[NTG-context] Unicode garbage in table of contents

2004-02-19 Thread David Munger

I'm using


in the preamble and unicode characteurs in the document are typeset  
correctly. But, in the table of contents and in the index, they are  
replaced with their hex codes with some garbage.

Anything I might be doing wrong?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] blank page in doublesided mode

2004-02-19 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Is there a manual or the like that I have missed which documents this 
command, \installpagebreakhandler, and others such as \useURL and 
\setupinteraction? (I am interested in the latter, because inserting 
a blue, underlined URL for email in my output has curiously enough 
turned by footnote numbers blue.)
no, these commands are not in a manual, but one can find them in the 
source code; the \install.. ones are real low level; the 
\definepagebreak[whatever][yes] one is public.
Regarding the rest (some hints to play with):

\useURL [context]   [http://www.pragma-ade.com]
\goto{Pragma ADE}[URL(context)]
\setupunderbar[alternative=c, rulecolor=blue] % underdots

Footnote numbers are interaction links, too. I don't know how to handle 
them different.
But you can switch off footnote interaction somehow AFAIK.

Grüßlis vom Hraban!
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] bfmath in nath

2004-02-19 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Tuesday, February 17, 2004 David Munger wrote:

> Hello,

> The following outputs a nice bold displayed omega (the first one), and
> a thin normal inline one (the second one):

> \usemodule [nath]
> \setupbodyfont [12pt]
> \definebodyfont [12pt] [mm] [mibf=cmmib10 sa 1]
> \starttext
> \[\bfmath \omega\] $\bfmath \omega$
> \stoptext

> Note that replacing nath with amsl in \usemodule[nath] results in two
> bold omegas, so the problem has to be in t-nath.tex.

> Btw, this nath module is very useful to me. If I'd be able to do some
> debugging into it, I sure would. Could you please point me to some
> ConTeXt hacking references?

Ok, I'll keep this too for my todo on my next recheck of nath
(I really have too many things in my hands these days ...)

Anyway, ConTeXt hacking will only partially help you, since
nath contains a lot of LaTeX-imported code.

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] strange dependency between cbox and whitespace?

2004-02-19 Thread Hans Hagen
At 17:57 19/02/2004, you wrote:
Hi all!

I came across the following behaviour: cboxes seem to suppress white space 
in certain conditions.

In the following example there is no whitespace output between paragraph 
no. 2 und 3. Yet, if I change \setupwhitespace to 'none' or if I do not 
enclose the paragraphs in cboxes then the whitespaces between the 
paragraphs appear as expected.

Does anyone know a workaround for this 'strange' behaviour of cboxes?

Thanks for your attention,
\def\Para#1{\cbox{#1 \dorecurse{10}{this is some paragraph text}}\par}
has to do with the way tex handles vbox/vtop's (tex does not have dual 
baseline boxes)

\def\Para#1{\cbox{#1 \dorecurse{10}{\begstrut this is some paragraph text 

or something:

\long \def\Para#1#2\EndPar{\startalign[middle]#1 #2\stopalign}

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] \setupsection ... works how?

2004-02-19 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Hi there,

while replying to a post on comp.text.tex I made the
interesting discovery that


cannot be replaced by


even though chapter is section-2 ... why is it? Shouldn't it be
possible to use those names?

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re[2]: [NTG-context] t-nath difficulty

2004-02-19 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Monday, February 16, 2004 Gary Pajer wrote:

> Gary Pajer wrote:

>> I'm taking a look at nath (via t-nath).  Here's the very first thing I
>> tried:
>> In the following code, the first formula typesets as I want, and the
>> second doesn't.  But the syntax in the second looks correct.
>> Bug or feature?  or setup problem?
>> \usemodule[nath]
>> \starttext
>> $ y = (1 + \frac{}{a}{b}) $
>> $ y = (1 + \frac{a}{b}) $
>> \stoptext

> Furthermore:  I tried the LaTeX version of nath.  It works as expected
> (i.e. the second line produces a fraction)
> So,  ... it's looking like a bug in t-nath, I think.

I flagged your message. I will look into the problem as soon as
I have at the time (sorry, pretty busy right now).

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re[2]: [NTG-context] Not seeing the wood because of so many trees

2004-02-19 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Tuesday, February 17, 2004 Thomas A.Schmitz wrote:

> Sorry for going back to an older thread, but I don't think the question
> was answered properly. Alexander Klink wanted to know how to typeset
> "{" and "}". Suggestions were "\type|{| and \type|}|" or "$\{$ and
> $\}$". Neither of which is satisfactory, because it will typeset them
> either in typewriter or in math font. We had a discussion about similar
> questions a while ago. I still think we should have "\{" and "\}" for
> this kind of thing. As long as this isn't available, I see no better
> solution than "\getglyph{Serif}{123}" and
> "\getglyph{Serif}{125}" vel. 
> sim. For those of us working in the humanities, these curly braces are
> sometimes necessary (e.g., in critical editions), and having them in
> typewriter or math fonts isn't acceptable. So may I continue my rally
> for \{ etc.?

Sorry for the delay. \textbraceleft and \textbraceright should
work ok if encodings are set up correctly.

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Again: "hanging" for a lot of paragraphs?

2004-02-19 Thread Hans Hagen
At 21:55 18/02/2004, you wrote:
Hi friends,

there are for sure more sophisticated and more urgent problems,
but my question to me is really a big problem.
Isn't there anybody that knows a command or a work-around that could help?
Hm, for some time there is a secret feature in cont-new.tex which i still 
have to finish:


  \setupparagraphintro[reset,first][\hangafter-2 \hangindent2em FIRST]
  \input ward \blank \input ward \blank
  \input ward \blank \input ward \blank

  \setupparagraphintro[reset,next][\hangafter-2 \hangindent2em NEXT]
  \input ward \blank \input ward \blank
  \input ward \blank \input ward \blank

  \setupparagraphintro[reset,each][\hangafter-2 \hangindent2em EACH]
  \input ward \blank \input ward \blank
  \input ward \blank \input ward \blank

The next option only works when you have the following patch in 
cont-new.tex (Search for original):

 [   \v!reset=>\global\chardef\everyparagraphintro\zerocount
   \global\everynextparagraphintro \emptytoks,

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] t-nath difficulty

2004-02-19 Thread Gary Pajer

Furthermore:  in


$ y = (1 + \frac{}{a}{b}) $

$ y = (1 + \frac{a}{b}) $

$ y = (1 + a\frac{b}{c}{d})$

$$ y = (1 + \frac{}{a}{b}) $$

$$ y = (1 + \frac{a}{b}) $$

$$ y = (1 + a\frac{b}{c}{d})$$


The displayed equation is correct, but the inline isn't.I'm probing this
in my "spare time".

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] strange dependency between cbox and whitespace?

2004-02-19 Thread Stefan Wachter
Hi all!

I came across the following behaviour: cboxes seem to suppress white 
space in certain conditions.

In the following example there is no whitespace output between paragraph 
no. 2 und 3. Yet, if I change \setupwhitespace to 'none' or if I do not 
enclose the paragraphs in cboxes then the whitespaces between the 
paragraphs appear as expected.

Does anyone know a workaround for this 'strange' behaviour of cboxes?

Thanks for your attention,
\def\Para#1{\cbox{#1 \dorecurse{10}{this is some paragraph text}}\par}
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] blank page in doublesided mode

2004-02-19 Thread Hans Hagen
At 15:35 18/02/2004, you wrote:

Many thanks. That does the trick very nicely.

Is there a manual or the like that I have missed which documents this 
command, \installpagebreakhandler, and others such as \useURL and 
\setupinteraction? (I am interested in the latter, because inserting a 
blue, underlined URL for email in my output has curiously enough turned by 
footnote numbers blue.)
no, these commands are not in a manual, but one can find them in the source 
code; the \install.. ones are real low level; the 
\definepagebreak[whatever][yes] one is public.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] newbie question about xml

2004-02-19 Thread Christopher G D Tipper
> It would be wonderful if I could find an easy way to translate my 
> ConTeXt source-files to html. So I was wondering if going via xml would 

XML in Context is designed for those who plan to set up an XML workflow, and need PDF 
output. Certainly I use example, but as part of existing workflow starting from XML 
source. I use XSLT to produce HTML, and Context offers no help here. There was some 
discussion on this list about adapting T4Ht for Context before Christmas, so check the 
mailing list.

> 3) If I understand "xml in context" correctly, one has to specify quite 
> a few of the xml commands in a dtd so ConTeXt understands them. I had a 

Use a header file with your example commands in it. A DTD is used for parsing XML, and 
is really if different ball-game.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] newbie question about xml

2004-02-19 Thread Thomas A . Schmitz
It would be wonderful if I could find an easy way to translate my 
ConTeXt source-files to html. So I was wondering if going via xml would 
be a viable method. Unofrtunately, I know next to nothing about xml. I 
played a bit with Emacs nxml mode and tried to understand "xml in 
context," but a couple of stupid questions remain:

1) even with specialized tools like onyx or Emacs xml mode, will 
writing these source files ever be as easy as writing TeX-source? Is it 
worth the extra effort?

2) Can anybody point me to an example document written in xml that can 
be processed by ConTeXt?

3) If I understand "xml in context" correctly, one has to specify quite 
a few of the xml commands in a dtd so ConTeXt understands them. I had a 
look at x-contml.tex to see what such definitions should look like. So 
I wonder: if I have to tell ConTeXt about these commands anyway, 
wouldn't it be easier to simply write a perl script that does these 
conversions and translates TeX into xml?

Sorry if these are dumb questions, but these are my very first attempt 
at xml.

All best


ntg-context mailing list