Re: [NWRUG] Getting Into Rails Development

2024-04-23 Thread Will Jessop
> On 19 Apr 2024, at 13:55, Paul Bennett-Freeman  wrote:
> > I'm currently working on building a portfolio, but is there anything I 
> > should focus on in particular? 
> Since you've changed careers, is there anything you could build the plays on 
> that? Something you can spin a narrative around of "As a teacher, I always 
> wanted to do X, and so I built this tool that does it."
> Something like "Every term, I'd need to log on to the school web site and 
> copy a pupils grades one by one into a spreadsheet, so I built a web scraper 
> that does that automatically"

Agreed, Patrick McKenzie (patio11) once said "My favourite heuristic for SaaS 
apps still works: there is a good market anywhere someone mails an Excel 
spreadsheet and they mail it back". It could also be a good heuristic for 
finding interesting problems to solve to stand out at interview. When you solve 
the problems it helps to be able to talk about why you made the decisions you 
made too, rather than just "everyone does". Why did you pick Postgres over 
MySQL? Why isn't SQLite suitable for most web apps despite being fashionable 
again? What do you like about Minitest vs Rspec? You don't have to have an 
answer for everything as you're just starting out, but I think it's worth 
thinking through as you go.

> From a more personal perspective, and definitely more controversial, so take 
> this as one person's option: Frontend in Rails (Turbo and Hotwire) is a hot 
> mess and very few companies actually use it.

I wouldn't necessarily agree there. Popularity isn't a sign of quality. See 
PHP, The Javascript tooling ecosystem, Mongo DB, McDonalds etc. There are 
companies using Turbo and Hotwire and doing so successfully. Not as many as 
React for sure.

Personal experience, I'd say that using React was the single biggest mistake 
made in our companies history, it's hindered quality and speed of development 
as the company has aged. I wish the people who had made the decision years ago 
had stuck with server-rendered content with something like Stimulus for front 
end behaviour.

> Learning some React, and building against APIs you've written, or other 
> people's APIs is a much more transferable skill set. I'd recommend Noel 
> Rappin's Modern Front-End Development for Rails which covers all bases by 
> including Turbo, Stimulus, React, and TypeScript. That has a more balanced 
> approach than a random person on the internet screaming "Hotwire sucks!" ;) 

This is a reasonable approach. Knowing some several technologies may well help 
as a junior developer, being able to talk about the differences and why you 
might choose one over the other would be helpful too.

I'm going to hijack this email to respond to the original :)

> On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 at 12:47, DAZ  wrote:
> >
> > I know a lot of you on here are already working as Rails devs - does 
> > anybody have any tips about what the best things I should be doing? I'm 
> > currently working on building a portfolio, but is there anything I should 
> > focus on in particular? And any tips about the best way to find Rails 
> > vacancies or opportunities?

It depends what job you want to go for and what you mean by portfolio. If 
you're going for a job at an agency then a portfolio of sites you've made might 
be useful. However, though some people can thrive at agencies they have some 
significant downsides, especially for people wanting to learn and grow.

As someone who has hired people a big part of what I'm looking for is you to 
show me that you can think, decide, plan and do. Finding situations where you 
have thought through a problem, decided what the right solution was, planned 
how to do it, and then done the work well. Creating n Rails apps with Postgres 
and Sidekiq that take form data and store it in a database works a small number 
of times depending on the specifics of the problem solved each time, but 
doesn't scale.

Things other than a web app that might impress could be things like:

- I did some data analysis using Jupyter Labs/notebooks, Python was a good 
choice here because…
- I gathered some data using a Raspberry Pi or other device, here's the Ruby 
code, these are the problems I solved…
- I experimented with benchmarking my Rails apps frontend and/or backend to 
improve performance, here's what I learned…

Some people with 20 years experience have the same year of experience repeated, 
even though you're new you should try to show that you've not just got the same 
experience over and over again.

No-one is expecting you to have rich and varied experience at this stage, but 
have a think about these as a way to stand out and not fall into the trap of 
doing the same thing over and over.


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Re: [NWRUG] Help With Some Puma Warnings

2024-01-27 Thread Will Jessop
To save you some time it should just be a case of:

1. installing direnv (brew install direnv)
2. move the .env file contents to the .envrc in the project root (with some 
minor formatting tweaks)
3. running `direnv allow` in the project root

Unless you're using envrc in production (which I wouldn't, and can't remember 
ever seeing) then that should be everything you need to change. In production 
there would be no changes if you're setting env vars in the normal way (eg. 
"settings" in Heroku, systemd config etc.). If you /are/ using envrc in 
production then you might find the config to be better moved to those "normal" 
ways of setting the env, initialisers or the credentials store.


> On 27 Jan 2024, at 09:41, 'Rob Whittaker' via North West Ruby User Group 
> (NWRUG)  wrote:
> It may be the Baader-Meinhof effect, but I've seen more mentions of direnv 
> over the last day than I have ever before. I've added a card to my backlog to 
> investigate swapping out dotenv.

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Re: [NWRUG] Help With Some Puma Warnings

2024-01-25 Thread Will Jessop
I highly recommend installing direnv (, available in 
homebrew) instead of using the dotenv gem and .env files. I've seen the sort of 
confusion you have had /repeatedly/ over the years with dotenv as it doesn't 
actually provide an environment at all, it's mis-named. direnv actually 
provides a first-class environment to your application so any command you run 
is in that env from program start:

will@lentil ~/www/oas/master (on 1e5da09)% cat .envrc 
export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379
export RUBYOPT=-w
# Temporary for segfault
export PGGSSENCMODE="disable"
will@lentil ~/www/oas/master (on 1e5da09)% env | grep RUBYOPT

> On 25 Jan 2024, at 17:36, 'Rob Whittaker' via North West Ruby User Group 
> (NWRUG)  wrote:
> Thank you both for your comments.
> Much of what Lee said went over my head and made me realise how little I know 
> about Puma. I have always accepted that it's the tool to use since it gained 
> popularity. Some stuff went in, but now I want to learn more.
> After Tekin's comments about rails s, I did some more investigating and was 
> wrong. Running rails s produces no warnings. Running bundle exec puma as per 
> the Procfile gives warnings, though.
> Puma loads the config/puma.rb file by default. I combed through that file and 
> commented out lines until the warnings disappeared. The offending line has 
> something to do with workers. If I set the value to zero, then the warnings 
> disappear.
> I set the number of workers from environment variables. When we have no value 
> set, it defaults to two workers. I have this value set to zero in my .env 
> file. I thought it might be that I was using 0, and the environment saw this 
> as no value set. I tried setting it to "0", but still no dice. It was time 
> for a trusty raise. No matter what value I put in .env, there was nothing in 
> my error. Weird.
> Then, I found this question on Stack Overflow. It makes sense that we load 
> dotenv after Puma. The gem is part of the Rails stack, after all. What could 
> I do?
> My next step was to create a separate with the following line 
> and a bin/dev wrapper.
> web: WEB_CONCURRENCY=0 bundle exec puma -p $PORT -C ./config/puma.rb
> This approach seems like it could be better. I'll have to duplicate the 
> commands between my two files and now use bin/dev to start my server. With 
> the extra information I've provided, can anybody give a better solution?

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[NWRUG] Rails and React jobs

2021-11-16 Thread Will Jessop
Just a quick reminder, Impactive are hiring! Two roles: - 
$120,000 - $170,000 - 
$120,000 - $160,000

These are full time jobs, but for non-US residents it would be a long-term 
(effectively full-time) contract, but if that's something that's been putting 
you off then it's really not hard to do.

We're filtering CVs now so get your applications in ASAP if you're considering! 
Ping me if you have any questions!


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[NWRUG] Jobs! (one Ruby, one React)

2021-10-29 Thread Will Jessop
Hello everyone! We're hiring for two jobs, a senior backend and a senior 
frontend engineer:

Impactive is a company that provides communications tools for progressive 
organisations in the US. Last year we provided outreach via peer to peer SMS 
messaging for organisations such as Planned Parenthood, When We All Vote 
( and the Biden for President campaigns. This year 
we continue to support organisations such as Fair Fight 
( and SEIU ( among many others. 
This year and next we are expanding with our new broadcast SMS, and our 
"Dialler" phone banking tool.

The company is fully remote, and open to people outside the US. Happy to answer 
any questions here or in private (, and please ping me if anyone 
here applies so I can make sure to check out your application.

Feel free to pass these on to anyone you think might be interested.


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[NWRUG] Looking for new contracts

2020-01-22 Thread Will Jessop
Hey all, my last contract came to an end and I’m looking for new things. I 
mostly do contracting and consulting for Ruby on Rails upgrades, performance, 
scaling and hosting. More details in the gist. Get in touch if you think I 
could help!


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[NWRUG] Upgrade yo rack

2019-12-19 Thread Will Jessop
There is a possible information leak / session hijack vulnerability in Rack:

The upgrade is a pretty simple change so should be easy to do.


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[NWRUG] Strong parameters reporting

2019-07-19 Thread Will Jessop
I discussed this last night but couldn't find the screenshot of the dashboard. 
I just found it, so here it is for the curious:

This is from a sample of 6 servers in the cluster of hundreds, to give you an 
idea of the scale of the problem. This tooling is designed to help different 
teams within the org get strong params violations to 0, and at that point we 
will start to enforce them by raising an exception.


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[NWRUG] NWRUG tomorrow!

2018-12-19 Thread Will Jessop
Tomorrow is the last NWRUG of the year!

With NOMA now closed and with it being so close to Christmas we won’t be having 
any talks this month at NWRUG. Instead we’ll be meeting at 57 Thomas St for a 
social. Come down from 6:30pm to hang out with your fellow Rubyists. Christmas 
jumpers optional.

We will be on the first floor of 57 Thomas Street, when you get there head 
towards the back and up the stairs. If you need help on the day you can me on 
07939 547 962.

Please note, there is no necessity or pressure to drink alcohol at the event, 
and it is not required for you to turn up at 6:30 sharp either. If you want to 
pop in to say hello at any point between 6:30 and late then please feel free to 
do so.


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Re: [NWRUG] Talk suggestions

2018-07-18 Thread Will Jessop
I’ll have a think about this, though I’m not sure there’s a talk’s worth of 
material in it but I’m happy to talk about it in person.


> On 12 Jul 2018, at 10:32, Brandon Burton  
> wrote:
> ​I think it could be interesting to hear how you and the RubyTune team 
> approach a new project, i.e. what are the first things you look at when 
> taking an application on-board​?
> On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 2:46 PM, Anna Dick  wrote:
> Hi Will
> My school pick up days have changed so it's difficult for me to get to there 
> these days family life eh!
> Hope you find some good topics..
> A
> Anna Dick
> 0161 300 7235 | 07802 749397
> Fourways House, 57 Hilton St, Manchester M1 2EJ
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> On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 2:40 PM, Will Jessop  wrote:
> So, are there any talks that any members would like to see at NWRUG? Either 
> from me or anyone else.
> For me I mostly do backend/ops programming in Ruby and Go.
> Will.
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[NWRUG] Talk suggestions

2018-07-11 Thread Will Jessop
So, are there any talks that any members would like to see at NWRUG? Either 
from me or anyone else.

For me I mostly do backend/ops programming in Ruby and Go.


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Re: [NWRUG] tonight's meetup - VENUE CHANGE #2

2018-04-19 Thread Will Jessop
> The Smithdown Tavern

"The Smithfield" perhaps?

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Re: [NWRUG] Re: Thursday 21st: "Faster Than Lightning" Talks

2017-09-20 Thread Will Jessop
I was planning on doing a bit, but I’ve not had a chance to put it together yet.

> On 20 Sep 2017, at 09:38, Tekin Suleyman  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> If you’re planning on coming to NWRUG tomorrow, it would be great if you 
> could submit a code snippet for the session. If you want an idea of the sorts 
> of things to submit, check out what the Unboxed folks have done previously 
> here and here.
> We’ve not had enough submissions to hold a meaningful event so as things 
> stand we may have to cancel unless there are more submitted.
> Cheers,
> Tekin
>> On 15 Sep 2017, at 18:48, Tekin Suleyman  wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> This Thursday we’re not at MadLab, we're at the MadFabLab, which is a couple 
>> doors down from MadLab.
>> This month we’ll be doing ‘Faster than Lightning’ talks. What are ‘Faster 
>> than Lightning’ talks I hear you ask? Well they’re an idea borrowed from the 
>> folks at Unboxed: a series of very short and informal talks (around three 
>> minutes each), based around snippets of code or workflow tips that you have 
>> found interesting or helpful. Each talk is then followed by a casual chat 
>> within a friendly group:
>>  • Code snippets can be your code or someone else’s, in any programming 
>> language, and can be anonymised
>>  • A workflow tip may take the form of a UI screenshot or terminal 
>> command of an app or tool that you use. It may even be something that 
>> irritates you and you’d like to hear about how other developers approach it
>>  • There is no such thing as a snippet or tip that is too simple or too 
>> basic - you’ll be among a friendly bunch of developers of all different 
>> experience levels and specialisms
>>  • Your snippet can be something that you thought was good or something 
>> that you think could be improved, or something you’re having trouble with 
>> and you would like help with
>>  • The order of submissions is random and we’ll keep having presenters 
>> until we run out or 8pm, whichever is sooner
>> For an idea of the sorts of things we're talking about, check out what the 
>> Unboxed folks have done previously here and here.
>> So if you’d liked to take part, drop me a line with your snippet before 
>> Thursday so I can put them altogether on some slides.
>> Full details on the website and on MeetUp.
>> Cheers,
>> Tekin
> -- 
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Re: [NWRUG] Gilded Rose Kata, 7pm MadLab

2017-07-21 Thread Will Jessop

My approach was first to write a test suite that followed the spec given. Once 
that passed I just deleted the original code in the update_quality method and 
started again, it wasn’t something I gave much thought to other than time 
constraints in this situation.

I replaced my mysteriously failing fancy map of item name => updater class, and 
went for a case statement in the new updater_class_for_item method. I’m not 
overly happy with the overriding update_quality! in the BackstagePassesUpdater 
method, it *feels* a bit wrong, like it’s going to trip someone up at some 
point because it’s unique.


> On 21 Jul 2017, at 13:07, Tekin Suleyman  wrote:
> It was a fun session!
> Here’s where I got to last night: 
> My code looks remarkably similar. I didn’t quite make it to actually adding 
> the new rule in time, but in theory it should now be a trivial change. 
> It sounds like I took a very similar approach. Inspired in part by 99 Bottles 
> of OOP, I decided I’d try to make small changes (visible in the commit 
> history), reducing the code smells and making it easier to understand until 
> the abstractions presented themselves. Basically working towards code that 
> looked a bit like the “shameless green” example from the book, before 
> reorganising everything into a better shape. It more or less worked out that 
> way, although there were definitely some big leaps towards the end when 
> pulling out the classes. There are some naming issues in there and I’m not 
> convinced by the inheritance, but it was a a bit of a rush at the end to 
> finish the refactoring.
> Tekin
>> On 21 Jul 2017, at 10:31, Brandon Burton  
>> wrote:
>> Haha, whoa! That's looking remarkably better. 
>> I was really happy with the exercise too as it was the first time I've ever 
>> had an excuse (that I'm aware of) to use the Strategy pattern. 
>> While I couldn't stay on, Graham and I did get to discussing how we could 
>> use a Strategy pattern to refactor the code similar to his solution to the 
>> most recent 99bottles chapter. Last night certainly made me more comfortable 
>> with using that pattern. 
>> On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 9:48 AM, Graham Ashton  wrote:
>> On Wed, 19 Jul 2017, at 23:10, Tekin Suleyman wrote:
>> > Apologies for the late notice. NWRUG is back at MadLab tomorrow at 7pm (or 
>> > today depending on when you read this email) and we’ll be doing the Gilded 
>> > Rose kata 
>> >  
>> > in an interactive session. If you want to take part, bring along a laptop.
>> I rather enjoyed that.
>> I was pairing with Brandon who had to leave just as we were about to enter 
>> into some interesting refactoring, and I said I’d send him the code if I got 
>> anywhere with it.
>> So Brandon – this is where our attempt got to last night:
>> I thought it would be interesting to carry on as far as seemed sensible this 
>> morning. Everything has become much simpler, and the true behaviour has 
>> revealed itself.
>> The methods for increasing and decreasing quality have merged, and the only 
>> thing left in each strategy is a simple conditional and a bit of data.
>> Tiny steps were the key to getting there (most of which I checked in). A 
>> couple of times I tried to make too large a leap (as is so often the case), 
>> and everything went tits up. :-)
>> --
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[NWRUG] 99 Bottles of OOP, 40% off today

2017-06-04 Thread Will Jessop

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Re: [NWRUG] Yesterday / 99 Bottles of OOP Book Club

2017-05-22 Thread Will Jessop
> It's in the chapter.

…which I haven’t read, and can reasonably be expected not to have read yet.

You’re coming across to me as a jerk. I don’t appreciate being belittled 
because of stuff I don’t know. Apologies if that’s not what you were intending.


> On 21 May 2017, at 14:47, Steven Cook <> wrote:
> It's in the chapter. 
> On Sun, 21 May 2017 at 14:42, Will Jessop <> wrote:
> Maybe it is, but I don't remember anyone saying that. Don't read it if you 
> don't want to!
> On 20 May 2017, at 20:48, Steven Cook <> wrote:
>> Why post your solutions on here. I thought the idea of the exercise was to 
>> come up with your own uncontaminated solution and then go through the 
>> chapters. 
>> Have I missed something? 
>> Anyway, count me in. 
>> On Sat, 20 May 2017 at 11:14, Ben Aldred <> wrote:
>> Count me in!
>> P.S Like Lean Startup? Let me save you time by curating great content for 
>> you.
>> Join my newsletter => Lean Startup Digest
>> On 20 May 2017 at 09:16, Graham Ashton <> wrote:
>> Sorry to have missed it, but I just enjoyed the first exercise.
>> Count me in for the book!
>> On Fri, 19 May 2017, at 12:56, Tekin Suleyman wrote:
>> > Hi folks,
>> >
>> > I hope those that attended the 99 Bottles of OOP session 
>> > <>
>> >  yesterday enjoyed it as much as I did. The discussions after were most 
>> > interesting. The first chapter, which the session was based on, is 
>> > available as a sample chapter <> 
>> > on Sandi’s website. I would recommend you check it out if you enjoyed the 
>> > session and would like to get more stuck in with the ideas we discussed.
>> >
>> > It has also been suggested that we could do a NWRUG book club and that 99 
>> > Bottles would make a good first book to cover. So let’s give it a go! Each 
>> > month before the main talks we’d discus the next chapter of the book, 
>> > starting with chapter two next month. If you missed yesterday’s session 
>> > you can read the sample first chapter 
>> > <> to get up to speed and see if 
>> > you’d like to take part.
>> >
>> > The digital book can be purchased directly from Sandi and Katrina here 
>> > <>, but there’s a 20% discount for 
>> > ordering 10 or more copies. If enough people are interested, we can try 
>> > and co-ordinate a bulk purchase for NWRUG.
>> >
>> > So who’s in?
>> >
>> > Tekin
>> >
>> > --
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Re: [NWRUG] Yesterday / 99 Bottles of OOP Book Club

2017-05-21 Thread Will Jessop
Maybe it is, but I don't remember anyone saying that. Don't read it if you 
don't want to!

> On 20 May 2017, at 20:48, Steven Cook  wrote:
> Why post your solutions on here. I thought the idea of the exercise was to 
> come up with your own uncontaminated solution and then go through the 
> chapters. 
> Have I missed something? 
> Anyway, count me in. 
>> On Sat, 20 May 2017 at 11:14, Ben Aldred  wrote:
>> Count me in!
>> P.S Like Lean Startup? Let me save you time by curating great content for 
>> you.
>> Join my newsletter => Lean Startup Digest
>>> On 20 May 2017 at 09:16, Graham Ashton  wrote:
>>> Sorry to have missed it, but I just enjoyed the first exercise.
>>> Count me in for the book!
>>> On Fri, 19 May 2017, at 12:56, Tekin Suleyman wrote:
>>> > Hi folks,
>>> >
>>> > I hope those that attended the 99 Bottles of OOP session 
>>> > 
>>> >  yesterday enjoyed it as much as I did. The discussions after were most 
>>> > interesting. The first chapter, which the session was based on, is 
>>> > available as a sample chapter 
>>> >  on Sandi’s website. I would 
>>> > recommend you check it out if you enjoyed the session and would like to 
>>> > get more stuck in with the ideas we discussed.
>>> >
>>> > It has also been suggested that we could do a NWRUG book club and that 99 
>>> > Bottles would make a good first book to cover. So let’s give it a go! 
>>> > Each month before the main talks we’d discus the next chapter of the 
>>> > book, starting with chapter two next month. If you missed yesterday’s 
>>> > session you can read the sample first chapter 
>>> >  to get up to speed and see 
>>> > if you’d like to take part.
>>> >
>>> > The digital book can be purchased directly from Sandi and Katrina here 
>>> > , but there’s a 20% discount for 
>>> > ordering 10 or more copies. If enough people are interested, we can try 
>>> > and co-ordinate a bulk purchase for NWRUG.
>>> >
>>> > So who’s in?
>>> >
>>> > Tekin
>>> >
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[NWRUG] Ruboats

2017-04-21 Thread Will Jessop
To all those who I rambled on about boats to last night, here are the YouTube 
channels that I have been watching if you also are interested in boat related 


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[NWRUG] Helping out MadLab

2017-01-13 Thread Will Jessop
Hello all!

MadLab generously provide us with the location for our meetup every month. We 
get a central location, a clean modern room, projector, tables & chairs and 

For all this they don’t charge us anything.

So, it would be great if you could all help out MadLab who are applying for 
some sort of Arts Council grant. All they need from you is your postcode. 
That’s it. No name, no email address, no other information. So, to help out 
just head to this Google form and add your postcode, I will send it over to 


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[NWRUG] Fwd:  ANN: Rails Camp Scotland  Autumn 2016!

2016-06-29 Thread Will Jessop
May be of interest, am considering going.

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Rails Camp Scotland <>
> Subject:  ANN: Rails Camp Scotland  Autumn 2016!
> Date: 29 June 2016 at 10:47:36 BST
> To: Will Jessop <>
> Reply-To: Rails Camp Scotland <>
> Guid mornin Campers!
> We're happy to announce that Rails Camp Scotland tickets will be going on 
> sale shortly! We've updated the website[1] with lots of useful information 
> regarding the conference, but if you require any further information or if 
> you have any questions, then please feel free to contact us.
> We’re very very excited for the conference and we are looking forward to a 
> few days of discussions, learnings, and hackings. The venue is delightful and 
> we feel it will be the perfect location for the conference.
> Now, on to the most important part, the tickets. We will be making three 
> different options available;
> 1. Regular: includes accommodation, food, and transportation.
> 2. Supporter: as above, but with additional funds to be used for making the 
> conference even better, including supporting our diversity scholarship 
> program.
> 3. Student: a Regular ticket for attendees currently studying.
> All tickets will be made available from Monday, the 4th of July. They will be 
> on sale until the end of August.
> If you wish to support the conference further, we will be releasing some 
> Supporter tickets this Friday. If you have questions about the Supporter 
> tickets, or if you want to enquire about the diversity scholarship program, 
> please don't hesitate to contact us.
> To guarantee that everyone has an opportunity to attend, we've put a limit on 
> the overall number of Supporter tickets being released, and will make 
> adjustments as we see fit.
> While one of our goals is to have the conference supported by the community, 
> we are also interested in additional sponsorship[2] from companies or 
> organisations. If your company might be interested, please put us in touch 
> and we’ll be able to work with them on a sponsorship package.
> We’re looking forward to Rails Camp Scotland and hope to see you there.
> Hae a guid day!
> ❤️ Rails Camp Scotland.
> * 1: 
> * 2: 
> ==
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[NWRUG] Manchester Go meetup tomorrow, there's a talk!

2016-06-07 Thread Will Jessop
Tomorrow is Manchester Go meetup night night!

We’re lucky to have a talk planned from long time Go community member Luke 

My name is Luke Roberts and I recently started working for Convox which is an 
open source, private PAAS written predominantly in Go. Years of experience 
coupled with the testing of a large open source community and access to a huge 
library of pre built images makes using Convox a robust and reliable yet 
developer friendly experience. I will discuss how it works, what it’s like 
developing in the open, how you can get involved and be doing a short demo.

I also invite you to bring a long any dockerized projects and I would be happy 
to help you test it out for yourself (potentially in the pub)!

More details on the website:

All are welcome of any ability, wether new to go, just interested.


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Re: [NWRUG] Haskell is an acceptable Perl - The Lambda Lounge 7pm this monday (18th April 2016)

2016-04-12 Thread Will Jessop
Oh, I missed that one ;)

> On 12 Apr 2016, at 23:09, Ciarán Walsh <> wrote:
> I did that talk, it was called “Into to Elixir” :D
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 11:08 PM, Will Jessop <> wrote:
> I don’t think so? If we did I might have missed it.
> > On 12 Apr 2016, at 23:07, Chris Seaton <> wrote:
> >
> > Has NWRUG never had a ‘how to do FP in Ruby' talk?
> >
> > Chris

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Re: [NWRUG] Haskell is an acceptable Perl - The Lambda Lounge 7pm this monday (18th April 2016)

2016-04-12 Thread Will Jessop
I don’t think so? If we did I might have missed it.

> On 12 Apr 2016, at 23:07, Chris Seaton  wrote:
> Has NWRUG never had a ‘how to do FP in Ruby' talk?
> Chris
>> On 12 Apr 2016, at 22:28, Lee Hambley  wrote:
>> Hi Rick, 
>> Unfortunately I can't attend but I'm far from the only person in my own peer 
>> group who's tried and failed to become interested in FP because of a lack of 
>> focus in most textbooks on mundane things such as IO, text and string 
>> manipulation and the likes.
>> Will there be any recording facility to upload a video after the fact?
>> (sent from my phone, please excuse typos)
>> On 12 Apr 2016 10:51 p.m., "Rick Moynihan"  wrote:
>> This Monday (18th April @7pm) the Lambda Lounge is meeting with a
>> presentation by Hakim Cassimally on how Haskell is an acceptable Perl.
>> So, Haskell is "an advanced purely-functional programming language" which
>> supports writing "declarative, statically typed code". It may be optimized 
>> for
>> academic buzzwords you've never heard of but... is it any good for writing 
>> code
>> in the way that you'd write Perl, Python, or Ruby?
>> What are strong types, and why are we so frightened of them anyway? Can you
>> develop interactively in Haskell, the way you would in a dynamic language? 
>> Does
>> Haskell have "whipuptitude" (being able to get things done quickly) as well 
>> as
>> "manipulexity" (being able to manipulate complex things)? And perhaps most
>> importantly, can writing Haskell be *fun*?
>> Rick.
>> --
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Re: [NWRUG] [JOBS] Rails contract for Source[Lab]

2016-01-20 Thread Will Jessop
2 things:

> Matt Lafferty

Matt has been to NWRUG in the past and is in my experience a nice guy.

> Rates wise about £300-£325 is fair as it is remote.

“is fair” is rather subjective here, it’s about £100 lower than the ITJobsWatch 
estimate for contractor rates in the UK* and it’s use suggests that the rate is 
lower because of the position being remote. In my view the logic behind that 
statement doesn’t hold up. You’re getting someone to do a job for you, are they 
doing less of the job because they’re remote? Are they only working for 4 hours 
a day because of the proximity of the fridge and Xbox?

*UK excluding London average daily rate was about £400-£425 for Ruby 
contractors in 2015


> On 17 Jan 2016, at 10:19, Matthew Lafferty  wrote:
> Hello guys,
> So we have a remote contract available working with one of our clients. You 
> would form part of an existing development team currently with about 8-10 
> people in it. I've been working with this client for about 5 months so far 
> and they are fantastic.
> Rates wise about £300-£325 is fair as it is remote. This contract will be for 
> 3 months with a high likelihood to extend, and an immediate start is required.
> Best regards,

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Re: [NWRUG] Conferences

2016-01-15 Thread Will Jessop
Bath: Yup

Brighton: I’m planning to.

> On 15 Jan 2016, at 14:03, Tekin Suleyman  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Who's going to Bath Ruby this year? There are still tickets left but I can’t 
> imagine they’ll last forever - last year sold out ahead of the date.
> There’s also Brighton Ruby later in the summer.
> Tekin
> --
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Re: [NWRUG] What have you found interesting in ruby this week...

2015-10-30 Thread Will Jessop
Not in any way Ruby, but I discovered that you can set the maximum number of 
connections in a HAProxy frontend to 0:

$ echo "set maxconn frontend ft_redis 0" | socat 
unix-connect:/Users/will/tmp/redis-haproxy/admin_a.sock stdio

effectively allowing you to pause and queue new connections at HAProxy, 
allowing you to jiggle servers, in this case Redis, around. I’m using this for 
our zero-downtime redis failover stuff between datacentres.

In actual interesting Ruby developments, this from Chris Seaton in IRC:

00:38 chrisseaton: Was at JavaOne this week - very interesting work from IBM to 
add a new GC and JIT to MRI
00:38 chrisseaton: More details will be at RubyKaigi
00:41 wlll: Well, that does sound intersting
00:42 wlll: Any overlap with your work?
00:42 wlll: Anything that makes MRI faster is a +, getting buy in to move to a 
java infrastructure is a massive hurdle.
00:45 chrisseaton: They currently get 1.2x on our benchmarks, which can't be 
described as anything but modest (we're 20x on the same benchmarks), but they 
run Rails and you can't argue with taht
00:45 chrisseaton: Also they are just MRI - no JVM needed

Chris also mentioned another project that’s interesting around the JVM work 
he’s doing that I’m not sure is public knowledge yet that I guess he will talk 
about at some point.


> On 30 Oct 2015, at 09:55, Ian Moss  wrote:
> Hey,
> I thought it'd be great to know what my fellow Manchester rubyists have
> found interesting this week...

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Re: [NWRUG] What have you found interesting in ruby this week...

2015-10-30 Thread Will Jessop
One thing to note here, it’s relevant I think. Try to avoid doing stuff like 
calling out to external services (local or otherwise) during database 
transactions. It seems obvious (you’re going to deal with record not found 
errors, or deadlocks), but in a complex system it’s possible to do this without 

In our case it turned out we were re-sizing images during a transaction. These 
were background jobs so not as much of an issue as if this was happening on the 
front-end, but the transactions were holding onto rows for long enough that 
other requests were deadlocking when we put more user load on the system.


> On 30 Oct 2015, at 15:48, Francis Fish  wrote:
> My fun discovery of the week is that Sidekiq is too fast.
> I was using after_save to send something to a rules engine for extra 
> processing after creating it, kept seeing a message saying the record doesn't 
> exist, but it would work on the retry (after I had stopped catching the 
> exception - not good practice rilly).
> After several hours of wtf and trying to get delay() to stop biting Mike Hart 
> found the sidekiq troubleshooting article where it ways use after commit.
> Then all was perfik again.

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Re: [NWRUG] [JOBS] Full Stack Web Developer

2015-10-29 Thread Will Jessop
Decent post! Couple of comments:

1) - Google maps API key error. Happens to 
everyone at some point :)

2) You’ve listed a lot about what you want and the technical aspects of the 
job, but not really anything at all about what it’s like to work at the When you’re hiring people who are in demand (programmers and 
tech people in this instance) you need to sell yourself to them. Wage is 
important, but the people you want to hire have choice (mostly). 
Differentiating yourself in other areas is probably a good idea. Things I’d be 
interested in if I was thinking of applying:

- Dress code (there’s only one correct answer here)
- How many other people, are they nice/fun to work with?
- Good offices? Link to photos?
- Paid leave, how much?
- Which laptop do I get, top of the line? Or PCWorld special?
- Opportunity to work from home permanently/sometimes/not at all
- Flexibility of hours
- Quality of free coffee in the office in order of excellence: open tab at 
NTP/good espresso machine/cheap-ass coffee machine/none/instant
- Chair, do I get an Aeron/Humanscale or an Ikea special?
- Free drinks/snacks?
- Will you pay for any conferences?
- Chance to work on open source?

These are just the things off the top of my head that could help you sell 
yourselves, and it’s probably OK to *not* have those currently, but have an 
aspiration to them.

And remember, if you feel like meeting some of the people that you might at 
some point want to be hiring you can always come alone to a meetup, we’re very 


> On 29 Oct 2015, at 22:41, Stephen  wrote:
> We’re Recruiting…
> Full Stack Web Developer
> £30-50k (based on experience)
> *Permanent*
> Are you an experienced web developer looking for a new challenge and to be 
> part of a fast growing, entrepreneurial company with digital at the heart of 
> their operations?
> *Company Background*
> Helpthemove™ Ltd provides letting agents and housing associations with a user 
> friendly, intuitive platform to easily manage energy, council tax and water 
> notifications for their fully managed property portfolio.
> We’re a fairly new player in the market, but we’re also the fastest growing 
> in our sector. In just 18 months, the team and our active customer base has 
> multiplied in size, several times over! 
> You will be joining an entrepreneurial and ambitious team and will be pivotal 
> in helping the business grow. New ideas and opportunities mean that the 
> platform is ever evolving - keeping your role varied and interesting.
> This role will work closely with Business Development and report directly to 
> the Company Director.
> *Description*
> The role involves all aspects of application development from writing server 
> code to managing the infrastructure it will be running on.
> Coding tasks include the development of client facing web applications, 
> internal tools, APIs, managing the running of these and making architectural 
> decisions about how to scale the system in line with the needs of the 
> business.
> You will be managing and deploying code to a number of containerised cloud 
> based server environments and although specific experience with these are not 
> required, you should have enough knowledge of unix based systems to be able 
> to set up new components and fix problems.
> You will be advising the business on technical implications of proposed 
> changes and so should be good communicators with a focus on building 
> maintainable systems.
> *Experience with the following is essential:*
> - MVC web framework (Preferably Ruby on Rails)
> - SQL database querying and management 
> - Object Relational Mapping system (Active Record, Object Mapper etc.)
> - Javascript front end development (Consuming JSON APIs, jQuery, AJAX),
> - Object oriented design principles
> - Unix environments
> - Automated application testing
> - Git
> - CSS Styling
> *Experience with the following is desirable:*
> - API Design / Development
> - Virtualized development environments (Vagrant)
> - Front end web frameworks (Backbone, EmberJS, ReactJS etc)
> - DevOps scripting (in bash or using tools like chef / puppet)
> - Working with cloud based server infrastructures
> - Containerised application development (Docker, Dokku)
> - CSS Frameworks (Bootstrap, Compass, SASS)

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[NWRUG] NWRUG social meetup tomorrow

2015-06-17 Thread Will Jessop
Sorry about the short notice. The next NWRUG meetup is tomorrow! Meet from 6:00 
PM onwards at 57 Thomas street. Contact details and directions are on the 


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Re: [NWRUG] NHS Hack Day Manchester??? sept/oct 2015

2015-05-18 Thread Will Jessop
SpacePort are nice people and the location is good (I use them for Manchester 
Go meetups when we have meetings), but careful of heat. The space becomes hot, 
and with 100 people you might need to talk to them about adequate cooling.


 On 18 May 2015, at 16:36, Ben Aldred wrote:
 Spaceport - 100 peeps, could get it for free if you ask nicely

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Re: [NWRUG] Merseyside Ruby Meetup - (15th April)

2015-04-01 Thread Will Jessop
 On 1 Apr 2015, at 11:58, Daniel Nicolson wrote:
 Firstly a disclaimer - what follows is definitely not looking to take away 
 from NWRUG, I have spoke to one of the organisers to make sure it's ok to 
 post and I hope the below doesn't offend anyone!

Nope, sounds like a great idea, good luck!


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Re: [NWRUG] Entry Level ROR Student Looking For Further Training

2015-03-12 Thread Will Jessop
 On 11 Mar 2015, at 15:43, Mark Moran wrote:
 ( Completed works links below..)

You might consider posting the source to those on Github (get an account if you 
don’t have one) Right now all they show is a couple of beginner-designed sites. 
If you’re looking to get a RoR job show the RoR code :)

Also, my advice would be to go along to the local Ruby/programming groups if 
you can, make connections and get to know people. Also what Daniel said, when 
you’re posting job stuff, or in general to any public forum where you can be 
found via a search later, make sure you pay attention to details.


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Re: [NWRUG] Headhunter looking for an amazing RoR Developer

2015-02-12 Thread Will Jessop
Don’t mail the list again with this shit.

 On 12 Feb 2015, at 15:27, wrote:
 I am looking for a RoR Dev for an excellent opportunity in Leeds. Please get 
 in contact on +35020063980 or for more details! 
 There is an excellent salary on offer and this is an excellent company to be 
 part of!
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Re: [NWRUG] Junior Developer looking at opportunities

2015-01-21 Thread Will Jessop
 On 21 Jan 2015, at 16:54, Matthew Valentine-House 
 and as a programmer the repos are your best CV

Perhaps best was a little bit of an exaggeration, but they’re important. You 
can get a job without one.

Hiring people is hard and mistakes can cost a lot. Employers are going to use 
everything they can find to reassure themselves that their decisions are sound, 
and if you’re going up against similar people a Github profile can really help 
single you out. Also, it’s a lot easier for someone like Ashe or James to talk 
about how a Github profile shouldn’t matter, as they are both well known in 
their fields.

Wether or not is *should* be a differentiator is a different discussion (I 
happen to be fine with it).

Do, or don’t have a curated Github profile, do or don’t contribute to OSS, do 
or don’t go to meetups and get involved with the community, whatever you feel 
is going to help you out getting a job the most ;)


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Re: [NWRUG] Junior Developer looking at opportunities

2015-01-21 Thread Will Jessop
 On 21 Jan 2015, at 13:38, Emma Williams wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice. I am a London based 
 Junior Developer-mostly Ruby and Rails and now looking at learning 
 JavaScript. I attended a bootcamp course in London last year which i was able 
 to do after crowdfunding the fees. Since graduating i worked for a startup on 
 a top social accelerator in London. The company have since closed and i am 
 seeking new opportunities. Although i am currently London based I would be 
 happy to relocate and therefore just wondered what sort of opportunities may 
 be out there!

Hi Emma,

Some thoughts.

Regarding location London is going to have the most jobs with I think 
Manchester second and other places tailing out after that, but if you can move 
that's no big deal. I suspect you’ll find it hard to get remote work, 
especially 100%, at this point in your career, but you might get lucky.

- Expand your README’s.

They are the first impression of any repo anyone will see, and as a programmer 
the repos are your best CV (that, and not being a jerk). Screenshots are great, 
but not the most useful information someone recruiting a programmer has.

Consider adding setup and usage instructions and other details, code metrics 
CI results ( and perhaps pulling out some highlights of 
the project? What was good, what area were you concentrating on?

Here’s one of Tom PW’s and some of mine for comparison. There are probably more 
out there that are better, and they’re not entirely related to the README of a 
rails app, but they show more depth:

- Don't let anyone tell you tabs are wrong

They are the most correct form of indentation in the world 

- Consider remote

At some point. Check out (shameless plug), and in 
general keep your ears open. When you are remote you can often work from 
anywhere, A veranda in Italy, a coffee shop in Spain, a bin in Manchester, 
wherever. London or US wages in Manchester, Seville, or Berlin is totally 

- US wages can be good

and a fair number of the decent companies you’d want to work for will accept 
remote workers, but it helps to get involved in the community to find out when 
jobs are available.

- Get involved in the community

Go to LRUG, NWRUG, other meetups, Conferences etc. Talk to people, get to know 
people, and do it again. Build relationships that will sustain you in the 
medium to long term, and it’s fun* :)

* I think it’s fun.

(Get out and meet people, Go to start up events are two takeaways from Desi 
McAdam’s talk at Hybridconf “How to get hired” which I recommend:

There’s a #nwrug irc channel on if you have time to idle and 
talk bollocks.

- Get involved in Open source

It’s a great way to get known and meet people, and to show your skills. If 
you’re not confident perhaps try and find a mentor. There might be sites that 
will help match you, or you can just ask. This is going to take up your 
personal time, so you have to be committed.

- Don’t be afraid to move

Don’t be convinced by anyone that jumping to a new company after 18 months will 
reflect badly on you. In this industry it doesn’t, as long as when you were 
working somewhere you provided adequate value. Sometimes it can be the best, if 
not only, way to progress to either something you want to be doing more, or 
better wage.

- Keep coding

Stay current and show it.

- No recruiters

This is actually from Desi’s talk, and experience, and it’s mostly true*, 
except perhaps for LouisRoR ( who 
actually seems to be pretty reasonable, at least that’s the general opinion 
round here.

* I don’t know about the London recruiter scene, extrapolating from Manchester 
they’re all jerks.

- Don’t get screwed on wages

Your skills are valuable and in-demand. Be careful taking work at web/design 
agencies where their profit is linearly linked to their costs (ie. wages). Ask 
other people what reasonable wages are. There have been a few discussions of 
this on the mailing list 
(!forum/nwrug-members) before but I can’t find 
the exact URLs.

Good luck!


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[NWRUG] We need an Android programmer

2015-01-20 Thread Will Jessop
OK, it’s not in any way Ruby, but it’s a pretty good opportunity if you know 
someone. We’re looking for an Android programmer:

Please pass on to anyone else you know that might be interested. It’s remote, 
and it’s a good company to work for.


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[NWRUG] Next Manchester Go meetup

2014-11-12 Thread Will Jessop
It's tonight!

This month Peter Waller will be diving into concurrency with a talk
that starts off easily and then dives deeper into the technical
aspects of writing concurrent Go. The session will be
semi-interactive, with plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Signup Details and signup:


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[NWRUG] Meetup tonight

2014-09-18 Thread Will Jessop
There are no talks planned, but there is a social. Meet at Marble on
Thomas street from about 7:00.


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Re: [NWRUG] Manchester Go user group

2014-07-30 Thread Will Jessop
On 30 July 2014 18:39, doug livesey wrote:
 Argh! I'm on holiday!
 Ah, well -- hope it goes amazingly.
 I don't suppose it would be videoed at all?

Sorry, not got that sort of setup!


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Re: [NWRUG] Manchester Go user group

2014-07-30 Thread Will Jessop
On 30 July 2014 18:56, Alex Lynham wrote:
 I've got the camera gear but my SD card has been known to be a bit 
 temperamental. Also not sure how long 8 or 16GB equates to in terms of HD 

From experience recording the meetings is a PITA. I'm not planning on
starting it unless someone wants to take over the whole effort, which
I'm open to.


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[NWRUG] Manchester Go meetup

2014-07-29 Thread Will Jessop
It's official, meetup details and registration link:

We have two talks and sponsorship!

Feedback and comments welcome.


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[NWRUG] Remote rails job

2014-07-29 Thread Will Jessop
KYC used to be an internal 37signals project, it's now a separate company:

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Re: [NWRUG] Greetings from Japan

2014-07-24 Thread Will Jessop
On 23 July 2014 16:18, Lee Hambley wrote:
 I heard yesterday about a certain popular accounting and HR company in
 Lancashire hiring senior rails developers on £65k a year. I know you
 probably don't fit the category as you don't have commercial experience. But
 it might be a suitable place to look for an entry level position.

 I can't name the company, but someone will get it I'm sure.

SAP? ISTR they've been hiring Rails people in the past.

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Re: [NWRUG] Greetings from Japan

2014-07-24 Thread Will Jessop
On 24 July 2014 12:15, Alex Lynham wrote:
 Not sure if this applies for everyone, seem to remember there was a lot of 
 chat on IRC about this a little while back, but entry was around 18-20 for 
 most people, add circa 10k for a mid. From memory of that thread and my 
 experience so YMMV.

18-20 is bollocks. If you're earning that as a programmer, even a
junior one, you're getting screwed.


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Re: [NWRUG] Greetings from Japan

2014-07-24 Thread Will Jessop
On 24 July 2014 12:25, Adam Holt wrote:
 Will: There is a difference between what wages should be, and what is being
 offered by the majority of companies in manchester.

Yep, I'm aware of that.

 There are some outliers, but if you’re talking majority of jobs are going to
 be agency jobs, you’re not really going to get much more than that for entry
 level, unfortunately. I’d like to see where you think these 35k entry level
 jobs are in manchester?

The other Adam said entry - mid, I just read mid.

For comparison my first job (January 2000*) was tech support and I was
on 18k within 3 months. That's 14 years ago. That might be what
agencies in Manchester are oferring, but it's still bollocks. At that
sort of level you should consider freelancing, contracting or remote


* This was in London, but London wages aren't *that* much more for a
lot of jobs.

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Re: [NWRUG] Greetings from Japan

2014-07-24 Thread Will Jessop
On 24 July 2014 12:55, Fred Thompson wrote:
 Anyways, I think Will is in around the correct level, at least as an
 employer I believe it to be true, but we don't know what the agency takes!

The problem with agencies are twofold. First, their profit is linearly
related to their costs. Minimising costs (of which wages are likely to
be the largest) is directly related to the amount the business owner
gets to take home.

Second, the chances are (at least in my experience) clients want a web
site/app/mobile thing but they don't have any clue how much time or
expertise is involved in making it, so their budgets are low. When I
was working at a sorta-agency people would want websites for £100 and
get annoyed when we turned them down :)


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Re: [NWRUG] Greetings from Japan

2014-07-24 Thread Will Jessop
On 24 July 2014 13:02, Steven Cook wrote:

If anyone is looking, swirrl are a nice bunch of people :)


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Re: [NWRUG] Manchester Go user group

2014-07-14 Thread Will Jessop
Thanks Lee, that would be fantastic! Talk to me off-list about the
sponsorship and we can make the arrangements.


On 14 July 2014 12:31, Lee Hambley wrote:
 Alright wlll, then count me as a speaker. I'd be happy to give two talks:

 Advantages of Go (beginner, leaning on interface types, and the Go OO
 Transactional tests, and building a JSON-HAL API.

 Possible sponsorship of pizza and beer from my company, if you don't mind me
 whoring the new project a little.

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Re: [NWRUG] Manchester Go user group

2014-07-13 Thread Will Jessop
There isn't an intro to Go planned (though if someone wants to do one they are 
always welcome), but I and I'm sure many other people would be happy to talk to 
you about it during or after the meetup if you came along.

If anyone was worried about their lack of Go experience, don't be, everyone at 
all levels is welcome to attend.


 On 11 Jul 2014, at 17:28, doug livesey wrote:
 If there was going to be an intro to Go, that would be really interesting.
 What sorts of domains it is a best fit for, where it is different/better than 
 existing performance languages like C++, that sort of thing.
 Oh, and how easy it is to test it!
 I'm a Rubyist by day, and a C++ coder for my own projects, but I have to 
 admit, one of my eyestalks twitches fractionally everytime I hear Go 
 On 1 July 2014 10:14, Will Jessop wrote:
 On 1 July 2014 04:26, 'Ash Moran' via NWRUG wrote:
  What if someone writes a Go bot in Go, are they still allowed to come?
 Yes Ash, that is allowed :)
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Re: [NWRUG] Manchester Go user group

2014-07-13 Thread Will Jessop
How about at the new Go user group, 13th August probably.

Sent from my iPad

 On 13 Jul 2014, at 16:18, Lee Hambley wrote:
 I'd volunteer to give such a talk if there was a NWRUG in the first two weeks 
 of Aug, when I'm back in Blighty. (I don't want you to change the schedule 
 for me, though)
 Lee Hambley
 +49 (0) 170 298 5667
 On 13 July 2014 16:44, Will Jessop wrote:
 There isn't an intro to Go planned (though if someone wants to do one they 
 are always welcome), but I and I'm sure many other people would be happy to 
 talk to you about it during or after the meetup if you came along.
 If anyone was worried about their lack of Go experience, don't be, everyone 
 at all levels is welcome to attend.
 On 11 Jul 2014, at 17:28, doug livesey wrote:
 If there was going to be an intro to Go, that would be really interesting.
 What sorts of domains it is a best fit for, where it is different/better 
 than existing performance languages like C++, that sort of thing.
 Oh, and how easy it is to test it!
 I'm a Rubyist by day, and a C++ coder for my own projects, but I have to 
 admit, one of my eyestalks twitches fractionally everytime I hear Go 
 On 1 July 2014 10:14, Will Jessop wrote:
 On 1 July 2014 04:26, 'Ash Moran' via NWRUG wrote:
  What if someone writes a Go bot in Go, are they still allowed to come?
 Yes Ash, that is allowed :)
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Re: [NWRUG] Manchester Go user group

2014-07-01 Thread Will Jessop
On 1 July 2014 04:26, 'Ash Moran' via NWRUG wrote:
 What if someone writes a Go bot in Go, are they still allowed to come?

Yes Ash, that is allowed :)

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[NWRUG] Manchester Go user group

2014-06-30 Thread Will Jessop
I'm starting a Manchester Go* meetup. I see this has been
propositioned before, but nothing has ever materialised (as far as I
can tell) so here's another attempt:

The initial plan would be to have an event every second Tuesday
without fail, talks or not. If you are in Manchester (or are willing
to travel) and have something to share then please get in touch!


* The language, not the game

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Re: [NWRUG] NWRUG this Thursday: How Basecamp Handled a DDoS Attack

2014-06-18 Thread Will Jessop
I'm in two minds about where we go afterwards. On the one hand I don't
want to go to a noisy  busy bar, which i'd guess most places showing
the football will be like, but I also realise that a lot of people
want to watch the game*.

Can anyone suggest a bar in Manchester fairly close to Madlab that
will be showing the game and that won't be packed/shit/dangerous? The
option I was favouring (assuming no such bar exists) was to take the
perhaps small contingent of people who aren't going to watch the game
and go to Marble.

As has been mentioned, we should be finished with the meetup before
the match starts, so if we do go to a bar not showing the match you
would still have time to find yourself a packed/shit/dangerous pub to
watch it in ;)


* I did know about it, I would have been watching it myself were it
not for NWRUG.

On 18 June 2014 10:02, Tekin Suleyman wrote:
 If the match was earlier, Matt  Phred’s would have been a good choice.
 They’ve put games on a big projector screen in the past and it never gets
 very busy. But given they have a gig listed for 9pm, it might not happen
 this time...

 On 18 Jun 2014, at 09:06, Ben Aldred wrote:

 Tib street tavern, although it will be packed...

 On 17 June 2014 16:53, Tekin Suleyman wrote:

 I suspect it would be hard for many Ruby-ists to not know that England
 are playing Thursday night. The talk will be wrapped up before kickoff
 though so there is no reason folk can’t come to the talk and see the game
 after. Who knows, the post-talk drinks may even happen in a bar that is
 showing the game, which would mean you’d be able to enjoy the game and have
 a drink kindly paid for by the event sponsors.

 I like the sound of this plan!

 Neither me nor Ben are able to make it this week so it’ll be down to Will
 to decide where you end up, but I’m sure he’ll be open to suggestions ;)


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Re: [NWRUG] Serial and i2c/SPI programming

2014-06-16 Thread Will Jessop
On 16 June 2014 09:29, Lee Hambley wrote:
 Thanks Will, confirms what I thought I'd understood from reading, apparently
 i2c is a trademark and most people refer to it as TWI (Two Wire Interface).

I've never heard it called that before :)

 When speaking about faster, I don't know that it really matters, does it?
 I'll be controlling a shift register for colour coding some RGB LEDs, and
 reading from an accelerometer... I don't expect that to need much bandwidth,

It really just depends on what your hardware does, and what bandwidth you need.

 (sparks, electric motors etc.) then you might get interference on the
 SPI/I2C bus, program and design your hardware accordingly.

 Thanks mate, good to know
 , does that more or less boil down to don't put noisy components next to
 data busses? How do the problems manifest, mangled bits, protocol errors
 and nonsense values, or does it fail to work under some circumstances?

Yep, and get your ground planes right, shielding, and use filter


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Re: [NWRUG] Serial and i2c/SPI programming

2014-06-15 Thread Will Jessop
The Pi and Arduino can both do I2C  SPI. SPI is faster (ISTR I2C is
10kHz) I believe, but needs something like n+2 wires, where n is the
number of connected devices. I2C just needs 3. Choose what fits your
need better. I've mostly used I2C.

I've done my I2C programmign in Go:

There are almost certainly c libs available though.

One thing to be aware of, if you're operating in a noisy environment
(sparks, electric motors etc.) then you might get interference on the
SPI/I2C bus, program and design your hardware accordingly. You might
also have problems with the Pi and clock stretching, some I2C
implementations seem immune, YMMV:


On 15 June 2014 10:42, Lee Hambley wrote:
 Hey Chaps,

 Given that some on the mailing list are into robotics and Arduino and other
 electronics projects, I wanted to shout out and ask if anyone knew anybody
 who'd done any low level programming (Arduino or RaspberryPi for serial
 devices, or SPI/i2c).

 I'm trying to tie a
 and a

 I'd prefer to use Linux and C than Arduino and their bastard pseudo C
 implementation, I'm looking for anyone who can tell me whether it's
 possible, sane, worth bothering with, whether i2c or SPI is preferable, or
 blah blah!

 Thanks, if anyone has any comments, I'd love to hear them!

 Lee Hambley
 +49 (0) 170 298 5667

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[NWRUG] Rubyconf Portugal

2014-06-09 Thread Will Jessop
I just bought my ticket:

If anyone else wants to sync up travel arrangements let me know. I
usually travel in a day or more before to look around, and out on the
day after the conf.


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Re: [NWRUG] The Skinny (Music/Culture Magazine) looking for RoR Developer

2014-04-09 Thread Will Jessop
I think that depends on how much you contract for :)

On 9 April 2014 19:30, Ash Moran wrote:

 On 7 Apr 2014, at 10:42, Louis Goff-Beardsley wrote:

 I'm currently placing
 senior remote developers at £72k and mid-level at £50-60k so these guys
 really have no chance.

 There doesn't seem to be much financial incentive to contract these days then?



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Re: [NWRUG] The Skinny (Music/Culture Magazine) looking for RoR Developer

2014-04-09 Thread Will Jessop
On 9 April 2014 20:34, Louis Goff-Beardsley wrote:
 Onsite London is £500 /day if you're good which equates to £100k if you work
 80% of the year.

I've met people on £600 / day (120k/year) partial onsite, though that
might not be the average.


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[NWRUG] strace

2014-01-31 Thread Will Jessop
Good article on strace:


Will Jessop
System Administrator

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[NWRUG] Ruby/Rails job

2014-01-01 Thread Will Jessop
They accept remote, though they don't state the wage. Could be shit because
it's an agency, but I don't know:

Good luck!


Will Jessop
System Administrator

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Re: [NWRUG] a ruby drop in for students

2013-11-19 Thread Will Jessop
I would be far more likely to do this if it was in the centre (say
Madlab). I'll already be in the centre during the day so a trip out
and in again isn't an appealing thought.


On 19 November 2013 10:18, Mark van Harmelen wrote:
 brill, an excuse to get out and about Ian :), and we could together go to
 NWRUG, possibly via Abdul's near MMU though I doubt they cater for
 vegetarians, should you be one.

 its here

 If you manage to get out the house (or for anyone else) entry is via the
 ground-floor city-centre side of the building, up one flight of stairs to
 the Lower First floor, and there'll be a sign to indicate what room it's in.
 The doors are locked at 6, then its via the goods entrance on the other side
 of the building, or calling me


 On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Ian Moss wrote:

 yeah mebeee.

 I'm shit at leaving the house at the moment

   Ian Moss

 On Tue, Nov 19, 2013, at 09:29 AM, Mark van Harmelen wrote:
  I'm doing a Ruby Drop In for students at Uni Manc on Thurs this week,
  at the inconvenient (for people with proper  jobs) time of 17.00,
  before heading to NWRUG, but if anyone wants to come along to help
  students with a language that they are not formally taught please
  contact me on or off list (arrival at 17.00 not mandatory by any
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Will Jessop
System Administrator

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Re: [NWRUG] a ruby drop in for students

2013-11-19 Thread Will Jessop
I didn't want to have to say it myself Tekin…

On 19 November 2013 10:41, Tekin Suleyman wrote:
 It’s only right that all the students relocate to the Northern Quarter so
 that Will can grace them with his presence.

 On 19 Nov 2013, at 10:27, Adam Holt wrote:

 Will: FYI, this is still in the city centre :) (Manchester City Centre
 extends beyond the northern quarter :))

 Adam Holt
 Sent with Sparrow

 On Tuesday, 19 November 2013 at 10:23, Will Jessop wrote:

 I would be far more likely to do this if it was in the centre (say
 Madlab). I'll already be in the centre during the day so a trip out
 and in again isn't an appealing thought.


 On 19 November 2013 10:18, Mark van Harmelen wrote:

 brill, an excuse to get out and about Ian :), and we could together go to
 NWRUG, possibly via Abdul's near MMU though I doubt they cater for
 vegetarians, should you be one.

 its here

 If you manage to get out the house (or for anyone else) entry is via the
 ground-floor city-centre side of the building, up one flight of stairs to
 the Lower First floor, and there'll be a sign to indicate what room it's in.
 The doors are locked at 6, then its via the goods entrance on the other side
 of the building, or calling me


 On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Ian Moss wrote:

 yeah mebeee.

 I'm shit at leaving the house at the moment

 Ian Moss

 On Tue, Nov 19, 2013, at 09:29 AM, Mark van Harmelen wrote:


 I'm doing a Ruby Drop In for students at Uni Manc on Thurs this week,
 at the inconvenient (for people with proper jobs) time of 17.00,
 before heading to NWRUG, but if anyone wants to come along to help
 students with a language that they are not formally taught please
 contact me on or off list (arrival at 17.00 not mandatory by any


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Re: [NWRUG] a ruby drop in for students

2013-11-19 Thread Will Jessop
We tried it, had very few people turn up, was mostly regular members.

Perhaps we didn't market it properly though.


On 19 November 2013 10:46, Mark van Harmelen wrote:
 ha ha

 There is the germ of a good idea here (thanks Will), student/anyone drop ins
 for help 5-7 on NWRUG evenings ... would it fly?

 On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Will Jessop wrote:

 I didn't want to have to say it myself Tekin…

 On 19 November 2013 10:41, Tekin Suleyman wrote:
  It’s only right that all the students relocate to the Northern Quarter
  that Will can grace them with his presence.
  On 19 Nov 2013, at 10:27, Adam Holt wrote:
  Will: FYI, this is still in the city centre :) (Manchester City Centre
  extends beyond the northern quarter :))
  Adam Holt
  Sent with Sparrow
  On Tuesday, 19 November 2013 at 10:23, Will Jessop wrote:
  I would be far more likely to do this if it was in the centre (say
  Madlab). I'll already be in the centre during the day so a trip out
  and in again isn't an appealing thought.
  On 19 November 2013 10:18, Mark van Harmelen wrote:
  brill, an excuse to get out and about Ian :), and we could together go
  NWRUG, possibly via Abdul's near MMU though I doubt they cater for
  vegetarians, should you be one.
  its here
  If you manage to get out the house (or for anyone else) entry is via the
  ground-floor city-centre side of the building, up one flight of stairs
  the Lower First floor, and there'll be a sign to indicate what room it's
  The doors are locked at 6, then its via the goods entrance on the other
  of the building, or calling me
  On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Ian Moss wrote:
  yeah mebeee.
  I'm shit at leaving the house at the moment
  Ian Moss
  On Tue, Nov 19, 2013, at 09:29 AM, Mark van Harmelen wrote:
  I'm doing a Ruby Drop In for students at Uni Manc on Thurs this week,
  at the inconvenient (for people with proper jobs) time of 17.00,
  before heading to NWRUG, but if anyone wants to come along to help
  students with a language that they are not formally taught please
  contact me on or off list (arrival at 17.00 not mandatory by any
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Re: [NWRUG] a ruby drop in for students

2013-11-19 Thread Will Jessop
On 19 November 2013 11:12, Ian Moss wrote:
 We tried it, had very few people turn up, was mostly regular members.

 Maybe it's that the northern quarter is actually out of the way for a
 lot of potential attendees. Perhaps a whole NWRUG at the uni would be
 great :)

 In fact, maybe all of the user groups could iterate through upstairs at
 KRO Uni (great beer. Free room hire).

Madlab is central, an easy walk from the major stations. I think
there'd have to be a fairly major skew towards the Uni area for madlab
to be out of the way, but i'm willing to be proved wrong.

 I've long since given up wondering why the students don't seem to make
 it to the northern quater / town meetups. Sure it's a combination of
 busyness, and cba'ness. But taking the meetups to them occasionally
 could work wonders :)

Students at tech meetups in Manchester are very rare, but I'd hesitate
to inconvenience the people for whom central Manchester is convenient
to overcome the potential laziness of a group that has shown almost 0
interest over the last 5 years.

Perhaps it's a marketing problem.

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Re: [NWRUG] Linux Sysadmin / devops role (lots of Ruby)

2013-09-30 Thread Will Jessop
Good luck, given the distance from Manchester you might struggle though.

You might have more luck if you considered remote working, It would
take a lot to get me into an office in *Manchester* now, let alone
moving my whole family to Brighton.


On 30 September 2013 19:34, Giles Westwood wrote:
 Heya thought I'd try an alternative route to try and help recruit someone
 with a developer background to the firm I work at.

 Linux Sysadmin @ Semantico (

 We're looking for an enthusiastic sysadmin to join a small team handling a
 wide range of managed hosting and infrastructure work.

 The job:-

 * Latest devops toolchain: Logstash, Graphite, Puppet

 * Open source tech: Ubuntu, Solr, Postgresql, LXC, Quagga

 * Varied programming languages: Ruby, Python, Perl, Bash

 * Various monitoring and automation challenges

 * Freedom to implement and improve existing systems

 Some of the benefits are:-

 * Central Brighton office with all techs

 * 35 hr working week for a company that understands work life balance

 * Limited on call rota (not 24hrs.)

 If this sounds like it's up your street or you know someone interested
 please forward a CV to

 If you want to find out more about what Semantico does then should check out
 our labs site

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Re: [NWRUG] Paymill

2013-08-21 Thread Will Jessop
On 15 August 2013 17:09, Tekin Suleyman wrote:
 It's been often reported that adding Amex support results in a considerable
 uptick in conversions, particularly from US customers. A lot of American
 bizniz people will have company Amex cards. Without Amex support, a lot of
 potential customers simply can't buy what you are selling.

37signals uses Amex, as well as some of the employees. They're pretty
common in the US.


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Re: [NWRUG] Creating a Hackday for a commercial company.

2013-07-04 Thread Will Jessop
On 4 July 2013 13:08, Sean Bamforth wrote:
 Plus it's unfeasible to move the
 application into the cloud where new customers expect it to be.

Can you expand on this? Is the service already hosted somewhere? Not
in the cloud??

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[NWRUG] Port street beer house - American beer festival

2013-06-24 Thread Will Jessop
I'm going, @will_j on Twitter or email me if you wnat to meet up this

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[NWRUG] Meetup tomorrow

2013-06-19 Thread Will Jessop
It's at kosmonaut, details on the site, sorry for the late notice!

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[NWRUG] Meetup this Thursday

2013-06-18 Thread Will Jessop
There's a NWRUG this thursday, it's a social and the venue is to be
decided, but it's definitely on.

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[NWRUG] Re: Thursday Meetup - 16th May - Nils - what are your Options?

2013-05-10 Thread Will Jessop

Could someone forward this to Geekup (I don't seem to be able to post there), 
and any other lists that might have programmers in them? Always good to 
increase our audience.


On Friday, May 10, 2013 10:38:50 AM UTC+1, Will Jessop wrote: 

 Tony Hoare, inventor of the null reference, calls it his “billion 
 dollar mistake”. Although Ruby goes some way to correcting it by 
 making nil at least be a class with some reasonably helpful stuff on 
 it, you’ll no doubt have been hit by a NoMethodError: undefined method 
 'foo'just as many times as me. 

 At May’s NWRUG, Russell Dunphy will try to convince you of two thing: 

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Re: [NWRUG] Re: Thursday Meetup - 16th May - Nils - what are your Options?

2013-05-10 Thread Will Jessop

On 10 May 2013 14:46, Adrian McEwen wrote:
 I've forwarded it on to GeekUp and the NWDC-anounce list too.

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Re: [NWRUG] Sharing Leads

2013-05-08 Thread Will Jessop
Sounds like a good idea, +1

On 8 May 2013 09:53, Ben Aldred wrote:
 Cool! Glad you decided to set this up. You can add me.



 On 7 May 2013 21:05, Ben Gibbs wrote:

 No, not power leads.

 I get a handful of Ruby based, non-recruiter leads in my Inbox every
 couple of weeks, and at the moment I am unavailable for the coming months.

 I don't really know why I get these leads, I can only guess my website - - has some good Google juice, I think it may be that I used throughout.

 Anyway, I don't feel right ignoring these leads, or saying I have no
 availability for their work. I try to forward the emails to other devs I
 know who are looking for work at that point. But the problem here is that
 individual availability changes often and I will not know of other local
 devs looking for work at that moment.

 So, I'm thinking of setting up a email list to
 simply forward these leads to (rather then spamming this mailing list). So
 let me know if you want to be added.

 Ta, Ben

 07811 197374
 Freelance Ruby On Rails Developer

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Re: [NWRUG] Sharing Leads

2013-05-08 Thread Will Jessop if you add me, thanks.

On 8 May 2013 14:49, Will Jessop wrote:
 Sounds like a good idea, +1

 On 8 May 2013 09:53, Ben Aldred wrote:
 Cool! Glad you decided to set this up. You can add me.



 On 7 May 2013 21:05, Ben Gibbs wrote:

 No, not power leads.

 I get a handful of Ruby based, non-recruiter leads in my Inbox every
 couple of weeks, and at the moment I am unavailable for the coming months.

 I don't really know why I get these leads, I can only guess my website - - has some good Google juice, I think it may be that I used throughout.

 Anyway, I don't feel right ignoring these leads, or saying I have no
 availability for their work. I try to forward the emails to other devs I
 know who are looking for work at that point. But the problem here is that
 individual availability changes often and I will not know of other local
 devs looking for work at that moment.

 So, I'm thinking of setting up a email list to
 simply forward these leads to (rather then spamming this mailing list). So
 let me know if you want to be added.

 Ta, Ben

 07811 197374
 Freelance Ruby On Rails Developer

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[NWRUG] Re: Mostly broken old mac

2013-05-08 Thread Will Jessop
Graham gets the battery
Tekin gets the screen
Richard gets the case (everything else basically)

You lot going to be around at NWRUG on the 16th?

On 30 April 2013 21:26, Will Jessop wrote:
 Anyone want my mostly broken old mac? It's a 15 ~2008 (?) Macbook
 Pro. No memory or HD, DVD drive broken, motherboard unrepairable
 (Apple tried already, GPU is toast, won't boot). However, the battery
 is OK (ISTR), as is the screen and the case inc. keyboard.

 Might be useful for spares, or you might be able to fetch a couple of
 hundred quid on eBay for it. I have the original box, but no power

 Free to anyone who wants it. Collect from Romiley near stockport. If
 no-one wants it I'll give it to Apple to recycle if they do that, or
 take it to the tip.


 Will Jessop
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[NWRUG] PhraseApp

2013-05-03 Thread Will Jessop
Might be of use to someone. I feel duty-bound to forward this because
the guy offerred me a box of chocholates, even though I don't want
them. Stupid brain.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Ulf Grätz
Date: 3 May 2013 14:34
Subject: Ruby-UG Manchester and PhraseApp

Hi Will,

I'm writing you since you seem to be involved with the Ruby-UG  in
Manchester and I might have something interesting for you.

We run a young tech startup in Hamburg, PhraseApp
( PhraseApp is a tool for localizing and
managing software translations and we're looking for feedback from
See a live demo here: -
We even have an heroku add-on:

Maybe it is interesting for you or some of your fellow ruby-users. I
would like to send you a box of branded chocolate - very good stuff!
:) - and I would like to kindly ask you, if you could pass it on to
some some ruby friends on the next meetup.

What do you think? :) If you send me your address, I’ll have a package
ready the other day.

Best greetings from Hamburg.

Engineer at PhraseApp

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2013-04-17 Thread Will Jessop
Looking foreard to it! Will possibly be in North Tea Power in the afternoon
if anyone wants to join me.

On 17 April 2013 15:39, Tekin Suleyman wrote:
 … is tomorrow. Are you all set?


 See you there!

 Tekin Suleyman
 120/122 Grosvenor St, Manchester, M1 7HL

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Re: [NWRUG] NSManchester - a manchester iOS meetup

2013-04-07 Thread Will Jessop
Great idea Orta :) I can't get to the first meetup unfortunately, it's
the day after Railsberry, I'll have just got back from Poland.

There's a mostly idle IRC channel, #nsmanchester on
you might want to appropriate too.


On 6 April 2013 20:19, orta wrote:
 Hey Guys  Girls, since iOS Manchester has shut down shop I figured it was
 time to step up to the plate and start an iOS/Mac developer meetup. As
 there's a lot of overlap between iOS developers and Rubyists ( as I myself
 am both ) I felt it would be nice to inform the members of this mailing list
 know that this is happening.

 The first meetup is this month, the 24th to be exact. I'll be doing a talk
 on the Cocoadocs project, which is a project that spun out of cocoapods and
 aims to generate documentation for every library in the iOS ecosystem. You
 guys will know a similar project - I had different constraints
 from rubydocs ( all the documentation tools are only accessible via the
 apple toolchain. ) but it should be interesting anyway.

 I've created a new website for NSManchester at
 and I've been using the github issues to keep track of what topics or events
 I'd like to see done at NSManchester.

 So now's a great time to come back to the meetup scene if you've not done
 one in a while! ( Also, I'm going to try being active on this mailing list -
 mainly talking about what's new and cool, you should reply and we can talk!
 ) - @nsmanchester

 ( Also I took a lot of inspiration from the NWRUG's website in terms of the
 wording, thanks Will, if you're offended I'll happily change it. )

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[NWRUG] Paid interview for RoR programmer in SF

2013-03-28 Thread Will Jessop
Interesting idea, and $125 if anyone is interested. (via

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Re: [NWRUG] Paymill

2013-03-14 Thread Will Jessop
I'll give stripe a go. Not been impressed by Paymill so far, they
haven't responded to the email I sent them a few weeks ago.


On 14 March 2013 13:41, Jim Neath wrote:
 Email Patrick Collison and say you want to join the
 Stripe UK beta.

 - Jim

 On 14 Mar 2013, at 13:34, Alistair Holt wrote:

 We're also using this on a couple of projects that are about to go live. All
 good so far. Very pleased.

 On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:44:52 PM UTC+1, Will Jessop wrote:

 Anyone used Paymill?

 Found it when linked to from this article:


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[NWRUG] Next NWRUG meetup: 21st March - Bootstrapping for Developers

2013-03-13 Thread Will Jessop

21st March - Bootstrapping for Developers

Do you have ambitions to be your own boss? Have you ever had a
side-project that you wanted to turn into a product and charge people
money for? Well then this talk is for you…

Whats the Deal?

Most developers at some point or another have had an idea for an app
or side project and wondered if they could take things a step further
and turn it into an actual business. This talk will explore some of
the ideas and common pitfalls that developers will face when trying to
build a business like this in their spare time.

About the Speaker

Tekin Suleyman is a Ruby freelancer and founder of He is
also one of the founders and organiser of Bootstrap Business Club, a
group for aspiring startup founders trying to build their own
bootstrapped startups. He will be talking about bootstrapping as a
developer at this year’s Nordic Ruby Conference. This talk will
explore some of the ideas he’ll be presenting there this summer. This
month’s talk is kindly sponsored by 37signals.


6:00pm :: Ruby/Rails Advice Drop-in Session - All levels welcome.
7:00pm :: Bootstrapping for Developers
7:30pm :: QA
After :: Post-talk drinks and discussion in Common sponsored by 37signals.


This meeting is being held at MadLab (directions).

If you want more information email, call Adam on
07515 561 427 or tweet @adamholt/@nwrug.

Relevant URLs:


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Re: [NWRUG] Recommended Ruby Conferences

2013-03-04 Thread Will Jessop
The conferences I'd go to in order of choice:


RubyConf is big, lots of talks to choose from and lots of people to
talk to in the hallway. Downside is that it's always in the US and
epensive to travel to and stay at.

RailsBerry, I went here last year and it had a great vibe. Very
friendly, though I didn't see many of the talks. Krakow is a nice
city, and it's fairly cheap to travel and stay there.

ScotRuby is a bit like Railsberry, perhaps with better talks and less
sun. It's in the middle of no-where this year if that makes a

RubyManor feels like an extended Ruby user group to me, good talks,
cheap to attend and travel over two nights, three days.

Other conferences I've not been to so have no opinions, though I'd
like to give Ruby Kaigi and Nordic Ruby a go at some point.


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Ben Gibbs wrote:
 Hi all,

 There seem to be more and more quality annual Ruby conferences nowadays so I
 have a question:

 If I was to attend 2 Ruby conferences each year, which 2 should they be?

 Ta, Ben

 07811 197374
 Freelance Ruby On Rails Developer

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Re: [NWRUG] Recommended Ruby Conferences

2013-03-04 Thread Will Jessop
For me it's always about meeting people. Keeping up with friends and
making new ones. It's the same for the NWRUG meetups.

I'll go to some talks, but talks aren't that interesting to me. I tend
to go to the ones that I think will be amusing or otherwise
entertaining, or the ones with speakers I know will be good. I can get
most of the inspiration to learn about a topic from blog posts.


On 4 March 2013 15:33, Graham Ashton wrote:
 Ben and I were just chatting about it in the office and he raised an 
 interesting question - what is it that he's hoping to get out of going to two 
 Ruby conferences a year?

 I thought it'd be interesting to turn that around - what have you got out of 
 the conferences you've been to, and (if it's conference specific) which 
 conferences were they?

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[NWRUG] Paymill

2013-01-29 Thread Will Jessop
Anyone used Paymill?

Found it when linked to from this article:


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Re: [NWRUG] Sinatra Talk

2013-01-24 Thread Will Jessop
Definitely! Can you email me a short bio, talk summary and estimated
length and I'll set it up. Is March 21st OK? We have a talk booked for
Feb already.

On 24 January 2013 14:47, DAZ wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I was wondering if you would be interested in listening to a
 talk/presentation/practical workshop about using Sinatra?

 I write about Sinatra on Ruby Source and my book Jump Start Sinatra has just
 been published.

 Not sure how much you all know about Sinatra, but would this be something
 you'd be interested in?



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Re: [NWRUG] Sinatra Talk

2013-01-24 Thread Will Jessop
Oh, and a lot of us are in #nwrug on if you want to chat.

On 24 January 2013 14:47, DAZ wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I was wondering if you would be interested in listening to a
 talk/presentation/practical workshop about using Sinatra?

 I write about Sinatra on Ruby Source and my book Jump Start Sinatra has just
 been published.

 Not sure how much you all know about Sinatra, but would this be something
 you'd be interested in?



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Will Jessop
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Re: [NWRUG] Sinatra Talk

2013-01-24 Thread Will Jessop

On 24 January 2013 15:13, DAZ wrote:
 What's your email Will?

 On Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:55:55 PM UTC, Will Jessop wrote:

 Oh, and a lot of us are in #nwrug on if you want to chat.

 On 24 January 2013 14:47, DAZ wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  I was wondering if you would be interested in listening to a
  talk/presentation/practical workshop about using Sinatra?
  I write about Sinatra on Ruby Source and my book Jump Start Sinatra has
  been published.
  Not sure how much you all know about Sinatra, but would this be
  you'd be interested in?
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 Will Jessop
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Re: [NWRUG] Service Oriented Architecture anybody?

2013-01-22 Thread Will Jessop
On 22 January 2013 12:22, Paul Robinson wrote:
 On 22 Jan 2013, at 11:24, doug livesey wrote:
 I don't think that 'un-rails-like' is necessarily a bad thing, to be honest.

 It depends on your religion. If you think that the power of rapid Rails 
 development is embodied by the mantra convention over configuration, then 
 you are losing a lot of that power when you stop following the conventions.

 If you spend a lot of time configuring things to get a Rails app working, you 
 have to realise you're using Rails incorrectly.

IMO this is valid for setting up a rails app, not so much for writing
an app in it. Sure, RESTy MVC is going to work well with some of your
app, but most apps beyond trivial ones are going to stray from the
paradigm in some way. I think the key is to work out where to do so.
SOA'ing everything is probably as wrong as keeping everything on the
Rails track (ha!).

 Your pain points there sound rather like getting past the point of Rails 
 conventions and needing a new paradigm, which you've recognised.

 Maybe. I'm not sure that we need a new paradigm. An MVC framework written in 
 Ruby with a persistent SQL storage back-end with Models taking on some sort 
 of ORM responsibility is what Rails is brilliant at, and that's what I think 
 we need here.

That's what I use in the app I'm writing right now, except for the bit
(a controller) that communicates over a TCP socket to a job server to
run synchronous tasks on other machines. That's not Railsy at all, but
most of the app is.

 It's possible we could look at other options - I scratch my chin thinking 
 about node.js a lot at the moment as we're heavily event-driven as an 
 architecture - but I am not convinced we need to involve new paradigms here 
 out of necessity.

If you're already using Ruby (and you *really* need an evented server,
most people don't) you should consider EventMachine, unless you really
need JS there's no reason I can see to choose Node. You can always
integrate an evented system into your existing setup, no need to rip
everything out and start again.


Will Jessop
System Administrator

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Re: [NWRUG] 17th January Meetup

2013-01-21 Thread Will Jessop
Always the Third Thursday (but you weren't to know that from Adams email :)

Next meet up Feb 21


On 17 January 2013 13:09, Steven Cook wrote:
 What day?

 On 17 Jan 2013, at 12:49, Adam Holt wrote:

 Hey all,

 Apologies for the super late notice, as usual we are having a meetup,
 however we have no speaker this month. We will be running a drop in/hack
 session before heading to the pub for drinks/chat, and I'm planning on
 showing just how easy it is to exploit your un-patched rails app, for all
 you people who haven't patched your apps yet :)

 We'll be meeting at Madlab around 6:00-6:30, all our welcome.

 @ me (@adamholt) on twitter if you have any questions :)


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Will Jessop
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Re: [NWRUG] Do no let @willj carry you out of the pub on his shoulder

2013-01-17 Thread Will Jessop
In all fairness Ashley is pretty light and it's quite tempting to just
pick him up and move him.

On 17 January 2013 10:51, Ian Moss wrote:
 hehe it was good to bump into everyone in NTP yesterday.

 I had a couple of pints in Waterhouse in the end, then went off to watch
 Life of Pi. (Great film - no knowledge of the book required :)

 Do the vulnerability talk Adam. Maybe that can be the pre-rug workshop
 theme for the next couple of months?

 On Thu, Jan 17, 2013, at 12:07 AM, Caius Durling wrote:
 Sounds like a fun night was had by all…

 Caius Durling
 Transmitted from my handheld supercomputer
 +44 (0) 7960 268 100

 On 17 Jan 2013, at 00:01, Ash Moran wrote:

  @adamholt you know what you did!!!
  He is a menace to society.
  Also: do my kata.
  Sent from my iPhone
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[NWRUG] Random job

2013-01-04 Thread Will Jessop
Got this from someone that claims to be the CEO of a company looking for
Rails devs:

No idea who he is or how legit, but he doesn't seem to be a recruiter.


Will Jessop
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[NWRUG] Chargify hiring remote workers

2012-10-07 Thread Will Jessop
Their CEO is Lance Walley, one of the co-founders of EngineYar, he
seems like a nice guy:

Will Jessop
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Re: [NWRUG] NWRUG tomorrow night

2012-09-19 Thread Will Jessop
Could someone on the geek up list send this out there? I thought I
sent it myself but it looked like it bounced. Particularly the
details about the surgery.


On 19 September 2012 10:59, Tekin Suleyman wrote:
 Final reminder; it's NWRUG tomorrow night at MadLab.

 We're trying something different this month; as well as our usual talk from
 7pm, we're running a drop-in help  advice session from 6pm for anyone
 looking for help with Ruby and/or Rails code. Please help spread the word
 with anyone you know who is Ruby-curious so we can make it a success!

 Full details:


 Tekin Suleyman

 t: +44 (0) 161 408 8868
 m: +44 (0) 7968 355 460

 120/122 Grosvenor St, Manchester, M1 7HL

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[NWRUG] 37signals looking for support people in GMT

2012-09-05 Thread Will Jessop

Anyone know anyone?

Will Jessop
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[NWRUG] Rewardli

2012-08-14 Thread Will Jessop
Doug, this something you know about? Do you recommend them? Anyone
else got any opinions on this?

Hey Will,

Doug Livesey, a member of NWRUG, told me to get in touch with you
regarding setting up a Rewardli group for NWRUG.

Rewardli helps vendors connect with influential communities and we
work with a lot of technology incubators, co-working spaces and
developer groups (especially Python groups!).

Rewardli lets groups access awesome deals, manage preexisting perks,
and request offers for their organization. I've already set up a group
for NWRUG so you can instantly see how it works at no cost by clicking
here: snip

The NWRUG group includes deals such as:

MailChimp 6 Months Free
O'Reilly Books 40% off print books, 50% off ebooks
MongoHQ $200 credit
Tddium 1 month free
Zencoder $20 credit
CodeSchool $9 for the first month
Optimizely 25% off
Are there any offers that you think members of NWRUG would want? If
so, just request the deal on Rewardli and I will negotiate a deal for

Let me know if you have any questions or just visit snip to claim
your group! I'd love to schedule a phone call sometime soon to talk
about the platform in more detail.

Matt Roe

Will Jessop
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[NWRUG] Sponsorship at the next NWRUG meet up - Creative Lynx

2012-08-13 Thread Will Jessop
Creative Lynx ( have generously
volunteered to sponsor our next meet up, drinks in Common after the
meet up will be on them!

I hear they are looking for Rails devs, so head over to or grab Andy Stopford
on the night.

Will Jessop
System Administrator

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Re: [NWRUG] 17th May Meeting - The Python Experiment

2012-05-16 Thread Will Jessop
I'll be working in town before the meetup at some point tomorrow,
welcome to join me. @will_j on twitter for anyone new.


On 16 May 2012 10:51, Adam Holt wrote:
 Apologies for the super late notice! Details for tomorrows meeting:

 17 May – The Python Experiment

 This months NWRUG will be shared with the Python User Group

 A special edition of NWRUG this month, as we will be sharing with the Python
 User Group. There will be plenty of discussion, and some work on Ruby and
 Python Katas to get you started with Python.





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Will Jessop
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Re: [NWRUG] 17th May Meeting - The Python Experiment

2012-05-16 Thread Will Jessop
Assuming you don't hand-write your code in a notebook so your
secretary can later type it into your mainframe at work, yes. If you
want to work with me in Manchester you will need your laptop.

(You'll need your laptop for the kata thing too, if that was the email
you meant to reply to ;)


On 16 May 2012 12:55, Rob Gough wrote:
 and some work on Ruby and Python Katas

 Does this mean we'll need to bring our laptops?

 Rob Gough

 On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Will Jessop wrote:

 I'll be working in town before the meetup at some point tomorrow,
 welcome to join me. @will_j on twitter for anyone new.


 On 16 May 2012 10:51, Adam Holt wrote:
  Apologies for the super late notice! Details for tomorrows meeting:
  17 May – The Python Experiment
  This months NWRUG will be shared with the Python User Group
  A special edition of NWRUG this month, as we will be sharing with the
  User Group. There will be plenty of discussion, and some work on Ruby
  Python Katas to get you started with Python.
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[NWRUG] SSL perf testing

2012-03-23 Thread Will Jessop
Anyone got a favourite tool to do this? Detailed statistics on the
stages of connection would be great. Looking at JMeter already, but
it's giving me some problems with statistics.


Will Jessop
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[NWRUG] Madlab

2012-01-27 Thread Will Jessop
Madlab are generous enough to host us every month, provide a projector
and clear up our crap when we leave, so lets all donate something to
help them improve the place. I for one welcome the positive benefit an
oven will make to our meetups.

We don’t like asking for money – we firmly believe that financial
contribution should not be a factor in access to places like MadLab,
and that open access increases both the value of the superstars who
house their communities here and the reach that is afforded to
everyone – including those without spare funds.

But we’re asking if you can help all of us raise a few more pounds so
we can complete the building of the kitchen and bookshelf, so we
finally have an operational library available here.


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