Re[2]: [NTG-context] Halfway between itemizations and descriptions

2005-11-24 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, November 24, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:

> Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:

>>Thursday, November 24, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:
>>>this is a variant of taco's posted solution:
>>>so, this way you can hook in a command that is executed after the symbol
>>I like it! (Ok, I won't use it this time because in the mean
>>time I reworked the text to use \head, with the benefit of
>>some extra lines which in a PhD thesis are always welcome
> anyway, i posted an update at:


> this one has

> - the interline patch
> - the itemize extensions
> - vit's columnset mark stuff (yet imperfect but ..)

> it's in /temp because i want it tested first -)

Will I ever be able to thank you enough? :)

Setting up the interline space works, thank you very much.

(A minor nitpick: AFAIK standard typographical rules require
footnotes to be single-spaced even when the text is
doublespaced. Can we have an interlinespace= option for
footnotes (and all other forms of non-mainline text)? Also,
while the lists are not double-spaced (good!) the index
(register) is. I think it shouldn't be.)

(Also: for miktex you should set UseEnginePath to *false*;
and kpsewhich does not use --engine= under miktex, at all.)

I think that to rollout my thesis the only thing that needs
a fix is the (local) \placecontent not working when
resetnumber=no (see appropriate email)

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re[2]: [NTG-context] Halfway between itemizations and descriptions

2005-11-24 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, November 24, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:

> this is a variant of taco's posted solution:


> so, this way you can hook in a command that is executed after the symbol
> placement

I like it! (Ok, I won't use it this time because in the mean
time I reworked the text to use \head, with the benefit of
some extra lines which in a PhD thesis are always welcome

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re[2]: [NTG-context] Halfway between itemizations and descriptions

2005-11-24 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, November 24, 2005 Taco Hoekwater wrote:

> Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
>> However, I find it really 'funny' that there are n different
>> methods to create items in an enumeration ... should these
>> be rather enumeration options, so that you can use the same
>> source code and just chang the stuff in \setup/\staritemize
>> to achieve the different effects?
>> This is why I was thinking of using \head, still, for
>> example.

> Ah, I see. So instead of just the

> \setupitemize[symbol=]

> have something more like

> \setupitemize[textcommand=,
>   numbercommand=,
>   command=]

> as for heads and such?

Or maybe something as simple as texthead=yes :)

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re[2]: [NTG-context] Halfway between itemizations and descriptions

2005-11-24 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, November 24, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:

> Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:

>>>(PS. I cannot send mail to your address, it bounces, do you have an
>>>alternative one?)
>>Hm, which address is bouncing? bigfoot is long dead, use
>>the one I'm sending this from.
> I get:

> When trying to deliver your message, the mail server at controller-1 
> encountered
> problems with the following addresses:

> For <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Site (
> said: 504 : Helo command rejected: need
> fully-qualified hostname

Looks like your sending program or ISP doesn't provide a
fully qualified hostname, but rather something like
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or something.

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re[2]: [NTG-context] Halfway between itemizations and descriptions

2005-11-24 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, November 24, 2005 Taco Hoekwater wrote:

> Hans Hagen wrote:
>> Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
>>> Yes, that's a good start :) however, I would leave the
>>> option to have both the symbol and the text, exactly as if
>>> it was run-in \head (i.e. with the actual item test
>>> following the \head text on the same line). However, you ma
>>> want to have this as an option to \head ... maybe it can
>>> already be achieved with an appropriate afterhead?
>> so you want
>> 1.  somethingbold  whatever text follows in running font
>> 2.  somethingelsebold  whatever othertext follows in running font

> That would be quite simple, like so:

>\def\doitemplus[#1]#2{\item[#1] {\bf #2}}

For example (where \bf is \someconfigurablecommand).

However, I find it really 'funny' that there are n different
methods to create items in an enumeration ... should these
be rather enumeration options, so that you can use the same
source code and just chang the stuff in \setup/\staritemize
to achieve the different effects?

This is why I was thinking of using \head, still, for

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re[2]: [NTG-context] Halfway between itemizations and descriptions

2005-11-24 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, November 24, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:

> Hi,

> Something like this?

Yes, that's a good start :) however, I would leave the
option to have both the symbol and the text, exactly as if
it was run-in \head (i.e. with the actual item test
following the \head text on the same line). However, you ma
want to have this as an option to \head ... maybe it can
already be achieved with an appropriate afterhead?

> (PS. I cannot send mail to your address, it bounces, do you have an
> alternative one?)

Hm, which address is bouncing? bigfoot is long dead, use
the one I'm sending this from.

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re[2]: [NTG-context] Halfway between itemizations and descriptions

2005-11-23 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:

> Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:

>>does ConTeXt have something which is halfway between
>>itemizations and descriptions? I have a small set of
>>properties that should be enumerated together. Right now I'm
>>doing it by defining a \description and then doing
>>\desc{something} stuff \par
>>\desc{something else} other stuff \par
> \startdesc {something}  \stopdesc

> is an alternative syntax

Yeah, I know, but it's still clumsy.

>>However, this is an overall cumbersome syntax, especially
>>for the result I would like to obtain.
>>using \startitemize ...\stopitemize with \sym{something}
>>\sym{something else} comes *very* close to what I would like
>>but I can't seem to find a way to prevent the \sym text to
>>wade into the actualt text of the description.
> you want more space for the sym?

> \startitemize[5*broad]
> \item {word} 
> \item {another} 
> \stopitemize

> (if needed, you can define an itemgroup with a default wider left margin)

No please this is horrible. I would like the item/desc/head
to 'run in' the text. I guess I'll have to use the \startdesc stuff :\

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list