;
 fi ;
   elseif filled  i :
 if mode=11 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t   pathpart _ppp_)
 withcolor _f_ ; ) ;
 elseif mode=12 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t   pathpart _ppp_)) ;
 else :
   addto _p_ contour pathpart i
 withcolor _f_
   if (mode=1) and (_f_refillbackground) : t fi ;
 fi ;
   elseif textual i : % textpart i   :
 if mode  4 :
   addto _p_ also i if mode=3 : t fi ;
 fi ;
   else :
 addto _p_ also i ;
   fi ;
 endfor ;
 setbounds _p_ to _b_ ;
enddef ;

   picture pic; pic := image(
   draw fullcircle scaled 5cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   draw fullsquare scaled 2cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   ) ;

   redraw pic withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor red ;
% restroke pic drawdblarrow ;
   pic := repathed(21,pic) drawdblarrow ;
   pic := repathed(11,pic) drawdblarrow ;
   draw pic ;



the new restroke variant takes a macro name that itself takes one 
argument, i.e. a path

Re: [NTG-context] Clipping a path to a boundary --- Being more specific

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen

David Arnold wrote:

Hans et al,

Let me try to be more specific. Here is a file which is very typical 
of the way I draw graphs for my mathematics classes. When you compile, 
you will see the graph of the absolute value of x-1. That is, it draws 
the graph of y=|x-1|, but only after clipping it to the cpath.  What I 
would like to do is draw the graph with the drawdblarrow command so 
that the graph of the absolute value ends in arrowheads. So, I want to 
clip the graph to the bounding box, save the picture, null the 
picture, then somehow extract the path into the variable F in its 
clipped form (not the original path F that extends outside the clip 
path) so that I can replace the command draw pic with drawdblarrow F.

hm, this need some more brainpower than the previous solution,

in mp-tool there is a repathed macro that does most of the job so let's 
extend that one a bit:




def restroke  suffix p = p := repathed (21,p) enddef ; % keep attributes
def reprocess suffix p = p := repathed (22,p) enddef ; % no attributes

vardef repathed (expr mode, p) text t =
 begingroup ;
 if mode=0 : save withcolor ; remapcolors ; fi ;
 save _p_, _pp_, _ppp_, _f_, _b_, _t_ ;
 picture _p_, _pp_, _ppp_ ; color _f_ ; path _b_ ; transform _t_ ;
 _b_ := boundingbox p ; _p_ := nullpicture ;
 for i within p :
   _f_ := (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i) ;
   if bounded i :
 _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ;
 setbounds _pp_ to pathpart i ;
 addto _p_ also _pp_ ;
   elseif clipped i :
 _pp_ := repathed(mode,i) t ;
 clip _pp_ to pathpart i ;
 addto _p_ also _pp_ ;
   elseif stroked i :
 if mode=21 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t   pathpart _ppp_)
 dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i
 withcolor _f_ ; ) ;
 elseif mode=22 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t   pathpart _ppp_)) ;
 else :
   addto _p_ doublepath pathpart i
 dashed dashpart i withpen penpart i
 withcolor _f_ % (redpart i, greenpart i, bluepart i)
 if mode=2 : t fi ;
 fi ;
   elseif filled  i :
 if mode=11 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t   pathpart _ppp_)
 withcolor _f_ ; ) ;
 elseif mode=12 :
   _ppp_ := i ; % indirectness is needed
   addto _p_ also image(scantokens(t   pathpart _ppp_)) ;
 else :
   addto _p_ contour pathpart i
 withcolor _f_
   if (mode=1) and (_f_refillbackground) : t fi ;
 fi ;
   elseif textual i : % textpart i   :
 if mode  4 :
   addto _p_ also i if mode=3 : t fi ;
 fi ;
   else :
 addto _p_ also i ;
   fi ;
 endfor ;
 setbounds _p_ to _b_ ;
enddef ;

   picture pic; pic := image(
   draw fullcircle scaled 5cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   draw fullsquare scaled 2cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm ;
   ) ;

   redraw pic withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor red ;
% restroke pic drawdblarrow ;
   pic := repathed(21,pic) drawdblarrow ;
   pic := repathed(11,pic) drawdblarrow ;
   draw pic ;



the new restroke variant takes a macro name that itself takes one argument, i.e. a path, so in order to do more complex things, you need to define those 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Clipping a path to a boundary --- Being more specific

2005-08-07 Thread David Arnold

Hans et al,

Let me try to be more specific. Here is a file which is very typical of 
the way I draw graphs for my mathematics classes. When you compile, you 
will see the graph of the absolute value of x-1. That is, it draws the 
graph of y=|x-1|, but only after clipping it to the cpath.  What I 
would like to do is draw the graph with the drawdblarrow command so 
that the graph of the absolute value ends in arrowheads. So, I want to 
clip the graph to the bounding box, save the picture, null the picture, 
then somehow extract the path into the variable F in its clipped form 
(not the original path F that extends outside the clip path) so that I 
can replace the command draw pic with drawdblarrow F.


numeric a, c;

% define function f(x)=|x-a|
vardef f(expr x)=

% draw line with given point and slope
path F;
for x=-5 step 1 until 5:

% initialize scale
numeric u; 10u=3in;

% the line
F:=F scaled 1u;
draw F withcolor blue;

% clipping path
path cpath;
cpath:=cpath scaled 1u;

% clip and save current picture
picture pic;
clip currentpicture to cpath;

% erase currentpicture

% draw grid
for k=-5u step 1u until 5u:
draw (-5u,k)--(5u,k) withcolor 0.85white;
draw (k,-5u)--(k,5u) withcolor 0.85white;

% draw axes
drawarrow (-5u,0)--(5u,0);
drawarrow (0,-5u)--(0,5u);

% label axes
label.rt(btex $x$ etex, (5.2u,0)); $y$ etex, (0,5.2.u)); $5$ etex, (5u,0));
label.lft(btex $5$ etex, (0,5u));

% redraw line
draw pic;



ntg-context mailing list

FW: [NTG-context] itemize error in setbodyfont

2005-07-09 Thread 박내엽
Thank you reply

but i can't solve that error with itemize seperater symbol with dot 
\startitemize[1, packed] body font 22 or higher size 

and  attached my test file.  How can i correct?

\startitemize[1, packed]
 \item hdjsdahfdhfj
 \item ilikowpiroq

-Original Message-
 Sent: 2005-07-08 16:18
 Subject: [NTG-context] itemize error in setbodyfont

This error massage in \startitemize[1, packed] with \setbodyfont[22pt].  
How can I do

systems : begin file paint at line 11
title   : - \midaligned {자전거 폐기안내}
! Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts.
\mathematics #1-\relax \ifmmode #1\else $#1$
\dodosymbol ...bol \csname \??ss :#1:#2\endcsname 
  \relax }\relax 
\dosymbol ...fnosymbol \redosymbol \currentsymbol 
  \fi \fi 
to be read again 
\dodosymbol \??ss :#1:#2\endcsname \relax 
\dosymbol ...fnosymbol \redosymbol \currentsymbol 
  \fi \fi 
l.19  \item ?
? Terminating on signal SIGHUP(1)

[파란1GB 메일] 개성있는 서명,비즈니스용 명함~ 파란명함으로 쏴주세요!

ntg-context mailing list

네이버 :: 똑! 소리나게 바뀐 네이버 메일을 만나보세요.

Description: Binary data
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] itemize error in setbodyfont

2005-07-08 Thread �ڳ���
This error massage in \startitemize[1, packed] with \setbodyfont[22pt].  
How can I do

systems : begin file paint at line 11
title   : - \midaligned {자전거 폐기안내}
! Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts.
\mathematics #1-\relax \ifmmode #1\else $#1$
\dodosymbol ...bol \csname \??ss :#1:#2\endcsname 
  \relax }\relax 
\dosymbol ...fnosymbol \redosymbol \currentsymbol 
  \fi \fi 
to be read again 
\dodosymbol \??ss :#1:#2\endcsname \relax 
\dosymbol ...fnosymbol \redosymbol \currentsymbol 
  \fi \fi 
l.19  \item ?
? Terminating on signal SIGHUP(1)

[파란1GB 메일] 개성있는 서명,비즈니스용 명함~ 파란명함으로 쏴주세요!

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Why does ConTeXt try to load Latin Modern?

2005-07-06 Thread luigi.scarso

Taco Hoekwater wrote:


This is a hidden sign that G. Billotta is working on his mathematics 

('quasi finita', i hope)

I N   B O C C A   A L   L U P O  !!!

Crepi il lupo! :)

When someone tells you in bocca al lupo to wish you good luck, you 
are supposed to reply crepi (maybe you can use the extended sentence 
as well, i. e. crepi il lupo).

If you simply reply grazie, you are supposed not to have luck! 
Used sometimes by students to wish each other good luck before exams.

Well, G. Billotta was the first (and last, for now) italian I met inside 
context code.

I was able to find one of his article on context at
which I'm reading for a (planned) presentation to guit 2005 meeting,
together with modules.pdf  which I'm building , with some efforts.

I hope that when modules.pdf will be ok, answer sto questions like
Why does ConTeXt try to load Latin Moder will be more rapid.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Why does ConTeXt try to load Latin Modern?

2005-07-06 Thread Hans Hagen

luigi.scarso wrote:

Taco Hoekwater wrote:


This is a hidden sign that G. Billotta is working on his mathematics 

('quasi finita', i hope)

ah, that 6\high{th} dimension problem he's working on; any sign of/news on the 
meGapost variant that is needed to prove him being right

When someone tells you in bocca al lupo to wish you good luck, you 
are supposed to reply crepi (maybe you can use the extended sentence 
as well, i. e. crepi il lupo).

If you simply reply grazie, you are supposed not to have luck! 
Used sometimes by students to wish each other good luck before exams.

ah, so 'crepi' is not related to creperen which in dutch means that he's going 
down (into the gutter, etc)

Well, G. Billotta was the first (and last, for now) italian I met inside 
context code.

hm, looking at list i count some 12 italian members (currently some 435 members, 
still growing, some inactive accounts, so probably some 400 active)

I was able to find one of his article on context at
which I'm reading for a (planned) presentation to guit 2005 meeting,
together with modules.pdf  which I'm building , with some efforts.

I hope that when modules.pdf will be ok, answer sto questions like
Why does ConTeXt try to load Latin Moder will be more rapid.



  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Some gardening

2005-07-01 Thread Mojca Miklavec

Here's some more work for you Patrick, in case you get bored.
(I guess I'll soon be removed from the list as a spammer/abuser if I
continue writing mails such as this one :)
What do the others think about it?

# Source browser

Can you escape control characters when searching through the source
in ConTeXtgarden? For example, \def\somecommand now has to be written
as\\def\\somecommand. And the search field is slightly small (only 20
characters). Well, I admit, these limitations can all be overcome by
asking Mr. Google for \def\someveryveryverylongcommand or by grep-ing on my hard disk.

Also, after the search the right window is empty and sometimes 20 hits
are found on the left. What about adding some context around the
search term? For example one line before and one line after each hit
(like Google does)? Once you have that, the same could be done for
single files (if a specific word appears in one file more than once
than you can select a file and see only the hits found + some lines
before and after). If you also add a name=linenumber to the web
pages with sources, than you can click on a hit and go directly to the
line number where the search term occurs.

# texshow-web

I've just noticed that there's no possibility to describe single
options for the commands.
Take \setuplayout for example. Describing such huge collection of
parameters in plain text is not clear, synoptic any more. It would be
great if there would be a possibility to add descriptions for:
- the command as such (already there)
- every pair of braces (only one for \setuplayout), has to be visible
if it is optional or not
- every parameter inside a single brace
- every single option for that parameter (for example: width=middle
means that ...), default has to be marked

Some classification/hierarchy/labeling of the commands could also be
added, but this has to be thought of well before starting to implement
it. For example page layout, floats, mathematics, colors,
metapost, language, core functions, ... The top-level
classification could probably be taken from prefixes of the source

Enabling the Wiki functionality (bold, italic, tables ... texcode
and context) and linking it to the source browser (to the place
where \def\thisspecificcommand is) would also add another
dimensionality. It would probably not be 100% compatible with the
pretty-much-textbased texshow program, but ... I could imagine that
one day something similar as modules.pdf (texshow.pdf) could be made
from that page with pretty good documentation of (all ?) ConTeXt

The ability to add commands is already there I think (I have never
tried it out yet). What about adding commands for (official and
third-party) modules? It should be separated from the main page, but
still offering the same functionality.

I was also thinking about making some interface for translations of
commands (for example: when a new third-party module is there, someone
could translate it without much effort, some more exotic languages
could be translated step-by-step, and new commands in ConTeXt could be
found quickly and translated - the dutch interface is probably
up-to-date, but I doubt that other translators are constantly checking
if anything new appeared). But these things are much more conservative
(commands may not change once they are translated) and probably not
worth the effort yet.

Finally a five-minute-work request after all that philosophizing:
can you add link to the .po files under special in texshow-web and a
submit new .po version button next to it?

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] formatting verse

2005-06-22 Thread Gary A. Tucker
I've looked on the wiki and in the manuals for an equivalent to  
LaTeX's \begin{verse} environment. I found a macro in a file on the  
wiki, but the definition of it seems to be obsolete.

What I'm working on is converting a wedding service set using LaTeX  
and the booklet package over to ConTeX and its built-in Imposition  

-Gary Tucker

Dr. Gary A. Tucker
Associate Professor, Computer Science  Mathematics
Averett University
420 West Main St., Danville, VA 24541

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Is there a mathematica typesetting manual for ConTeXt ?

2005-05-14 Thread Adam Lindsay
Tobias Burnus said this at Sat, 14 May 2005 07:05:44 +0200:

(I have to admit, I cannot find m-math.tex/t-math.tex anywhere.)

I assumed Hans meant MathML. :)

The basic math capabilities within ConTeXt do seem poorly documented,
mostly because they point to different sources, often in books. However,
ConTeXt does use  Plain TeX as its model for mathematics. 

The basics in ConTeXt are roughly equivalent to those described in:
   (I don't know if it will specifically help you, but I note there's a
zh version of that page)

...but it takes some practice to spot the things that don't work directly
in ConTeXt. Some differences are unimplemented features, some are
differing conventions, some are because LaTeX thought they would be
useful, and ConTeXt hasn't (yet).

Some differences from the examples on that page that I notice immediately:

Math is best delimited inline with \formula{ ... }, not $ ... $
Display math is best delimited with \startformula ... \stopformula , not
$$ ... $$

\operatorname  =  \mfunction

The double-, triple-, and quadruple-integrals (\nt) are undefined in
basic ConTeXt's math.

The \begin{case} environment needs to be simplified into the Plain
\cases{} command.

The AMSmath/LaTeX-like:

$$ \begin{bmatrix} p  q \\
   r  s   \end{bmatrix} $$

   ...can be interpreted as...

\left[ \matrix{ p  q \cr
r  s } \right]

This might not be the best answer to the original poster, but I do hope
it provides a bit of a guide to the general ConTeXt newcomer.

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: Re: [NTG-context] Is there a mathematica typesetting manual for ConTeXt ?

2005-05-14 Thread xiaojf
Hi,Adam Lindsay,

=== 2005-05-14 08:46:00 You wrote===

Tobias Burnus said this at Sat, 14 May 2005 07:05:44 +0200:

(I have to admit, I cannot find m-math.tex/t-math.tex anywhere.)

I assumed Hans meant MathML. :)

The basic math capabilities within ConTeXt do seem poorly documented,
mostly because they point to different sources, often in books. However,
ConTeXt does use  Plain TeX as its model for mathematics.

The basics in ConTeXt are roughly equivalent to those described in:
   (I don't know if it will specifically help you, but I note there's a
zh version of that page)

but it takes some practice to spot the things that don't work directly
in ConTeXt. Some differences are unimplemented features, some are
differing conventions, some are because LaTeX thought they would be
useful, and ConTeXt hasn't (yet).

Some differences from the examples on that page that I notice immediately:

Math is best delimited inline with \formula{ ... }, not $ ... $
Display math is best delimited with \startformula ... \stopformula , not
$$ ... $$

\operatorname  =  \mfunction

The double-, triple-, and quadruple-integrals (\nt) are undefined in
basic ConTeXt's math.
I must say thank you very very much!

In fact I've been looking for \iint in ConTeXt in the last two days -_-
so i'll try to use \int\!\!\!\int instead of looking for a ConTeXt 
implementation :)

I met another problem today. Since there are not as many arrows in ConTeXt as 
in AMS-LaTeX,I don't konw how to type the formula in the attached picture which 
be referred in my presentation next Monday.

The \begin{case} environment needs to be simplified into the Plain
\cases{} command.

The AMSmath/LaTeX-like:

$$ \begin{bmatrix} p  q \\
   r  s   \end{bmatrix} $$

   ...can be interpreted as...

\left[ \matrix{ p  q \cr
r  s } \right]

This might not be the best answer to the original poster, but I do hope
it provides a bit of a guide to the general ConTeXt newcomer.

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


attachment: dG_cycle.GIF___
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Is there a mathematica typesetting manual for ConTeXt ?

2005-05-14 Thread Adam Lindsay
xiaojf said this at Sat, 14 May 2005 19:49:02 +0800:

The double-, triple-, and quadruple-integrals (\nt) are undefined in
basic ConTeXt's math.
I must say thank you very very much!

In fact I've been looking for \iint in ConTeXt in the last two days -_-
so i'll try to use \int\!\!\!\int instead of looking for a ConTeXt
implementation :)

I met another problem today. Since there are not as many arrows in
ConTeXt as there 
in AMS-LaTeX,I don't konw how to type the formula in the attached picture
which will 
be referred in my presentation next Monday.

Hello, Xiao.

I'm glad I could help: I'm learning these advanced requirements as I go
along. My personal mathematics needs are much more modest.

I wouldn't give up on ConTeXt just yet. Try:
Note the \formula{\rightleftharpoons} and 

Do you know how you would code that cycle in (AMS)LaTeX?
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: Re: [NTG-context] Is there a mathematica typesetting manual for ConTeXt ?

2005-05-14 Thread xiaojf

=== 2005-05-14 13:31:00 You worte===

xiaojf said this at Sat, 14 May 2005 19:49:02 +0800:

The double-, triple-, and quadruple-integrals (\nt) are undefined in
basic ConTeXt's math.
I must say thank you very very much!

In fact I've been looking for \iint in ConTeXt in the last two days -_-
so i'll try to use \int\!\!\!\int instead of looking for a ConTeXt
implementation :)

I met another problem today. Since there are not as many arrows in
ConTeXt as there
in AMS-LaTeX,I don't konw how to type the formula in the attached picture
which will
be referred in my presentation next Monday.

Hello, Xiao.

I'm glad I could help: I'm learning these advanced requirements as I go
along. My personal mathematics needs are much more modest.

I wouldn't give up on ConTeXt just yet. Try:
Note the \formula{\rightleftharpoons} and

Do you know how you would code that cycle in (AMS)LaTeX?
I  can code the cycle in ConTeXt,but it's too ugly and I will try to improve it.
here is my code:

\matrix{A+B{\Delta G_1\atop\rightleftharpoons}AB\cr
\Delta G_3\!\!\upharpoonleft\!\downharpoonright
\upharpoonleft\!\downharpoonright\!\!\Delta G_4\cr
A'+B{\rightleftharpoons\atop\Delta G_2}A'B\cr}

There is a similar example in The TeXbook(example 18.46).
You can try the follow code:

\lineskip3pt \lineskiplimit3pt }
0\mapright{}{\cal O}_C\mapright\iota
\cal E\mapright\rho\cal L\mapright{}0\cr
0\mapright{}{\cal O}_C\mapright{}
\pi_*{\cal O}_D\mapright\delta
R^1f_*{\cal O}_V(-D)\mapright{}0\cr
\hidewidth R^1f_*\bigl({\cal O}

Since i'm just a newbie of TeX, I don't really understand the first a few lines
of the solution. I still need some learning and practice :)

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Is there a mathematica typesetting manual for ConTeXt ?

2005-05-13 Thread Maurice Diamantini
Le 13 mai 05 à 05:18, redox a écrit :
I mean I want to type some math formulas with ConTeXt. Since i don't
know too much about ConTeXt/TeX, i want to find a manual about this
subject and to learn by myself.
In the ConTeXt an excursion(page 15), it says,
We advise you to do some further reading on typesetting formula in  
See for example:
The TeXBook by D.E. Kunth
The Beginners Book of TeX by S. Levy and R.Seroul

I know that LaTeX(and AMS-LaTeX) has made some extensions to TeX in  
typesetting, so I'm wondering if ConTeXt has also made extensions to
TeX, or I can only type math formula in the way of basic TeX ?
The first (only) starting point about math and context is
The main AMS environnements are available with amsl module
(should be in the recent context distribution, but not with the
Giuseppe Bilotta has also port the NATH LaTeX package
(NAtural maTHematics) :
There is not yet documentation and sample about using thes module,
but the documentation of there LaTeX LaTeX version is very
Maurice Diamantini,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Old-style figures throughout the document

2005-04-27 Thread William F. Adams
Idris asked me about this during the previous thread, before I'd joined 
this list.

Here's a slightly edited version of my reply about osf in documents 
with math:

Well, I did the second-pass macros, and most of the math markup / 
editing of a recent translation of Thomas Harriot's _Artis Analyticae 
Praxis_ from 1631 or so, and it (of course) uses old style figures 
exclusively, pre-dating them, as would any mathematics (or other) text 
before the latter part of the 19th century.

Old-style figures are named thusly since the now standard alternative 
lining figures are a fairly recent invention --- a Victorian (some 
would say debased) convention born out of expedience and a desire for 
better looking tabular material --- many railed against them, Charles 
Babbage being a notable example of the opposition to them (noting that 
in tables of logarithms, when used in difficult circumstances (I 
believe the example was an artillery officer doing ballistic 
calculations) absolute unambiguous representation could be a matter of 
life and death and that the extra differentiation provided by ascenders 
and descenders in numbers was highly desirable --- can't recall if Dr. 
Asaf Degani revisited this with his NASA reports on typography or no 
--- if not, he should've).

Bringhurst's prescription (in his _Elements of Typographic Style) is 
perhaps a bit simplistic and doesn't acknowledge the typographical 
palette which has since become readily available in newer fonts 
(Hoefler Text in Mac OS X for example affords one proportional lining 
figures, monospaced lining figures, proportional old-style figures and 
lining old-style figures --- a text typeface I've been working on goes 
this even better, adding three-quarter height proportional and 
monospaced figures, and French versions of the old-style figure 
versions as well).

Bringhurst's rule 3.2.3 would seem a better arbiter, ``Refer 
typographical disputes to the higher courts of speech and thinking.''.

Knuth, in ``Typesetting Concrete Mathematics'' (_Digital Typography_, 
pg. 369) has a cogent observation when he writes, ``This experience 
proved to be worthwhile because it taught me that there is a useful and 
meaningful distinction between text numerals and mathematical 

There's been some discussion of old-style figures for mathematics on 
comp.text.tex, but I don't think any absolute statement could 
reasonably be made. It's certainly valid that using lining figures for 
mathematics does provide a useful distinction (and it also greatly 
eases typographic issues such as the placement of super and 
sub-scripts), but the counter-argument that mathematics is a valid 
textual discussion form is certainly appropriate as well.

Arguably this would be a good place to use Bruce Roger's ``allusive 
typography'' principle. Anything set in a design more recent than 
Baskerville should use of lining figures in the absence of a reason 
not, while older texts could consider the use of old-style figures if 
concerns such as super and sub script placement can be worked out. But 
perhaps even that's too simplistic and formulaic.

A far more productive thing probably would be to look at actual sample 
pages to consider things in context (sorry, couldn't resist the pun).

Anyway, I hope this helps somewhat and is of use in your consideration.
William Adams, publishing specialist
voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708
ntg-context mailing list

RE: [NTG-context] oldstyle figures

2005-04-19 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
= Original Message From Eckhart Guthöhrlein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 should do everything you need: since u're not mixing text in \digits do you
 really need a global math font reencoding?

In principle yes. For example, $f(x)=3x+7$ should come out with oldstyle
figures, if these are used by default, shouldn't it?

No, I don't think so (see below)

Btw, striving for good typography, in which cases should oldstyle
figures *not* be used?

I am no typography expert, but I think that old style figures are, generally
speaking, inappropriate for math mode. The various heights, etc. make more
work for the brain in complicated mathematics expressions. I can't recall ever
seeing good mathematics/physics done in old style figures. OS numerals are
actually _text_ figures, as Bringhurst points out. In my own academic journal
there is little to no math, but when someone mentions, e.g., the version of a
computer program, I put the version number in upright figures, thought the
rest of the journal is in os figures.

That's my two cents, for what it's worth:-)


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] iso latin 2 ; storm fonts

2005-03-15 Thread Hans Hagen
Vit Zyka wrote:
Adam Lindsay wrote:
Vit Zyka said this at Wed, 9 Feb 2005 22:34:13 +0100:
The question is how to elegantly switch from standard (st2) tfm to 
extended (st3) tfm when the glyph is not present in st2 - with 
preserving \rm, \bf, \it, \bi.
basically, you declare a variant set for a (Serif/Sans/Mono) family:
\definefontvariant  [Serif] [exp] [-Expert]   
% [fam]   [call abbrev] [synonym suffix]

thanks to Adam, it was easy to implement font variants. A little bit 
more work was with all Storm glyph deffinition in two (+one) encodings. 
Before I will do the support for the rest of my Storm font families I 
want to ask audience (and especially Hans, Adam) to have a look into the 
files ( Example in (generaly interesting for all 
\show... font related command usage). Recommendation for the package 
improvements are welcomed.

There are:
  enco-st1.tex - ec encoding with storm glyph extension
  enco-st2.tex - xl2 encoding with storm glyph extension
  enco-st3.tex - variants (additional glyph) for enco-st1 and enco-st2
  type-sdynamo.tex - typescripts for Storm Dynamo font family
  math-sto.tex - simple mathematics present in Storm fonts (in progress)
  test-sdynamo.tex - test file
  test-storm.tex - support for tests
? During encoding deffinition I found some chracter name mess. I solved 
it by synonyms:
  E.g. \definecharacter textdag{\dagger}
   \definecharacter paragraphmark  {\paragraph}
   \definecharacter textellipsis   {\ellipsis}
   \definecharacter textminus  {\minus}
   \definecharacter ostroke{\oslash}
   \definecharacter textdollar {\dollar}
Is there some context convention for character names?

? I have a problem to define mathematics chars. I did:
\starttypescript [math] [dynamoRE] [st1]
  \definefontsynonym [DynamoRE-Math-Letters][sdgr8te] 
  \definefontsynonym [DynamoRE-Math-Letters-Italic] [sdgri8te] 
  \definefontsynonym [DynamoRE-Math-Symbols][sdgr8te]
%  \definefontsynonym [DynamoRE-Math-Extension][]

\starttypescript [math] [dynamoRE] [name]
  \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [DynamoRE-Math-Letters]
  \definefontsynonym [MathItalic][DynamoRE-Math-Letters-Italic]
  \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol][DynamoRE-Math-Symbols]
  \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [ComputerModernMath-Extension]
\starttypescript [DynamoRE] [st1,st2]
  \definetypeface [DynamoRE] [ss] [sans] [dynamoRE] [default] 
  \definetypeface [DynamoRE] [mm] [math] [dynamoRE] [default] 

  \definemathcharacter [+] [bin] [sy] [2B]
  \definemathcharacter [=] [rel] [sy] [3B]
But I get error: !Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts.
Where is the problem?
? - \starttypescript [*] [fallback] is generaly useful. Is a good idea 
to move it from large type-buy.tex somewhere else?

? Storm fonts have different accent shapes for lover/upper case letters. 
Is there some mechanism to distinguish this making the composits?

Thank you
ntg-context mailing list

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] iso latin 2 ; storm fonts

2005-03-15 Thread Adam Lindsay
Vit Zyka said this at Tue, 15 Mar 2005 19:23:05 +0100:

   enco-st1.tex - ec encoding with storm glyph extension
   enco-st2.tex - xl2 encoding with storm glyph extension
   enco-st3.tex - variants (additional glyph) for enco-st1 and enco-st2


I would refer you to this thread with Thomas Schmitz on variant encodings:

I'd call your st1 an EC variant, st2 an XL2 variant, and st3 some sort of
custom expert encoding. Ultimately names aren't *that* important, but
they can help a lot when others try to pick up and understand your work.

? I have a problem to define mathematics chars. I did:
\starttypescript [math] [dynamoRE] [st1]
   \definefontsynonym [DynamoRE-Math-Letters][sdgr8te] 
   \definefontsynonym [DynamoRE-Math-Letters-Italic] [sdgri8te] 
   \definefontsynonym [DynamoRE-Math-Symbols][sdgr8te]
%  \definefontsynonym [DynamoRE-Math-Extension][]

But I get error: !Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts.
Where is the problem?

I don't know. In doing some math font adaptations, I haven't run into
that error message. Basically, with all the mathematics work you're
proposing, I don't have enough information to follow what you did and to help.

Were there any .enc files you created for these math fonts? How did you
install them? Math fonts generally require different metrics.

? - \starttypescript [*] [fallback] is generaly useful. Is a good idea 
to move it from large type-buy.tex somewhere else?

Have you looked at ThisWay #9 yet?
I haven't had a chance to play with them yet, but the \setups[font:
fallback:sans] look to be helpful.

? Storm fonts have different accent shapes for lover/upper case letters. 
Is there some mechanism to distinguish this making the composits?

I don't know.
But I presume that you're play^H^H^H^Hexperimenting with these customised
encodings because you want to use the full complement of designed
characters, right? How many of these composite characters will you be needing?

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] A (my) OTR problem

2005-03-13 Thread h h extern
luigi.scarso wrote:
I have the following code:


\newdimen\RightMarginWidth \RightMarginWidth=\rightmarginwidth
\def\PageNumber#1{\vbox to \footerheight{\vss\hbox 
to\RightMarginWidth{\hss #1 \hss}\vss}}

\newbox\ContinueNextPage \setbox\ContinueNextPage=\vbox{\strut\hbox 

\CONTEXT --\recurselevel \hfil}}%
I would like to put \copy\ContinueNextPage after the last \framed in 
every page
(in this example, after CONTEXT--18 at page 1 and CONTEXT--36 at page 2).

I don't want use tables/tabular, i try to use \vsplit.
I try to read page-ini, i find useful things like \everyafterpagebody
but i'm still confused.
This needs to happen in the normal text flow (unless you want to use more dirty 

\startsetups [continue]
  \strut\hbox to \textwidth

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt equivalent for \ensuremath?

2005-03-13 Thread h h extern
Gerben Wierda wrote:
On Mar 11, 2005, at 15:57, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
\newcommand{\bit}[2]{\ensuremath{\hbox{\tf #1}_\hbox{\tf #2}}}

but is there a ConTeXt way of doing this?

Replacing \ensuremath above with \mathematics gives an error (both 

\newcommand{\bit}[2]{\mathematics{\hbox{\tf #1}_\hbox{\tf #2}}}
\newcommand{\bit}[2]{\mathematics{{\hbox{\tf #1}_\hbox{\tf #2
you now say something like
and since _ kind of takes an argument, it gets an hbox only; you need
as in:
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] A (my) OTR problem

2005-03-13 Thread luigi.scarso

h h extern wrote:
  I have the following code:









\newdimen\RightMarginWidth \RightMarginWidth=\rightmarginwidth

\def\PageNumber#1{\vbox to \footerheight{\vss\hbox
to\RightMarginWidth{\hss #1 \hss}\vss}}


\newbox\ContinueNextPage \setbox\ContinueNextPage=\vbox{\strut\hbox




 \CONTEXT --\recurselevel \hfil}}%


I would like to put \copy\ContinueNextPage after the last \framed in
every page

(in this example, after CONTEXT--18 at page 1 and CONTEXT--36 at page

I don't want use tables/tabular, i try to use \vsplit.

I try to read page-ini, i find useful things like \everyafterpagebody

but i'm still confused.

This needs to happen in the normal text flow (unless you want to use
more dirty tricks)
\startsetups [continue]
 \strut\hbox to \textwidth

Not only it works, it's also very nice:
thanks Hans.

I know that 

it's strange (after all i use \footerheight
at the next line...).

Some time ago i wrote something like

During some corrections/enhancement i made a mistake and i wrote

A nightmare.

When i feel insecure (will i use this dimensions as readonly or
read/write variables ?)
i prefer a safe copy
(in this case i'm sure that i use \footerheight as a readonly var).


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt equivalent for \ensuremath?

2005-03-11 Thread Nikolai Weibull
* Gerben Wierda (Mar 11, 2005 15:50):
 I modeled this after the LaTeX sources because I had to move on:

 \else\expandafter\EnsuredMath\fi} \long\def\FirstOfOne#1{#1}

 but is there a ConTeXt way of doing this?


::: name: Nikolai Weibull:: aliases: pcp / lone-star / aka :::
::: born: Chicago, IL USA:: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden:::
::: page:  :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,lisp,war3 :::
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt equivalent for \ensuremath?

2005-03-11 Thread Gerben Wierda
On Mar 11, 2005, at 15:57, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
\newcommand{\bit}[2]{\ensuremath{\hbox{\tf #1}_\hbox{\tf #2}}}

but is there a ConTeXt way of doing this?
Replacing \ensuremath above with \mathematics gives an error (both 

\newcommand{\bit}[2]{\mathematics{\hbox{\tf #1}_\hbox{\tf #2}}}
\newcommand{\bit}[2]{\mathematics{{\hbox{\tf #1}_\hbox{\tf #2

! Missing { inserted.
to be read again
argument \hbox {\tf b}_\hbox
   {\tf off}
\mathematics #1-\relax \ifmmode #1\else $#1
l.53 off or on, lets call these \bit{b}{off}
But my way also doesn't work. I get empty output as a result of the 
\bit{b}{off} command.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt equivalent for \ensuremath?

2005-03-11 Thread Adam Lindsay
Gerben Wierda said this at Fri, 11 Mar 2005 16:54:38 +0100:

But my way also doesn't work. I get empty output as a result of the 
\bit{b}{off} command.


This is probably not satisfying, because you probably want to get new
mathematics commands working, but if this is to be used solely in text,
you could use (or expand to):

\low (and \hi and \lohi) look like they work robustly in both math and
text modes.

I'm a bit confused by you using \newcommand in your (ConTeXt?) examples,
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] A (my) OTR problem

2005-03-11 Thread luigi.scarso

I have the following code:


\newdimen\RightMarginWidth \RightMarginWidth=\rightmarginwidth 
\def\PageNumber#1{\vbox to \footerheight{\vss\hbox
to\RightMarginWidth{\hss #1 \hss}\vss}}

\newbox\ContinueNextPage \setbox\ContinueNextPage=\vbox{\strut\hbox

 \CONTEXT --\recurselevel \hfil}}%


I would like to put \copy\ContinueNextPage
after the last \framed in every
(in this example, after CONTEXT--18 at page 1 and CONTEXT--36 at page

I don't want use tables/tabular, i try to use \vsplit.

I try to read page-ini, i find useful things like \everyafterpagebody
but i'm still confused.

Thanks in advance,

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt equivalent for \ensuremath?

2005-03-11 Thread Gerben Wierda
On Mar 11, 2005, at 18:20, Adam Lindsay wrote:
Gerben Wierda said this at Fri, 11 Mar 2005 16:54:38 +0100:
But my way also doesn't work. I get empty output as a result of the
\bit{b}{off} command.
This is probably not satisfying, because you probably want to get new
mathematics commands working, but if this is to be used solely in text,
you could use (or expand to):
\low (and \hi and \lohi) look like they work robustly in both math and
text modes.
I'll see. I wonder if it will look the same. Especially in terms of 
font. Do I get the same font in both sides? Do I get the same kerning?

I'm a bit confused by you using \newcommand in your (ConTeXt?) 
Yes, strange, isn't it? It just works. I copied one accidentally over 
and it worked. So I kept using it.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Latin5 regime

2005-02-25 Thread luigi.scarso
%% \defineactivetoken 121 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
%% \defineactivetoken 122 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
%% \defineactivetoken 123 {} % LEFT CURLY BRACKET
%% \defineactivetoken 124 {} % VERTICAL LINE
%% \defineactivetoken 125 {} % RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
%% \defineactivetoken 126 {} % TILDE
\defineactivetoken 160 {~} % NO-BREAK SPACE
\defineactivetoken 161 {\exclamdown} % INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK
\defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent} % CENT SIGN
\defineactivetoken 163 {\pound} % POUND SIGN
\defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % CURRENCY SIGN
\defineactivetoken 165 {\textyen} % YEN SIGN
\defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % BROKEN BAR
\defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % SECTION SIGN
\defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % DIAERESIS
\defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % COPYRIGHT SIGN
\defineactivetoken 170 {\textordfeminine} % FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
\defineactivetoken 171 {\lowerleftdoubleninequote} % LEFT-POINTING 
\defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % NOT SIGN
\defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % SOFT HYPHEN
\defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % REGISTERED SIGN
\defineactivetoken 175 {\registered} % MACRON
\defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % DEGREE SIGN
\defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % PLUS-MINUS SIGN
\defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % SUPERSCRIPT TWO
\defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % SUPERSCRIPT THREE
\defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % ACUTE ACCENT
\defineactivetoken 181 {\mathematics{\mu}} % MICRO SIGN
\defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark}% PILCROW SIGN
\defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % MIDDLE DOT
\defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % CEDILLA
\defineactivetoken 185 {\onesuperior} % SUPERSCRIPT
\defineactivetoken 186 {\textordmasculine} % MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
\defineactivetoken 187 {\lowerrightdoubleninequote} % RIGHT-POINTING 
\defineactivetoken 188 {\onequarter} % VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
\defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
\defineactivetoken 190 {\threequarter} % VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTER
\defineactivetoken 191 {\questiondown} % INVERTED QUESTION MARK
\defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
\defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
\defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH 
\defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
\defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
\defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING
\defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
\defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
\defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
\defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
\defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH 
\defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
\defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
\defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
\defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH 
\defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
\defineactivetoken 208 {\Gbreve} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE
\defineactivetoken 209 {\Ntilde} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
\defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
\defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
\defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH 
\defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
\defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
\defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % MULTIPLICATION SIGN
\defineactivetoken 216 {\Ostroke} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE
\defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
\defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
\defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH 
\defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
\defineactivetoken 221 {\Idotaccent} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT
\defineactivetoken 222 {\Scedilla} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
\defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (German)
\defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
\defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
\defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
\defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
\defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
\defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING
\defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
\defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA

Re: [NTG-context][metapost] shading in meta[post/play] PDF

2005-01-20 Thread Laurence Finston
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

 How can I make shading inside metapost(play) to produce exactly what's
 in the attached picture (smooth shades). Or more generally: how can I
 hardcode some PS/PDF code in .mp, not (yet) supported by metapost(play)?

This is a very difficult question.  For an excellent introduction
to shading and other subjects I recommend:

Jones, Huw.
_Computer Graphics through Key Mathematics_.
Springer-Verlag London Limited 2001.
ISBN 1-85233-422-3.

 Here's the corresponding PostScript code:

Sorry, I don't know PostScript.

 The spheres drawn directly in PostScript as in the examples above still
 have straight lines (well, I agree that with some mathematics it would
 be possible to draw them with proper splines as well).

To the best of my knowledge, spline curves are drawn by means of
calculating short line segments.  You can make the time parameter
as small as you like, but you can't make it 0.

I believe plotters can draw genuine curves---and it's a lot more
fun to watch them work (it's like magic).
They're not so great at filling in regions,
though.  Much to my regret, the computer center here got rid of
the plotter.  They're probably as obsolete as the ENIAC now, except
perhaps for very high-quality work.

 Thank you,

My pleasure.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context][metapost] shading in meta[post/play] PDF

2005-01-19 Thread Mojca Miklavec
The answer to the mail follows, but to reformulate my question slightly:
How can I make shading inside metapost(play) to produce exactly what's 
in the attached picture (smooth shades). Or more generally: how can I 
hardcode some PS/PDF code in .mp, not (yet) supported by metapost(play)?

(PDF supports even 3D shapes (already shaded properly) since version 1.5 
or 1.6, but I suppose that's another story anyway.)

Here's the corresponding PostScript code:
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-ProcSet
%%Creator: Henry McGilton, Adobe Systems Incorporated (modified!)
200 dup scale
/X3  1.0 3 div def
/X6  2.0 3 div def
/Y3  1.0 3 div def
/Y6  2.0 3 div def
/middlecolor  [ 11   1 ] def
/topcolor [ 10   0 ] def
/rightcolor   [ 0.5  0   1 ] def

/ShadingType 6
/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB
/DataSource [
  0.0 0.0X3 0.0 X6  0.0   1.0 0.0
  1.0 .552   .552 1.0   0.0 1.0
  0.0 Y6 0.0 Y3 0.0 0.0   0.0 0.00.0 0.0
  middlecolor aload poprightcolor  aload pop
  topcolor   aload pop middlecolor aload pop

Laurence Finston wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:

There's a wonderful tutorial on drawing 3D graphics in PostScript on, specifically as an 

Thanks for the reference, it looks very interesting.

In metapost, perfect spheres can be drawn, like on But how can I add  colour?

The spheres in that example are really just circles.  The globe font was
done using Metafont, which doesn't support color at all.  The sphere graphic
at the beginning of that file was done using MetaPost, so the circles could be
drawn in color, but I know this isn't what you mean.
Well - the main question is how to add the proper (smooth shading) color 
once I calculate the grid points in one way or another.

The glyphs from the globe font (which I plan to improve) could be colored,
e.g., by using the macros defined in the `colordvi.tex' file supplied with
`dvips'.  Of course, a given glyph could only be printed or displayed in a
single color.
GNU 3DLDF does not yet possess a `sphere' type, but I plan to add one in the
not-too-distant future.  I also plan to add shading, but that is in the more
distant future.  The shading methods I'm (vaguely) familiar with operate on
raster data and I haven't quite decided how to handle rasterization.  I'm
leaning toward using the PNG format rather than PostScript for this.  I
believe PostScript can be used for both vector and raster data, but my memory
of the details is hazy.
Well, PostScript can be used for raster images, but that doesn't bring 
anything. The examples on Cass' page are actually done using *vector* 
graphics (colors are really calculated only in grid points, but then the 
color is interpolated by postscript interpreter): the perfect sphere 
coloring is thus really limited to floating point accuracy and printer 

The spheres drawn directly in PostScript as in the examples above still 
have straight lines (well, I agree that with some mathematics it would 
be possible to draw them with proper splines as well).

If you mean my spheres, that's an artefact of the PNG graphics.  The
PostScript versions look nicer.  I believe that on commonly available devices,
 curves are ultimately drawn as short straight-line segments, though.  In the
code in that file, the circles have 64 points, and I thought the results were
good enough.  Raising it to some value x such that x % 4 == 0 and x  64 might
improve them, I haven't tried it.  32 wasn't enough.
No, I wasn't talking about the PNGs. I was talking about the PostScript 
has a really *perfect* shading, but its edges are drawn using straight 
segments instead of drawing them with splines which damages slightly the 
whole impression of its perfectness. Some additional calculation for 
spline drawing would help, but I still find it easier to calculate the 
curves in metapost than in PostScript.

Those straight-line segments on printers are just as straight as they 
are on any laser print-out of texts if I'm not wrong - i.e. not worth 

Thank you,

Description: Adobe PDF document
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: [metapost] shading in meta[post/play] PDF

2005-01-17 Thread Laurence Finston
Mojca Miklavec wrote:

 There's a wonderful tutorial on drawing 3D graphics in PostScript on, specifically as an 

Thanks for the reference, it looks very interesting.

 In metapost, perfect spheres can be drawn, like on But how can I add  colour?

The spheres in that example are really just circles.  The globe font was
done using Metafont, which doesn't support color at all.  The sphere graphic
at the beginning of that file was done using MetaPost, so the circles could be
drawn in color, but I know this isn't what you mean.   
The glyphs from the globe font (which I plan to improve) could be colored,
e.g., by using the macros defined in the `colordvi.tex' file supplied with
`dvips'.  Of course, a given glyph could only be printed or displayed in a
single color.

GNU 3DLDF does not yet possess a `sphere' type, but I plan to add one in the
not-too-distant future.  I also plan to add shading, but that is in the more
distant future.  The shading methods I'm (vaguely) familiar with operate on
raster data and I haven't quite decided how to handle rasterization.  I'm
leaning toward using the PNG format rather than PostScript for this.  I
believe PostScript can be used for both vector and raster data, but my memory
of the details is hazy.

 The spheres drawn directly in PostScript as in the examples above still 
 have straight lines (well, I agree that with some mathematics it would 
 be possible to draw them with proper splines as well).

If you mean my spheres, that's an artefact of the PNG graphics.  The
PostScript versions look nicer.  I believe that on commonly available devices,
 curves are ultimately drawn as short straight-line segments, though.  In the
code in that file, the circles have 64 points, and I thought the results were
good enough.  Raising it to some value x such that x % 4 == 0 and x  64 might
improve them, I haven't tried it.  32 wasn't enough.

Laurence Finston
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] shading in meta[post/play] PDF

2005-01-14 Thread Mojca Miklavec
There's a wonderful tutorial on drawing 3D graphics in PostScript on, specifically as an 

And there's a detailed description on shading in PostScript in, page 259
(I attached an example and have some more on computer if anyone is 
interested; I downloaded them from Adobe, but don't know the URL any 
more) or on shading in PDF in, 
page 272. (They're basically the same.)

In metapost, perfect spheres can be drawn, like on But how can I add colour?

Even if it would be too tricky to add colour and proper shading on the 
sphere - Is there any possibility to use advanced shading techiques 
described in PLRM inside metapost/metaplay for the most simple cases, 
say, like in the attached example? Metaplay allows circular and gradient 
shading and no others. I don't mind if I had to hard-code the shading.

PSTricks allows some more advanced shading techniques and even direct 
PostScript code integration (with \special I think). Is anything similar 
possible in metapost/play?

The spheres drawn directly in PostScript as in the examples above still 
have straight lines (well, I agree that with some mathematics it would 
be possible to draw them with proper splines as well).

Thanks for all the suggestions,

Description: PostScript document
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] XML question regarding special characters

2005-01-07 Thread Adam Lindsay
Zeljko Vrba said this at Fri, 7 Jan 2005 19:35:27 +0100:

I'm trying to design a universal markup that will be easy to convert both
to PDF and HTML. 

Hi there. Sounds as if we're after similar things. I've been working on
similar stuff, expanding on the existing x-contml module with code in
this project:
(The source code link may be instructive.)

formula label=fm:whatever
  x^{2}  y

I use the following, as heavily influenced by Hans:

%D Recommended by Hans as a variant of \type{\XMLtex}:

%D Display|| and in||line math using \TeX\ syntax:
   [context:dispformula] [label=]
 \XMLtexdata{context:dispformula} \stopformula}
   [context:formula] []

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] At a loss how to proceed

2004-12-15 Thread darnold
Hans et al,

OK, some questions.

You say starting with pure tex, does this mean that if you start with
Context, then tex4ht is not an option?

Secondly, since I teach mathematics, anything I write is going to contain
a *lot* of mathematics and a lot of figures (graphs, etc). Is XML and
MATHML going to be painful in this case?

How can I get started with a small project or example, so I can determine
how to proceed? I think I can look at the latex followed by tex4ht
direction myself, but I could use some help with the second method, xml to
pdf via context and xml to html via xst. I really have no idea how to
proceed with this direction.

I could use some pointers, or even a small example, with math code and a
metapost graph or two.

 Matthias Weber wrote:
 I am afraid your question is to vague to be answerable.

 Hence here are two pieces of information that might or might not be

 i) Mathematica 5.1 can convert TeX to MathML, at least
 to some extent. So it should at least in principle be possible to
 convert carefully crafted TeX files to MathML + XML.
 I don't know whether one can make ConTeXt do that, too.
 If yes, I am sure it is better than what Mathematica can offer.

 ii) Proofread your web pages with lynx (text-only).
 If you need formulas, use jpegs/pngs that have as a textual description
 a text that will be read as you would read the formula (eg:
 sum of 1 over n square for n from 1 to infinity equals pi squared over

 it all depends on where one starts: tex or xml; starting with pure tex,
 may be a solution; on the other hand, when one starts with xml, one can
 context to produce the pdf's and xst to make html documents.

 Once you get accurstomed to it, editing in xml is not that bad and for
 there are math(ml) editors to make the complex formulas.


Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
   tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

 ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] At a loss how to proceed

2004-12-14 Thread David Arnold

Lately, I've had a number of discussions with the director of disabled
student services at our school regarding document preparation for the
visually impaired. As a result of these discussions, I am a bit lost as how
to proceed with the preparation of mathematics for the web and documents
for my course content.

I've paid a little attention to the develoment of MathML, but I've always
said Who wants to code like that? whenever I look at examples. However,
today I found:

I now realize that software that reads web pages aloud it pretty important.
But how do I, in my limited time, prepare documents for multiple purposes?
Can I use Context to support all of our students at our school? Just how do
I proceed?

At a loss.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] At a loss how to proceed

2004-12-14 Thread Matthias Weber
I am afraid your question is to vague to be answerable.
Hence here are two pieces of information that might or might not be 

i) Mathematica 5.1 can convert TeX to MathML, at least
to some extent. So it should at least in principle be possible to
convert carefully crafted TeX files to MathML + XML.
I don't know whether one can make ConTeXt do that, too.
If yes, I am sure it is better than what Mathematica can offer.
ii) Proofread your web pages with lynx (text-only).
If you need formulas, use jpegs/pngs that have as a textual description
a text that will be read as you would read the formula (eg:
sum of 1 over n square for n from 1 to infinity equals pi squared over 

But, again, I am completely at loss when thinking about your request,
which only shows how little we know and do.
Let me know if you find some useful solutions.
On Dec 14, 2004, at 1:51 PM, David Arnold wrote:
Lately, I've had a number of discussions with the director of disabled
student services at our school regarding document preparation for the
visually impaired. As a result of these discussions, I am a bit lost 
as how
to proceed with the preparation of mathematics for the web and 
for my course content.

I've paid a little attention to the develoment of MathML, but I've 
said Who wants to code like that? whenever I look at examples. 
today I found:
I now realize that software that reads web pages aloud it pretty 
But how do I, in my limited time, prepare documents for multiple 
Can I use Context to support all of our students at our school? Just 
how do
I proceed?

At a loss.
ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] HSU Colloquium Series

2004-11-19 Thread David Arnold

Gave my talk today at Humboldt State University Mathematics Colloquium Series.

Slides are available:

Notes are available:

Sketchpad files are available:

Source code available:

You're all welcome to use them in any way you wish. Thanks to all of those
who answered my questions while I was working on this.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] nath and \mathematics

2004-11-17 Thread Nikolai Weibull
The following has to be added to nath for spacing to work correctly:


adding it anywhere after


seems to work fine.  The problem is that $ is redefined, but
\mathematics doesn't catch on so the spacing gets all messed up.


::: name: Nikolai Weibull:: aliases: pcp / lone-star / aka :::
::: born: Chicago, IL USA:: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden:::
::: page:  :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,lisp,war3 :::
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] [Fwd: Where did the equal sign go?]

2004-11-01 Thread Hans Hagen
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

This typesets (pdf) fine on my system.



Subtracting a scalar from a matrix or vector makes no sense
\left(\matrix{1  2  3\cr 4  5  6}\right)-1
However, this is such a common occurrence, Matlab interprets this to
\left(\matrix{1  2  3\cr 4  5  6}\right)-1
=\left(\matrix{0  1  2\cr 3  4  5}\right).


However, the exact same construct in the attached file doesn't show the
equal sign when viewed in Acrobat. How come?







\definecolor[darkred][r=0.5, g=0.0, b=0.0]
\definecolor[darkgreen][r=0.0, g=0.5, b=0.0]



\tfd Using Technology \blank
\tfd in\blank
\tfd Teaching Multivariable Calculus\vfill
\tfb David Arnold\vfill
\tfb Humboldt Mathematics Colloquium\blank


In order to use Matlab effectively, students must understand that
Matlab's basic data structure is the matrix.


\item Entries in rows are separated by commas.
  u =

\item Rows are terminated by semicolons.
  v =

\item Row entries can also be separated by spaces.

   A=[1 2;3 4]
A =


\subject{The Algebra of Vectors}

\item Vectors are added element by element.
   u=[1,2,3]; v=[4,5,6];
ans =
\item Vectors are subtracted element by element.
   u=[1;2;3]; v=[4;5;6];
ans =
\item Scalar multiplication is performed on each element.
ans =
 14   16   18



\item Matrices of equal size are added (or subtracted) element by element.
   A=[1,2,3;4,5,6]; B=[1,1,1;2,2,2];
ans =

\item Scalar multiplication is performed on each entry.
ans =
 10   12  
 14   16  



Subtracting a scalar from a matrix or vector makes no sense
\left(\matrix{1  2  3\cr 4  5  6}\right)-1
However, this is such a common occurrence, Matlab interprets this to
\left(\matrix{1  2  3\cr 4  5  6}\right)-1=\left(\matrix{0  1  2\cr 3  4  
{Parametric Equations}


---End Message---
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] column balancing question

2004-09-08 Thread Michal Kvasnicka
Good morning.
One reason for me to switch to ConTeXt were its macros for typesetting 
in columns that are highly superior to any such macro I have ever seen. 
(I typeset almost all my documnts in two columns.) But I am not able to 
supress one strange feature: some pages are one more line longer than 
they should be. It happen randomly -- or at least I was not able to find 
out when it happens. Therefore I'm not able to prepare an minimal file. 
I thougth that setting
may help, but it does not.

Can you tell me how to fix this very problem? Well, it does so on all 
versions of ConTeXt I have ever tried and both with teTeX and TeXLive 

Many thanks for your attention and help.
Michal Kvasnicka
P.S. my document setting is like this (some example can be found at

% output=pdf
[topspace=2cm, height=fit, lines=55,
backspace=15mm, width=fit,
header=3\baselineskip, footer=0pt,
\setupheadertexts[Axel Leijonhufvud: Jednotlivec, trh a prmyslov
dlba prce][pagenumber]
[location=columns, rule=off,
before={\blank[3*line,small]}, after=]
sample={\mathematics{\star\star\star}\ },hang=1]
[number=no, style={\bf},
before={\blank[3*line]}, after={\blank[line]},
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] column balancing question

2004-09-08 Thread Willi Egger
Good evening,
Though Hans has sent already a piece of code ...
I saw that you are using height=fit, and width=fit. Did you ever try to 
compile your file without these options? -- Some time ago I experienced 
troubles with such options, although my layout was different and the 
document was not setup with columns.

Kind regards
Michal Kvasnicka wrote:
Good morning.
One reason for me to switch to ConTeXt were its macros for typesetting 
in columns that are highly superior to any such macro I have ever seen. 
(I typeset almost all my documnts in two columns.) But I am not able to 
supress one strange feature: some pages are one more line longer than 
they should be. It happen randomly -- or at least I was not able to find 
out when it happens. Therefore I'm not able to prepare an minimal file. 
I thougth that setting
may help, but it does not.

Can you tell me how to fix this very problem? Well, it does so on all 
versions of ConTeXt I have ever tried and both with teTeX and TeXLive 

Many thanks for your attention and help.
Michal Kvasnicka
P.S. my document setting is like this (some example can be found at

% output=pdf
[topspace=2cm, height=fit, lines=55,
backspace=15mm, width=fit,
header=3\baselineskip, footer=0pt,
\setupheadertexts[Axel Leijonhufvud: Jednotlivec, trh a prmyslov
dlba prce][pagenumber]
[location=columns, rule=off,
before={\blank[3*line,small]}, after=]
sample={\mathematics{\star\star\star}\ },hang=1]
[number=no, style={\bf},
before={\blank[3*line]}, after={\blank[line]},
ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug report, \frac as redefined in m-newmat.tex

2004-08-04 Thread Hans Hagen
Hi Brooks,
Then, a couple of lines after that, there's the second definition for
\frac, which is the one that needed patching.  This one, unlike the
first definition, is wrapped in \mathematics so that it can work outside
math mode.
So I'm wondering why only \frac has this second definition that allows
it to work outside of math mode.  I would think that things should be
consistent -- either that all of the definitions in the first list
should be changed to use \mathematics, or that \frac should be returned
to the simpler version -- so that \tfrac is still simply \frac typeset
in text mode as one would expect it to be.

this has a historical reason; it was added because latex users expect 
\frac to be there and to work in text mode as well;

Even if they're all left in the current form, I'd think that the unused
definition of \frac in the first list should be removed.

well, just consider it not to be there; it should definitely not be 
mentioned in manuals -)

My argument for simplifying \frac to take the \mathematics out of it is
that it is a math-mode construct that typesets its arguments in math
mode, and allowing it to be used outside of math mode encourages sloppy
TeXing.  It also hides the point of transition to math mode, meaning
that x and \frac{1}{x} will typeset x differently, which strikes me as
confusing.  I recognize that this is a very debatable position, though,
and that there are at the very least arguments for backwards
compatiblity that contradict it.

if i remember right (maybe tobias burnus remembers more) it was mainly meant to be used in section titles; in such cases, when one sets a font  explicitly, math is often not set up accordingly and frac permits one to do at least fractions 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug report, \frac as redefined in m-newmat.tex

2004-08-03 Thread Hans Hagen
Hi Brooks
The following simple file works fine if I comment out the 
\usemodule[newmat] line, but crashes if I put it in.

   \eqalign{\frac{1}{2} \cr}

ah ... the alignment lookahead problem, i think we can safely patch 
\mathematics to catch lookahead as well as make frac more robust for 
unwanted expansion


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug report, \frac as redefined in m-newmat.tex

2004-08-03 Thread Brooks Moses
At 01:40 PM 8/2/2004, you wrote:
ah ... the alignment lookahead problem, i think we can safely patch 
\mathematics to catch lookahead as well as make frac more robust for 
unwanted expansion

That fixes the problem on my end; thanks!
Will you be updating the defintions of \tfrac, \dfrac, and so forth in 
m-newmat to match?  I admit to not being too sure whether I think it's a 
good idea to support using math constructs such as \frac outside of math 
mode, but I do think that if one's going to do that, it's good to be 
consistent and do it with the variants too.

- Brooks
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug report, \frac as redefined in m-newmat.tex

2004-08-03 Thread Hans Hagen Outside
Brooks Moses wrote:
At 01:40 PM 8/2/2004, you wrote:
ah ... the alignment lookahead problem, i think we can safely patch 
\mathematics to catch lookahead as well as make frac more robust for 
unwanted expansion

That fixes the problem on my end; thanks!
Will you be updating the defintions of \tfrac, \dfrac, and so forth in 
m-newmat to match?  I admit to not being too sure whether I think it's 
a good idea to support using math constructs such as \frac 
do they need patching? they don't use \mathematics afaik

 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bug report, \frac as redefined in m-newmat.tex

2004-08-03 Thread Brooks Moses
On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 12:14:29AM +0200, Hans Hagen Outside wrote:
 Brooks Moses wrote:
  That fixes the problem on my end; thanks!
  Will you be updating the defintions of \tfrac, \dfrac, and so forth in 
  m-newmat to match?  I admit to not being too sure whether I think it's 
  a good idea to support using math constructs such as \frac 
 do they need patching? they don't use \mathematics afaik

They don't need patching in the sense of fixing a bug, no -- it's more a
matter of consistency in behavior.

What I see is that there's a list of definitions for \frac, \dfrac,
\tfrac, and various other similar forms, all of which can be used in
math mode only, and do not use \mathematics.

Then, a couple of lines after that, there's the second definition for
\frac, which is the one that needed patching.  This one, unlike the
first definition, is wrapped in \mathematics so that it can work outside
math mode.

So I'm wondering why only \frac has this second definition that allows
it to work outside of math mode.  I would think that things should be
consistent -- either that all of the definitions in the first list
should be changed to use \mathematics, or that \frac should be returned
to the simpler version -- so that \tfrac is still simply \frac typeset
in text mode as one would expect it to be.

Even if they're all left in the current form, I'd think that the unused
definition of \frac in the first list should be removed.

My argument for simplifying \frac to take the \mathematics out of it is
that it is a math-mode construct that typesets its arguments in math
mode, and allowing it to be used outside of math mode encourages sloppy
TeXing.  It also hides the point of transition to math mode, meaning
that x and \frac{1}{x} will typeset x differently, which strikes me as
confusing.  I recognize that this is a very debatable position, though,
and that there are at the very least arguments for backwards
compatiblity that contradict it.

- Brooks
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] continuous numbering over components?

2004-07-16 Thread Marko Schütz

I have a project containing products containing components. For one of
the products I want to achieve a continuous numbering (as I get when
`texexec`ing the product file) but I want a single pdf per component. 

I expect that there is an elegant solution, but didn't find it yet. So
any hint is appreciated.


Dr. Marko Schütz
University of the South Pacific
Dept. of Mathematics and Computing Science
Suva, Fiji Islands

office: +679 3212325
fax:+679 3303544
mobile: +679 9292044


Description: PGP signature
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] math in ConTeXt

2004-06-25 Thread Tobias Burnus
is ConTeXt prepared for math?

With regard to mathematics ConTeXt can do all things which plain TeX can.
I mean...can I do...
as I used to in LaTeX?

Yes. For displaymath you can use plain TeX's $$\sum$$ or better
(LaTeX's \[ ... \] doesn't work.)
I don't make the \Sigma to be under and over characterised by i=1 and n.
In inline math you need \limits\sum if you want to have the i=1 below 
and the n above the sum sign. If I'm not mistaken, LaTeX does the same.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] [Fwd: [MacTeX] real-world projects using TeX/ConTeXt]

2004-06-21 Thread Hans Hagen
Maybe users on this list can contribute?

 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

Do you think your ConTeXt users would
have examples they would like to contribute?

Can we send this to your list as-is?
Ross isn't a member of your list so couldn't send it out
to the list directly.

/// wendy

Dear ConTeXt Users

We are looking for ConTeXt examples in the real world.
There is a link to the ConTeXt showcase here:

Please see the attached  request from Ross.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 09:20:46 +1000
From: Ross Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: MacOS X and TeX. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [MacTeX] real-world projects using TeX

Hi everyone,

The MacTeX Working Group of TUG is compiling lists of links
to examples where TeX is integrated into a larger work-flow:

This is *not* meant to include traditional general-purpose
front-end editor-like TeX applications, such as WinEDT, TeXShell,
TeXShop, VTeX, Textures, OzTeX, etc.  which are listed aready at

Also, it doesn't include the obvious traditional application of
technical journals (esp. mathematics), though things like:
   *  online encyclopaedia
   *  abstract submission system with TeX preview
could be appropriate.

Furthermore, single documents which are particularly well-designed
and really show-off the power of TeX, are not what we are looking
for here. But these *would* be suitable candidates for inclusion
on the  `show-case' page:

Please reply to either myself or:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with suggestions ***including links***  for additions to any
of the above-mentioned lists.

Happy TeX-ing


Mathematics Department office: E7A-419
Macquarie University   tel: +61 +2 9850 8955
Sydney, Australia  fax: +61 +2 9850 8114

Deze e-mail is door E-mail VirusScanner van Planet Internet gecontroleerd op virussen.
Op staat een verwijzing naar de actuele lijst waar op wordt 

---End Message---

Re: [NTG-context] Wrapping \type{}

2004-06-01 Thread Hans Hagen
At 01:20 30/05/2004, you wrote:
In my BNF module I use  as an active character that begins and ends
terminals in the grammar:
regex: branch ; branch, \|, regex.
Now, the above doesn't quite work as written, as \ is still active (and
so is, in fact | as we're really inside a \starttabulate.
What I would like for the  pair to do is work as a wrapper for
\type{}, so that everything in-between is passed on to \type{}.
Is there a way of getting them to do that?
This is my current definition:
I figured something like
might work, but it didn't.  It chokes on . where . is also an
activated character for terminating a production in the grammar.
Any suggestions on how to go about this?  I mean, the obvious solution
is simply to write
regex: branch ; branch, \type{\|}, regex.
instead, but I would like to keep the input as clean as possible.
{\bgroup\tttf\setupinlineverbatim\defineactivecharacter  {\egroup}}
  \defineactivecharacter  {\mathematics{\string}}
  \defineactivecharacter  {\mathematics{\string}}

regex: branch ; branch, |, regex.
(cross your fingers that this does not interfere with reading files, but 
normallyare taken care of)

an alternative is to write a plugin forthe verbatim environment (see 
verb-ini to get an idea of what nasty things are involved with catcode 


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Getting { in the input.

2004-06-01 Thread Hans Hagen
At 11:59 29/05/2004, you wrote:
* in enco-def.tex this is
\definecharacter textbraceleft{\mathematics{\{}}
which means wrapping {\tt ...} around it doesn't give a teletyped brace
but a nice mathematics one.
the problem is in (1) not all fonts having all chars [esp cmr have gaps] 
and (2) handling catcodes when args are passed around,

in tables this is very nasty (and related to typeset tex in its own 
language; compare xml where you have to escapeto do the same)

works quite well unless the scanner wants matching {}'s
as do \texescape \leftargument \rightargument

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Getting { in the input.

2004-05-29 Thread Nikolai Weibull
* Patrick Gundlach [EMAIL PROTECTED] [May 28, 2004 13:30]:

in enco-def.tex this is
\definecharacter textbraceleft{\mathematics{\{}}
which means wrapping {\tt ...} around it doesn't give a teletyped brace
but a nice mathematics one.


This doesn't seem to work well inside a table:

! Missing { inserted.
inserted text
to be read again
\normalTABLEquote -\unskip \!ttRightGlue 
   \omit \tablepos 
\NC ...rentTABLEcolumn \plusone \normalTABLEquote
l.754 \NC
  \type{|}  \NC $\}$ \NC  \type{~} \NC  {\tt DEL} \NC\AR

where my .tex source reads:

\NC 120 \NC \type{x}  \NC \type{y}  \NC \type{z}  \NC \type-{-
\NC \type{|}  \NC $\}$ \NC  \type{~} \NC  {\tt DEL} \NC\AR


It would be great if one could get the second version (\type-{-) working
inside a table, as this is the prettier solution.

Currently I just did my own

\definecharacter textbraceleft 123

(which some of the other enco-*.tex files did) for this and wrapped that
inside a {\tt ...}:

{\tt \textbraceleft}

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions,

Here's a small testfile:

\NC \type-{- \NC\AR


::: name: Nikolai Weibull:: aliases: pcp / lone-star / aka :::
::: born: Chicago, IL USA:: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden:::
::: page:  :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,lisp,war3 :::
ntg-context mailing list

Re[2]: [NTG-context] Known nath bugs?

2004-05-29 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Saturday, May 29, 2004 Sebastian Sturm wrote:


 the delimiter sizing is working now; i had to load the module directly
 before \starttext.

Yes, this is generally true. All modules should get loaded
before \starttext.

 However, the units module still isn't working when nath is
 loaded. Is it supposed to?

Well, I had never tested them together, and given the very
extensive changes nath enacts, I'm not surprised it doesn't

Anyway, it looks like the fix is easy: the problem is that
dimension commands are not protected (unexpandable).

In m-units.tex, look for the lines






and change each




This should solve the problem.

I'm not 100% sure this is the best solution, though. An
alternative could be to keep those definition as they are and
instead make unexpandable the actual commands (\Micro etc).

Hans, what do you think?

Giuseppe Oblomov Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] amsl: startcases/stopcases

2004-05-25 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, May 20, 2004 David Munger wrote:

 Hello Giuseppe,

 I'm having a little trouble with the cases in amsl.

 Compiling this:

   f(x) =
 0 \text{if $x  -\epsilon$} \\
 \frac12   \text{if $x   \epsilon$}

 results in an error around the \frac.

Hello David, sorry for the delay.

The problem is caused by \frac being defined in the newmat
module as

%D Better:


If you comment that line, it will compile flawlessly.

Hans, why would you want to allow \frac in text mode?

 Changing it to \dfrac makes the input compile ok, but
 typesets the cases in an ugly manner with really narrow


 Is there some way of telling startcases/stopcases to behave in display

Yup, I just changed a couple of things and now we have a
\startbigcases ... \stopbigcases for this. Will upload new
version soon.

Giuseppe Oblomov Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt and the blind

2004-04-15 Thread Jan Hlavacek
On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 04:50:04PM -0400, Alan Bowen wrote:

 So, does anyone on the list have ideas about how to produce such files 
 from the files I currently have in hand or any experience with this 
 sort of problem? Is there, for instance, a way to strip away all the 
 formatting commands from a ConTeXt source file automatically so as to 
 leave an unencoded .txt file that I could send him? I gather that he 
 can use .htm files, but so far as I can tell there is no path from a 
 ConTeXt source file to an HTML file?at least, a specific query about 
 this made recently on this list by someone else seems to have gone 

There is a utility called untex, that strips LaTeX formating from a tex
file.  I didn't test it with ConTeXt, but it may work too.  If you can
produce a dvi file, there is couple of programs: dvi2tty  and catdvi
that can extract text from a dvi file,  Finally, pdftotext, which I
believe is a part of the xpdf package, can extract text from many pdf

Finally, there is a program called tex2page, that convert TeX to html.
Unlike latex2html, it can handle at least some plain TeX, so it may be
possible to use it on ConTeXt files.  Again, I didn't try it.  If you
want to experiment with it, it is at

Jan Hlavacek(260) 434-7566
Department of Mathematics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Saint Francis
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Vertical alignment of marginal material

2004-02-23 Thread Jonathan Nicholl
Message: 12
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 10:14:38 +0100
From: Hans Hagen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [NTG-context] alignment of marginal material
At 21:40 22/02/2004, Jonathan Nicholl wrote:

I am trying to write a macro which places a picture in the margin. I  
like the centre of the picture to be aligned vertically with the  
centre of
the paragraph in which I call the macro. The following works in  
simple cases:

\inleft [low] {%
{\externalfigure [sharp turn sign]}%
If I type something like

\hazard{paragraph text}

this produces what I want. But it breaks down with mathematics.

produces the picture aligned with the bottom of the mathematics.

A solution to this problem escapes me. Can anyone suggest an improved  
Here is my 10 minute solution ... if i'm in the mood i can make an  
option of it
Maybe other people would like some support for this kind of thing.  
Certainly I would find it useful if, when I wrote `\inmargin'  
somewhere inside a paragraph, I could specify an option to determine  
the vertical alignment of the marginal material. Suppose `top' aligned  
the top of the marginal material with the top of the paragraph, `mid'  
the middle of the marginal material with the midpoint of the paragraph,  
and `bot'  the bottom of the marginal material with the bottom of the  
paragraph. That would be good.






\input tufte

\StartFigPar{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=1cm]} \input tufte  

\input tufte

Thank you very much indeed, Hans. This puts cow.pdf in the right place  
in the margin. One problem remains. Surrounding a paragraph by  
\StartFigPar\StopFigPar often messes up the inter-paragraph vertical  
spacing. In particular, surrounding \startformula\stopformula by  
\StartFigPar\StopFigPar introduces big spaces above and below the  

Is there a simple way to stop this? It would be good if introducing a  
few \StartFigPar\StopFigPar pairs to a document had no effect at all  
on the main body of the document, and just put figures in the margin.


Jonathan Nicholl
Department of Philosophy
King's College London
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] alignment of marginal material

2004-02-22 Thread Jonathan Nicholl
I am trying to write a macro which places a picture in the margin. I 
would like the centre of the picture to be aligned vertically with the 
centre of the paragraph in which I call the macro. The following works 
in simple cases:

\def\hazard#1{%The argument is the text of the paragraph
	\setbox0=\vbox{#1}% 		I do this to work out the height of the paragraph
	\inleft [low] {%
			[height=\ht0,%	This makes the height of the frame equal to the 
height of the paragraph
			bottom=\vss,%	These two lines centre the picture in the frame
			{\externalfigure [sharp turn sign]}%
	#1}%		It goes wrong if you replace #1 with \box0

If I type something like

\hazard{paragraph text}

this produces what I want. But it breaks down with mathematics.

produces the picture aligned with the bottom of the mathematics.

A solution to this problem escapes me. Can anyone suggest an improved 

Best wishes,



Jonathan Nicholl
Department of Philosophy
King's College London
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Can I compare with someone?

2003-12-14 Thread David Arnold

  I've recently installed tetex 2.0.2. I am having difficulty with Metapost
  Now, when I compile, texexec seems to be invoked. Is this what happens on
  your systems? Is this correct behavior?
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] darnold]$ mpost junk
  This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.4.5)
   TeXExec 4.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003
 It seems that somebody changed texmf.cnf, e.g. declaring here
 something like:
 TEX = context

Aha! I found this in my texmf.cnf.

% What MetaPost runs to make MPX files.  This is passed an option -troff
% if MP is in troff mode.  Set to `0' to disable this feature.
MPXCOMMAND = texexec --mptex

 or, worse, changed makempx script.
 Anyway, tetex 2.0.2, as it is distributed is OK.
 I've observed that some Linux distributions provide changed tetex
 config files, not always in a happy way... 
 I don't know how such situation could be cured, as packages are often
 not signed. The notable example is still not updated tetex in 
 the _current_ RedHat9.0. It is still tetex 1.0.7, but broken in many

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods.
Mathematics Department
7351 Tompkins Hill Road
Eureka, CA 95501
Office phone: 707-476-4222
Fax: 707-476-4424
Home page:

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] texexec --mptex final

2003-12-10 Thread David Arnold

I am compiling a metapost file with first line:

input mp-tool

I have installed the latest version of teTeX on Red Hat Linux 9.

I am getting this output during compile:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] final]$ texexec --mptex final

 TeXExec 4.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003

   metapost to tex : final
executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
 inputfile : tmpgraph
output : dvips
 interface : en
   options : once
  current mode : none

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
 \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2003.9.25  fmt: 2003.12.9  int: english  mes: english

language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns 2:2-en-2 3:2-uk-2 4:2-de-2 5:2-fr-2 6:2-es-2 
 8:2-nl-2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system : loaded
specials   : loading definition file dvi
(/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/context/base/spec-dvi.tex unprotect 3
protect 3)
specials   : tex loaded
specials   : loading definition file ps
specials   : tex,postscript loaded
specials   : loading definition file tr
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
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[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
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[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
systems: end file tmpgraph at line 181
Output written on tmpgraph.dvi (90 pages, 6452 bytes).
Transcript written on tmpgraph.log.

   return code : 0
  run time : 0 seconds
   dvi to metapost : final
  metapost : final
format : metafun
This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.4.5)
( (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/metapost/context/base/ 
[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] 
[19] [20] [21] [22]
metafun 2003-12-9 7:38
22 output files written: final.1 .. final.22
Transcript written on final.log.

total run time : 2 seconds

I am particularly concerned with these three lines:

pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:

Should I add something to updmap.cfg and run updmap?

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods.
Mathematics Department
7351 Tompkins Hill Road
Eureka, CA 95501
Office phone: 707-476-4222
Fax: 707-476-4424
Home page:

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] (no subject)

2003-12-10 Thread David Arnold
confirm 901767

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods.
Mathematics Department
7351 Tompkins Hill Road
Eureka, CA 95501
Office phone: 707-476-4222
Fax: 707-476-4424
Home page:

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] texexec --mptex final (fwd)

2003-12-10 Thread David Arnold

I am compiling a metapost file with first line:

input mp-tool

I have installed the latest version of teTeX on Red Hat Linux 9.

I am getting this output during compile:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] final]$ texexec --mptex final

 TeXExec 4.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003

   metapost to tex : final
executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
 inputfile : tmpgraph
output : dvips
 interface : en
   options : once
  current mode : none

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
 \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2003.9.25  fmt: 2003.12.9  int: english  mes: english

language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns 2:2-en-2 3:2-uk-2 4:2-de-2 5:2-fr-2 6:2-es-2 
 8:2-nl-2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system : loaded
specials   : loading definition file dvi
(/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/context/base/spec-dvi.tex unprotect 3
protect 3)
specials   : tex loaded
specials   : loading definition file ps
specials   : tex,postscript loaded
specials   : loading definition file tr
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
systems: end file tmpgraph at line 181
Output written on tmpgraph.dvi (90 pages, 6452 bytes).
Transcript written on tmpgraph.log.

   return code : 0
  run time : 0 seconds
   dvi to metapost : final
  metapost : final
format : metafun
This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.4.5)
( (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/metapost/context/base/ 
[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] 
[19] [20] [21] [22]
metafun 2003-12-9 7:38
22 output files written: final.1 .. final.22
Transcript written on final.log.

total run time : 2 seconds

I am particularly concerned with these three lines:

pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:

Should I add something to updmap.cfg and run updmap?

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods.
Mathematics Department
7351 Tompkins Hill Road
Eureka, CA 95501
Office phone: 707-476-4222
Fax: 707-476-4424
Home page:

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] columns and alignment at the bottom

2003-10-12 Thread Alexander Klink

I am trying to typeset a text which should look roughly like that:

|-|  |-| |--|
|text |  |text | |text  |
| |  |-| |  |
|-|  |  | 
 |-| |  |
|-|  |text | |  |
|text |  |-| |--|
| |  
| |  |-| |--|
| |  |text | |text  |
|-|  |-| |--|  

So I have a frames with some text (actually, addresses - Hans, maybe
you remember the address booklet I showed you here in Darmstadt) in
three columns. So I tried something like:

\framed{first address...}
\vskip 0.5cm plus 1fill
\framed{second address...}
\vskip 0.5cm plus 1fill
\framed{third address...}

Which (obviously because I use TeX code inside ConTeXt - shame on me)
fails, the frames are not aligned at the bottom.
So I'm looking for a way to typeset them with a distance of at least
0.5cm and align at the bottom - the remaining space should be spread
I hope the question is understandable and I hope someone has already
done something like this...


P.S.: Hans, thanks again for the tutorial in Darmstadt - now I know
about the layer and overlay stuff, I use it extensively :-)

... Alexander Klink  ...   undergraduate in Mathematics with Computer Science
...  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Darmstadt University of Technology
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] CJK support in ConTeXt

2003-08-27 Thread Jin-Hwan Cho
It's time to discuss the topic CJK support in ConTeXt in a more public

The current version of ConTeXt supports Chinese only. But the same mechasism
enables Korean too. The remaining language is Japanese. In some sense, it is
possible to support Japanese in the current subfont mechanism. But several
issues (e.g. Japanese kerning system as explained by Okumura) may occur.

So, alternative way is to use ASCII pTeX for Japanese. Basically looks no
but I worry eTeX extension features. Is it possible to run ConTeXt without
extension features, Hans?

My suggestion for supporting CJK characters in ConTeXt is to write a new
using e-Omega. Even though e-Omega does not produce PDF format directly,
there are not much problem with DVIPDFMx.

Best, ChoF.
~ ***
| Cho, Jin-Hwan == ChoF | ^ ^
~  o
| Research Fellow   | ~~~
| School of Mathematics ~~
| Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
|  |

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