Re: [NTG-context] link

2005-01-17 Thread Steve Peter
You don't have permission to access /pracjourn/2005-1/ on this server.
The TUG server seems to be down right now.
ntg-context mailing list

RE: [NTG-context] link

2005-01-17 Thread Ulrich Dirr
I got

You don't have permission to access /pracjourn/2005-1/ on this server.


Hans Hagen wrote:
> New on line tex journal 
> Hans

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] dictionary for TeX,/ConTeXt

2005-01-17 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
It has nothing to do with keyboard, only with the software use use.
But, hmmm, see ...

Unicode support is one of the "which features do you miss most?", so it 
doesn't really look promising, at least not yet.
Ok, I voted, but I actually corresponded with the developer (Alex) a few 
months ago and this is what he said:

I am afraid that UNICODE will not be supported just yet. In part,
because I am overwhelmed with feature requests (including requests
for Linux versions) and I just cannot keep up with it - WinEdt is
still a one-programmer project. The other reason is that Delphi 7
still does not support UNICODE in its controls (VCL) and that would
require quite some low level programming or shopping for third party
unicode compatible VCL extensions. Finally, the request for UNICODE
among WinEdt users at the moment is still moderate and since
implementation is non-trivial and requires a lot of testing it is
not top priority.

If/when I embark on a new major version of WinEdt I'll take UNICODE
and BiDi support into design consideration from start. Right now it
would be a lot of patching and more problems that I can handle. But
I would like to rewrite WinEdt and fix the problems that were
inherited from the original design (from 1993) when computers were
slow, memory was low and Windows 3.1 crashed regularly...

vim supports UTF (I have problems typing UTF under windows) and most 
advanced text editors should support it also; I use scite for 
(Con)TeX(t) in unicode recently. I've just found on 
internet, which is probably exactly the thing Ciro was looking for, but 
I wasn't able to execute it, maybe I have some programs missing.

In any case, I don't think there is any Unicode/bidi editor better than 
Absolutely no TeX-friendly features, so I now edit my Arabic in UniPad and 
do TeX in WinEdt. In particular, UniPad (Unicode 4.0 compliant)

(1) handles virtually all accents and diacritics (whereas most editors 
with some unicode/bidi support do not support all needed Arabic accents); 

(2) implements these in a most innovative/friendly one-dimensional 
fashion, (unlike all others, in which it is a pain to edit accents and 
diacritics--due to their 2-dimensional nature);

I mention this in detail because if the scite people decide to implement 
some unicode support, then UniPad is the best paradigm to look at, 
particularly for bidi and Arabic accents. If Hans or anyone else has 
influence with the Scite developers, please pass this on, and I'll be 
happy to help anyone interested in the Arabic aspects of bidi-unicode 
implementation (testing, etc.).

Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] WinEdT support

2005-01-17 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
Hi syndicate,
Having tried many if not most TeX-friendly editors, nothing beats WinEdT 
for practical use IMO. I was thinking about working on a ConTeXt module 
(basically reimplementing the main LaTeX functionality) but I noticed this 
Unfortunately there is no link to further information. Is someone really 
working on this already, and is it (when will it be) available?

Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt tool for enabling comments in PDF ?

2005-01-17 Thread Vit Zyka
Hans Hagen wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
interesting is that the doc opens but the menu bar freezes -)
\startcomment should work in older readers as well \stopcomment \input 

\immediate\pdfobj{<< /Type /Sig /Filter /Identity /P 2 >>} 
\edef\DocMDPobj{\the\pdflastobj\space 0 R }
\immediate\pdfobj{<< /Type /Sig /Filter /Identity /P 2 >>} \edef\URRRobj 
{\the\pdflastobj\space 0 R }

\pdfcatalog{/Perms << /DocMDP \DocMDPobj /UR3 \URRRobj>>}
A have had a second look at the Document Permitions. AFAIK and if Adobe 
does not have some bitter secret the situation is as follow:

1) if you want to permit additional document rights available in AR 6,7 
(like commenting, saving, loading  and sending form data) you need to 
sign document. (pgs. 684-700)

2) to sign document you need a) privat/public key generator and b) 
calculate document diggest (number; sum of integers from (nearly) all 
doc dictionary keys and values; alg. p. 1037).

Bellow is the document skeleton for that. There should be:
1) filled the comment lines started by %! (diggest and signature values)
2) perhaps also %? (depends on %!)
3) perhaps the FormSig field is not needed ???
So, to do that, pdfTeX should start to calc document diggest and there 
should be standard(?) process of signing this value.

Vitek Zyka
  \edef#1{\the\pdflastobj\space 0 R }%
%--- MDP
  /Type /TransformParams /P 3 /V /1.2
  /Type /SigRef /TransformMethod /DocMDP
  /TransformParams \objTransformParamsMDP
%!  /DigestMethod ? /MD5 | /SHA1
%!?  /DigestValue ? ()
%!?  /DigestLocation [? ?]
%--- UR
  /Type /TransformParams
  /Document [/FullSave]
  /V /2.2
  /Annots [/Create /Delete /Modify /Copy /Import /Export] % if UR3 also 
/Online /SummaryView
  /Form [/FillIn /Import /Export /SubmitStandalone /SpawnTemplate]
%  /Signature [/Modify]
  /P false

  /Type /SigRef /TransformMethod /DocUR
  /TransformParams \objTransformParamsUR
%!  /DigestMethod ? /MD5 | /SHA1
%!?  /DigestValue ? ()
%!?  /DigestLocation [? ?]
%--- Sig
  /Type /Sig
%!  /Filter Adobe.PPKLite | Entrust.PPKEF | CICI.SignIt | VeriSign.PPKVS
%?  /SubFilter adbe.x509.rsa_sha1 | adbe.pkcs7.detached | adbe.pkcs7.sha1
%  /Cert [] | () % only if /SubFilter adbe.x509.rsa_sha1
%  /Contents (?)
  /Reference [
%   \objSigRefMDP
%  /ByteRange [0 0] % should if used UR3 then can be ommited DiggestValue
  /V 1
%--- Perms
  /DocMDP \objSig
  /UR \objSig
%  /UR3 \objSig
%--- Sign Form
  /FT /Sig
  /T (SigFieldName)
  /V \objSig
 /Fields [\objFormSigField]
\pdfcatalog{/AcroForm \objForm /Perms \objPerms}
  \startcomment should work in older readers as well \stopcomment
  \input bryson
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Greek font in Footnote problem

2005-01-17 Thread Alan Bowen
I am having trouble getting Greek in footnote environment. The Greek  
appears as it should in the text body, but in a footnote all I get is  
the input. In short, ConTeXt \footnote seems to ignore the \localgreek  
command. I attach a brief test file that should produce the problem as  
well as the input file defining the Greek font in the first place.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
By the way, there is no message in the log file to the effect that the  
Greek font is unavailable at a given font size. And I am using ConTeXt   
ver: 2004.10.26  fmt: 2005.1.3.

\input Oxonia
\usetypescript [all] [latin-modern] [texnansi]
\setupbodyfont[cmr, 10.5pt]
The cat is on the mat. The cat is on the mat. \localgreek{a>utopt'ew}  
is not a compound of \localgreek{a>ut'oc} and \localgreek{>opte'uw}.  
The cat is on the mat.
\footnote{The etymology proposed on p.\ 136 is mistaken:  
\localgreek{a>utopt'ew} is not a compound of \localgreek{a>ut'oc} and  
\localgreek{>opte'uw}.}\ %
The cat is on the mat.

% Oxonia.tex
\definebodyfont[10pt,10.5pt,11pt,12pt,14pt][rm][Gf=greeoxon sa 1.08]

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index-question

2005-01-17 Thread Bernd Militzer
Am Montag, den 17.01.2005, 11:48 +0100 schrieb Hans Hagen:
> \setupregister[index][alternative=A] % default a


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index-question

2005-01-17 Thread Hans Hagen
Bernd Militzer wrote:
Hi all,
how can I change in my index list from Lower to Upper-case?
Achten, Juliane
Blankenheim, Martin
I wont to get
Achten, Juliane
Blankenheim, Martin
\setupregister[index][alternative=A] % default a
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] (resolved) m-letter backslash codes in xml database

2005-01-17 Thread Hans Hagen
Adam Lindsay wrote:
Rob Ermers said this at Sun, 16 Jan 2005 11:12:24 +0100:

Introducing scedilla in the file, as you suggested, seems not necessary:
Ba soka.

Right. You've figured this out, but in case anyone else was following
along, Hans's element-based solution used ConTeXt's internal glyph names
(very extensive) instead of the more limited and must-roll-your-own list
of XML character entities.
a thord alternative, the &scedilla; approach, has as disadvantage that xml 
processors (xslt, parsers, databases) like to resolve entities; this is why i 
sometimes use the  approach;

numbered entities should work ok, but some vectors may not yet be defined
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] link

2005-01-17 Thread Hans Hagen
New on line tex journal
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index-question

2005-01-17 Thread Bernd Militzer
Hi all,

how can I change in my index list from Lower to Upper-case?

Achten, Juliane
Blankenheim, Martin

I wont to get

Achten, Juliane
Blankenheim, Martin

Thanks for help

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: [metapost] shading in meta[post/play] & PDF

2005-01-17 Thread Laurence Finston
Mojca Miklavec wrote:

> There's a wonderful tutorial on drawing 3D graphics in PostScript on 
>, specifically
> as an 
> example.

Thanks for the reference, it looks very interesting.

> In metapost, "perfect" spheres can be drawn, like on 
> But how can I add > colour?

The spheres in that example are really just circles.  The "globe font" was
done using Metafont, which doesn't support color at all.  The sphere graphic
at the beginning of that file was done using MetaPost, so the circles could be
drawn in color, but I know this isn't what you mean.   
The glyphs from the globe font (which I plan to improve) could be colored,
e.g., by using the macros defined in the `colordvi.tex' file supplied with
`dvips'.  Of course, a given glyph could only be printed or displayed in a
single color.

GNU 3DLDF does not yet possess a `sphere' type, but I plan to add one in the
not-too-distant future.  I also plan to add shading, but that is in the more
distant future.  The shading methods I'm (vaguely) familiar with operate on
raster data and I haven't quite decided how to handle rasterization.  I'm
leaning toward using the PNG format rather than PostScript for this.  I
believe PostScript can be used for both vector and raster data, but my memory
of the details is hazy.

> The spheres drawn directly in PostScript as in the examples above still 
> have straight lines (well, I agree that with some mathematics it would 
> be possible to draw them with proper splines as well).

If you mean my spheres, that's an artefact of the PNG graphics.  The
PostScript versions look nicer.  I believe that on commonly available devices,
 curves are ultimately drawn as short straight-line segments, though.  In the
code in that file, the circles have 64 points, and I thought the results were
good enough.  Raising it to some value x such that x % 4 == 0 and x > 64 might
improve them, I haven't tried it.  32 wasn't enough.

Laurence Finston
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: [metapost] shading in meta[post/play] & PDF

2005-01-17 Thread Laurence Finston
Laurence Finston wrote:

> If you mean my spheres, that's an artefact of the PNG graphics.  

Actually, I think it may be because of  the high magnification I used in order
to get the glyphs to be a reasonable size when viewed using a browser.   It
would probably work better to make the characters bigger in the first place. 
It might also be because browsers display graphics with low resolution.   I
don't know much about browsers, though, so this is just a hypothesis.  I'll
see if I can improve this when I revise the font.

Laurence Finston
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: [metapost] shading in meta[post/play] & PDF

2005-01-17 Thread Laurence Finston
> In metapost, "perfect" spheres can be drawn, like on 
> But how can I add colour?

You could use the intersection points of the circles as the corners of
rectangles and fill the latter.  The more circles you use, the better the
results will be.  The very primitive surface hiding I've implemented will
almost certainly fail, so you'll have to do this by hand or implement it
yourself.  You may be able to implement surface hiding and/or shading by
operating on the MetaPost file generated by GNU 3DLDF, or by the PostScript
file generated by MetaPost.

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