[NTG-context] afterpage

2006-08-28 Thread Paul Jones
Hello,I have used Latex in the past and have the following code that inserts information on certain pages using afterpage.  Is there some way to do a similar thing in context?\usepackage{afterpage}\newcommand{\insertpagea}{\vbox to \textheight{\vfill This page inserted on page 3 \vfill}}
\newcommand{\insertpageb}{\vbox to \textheight{\vfill This page inserted on page 4 \vfill}}\newcommand{\incpage}{\ifthenelse{\value{page}=3}{\insertpagea}{%    \ifthenelse{\value{page}=4}{\insertpageb}{%
    \afterpage{\incpage\afterpage{\incpage}\begin{document}...\end{document}I am not sure if this could be done at a different level also, maybe with texexec or something.  I basically have a requirement to insert content into a document on a specific page.  After doing so the table of contents must still be correct.  
I am still fairly new in the Tex world so any help you can give will be very much appreciated.Paul
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] afterpage

2006-08-28 Thread Paul Jones
On 8/28/06, Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Peter Rolf wrote:> Hi Paul,>> Paul Jones wrote:>>> Hello,>>>> I have used Latex in the past and have the following code that inserts>> information on certain pages using afterpage.  Is there some way to do a
>> similar thing in context?>>>>>> \setupoutput[pdf]> \definelayer[info]>> \setuplayer[info]>   [height=\paperheight,width=\paperwidth]>> \setupbackgrounds[page]
>   [background="" info layer is above normal text layer>> \def\WhichPage#1{%>   \def\docommand##1{\ifnum\pageno=##1\relax> \setlayerframed[info][x=20mm,y=\dimexpr\paperheight-15mm,location=r]
> [background="">>   {\tfb This page is inserted on page \number\pageno}\fi}%> \rawprocesscommalist[#1]\docommand}%>...however if one wants to insert something after a specific page, there is
% \startpostponing [pagenumber] [+pageoffset]%% \startpostponing[2]%   PAGE 2 \blank% \stoppostponing%% \startpostponing[+1]%   PAGE +1 \blank% \stoppostponing%% \startpostponing[+2]
%   PAGE +2 \blank% \stoppostponing%% \starttext \dorecurse{4}{\input tufte \page} \stoptextHansthank you so much.  This is exactly what I was trying to do.paul

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] xpos.sty

2006-08-29 Thread Paul Jones
Hello,Thank you again for very timely and great answers to my question yesterday.  I am finding that implementing things in Context is usually easier than I expect.  This is very nice.  Our company decided to switch to context from latex recently.  It seems to have been a very good decision.  Thanks for all the work you do to make context so fun to use.
We have one last thing to get translated from latex to context.  David Kastrup wrote a bit of latex for us (included below) that magically writes out the absolute xy position of each paragraph and image to a log file for us.  We pass some extra information to the commands that get put in the log file for us, but in the end we mainly need a way to get the absolute xy coordinates of the bounding boxes for each paragraph, each section title, each image and each image caption.  Is there a way to get this information with context already? Or do I need to get a new module written?
Thanks in advance for any advise,paul[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] \jobname.pos\relax}[EMAIL PROTECTED]@write#1#2#3{%  \begingroup   \let\thepage\relax
   #2%   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@protect   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \endgroup  [EMAIL PROTECTED]}\def\positionwrite{\ifx\protect\@
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   \pdfsavepos   \else [EMAIL PROTECTED] \fi [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]\def\thexposition{\ifx\thepage\relax  \noexpand\thexposition   \else [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \dimexpr\pdflastxpos sp*\p@/\dimexpr 1bp\relax\relax \fi}
\def\theyposition{\ifx\thepage\relax  \noexpand\theyposition  \else [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \dimexpr(\ifnum\pdfoutput>\z@ \pdfpageheight\fi-\pdflastypos sp)%  *\p@/\dimexpr 1bp\relax\relax \fi}\def\thexyposition{\thexposition\space\theyposition}
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ne}[EMAIL PROTECTED]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]\def\positiontop#1{\positionhwrite{\vadjust pre{\positionwrite{#1
\def\positionbottom#1{\positionhwrite{\vadjust{\positionwrite{#1\def\positionbaseline#1{\positionhwrite{\positionwrite{#1}}}\newcounter{positionpar}\relax\newenvironment{positionpar}[2]{%  \par
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ne \ifhmode\expandafter\positiontop \else\expandafter\positionwrite\fi{#1}}%

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] positioning a watermark

2006-08-29 Thread Paul Jones
Hello,I am trying to create alternating watermarks behind the
text of a book on odd and even pages.  I was able to get this working
with overlays fine, except that I could not figure out how to position
them.  (I would like them in the bottom outside corners)  Using layers
I could get them to repeat across pages if I
\setupbackgrounds[text][text], but only the text on the odd pages
showed up.  I would really like to use \setupbackgrounds[page] so my
offsets are from the edge of the page.  So I guess I have a couple of
Is it possible to position overlays?Is it possible to repeat layers using [page]?Any guess as to why only the odd pages showed the watermark in the code below?Thanks for any help.paul%output=pdf
\setuppagenumbering   [alternative=doublesided]\setupcolors   [state=start]\setupbackgrounds   [text][text]   [background="">=repeat]\definelayer   [watermark]

   [position=yes]\startsetups watermark \doifoddpageelse    {\framed[frame=off,foregroundcolor=gray]{\scale[sx=10,sy=10]{\rotate[rotation=0.0]{forever    {\framed[frame=off,foregroundcolor=gray]{\scale[sx=10,sy=10]{\rotate[rotation=
0.0]{together\stopsetups\starttext\setlayer[watermark][hoffset=1cm,voffset=1cm]{\setups{watermark}}\chapter{first}  \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte  }\chapter{second} \dorecurse{10}{\input davis  }
\chapter{third}  \dorecurse{10}{\input zapf   }\chapter{fourth} \dorecurse{10}{\input bryson }\stoptext
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] xpos.sty

2006-09-01 Thread Paul Jones
Again, that is exactly what we needed.  Thank you so much.paulOn 8/29/06, Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Paul Jones wrote:>> Thank you again for very timely and great answers to my question
> yesterday.  I am finding that implementing things in Context is> usually easier than I expect.  This is very nice.  Our company decided> to switch to context from latex recently.  It seems to have been a
> very good decision.  Thanks for all the work you do to make context so> fun to use.>> We have one last thing to get translated from latex to context.  David> Kastrup wrote a bit of latex for us (included below) that magically
> writes out the absolute xy position of each paragraph and image to a> log file for us.  We pass some extra information to the commands that> get put in the log file for us, but in the end we mainly need a way to
> get the absolute xy coordinates of the bounding boxes for each> paragraph, each section title, each image and each image caption.  Is> there a way to get this information with context already? Or do I need
> to get a new module written?i dunno about that code but context has support for positions for years now, in your case you probably need something\starttext\let\CurrentPos\empty\def\StartPos#1%
  {\pushmacro\CurrentPos   \edef\CurrentPos{mypos:#1}%   \dontleavehmode\bpos\CurrentPos   \ignorespaces}\def\StopPos  {\removeunwantedspaces   \epos\CurrentPos   \popmacro\CurrentPos}
\def\BoxPos#1%  {\dowithnextbox{\hbox{\hpos{mypos:#1}{\box\nextbox}}}\vbox}\StartPos{x}\input tufte \StopPos\StartPos{y}\input zapf \StopPos\placefigure  {}  {\BoxPos{q}{\framed[width=3cm,height=4cm]{}}}
\stoptextin the *.tui/tuo file you can grep for mypos-  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | 
www.pragma-pod.nl-___ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Photobook

2006-09-01 Thread Paul Jones
I have just implemented something like this using layers.  I store templates in a db which show where photos can go on a page and then allow users to put photos on the page.  If you are interested contact me directly and I can show you what I have done to have context typeset the images.  Some of the information is on the context wiki, but I have not finished updating it.  The system allows users to select any size of book and the templates adjust accordingly.  The front end allowing the users to place the photos is not quite done yet. 
paulOn 9/1/06, Willi Egger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fidel Viegas wrote:> Hello folks,>> I have been playing around with Context for over a month and I think> it is a fantastic tool. Comparing it with LaTex it is a more general> tool and gives you far more options. Now, I was wondering if any
> Context user has created photobooks with contexts and how they went> about doing it.> I would love to hear people's experiences.No, no photobooks, but I have made different other books which include
figures/foto's and text. Some of them are even arranged into sections. -So if you could be more specific on waht you want to achieve ...Kind regardsWilli___
ntg-context mailing listntg-context@ntg.nlhttp://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context

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[NTG-context] Separate PDF files

2006-09-20 Thread Paul Jones
Is there a way to have texexec output separate pdf files for each page it generates instead of a single pdf file?  I have looked through all of the post-processing commands but can not figure out how to do it from that.
Thank you,paul
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Positioning tag adding space before a chapter

2006-10-02 Thread Paul Jones
I am using \StartPos and \StopPos to determine where text is
positioned in the output document.  This works very well except that
when it is placed before the first chapter in the bodymatter it adds a
blank page.  All of the other chapters are fine.  Is there some way
for me to make this not happen?  I don't understand everything inthe
StartPos def.  But if I remove the \StartPos from before the first
chapter the blank page is not there, but I need that positioning
information.   I will be greatful for any help.


% output=pdftex
%\chapter{testing}\StartPos{p:31:1}Here is the text to drop a photo
\StartPos{s:31}\chapter{Another Section}\StartPos{p:31:1}Here is the
\StartPos{s:32}\chapter{Another Section}\StartPos{p:32:1}Here is the
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] overlay page background missing

2006-11-02 Thread Paul Jones
Hello all,

I am trying to put together a wedding book.  I would like a nice
watermark behind the text on each page.  Left page containing the word
'together', and right page containing the word 'forever'.  I can get
this done with an overlay, but it is always centered in the page.  So
after reading some threads about layers in overlays I thought this
might work.  Putting a layer into an overlay does give me the ability
to positiong the words, but I can no longer get them to show up on all
of the pages.  Am I doing this in a resonable way?  Why did the
setupbackgrounds stop working when I put the layer into the overlay?

Much thanks,




\startsetups WatermarkSetup




\framed[height=\textheight, width=\textwidth,
background={WatermarkOverlay}, frame=on]{overlay frame}
\chapter{first}  \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte  }
\chapter{second} \dorecurse{10}{\input davis  }
\chapter{third}  \dorecurse{10}{\input zapf   }
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] overlay page background missing

2006-11-02 Thread Paul Jones
On 11/2/06, Mojca Miklavec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does \setupheadertexts[\setups{WatermarkSetup}] help?
> Mojca

That did get the overlay to display on every page, but I am planning
on using the setupheadertexts to display other headers on the page.  I
also lose the ability to position the layer by placing the setup
directly in the header.  I was hoping that by placing a layer into an
overlay I would get the best of both commands.

This does give me some ideas for other alternatives as well...back to
the lab for more experiments.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] overlay page background missing

2006-11-02 Thread Paul Jones
So it looks like the problem boils down to this:

The overlay with a layer inside it displays fine when used in the
framed background.

width=\textwidth,background={WatermarkOverlay}, frame=on]{overlay

But it does not display anything when used in the setupbackgrounds background.


Any ideas why?


On 11/2/06, Mojca Miklavec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> % "draw \sometxt{forever} withcolor red" is broken at the moment,
> % but used to/should(?) work otherwise

Thanks for the hint.  I don't know anything about mp.  Is there a
replacement for the broken draw \sometxt?

Thanks again.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] overlay page background missing

2006-11-04 Thread Paul Jones
> > The overlay with a layer inside it displays fine when used in the
> > framed background.
> >
> > \framed[height=\textheight,
> > width=\textwidth,background={WatermarkOverlay}, frame=on]{overlay
> > frame}
> >
> > But it does not display anything when used in the setupbackgrounds 
> > background.
> >
> > \setupbackgrounds[page][background={WatermarkOverlay}]
> >
> > Any ideas why?
> >
> hm, backgrounds should work ok; and page backgrounds are recalculated for 
> each page

Can you see any reason why it would not be working?  In the example
above, the overlay is displayed as the background of the frame, but
not as the background for the entire document?  Can you give any
directions on where to look for further documentation/ideas?  I
basically just need to be able to position a watermark on the back of
every page, possibley different ones for left and right pages.

Thank you,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] overlay page background missing

2006-11-04 Thread Paul Jones

can you send small test file?

Here you go...

In case the mail server strips attachments, the contents of the
attached file are also in the original post of this thread.

Thank you,

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] overlay page background missing

2006-11-06 Thread Paul Jones
Thank you so much.  This is exactly what I needed.  I will add this to the wiki.

Thank you,

On 11/5/06, Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul Jones wrote:
> >> can you send small test file?
> >
> > Here you go...
> >
> > In case the mail server strips attachments, the contents of the
> > attached file are also in the original post of this thread.
> \setuppagenumbering
>   [alternative=doublesided]
> \setupcolors
>   [state=start]
> \setupbackgrounds
>  [leftpage]
>  [background=Watermark-Left]
> \setupbackgrounds
>  [rightpage]
>  [background=Watermark-Right]
> \definelayer
>   [Watermark-Left]
>   [repeat=yes,
> \definelayer
>   [Watermark-Right]
>   [repeat=yes,
> \setlayerframed
>   [Watermark-Left]
>   [preset=middle]
>   [foregroundcolor=red]
>   {\scale[sx=12,sy=12]{\rotate[rotation=20.0]{forever}}}
> \setlayerframed
>   [Watermark-Right]
>   [preset=middle]
>   [foregroundcolor=red]
>   {\scale[sx=12,sy=12]{\rotate[rotation=-20.0]{together}}}
> \starttext
> \chapter{first}  \dorecurse{30}{\input tufte  }
> \stoptext
> -
>   Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
>   Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
>  tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
>  | www.pragma-pod.nl
> -
> ___
> ntg-context mailing list
> ntg-context@ntg.nl
> http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] postoned text and headers

2006-11-07 Thread Paul Jones
Hello everyone,

I have a tex document where I postpone (\startpostponing) certain
pages until later in the document.  On those pages I would like the
headers/footers turned off.  I have tried \noheaderandfooterlines, and
setting the header to high, but neither seem to work.  Have I done
something wrong or is there another way to do this?  Here is an
example of what I tried to describe.

\setuppagenumbering[conversion=numbers, location=]

%this will generally be a fullbleed picture or set of pictures on a
page by themselves
\framed[frame=on, width=\textwidth, height=\textheight]
{\dorecurse{1}{\input zapf}}

\dorecurse{20}{\input davis  }

Thanks in advance for any help,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] postoned text and headers

2006-11-09 Thread Paul Jones

Any ideas on this?  I have tried everything I can think of, to turn
off headers on a postponed page, including using page[blank], etc. but
nothing seems to work quite right.  Attached is a sample showing the
issue.  This is one of the last issues I have (I think).


On 11/7/06, Paul Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have a tex document where I postpone (\startpostponing) certain
pages until later in the document.  On those pages I would like the
headers/footers turned off.  I have tried \noheaderandfooterlines, and
setting the header to high, but neither seem to work.  Have I done
something wrong or is there another way to do this?  Here is an
example of what I tried to describe.

\setuppagenumbering[conversion=numbers, location=]

%this will generally be a fullbleed picture or set of pictures on a
page by themselves
\framed[frame=on, width=\textwidth, height=\textheight]
{\dorecurse{1}{\input zapf}}

\dorecurse{20}{\input davis  }

Thanks in advance for any help,

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] postponed block and headers

2006-11-16 Thread Paul Jones

Below is somewhat of a silly example, but it does show the problem I am
experiencing.  It looks like the commands inside of the postponing block can
not effect the headers.  Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?  The
only way I have been able to change the headers is to place a \page[blank]
at the beginning of my postponed block, but then there are no headers for
the rest of the document. Basically I just want there to be no headers on
any page where I postpone a block.  Any help would be much appreciated

\setuppagenumbering[conversion=numbers, location=]
\setuphead[chapter][header=high, footer=high]

\chapter{Chapter with header}

\chapter{Chapter no header}
\dorecurse{20}{\input davis  }

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Watermark

2006-11-28 Thread Paul Jones

Here is a simple example




\chapter{first}  \dorecurse{30}{\input tufte  }


On 11/28/06, Maurício <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


   How do I add a simple watermark text (like "Draft") to every page of a
Context generated file?


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ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Context -> Tex

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Jones

Is there some way that I can convert my context file into tex?  I am
just pondering how much faster running straight tex through pdftex
would be than using context.  Is there some way to run it through
texexec and get tex out of it instead of a pdf/dvi?  Or are there
stats about this kind of thing somewhere that I can lookup?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Can not set body font

2007-02-28 Thread Paul Jones

Another not I did not mention.

\showfont[BodyFont] produced all the right information.
\showbodyfont produced the standard fonts instead of the one I tried to
define for \rm \tf

Thanks again for any help.

On 2/28/07, Paul Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am having a problem setting up a body font since updating my tex system
to texlive 2007.  The file below worked fine on my old tetex system, but
alas the body font will no longer change.  No matter what I do, I get the
default roman font instead of the one I specify.  The Chapter font is the
correct font (bickham), but the body font is not.  Based on this I think I
have the font installed correctly.  Can anyone see what I am missing.  Why
can I not change the body font?



\definebodyfont[default][rm][tf=BodyFont sa 1]
\setupbodyfont[default, rm]

\definefont[ChapterFont][BodyFont at 48pt]


\chapter{Bickham Chapter}
Hello in Bickham font.


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Can not set body font

2007-02-28 Thread Paul Jones


I am having a problem setting up a body font since updating my tex system to
texlive 2007.  The file below worked fine on my old tetex system, but alas
the body font will no longer change.  No matter what I do, I get the default
roman font instead of the one I specify.  The Chapter font is the correct
font (bickham), but the body font is not.  Based on this I think I have the
font installed correctly.  Can anyone see what I am missing.  Why can I not
change the body font?



\definebodyfont[default][rm][tf=BodyFont sa 1]
\setupbodyfont[default, rm]

\definefont[ChapterFont][BodyFont at 48pt]


\chapter{Bickham Chapter}
Hello in Bickham font.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Can not set body font

2007-02-28 Thread Paul Jones

I just found that

\definebodyfont[12pt][rm][tf=BodyFont sa 1]

worked as I expected.  What does the reset switch do?  I can not find it
documented anywhere.  I just stumbled on it looking at some examples on the


On 2/28/07, Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Paul Jones wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having a problem setting up a body font since updating my tex
> system to
> texlive 2007.  The file below worked fine on my old tetex system, but
> alas
> the body font will no longer change.  No matter what I do, I get the
> default
> roman font instead of the one I specify.  The Chapter font is the
> font (bickham), but the body font is not.  Based on this I think I
> have the
> font installed correctly.  Can anyone see what I am missing.  Why can
> I not
> change the body font?
> %output=pdftex
> \resetmapfiles
> \loadmapfile[texnansi-familylearn-bickham]
> \definefontsynonym[BodyFont][texnansi-pbir8a][encoding=texnansi]
> \definebodyfont[default][rm][tf=BodyFont sa 1]
> \setupbodyfont[default, rm]


help (if so, you really have an old version)
> \definefont[ChapterFont][BodyFont at 48pt]
> \setuphead[chapter][style=\ChapterFont]
> \starttext
> \chapter{Bickham Chapter}
> Hello in Bickham font.
> \stoptext
> Thanks,
> paul
> ___
> ntg-context mailing list
> ntg-context@ntg.nl
> http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
 | www.pragma-pod.nl

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Can not set body font

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Jones
What I changed did not actually fix the problem, it just moved the
problem somewhere else.

I have installed my own font (see mapfile below).  \showfont shows the
font information correctly.  The problem is that I can not set this
font to be the bodyfont at 12pt.  It works at any other size, just not
12pt.  If I change the \definebodyfont and \setupbodyfont below to use
14pt, or any other size, the body font changes.

At 12pt, \showbodyfont reports that the \tfa,\tfb,\tfc, and \tfd all
switch to the Bickham font, but nothing else does.

At 14pt, \showbodyfont reports that all font varients change except
\tfx and \tfxx.

It seems like either the body font is set earlier somewhere and I am
not allowed to change it, or my choices are being overwritten after I
make them.  Is there a setting somewhere that I can change to fix
this?  This is a brand new installation of texlive2007 on Linux (suse
and fedora both have this problem).

Here is my tex file
\definefontsynonym[BickhamBold] [texnansi-pbib8a][encoding=texnansi]
\definefontsynonym[BickhamBoldSlanted] [texnansi-pbibi8a][encoding=texnansi]

\definebodyfont[12pt][rm][tf=Bickham sa 1,
  bf=BickhamBold sa 1,
  sl=BickhamSlanted sa 1,
  it=BickhamSlanted sa 1,
  sc=BickhamSmallCaps sa 1,
  bs=BickhamBoldSlanted sa 1,
  bi=BickhamBoldSlanted sa 1]

Hello in Bickham font.
{\bf Hello in BickhamBold font}
{\sl Hello in BickhamSlanted font}
{\sc Hello in BickhamSmallCaps font}
{\bs Hello in BickhamBoldSlanted font}

Here is my map file:

% This file is generated by the TeXFont Perl script.
% You need to add the following line to your file:
%   \pdfmapfile{+texnansi-familylearn-bickham.map}
% In ConTeXt you can best use:
%   \loadmapfile[texnansi-familylearn-bickham.map]

texnansi-raw-pbib8a BickhamScriptStd-Semibold 4 < pbib8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbibi8a BickhamScriptStd-Semibold 4 < pbibi8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbir8a BickhamScriptStd-Regular 4 < pbir8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbiri8a BickhamScriptStd-Regular 4 < pbiri8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbib8a-capitalized-800 BickhamScriptStd-Semibold 4 <
pbib8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbibi8a-capitalized-800 BickhamScriptStd-Semibold 4 <
pbibi8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbir8a-capitalized-800 BickhamScriptStd-Regular 4 <
pbir8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbiri8a-capitalized-800 BickhamScriptStd-Regular 4 <
pbiri8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbib8a-capitalized-1000 BickhamScriptStd-Semibold 4 <
pbib8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbibi8a-capitalized-1000 BickhamScriptStd-Semibold 4 <
pbibi8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbir8a-capitalized-1000 BickhamScriptStd-Regular 4 <
pbir8a.pfb texnansi.enc
texnansi-raw-pbiri8a-capitalized-1000 BickhamScriptStd-Regular 4 <
pbiri8a.pfb texnansi.enc

Thanks for any help,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Can not set body font

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Jones

Using a typescript does not change the problem.  (Though, thank you
for the typescript) Any ideas on what I can do to debug this issue?
I'm not sure where to look anymore.  I have about 8 fonts that I have
installed and they all have this problem.  I have attached the texexec
log.  Maybe someone can see a clue in there?

Thanks in advance,

%new file using a typescript

Hello in Bickham font.
{\bf Hello in BickhamBold font}
{\sl Hello in BickhamSlanted font}
{\sc Hello in BickhamSmallCaps font}
{\bs Hello in BickhamBoldSlanted font}
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6) (format=cont-en 2007.3.5)  5 MAR 2007 14:12
entering extended mode
 %&-line parsing enabled.
**bodyfont.tex emergencyend

ConTeXt  ver: 2007.01.12 15:56 MKII  fmt: 2007.3.5  int: english/english

language: language en is active
system  : cont-new loaded
systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex
system  : cont-old loaded
loading : Context Old Macros
system  : cont-fil loaded
loading : Context File Synonyms
system  : cont-sys.rme loaded
bodyfont: 12pt rm is loaded
language: patterns en->ec:ec->1->2:3 uk->ec:ec->2->2:3 de->texnansi:tex
nansi->3->2:3 de->ec:ec->4->2:3 fr->texnansi:texnansi->5->2:3 fr->ec:ec->6->2:3
 es->ec:ec->7->2:3 pt->texnansi:texnansi->8->2:3 pt->ec:ec->9->2:3 it->texnansi
:texnansi->10->2:3 it->ec:ec->11->2:3 nl->texnansi:texnansi->12->2:3 nl->ec:ec-
>13->2:3 cz->il2:il2->14->2:3 cz->ec:ec->15->2:3 sk->il2:il2->16->2:3 sk->ec:ec
->17->2:3 pl->pl0:pl0->18->2:3 pl->ec:ec->19->2:3 pl->qx:qx->20->2:3 loaded
specials: tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
\openout3 = `bodyfont.tui'.

system  : bodyfont.top loaded
specials: loading definition file tpd
specials: loading definition file fdf

specials: fdf loaded
specials: fdf,tpd loaded
\openout0 = `bodyfont-mpgraph.mp'.

\openout0 = `mpgraph.mp'.

systems : system commands are disabled
(/usr/local/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/type-buy.tex)) (./bodyfont.tuo)
(./bodyfont.tuo) (./bodyfont.tuo) (./bodyfont.tuo) (./bodyfont.tuo)
(./bodyfont.tuo) (./bodyfont.tuo) (./bodyfont.tuo) (./bodyfont.tuo)
(./bodyfont.tuo) (/usr/local/texlive/texmf-dist/tex

Re: [NTG-context] Can not set body font

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Jones
> Diagnosing this remotely is almost impossible. The log shows that the
> typescript is read, but your fonts are not used; everything is in
> Latin Modern.

This is one of the reasons I was trying to use \definebodyfont
directly.  I was hoping that the problem was in the typescript I
wrote.  But it seems that no matter what I do modern is always used.
I can use my fonts anywhere except the as the body font.

You should test if all the files you need are really
> found by TeX:
> kpsewhich texnansi-familylearn-bickham.map
> kpsewhich texnansi-pbir8a.tfm
> kpsewhich texnansi-pbir8a.vf
> kpsewhich texnansi-raw-pbir8a.tfm
> kpsewhich pbir8a.pfb
kpsewhich finds all the files.

Thank you for your help so far Thomas.  If you have any more ideas, I
am willing to try just about anything now.

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