Re: [ob] Re: ENRG: Profitunity day trading method using 5 minute chart

2010-04-07 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Apakah bukannya garis merah sbg Sell stop?

2010/4/8 jsx_consultant

 Tambahin Cut Loss levelnya, IHSG udah -30

 - Jika ragu, kalo turun dibawah buaya boleh Cut Loss
 - Tapi kalo metode Profitunity asli menggunakan SELL FRACTAL
  sebagai trigger Cut loss karena sebenarnya metode Profitunity
  adalah metode Trading yg mengikuti Wave tapi si BILL nya
  engga mau ngomong soal ini karena orang TAKUT dengan yg
  berbau Elliott Wave.
 - Jadi Sell Stop nya 1 level dibawah SELL FRACTAL 153

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  ENRG: Profitunity day trading method using 5 minute chart
  - Strong Wave 1 impulse
  - Correction wave 2  antara 23%-38%
  - BUY at fibo 38%, CL kalo jebol
  - Naik diatas Buaya dan Buy Fractal 1
  - Buy more kalo naik diatas Buy Fractal 2 (159)
  - Momentum and Price divergen -- Good


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Re: [ob] Orang bodoh vs orang pintar by Mario Teguh

2010-01-31 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Sekarang ini ada kecenderungan orang berpikir bahkan berbicara  -- Sekolah
tidak usah tinggi2, yang penting bisa cari duit.
Orang2 semacam ini tidak pernah berpikir, bagaimana mereka bisa menggunakan
Blackberry, atau Laptop yang canggih. Bagaimana mungkin barang2 secanggih
itu bisa ada, kalau pikirannya seperti diatas..

Itulah sebabnya Indonesia selalu tertinggal dalam industri teknologi..
bisanya import saja.


 Amen pak.. Saya juga benci sama artikel sampah begini.. But hey,
 next/delete button just one click away, rite? :)

 Tetap semangat, orang pandai! Stay in school! Dan jangan lupa bergaul buat
 networkingnya! :)

 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 *From: * mikey
 *Date: *Mon, 1 Feb 2010 07:15:13 +0800
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] Orang bodoh vs orang pintar by Mario Teguh

 Ini artikelnya sepertinya tidak ada background checknya
 BIll Gates itu bukan orang bodoh, dia itu anak orang kaya, kakeknya punya
 bank di seattle  maminya punya banyak koneksi.
 Dia bisa sukses dengan microsoft lantaran maminya kenalin Bill dengan CEO
 IBM, dan hoki aja programnya mau dipakai di personal computer.
 Kalau maminya orang biasa2  kakeknya bukan konglomerat yang punya bank, ga
 mungkin lah yah bisa sukses
 Dan Bill sendiri terbukti orang pintar karena masuknya pun ke Harvard
 (kalau tidak salah)

 Goggle bisa sukses dengan 2 orang baru lulus, coba cek dulu backingnya
 CEO Pepsi, CEO Kodak, dan satu CEO lagi (saya lupa) sebagai backing
 financialnya, dan ada 1 orang ex CEO lagi umur 60an yang masuk ke google
 pertama kali untuk mempromosikan karya 2 orang undergrads ini.

 Artikel2 seperti ini menghasut. Kakak ipar saya sampe drop out dari kuliah
 karena terlalu banyak membaca artikel seperti ini tanpa membaca lebih detail
 lagi cerita yang sebenarnya.

 Kalau semua orang berpikir mau jadi orang bodoh, apa jadinya dunia ini?
 Mana ada lagi orang pintar?

 Jaman sekarang, orang pintar juga tidak bodo, dia liat bossnya bodo,
 tinggal bikin usaha serupa dengan si boss bodo, customernya ditarikin semua,
 si boss bodo udah ga bisa apa2 (namanya juga bodo). Customernya juga tau
 siapa yang pintar dan siapa yang bodo.

 Satu lagi, orang bodo itu biasanya meniru, tidak bisa menciptakan inovasi.
 Inovasi diciptakan sama orang pintar.

 Sukses tidaknya anda, bukan karena pintar atau bodoh.
 Semua ditentukan dengan networking. Rumus sukses 20% kerja keras, 80%

 Masih ga percaya, tanya aja sama Om Liem / Eka Cipta
 Kalau bukan karena network, bagaimana mereka bisa sukses?


Re: [ob] OLT di Indo bisa pake Ipad ?

2010-01-27 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
IPad w/ keyboard


2010/1/28 Febry Hariyannugraha

 Kayaknya akan banyak kritik ..
 Kindle dari Amazon di US sudah banyak yang bawa ..
 Baca e-book pake kindle di bis kelihatannya nyaman ..
 Ipad bisa jadi terinspirasi dari Kindle .. tapi who know's lah ..
 Nanti juga costumer yang menilai hehehe



Re: [ob] BNBR QUIZ: Berapa target BNBR ?

2010-01-12 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Dgn AP..kl hr ini melanjutkan rally, maka target pertama di median line,
sekitar 104.


2010/1/12 jsx_consultant

 BNBR QUIZ: Berapa target BNBR ?

 Dari gambar dibawah, bisakah kita ngitung target BNBR ?.

 Jika bisa berapa:
 - Target minimal ?
 - Target maximal ?

 Engga usah tepat tepat, kira kira aja bantuin embah ngitung


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Re: [ob] Buku EW Prechter......Re: Workshop Elliottwave ....

2010-01-07 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Elliott Wave Principle  by Frost and Prechter, introduction by Charles J.
Collins 254 pages

jadi kalau hanya 112 p   pasti sdh didiskon

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 12:24 AM, sasha winata wrote:

 Mbah Ganteng
  MB 17.65 MB

 BENJAMIN VAN VLIET Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic To Create
 Bill M.williams - New Trading Dimensions - How To Profit From Chaos In
 Stocks, Bonds, And Commod...
 BILL WILLIAMS - Trading Chaos - - Wiley Finance.pdf
 BRUCE I JACOBS - Market Neutral Strategies-WILEY.pdf
 BRUCE J. FEIBEL - Investment Performance Measurement (Wiley-2003) (pdf).pdf

 Callum Henderson-Currency Strategy - A Practitioner's Guide To Currency
 Investing, Hedging And F...
 Charles Brandes - Value Investing Today (Mcgraw Hill-3rd Ed-2004) (pdf).pdf

 Charles C. Zhang - .Make.Yourself.A.Millionaire.pdf
 Charles Le Beau  Lucas, David W - Day Trading Systems  Methods.pdf
 CHARLES M LALOGGIA The Superstock Investor.pdf
 Charles Mackay - Memoirs Of Extraordinary Popular Delusions Vol 1.(Doc).doc

 Charles Mackay - Memoirs Of Extraordinary Popular Delusions Vol 2.(Doc).doc

 Charles Mackay - Memoirs Of Extraordinary Popular Delusions Vol 3.(Doc).doc
 Total files size: 58 MB
 password: helijoop


 --- On *Thu, 1/7/10, jsx_consultant*wrote:

 From: jsx_consultant
 Subject: [ob] Buku EW Prechter..Re: Workshop Elliottwave 
 Date: Thursday, January 7, 2010, 1:59 PM

  Buku import hardcover Elliottwave Principle by Frost and Prechter (worth
  35, shipping applied). Ini merupakan buku pegangan wajib bagi anda yang
  ingin menguasai Elliottwave principles.

 Dulu buku EW yg kita download, pengarangnya hanya Precter
 saja atau berikut Frost

 Apakah buku ini BERBEDA dengan yg kita download ?.

 Sasha manis , apakah ini sama ?.


Re: Bls: [ob] Tips Untuk Speedy

2009-12-27 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Pengalaman saya dengan Speedy :

Saya tinggal di Jakarta Barat (kembangan), jadi telkom speedy terdekat di
Kedoya (021-581), ternyata gangguan timbul karena terjadi bending
(..tidak tahu istilah sebenarnya, mungkin sama dengan terblokir). Oleh
karena itu setiap kali terjadi gangguan saya telepon ke nomor diatas untuk
minta agar bendingannya dilepas..dan ternyata memang terjadi bending alias
pemblokiran dari sistem. Segera teknisi melepaskan blokir dan internet
tersambung dengan baik. Teknisi jg tidak tahu kenapa terjadi, hanya
dikatakan mungkin terjadi gangguan di kabel telepon atau induksi, sehingga
akan terblokir otomatis.  Hal menhubungi langsung telkom saya sdh lakukan
begitu sering, siang ini pun mengalami gangguan. Call center 147 tidak dapat
DNS saya set automatic, tidak masalah

Jadi bila tinggal diluar Kembangan, cari tahu nomor telepon telkom speedy
terdekat..atau tanyakan pada sales nya
Mudah2 an membantu...

2009/12/27 kobayashi mitsukuni

 Wah...Trims Bro David...!
 mungkin ini penyebabnya ya..dan sy pakai HOT spot lagi..
 Letakkan modem jauh dari sumber listrik (+/- 1 m) seperti UPS, Stabilizer,
 TV, speaker, HP, USB Modem  semua alat2 elektronik.

 sy punya saking dirapikan,jd numpuk kali..hehhehehe...


 *Dari:* David Lau
 *Kepada:* JT
 *Terkirim:* Ming, 27 Desember, 2009 13:51:01
 *Judul:* [ob] Tips Untuk Speedy

 Bagi rekan2 yg bermasalah (sering putus  koneksinya lambat) dengan
 Speedynya , berikut ini saya berikan tips untuk mengatasinya karena hal ini
 juga saya alami  sdh saya lakukan  cukup bermanfaat.

- Ganti kabel telpon dari KTB s/d ke splitter dgn kabel yg baru
(twisted pair yg isinya 2) tanpa sambungan.

- Cek di KTB, apakah tembaganya sdh berwarna hitam. Jika sdh berwarna
hitam harus diganti dgn yg baru.

- Instalasi kabel telpon tidak boleh berhimpitan dgn kabel listrik /
kabel antena / kabel2 lainnya yg memancarkan frekwensi.

- Letakkan modem jauh dari sumber listrik (+/- 1 m) seperti UPS,
Stabilizer, TV, speaker, HP, USB Modem  semua alat2 elektronik.
- Ganti modulasi di modem tsb menjadi ADSL_G.dmt
- Pasang antivirus, usahakan yang original biar bisa update secara
maksimal  rutin lakukan scan.

 PS : KTB adalah kotak yg biasanya ada diluar rumah yg menghubungkan kabel
 telpon dari tiang telpon ke rumah kita.

 Semoga bermanfaat.


 In Te Domine, Speravi Non Confundar In Aeternum

 Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya 

  Wajib militer di Indonesia?
 Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers!


Re: [ob] Sri Mulyani: Aburizal Bakrie Tidak Senang pada Saya

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Kalau saya punya uang 1 milyar, tentu akan mencari bank yang punya reputasi
(BCA, BRI, Citibank, HSBC dll.)...kok bisa2 nya orang punya 2 juta dollar
ditaruh di bank seperti Bank Century ?  Ada udang dibalik batu?

2009/12/11 Aria Bela Nusa

  Bank Century atau bank pencury – harta pengurus2nya yg kabur itu jg gede2
 banget (kalo tidak salah ‘ampe triliunan jg)


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *jsx_consultant
 *Sent:* Friday, December 11, 2009 1:37 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] Sri Mulyani: Aburizal Bakrie Tidak Senang pada Saya


 BC itu hasil merger dari 3 bank, salah satu bank tsb banyak
 main Surat Berharga.

 Anda kan tahu, pada saat puncak krisis SM, surat2 berharga itu
 hampir tidak ada harganya lagi, banyaknya DEFAULT. Sebagai
 pembanding: BUMI saja dari 8000 tinggal 385. Tapi sesudah
 krisis lewat BUMI bisa ke 3000 lagi.

 Komposisi Surat Berharga sangat besar dan sudah diperingatkan
 oleh BI.

 Tapi seperti embah bilang: Nasi udah jadi bubur borok,
 jadi terserah DPR saja mau apa.

 Tapi seorang pemimpin harus MEMUTUSKAN, dia tidak bisa
 memilih opsi DIAM. Keputusan Melikwidasi dan Mengambil
 alih , dua duanya keputusan JELEK, apapun yg dipilih
 akan BERAKHIR ke DPR karena urusan Borok2 tsb..

 --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  Masalah BOROK BC memang sudah lama, jauh hari dari sebelum krisis...
  Laporan BPK tentang BOROK yg seabrek abrek ini sih SUDAH terlambat,
  Nasi udah jasi bubur borok...
  BC harusnya sudah terjual kepada investor baru sebelum krisis datang tapi
  Sri Mulyani HANYA punya dua pilihan pada saat GENTING GENTINGnya krisis
  - Melikwidasi atau Mengambil alih
  Dan saat itu diputuskan Mengambil alih, keputusan ini adalah LOGIS karena
  keadaan ekonomi sedang genting. Jika BC diambil alih pada keadaan ekonomi
  normal, maka keputusan ini GOBLOK dan CORRUPT.
  - Jika saat itu diputuskan Melikwidasi BC, laporan BPK isinya akan sama
  dengan keputusan Mengambil alih karena itu adalah akibat/konsekwensi
  BOROK LAMA yg tidak terselesaikan sampai akhir krisis SM datang.
  On Behalf Of Parama Nandana
  Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 12:40 AM
  Subject: Re: [ob] Sri Mulyani: Aburizal Bakrie Tidak Senang pada Saya
  Salah atau tidak salahnya pejabat negara dalam mengambil keputusan dan
  menjalankan kebijakannya, tinggal di backtest aja Mbah, khususnya
  peraturan dan UU yang berlaku.
  Hasil audit BPK jelas menunjukkan pelanggaran yang dilakukan BI dan KSSK
  terhadap berbagai peraturan dan UU mulai dari proses merger bank Pikko,
  dan bank Danpac, ketidak telitian BI dalam mengawasi bank Century, sampai
  dengan pelanggaran UU no 24 thn 2004 tentang LPS.
  Agar para OBers dapat mencerna dan menyimpulkan sendiri dengan lebih
  obyektif, dapat download detail hasil investigasi bank Century oleh BPK
  dalam link dibawah ini:
  From: Bandar Bola bandarr.b...@...
  Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 2:21:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [ob] Sri Mulyani: Aburizal Bakrie Tidak Senang pada Saya
  Betul Mbah, ada dua issue besar yang Mbah katakan, ditambah dua issue
  1. Proses pengambilan keputusan KSSK yang diketuai Bu Sri Mulyani
  2. Proses pengambil-alihan management Bank Century post-bailout
  3. Aliran dana dari deposan besar / afiliasi pemilik lama
  4. Diskriminasi BI terhadap Bank Century, yang seharusnya sudah ditutup
  Point nomor satu: menurut saya tidak ada masalah karena discretionary
  decision itu hak dari pejabat yang berwenang, dalam hal ini Ketua KSSK.
  Keputusan kemarin tidak bisa dinilai salah kalau sudah ketahuan hasilnya
  (ini kayak Prof. JT yang bilang bahwa TA itu tidak error-proof 100%,
  tahu SUMI naik besok, hari ini kita gadein rumah mertua sekalian, he
  yang penting semua aspek sudah dipertimbangkan.
  Paling-paling kalau mau dipertanyakan adalah besarnya biaya bailout
  dasar pengambilan keputusan yang katanya cuma 600-an milyar tapi ternyata
  jadi membengkak. Selain itu ada dugaan, katanya Ketua KKSK pada awalnya
  tidak setuju bailout, dan lebih prefer untuk dilikuidasi, tapi ternyata

Re: [ob] Simbol USD Dollar index di Google finance ?

2009-09-21 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
UUP   Power shares US Dollar Index bullish

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:53 AM, jsx_consultant wrote:

 Ada yg tahu apa simbol USD Dollar index di Google finance ?


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Re: [ob] Re: WHAT IF....the recession is REALLY diminishing

2009-08-02 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Mungkin artikel dibawah ini menarik untuk disimak.


Beware of the Obama stimulus trap
 By Martin Hutchinson, MoneyMorning
 Monday, August 3, 2009

Upbeat headlines have been everywhere in recent weeks, and they all seem to
point to a single conclusion: The U.S. economy is in the early stages of a
very rapid recovery.

In fact, when you peruse the news it’s difficult to come to any other
conclusion. For instance:

   - A number of key earnings reports have been much better than expected,
   and company executives buttressed those profit figures with positive
   comments about the next 18 months.
   - The trading operations of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE:GS) and
   JPMorgan Chase  Co. (NYSE: JPM) both just reported record profits.
   - U.S. housing prices rose in May for the first time in three years.
   Initial jobless claims have plunged 15% since their April peak. The
   Conference Board’s Index of Leading Economic Indicators rose 0.7% in June,
   its third successive positive reading.
   - And just yesterday (Thursday), the Dow Jones Industrial Average topped
   the 9,200 mark for the first time since November, a potentially highly
   bullish development for the economy, since stock prices are forward-looking.

But while many experts will look at these developments as an excuse to
celebrate the looming rebound to come, I actually see them as a real cause
for concern. The reality is that these reports, when viewed in concert with
other data, are actually a sign of a re-inflating financial bubble.

This is actually an Economic Recovery Trap that, when sprung, will inflict
a lot of pain on overly optimistic investors. Now that we’re sufficiently
forewarned, we should re-orient our money accordingly.

*Doomed by Deficits*

It’s not surprising that the U.S. economy has shown signs of strength in
recent weeks; it has had huge amounts of money thrown at it.

On the fiscal side, the Obama administration’s May budget plan suggested
deficit for the 2009 fiscal year (which ends in September) would reach $1.83
trillion, about 13% of gross domestic product (GDP).

However, subsequently released unemployment figures have shown that the U.S.
jobless level reached 9.5% in June, far above the 8.3% rate assumed in the
budget. And unemployment is expected to spike further in the second half of
the year.

This worsening unemployment situation strongly suggests that the true
budget-deficit figures will be even worse than those already announced, a
supposition strengthened by the postponement from mid-July to mid-August of
the normal mid-term budget review. Since U.S. President Barack Obama is
currently attempting to steer two difficult and expensive pieces of
legislation, the cap-and-trade energy bill and the healthcare-reform bill,
through Congress, he does not want unfavorable budget numbers appearing that
might be used to persuade wavering legislators to oppose them.

Even at 13% of GDP in fiscal 2009 and 10% of GDP in fiscal 2010, the U.S.
federal deficit is far above any previous level reached in peacetime, so
it’s likely that if the economy begins to recover these deficits will prove
difficult to finance, meaning the budgetary shortfalls will push up
long-term interest rates.

That escalation in long-term rates, in turn, could choke off the economic
recovery, which to be healthy requires a rebuilding of inventories,
extensions of credit to new domestic-and-foreign customers, and a revival of
enthusiasm for such large-ticket items as housing and automobiles.

With the yield on 10-year U.S. Treasuries already up from a low of 2.07% in
December to a recent level of 3.60%, the dampening effect of rising interest
rates may already be becoming apparent. In any case, the deficit is a dark
cloud that threatens to obscure the economic outlook.

And that dark deficit cloud will be very difficult to remove.

*Know Your (Real) Enemy*

The other main problem with today’s economy is the likely resurgence of
inflation. Even the U.S. Federal Reserve, which under central bank Chairman
Ben S. Bernanke for a long time apparently maintained a fear of deflation
above all else, admitted in its last meeting that the likelihood of
deflation had receded.

That’s not surprising: In the last six months, core consumer price inflation
(excluding food and energy) was a reported 2.4% annually. Although the
headline figure has been low because of the sharp drop in energy prices
the United States economy has experienced since last year, that effect is
about to disappear, as energy prices peaked in early July 2008 and fell
sharply throughout the fall. Thus, even reported consumer price inflation,
on a year-over-year basis, is likely to surge in the months after this one

Moreover, the reported inflation figure may be low. Each month, the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics seasonally adjusts consumer price statistics to
remove normal seasonal patterns from the data. That seasonal adjustment

Re: [ob] Confirmasi Ikut serta Workshop Elliot Wave

2009-07-30 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Namanya saja Rokaya...pakai Rok, jadi pasti Ibu lah...heheh

2009/7/31 Rokaya Aritonang

  Hallo pak .. apa kabar?

 Bagaimana perkembangan pemahaman Elliot Wave nya? sudah ada perkembangan?

 Dan saya mau mengetahui apakah bapak jadi akan ikut serta workshop Elliot
 Wave yg akan saya adakan tgl.9 Agustus 2009 di The Suite Aryaduta Semanggi?

 Saya lagi semangat mengajar ni...
 Dalam workshop tersebut akan saya ulas mulai dari phyloshophy dr Elliot
 Wave sampai cara mengoperasikan dengan software dan manual...dan yang
 terpenting adalah pemahaman manual sedangkan software hanya membantu.

 Saya menunggu informasi dari bapak/Ibu.
 Atas perhatian dan tanggapannya saya ucapkan terimakasih.

 Best Regard,

 Rokaya Aritonang.

 --- On *Tue, 6/16/09, mh* wrote:

 From: mh
 Subject: Re: [ob] History OB
 Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 2:06 PM

  Bu, saya juga berkali2 salah paham anggap rokaya aritonang itu pak,
 Maaf ya.
 Mungkin ada baiknya di kasi Ms. Rokaya aritonang biar ga salah paham,
 Kapan bu diadain training EW, tolong diinfo in ya,



 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: Rokaya Aritonang
 *Date*: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 00:00:09 -0700 (PDT)
 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] History OB

 Hee3x...Pak Ruz7 ...saya belum pernah menulis buku... dan saya benar-benar
 kalau tidak percaya tanya ke Pak Tasrul atau Wan AL atu Pak Adi Sukmono
 yang sudah mengenal saya...

 Best Regard,

 Rokaya A.

 --- On *Tue, 6/16/09, Ruz7 indeksbei3000@* wrote:

 From: Ruz7 indeksbei3000@
 Subject: Re: [ob] History OB
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 1:49 PM

 Ibu ? Sepertinya Bapak deh ?
 Pak Rokaya kan penulis buku jugaPowered By FREN BondBerry. (Bayar Pake
 Daun). Indeksbei3000®
 *Date*: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 13:32:48 +0700
 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] History OB
 Dear Ibu Rokaya Aritonang, mohon contoh analisa EWnya utk IHSG dan DJI
 dishare disini. Sy ingin lihat. Sy masih awam soal EW cuma tau 12345abc aja.

 HotMoney ^^

 Pada 15 Juni 2009 10:13, Rokaya Aritonang rok...@yahoo. 

 Saya akan memberikan training elliotwave di Jakarta bila peminat minimal
 20 orang dan maksimal 40 orang..karena Elliot wave adalah masuk katagori

 Bagi yang berminat silahkan email japri kepada saya.

 NB. Mbah saya minta ijin untuk memberikan informasi Training ini..

 Best Regard,

 Rokaya A.

 --- On *Sun, 6/14/09, kusumo k kusu...@gmail. 
 * wrote:

 From: kusumo k kusu...@gmail. 
 Subject: Re: [ob] History OB
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
 Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 7:58 PM

 Kalo ada training elliot wave saya ikut.. Jakarta ya pak...

 2009/6/14 Rokaya Aritonang rok...@yahoo. 

 Hi pak yudizz pak kabar?
 Jgn salahkan elliot wave, trus terang saya kagum dg penemu elliot wave...
 Klo ada yg gaya2an pk elliot wav tp salah melulu berarti orang tsb blum
 kuasai rule of the elliot wave.
 Klo saya mau adakan training elliot wave kira2 ada yg minat?
 Best Regard,

 Rokaya A.

 --- On Sun, 6/14/09, Yudizz yudiz...@gmail. 

  From: Yudizz yudiz...@gmail. 
  Subject: RE: [ob] History OB
  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
  Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 4:51 PM
  Kalo nggak salah tujuan awal berdirinya OB itu
  sebagai tempat pertukaran
  RUMOR antar bandar dan tukang goreng. Jadi dulu malah lebih
  sangar dari
  sekarang, liar banget, banyak provokatornya.
  Dulu mah jarang banget yang kasih ulasan TA model Pak JT
  atau Pak Tasrul.
  Baru akhir2 ini aja orang gaya2an ngomong Elliot Wave. :p
  Kalo mau didongengin, minta Pak Gangway atau Pak Tommy
  Jayamudita yang
  cerita. Dua orang itu yang masih eksis sejak milis ini
  Powered by BEI BerbullishT
  May The BULL Be With You
  -Original Message-
  From: obrolan-bandar@
  yahoogroups. com 
  yahoogroups. com]
  On Behalf Of [ M S ]
  Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 4:23 PM
  To: Milis OB
  Subject: [ob] History OB
  OB dibentuk oleh embah sejak tahun 

Re: [ob] ADRO crossing 10T

2009-07-23 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@gmail.comwrote:



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Re: [ob] Prediksi EL is being TESTED this week

2009-07-23 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Bgmn kl dibandingkan dengan Nasdaq Composite index, nampaknya lebih
meyakinkan. Apakah sdh memasuki bullish area?
MACD untuk monthly sekarang berada pada titik crossing, sementara DJI memang

2009/7/24 jsx_consultant

 --- In, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:
  Mbah, sptnya walau masih di bearish area, tiap kali buat HH ya?

 Gerakan harga mirip gerakan gelombang, dengan SIFAT sbb:
 - NORMAL wave:
  Harga bergerak dari Lower PIG line ke Centre Line lalu
  ke Higher PIG line.
 - WEAK wave:
  Jika harga tidak berhasil menembus Centre line maka ia akan
  jatuh balik ke Lower PIG line

 DJI sudah 3 kali mencoba menembus centre line, 2 kali gagal dan
 saat ini lagi mencoba lagi. Jadi meskipun DJI membuat Highger High,
 selama dia belum bisa menembus Centre Line, maka kemungkinan DJI
 kembali ke Lower PIG line masih besar.

  2009/7/24 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
   Apakah prediksi EL tentang datangnya PERIODE BEARISH akan menjadi
   kenyataan ?.
   Coba lihat grafik DJI ini:
   Biarkanlah market yg memutuskan siapa yg benar ?


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Re: [ob] QUIZ Bandarmologi sector BANK

2009-06-13 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

BBRI dengan FIBO Extension, di plot dari Low di bln Nov/08  ke High di awal
Januari 09, lalu diproyesikan ke Low di awal Maret/09, ternyata belum
mencapai 161%, sementara dengan metode sama BMRI maupun BDMN bahkan sdh
mencapai 261.8%.

Sementara BBCA di plot dr Low di Oct/08,  baru mencapai 100%.

Apakah Banking akan didorong keatas untuk mencapai target Fibo extension
BBRI dan BBCA ??


2009/6/13 jsx_consultant

 QUIZ Bandarmologi sector BANK

 Week end ini embah kasih quiz Bandarmologi untuk sector BANK:


 Liat gambar dan step2 dibawah ini:
 1. Angkat BBRI
 2. Angkat BDMN dan  BMRI untok dorong BBRI
 3. Angkat BBCA sambil Jual BBRI +BDMN+BMRI
 4. Reboundkan BBRI sanbil teruskan jualan
 5. Reboundkan BBCA sambil terus jualan
 6. Jatuhkan BBRI, tahan yg lain .. UPS ?.

 - Apa maksud/tujuan BD dengan step no 6 ?
 - Apa yg akan terjadi dengan ke 4 saham diatas minggu depan ?
 - Apakah saham perbankan akan koreksi seperti dibilang IFM APUT ?.


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Re: [ob] IPOT macet lagi,....!!!!

2009-06-04 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Ada gangguan Speedy

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 1:45 PM, jkunci wrote:

 Yang lain macet ga?


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[ob] Coal Stocks Push up Australia

2009-05-04 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
SINGAPORE -- Asian share markets were higher Tuesday on hopes for some
stability in the global economy, and as coal stocks rose, although trade was
quiet with markets shut in Japan and South Korea for holidays.

Australia's SP/ASX 200 was up 0.5% -- after a 3% rise Monday to six-month
highs -- with New Zealand's NZX-50 up 2.1%, briefly hitting its best level
since Nov. 11.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 2.6% while the SP 500 turned
positive for the year to date. There's quite a bit of literature from
around the world these days about economies slowly picking up, said Peter
Young, an adviser at Forsyth Barr.

Data from the U.S. and China have been reassuring in recent days, although
there are also signs of ongoing economic weakness and concerns about the
health of the large U.S. banks.

We have made a lot of money over the last eight weeks and continue to think
the trick from here will be to keep that money, said analyst Jeffrey D.
Saut at Raymond James Equity Research in the U.S. Longer-term we are pretty
optimistic. Near-term, we are cautious.

Stocks tied to the economic cycle led the way in Sydney, with David Jones up
6%, Macquarie Group up 5.2%, Boral up 7.5% and Rio Tinto up 3.8%.

Coal-sector stocks took their lead from a rise in U.S. coal shares Monday
after Goldman Sachs raised its coverage view on the companies to attractive
from neutral, saying there was expectations for an economic recovery in

Maccarthur Coal was up 4.2% with Centennial Coal rising 9.6%, while
Whitehaven Coal added 2.5%. Singapore's Noble Group said it was increasing
its cash offer for Gloucester Coal, calling on the board of Gloucester to
act immediately to declare the offer superior to a proposed merger deal with
Whitehaven Coal.

In Australia, BlueScope Steel, the country's largest steel maker, said it
planned to raise up to 1.41 billion Australian dollars ($1.11 billion)
through an entitlement offer to cut debt and strengthen its balance sheet.
That stock was suspended from trade.

Cyclical stocks were higher also in New Zealand, with chipmaker Rayon up
13.6% after announcing a research project, to be half funded by a government
grant. Fisher  Paykel Appliances was up 13.7%, Fletcher Building up 4.4%,
Contact Energy up 2.7% and Telecom 2.6% higher.

The euro was still stronger in currency markets as risk appetite improved,
with the single currency at $1.3421, from $1.3405 late in New York, and at
¥132.68, from ¥132.60, off an early low of ¥132.35. I am bullish risk, so I
am bullish the euro, said ANZ Bank senior dealer Alex Sinton.

The U.S. dollar was at ¥98.86, from ¥98.93 in New York, while the Australian
dollar was sticking near US$0.7400 before the Reserve Bank of Australia's
interest-rate decision, with the central bank expected to stand pat.

Despite the recent market inclination to sell the U.S. dollar, Westpac said
that, based on leading indicators, it was the most desirable currency among
the Group of Three, followed by the euro and the yen. The temptation is to
ignore these signals and to be short the dollar by focusing exclusively on
improving risk appetite, said analyst Richard Franulovich, but sentiment
is fickle.

Spot gold was down 95 cents at $902.25 a troy ounce after a strong
performance in New York.

Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange gained 2.7% in electronic
trade after Monday's London holiday, to $4,720 a metric ton. David Moore, an
analyst at Commonwealth of Australia, said the market was taking a glass is
half full view on the global economic outlook.

Front-month Nymex crude oil futures were down 14 cents on Globex at $54.33 a
barrel, having risen $1.27 in New York.

*Write to* Rosalind Mathieson at

[ob] Asian Shares Rise As Cyclical Stocks Lead; Aussie Mkt +0.5%

2009-05-04 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
 SINGAPORE (MarketWatch) -- Asian share markets were higher Tuesday with
cyclical stocks and coal miners rising on hopes for some stability in the
global economy, but trade was quiet with markets shut in Japan and South
 Australia's SP/ASX 200 was up 0.5% - after a 3.0% rise Monday to six-month
highs - with New Zealand's NZX-50 up 2.1%, briefly hitting its best level
since November 11.
 Investors were comforted by a strong night on Wall Street, with quite a
bit of literature from around the world these days about economies slowly
picking up, said Peter Young, an adviser at Forsyth Barr. The Dow Jones
Industrial Average jumped 2.6% while the SP 500 turned positive for the
year to date.
 Data from the U.S. and China in particular have been reassuring in recent
days, though there are also signs of ongoing economic weakness and concerns
about the health of the large U.S. banks. Some analysts have urged caution
given the pace of the recent rise in global stock markets, and the large
gains made in Asia Monday may have pre-empted Wall Street to some extent.
 We have made a lot of money over the last eight weeks and continue to
think the trick from here will be to keep that money, said analyst Jeffrey
D. Saut at Raymond James Equity Research in the U.S. Longer-term we are
pretty optimistic. Near-term, we are cautious.
 Stocks tied to the economic cycle led the way in Sydney, with David Jones
up 6.0%, Macquarie Group up 5.2%, Boral up 7.5% and Rio Tinto up 3.8%.
 Coal-sector stocks took their lead from a rise in U.S. coal shares Monday
after Goldman Sachs raised its coverage view on the companies to attractive
from neutral, saying there were several reasons to buy coal stocks now,
including expectations for an economic recovery in China.
 Maccarthur Coal was up 4.2% with Centennial Coal rising 9.6%, while
Whitehaven Coal added 2.5%. Singapore's Noble Group said it was increasing
its cash offer for Gloucester Coal, calling on the board of Gloucester to
act immediately to declare the offer superior to a proposed merger deal with
Whitehaven Coal.
 There was news of more capital raisings in Australia with BlueScope Steel,
the country's largest steel maker, saying it planned to raise up to A$1.41
billion through an entitlement offer to cut debt and strengthen its balance
sheet. That stock was suspended from trade.
 Cyclical stocks were higher also in New Zealand, with chipmaker Rayon up
13.6% after announcing a NZ$9 million research project, to be half funded by
a government grant. Fisher  Paykel Appliances was up 13.7%, Fletcher
Building up 4.4%, Contact Energy up 2.7% and Telecom 2.6% higher.
 The euro was still stronger in currency markets as risk appetite improved,
with the single currency at $1.3421, from $1.3405 late in New York, and at
Y132.68, from Y132.60, off an early low of Y132.35. I am bullish risk, so I
am bullish the euro, said ANZ Bank senior dealer Alex Sinton.
 The U.S. dollar was at Y98.86, from Y98.93 in New York, while the
Australian dollar was sticking near US$0.7400 before the Reserve Bank of
Australia's interest rate decision, with the central bank expected to stand
 Despite the recent market inclination to sell the U.S. dollar, Westpac said
that, based on leading indicators, it was the most desirable currency among
the Group of Three, followed by the euro and the yen. The temptation is to
ignore these signals and to be short the dollar by focusing exclusively on
improving risk appetite, said analyst Richard Franulovich, but sentiment
is fickle.
 Spot gold was down 95 cents at $902.25 a troy ounce after a strong
performance in New York.
 LME three-month copper gained 2.7% in electronic trade after Monday's
London holiday, to $4,720 a metric ton. David Moore, an analyst at
Commonwealth of Australia, said the market was taking a glass is half full
view on the global economic outlook.
 Front-month Nymex crude oil futures were down 14 cents on Globex at $54.33
a barrel, having risen $1.27 in New York. [image: End of Story]

[ob] Fwd: IPOT intermittent

2009-04-21 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
-- Forwarded message --
Date: 2009/4/22
Subject: Re: IPOT intermittent
To: Adhi Sukmono

Terima kasih pak Adhi atas tanggapannya, kita sedang mau taruh server2 lagi
di tempat telkom dan satu tempat lagi dalam waktu 1-2 minggu ini. Sekarang
padahal server kita sudah lebih dari 80 biji pak Adhi. Terima kasih sekali
lagi atas inputnya.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

*From*: Adhi Sukmono
*Date*: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:16:18 +0700
*Subject*: IPOT intermittent
Dear Pak Ungky,

Apa kabar?

Saya hanya menyampaikan beberapa hr ini IPOT sering kali *mati *untuk
sejenak (sekitar 1 menit) lalu on lagi.  Dan ketika on lagi,  menuDone by
Stock perlu waktu yg cukup lama untuk menampilkan isinya.
Demikian di milis OB juga ramai dibicarakan ttg hal ini, agak sulit bagi
saya untuk komunikasi dg call center, karena jawabannya standard disini
tidak ada masalah.

Jd saya kirim email, agar pak Ungky jg waspada akan kejadian ini.

Saya forward jg email dr milis OB ttg IPOT.

Ok, salam dr teman lama.

Adhi Sukmono

[ob] Indonesia's Bumi says 2008 net profit down 18 pct

2009-03-31 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
JAKARTA, April 1 (Reuters) - Indonesia's top coal producer, PT Bumi
Resources Tbk 
on Wednesday said net profit fell 18 percent to $645.4 million in 2008, from
$789 million a year ago, but still beat analysts' forecasts.

Bumi, which has a market capitalisation of $1.35 billion, also reported
sales of $3.38 billion in 2008, compared with $2.27 billion a year ago.

Analysts polled by Reuters Estimates had forecast a net profit of $584
million. (Reporting by Andreas Ismar; Editing by Sara Webb)

Re: [ob] Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Yahoo group lelet

2009-03-21 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Pakai GMAIL, semua mail akan di filter dulu, SPAM akan masuk ke Spam Folder
Masih pakai Outlook ? Dgn Gmail semua mail kan tersimpan di Google bukan di
komputer Anda.

2009/3/22 Rokaya Aritonang

   Ya..syukur komputer anda baik2 saja...
 Problemnya mau buka spam atau baca di inbox..komputer sering kn virus
 trojan/worm yg membuat speed komputer drop...atau lebih seru lagi meng-log
 off komputer saya...klo dah men-log off..komputer hrs
 untungnya data saya selalu di back-up..dan klo buka akan buka
 data2 penting..

 Trimakasih pada orang yg kirim virus ke saya dgn kepandaiannya men-log off
 komputer saya...blum bosan yaaa..

 NB. Bosan ah saya disapa Pak terus...
Saya wanita/ I am Lady..

 Best Regard,

 Rokaya A.

 --- On *Sat, 3/21/09, bayu murti* wrote:

 From: bayu murti
 Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Yahoo group lelet
 Date: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 9:12 AM

 comku baik2 aja tu?
 kan dah disaring dulu di yahoo, jadi ga ada virus
 Mungkin Pak Rokaya buka email spam?
 kl email OB baik2 aja kok

 --- Pada *Jum, 20/3/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 

 Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ id
 Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Yahoo group lelet
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Tanggal: Jumat, 20 Maret, 2009, 9:13 AM

   Lelet PC dan lelet Yahoo adalah dua hal yg berbeda.

 Lelet Yahoo group bisa dilihat dengan menghitung selisih
 Jam Sent dan Jam Received pada Email client seperti pada
 Microsoft Outlook...

 Hari ini KETERLAMBATAN bisa mencapai 6 jam seperti yg dialami
 posting Mr Daniel B.

 Posting yg lelet termasuk juga posting yg dilakukan lewat web,
 jadi JELAS penyebab kelambatan ada di server Yahoo.

 Sepertinya ada traffic posting yg BESAR diserver Yahoo
 akibat bullishnya index Dowjones atau ada VIRUS atau 'VIRUS'
 diserver Yahoo...

 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Rokaya Aritonang rok...@...
  Satu hal lagi yg membuat lelet...email2 OB'r banyak yg tertempel/kena
 virus yg membuat kerja komputer lambatitu jg penyebabnya. .
  Kalau saya baca email OB.. komputer langsung jd lelet..tiap 2x sehari hrs
 scan virus..
  Best Regard,
  Rokaya A.
  --- On Fri, 3/20/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ ... wrote:
  From: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ ...
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Yahoo group lelet
  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
  Date: Friday, March 20, 2009, 9:05 AM
  Yahoo group lelet
  Kalo market lagi kritis, Yahoo sering lelet...
  Harap sadar bahwa posting posting akan lama munculnya...

 Berselancar lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas dengan Firefox 


[obrolan-bandar] Citi, BofA Get a Reprieve

2009-02-20 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

Posted by: Ben Levisohn on February 20

With the Dow Jones industrial average off nearly 300 points over fears of
bank nationalization, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, like his
counterparts in the FDIC, rushed in on a Friday to rescue beleaguered
financial institutions – at least for one day. Unlike the FDIC, which seizes
a bank on Friday and has it ready to open on
the White House sought to avoid that scenario with a mid-day announcement
that it would release details of its financial rescue plan next week —
and nationalization
would not be part of the

The announcement worked. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and SP 500, both
down over 3% at the time, fought their way back to unchanged before giving
back some of the rally to close down around 1% for the day.

It's déjà vu all over again. Back in November, only a Federal Reserve pledge
to support the 
the stock market from
trading much below its 10-year low
the market rallied 25%. Now, as the SP 500 approaches those lows again – it
traded as low as 754 on February 20, just two points above its 752 close on
November 20 – investors hope to see some radical solution from the Treasury
Department and the Federal Reserve. If they're disappointed, expect the
market to test those lows.

But this is really about banks and two banks in particular: Citigroup and
Bank of America. Citi closed down 22% on Friday, while Bank of America was
down around 4%.
talk all they want about having adequate capital, but if it weren't
the sheer size of the two financial behemoths – and the worries about the
knock-on effects their demise would have on the financial system - the banks
would have been seized and sold off months ago.

The hope that the feds will figure out some way out of this mess without
wiping out shareholders is the only force keeping BofA and Citi's shares
aloft. But Geithner is no Luke Skywalker — and Bernanke no Ben Kenobi. The
ending to this saga may not be pretty.

[obrolan-bandar] Fwd: [watr-workshop] Progress report prihal SPS

2009-02-15 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
-- Forwarded message --
From: Wan Al
Date: 2009/2/16
Subject: [watr-workshop] Progress report prihal SPS
To: Watr Workshop

  Dear nasabah WATR,
Dengan hormat,

Pada kesempatan ini saya sampaikan rasa dan ucapan terima kasih kepada anda
semua atas kesabaran, kepercayaan, dan dukungan kepada saya dalam hal
penyelesaian masalah yg kami hadapi bersama di SPS.

Sejak 6 jan 09 PT.SPS dibekukan oleh SROs dan BAPEPAM karena dugaan
penggelapan dana dan efek milik nasabah, termasuk milik kami nasabah WATR.

Sejak itu saya mengupayakan jalur lobby melalui teman teman saya pejabat dan
petinggi SROs dan BAPEPAM, agar masalah ini bisa segera diatas dan
diselesaikian demi kepentingan seluruh nasabah.

Saya tidak pernah mau berhubungan dengan jalur manapun, media dan wartawan
sering menghubungi saya, teman teman dg jalur dan relasi politik DPR,
pengacara, namun saya tetap focus dan konsisten dengan jalur lobby yg saya
upayakan dan saya yakini, dan telah terbukti berhasil.

Masalahnya belum selesai sampai disini, namun seluruh efek saham milik
nasabah bisa dipastikan kembali utuh 100% pada minggu ini, sebagian dari
nasabah sudah terima hasil verifikasi 100% utuh, dan sebagian lain masih
dalam antrian.

Saya percaya bahwa jalur lobby yg selama ini saya upayakan akan berhasil dan
telah berhasil, dan untuk sisa cash milik nasabah, saya juga akan
mengupayakan jalur lobby yg sama, namun tidak dapat saya pungkiri bahwa
permasalahan dana cash akan lebih sulit dibandingkan saham.

Entah berapa lama waktu lagi, namun saya akan tetap melobby SROs dan BAPEPAM
lewat jalur jalur yg ada saat ini, agar sisa dana cash milik nasabah bisa
ada kepastiannya, apa pun hasilnya, yang penting ada kejelasan dari SROs dan

Demikian alhamdulilah, progress ini berjalan dan tidak terabaikan sepeti
pada sekuritas atau bank lain yg pernah terjadi.

Hishmad Abubakar Al-Amudi (Wan Al)

[obrolan-bandar] Weekend Reading : Why China Can't Dump U.S. Treasuries

2009-02-13 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
*By David Fessler*

As if we needed something else to concern ourselves with, the
Is-China-Going-To-Start-Selling-Treasuries worry mill is cranking up… again.
It seems every once in awhile - and more so lately - the financial pundits
begin to climb the China wall of worry.

And it's not an unreasonable question: Last year, China became the biggest
foreign holder of U.S. securities, when it plunked down almost $66 billion
for them in October alone.

With that big of a stick, some believe that China could bring down the U.S.
without ever setting foot here.

Others feel it already is, by artificially setting the rate at which its
currency is tied to the dollar. Still others feel that we are worrying
needlessly, and we have nothing to worry about, as China has few other
investment alternatives.

Will China continue to buy Treasuries? What will happen when it stops and
starts buying something else? Or worse - what if it starts dumping U.S.

The answers to these questions may surprise you. But first, let's see if we
can get our hands around the size of China's problem.

*The World's Biggest Cash Pile*

Make no mistake: it's a much bigger problem for
it is for us.

When you're sitting on the biggest mountain of surplus cash in the world,
what do you do with it? This is the roughly $2 trillion dollar question that
Chinese central bank officials have to wrestle with.

And the problem just keeps getting bigger. For the first three quarters of
2008, China's foreign exchange reserves increased by a whopping $377
billion. That's $10 billion more than the same period in 2007.

Why does it continue to buy them? The simple reason is that is has to,
because of its exchange rate policy. In order to keep the value of the
Chinese yuan from appreciating versus the dollar, China's central bank must
buy U.S. dollars in massive quantities. And rather than just sitting on the
physical currency - which pays zero interest - it buys foreign securities.

What percentage of China's foreign reserves is held in U.S. Treasuries?

No one knows for sure, but analysts generally believe the figure could be as
high as 70%. That would put China's U.S. debt paper pile at around $1.4

So what are China's options if it wants to diversify its holdings?

The short answer is: not many… not many at all.

*China's Investment Options*

   - All the gold in the world…

What about gold? That one's easy: it's estimated that all the physical gold
in the world that's ever been produced amounts to roughly 140,000 tons
(worth about $4.5 trillion dollars using $1,000 an ounce). About 75% of that
is either in coins or jewelry… not available to China, or to any other

The new gold available each year is miniscule: about 2,600 tons (almost $83
billion dollars worth) of new gold is being mined and refined annually,
increasing the total supply by 2% per year.

You can see that China's problem - if it wants to invest in
a diversification strategy - is that there isn't enough available for
sale. 30,000 tons are held in various government central bank vaults.
Privately held bullion amount to about 20,000 tons.

Any major purchase of gold on the open market - which is where China would
have to buy it - would drive up its price. To put this in perspective: China
buys enough U.S. treasuries in one month to pay for all the gold mined in a
year everywhere in the world.

So we can throw gold onto the won't pile…

   - Other foreign currencies…

As of the end of 2008, the value of all Eurodollars in circulation exceeded
the value of U.S. dollars. Since then, the Euro has fallen 8% against the
dollar. Other world currencies have suffered similar fates.

Assuming China sold their dollars and bought a basket of currencies, it
would clearly have lost money on its investment. The reason is that the
global economic crisis deepened, other countries have flocked to the dollar
as the only safe haven investment… driving it up in value against all other
comers. This will likely continue to be the case. Another one for the won't

   - Private Sector Bonds…

Way too risky. Most companies have been severely affected by the global
economic slowdown. Their balance sheets have decimated credit ratings across
the board, reducing much of the available corporate debt to well below
investment grade.

*Back to Square One*

In summary…

1. Will China continue to buy U.S. Treasuries? Yes.

   - If fact, purchases of U.S. debt by China will likely continue to
   increase for the foreseeable future, as it continues its policy of propping
   up the Yuan. By fixing its currency to the dollar and by buying them, it
   keeps both strong, thereby protecting its investment.

2. What will happen when it stops and starts buying something else? Forget

   - There IS nothing else that's as good of an investment as the U.S.

[obrolan-bandar] Declining Stockpiles in Malaysia Lifts Palm Oil Futures for 2nd Straight Week

2009-02-12 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
  February 13, 2009 SHARE THIS PAGE
   Declining Stockpiles in Malaysia Lifts Palm Oil Futures for 2nd Straight

Singapore. Palm oil futures in Malaysia headed for a second week of gains as
stockpiles in the world's second- biggest producer of the commodity dropped
to a nine-month low.

Output of the vegetable oil in the Southeast Asian country fell in January
for a second month to 1.33 million metric tons, the nation's palm oil board
said on Wednesday. This cut stockpiles 8.3 percent to 1.83 million tons.

The drop in stockpiles moves the industry one more step away from the
oversupply situation, said a research report by ECM Libra Capital Sdn. in
Kuala Lumpur.

April-delivery palm oil gained 0.2 percent to 1,928 ringgit ($533) a metric
ton on the Malaysia Derivatives Exchange. Earlier, futures gained as much as
1 percent to 1,945 ringgit. Production of the tropical oil typically peaks
in the second half of the year. Wednesday's data shows output likely peaked
in November, easing concerns about output exceeding demand during a global
recession. Both Malaysia and Indonesia, which control 90 percent of world
output, had record production in 2008.

Palm oil may average 2,000 ringgit this year on improved supply-demand
dynamics, according to an AmResearch report from Kuala Lumpur. Prices have
averaged 1,861 ringgit this year.

Futures climbed to a four-week high this week after drought damaged soybean
crops in South America, the biggest exporters of the vegetable oil crushed
from the oilseed. Palm and soybean oils are substitutes. There's an upside
to crude palm oil prices if the supply of competing oils tightens, Citigroup
Inc. analyst Penny Yaw said on Thursday.

Soybean oil futures for March delivery was unchanged at 33.2 cents a pound
at 6:03 p.m. Singapore time on Thursday in after-hours trading on the
Chicago Board of Trade.

That left the commodity 37 percent more expensive than palm, according to
Bloomberg data.

Palm oil's appeal lies in the substantial discount it trades at compared
with soybean oil, said Alvin Tai, an analyst at OSK Research Sdn. in Kuala
Lumpur on Thursday.


[obrolan-bandar] Bapepam Jamin Efek Nasabah Sarijaya Kembali

2009-02-10 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono


*JAKARTA* - Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal menjamin nasabah Sarijaya akan
mendapatkan kembali efeknya secara utuh. Saat ini tercatat ada 6.743 klaim
yang diajukan nasabah.

Besok nasabah sudah bisa mengakses efeknya di Sarijaya dan dipastikan
sebanyak 6.000 nasabah efeknya akan kembali 100 persen, janji Kepala
Bapepam Fuad Rahmany kepada wartawan di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, seusai
rapat dengan Komisi XI DPR, Selasa (10/2/2009).

Sementara untuk sebagian, Fuad menyampaikan, efek nasabah tetap akan
diusahakan bisa dikembalikan secara utuh dan tidak akan berkurang. Sedangkan
dana nasabah sebesar Rp245 miliar yang digelapkan Herman Rusli diserahkan
sepenuhnya kepada Bareskrim Polri yang sedang dalam pengusutan dan
penyidikan bersama PPATK.

Tidak hanya itu, pihak Bapepam sudah mengantisipasi terjadinya lonjakan
nasabah pada Rabu esok di saat akses informasi efek sudah dibuka oleh
Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas, baik di pusat dan di cabang.

Kita sudah minta bantuan polisi untuk melayani kedatangan nasabah dan
termasuk didaerah yang kantor cabangnya sudah tidak aktif lagi, paparnya.

Mengingat besok akses informasi efek nasabah sudah bisa diakses dan
menghindari terjadinya penumpukan nasabah di satu tempat, para nasabah
diimbau untuk tidak panik dan tidak memaksa diri datang pada hari H.
Pasalnya akses informasi masih akan dibuka dalam waktu lama.

Dalam rapat dengan Komisi XI DPR, Bapepam LK menyampaikan perkembangan
verifikasi nasabah Sarijaya Sekuritas yang tercatat rekonsiliasi sudah
mencapai 99,6 persen dari klaim 6.743 nasabah yang masuk dengan nilai
sekitar Rp1,045 triliun. * (jri) *

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dokumen verifikasi SP

2009-02-10 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Kabarnya tidak jadi dikirim via email, tapi pakai pos atau kurir.
Tunggu 3 hari lagi

2009/2/11 Marselinus Sujoko

   tolong share, ada gak yang sudah trima dokumen hasil verifikasi final

 Berselancar lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas dengan Firefox 


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Teori BD.....Re: Watch List buat hari ini... BD banyak expensesnya...

2009-02-04 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Coba disini:,0,4277303.story

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:26 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

   Liat dimana berita stimulus Obama ditolak ?.

 Di Bloomberg engga ketemu nih...

 --- In,
 ART art_stock...@... wrote:
  Mbah, stimulus Obama ditolak neh Mohon petunjuk. Kabur?
  Pak JT, msh tetap pegang TLKM ?
  Sent from my BlackBerry(R) smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung
  -Original Message-
  From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 07:04:58
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Teori BD.Re: Watch List buat hari
 ini... BD banyak expensesnya...
  IHSG turun ikut regional, tinggal +2, BUMI 540 dapet...
  Coba bener engga teori embah:
  - BUMI naek kalo IHSG turun..
  --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-
  consultant@ wrote:
   Goreng BUMI paling gampang kalo IHSG minus...
   --- In,
 Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
Hangseng +2.5% Mbah...Singapore juga ijo...pada gak ikut DJ.
2009/2/5 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
 KLBF Menyangga IHSG melalui SENTIMEN...

 KLBF +10% saat ini...

 Naekin TLKM kan GEDE expensenya, jadi cukup TADI PAGI...

 Goreng KLBF kan murah, malah BD bisa untung. Sedang di TLKM
 tapi pagi pasti MM rugi, TAPI INI harus dilakukan untuk
 IMAGE bahwa IHSG tidak ngekor DJI..

 --- In 
 w | i | d | h | i | e
 widhie@ wrote:
  Market cap KLBF kecil, apalagi trx-nya juga relatif kecil,
  tepat kalau dikatakan untuk menyangga IHSG. Kita ndak tau
  sebenarnya terjadi dengan KLBF, tapi beruntunglah buat yang
  'mencegat' KLBF sejak tanggal 3 Feb pagi karena saham ini
  sudah mulai masuk 'radar' WD Watch List edisi 2 Feb
  penutupan market 2 Feb). Tapi untuk kondisi sekarang
  agak rawan untuk masuk, mungkin tunggu koreksi teknikal
  dapat harga diskon sedikit.
  On 2/5/09, M|C michael.cupert@ wrote:
   Apakah bisa diartikan IHSG sampai sore akan di tahan
   saja mbah ? kalau iya, enak nih gak usah ngliatin running
   kesehatan mata sejenak..
   2009/2/4, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@:
   Perhatikan engga pada waktu pembukaan BD berusaha
   pake TLKM, GGRM, KLBF, ADRO dll:
   BD mengeluarkan EXPENSES yg tidak perlu dikeluarkan
   --- In
 jsx_consultant jsx-
   consultant@ wrote:
   --- In
   frombuitenzorg@ wrote:
Watch List sy kebetulan ADRO, GGRM, dan UNVR(slow but
utk GGRM perlu perhatian krn sewaktu waktu bisa down
   Saham saham piaraan BD buat index balancing... hehehe...
   + +
   + + + + +
   Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
   kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
   + + + + +
   + +Yahoo! Groups Links



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Bapepam: Akuisisi BUMI Terafiliasi

2009-01-20 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Beritana ko tidak sinkron dengan yg di DetFinance?

2009/1/20 troyanese

 Mangement yang begini dapat penghargaan GCG :D


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] Manajemen BUMI Layak Dipecat Semuanya

2009-01-15 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Perlu dipikirkan dengan dingin:

Adakah yang mau menjual 55% saham DEWA dengan harga Rp.50  ?
Kalau ada yang bersedia melepas 55% DEWA dengan harga pasar, BUMI pasti akan

2009/1/16 simon bolenang

   Skandal besar ini jangan sampai merusak pasar modal ( modar ) kita.
 Perlu KPK KPPU sekalian turun tangan, atau dibentuk badan khusus untuk
 menyelidiki kasus ini, jangan sampai investor menjadi tumbal.
 Perlu dibatalkan kalau pembelian tsb melanggar aturan pasar modal,
 apalagi beli dengan harga tidak wajar.

 --- On *Thu, 1/15/09, Irwan Ariston Napitupulu*wrote:

 From: Irwan Ariston Napitupulu
 Subject: [saham] Manajemen BUMI Layak Dipecat Semuanya
 Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 10:59 PM

  Melihat kinerja harga saham BUMI yang amburadul ditambah dengan aksi
 korporasi yang aneh belakangan ini, dimana melakukan akuisisi dengan
 harga yang jauh di atas harga kewajaran, sudah selayaknya manajemen
 BUMI semuanya dipecat sekaligus. Kalau perlu dipecat dengan tidak

 Bagaimana mungkin bisa mengakuisisi perusahaan sekitar 44% saham DEWA
 secara tidak langsung dengan mengakuisisi 80% saham Zurich Investment
 yang memiliki 55% saham DEWA dengan harga setara dengan harga DEWA di
 Rp351 sementara harga pasarnya hanya sekitar Rp50 saja. Orang lulusan
 SD juga tidak akan sebodoh itu melakukan akuisisi dengan harga yang
 sangat tidak mencerminkan mendahulukan kepentingan pemegang saham

 Badan investigasi khusus perlu segera dibentuk. Kalau ditemukan fraud,
 penyalahgunaan wewenang dan jabatan, langsung dipenjarakan saja semua
 manajemen BUMI.

 Yang juga jadi pertanyaan adalah bagaimana kontrol dari Komisaris
 Independen di BUMI yang seharusnya berada di BUMI untuk melindungi
 kepentingan pemegang saham publik. Hal ini mengingat komisaris
 independen di BUMI salah satu fungsinya dibentuk adalah menjaga
 kepentingan pemegang saham publik dan bukan kelompok tertentu. Kalau
 seandainya komisaris independen ini tidak juga melakukan
 tindakan-tindakan yang membela kepentingan publik, sebaiknya posisinya
 dicopot saja dan diganti dengan orang yang memang mau benar-benar dan
 sungguh-sungguh mengontrol gerakan-gerakan manajemen BUMI agar tidak
 merugikan kepentingan pemegang saham publik.

 Bagi saya jauh lebih baik BUMI dipimpin oleh orang lulusan SD saja
 tapi punya kejujuran yang tinggi ketimbang dipimpin oleh orang
 berpendidikan tinggi tapi kejujurannya sangat dipertanyakan.

 jabat erat,
 Irwan Ariston Napitupulu


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Sarijaya Tidak Akan Laku Dijual (MKBD minus 5,5 triliun)

2009-01-12 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Ternyata perhitungan MKDB ada rumusnya sendiri. (dari detik Finance)

*Jakarta* - PT Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas memiliki nilai Modal Kerja Bersih
Disesuaikan (MKBD) minus Rp 5,644 triliun. Salah satunya disebabkan oleh
adanya penggelapan dana nasabah oleh Komisaris Utama Sarijaya Herman Ramli
sebesar Rp 245 miliar.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan Direktur Perdagangan Fix Income dan Derivatif,
Keanggotaan dan Partisipan Bursa Efek Indonesia, Guntur Pasaribu saat
dihubungi *detikFinance,* Selasa (13/1/2009).

Jadi ada formula penghitungan MKBD. Banyak variabel didalamnya, termasuk
kerugian dana nasabah yang sebesar Rp 245 miliar itu juga dimasukkan yang
kemudian dilakukan perkalian sesuai rumusnya, sehingga hasilnya seperti
itu, ujarnya.

Guntur menjelaskan, MKBD memiliki metode perhitungan yang berbeda dengan
perhitungan aset dan liabilities yang merupakan standar yang telah
ditetapkan oleh Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal  Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK).

Perhitungan MKBD ada perhitungannya sendiri, standar Bapepam, ada
teknisnya. Kalau tidak salah nilai kerugian nasabah yang Rp 245 miliar itu
dikalikan 25, sehingga muncul angka sebesar itu, jelas Guntur.

Guntur juga menegaskan, angka MKBD Sarijaya yang mencapai minus Rp 5,644
triliun tersebut tidak mengartikan bahwa nilai dana nasabah yang
diselewengkan telah membengkak dari jumlah yang diumumkan semula.

Nilai dana yang digelapkan tetap Rp 245 miliar. Hanya saja angka itu
dikalikan dengan beberapa komponen sesuai rumusnya. Jadi tidak berarti dana
yang diselewengkan menjadi Rp 5 triliun. Jumlahnya masih sama. Nilai Rp 5
triliun itu ada perhitungannnya sendiri, jelas Guntur.*(dro/qom)*;site=iddetikfinance;sz=180x125;ord=123456789?

2009/1/13 jsx_consultant

   Pak Hansen,

 Saya rasa angka piutang Sarijaya mencapai 5,5 triliun TIDAK
 masuk akal.

 MUSTAHIL, Sarijaya punya CASH nganggur 5,5 triliun dan dipinjam
 kan pada pihak lain..

 Ada yg punya Neraca Sarijaya engga ?.

 Data dari IDX itu rasanya NGACO BERAT deh...

 --- In,
 hansen_61 hansen...@...

  Sarijaya tidak akan laku dijual ke investor apa pun. Itu hanya
  pengalihan perhatian dari pihak otoritas untuk menghilangkan
  investor. Pasalnya, kasus ini ternyata sangat besar dan akan
  puluhan broker lainnya.
  Bayangkan saja, berdasarkan data MKBD harian yang dipublikasikan
  MKBD Sarijaya per Senin (12/1) sudah minus 5,5 triliun rupiah.
  (Silahkan lihat di situs BEI). Padahal, sebelum disuspensi MKBD-nya
  masih positif 29 miliar.
  Dari sisi akuntansi sederhana, MKBD minus 5,5 triliun berarti
  setidaknya Sarijaya punya utang yang berpotensi gagal bayar dengan
  jumlah yang hampir sama. Jika ada investor baru, dia harus mau
  membayar kerugian ini. (Apa mungkin V, investor dari antah-berantah
  itu masih mau?).
  Kemungkinan kedua adalah, MKBD minus itu 5,5 triliun rupiah itu
  sebagian berasal dari dana nasabah yang tidak akan mampu
  Sarijaya. Artinya, kewajiban ini tetap menjadi tanggung jawab
  Dari sisi industri, potensi default sebesar 5,5 triliun rupiah akan
  merupakan pukulan besar bagi industri sekuritas. Pertanyaannya
  dimana eksposure utang Sarijaya yang paling besar?
  Kemungkinan besar, sama seperti perusahaan sekuritas lainnya, utang
  yang terancam gagal bayar itu merupakan utang bisnis kepada
  efek lainnya. Jika benar rumor selama ini yang menyebut ada 50-an
  broker yang terkait maka ini sangat, sangat, sangat mengancam pasar
  modal secara keseluruhan.
  Jika 5,5 triliun itu dibagi rata saja terhadap 50-an broker, maka
  setiap broker akan rugi rata-rata 110 miliar rupiah. Ini jumlah yang
  sangat besar bagi broker yang saat ini rata-rata MKBD-nya hanya di
  kisaran 30 miliar rupiah.
  Hal ini berarti, puluhan broker itu cepat atau lambat pasti akan
  kesulitan MKBD. Jika pemilik tidak mau top up maka otomatis mereka
  tidak bisa trading, karena syarat minimal MKBD adalah 25 miliar
  Namun, top up tambaknya akan cukup sulit dilakukan sebab sebelumnya
  beberapa pemilik perusahaan sekuritas sudah melakukannya. Apakah
  pemilik yang 

[obrolan-bandar] Sarijaya - Investor Baru - No. KSEI

2009-01-07 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
*1. Investor Baru SP
Berbagai pemberitaan media mengatakan ada sejumlah Investor berminat
mengambil alih SP (termasuk Direksi SP, Alamsyah).
Pertanyaan saya :  Apakah berita ini hanya *angin surga* saja yang sedikit
menghibur para investor dan sekedar konsumsi wartawan?
Apakah pihak BAPPEPAM bisa mengkonfirmasi hal ini?

*2. No. KSEI

*Apakah kalau sdh ada No. KSEI berarti saham2 para investor aman?  Ternyata
meski saya sdh punya No.KSEI dan melihat isinya, memang benar daftar saham
yg saya miliki, namun *quantity*nya  *NOL*, karena saham2 ini dimasukan ke
rekening penampungan di SP, katanya sebagai jaminan kredit limit. Saya
sendiri belum jelas ttg. soal ini.

Saya kira item no.2) diatas sangat penting, karena ada anggapan kalau
pegang saham aman, yg penting ada No.KSEI.
Nah ternyata dalam agreement pembukaan rekening dengan sekuritas memang
katanya ada klausul memberikan kuasa kepada pihak sekuritas untuk
menempatkan pada rekening semacam ini dst (detail tidak tahu persis).
Klausul baku semacam ini memang sering kali tidak terbaca, walaupun terbaca
kalau kita tidak setuju, tentu tidak bisa bikin rekening di perus.

Ada baiknya BAPPEPAM untuk selanjutnya menertibkan kontrak pembuatan
rekening antara nasabah dan sekuritas.

Apabila kasus SP tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan baik, maka BEI akan
ribuan nasabah retail*. Apakah Bappepam dan BEI sudah memonitor berapa
penurunan transaksi perdagangan akibat suspensi SP dalam 2 hari perdagangan?

[obrolan-bandar] Kasus SP

2009-01-07 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
 Semoga berita ini benar dan dana serta portofolio investor aman
Rekening Nasabah Sarijaya akan Dipindahkan ke Sekuritas Lain*
*Jakarta* - Rekening efek para nasabah PT Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas akan
dipindahkan ke perusahaan efek lain guna mengamankan uang serta portofolio
investasi milik nasabah Sarijaya.

Hal ini dikatakan oleh Ketua Bapepam LK Fuad Rahmany ketika ditemui di
kantor Menteri Keuangan, Jalan Wahidin Raya, Jakarta, Rabu malam (7/1/2009).

Kalau misalnya verifikasi saham dan uang nasabah sudah jelas, oke kita
pindahkan ke perusahaan efek lain, mereka tinggal pilih, kan banyak tuh
perusahaan efek, nanti supaya aman, jelasnya.

Meskipun begitu Fuad mengakui akan sulit untuk melacak keberadaan
saham-saham para nasabah Sarijaya pada proses verifikasi yang akan

Kita belum tahu nih efek-efeknya ada atau tidak. Kita kan mau tahu dulu
caranya mereka menyimpan bagaimana. Kacau nih mereka (Sarijaya), mereka kan
melanggar dari aturan kita. Nah kita temukan dari hasil auditnya bursa.
Bursa melihat, mencurigai sesuatu. Untung saja, kalau tidak ketahuan kan
bisa membesar kayak Bank Century, sampai Rp 1,4 triliun tidak ada yang tahu
kan, tuturnya.

Dijelaskan Fuad tiap-tiap nasabah perusahaan efek pasti mempunyai rekening
efek di perusahaan tempat dia berinvestasi, dan rekening efek tersebut
berupa saham dan uang tunai, yang akan dipindahkan ke perusahaan efek lain
adalah saham para nasabah Sarijaya.

Yang dicuri ini cash-nya. Masing-masing orang mungkin kehilangan cash
sedikit-sedikit, tapi 8.000 orang kan totalnya bisa Rp 240 miliar, tiap
orang kan ada yang hilang Rp 100 juta atau Rp 20 juta kita nggak tahu juga,

Fuad mengatakan kecurigaan Bapepam terhadap penggelapan dana nasabah
Sarijaya sudah terjadi sejak 2 atau 3 pekan yang lalu sehingga Bapepam
langsung dengan cepat mengambil tindakan bersama dengan BEI (Bursa Efek

Kita lakukan due diligence untuk cek sejak kapan penyimpangan ini
dilakukan. Nah kita pakai due diligence kalau tidak salah ditunjuk Ernst 
Young, katanya.

Saat ini Fuad juga mengakui sudah mengetahui modus yang dilakukan oleh
tersangka Herman Ramli berdasarkan keterangan dari para direksi Sarijaya.

Ya diambil dia pakai uangnya, dia bilang pinjam, dia beli untuk
macam-macam, dia tidak bisa mengembalikan. Jadi perusahaan disebut sebagai
piutang, jadi seolah-olah orang itu berutang dengan perusahaan Rp 240
miliar. Nah ternyata yang 17 rekening ini ternyata HR. HR yang buka, nah
disini penyimpangannya. Ketahuan kan dia yang pegang itu duit, berarti dia
yang harus mengembalikan duit. Di perusahaan dicatat sebagai piutang. Waktu
diaudit piutang ini lama banget, nggak jelas, ini dicek tidak ada piutang
itu, memang hilang, paparnya panjang.

Otoritas Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) telah menghentikan sementara atau
suspensi sejak 6 Januari 2009 terhadap anggota bursa (broker) PT Sarijaya
Permana Sekuritas karena adanya penyalahgunaan dana nasabah dan pelaporan
Modal Kerja Bersih Disesuaikan (MKBD) yang tidak benar.

Anggota Bursa dengan kode perdagangan SP tersebut terakhir melaporkan nilai
MKBD sebesar Rp 29,318 miliar. Herman Ramli sendiri telah ditahan
Bareskrim-Mabes Polri sejak 24 Desember 2008 karena dugaan penggelapan dana
nasabah Rp 245 miliar.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Tolong kirim data BEI: SSXXXX dong....Re: Web Untuk Download Data BEJ berubah?

2008-12-08 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

2008/12/8 jopie santoso [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Pak Tolong dong SO081205.DBF,kalau cuman SS081205.DBF CONFMETA saya tdk
 Thanks banget

 --- Martono *[EMAIL PROTECTED]* schrieb am *Mo, 8.12.2008:

 Betreff: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Tolong kirim data BEI: SS dongRe: Web
 Untuk Download Data BEJ berubah?
 Datum: Montag, 8. Dezember 2008, 3:49

  ini bukan mbah?

 2008/12/8 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
  http:///202. 155.2.90/ download_ data/Daily/ 
  3 hari ampe hari ini DOWN
  Tolong kirimin data data SSXX dong
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups.,
 Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] . wrote:
  web yg baru sangat informatif, melengkapi web lama yg space nya
  (dan juga lelet :P)
  di web yg baru ada info ohlc index beserta volume dan value.
  untuk stock summary jg lebih lengkap krn sdh disertakan jumlah
  beredar beredar dan yg dibobotkan dalam index, dan data opennya
  terintegrasi dan gak repot2 merge dengan file format
  sdh csv.
  data mentah dari web baru:
  http://202.155. 2.90/download_ 
  SS jumat maren:
  http://202.155. 2.90/download_ data/Superset/ S_070720. 
  data index jumat:
  http://202.155. 2.90/download_ data/Superset/ I_070720. 
  format field headernya disesuaikan dengan yg di:
  http://www.jsx. /DefinedData/ tabid/166/ 
  sedangkan yg masih cinta dengan format file lama ( bisa jg akses:
  http:///202. 155.2.90/ download_ data/Daily/ 
  http:///202. 155.2.90/ download_ data/Daily/ Stock_First_ 
  moga2 akses ke web bej jg tambah kenceng..
  heheee malem minggu koq masih ngoprek data.. nasib.. nasib... cari
  gretongan :))
  On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 23:25:41 +0700, Bambang V Subroto
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] com [mailto:[EMAIL 
 com] On
  Behalf Of
   frans anthony
   Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 11:03 PM
   Subject: Re: [saham] Web Untuk Download Data BEJ berubah? ada
  yang bisa
   www.jsx.web. id/download_ data/daily/ stock_summary
   --- Bambang V Subroto [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:esubroto%esubroto%25 com
   Biasanya aku download data Stock Summary di BEJ
   lewat alamat ini:
   http://www.jsx. http://www.jsx. 
   asp?cmd=dl cmd=dl
   http://www.jsx. asp?
  cmd=dlid=2 TODIR=CURDIR= /download_ data/daily cmd=dlid= 2TODIR= CURDIR=/download _data/daily
   id=2TODIR= CURDIR=/ download_ data/daily/ Stock_Summary/
   Kenapa sekarang gak bisa?. Situs BEJnya dah berubah
   tampilannya, alamat di
   atas gak nemu. ada yang bisa bantu?
   File stock summary yang baru nampaknya juga gak sama
   dengan format lama. ada
   yang bisa bantu?
   - - --
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Tolong kirim data BEI: SSXXXX dong....Re: Web Untuk Download Data BEJ berubah?

2008-12-07 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
sometimes use this  :

2008/12/8 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   --- In,
 Martono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ini bukan mbah?

 Yup, thanks to pak Martono  pak Inderawidi


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: OOT : Subjek Pajak Dalam/Luar Negeri

2008-12-04 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
c 1 dlm Peraturan Men Keu No.66/2008 ttg Sunset Policy :

Pasal 1

(1) Wajib Pajak orang pribadi yang secara sukarela mendaftarkan diri
untuk memperoleh Nomor Pokok
Wajib Pajak dalam tahun 2008 dan menyampaikan Surat Pemberitahuan
Tahunan Wajib Pajak Orang
Pribadi untuk Tahun Pajak 2007 dan sebelumnya, diberikan penghapusan
sanksi administrasi berupa
bunga atas pajak yang tidak atau kurang dibayar.
(2) Wajib Pajak yang dalam tahun 2008 menyampaikan pembetulan:
a.  Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan Wajib Pajak
Orang Pribadi sebelum Tahun
Pajak 2007: atau
b.  Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan Wajib Pajak
Badan sebelum Tahun Pajak
yang mengakibatkan pajak yang masih harus dibayar menjadi lebih
besar, diberikan penghapusan
sanksi administrasi berupa bunga atas keterlambatan pelunasan
kekurangan pembayaran pajak.

Bila kita mendaftarkan untuk memperoleh NPWP dalam rangka Sunset Policy,
tetap harus mengisi SPT PPh untuk Tahun 2007 dan sebelumnya, tentunya pajak
pajak yang terhutang dalam tahun2 2007 dan sebelumnya harus *dibayar.  *Karena
ikut program Sunset, maka tidak akan dikenakan denda.

   --- In,
 Tommy Jayamudita
  Yang saya dengar dari orangnya tax consultant, memang asal usul asset
 tidak diusut dan tidak kena denda, tapi pajak atas kekayaan yang
 diperoleh atau penghasilan tahun berjalan tetap harus bayar. Jadi bukan
 sudah dilaporkan lalu selesai, yang tidak dikenakan adalah dendanya.
  Tolong di-cross check lagi.

 Sunset Policy untuk Denda dan Bunga tapi Assetnya tetap kena...


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Pajak Penghasilan dr Trading Saham

2008-12-02 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Sebagaimana dengan Deposito dan Tabungan, dimana PPh atas bunga Deposito dan
tabungan adalah bersifat FINAL, demikian pula PPh atas transaksi penjualan
saham (0.1%) juga bersifat FINAL.   (catatan : PPh = Pajak Penghasilan,
bukan pajak penjualan !)
Jadi dalam SPT tahunan PPh WP Pribadi dapat dicantumkan dalam Lampiran III
(Penghasilan Yang Dikenakan Pajak Final).

Sementara PPh atas *Dividen **belum bersifat final*, jadi harus digabungkan
dengan penghasilan lain (mis gaji atau dr usaha lain), dalam Lampiran I,
bagian C. Disitu tercantum Penghasilan dalam negeri lainnya, antara lain
Dividen,Sewa dll


   temen2 saya tanya ...
 Apakah Penghasilan dari trading saham dikenai pajak?
 atau apakah pajak penjualan saham yg kita bayar ke broker sudah final?


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: USDIDR = 11550 ? (bloomberg)

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
RUPIAH: weaker this morning as there are plans to force reporting to the tax
office every purchase of FX in excess of USD 10,000. I guess since
implementation date not certain yet, many are rushing to buy USD now. This
will pass, but is causing a short-term spike. Rupiah now at 11,675

2008/11/12 bejwatch [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Mungkin ada hubungannya dengan rencana dirjen pajak mewajibkan
 pencantuman NPWP untuk pembelian USD  10rb.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PUSinnGG baca email di OB yg buanyaak banget..

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Yang pakai Gmail lumayan tertolong, karena mail dg subject yang sama akan
Jd bagi yg punya account Gmail, mail dari OB bs dibuka via gmail.

2008/11/6 sylar_fang [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 .. mbah ... khusus untuk milist sbaikna kita menggunakan email
 tersendiri ... dan ane kl baca milist ob tdk pernak via email ... tapi
 via  kl ada attachment baru
 ane buka email ane tsb ...


 --- In,

  --- In,
  mahamerubiru@ wrote:
   milis OB emang tambah maju pesat..
   tp saya jd tambah pusing tiap buka email..
   buannnyaak banget..
  Embah akan berusaha lebih keras lagi mengatasi hal ini.
  Percayalah, ini akan ditangani secara serius.
  Embah juga mohon kepada rekan rekan agar mengurangi posting
  yg TIDAK terlalu perlu agar milis lebih nyaman...


[obrolan-bandar] Fwd: Obama wins Pennsylvania

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Laporan keuangan apa yang akan keluar nanti malam di US?

2008-10-23 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Pls refer to this :

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Bettina Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Please share if anybodyknows..

[obrolan-bandar] Taiwan Government: To Cut Stock Market Daily Fall Limit To 3.5% Vs 7%

2008-10-12 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
TAIPEI -(Dow Jones)- The Taiwan government said Sunday it will cut the stock
market's daily decline limit to 3.5% from 7%, from Monday through Oct. 17 in
order to stabilize the local market.
The daily rise limit will remain at 7%, Financial Supervisory Commission
Chairman Gordon Chen.

The U.S. stock market had a rare plunge on Oct. 10 and Asian markets, like
Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan fell more than 7%, so Taiwan is taking
measures to boost the stock market, said Chen.

The government also extended the ban on short-selling until the end of the
year, he said.

The government will also let the National Stabilization Fund to continue
supporting the market, said Minister of Finance Lee Sush-der.

The Weighted Price Index of the Taiwan Stock Exchange fell 75.69 points, or
1.45%, Thursday, to 5130.71, its lowest close since 5095.31 seen on July 3,
2003. Markets were closed Friday for a national holiday.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] USD/IDR tembus 10000!

2008-10-09 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Baru saja sy telepon Bank Mega, kurs TT 9802

2008/10/10 Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Bukan rumor...lihat aja di yahoo finance, kalo mau ban yahoo aja :-)

 2008/10/10 C. Arn [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Buat Moderator...

 Apa ngga sebaiknya member yang posting isinya rumor2 yang hanya bikin
 panas suasana seperti ini di-banned aja???
 Menkeu aja sdh ngancam mau pidana kan penyebar rumor2 yg tdk bertanggung
 Dalam kondisi seperti ini mestinya semua pihak ikut menjaga suasana spy
 tdk lebih parah dg isu2 yg tdk bertanggung jawab. Kalopun ada news jelek,
 harus dikonfirmasikan dulu... jangan sampe ada org yg sengaja memancing di
 air keruh

 ps: Kurs IDR hari ini tertingi sempet 9770...

 On 10/10/08, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

10150 di agak delay kyknya...

 Best Regards,


[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia looking to bolster currency - bank

2008-06-26 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
 ROME, June 26 (Reuters) - Indonesia is prepared to employ a series of
steps to buoy its currency, Bank Indonesia's second in command said on

We would like to enhance, we would like to appreciate our currency,
Budi Mulya, the deputy governor of Bank Indonesia, told reporters
ahead of a meeting of Asian and European central bankers.

We will no doubt use all our monetary instruments, not only interest
rate but also try to stabilise the currency as well as stock up
liquidity because interest rates will not be enough to address this
inflation, the majority of which is from the supply side, he added.

The archipelago has already raised interest rates by 25 basis points
this month after inflation shot up to 10 percent on the back of an
increase in subsidised fuel prices.

Central banks in Asia are struggling to decide how to fight off
inflation without hampering growth. After dallying for months, many
central banks have been caught out by a sudden surge in commodity
prices. (Reporting by Phil Stewart, writing by Marc Jones; Editing by
Jonathan Oatis)

[obrolan-bandar] Reksa Mega Dana Saham

2008-05-07 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
6 Mei   NAV = 1155.60  Monthly yield 23.26%
7 Mei   NAV =  1268.53 Monthly yield 29.70%

Yield tertinggi diantara semua Reksadana saham.  Highest NAV pd tgl 14
Jan08 = 1405.06
NAV kemarin 10% dibawah NAV tertinggi

Komposisi portofolio (2 mei 2008, dari Bapepam-LK) :
1. UNSP  2. SGRO  3. TINS  4. PTBA  5. LSIP
6. MEDCO  7. ASII  8. BUMI  9. ITMG  10. UNTR

(tidak ada Banking) ternyata kemarin naik semua.

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia's Indofood says Q1 net profit more than doubled

2008-04-29 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
JAKARTA, April 29 (Reuters) - The world's largest instant noodle
maker, PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk INDF.JK, on Tuesday said that
first-quarter net profit more than doubled due to strong consumer

Indofood, which is controlled by the Salim family through Hong
Kong-listed First Pacific Co Ltd (0142.HK: Quote, Profile, Research),
reported that January-March net profit rose to 382.93 billion rupiah
($41.5 million), up 116 percent from a year ago.

Net sales jumped 51.8 percent to 8.85 trillion rupiah.

Indofood, which has a market capitalisation of $2.2 billion, controls
two of the world's largest flour millers through its unit, Bogasari
Flour Mills.

Indonesians are among the world's biggest consumers of instant
noodles, getting through an average of 60 packs per person a year.

[obrolan-bandar] AKRA reports strong Q 1’08 results- net profit grows 92% to Rp 83.8 billion

2008-04-28 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

[obrolan-bandar] ALERT-CIMB downgrades Indonesian telecoms

2008-04-28 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
JAKARTA, April 29 (Reuters) - Malaysian investment bank CIMB has
downgraded Indonesia's telecommunication sector to underweight from
neutral on concerns about rising competition in the industry.

CIMB said in a report that it had also cut the recommendation on
Indonesia's largest telecommunication company, PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia Tbk (Telkom)TLKM.JK to underweight from neutral and reduced
its target price to 8,100 rupiah ($0.879) from 11,300 rupiah.

The investment bank also cut the target price for Indonesia's
second-largest mobile operator, PT Indosat Tbk ISAT.JK, to 5,900
rupiah from 6,700 rupiah.

We believe Indonesia's telecom sector is undergoing a structural
shift from high tariffs-low usage to low tariffs-high usage, CIMB
said in the report.

Telkom controls 65 percent of PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel),
the largest mobile operator in the country with a more than 50 percent
market share.

We believe Telkomsel and Indosat are not prepared for this, and there
networks will be congested in the coming quarters, the bank added.

The number of cellular phone subscribers in Indonesia has been growing
rapidly in recent years and is expected to reach 120 million by the
end of this year from around 90 million in 2007.

Despite the strong growth, the penetration rate in the country is
relatively low at only about a third of the population compared to
regional peers like Malaysia which has around 80 percent penetration
rate and 60 percent in Thailand.

But with around a dozen operators serving the market, the competition
has intensified recently resulting in tariff cuts in recent months.
($1=9,215 rupiah) (Reporting by Harry Suhartono, editing by Ed Davies)

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Menit 2 terakhir beli BC non BUMI

2008-04-04 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
1 menit terakhir BBCA lebih dari 17 000 lot

2008/4/4 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Menit2 terakhir beli BC non BUMI

  BUMI diturunin ke 5350 baut ngasih kesempatan beli saham BC
  yg lain...


[obrolan-bandar] 2007, Laba Bank Bukopin Naik 18,24%

2008-03-30 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
 Minggu, 30 Maret 2008 - 10:46 wib
M Budi Santosa - Okezone

JAKARTA - Pertumbuhan kredit yang signifikan dan naiknya dana pihak
ketiga sebagai hasil penetrasi pasar dan promosi yang agresif,
berdampak positif terhadap kinerja PT Bank Bukopin Tbk (Bank Bukopin).

Hal ini tercermin dari laba sebelum pajak per 31 Desember 2007 (telah
diaudit) yang naik 18,24 persen menjadi Rp543,57 miliar, dibandingkan
periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp459,73 miliar. Demikian
diungkapkan Direktur Utama Bank Bukopin, Glen Glenardi, dalam siaran
pers yang diterima okezone, Minggu (30/3/2008).

Konsistensi dalam pencapaian kinerja operasional yang baik ini
diperoleh dengan tetap mengembangkan fokus bisnis utama di bidang
usaha mikro, kecil, menengah dan koperasi (UMKMK), konsumer serta
komersial, dengan tetap menjaga asas prudential banking.

Peningkatan laba yang berhasil kami capai ini menunjukkan tren
pertumbuhan yang cukup menjanjikan, mengingat kondisi ekonomi makro
yang menantang pada sebagian besar tahun 2007 lalu., ungkap Glen.

Pencapaian laba tersebut didorong oleh naiknya pendapatan bunga bersih
sebesar 4,86 persen menjadi Rp1,280 triliun, serta meningkatnya
pendapatan operasional non-bunga (fee based income) sebesar 56,26
persen menjadi Rp273,69 miliar. Hal ini tentunya mengindikasikan bahwa
kondisi profitabilitas Bank Bukopin berada dalam tingkatan yang sehat,
yang didukung oleh kualitas aktiva produktif yang baik serta
pengendalian atas biaya dana pihak ketiga.

Kontribusi pendapatan fee based ini berasal dari transaksi valuta
asing, pendapatan atas transaksi surat berharga, serta disusul oleh
pendapatan dari jasa-jasa perbankan, antara lain pengelolaan rekening,
pendapatan dari bisnis kartu, jasa ATM, bank garansi, dan transaksi
ekspor-impor (trade finance).

Sementara itu, dari sisi total aset per 31 Desember 2007 tercatat
sebesar Rp34,455 triliun, naik 9,13 persen dibandingkan tahun
sebelumnya, terutama didorong oleh melonjaknya pertumbuhan dana pihak
ketiga sebesar 17,94 persen dari Rp24,848 triliun menjadi Rp29,305
triliun. Peningkatan DPK ini terjadi di semua jenis dana, dengan
kenaikan terbesar pada tabungan (48,48 persen), deposito (20,14
persen), dan giro (6,71 persen).

Total Ekuitas hingga akhir tahun 2007 juga mengalami kenaikan sebesar
17,79 persen dari Rp1,668 triliun menjadi Rp1,965 triliun.

Sementara untuk komposisi kredit sampai saat ini telah sejalan dengan
yang ditargetkan, dimana kredit kepada usaha-usaha Mikro, Kecil dan
Menengah (UMKM) memberikan kontribusi lebih dari 60 persen terhadap
total kredit. Ekspansi kredit di tahun 2007 mencerminkan bahwa Bank
Bukopin tetap berkomitmen untuk menjalankan fungsi intermediasi secara
konsisten. Loan to deposit ratio (LDR) mengalami peningkatan menjadi
65,26 persen dibandingkan periode yang sama sebelumnya sebesar 58,86

Rasio kecukupan modal (CAR) terjaga pada level 12,75 persen. ROA dan
ROE masing-masing mencapai angka 1,63 persen dan 22,34 persen. (mbs)

[obrolan-bandar] Laba Darma Henwa Tumbuh 203%

2008-03-30 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
 Minggu, 30 Maret 2008 - 11:54 wib
Hadi Suprapto - Okezone

JAKARTA - Perusahaan jasa pertambangan, PT Darma Henwa Tbk mebukukan
laba bersih pada tahun buku 2007 sebesar USD8,7 juta. Laba bersih ini
naik 203 persen dari tahun sebelumnya sebesar USD2,9 juta.

Peningkatan profitabilitas 2007 ini didorong oleh pertumbuhan
pendatapan perseroan yang mencapai USD226 juta atau naik 32 persen
dari tahun sebelumnya, kontribusi terbesar berasal dari jasa
pertambangan sebesar 84 persen dari pendapatan, disusul pendapatan
jasa pemasaran dan konsultasi yang mencapai 16 persen, kata Presiden
Direktur Darma Henwa A Kunwibowo dalam keterangan tertulis yang
diterima okezone di Jakarta, Minggu (30/3/2008).

Pertumbuhan profitabilitas yang lebih tinggi antara lainnya telah
membantu meningkatkan net profit margin menjadi 3,84 persen pada
Desember 2007 dari 1,68 persen tahun sebelumnya.

Walaupun biaya bahan bakar, yang merupakan komponen terbesar dari
struktur biaya perseroan, mengalami tekanan yang cukup tinggi, beban
usaha perseroan masih terkendali pada level USD180 juta, meningkat 19
persen bila dibandingkan dengan posisi tahun 2006.

Pendapatan jasa pertambangan berasal dari proyek di Bengalon. Selama
tahun 2007, perseroan telah melakukan pengangkutan batu bara ke
pelabuhan (coal hauling) sebesar 5,7 metrik ton (Mt), sementara tahun
2006 sebesar 5,6 Mt. Perseroan juga telah melakukan pemindahan lapisan
penutup (overburden removal) sebesar 48,6 miliar kubik ton (bcm), yang
pada tahun 2006 sebesar 44,2 bcm. (mbs)

Re: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG: psychological TA

2008-03-13 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Foreign Net buy 1496 B, angkanya mencengangkan.

2008/3/14 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 IHSG: psychological TA

  Saat ini TRADING/INVESTING sudah masuk area PYSHOLOGICAL.

  TERROR FEAR yg diciptakan BEGITU HEBAT !!!

  Untuk menghadapi kita perlu PENDEKATAN PSIKOLOGIS juga.

  Embah kirim grafik IHSG saat INI:

  Disini akan terlihat BATAS2 EXTREME FEAR, sehingga kita
  SADAR level2 FEAR yg akan kita hadapi...

  Buat EL yg katanya psychologist,
  Sementara embah berperan jadi psychologist menggantikan

  Boleh kan , jadi psychologist gadungan ... hehehe...


[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia's Bank Mandiri 2007 profit up 80 pct

2008-03-12 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
 JAKARTA, March 12 (Reuters) - Indonesia's largest lender, PT Bank
Mandiri Tbk BMRI.JK, on Wednesday reported an 80 percent rise in 2007
profit, below analysts' forecasts.

The state-owned lender said in a statement that full-year net profit
was 4.35 trillion rupiah ($474.5 million), compared with 2.42 trillion
rupiah a year earlier. Analysts had forecast a net profit of 4.44
trillion rupiah.

Indonesia's banks are lending aggressively to businesses and consumers
with loan growth of 25.5 percent last year, up from 14 percent in

Demand for loans has picked up as the central bank steadily cut its
benchmark interest rate in response to lower inflation.

Bank Mandiri was hit by bad debt problems in 2005, but has since
cleaned up its balance sheet and reduced its non performing loans.
($1=9168 Rupiah)

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia BCA Q4 profit flat, sees slower loan growth

2008-03-12 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
 By Adriana Nina Kusuma

JAKARTA, March 12 (Reuters) - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk BBCA.JK,
Indonesia's number two bank, showed a 0.7 percent rise in
fourth-quarter net profit, based on Reuters calculations, and said
loan growth would slow in 2008 due to economic uncertainty.

We don't see high credit growth this year due to global economic
volatility, Jahja Setiaatmadja, vice president director, told

BCA's said lending rose 34.1 percent in 2007 -- beating loan growth of
25.5 percent for the entire Indonesian banking sector, and far higher
than Bank Mandiri's BMRI.JK 18 percent increase or Bank Danamon's
BDMN.JK 24 percent rise.

Setiaatmadja said the bank aims to extend new loans of between 14-16
trillion rupiah this year, implying loan growth of 17-19 percent.

BCA, 51 percent controlled by Farindo Investments, made a
fourth-quarter net profit of 1.13 trillion rupiah, up from 1.12
trillion rupiah a year ago, according to Reuters calculations based on
the reported full-year and nine-month results.

The Hartono family, which owns Indonesia's third-largest tobacco
company Djarum, has a controlling interest in Farindo.

On Wednesday, BCA reported full-year net profit of 4.5 trillion
rupiah, up from 4.24 trillion rupiah in 2006.

Analysts polled by Reuters Estimates had forecast that BCA, which has
total assets of 218 trillion rupiah, would report full-year net profit
of 4.60 trillion rupiah, which implied fourth-quarter net profit of
1.24 trillion rupiah.

Net interest income at the bank, which has a market capitalisation of
around $9 billion, inched up 0.13 percent to 2.44 trillion rupiah in
the fourth quarter, based on Reuters calculations.

Net interest margin fell to 6.1 percent, from 7.2 percent a year
earlier, while net non-performing loans decreased to 0.2 percent from
0.3 percent.

Indonesia's central bank has gradually cut its benchmark rate, known
as BI rate BIPG, to 8 percent as of the end of last year, from 9.5
percent in January 2007 as inflationary pressure in Southeast Asia's
largest economy subsided.

BCA's share price rose 40.4 percent last year, lagging a 52 percent
jump in the stock index .JKSE, but beating a 26 percent rise in the
financial sub-index .JKFINA of the Indonesia Stock Exchange Index.

Since the start of the year, BCA's shares have fallen 3.4 percent,
while the broader index has dropped 6.9 percent and the financial
sub-index has lost 9.1 percent. (Writing by Harry Suhartono and
Andreas Ismar, editing by Sara Webb)

[obrolan-bandar] UPDATE 1-Indonesia's Mandiri Q4 net profit drops 3.3 pct

2008-03-12 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
 JAKARTA, March 12 (Reuters) - Indonesia's largest lender, PT Bank
Mandiri Tbk BMRI.JK, showed a surprise 3.3 percent drop in
fourth-quarter net profit, according to Reuters calculations, which
the bank said reflected a sharp rise in operating expenses.

But Mandiri said it would stick to its earlier loan growth target of
22 percent for this year, even though the Indonesian government has
lowered its economic growth forecast for 2008 due to higher oil

Mandiri's fourth-quarter net profit fell to 1.19 trillion rupiah ($130
million), from 1.23 trillion rupiah a year ago, according to Reuters
calculations based on the bank's reported 2007 results and its
nine-month results.

Pahala Mansury, Mandiri's chief financial officer, said the bank's
operating expenses jumped 50.6 percent in the fourth quarter from a
year ago, but did not give details.

He also said that the bank had to pay higher tax in 2007 after it
recovered bad loans from one of its customers.

The state-owned bank said in a statement that lending grew nearly 18
percent in 2007, less than for the overall banking industry. Total
assets increased 19.28 percent to 319.1 trillion rupiah, representing
some 16 percent of the total in Indonesia's banking sector.

Indonesia's banks have been lending aggressively to businesses and
consumers, with industry loan growth increasing to 25.5 percent last
year from 14 percent in 2006.

Demand for loans has picked up as the central bank steadily cut its
benchmark interest rate in response to lower inflation.

Mandiri reported full-year net profit of 4.35 trillion rupiah in 2007,
up 80 percent from 2.42 trillion rupiah a year ago.

Analysts had expected the lender to book a full-year net profit of
4.44 trillion rupiah, which implied a quarterly net profit of 1.28
trillion rupiah.

Bank Mandiri was hit by bad debt problems in 2005, but has since
cleaned up its balance sheet and reduced its non performing loans.

The bank said net non performing loans dropped sharply to 1.5 percent
last year from 5.9 percent at the end of 2006, far below the central
bank's requirement of 5 percent.

Mandiri's net interest income in the three months to Dec. 31 rose 8.15
percent to 3.10 trillion rupiah, while net interest margin rose to 5.2
percent, from 4.7 percent a year ago.

Indonesia's central bank has gradually cut its benchmark rate, known
as BI rate BIPG to 8 percent as of the end of last year, from 9.5
percent in January 2007 as inflationary pressure in Southeast Asia's
largest economy subsided.

Mandiri's share price fell 0.7 percent to 3,500 rupiah in the last
three months of 2007, reflecting concerns over the health of the
global financial market, while the benchmark stock index .JKSE jumped
16.4 percent in the same period.

Since the start of the year, Mandiri's share price has dropped 10
percent, underperforming a 6.9 percent drop in the benchmark index,
and 9.1 percent fall in the financial sub-index. (Writing by Harry
Suhartono, editing by Sara Webb)

[obrolan-bandar] UBS ups coal price forecasts on supply crunch

2008-03-03 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Mon Mar 3, 2008 7:39pm EST

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 SYDNEY, March 4 (Reuters) - UBS has raised its forecasts
for contract prices of coal for power plants and steel mills in
2008, citing an unprecedented tightness in global coal markets
after recent supply disruptions among key exporters.

 Japanese utilities, such as Chubu Electric Power Co
(9502.T: Quote, Profile, Research), may need to pay miners in
Australia $130 a tonne for
coal contracts in fiscal 2008 beginning April, up 134 percent
from last year's agreed $55.65, UBS said in a research note
issued on Monday.

 UBS had previously forecast 2008 thermal coal prices at
$100 a tonne.

 UBS said contract price for coking coal, used to make
steel, is expected to reach a record high of $225 a tonne, up
130 percent from the agreed price of $98 last year.

 Supply availability to key Asian consumers, hit by extreme
weather events in Australia and China as well as continued
doubts over South African exports, has worsened at a
unprecedented rate, Glyn Lawcock, UBS head of resources
research, said in the report.

 This has consolidated pricing power further in the hands
of producers just as benchmark contract negotiations come
closer to conclusion in both the coking and thermal coal

 Key drivers for thermal coal prices include falling exports
from China and South Africa as well as port and rail
bottlenecks in Australia, Lawcock said.

 Lawcock said exports from China, which has suspended
thermal coal exports until April following severe power
shortages across the country in January, was likely to fall
below 40 million tonnes in 2008.

 We anticipate a seaborne market deficit of some 14 million
tonnes in 2008 and would suggest that, given recent
exacerbations of supply dislocations, risk to that number
remains to the upside, he said.

 UBS has forecast 2009 prices for thermal and metallurgical
coal at $125 a tonne and $165 a tonne respectively.

 Lawcock said coking coal prices were expected to ease next
year as producers in eastern Australia resume shipments.
Australia is the world's largest exporter of coking coal.

 Extreme weather in coal-rich Queensland state in the past
two months have prompted six producers, including BHP Billiton
Ltd (BHP.AX: Quote, Profile, Research)(BLT.L: Quote, Profile,
Research), Rio Tinto Ltd (RIO.AX: Quote, Profile, Research)(RIO.L:
Quote, Profile, Research), Xstrata Plc
(XTA.L: Quote, Profile, Research), to declare force majeure on shipments.

 BHP has indicated that coking coal production in 2008 could
be down by as much as 8-9 million tonnes, representing about
3-4 percent of global coking coal supply.

 Updated forecasts for '08 Asia coal contract price




 Macquarie  $125$225

 Goldman Sachs JB Were  $110$200

 Citigroup  $100$200

 JP Morgan   $90$140

 Merrill Lynch   $80$140

 National Australia Bank $78$130
 (Reporting by Fayen Wong)

+ +
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[obrolan-bandar] Lippo Bank net profit up 46%

2008-02-26 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
 JAKARTA, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Following are the results of PT
Bank Lippo Tbk LPBN.JK for the 12 month ended December 2007.

   (in billions of rupiah unless stated

 Net profit  737.91
 Net interest income   1,862.72
 Operating Income  1,117.05
 Earnings per share (rupiah) 188.45

 NOTE - Mid-sized Bank Lippo is controlled by Malaysian
state investment agency Khazanah Nasional Bhd. It has a total
assets of around 39 trillion rupiah ($4.29 billion) and a
market capitalisation of $807.2 million.
 ($1=9,082 rupiah)
 (Reporting by Nury Sybli, editing by Ed Davies)

Re: [obrolan-bandar] THANKS for BOZZZ

2008-01-22 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Orang Indonesia memang baik hati ya, sudah dipentungi sampe sekarat
sama si BOZZ masih mengucapkan terima kasih.


2008/1/23 Rokaya Aritonang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Trimakasih boss sudah bermurah hati tidak membuat
  bangkrut pemodal kecil di BEI...

  Ayo Bozz ...sebagian rakyat RI baru melek investasi
  dalam SAHAM jangan dirusak oleh BEGUNDAL yg tidak
  bertanggung-jawab...masa baru melek suruh tutup
  lagi..atau kedip2..

  Best Regard,

  Rokaya A.

  Looking for last minute shopping deals?
  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Fut

2008-01-21 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Bisa dilihat disini, dr menit ke menit

sdh +66

Re: [obrolan-bandar] STI +400an?

2008-01-21 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
lihat disini :

2008/1/22 Johan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Tolong konfirmasi, saya liat di ebursa index STI + 400 an?apa benar?

  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.

[obrolan-bandar] EU considers banning the import of certain fuel crops

2008-01-16 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
From : International Herald Tribune Published: January 14, 2008

a sign of shifting attitudes toward biofuels, European Union officials are
proposing to ban imports of certain fuel crops whose production could do
more harm than good in fighting climate change, according to a draft law
seen Monday.

The proposals, to be unveiled next week, are aimed at enhancing the
environmental credentials of biofuels like biodiesel or ethanol to counter
concerns that European drivers are playing a role in destroying wetlands,
forests and grasslands in areas like Southeast Asia or Latin America each
time they fill up their tanks.

In its draft, the EU requires that biofuels from crops grown on some kinds
of land covered in forest, wetlands and grasslands as of January 2008 should
be banned for use in the 27-nation bloc. The commission also would require
that biofuels used in Europe should deliver a minimum level of greenhouse
gas savings.

The text, which could change before European commissioners meet Jan. 23 to
adopt a final version, also emphasizes that areas like rainforests and lands
with high levels of biodiversity should not be converted to growing

At the same time, the EU does not want to abandon biofuels because of the
contribution they could still make to increasing Europe's energy

The problem is that we have no alternative to oil at the moment, and 90
percent of our transport in Europe depends on oil, making us extremely
vulnerable to foreign supplies, said Ferran Tarradellas Espuny, the
spokesman for the EU energy commissioner, Andris Piebalgs.

Europe is drafting its rules on biofuels amid rising prices for gasoline and
diesel and growing worries about climate change across the world. In recent
years, a number of countries have started growing and using fuels produced
from plants or agricultural waste.

In the United States, ethanol produced from corn has boomed, as has
sugar-cane ethanol in Brazil. In Europe and to a lesser extent in the United
States, vegetable oils have been converted into a type of diesel fuel by a
simple chemical procedure.

In principle, these biofuels promise not only to displace imported oil but
also to lower the amount of greenhouse gases being dumped into the
atmosphere. The crops absorb carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, as
they grow, and the fuels made from them re-emit that same gas when they are
burned a few months later.

But it is turning out that fuel crops hold the potential for considerable
environmental harm.

Not only is native vegetation, including tropical rain forest, being chopped
down in some cases to plant the crops, but the crops also are often grown
using fossil fuels like diesel for tractors - and they demand nitrogen
fertilizer made largely with natural gas.

Moreover, turning the crops into fuels can demand huge amounts of water.

Experts say certain types of fuels, particularly those made from
agricultural wastes, still hold potential to improve the environment. But it
is only now becoming clear that to achieve that goal, governments will have
to set and enforce standards for how the fuels are produced.

With its new proposal, Europe appears to be moving ahead of the rest of the
world in that task.

In part that is because biofuels - a blanket term covering fuels grown from
crops to manufacture substitutes for diesel and gasoline - are the main
weapon foreseen by the EU to lower emissions from the transport sector,
which has the fastest growing levels of greenhouse gases among all sectors
of its economy.

The increasingly negative image of biofuels has left officials pulled in
separate directions - on the one hand trying to clean up the market for
biofuels that cause environmental damage while, on the other hand, seeking
to rehabilitate biofuels to meet ambitious greenhouse gas emissions targets
that have made Europe a world leader in tackling climate change.

The draft EU rules probably would have the biggest effect on growers of palm
oil in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, according to Matt Drinkwater,
a biofuels analyst with New Energy Finance in London.

Some proposed developments in Southeast Asia will almost certainly be
blocked by these provisions, he said, explaining that the rules would make
it much harder to plant on recently cleared land or export fuels to Europe
that emit significant amounts of greenhouse gases produced during the
process of manufacturing biodiesel from palm oil.

Growers of crops to produce ethanol - a substitute for gasoline that is more
commonly used in the United States than in Europe - also could be affected
because the EU rules contain previsions on preserving grasslands, said
Drinkwater. Crops for ethanol are grown widely in parts of South America,
including Brazil.

[obrolan-bandar] Headlines dari

2008-01-11 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Ada *Headlines* menarik dr website ini :

*Bakrie Family  Consolidation of Assets

*Today, all Bakrie family-related listed companies announced audited
financial reports for 10 months of 2007. This is unusual. Why? What's the
relationship with Bakrie  Brothers' plan to consolidate Bakrie family
ownership in these companies?
Listed companies controlled by Bakrie Family have announced audited
financial performance for the period of Jan-Oct 2007 without comparison of
the similar period in 2006. But overall, these companies have reported
somewhat so-so performance from operations point of view.
*Tariff cut on telephone  Telco stocks*

By the end of this month government will issue a decree which cut
significantly telephone cost by 10%-30%. What will be its impacts to revenue
stream of telco companies and their stocks?

(Saya tidak berlangganan, hanya baca headlines saja)

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Akses Informasi (Berbahaya bagi OB !!!)

2008-01-06 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Embah, bagaimana kalau OB mempelopori penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia, untuk
tiap posting (maap, bhs asing). Tentunya hal ini sedikit banyak bs membantu
ungkapan2 yang tidak senonoh yg banyak dipakai di bhs Inggris (fuck etc.)

On Jan 7, 2008 11:50 AM, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Kang Ocoy,

 Tadi pagi udah saya jawab protest Pak Veter...


 Kita hentikan diskusi tentang EL... please

 --- In,

  Kmaren dulu Elaine Jr udah rada sopanan... ko skrg mpoknya dateng
  kumat lg yeh...
  gini aja deh.. we all just consider Elaine as Nil Factor or Zero (0)
  jadi mo dia ngomong apa tinggal kita kali multiplier 0 ini aja...
  Elaine says XXX = XXX * 0 = 0
  Elaine says ZZZ = ZZZ * 0 = 0
  Elaine says xyz = xyz * 0 = 0
  she can stays here as she brought adversities to the whole member
  here... tp ya itu, kalo udah keterlaluan, factor her words with the
  zero multiplier... she's a zero anyway, unreal, unexist,
  an alter ego... but i think its okay to be anonymous in this forum
  some particular reason..
  nah coba elaine dan aimee suruh komen bareng sayah penasaran kaya
  --- In,
 soni beken sonibeken@
   Saya setuju dengan apa yang ditulis oleh Pak Veter.
   Setiap postingan harus bermanfaat bukan tempat sumpah serapah
  tidak berdasar. Apa lagi dengan Nama samaran jangan seenaknya saja
  kirim posting2. Karena itu saya dukung dirobah/ registrasi ulang
  member,apabila yang kirim posting harus dengan Nama Sebenarnya
  member lain tahu siapa yang kirim. jangan berlindung dibalik alibi 
  Takut dikenakan insider trading apabila kirim postingan. Saya
  sendiripun akan memakai nama asli saya. Wassalam.
   Veter jhon_veter@ wrote:
   From: Veter jhon_veter@
   Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 08:51:03 +0700
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Akses Informasi (Berbahaya bagi
 OB !!!)
   Dear ALL,
   Bagi saya postingan Elaine terakhir-terakhir ini terlalu….
  provoaktif, sangat-sangat tidak mendidik. Semua orang bisa
  pendapat dan argument tapi TOLONG dengan bahasa yang sopan dan ada
  ALASAN…. Jadi kita bisa diskusi.
   Jangan sampai milis kita ini Cuma jadi tempat orang sumpah
  serapah…. Please where is our ethics, Jangan mentang-mentang NAMA
  SAMARAN bisa ngomong semaunya.
   NB : Mbah sebagai moderator mohon lakukan tugasnya sekarang.
   Salam hangat
   Posted by: Elaine orkaybgt@
   Sun Jan 6, 2008 11:33 am (PST)
   A true example of the market. I love you, I do. It is you that I
  need the
   most. You are the RIGHT person to me. Honey, you don't need to
   anything, just do whatever your broker tells you to do.
   After that you can go fuck yourself. LOL.
   Hey, listen to this mp3 first. hillarious. I'm sure you'll love
  f word.
   I use this word only to friends. You are my friends. :)
   On Jan 7, 2008 1:52 AM, abdulrahim abdulrahim
Pak DE, saya kembali ke posting Anda yang ini.
Anda bilang, modal itu bukan hanya berupa uang, tapi berupa
informasi juga.
Informasi apa aja sih yang dibutuhkan untuk menjaadi untuk
investor yang berjaya?
On Jan 6, 2008 5:59 PM, Dean Earwicker
 Kalau pengamatan saya, semakin volatile market, semakin dikit
 Kenapa? Karena volatile market = ketidakpatian arah. Mungkin
 sekarang yang pindah haluan jadi investor, atau masuk ke
  reksadana. Did
 know, komunitas trader tidak secara langsung didukung oleh
 pemerintah/bapepam, karena kita tahu sifat trader adalah
 Pemerintah inginnya BEI sebagai wadah INVESTASI, bukan
 banyak IPO untuk cari uang, bukan bagi-bagi uang. Kalaupun
 banyakan dikerjainnya (!)

 Nah, para pendekar yang menghilang ini mungkin
 kedapatan salam
 untuk agenda ini, entah bagaimana caranya, saya nggak ngerti.

 Tahun ini banyak sekali produk investasi yang mungkin
 juga yangportfolionya terdiri dari saham-saham eksotik dan
 listed di
 wallstreet. NAH, produk ini perlu diisi (belanja). Duit sudah
 pinter-pinternya mereka cari harga yang bagus.

 Itu makanya trader semakin berat bebannya, karena sekarang
 banyak berkeliaran. Maka dibuatlah agenda pemberantasan kaum
 (maksudnya pemain margin :), yang intinya ingin merubah
 menjadi investor. Yang malas akan tersingkir, yang smart 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] IPOT

2007-10-04 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Saya pakai IPOT, saat ini memang dibandingkan HOTS. Sbg contoh, jam
16.00teng IPOT berhenti, tapi running trade HOTS masih berjalan,
terkadang sampai
jam 16.02. Yang penting pagi2 jg ngga pernah delay.
jadi hubungi saja Indopremier, untuk jadi nasabah mereka.

On 10/4/07, Angga Firlana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dah liat liat websitenya, tapi gak ada sistem OLT apalagi  IPOT


 *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] *On Behalf Of *michael_utomo
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 04, 2007 11:13
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] IPOT

 Banyak sekali yang japri ke saya menanyakan IPOT. Saya hanya bisa refer
 rekan2 sekalian ke Call Centre IPOT di 021-5793-1200.
 Atau juga bisa ke kantornya langsung di Wisma GKBI lt 7 suite 718.



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Fun with Neural Network

2007-09-18 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono
Di MG2 ada dijual software Trading Solution dan Neuroshell Trader, keduanya
menggunakan neuroshell.

On 9/19/07, Febry Hariyannugraha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Pak Saidkat,

 Saya belum pernah coba pakai  Neuroshell ... dan kebetulan juga saya bukan
 pengguna Metastock :)
 But, thanks for the advice, nanti saya coba explore-explore situs-situs
 tsb deh :)
 Bapak sudah sering pakai neuroshell ? Sharing dong Pak :)

 On 9/18/07, saidkat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sudah pernah pakai neuroshell trader ?
  kayaknya mereka juga pakai NN juga kok.
  tinggal bisa langsung pakai dari data metastock.
  versi testingnya banyak di situs2 torrent.
  yang versi lamanya ada di m2m (hehehehee...)
  *Febry Hariyannugraha [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:
   Ok Pak sama-sama.
  Secara metholodogy, NN bisa dipakai untuk men-train apa saja termasuk
  Hanya saja, ada batasan-batasan tertentu atau constraint yang sampai
  saat ini pun masih banyak ketidakpastiannya. At least masih bentuk academia.
  Saya coba attach salah satu paper, yang mungkin menarik untuk dibaca.
  Saya berdiskusi dengan penulisnya disuatu forum di internet.
  Untuk memprediksi Price ... terus terang saya belum coba, tapi kalau
  bisa ... hehehe .. menarik cuy ... :)
  Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers*
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Kode emiten di USA

2007-07-26 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

Pakai Amibroker, ke website disitu ada database US Stock, database ini bisa
dimasukan ke Amybroker. EOD data bisa di download via Yahoo
Setelah download, u/ tiap ticker muncul company name dan serta data
perusahaan pada Amybroker.

On 7/26/07, feter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks pak budi


*From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] *On Behalf Of *budi suryono
*Sent:* Thursday, July 26, 2007 10:07 AM
*Subject:* Re: [obrolan-bandar] Kode emiten di USA

Pake sangat gampang carinya pak, rgds

*feter [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:


I need your information where can I get all listed company code with full
name of the company for DOW, NASDAQ, SP 500?

Example : GOOG = Google



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] CPRO Naik ada alasannya!

2007-04-30 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

Lho memang uang pendaftarannya 25M (refundable), peserta tender lain juga
menyetor sejumlah yang sama. Diluar itu pemenang diharuskan menyetor dalam
bentuk kas sejumlah 1,7T  (dikutip dari Bisnis Indonesia).


  Berita resmi dari CPRO, bahwa emiten sudah bayar 20M ke PPA utk
downpayment akuisisi DIPASENA (ex-Nursalim grup Gajah).
Kalo done dan sepertinya bakal mulus.CPRO bakal akuisisi lahan
pond(tambak ) seluas 75000ha, sementara CPRO memiliki 16000ha. Lu guys
bayangin TIKUS telan KUCING! Mirip transaksi BUMI dulu ambil ARUTMIN, KPC!

Target Minimum 650!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-27 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

Dari milis Elliott wave International, kejatuhan DJ sdh diramal oleh Bob
Prechter, tengah bulan ini.

Dow Plummets 400+ points ... What Now?

Experienced analysts know that the time to expect a huge sell-off is when
most people don't.

So, no matter what you read in the after-the-fact explanations about the
February 27 decline, remember this: *Every major market sentiment indicator
showed record or near-record complacency among investors*.

Virtually no one in the media or on Wall Street saw it coming.

The just-published Conference Board report of a five-year high in consumer
confidence simply confirmed previous data. From the VIX index (volatility),
to the historic lows in the spread investors pay for investment-grade
debt, to the low volatility in the FX market, to the *dozens* of feeble
short-term volatility readings in financial assets around the globe -- the
message was the same:
A 500-point intraday decline in the Dow Industrials was the last thing
people expected.

Remember this as well: The downtrend did *not* begin with the big decline on
Tuesday. The selling actually began last *Thursday*, February 22. The talk
about weakness on the Shanghai market is simply noise. Ignore it.

In fact, let's think again about February 22 -- because, notwithstanding the
universal complacency of market participants -- that was the day immediately
after one analyst actually did say, It appears time to get aggressive
again. He wasn't talking about being bullish, either.

That analyst, of course, was Bob Prechter. He made that comment in a special
*Elliott Wave Theorist* Interim Report, which he only sends out at crucial
market junctures. Bob's February 21 Interim was the urgent follow-up to his
February 16 monthly issue, which itself said Now is a good time to assess
the probability for a big decline …

It's important to answer the question in the headline. And, you can have
that answer from the *one* analyst who was NOT surprised by the big decline.

In fact, as this email was being written, EWI's Chief Market Analyst Steve
Hochberg was working on tonight's *Short Term Update* as well as
Friday's *Elliott
Wave Financial Forecast*.

On 2/28/07, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Seems can be lower than that number .. may be 1500 will be a good trial
for entry

On 2/28/07, Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JSX index to fall to 1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above

 *Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

   *Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge*
 Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET
 By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer

 *Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on
 Global Market Plunge*
 NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept.
 11, 2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones
 industrials down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that
 the U.S. and Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have
 become overinflated.
 The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth,
 signaled a possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily
 rising stock markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of
 trading in several years.
 A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors
 sent Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for
 U.S. trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline
 accelerated throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge
 plunge in late afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in.
 The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some
 ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29percent, at 
 216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of the
 plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's trading
 limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated.
 The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading
 day after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or
 7.13 percent.
 The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues
 such as small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines.
 But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that
 began last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were
 unfazed by Tuesday's drop.
 This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but
 we don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll,
 BlackRock's global chief investment officer of equities.
 Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term
 All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the
 last 12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney,
 adding that he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and
 downs. This is another day 


2006-08-06 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

Saya sdh hengkang dari Speedy sejak Juni yg lalu. Yang paling menjengkelkan Speedy mati tepat pada tanggal 15 mei 2006, ketika Index terjungkal.sekarang saya pakai Wireless Internet, DigiNet cuma 200,000 perbulan. Untuk koneksi lokal bagus sekali. Untuk download cukup lumayan lah, banyak buku2 yg saya download, termasuk majalah2 spt PCWorld (dari Torrent).
Sebagai Info saja, sermoga bermanfaat.On 8/7/06, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]


--- In, Anthony Christiaan 

 Mendingan ADSL, Pak,
 saya sekarang ini pakai 3 koneksi ADSL dikombinasi dengan Router 
Multi WAN.

Idealnya 3 koneksi ADSL dari ISP yang berbeda (Telkom, CBN, Centrin)
jadi kalo telkom 'DIKERJAIN', ISP yang lain masih jalan...

Tapi karena JARINGAN TEMBAGA masih dikuasai telkom, maka 
jika line Tlp 'DIKERJAIN' secara phisik atau noise, 
impendansi/induktansi/capasitansi, Frekwensi jamming dll,
maka INTERNET anda tidak FOOL PROOF dari SERANGAN...
Untuk itu, koneksi Backup Wireless juga disambungkan ke
Router MULTI WAN anda sehinga jika ADSL mati seperti kemarin
untuk sebagian Jakarta, anda masih ON 

Biayanya GEDE yah hehehe

 logika anda tentang GPRS salah besar, kalau anda mengatakan 64kbps
 dipakai rame2 atau 128kbps dipake rame2 berbanding GPRS adalah sama 
 Koneksi internet sharing itu intinya adalah berbagi, namun, dalam 
 tidak 100% koneksi adalah saat bersamaan, kalau sudah muncul yang 
 saat bersamaan, itu tandanya anda sudah membutuhkan koneksi baru 
atau koneksi
 yang lebih baik.
 Saya harap anda bisa memahami maksud cerita saya di atas.
   - Original Message - 
   From: Cubit Aja 
   Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 11:38 AM
   Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak KEONG! TO 
   Lah wong 64 kbps dipake rame2, yg 128 kbps dipake sendiri aja 
berasa lelet banget apalagi 64 kbps dipake rame2. gprs juga 
kecepatannya kira2 segitu kok. kalo d/l bisa sampai 4-5 k(byte)ps, so 
kira2 mirip dong.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Anthony Christiaan 
 Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 4:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak KEONG! 
 GPRS buat koneksi internet sharing di kantor ???
 Gak salah tuh, Pak ???
   - Original Message - 
   From: Cubit Aja 
   Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 10:28 AM
   Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak 
   Wah 4,5 jt/bln?, wa bisa nawarin akses gprs hanya 3 jt/bln 
unlimited tuh. kecepatan yah sekitar segitu. cuma modal hp yg ada 
bluetooth n 1 bluetooth dongle (100rb harganya)
 - Original Message - 
 From: Anthony Christiaan 
 Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 2:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak 
 1,5 juta wireless rame2, berarti ada pengelola dari gedung 
yang manage, Pak,
 wireless gak ada yang semurah itu, soalnya saya baru saja 
mengundang beberapa
 ISP dan penawaran termurah sekitar 4,5 juta per bulan, itu 
saja 64kbps.
   - Original Message - 
   From: A3K 
   Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 12:21 PM
   Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak 
   Iya betul . maksud nya seperti dibawah,
   Aku sendiri gak percaya 100Mbps itu pasti bukan real .. 
   Thanksalot, kan Cuma bayar 1.5 juta rame-rame
   From: [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Anthony Christiaan
   Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 11:21 AM
   Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak 
   Itu maksudnya :
   ke ISP nya pakai wireless point to point 128kbps,
   ke Client nya pakai Ethernet Cable RJ-45 bisa 100mbps,
   munculnya di komputer client, speed 100mbps,
   padahal cuman 128kbps, itu aja dishare oleh ISP nya bisa 
1:8 atau 1:4
   dan di share lagi di kantornya buat berapa usernya.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Cubit Aja 
 Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 10:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak 


2006-08-06 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono or 799 8919On 8/7/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Boleh tau Pak kalo mau langganan Diginet ke mana yathanks atas infonya

 Saya sdh hengkang dari Speedy sejak Juni yg lalu. Yang paling
 Speedy mati tepat pada tanggal 15 mei 2006, ketika Index terjungkal.
 sekarang saya pakai Wireless Internet, DigiNet cuma 200,000 perbulan.
 koneksi lokal bagus sekali. Untuk download cukup lumayan lah, banyak buku2
 yg saya download, termasuk majalah2 spt PCWorld (dari Torrent).

 Sebagai Info saja, sermoga bermanfaat.

 On 8/7/06, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   --- In,
 Anthony Christiaan
  Mendingan ADSL, Pak,
  saya sekarang ini pakai 3 koneksi ADSL dikombinasi dengan Router
 Multi WAN.

 Idealnya 3 koneksi ADSL dari ISP yang berbeda (Telkom, CBN, Centrin)
 jadi kalo telkom 'DIKERJAIN', ISP yang lain masih jalan...

 Tapi karena JARINGAN TEMBAGA masih dikuasai telkom, maka
 jika line Tlp 'DIKERJAIN' secara phisik atau noise,
 impendansi/induktansi/capasitansi, Frekwensi jamming dll,
 maka INTERNET anda tidak FOOL PROOF dari SERANGAN...

 Untuk itu, koneksi Backup Wireless juga disambungkan ke
 Router MULTI WAN anda sehinga jika ADSL mati seperti kemarin
 untuk sebagian Jakarta, anda masih ON

 Biayanya GEDE yah hehehe

  logika anda tentang GPRS salah besar, kalau anda mengatakan 64kbps
  dipakai rame2 atau 128kbps dipake rame2 berbanding GPRS adalah sama
  Koneksi internet sharing itu intinya adalah berbagi, namun, dalam
  tidak 100% koneksi adalah saat bersamaan, kalau sudah muncul yang
  saat bersamaan, itu tandanya anda sudah membutuhkan koneksi baru
 atau koneksi
  yang lebih baik.
  Saya harap anda bisa memahami maksud cerita saya di atas.
  - Original Message -
  From: Cubit Aja
  Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 11:38 AM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak KEONG! TO
  Lah wong 64 kbps dipake rame2, yg 128 kbps dipake sendiri aja
 berasa lelet banget apalagi 64 kbps dipake rame2. gprs juga
 kecepatannya kira2 segitu kok. kalo d/l bisa sampai 4-5 k(byte)ps, so
 kira2 mirip dong.
  - Original Message -
  From: Anthony Christiaan
  Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 4:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak KEONG!
  GPRS buat koneksi internet sharing di kantor ???
  Gak salah tuh, Pak ???
  - Original Message -
  From: Cubit Aja
  Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 10:28 AM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak
  Wah 4,5 jt/bln?, wa bisa nawarin akses gprs hanya 3 jt/bln
 unlimited tuh. kecepatan yah sekitar segitu. cuma modal hp yg ada
 bluetooth n 1 bluetooth dongle (100rb harganya)
  - Original Message -
  From: Anthony Christiaan
  Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 2:08 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak
  1,5 juta wireless rame2, berarti ada pengelola dari gedung
 yang manage, Pak,
  wireless gak ada yang semurah itu, soalnya saya baru saja
 mengundang beberapa
  ISP dan penawaran termurah sekitar 4,5 juta per bulan, itu
 saja 64kbps.
  - Original Message -
  From: A3K
  Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 12:21 PM
  Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak
  Iya betul . maksud nya seperti dibawah,
  Aku sendiri gak percaya 100Mbps itu pasti bukan real ..
  Thanksalot, kan Cuma bayar 1.5 juta rame-rame
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] bandar%40yahoogrou] On Behalf Of Anthony
  Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 11:21 AM

  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] SPEEDY PAYAH! LELET kayak
  Itu maksudnya :
  ke ISP nya pakai wireless point to point 128kbps,
  ke Client nya pakai Ethernet Cable RJ-45 bisa 100mbps,
  munculnya di komputer client, speed 100mbps,
  padahal cuman 128kbps, itu aja dishare oleh ISP nya bisa
 1:8 atau 1:4
  dan di share lagi di kantornya buat berapa usernya.
  - Original Message -
  From: Cubit Aja

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Ukuran email

2006-04-01 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

Sedikit urun rembug.
Saya sdh engga lagi pakai outlook, melainkan pakai GMAIL. Semua mail disimpan di server gmail. Jadi kita bisa pilih mail mana yg akan dibuka.
Semoga bermanfaat.
On 3/31/06, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
--- In, Rony Santoso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote: Saya langganan milis menggunakan daily digest sehingga ukuran yangbiasanya  160 Kb sehari,Dalam bulan Maret, jumlah POSTING dimilis OB meningkat DRASTISmenjadi 812 posting dari 394 posting pada bulan sebelumnya.
Jadi rata rata ada 812/30 hari atau = 27 posting per hariJika bapak bilang ukuran email DAILY DIGEST BIASANYAadalah 160kb maka RATA2 ukuran email = 160/27 = 6 kb per email.JADI kalo data anda BENAR maka milis OB sangat EFFICIENT
karena UKURAN email anda TERAKHIR SAJA = 18 kb. atau ukuranemail bapak adalah TIGA kali dari average email dari memberyang lain...Note:- Ukuran email bapak yang pertama HANYA 4kb, sedang ukuran email
bapak yang terakhir adalah 18 kb. Jadi email yg kedua ITU350% lebih BOROS karena anda mengirim email tsb pake HTML modedan bukannya TEXT MODE sederhana saja. dalam beberapa hari terakhir membengkak menjadi  160 Kb bahkan
hingga puncaknya 717 Kb itu.MUNGKIN ini akibat dari kiriman HASIL ANALISA yang dikirim pakSamsudes dalam bentuk grafik Saya gunakaan outlook dengan filter **do not download message more
than 160 Kb** sehingga otomatis semua message yang lebih dari ukurantersebut harus dipilih secara manual untuk didownload atau tidak.Bagaimana kalo SETTING diubah dari DAILY DIGEST menjadi INDIVIDUAL
EMAIL dan FILTER nya diset: DO NOT DOWNLOAD message more thanSAY 20 kb. (embah belum pernah coba).Jadi RATA2 size download = 27 posting perhari x say 10 kb/email= 270 kb per day.Tapi anda ENGGA BISA menikmati grafik pak Samsudes yang
BAHENOL hehehe... Begitu Mbah, Cheers, Rony Thanks atas SARANnya.
 Catatan: - Dimilis OB kemarin tidak ada email yang ukurannya 717 kbSENDIRI... - Ukuran rata2 email posting adalah dibawah 10 kb JADI masih NORMAL. - Ukuran posting terbesar kemarin ialah 37 kb, itupun BUKAN karena
 rentetan message tidak dihapus, TAPI karena HTML MODE nya ON atau posting tidak menggunakan TEXT MODE yang sederhana. Mudah mudahan SEMUA INGAT akan hal ini termasuk
moderatornyahehehe... Rony Santoso wrote:  Dear Rekan2,   Tolong waktu mereply/forward ke milis dihapus dulu rentetan
  message/percakapan yang terjadi sehingga tidak membebanidownload. Atau  batasi maksimal 1-2 seri percakapan saja.   Hari ini daku download satu email OB bisa sampai 717 Kb sendiri !
   Kesian sama yang download pake pulsa rumah :( Yahoo! Groups Links 
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