[ob] Re: Hoki Te It

2009-08-17 Terurut Topik Teddy
Ora et labora,

Ora labor ya ora mangan..

Semakin berusaha semakin juga bertambah keberuntungan..
Berusaha dng hati, sabar,tekun membawa hasil..

[ob] Bad news

2009-08-17 Terurut Topik Teddy
Nikkei Closes Down 3.1% ,MSCI ASIA -3.38%,Hangseng -2.64%,Shanghai A -4.88%, 
Shanghai B -5.50%,STI -2 ,31% (13:40 WIB)

Ini utk ngisi urusan bad news..

Besok? Brace yourself..

Is that bad? Nope.. life is like that.. ups and downs in the river of time.

[ob] ARM Picu Krisis Baru

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik Teddy Saputra
Article dari Kompas.

Mohon bisa di-share pandangan teman2x mengenai resiko derivative di bawah.
Mo invest jadi agak ngeri nih.


ARM Picu Krisis Baru
Bencana Kegagalan Hipotek Segera Terjadi
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009 | 07:00 WIB
WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.com — Para pakar ekonomi memperingatkan, sebuah gelombang
baru bencana keuangan dalam bentuk kegagalan bayar surat utang bernama ARM
segera datang. Besaran jumlahnya mengimbangi bahkan melebihi bencana akibat
kehancuran sektor properti di AS tahun 2008.

Potensi bencana baru itu akan mempersulit keadaan ekonomi yang belum pulih
akibat kejatuhan perumahan AS, yang mengorbankan triliunan dana perbankan
global, yang memicu krisis ekonomi.

Jenis surat utang itu diberi nama adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), surat
utang dengan suku bunga yang selalu disesuaikan dengan kondisi pasar. Makin
tinggi suku bunga, makin besar beban bayar dan sebaliknya.

Jumlah ARM yang statusnya meragukan saat ini sekitar 230 miliar dollar AS.
Ini adalah turunan dari produk-produk pinjaman ”kreatif” yang banyak
ditawarkan pada saat bisnis perumahan AS mengalami masa jaya.

Seorang peminjam surat utang ARM bisa melakukan cicilan pembayaran lebih
rendah dari seharusnya setiap bulan. Namun, sisa pinjamannya dimasukkan ke
dalam pokok pinjaman yang jumlahnya terus membengkak.

Banyak pakar telah memperkirakan akan terjadinya ledakan gagal bayar pada
musim semi 2009, atau lebih dari 564.000 unit ARM. Kegagalan bayar itu kini
masih bisa terselamatkan karena suku bunga sedang turun hingga tingkat
terendah sepanjang sejarah. Hal ini menunda ledakan ARM, yang oleh banyak
pengamat perumahan dianggap sebagai bom waktu.

Dikatakan bom waktu karena peminjam ARM belum bisa menuntaskan utang yang
pernah dipakai untuk membeli rumah di masa lalu. Karena tidak bisa membayar
utang, pembeli rumah diberi pinjaman baru melalui ARM. Dengan kata lain, ARM
dipakai untuk mengatasi kegagalan bayar surat utang sebelumnya, yang disebut
sebagai subprime mortgage. Ini adalah surat utang dengan kualitas rendah,
yang melahirkan krisis yang disebut sebagai subprime mortgage crisis.

”Mereka kemungkinan akan gagal bayar dan akan membuat ledakan subprime
tampak lebih kecil,” kata Rick Sharga, Wakil Presiden Senior RealtyTrac,
peneliti sita jaminan di Irvine, California.

ARM berjangka waktu lima tahun, yang umum ditawarkan antara tahun 2004-2007.
Pinjaman-pinjaman ARM itu sangat rentan gagal bayar di negara-negara bagian
seperti California, Florida, dan Nevada, daerah tempat harga-harga rumah
telah turun jauh. Di wilayah ini banyak pemilik rumah kini masih kesulitan
membayar utang.

Pembayaran bulanan atas surat-surat utang ini akan segera disesuaikan dengan
tingkat suku bunga pinjaman yang lebih tinggi antara tahun 2009 dan 2012.

Bahayakan ekonomi

Elizabeth Warren, profesor hukum dari Universitas Harvard, menilai warisan
ARM itu membahayakan ekonomi AS. Pemegang surat utang ARM rentan terhadap
penyitaan rumah. Jumlah potensi gagal bayar telah mencapai lebih dari satu
juta hanya antara Maret hingga Mei 2009. ”Kita tidak akan bisa memulihkan
kembali nilai perumahan ketika sebuah risiko serius menghadang bahwa
serangkaian surat utang akan runtuh,” kata Warren.

Asosiasi Bankir Hipotik (MBA), yang mewakili para pemberi surat utang,
berpandangan lebih optimistis. Michael Fratantoni, Wakil Ketua Peneliti MBA,
mengatakan, ARM tak akan menjadi masalah seperti yang dibayangkan banyak

Harapan untuk menghindari kegagalan bayar ARM adalah pemulihan ekonomi.

Re: [ob] Re: Index Dowjones diselamatkan Paul Krugman

2009-06-10 Terurut Topik Teddy Saputra
Pak T_Bumi,

Mohon sharing saham komoditi di USA yg masih bisa beri profit.


On 6/9/09, t_bumi t_b...@yahoo.co.id wrote:

  Pak Tbumi ini sepertinya wartawan atau ex jurnalist yg punya
  side job sebagai investor, saban hari bacain berita terus,
  engga cape cape supaya umur panjang dan engga cepet
  Your age is over 50 ?.

 Sip : tbumi

 Kami hanya mau bagi bagi news baik saja ke members OB. Hanya emiten

 komoditi (pertambangan batubara, timah, nikel dan cpo) yang bisa

 menyelamatkan investasi anda dan membuat profit.

 Di USA juga, hanya saham komoditi yg masih memberikan janji profit

 yang bagus.


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Re: [ob] OOT: RS OMNI sangat arogant!! TERLALU!!

2009-06-03 Terurut Topik Teddy
Kalau terpaksa berobat di Indonesia, selalu cari 2nd bahkan 3rd opinion.
Carilah dokter keluarga yg bisa diajak ngobrol dan berteman baik utk dijadikan 
referal. Tentu cari dokter yg genah bukan yg predator.

Ttg kasus Ibu Prita, ada hal lbh luas yg bisa jadi preseden buruk utk kebebasan 
berinformasi yg bertanggung jawab, baik di internet maupun di media lain. 
Ranah ini yg sekarang menjadi daerah abu abu akibat kasus ini.

Kalau mau gabung di Facebook utk cause kasus ini. 
Search aja.. pendukungnya sudah hampir 44 ribu orang ..

RS Omni hanya puncak gunung es dari wajah ekonomi dan industri kita.


Re: [ob] POEMS mati atau BEJ mati?

2009-05-14 Terurut Topik Teddy Saputra
Kalo pake OLT, terus OLT nya mati / hang, apakah masih bisa pake cara
konvensional telp broker-nya?
Ato kalo pake OLT, terus ada keperluan di luar, susah akses internet / pas
di jalan. Apa bisa juga via telp?
Mohon masukannya, soalnya koq belakangan banyak komplain soal OLT mati lah,
hang lah, koit lah, etc.


On 5/14/09, Greg Hadiwinata ghadiwin...@gmail.com wrote:

 Kok diem?


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[obrolan-bandar] America is # 1 exporter was Re: China: Hey Amrik, Kalo Banyak Utang

2009-03-14 Terurut Topik Teddy
Tetap numero uno..


America's No. 1 Export: Debt

Oct. 6, 2008 | By Justin Fox
...this country's No. 1 export--by far--has been debt. When you look at 

[obrolan-bandar] 13:32 WIB - Nikkei et al rebound (N225 + 2.7%) (HS + 4.5%) (STI +2.5%)

2008-11-20 Terurut Topik Teddy

[obrolan-bandar] DJI plus 6.67%

2008-11-13 Terurut Topik Teddy
Dow http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EDJI 8,835.25+552.59+6.67% [Chart
for Dow]  http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EDJI

Top Stories http://biz.yahoo.com/top.html  Stocks Stage Breathtaking
Rally After Dow Drops Below 8,000
http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/081113/wall_street.html - AP
Wall Street launched a massive rebound, sending the Dow Jones industrial
average up about 550 points after driving down by more than 300 points
to below 8,000. Following three days of selling that wiped out about $1
trillion in shareholder value, many investors, though nervous about the
economy, appeared to believe the market had priced in enough bad news.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: the next event would be China

2008-10-20 Terurut Topik Teddy

You are right that it will not be easy to replace the lost exports.

US GDP is almost USD14trillion.  China GDP is not even USD4trillion. 
Simple calculation shows that China needs to import about USD1 trillion
to account for drop in US demand (assuming US current a/c deficit falls
from 5% of GDP to 0% of GDP due to recession) – that's 25% of
China GDP.  The math does not look favourable and I haven't added
Europe and Japan…

Be braced for hard times.  Indonesia will be relatively safer because we
are not major exporter of manufactured products.

BTW, Singapore is already in recession.

(from an SG friend)

[obrolan-bandar] Bls: SAHAM = JUDI...???

2008-10-18 Terurut Topik Teddy
Pak Saripin, nanam padi seperwulon di sawah yg disewa. Sumringah dng
iming iming padi bibit unggul
Tanah yg dipakai gema ripah loh jinawi... hitam pekat subur makmur..
Waktu lalu panen selalu bagus..
Bulan pertama ijo royo royo... tumbuh gendut gendutan..
Eh pas bulan kedua, ujan lueebatt tenan... dan bo... jebol tuh tali
air... booo jebol bendungan di hulu... ga pake ngomong ngomong tuh
banjir.. kaga ada Warren Buffet yg ngasih peringatan.. ndak ono Soros.

Padi ijo royo royo umur 2 bln blasss habisss dibawa air...

Judi ya pak Saripin?

Subprime dari 2 tahun lalu sudah didiskusikan cukup intens di The

Tanggul jebol ga dimuat di Lampu Merah.. apa lagi di Kompas boro boro
the Economist...

ps: seperwulon kira kira 1250m2.. pak Saripin mau nanem Padi Supercoy eh
Supertoy (padi main mainan). Selamat judi eh usaha pak ...

  SAHAM = JUDI, masa sih?
  High risk sih iya, tapi prinsip investasi itu kan spekulasi yang

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] tanya ,. film-film yang berhubungan dengan trading?

2008-07-08 Terurut Topik johan teddy

M Alfatih wrote:
 Ada lucu2 Eddy Murphy soal Commodity
 Ada tipu2 Boiler Room, pura2 terima order nasabah padahal cuma 
 ngitungin nasabah rugi berapa (yangjadi miliknya)
 Pernah ada serial di RCTI (?) senin malam, beberapa tahun dulu lupa 

 On 7/7/08, *bayu murti* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 kata mbah sih Tunas perawan dari lampung. wakakakakaka

 Btw ga naik2 

 --- Pada *Sen, 7/7/08, mike harnett /[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* menulis:

 Dari: mike harnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Topik: [obrolan-bandar] tanya ,. film-film yang berhubungan
 dengan trading?
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Tanggal: Senin, 7 Juli, 2008, 7:17 AM

 tanya ,. film-film yang berhubungan dengan trading?
 apa saja ya,., setau saya cuma wallstreet ...

 ada lagi kah?



 Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!
 Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di @ymail.com
 http://ymail.com/ dan @rocketmail.com http://rocketmail.com/.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] [TA] Review ASII

2008-04-06 Terurut Topik Teddy Utomo
bos bos broker sekalian,
numpang tanya kok asii tambah memble ya?
mohon pencerahannya,
sekalian numpang tanya unsp kok juga memble?

- Original Message 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 7, 2008 8:30:21 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] [TA] Review ASII

Penjualan mobil periode Jan - Mar '08 naik 135.387 unit atau 161% dibandingkan 
periode yang sama tahun lalu.

bukan sales, pegawai apalagi owner ASII

2008/4/7 Asep Dudy Damhudy [EMAIL PROTECTED] com:

Dear Mas Hendrik,
Saya coba bantu deh Technical Anaylis nya..
Kondisi ASII tgl 4 April secara MA masih menunjukan pola downtrend, Stocastic 
dibawah 20% (Oversold)
menandakan akan Reversal setelah 4 hari lalu mengalami koreksi cukup dalam,  
secara Relevance nya 
Bullish  tapi Prior trend nya Bearish .
Pada Trade book terakhir BidVol  OffVol di harga: 19.400-19.500. Pernah 
nyentuh di harga 20.000
prediksi saya senin ASII akan OPEN di harga 20.150 (lihat ekor tertinggi 
candlestick terakhir). 
Biasanya jika kondisi mau reversal tekanan dari BUYER dan SELLER sama-sama 
kuat, kondisi reversal ini 
hanya sementara sampai akhirnya membentuk Pola DOJI (Netral) sebelum 
melanjutkan trend Bullish nya, 
Kalo masih punya peluru antri aja dibawah harga pembukaan biasanya dapet.
Kondisi sampai dengan akhir April sepertinya masih gonjang-ganjing, saya tahu 
anda menganut paham 
Fundamental Analysis. Jadi sejelek apapun kondisi ASII saat ini Don't Care aja 
pasti baliknya cepet haha3x 
Good Luck
Asep Dudy Damhudy

- Original Message 
From: hendrik_lwww hendrik_lwww@ yahoo.com
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, April 4, 2008 11:10:32 AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Bandar ASII benar2 oon

om2, tante2, adek2, kakak2, smuanya, yang jagoan TA, tolongin donk 
analisa ASII, kok turun ya?? Etradingku macet neh, jadi ga bisa analisa 
TA nya... Thx before...

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost. 



You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.  

[obrolan-bandar] Dow naik 319,54 point (+2.46%)

2007-11-13 Terurut Topik Teddy
ance.yahoo.com%2Fq%3Fs%3Dtlk After Hours: 46.89  [Down]  0.10 (0.21%)
as of 4:12PM ET on 11/13/07Last Trade:46.99Trade Time:4:01PM ETChange:
[Up]  1.04 (2.26%)Sementara DJI:
/**http%3A//finance.yahoo.com/q%3Fs=%255EDJI 13,307.09+319.54+2.46%
[Chart for Dow] 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Emas naik =inflasi naik, Nikkei jeblok karena angin topan?

2007-09-09 Terurut Topik Teddy Saputra
Pak Dodik, bisa tanya soal e-gold.
Seberapa aman transaksi di e-gold?
Apakah kita memegang fisik emas-nya?


On 9/7/07, Siswantoro, Dodik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Emas naik berarti inflasi naik, so beli segera emas
 karena bila FED nurunin atau tetap maka harga emas
 akan naik.

 beli emas bisa di www.e-gold.com

 ANTM akan naik kenceng?

 Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search
 that gives answers, not web links.

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 kecuali memang diperlukan.
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 Yahoo! Groups Links

[obrolan-bandar] Hey Obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com ;)

2007-08-26 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim



Re: Hal: [obrolan-bandar] NICKEL LME STOCK

2007-06-26 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

London Metal Exchange Warehouse Stocks ( June 26 )
Metal Tonnes in Storage Change from
previous day  Aluminum 200575 -525  Copper 118950 -75  Nickel 8418 -132
Lead 46400 +375  Zinc 72675 -425

Re: Hal: [obrolan-bandar] MASA

2007-06-26 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Di Kontan hari ini, analis said Rp. 400 is the target price..

On 6/26/07, bernard gunawan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ada info masa mau ditarik besok ke 300, liat saja. siap siap yah

- Pesan Asli 
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Selasa, 26 Juni, 2007 11:54:13
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] MASA

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Nickel nickel nickel

2007-06-26 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Harga di CNBC Asia pagi ini masih di US$ 37.600 / tonnes.. dan inventory
turun dibawah comfort zone nya
Watch tightly ANTM, INCO before they shoot

Re: [obrolan-bandar] all red...

2007-06-26 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Great color for those who short the market.. hehehe..he..

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Balasan: RE: [saham] Harga wajar ANTM INC

2007-06-21 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

CNBC Asia jam 17:29 WIB : Nickel 36400 ( - 0.27%)

On 6/21/07, kang_ocoy_maen_saham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  iyah bener, semoga tidak kurang dari 36000, itulah doa dan ekspektasi
kita semua, hehe..

Re: [obrolan-bandar] FENI III ANTM RUSAK, lihat news di RTI !

2007-06-18 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Kerusakan terjadi Sabtu dan saya rasa utk big money mereka udah factor that
Termasuk utk dividen udh di kalkulasikan juga.

Re: Hal: [obrolan-bandar] CP Prima tak ikut akuisisi saham Dipasena

2007-06-16 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Rasanya faktor ini sudah direfleksikan di harga yg berlaku. Despite the
brouhahaha harga nya CPRO mandeg disana udah. Tinggal waktu aja yg akan
membuktikan what is the story behind.

Mungkin banyak dari kita silau dng size Dipasena, creating our own fantasy
and hopes (greed)

Re: [obrolan-bandar] NICKEL --- THE BEAR IS BACK!!!

2007-06-15 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Nikel udah rebound harga commodities nya,

Sekali lagi saya sih simple aja selama pembangunan infrastruktur global, FDI
di negeri negeri high growth masih melaju kuat; ripple spt naik turun di
bursa future nikel akan even out dlm long term curve yg relatif tinggi.
Ini tentu utk porto folio investasi. (Refer rapalan elmu ne ajian mbah


2007-06-08 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Hehehe hari ini dibanting banting biar copot semua penumpang wong cilik..

Analyst juga manusia bisa salah..

Liat aja Citigroup vs ML vs Sinarmas vs OD soal Inco... kita lihat aja ..
.. best guestimate ndiri aja dah.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] TMPI apa harus keluar ?

2007-06-05 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Edan autreject bottom di 2950.
I hope not too many victims.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] TMPI, mungkinkah dikerek lagi?

2007-06-05 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Rugi digebukin, untung dibagi ga ya? Hehehe..he..

Sudahlah its happened kata Forrest Gump.. yang penting besok

On 6/5/07, Frendy Chandra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   yg kayak gini minta digebukin massa.hahaha..

Re: [obrolan-bandar] TMPI apa harus keluar ?

2007-06-05 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Menang ora ngasorake, kalah ora ngluruk friends.
Let us be humble and emphatic to others.
Who are we with out His blessing?

On 6/5/07, Ki Ndhablek'z Cuan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: [obrolan-bandar] TMPI, mungkinkah dikerek lagi?

2007-06-05 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Sugih tanpa bandha, digdaya tanpa aji, nglurug tanpa bala, menang tanpa
ngasorakeThe buck stop here ya pak Busur.
I like your way to see clearly.
best regards and respect to you.

On 6/5/07, budi suryono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  thanks pak,itu hanya game,sekali lagi game,i don't care much about
money,dan trading style saya gak berubah,karena in the long term still make
money,Saya main TMPI dari 200-300 dan overall sangat sangat
profitable,walaupun terakhir harus bayar,  netto nya saya dapet sangat
banyak dari TMPI ini.Mirip TRUB, tahun lalu substantial gain,hanya akhir2
ini lumayan banyak falsbreak,nagih, tapi profit netto nya tetep subtansial.
namanya juga trading hanya cara bagimana kita manage risk dan in the long
run account kita growth.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Laporan Intel TA - TMPI 070605 Part II

2007-06-05 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Jumat Management TMPI mau ketemu sama Direksi BEJ.
Kalau benar ini diluar skenario TMPI bisa bisa dia minta diperpanjang suspen
3 hari lagi biar kringetan yg ngeshort

Re: [obrolan-bandar] www.new.poems.co.id bisa dibuka dg firefox

2007-06-04 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Thanks pak HEP, saya baru aja tiba dirumah. Teler juga Auckland - Singapura
11 jam direct flight.
Transit Sin baru ke Jkt.
Saya coba in ya pak HEP. Akhir minggu saya ke Belanda.


On 6/4/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Selamat Malam pak Teddy

situs kita bisa pake firefox kok pak

ini saya kasih acc demo yg baru...

login: demo
pw : 123456
 next klik advtrade... selamat mencoba pak


- Original Message 
From: Teddy Halim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, June 2, 2007 6:57:03 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Nikel ~ analysis

 Supply chain effect.. selama rantai permintaan di paling ujung masih
tinggi (demand side) paling distorsi adalah karena future tradings.

Secara fundamental selama konsumen (mata rantai akhir) masih mau bayar,
substitusi riel masih blm ada dan signifikan maka barang apapun akan tetap

Satu hari kalau sudah sedemikian mahal (dan supply meningkat dng berarti -
walau Riotinto et al masih perlu waktu utk bisa ikut the band wagon ride),
maka tentu harga akan turun.

World economic growth masih ckup bagus so far, masa damai ini adalah salah
satu masa terpanjang dalam sejarah modern humanity secara global sejak PD
Less something very very bad happened secara global rasanya pertumbuhan
ekonomi masih akan jadi lokomotif utk berbagai bahan dasar.
Industri ekstraksi bahan alam masih baik jangka panjangnya.

Kesimpulannya menurut saya nikel, timah dan logam dasar lain masih akan
tetap diminta dan dibayar.
Tentu baik utk being prudent, humble in any case. Still dont put all yer
eggs in one basket.
All these happened because of His blessing as well.

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.


[obrolan-bandar] Re: Super strong buy ANTM! PE 10,7

2007-06-04 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Kalau mau ratio utk FA ANTAM, lihat
Emiten lain juga bisa dilihat dng mudah tersaji di Reuters.com

  [image: Reuters] http://today.reuters.com/news/home.aspx

 Ratios Aneka Tambang Tbk PT ANTM.JK (Jakarta) *Sector:* Basic
*Industry:* Gold 
View *ANTM.JK* on other
As of 3:59 AM EST
Price Change
[image: Down]600.00
Percent Change
[image: Down]4.29%

Valuation Ratios
   Company Industry Sector SP 500  P/E Ratio (TTM) 10.7029.3817.52
20.69 P/E High - Last 5 Yrs. NM77.0045.3534.66 P/E Low - Last 5 Yrs. NM19.61
10.8714.08  Beta 1.380.440.961.00  Price to Sales (TTM) 3.585.713.452.92 Price
to Book (MRQ) 4.993.134.584.18 Price to Tangible Book (MRQ)
5.383.824.587.82 Price
to Cash Flow (TTM) 8.9414.0914.8014.63 Price to Free Cash Flow (TTM) 10.92
59.0513.2234.63  % Owned Institutions NM23.0140.8270.96  Learn about
   Company Industry Sector SP 500  Dividend Yield NM0.952.052.07 Dividend
Yield - 5 Year Avg. --0.442.161.84 Dividend 5 Year Growth Rate 8.3627.52
54.0110.14  Payout Ratio (TTM) 11.4717.7326.0228.36  Learn about
   Company Industry Sector SP 500  Sales (MRQ) vs Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago
323.5814.37127.4013.64 Sales (TTM) vs TTM 1 Yr. Ago 129.2511.4363.6614.79 Sales
- 5 Yr. Growth Rate 26.5420.9125.4613.16  EPS (MRQ) vs Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago 719.11
-51.36382.5717.01 EPS (TTM) vs TTM 1 Yr. Ago 206.81112.3211.1820.25 EPS - 5
Yr. Growth Rate 34.0941.3181.9622.40  Capital Spending - 5 Yr. Growth Rate
12.0632.8732.037.08  Learn about Growth
   Company Industry Sector SP 500  Quick Ratio (MRQ)
2.762.511.461.27 Current
Ratio (MRQ) 3.673.191.971.80 LT Debt to Equity (MRQ) Total
Debt to Equity (MRQ) Interest Coverage (TTM) 10.727.3318.96
13.35  Learn about Financial
   Company Industry Sector SP 500  Gross Margin (TTM) 54.4649.7445.42
45.22 Gross Margin - 5 Yr. Avg. 42.4948.7637.4344.09  EBITD Margin (TTM)
56.0035.7833.5922.87 EBITD - 5 Yr. Avg. 40.7928.4537.8321.12  Operating
Margin (TTM) 49.3922.4539.1619.65 Operating Margin - 5 Yr. Avg. 33.9719.27
29.7019.21  Pre-Tax Margin (TTM) 47.8729.7238.6918.44 Pre-Tax Margin - 5 Yr.
Avg. 33.0422.3427.5517.75  Net Profit Margin (TTM) 33.4822.0926.1213.60 Net
Profit Margin - 5 Yr. Avg. 23.1517.4218.2212.19  Effective Tax Rate (TTM)
30.0531.0030.5729.94 Effective Tax Rate - 5 Yr. Avg.
29.9223.2731.3230.86  Learn
about Profitability
   Company Industry Sector SP 500  Return On Assets (TTM) 35.225.18
24.558.12 Return On Assets - 5 Yr. Avg. 14.900.9712.176.81  Return On
Investment (TTM) 39.495.9531.2312.01 Return On Investment - 5 Yr. Avg. 17.32
1.1614.8010.32  Return On Equity (TTM) 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Online Trading

2007-06-04 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Gimana dibanding dng Philip? www.poems.co.id?
Ada pengalaman bisa di share? Saya lagi mau nyoba.

On 6/4/07, kristianimulio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Baru-baru ini saya berkesempatan mencoba Online Trading dari Indo
Premier (IPOT) dan saya sangat terkesan dengan kecepatannya. Tidak
seperti etrading (HOTS) yg selalu terlambat di awal pembukaan bursa
(atau jika bursa ramai). Data yang disajikan OLT dari Indo Premier
benar2 real time, sangat mengesankan.

Saya sempat membandingkan juga beberapa aplikasi online trading.. Ada
yang katanya hanya bisa 5 saham. Ada yang memang koneksinya lamban
akhirnya membuat investor kehilangan timing disaat pasar sedang

Saat ini features yg ada blm selengkap HOTS, tapi dalam waktu dekat
kemungkinan features yg ada akan segera ditambahkan dan mungkin lebih
lengkap dari HOTS.

Apakah rekan2 sekalian ada yang memiliki pengalaman menggunakan
online trading untuk saham.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] www.new.poems.co.id bisa dibuka dg firefox

2007-06-04 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

LAgi dicoba pak HEP, tapi very slow. Saya lagi coba load live price nya udah
4 menit blm loaded.
Saya pake cable modem dng ISP Indosat.
thanks pak

On 6/4/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  saya lupa pak jangan pake www. ya pak, klik sep di bawah pak teddy


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Nikel ~ analysis

2007-06-02 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Supply chain effect.. selama rantai permintaan di paling ujung masih tinggi
(demand side) paling distorsi adalah karena future tradings.

Secara fundamental selama konsumen (mata rantai akhir) masih mau bayar,
substitusi riel masih blm ada dan signifikan maka barang apapun akan tetap

Satu hari kalau sudah sedemikian mahal (dan supply meningkat dng berarti -
walau Riotinto et al masih perlu waktu utk bisa ikut the band wagon ride),
maka tentu harga akan turun.

World economic growth masih ckup bagus so far, masa damai ini adalah salah
satu masa terpanjang dalam sejarah modern humanity secara global sejak PD
Less something very very bad happened secara global rasanya pertumbuhan
ekonomi masih akan jadi lokomotif utk berbagai bahan dasar.
Industri ekstraksi bahan alam masih baik jangka panjangnya.

Kesimpulannya menurut saya nikel, timah dan logam dasar lain masih akan
tetap diminta dan dibayar.
Tentu baik utk being prudent, humble in any case. Still dont put all yer
eggs in one basket.
All these happened because of His blessing as well.

[obrolan-bandar] Nikel ~ analysis

2007-06-01 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Analisa terkini utk
[image: Brook Hunt] http://www.brookhunt.com/BHWeb/CDA/HomePg.aspx

   Headlines From The Latest Nickel Monthly Report
5/30/2007 10:22:01 AM

Nickel prices rose sharply at the start of May, from $50,050/t (US$22.70/lb,
cash) on 30th April to $52,550/t (US$23.84/lb) on 4th May. Subsequently,
prices increased gradually to a peak of around $54,000/t (US$24.50/lb) on 16
th and then again on 21st May before the arrival of approximately 2kt nickel
at LME warehouses caused a sharp correction to $50,197/t (US$/lb) on 23rd.

Our latest research on mined and refined nickel (excluding Ni-pig iron)
production in China has extended our list of known operations and has also
raised our forecast of mined nickel production in China. This research,
combined with the additional nickel that we expect to become available from
the rapidly expanding Ni-pig iron sector, has also lead us to raise our
forecast of refined nickel output in China.

Following this re-evaluation and despite increases made to our forecast of
nickel demand from the Chinese stainless steel industry, we now forecast
that the global nickel market will accumulate a small surplus by the end of

Even though we believe the market will move into surplus in 2007 and 2008,
prices should continue to be supported by strong end use demand for
stainless steel, especially once stainless steel distributors have worked
off their current inventory excess.

Consequently, comparatively weak demand for nickel at present will be
followed by resurgent nickel demand at the end of 2007 and through the first
half of 2008, when we forecast small net deficits in the first half of 2008.
This suggests that the present tight nickel market is likely to be sustained
for at least another 12 months. In price terms, we forecast some near term
moderation followed by rising nickel prices between the end of 2007 and the
middle of 2008.

  Home http://www.brookhunt.com/BHWeb/CDA/HomePg.aspx |  Client
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LME http://www.lme.com data: price increasing again..
(data diambil Sabtu 10:57 pagi, WIB)

Indian stainless steel maker sees jump in nickel needs Fri Jun 1, 2007
5:48AM EDT
Email This
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By Biman Mukherji

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India's largest stainless steel maker, Jindal
Stainless Ltd. (JIST.BO:
Profile http://www.reuters.com/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=JIST.BO,
Research http://www.reuters.com/stocks/researchReports?symbol=JIST.BO,
expects its monthly nickel consumption to double to more than 1,600 tonnes
when a new plant starts operation in three years, a top company official

Jindal, which runs a 600,000 tonnes a year plant at Hissar in northern
Haryana state, is building a new factory in the eastern state of Orissa that
will make 800,000 tonnes of stainless steel when it begins production in

Our total nickel requirement now is about 800 to 900 tonnes per 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: [Rebound in Shanghai, HSI+Nikkei surge ahead ~ China retreat 2% this morning, slump not over yet.

2007-05-31 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

^AORD http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EAORDAll Ordinaries*6,341.80* 2:11AM
ET[image: Up] *70.10* *(1.12%)*^SSEC
Composite*4,156.51* 2:10AM ET[image: Up] *103.43*
Seng*20,558.40* 2:25AM ET[image: Up] *264.64*
30*14,543.63* 2:40AM ET[image: Up] *132.25*
Composite*2,078.75* 2:40AM ET[image: Up] *23.36*
Composite*1,339.18* May 30[image: Down] *3.82*
225*17,875.75* 2:00AM ET[image: Up] *287.49*
50*4,302.35* 1:34AM ET[image: Up] *22.74*
Times*3,511.13* May 30[image: Down] *15.95*
Composite*1,700.91* 2:02AM ET[image: Up] *38.19*
Weighted*8,144.95* 1:46AM ET[image: Down] *2.39* *(0.03%)*

On 5/31/07, Bettina Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What about JCI?

Re: Fw: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Shanghai drops more than 6%, others follow. Not for long.

2007-05-30 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Lihat aja statistika nya pak, spt di posting yg lalu ada beberapa ttg ini.
Sekarang rata rata 300.000 membuka account setiap hari, dan jumlah pemegang
account di broker broker mendekati 100 juta account

Supir kami, dan istrinya di Shanghai juga sudah punya 2 account di 2
securitas, mereka trade / invest di stock market krn bunga deposito ampir
nihil. Banyak sekali idle money di bawah bantal disana.
Melihat sehari hari di gallery dimana ratusan orang datang masih naik
sepeda, jalan kaki, naik bus mungkin benar sekali investor atau trader grass
root memang banyak sekali.

Utk ilustrasi, seorang petani tak jauh dari Shanghai, pernah waktu musim
dingin mencacah buntalan rumput yg diikat waktu summer, dgn mesin pencacah
rumput utk ngasih makan sapi nya. Sialnya duit yg dia simpan di dalam rumput
itu sebanyak rmb 100.000 dalam denominasi rmb 100 ikut tercacah. Rmb 1= rp.
1.200.- Ini kejadian benar diberitakan di koran local.

Tingkat tabungan di Tiongkok mencapai 45~ 50% GDP, jadi kalau duit nganggur
sekrg ngalir ke pasar modal krn infrastruktur yg memudahkan tentu tidak
diherankan bila orang orang di akar rumput ikut stock-mania. Tiongkok
memiliki backbone fiber optic menghubungi setiap kota yg dianggap signifikan
secara ekonomis dlm hitungan terrabyte dan sekitar ampir 2 juta km fiber.
Ini membuat gallery gallery on-line tumbuh secara masif dimana mana krn
dukungan teknologi informasi yg memadai.

Secara regulasi bisa anda lihat posting lalu juga bertahap dibuat menjadi
mudah, dan pilihan lebih banyak.
Sekali kali dibuat regulasi juga utk mengendalikan ekses spt dng stamp duty
kemarin. Tapi itu reaksi pasar yg knee-jerk kemarin tidak ada hubungan dng
performa emiten menurut saya. Tiongkok masih menjadi pemasok dunia
(manufacturer of the world).

Ttg ekonomi Tiongkok, memang mereka harus memperlambat agar tidak
over-heated, keliatannya pemerintahnya tahu apa yg harus dilakukan dan sudah
dilakukan sejak 4 thn lalu dng sistimatis. Tidak mudah memang, tapi usahanya
jelas dan berdampak tanpa membuat ekonominya out of control.
Mudah mudahan knee-jerk ini tidak menjalar, kemarin JSX memperlihatkan hal
ini sudah, dng tidak ikutan panik.

Mudah mudahan artinya pula, investor/trader Indonesia sudah jauh lebih
cerdas utk memilah berita. Saya percaya itu memang demikian dng bukti JSX
turun sedikit dalam range yg normal.

My two lots,

On 5/30/07, Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Emang ente ngerti bahasa mandarin?

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: RISET INCO FROM BK

2007-05-30 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Bagus lah, murah gw beli lagi.
Sakit deh kalau tiap hari ngeliatin dan Inco toh bukan pop and mom store yg
hari dagang nikel besok jual perkedel.
Bukan ngebelain Inco tapi be realistic aja.
Utk trading emang ga bagus sekarang Inco.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: China retreat 2% this morning, slump not over yet.

2007-05-30 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Rebound ke - 3.1% hehehe ..

On 5/31/07, jsxid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sekarang sudah turun 4.5% bu..

Re: Kenaikan IHSG Tak Mampu Kerek Jumlah Investor.. Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Trader Vs Investor !

2007-05-29 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Di Tiongkok, tiap hari 300.000 account retail baru dibuka, jumlah investor
kecil sudah mendekati angka 100 juta orang.
Manajemen regulasinya dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga menggairahkan, dari
kebijakan makro sampai ke rincian juklak, juknis dibuat dng lengkap.
Setindak demi setindak menuju ke perbaikan yg jelas.

Data Bapepam bbrp bulan lalu cuman 300.000 account retail di Indonesia dan
ga nambah nambah signifikan. Ini pun sudah sebagian besar yg memiliki
account di berbagai bursa atas nama satu orang.

Kmd di Tiongkok ada siaran TV khusus yg sepanjang jam trading membuat
berbagai analisis online dng berbagai tools mendukung para investor wong
cilik secara impartial dan untuk pembelajaran.
Blm situs situs interaktif dan galery dimana mana bertebaran memudahkan
orang kecil utk mendapatkan akses informasi yg berkualitas baik tanpa biaya

Lha wong autoritas kita melihat berbagai engineering di bursa ga mudeng
boro boro menindak... kalah elmu sama bandar bandar..
Apa ga takut wong cilik mau masuk bursa?
Makanya di Indonesia istilah keren nya main saham wong saham dipake main
main aja..

Re: [obrolan-bandar] FW: TMPI dari IPO

2007-05-29 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Kalau break out di 2900 bila dibaca chart TA pak Tasrul point utk masuk.
Tul ga gitu bacanya pak Tasrul?

Re: [obrolan-bandar] PTBA

2007-05-28 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Udah sampai terminal pak T. 4875 skrg (13:46)

On 5/25/07, Tasrul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Japri sampai pukul 11.25 ya..


*Research Analyst*


Re: [obrolan-bandar] PTBA

2007-05-28 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Wah saya juga bukan expert pak.. cuman penumpang gelap doang.

Tapi saya sih ga jual beli utk PTBA, udah beli dari di 3300an nunggu ampe
ntar kalok udah mahal baru jual kali.
Kalok ga mo dikasih utk anak saya aja.


On 5/28/07, Daniel Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Pak Teddy, apakah ini Cuma transit doang buat isi bensin trus jalan
lagi ke terminal selanjutnya atau balik ke stasiun awalnya lagi?

Many thx


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Cum dividen PTBA.

2007-05-28 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Besok tgl 28 pak menurut pendapat saya.

On 5/28/07, highwaystar91 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Tgl. 29 besok ya? berarti hari ini naik gara2 cum dividen atau kabar
ptba mau akuisisi tambang? Setelah tgl. 29 apakah akan jatuh lagi? Ada
yang punya pendapat? Thanks!


[obrolan-bandar] LSIP ditawar 6900 doang ama INDF~] Re: tbla

2007-05-27 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Grup Salim Tawar Rp 6.900 per Saham, Nilai Akuisisi Lonsum Rp 9,1 T  [image:
Cetak halaman 
Kirim halaman ini ke teman via E-mail] javascript:void(0)   28/05/2007
01:44:26 WIB   *JAKARTA, Investor Daily*
Grup Salim melalui Indofood Agri Resources Ltd akan mengeluarkan dana Rp 9,1
triliun atau Sin$1,6 miliar untuk mengakuisisi 64,4% saham PT Perusahaan
Perkebunan London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk. Nilai itu merupakan penawaran
tender kelompok usaha tersebut.

Grup Salim telah menunjuk*CIMB-GK Securities Pte. Ltd* sebagai *financial
advisor* untuk akuisisi tersebut. Proposal akuisisi saham Lonsum sudah
disepakati 25 Mei lalu. Pihak yang menandatangani proposal akuisisi adalah
Indofood Agri Resources Ltd dari pihak Salim Group, First Durango Singapore
Pte Ltd dari pihak Eddy K Sariaatmadja (pemegang saham Lonsum), dan Ashmore
Investment Management Limited (Ashmore Fund).

Dalam proposal itu dijelaskan, melalui Indo Agri, Grup Salim mengakuisisi
500.095.000 saham biasa yang mewakili 45,7% dari modal yang ditempatkan dan
disetor penuh. Sedangkan dari pihak Ashmore Funds, Salim Group mengakuisisi
US$ 47 juta surat utang wajib konversi (*mandatory convertible
notes*/MNC). Bila
MNC ini dikonversi pada 2009, Lonsum akan mengeluarkan saham baru sebesar
269.343.500 saham.

Ashmore merupakan perusahaan manajer investasi asal London, Inggris, yang
bersama Morton Bay (Holdings) Pte Ltd milik Eddy K Sariaatmadja menjadi
pemegang saham mayoritas di Econ International Limited yang tercatat di
bursa Singapura.

Dengan akuisisi itu, jumlah saham Lonsum yang dimiliki Grup Salim setelah
konversi MNC mencapai 878.959.500 atau setara dengan 64,4% saham perseroan.

Dalam proposal itu dijelaskan, Indo Agri pun akan mengakuisisi
109.521.000saham Lonsum milik Eddy K Sariaatmadja. Namun, pihak Indo
Agri akan
mengeluarkan 98.082.830 saham baru yang akan dibeli oleh Eddy K

Dalam proposal akuisisi yang telah disepakati kedua pihak dan dikirim
Direktur Indofood Agri Resources Ltd Moleonoto Tjang ke otoritas bursa
Singapura dijelaskan, pihak Indofood Agri mengajukan sejumlah skema
kepemilikan saham Lonsum melalui *tender offer*. Merujuk aturan pasar modal
Indonesia, pihak Indofood Agri akan mengajukan penawaran tender untuk 35,6%
saham Lonsum. Ando Agri akan menggelar penawaran atas saham Lonsum sebesar
Rp 6.900 per saham.

Jumlah dana yang disiapkan untuk *tender offer* saham Lonsum sebesar Rp 3,3

Menurut dokumen tersebut, setelah penawaran tender, dana yang dibutuhkan
untuk mengakuisisi semua saham seperti yang ditetapkan dalam proposal
mencapai Rp 9,1 triliun atau setara dengan Sin$ 1,6 miliar.

Grup Indo Agri telah menyetujui untuk menempatkan deposito sejumlah US$ 10
juta pada agen *escrow*. Nanti semua ini tergantung kepada penyelesaian
rencana pengambilalihan, tandas Direktur PT Indofood Sukses makmur Thomas
Tjhie dalam siaran pers yang diterima *Investor Daily*, Minggu (27/5) .

*Kuasai CPO Indonesia*

Dengan akuisisi Lonsum, menurut Thomas Tjhie, luas lahan CPO yang dikuasai
Indo Agri sekitar 224.083 hektar (ha). Dari jumlah itu, sekitar 74.878 ha
telah ditanami kelapa sawit.

Total lahan perkebunan dan total lahan yang telah ditanami dengan kelapa
sawit, masing-masing akan meningkat menjadi sekitar 387.483 ha dan sekitar
138.081 ha. Secara keseluruhan luas lahan yang telah ditanami adalah sekitar
165.000 ha, termasuk tanaman karet dan tanaman lainnya.

Dalam proposal akuisisi dijelaskan, nilai aset bersih Lonsum per akhir
Maret 2007 adalah Rp 1,4 triliun dengan nilai kapitalisasi pasar sekitar Rp
7 triliun.

Melalui rencana akuisisi ini, realisasi rencana jangka panjang Grup Indo
Agri untuk memiliki 250.000 hektare perkebunan kelapa sawit akan dapat
dipercepat. Setelah penyelesaian transaksi akuisisi, Grup Indo Agri akan
menjadi salah satu pemilik perkebunan terbesar di Indonesia, jelasnya.

Thomas menjelaskan, Grup IndoAgri, antara lain mengembangkan usaha inti
yaitu perkebunan, memperluas lahan, dan meningkatkan produksi untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan CPO internal sekaligus produsen atas bibit kelapa sawit unggul.

Thomas menjelaskan, sumber dana untuk akuisisi dan penawaran tender akan
dibiayai dari kas internal dan pinjaman. Tergantung kepada evaluasi
selanjutnya, mungkin sebagian pinjaman yang dapat dibiayai kembali dengan
modal atau aktivitas *fund raising, *jelasnya.

Dia menambahkan, rencana akuisisi ini akan dilaksanakan berdasarkan pada
pelaksanaan *due diligence *oleh Grup IndoAgri, persetujuan para pemegang
saham IndoAgri,yaitu Indofood dan First Pacific Company Limited- serta
seluruh institusi yang terkait di Indonesia, Singapura dan Hong Kong.

Grup IndoAgri adalah perusahaan perkebunan yang terintegrasi dan pengolah
minyak goreng, margarin dan *shortenings *dengan merek terkemuka.
Nantinya, Grup Salim tercatat menjadi pemilik lahan perkebunan sawit
terbesar. Salim berhasil melesat 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Review Part III for ANTM

2007-05-27 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Sales ANTM increasing.. (see above link for detail report)

RUPS ANTM 30 Mei 07, potential stock split decision 1 old share into 5 new

Consider your decision carefully to sell or buy with sufficient home work.

[obrolan-bandar] Noon update nickel, tin ( from CNBC Asia TV)~ ] INCO kapan layak beli?

2007-05-25 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Nickle rose to 14550 (+1.1%)
TIN up at 13850 (+100) while still on a down slope now KLTM price:

[image: The image http://www.kltm.com.my/daily.gif; cannot be displayed,
because it contains errors.]

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: INCO bear trend

2007-05-25 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Gile nickel keep on rising tuh di CNBC Asia ticker tape udah 45750 ampir 2%
naiknya.. lha yg udah jualan INCO ANTM .. weleh weleh..

Mudah mudahan banyak retail yg beli murah. ANTM saya dengar dari temen
jualannya ikut mayan dng fluktuatif dari market price.
TINS jg naik
Good luck and have a great weekend guys

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: INCO bear trend

2007-05-25 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Ticker tape does not lies, people does

Re: [obrolan-bandar] ANTM? For your review...

2007-05-24 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Come on guys, talking about prediction, the market is always right at the
end, and for sure we all will die one day sooner or later like one of the
suhu said.

The mailing list meant to discuss, provoke better thinking.
Dont take it personally please.

Best regards and happy cuan (quote from one guru I respect).

[obrolan-bandar] Euro and US by 22:30 BBIB

2007-05-24 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Before retiring to the comfy mattress and snug warmly to your better half:

Europe closing in red:
SymbolNameLast TradeChange^ATX http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EATXATX*4,
877.52* 11:11AM ET[image: Down] *5.91*
BEL-20*4,715.88* 11:26AM ET[image: Down] *40.94*
40 France
*6,058.31* 11:26AM ET[image: Down] *61.89*
*7,730.26* 11:11AM ET[image: Down] *5.62*
General*536.88* 11:26AM ET[image: Down] *4.73*
All Share*564.85* 10:29AM ET[image: Down] *1.19*
MIBTel*33,642.00* 11:26AM ET[image: Down] *393.00*
National-100*102.67* 11:05AM ET[image: Down] *0.20*
General*1,668.77* 6:15AM ET[image: Down] *8.28*
General*416.97* 11:10AM ET[image: Down] *0.82*
Market*9,363.20* 11:19AM ET[image: Down] *75.57*
100*6,573.60* 11:26AM ET[image: Down] *42.80* *(0.65%)*
DOW is still sliding in red, and so are NASDAQ and SP:
SymbolLastChangeDow http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EDJI13,496.47[image:
Down] *29.18* *(0.22%)*Nasdaq
Down] *28.19* *(1.09%)*SP 500 http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EGSPC1,
514.46[image: Down] *7.82* *(0.51%*

[obrolan-bandar] Update nickel di CNBC ~ INCO bear trend

2007-05-24 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

INCO di CNBC ASIA TV jam 10:45 pagi ini US$ 45450 naik 0.94%
Palm oil naik 1.08 % jadi 2524
Timah stabil di US$13750
US$ 1= Rp. 8780 (+ 45)

Factor that in your decision carefully

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Official Data 22 May 2007

2007-05-23 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

15:23 INCO 64000

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Kayanya aku mau ikutan jualan INCO ANTM juga ni

2007-05-23 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

10:30 am CNBC ASIA nickel naik lagi 0.2% beli lagi Inco?

Re: Re[2]: [obrolan-bandar] pesaing CPRO DI TENDER DIPASENA

2007-05-22 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

CPRO gagal keliatannya udah ada yg punya info makanya diguyur terus kebawah?
Srkg 600 semoga ga banyak yg nyangkut.

Re: Re[2]: [obrolan-bandar] pesaing CPRO DI TENDER DIPASENA

2007-05-22 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Berita di Tempo sih 23 Mei announcementnya.
Apa saya salah baca?

Re: [obrolan-bandar] permintaan maaf , subject test , tidak perlu dibuka bila tidak diinginkan

2007-05-19 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Ya bukannya sekiranya bung DS, saya juga merasa terganggu dng test email yg
tidak selayaknya di lakukan dimilis.

Itu setahu saya aturan atau ethic di milis yg madani.


On 5/20/07, Dodik SUDIYONO [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dear pak Tanu Jakaria

mohon maaf sekiranya mengganggu para anggota milis dan pak Tanu, email
saya dengan subject test, karena saya sedang mengoprek POP dan SMTP supaya
lebih irit pulsa telepon.

salam perkenalan

Dodik Sudiyono

Yahoo! Groups Links

[obrolan-bandar] AP - Dow Surge ahead (fyi)

2007-05-15 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Dow http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EDJI13,427.96[image: Up] *81.18* * (
0.61%)*Nasdaq http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EIXIC2,547.36[image: Up] *
0.92* * (0.04%)*SP 500 http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EGSPC1,508.52[image:
Up] *5.37* * (0.36%)*(jam 22:05 WIB).

Stocks Surge on Inflation Figures
Tuesday May 15, 10:34 am ET
By Joe Bel Bruno, AP Business Writer
Stocks Surge on Tame Inflation Data, Dow Crosses 13,400 NEW YORK (AP) --
Wall Street bounded higher Tuesday, propelling the Dow Jones industrials
past 13,400 for the first time, after mild inflation figures raised hopes
the Federal Reserve might cut interest rates later this year.

Investors were encouraged to extend the market's months-long rally after the
Labor Department reported prices paid by consumers rose less than expected
in April, and indicated that inflation may be easing as the economy
continues to cool. The consumer price index rose 0.4 percent after rising
0.6 percent in March, while core prices -- which exclude food and energy --
rose 0.2 percent after a 0.1 percent gain.

It's certainly a good reaction to a lower-than-expected headline inflation
number and that gives the Fed some will room if it needs to cut rates, said
Nick Raich director of research at National City Private Client Group,
referring to the Federal Reserve's next move on short-term interest rates.

Dow components Home Depot Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. handed Wall Street
disappointing first-quarter results. Both companies are considered to be
proxies for consumer spending, and weaker sales were translated as another
sign the economy continues to moderate.

In midmorning trading, the Dow rose 91.42, or 0.68 percent, to
13,438.20after rising to a new trading high of 13,

Broader stock indicators also advanced. The Standard  Poor's 500 index was
up 8.85, or 0.59 percent, at 1,512.00, while the Nasdaq composite index
recovered from an earlier loss and rose 10.67, or 0.42 percent, to 2,557.11.

Bonds rose as fixed-income investors reacted to the economic reports, with
the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note falling to 4.68 percent
from 4.69 percent late Monday. The dollar was mixed against other major
currencies, while gold prices advanced.

A barrel of light sweet crude declined 26 cents to $62.72 on the New York
Mercantile Exchange. There remained looming concerns in the commodities
market about refinery problems and uncertainties over whether U.S. gasoline
inventories can meet summer driving demand.

Investors were awaiting the National Association of Home Builders housing
market index, which was being released later in the session. It could show
whether the housing sector is showing any signs of recovery.

On Wednesday, the Commerce Department will report housing starts and
building permits that might provide more clues about the housing market.
Builders broke ground on 1.52 million homes in March, and results for last
month are expected to show a slight decline.

The reports come after a government report last week that indicated
moderating inflation at the wholesale level. That data also lifted hopes
that the Federal Reserve might not need to raise rates, and might consider a
cut later this year.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke gave the market no new insights into his views on
the economy and inflation. He addressed the growth of credit derivatives and
other financial instruments during a speech before a financial markets
conference in Georgia.

Home Depot, the nation's largest home improvement chain, posted lower
quarterly profit as a sluggish U.S. housing market dented sales. Sales at
stores open at least a year, an important measure of how retailers fared,
slumped 7.6 percent.

Wal-Mart Stores, the world's largest retailer, missed Wall Street
projections and warned second-quarter results might be disappointing. Last
week, it reported April same-store sales were the weakest its history for

Shares of Wal-Mart fell 19 cents to $47.65, while Home Depot shed 89 cents,
or 2.3 percent, to $38.12. Lowe's Cos., the second-largest home improvement
chain, fell 23 cents to $30.76.

Sales figures reported by dozens of retailers last week raised concerns on
Wall Street about consumer spending, which accounts for two-thirds of total
economic activity.

Reuters Group PLC agreed Tuesday to a $17.2 billion takeover by Thomson that
would vault the combined entity ahead of Bloomberg to become the world's
largest financial data and news provider. Shares of Reuters rose $2.62, or
3.7 percent, to $74.24; Thomson fell 9 cents to $41.91.

Advancing issues outnumbered decliners by about 3 to 1 on the New York Stock
Exchange, where volume came to 311.1 million shares.

The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies rose 4.42, or 0.54 percent, at

Overseas, Japan's Nikkei stock average fell 0.93 percent. In afternoon
trading, Britain's FTSE 100 was down 0.04 percent, Germany's DAX index rose
0.17 percent, and France's CAC-40 added 0.05 percent.

New York Stock 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM

2007-05-14 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Betul emang perlu kesabaran dan emosi yg stabil kalau analisis sudah
dilakukan dan homework been done.
Baik trading apalagi investasi. Jangan harap spt kopi instan.

On 5/14/07, Joel Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  valuasi ANTM udah lama di milis ini dan dari Pak Sudes sudah lama bicara
valuasi di +/-$2.5, nah itu tergantung sendiri, percaya hitungngan
orang2? ...
beli sesuai isi hati kamu dan kalo bener2 percaya analisa sendiri then
go ahead, make your day! :D

menurut saya sih ... tunggu ANTM bagi dividen trus stock split dan
kinerjanya kalo memang bagus, nanti EPS bagus dan PER rendah
harga saham menreflek harga valuasi

ok . . . juga tersera bandar2 mau di naikin ke berapa deh . . . he he he

[obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] Strong appetite for tin in China

2007-05-14 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Grafik KLTM kemarin 14 Mei 2007.

[image: The image http://www.kltm.com.my/daily.gif; cannot be displayed,
because it contains errors.]

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM

2007-05-13 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Lihat berita di koran Kontan hari ini tentang ANTAM, target analis Rp.
Good luck..

On 5/14/07, Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM

2007-05-13 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Udah 16150 tadi

On 5/14/07, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Saya rasa ok pak, antm support di 16rb kan? Open langsung 16100. Sapa
tahu bisa dapat 15900-16000, biasa kan ada tp?

*James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 Gimana kalau pas market buka langsung buy di harga berapapun karena ANTM
sudah konfirm valuasinya 25000 seperti dipublish di KONTAN

On 5/14/07, Joel Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kita invest karena fundamentalnya ANTM bagus ...
 gak usah peduli jangka pendek ...
 yg penting evaluasinya per share +/-$2.5
 asumsi $ - Rp.8000 masih di Rp.20,000

 so wait aja kalo udah capai target.

 On 5/14/07, Teddy Halim [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
Lihat berita di koran Kontan hari ini tentang ANTAM, target analis
  Rp. 25.000.-
  Good luck..
  On 5/14/07, Vic  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for 


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Yamaha kembali Ungguli Honda

2007-05-08 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Saya lebih tertarik membaca fenomena ini dampaknya apa terhadap ASII.

Honda Motor di Indonesia masih dibawah Astra kah? Berapa persen kontribusi
mereka thdp ASII?
Kalau dibaca sederhana, sales nya turun ya profitnya bisa bisa ikut turun
apalagi kehilangan market share gini.

Dan apa strategi perlawanan Honda thdp Yamaha itu yg bisa meyakinkan saya
sbg investor mereka sudah punya resep jitu utk membalikkan arus erosi pangsa

[obrolan-bandar] China's equity bubble is building, may bust

2007-05-08 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

China's equity bubble is building, may bust (chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2007-05-07 10:30

China's all-time high equity market needs cool water and cool heads after
taking a 7-day Golden Week breather, otherwise the stock bubble runs the
danger of a quick bust, experts said.

Since its nine-percent correction in late February, the Shanghai A-share
equities have now moved back up more than 40 percent, and no letup is seen
on the horizon, buoyed by a series of successful initial public offerings as
the ranks of investors swell at over 200,000 a day. There are now more than
91 million accounts held at brokers or mutual funds.

Xia Bing, director of the State Council's Development and Research Center's
Finance Department, warned at a recent CCTV talk show program, that the
stock market bubble is building. He and a string of other economists
suggested investors take extra caution before jumping onto the bandwagon.

And, analysts at BCA Research put it in a recent note to its customers: We
have no doubt if China's market continues to spike up, the stage will be set
for a very violent drop.

In late April, the People's Bank of China ordered the ratio of commercial
banks deposits at the central bank be raised to 11 percent, but the measure
failed to dampen the bullish market. The surge has continued. Many
economists are anticipating another interest rate hike in May or June to
stonewall the soar.

Some critics argue the way the mainland IPO market is being run
systematically fans the irrational expectations of a huge number of novice
investors with the promise of easy and quick money, storing up trouble

It is widely believed that mainland investors are mostly momentum-driven and
ignorant of valuations, but they can see the IPO market is serving up a
bargain. While stocks in the A-share market trade at stiff premiums to Hong
Kong, dual-listed equities often continue to list at a discount in the

The situation is due to the influence of the powerful China Securities
Regulatory Commission (CSRC) which micromanages new listings, sets final
pricing of IPOs and subsequent fund-raisings as well as deciding who gets to
list, analysts said.

For example, Bank of Communications recently listed at 7-20% cheaper in
Shanghai than in Hong Kong, following a similar practice for China Life
Insurance and Ping An Insurance.

In most other competitive markets, pricing is a commercial compromise based
on what companies think they can get and what investment banks think the
market can take.

A standard move these days is for the CRSR to force companies to set a lower
price on their IPOs in the hope of a strong stock market performance. This
has undoubtedly contributed to the general market euphoria. The average
price-to-earnings ratio of Shanghai and Shenzhen markets is now over 50.

In the absence of traditional measures to cool the market such as
significantly raising interest rates, another solution the authorities, in
the hope to achieve a stronger and more stable market, are eyeing to bolster
the stock market is by adding more quality companies to soak up excess

The authorities have inspired mainland companies to list on domestic bourses
rather than Hong Kong's, it has further encouraged overseas quality
companies, such as the venerable HSBC Holdings to list A-shares in the

Re: [obrolan-bandar] TP INCO 51000???

2007-05-07 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

INCO 64200 sessi 2

Re: [obrolan-bandar] stok split ANTM

2007-05-07 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim


On 5/7/07, sualemm m [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ada isuu stok split ANTM kapanya

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: tambahan dari Pak Adi Chandra untuk para milis saham.

2007-05-04 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Jadi jawaban atas soal yg dilempar mbah apa ya pak Adi?
Pengen tahu opini bapak.
thanks, th

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Yo wis lah aku cover short INCO, isk.. gajah aja ludes

2007-05-03 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

JEbol INCO ke 63750 dah barusan cak..

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Nikel 3 months membentuk pola ascending triangle dengan target 46rb.

2007-05-03 Terurut Topik teddy . halim
Ya mungkin kenaikan volume Inco kemarin yg luar biasa dan harganya
sudah discounted dahulu oleh pemain besar dng sumber info yg prima.
Hari ini keliatannya bakal gap up,bbrp  broker broker pada recommend beli tuh.
Overall secara fundamental industrinya (global) nikel tetap sangat
prospektif. Rio Tinto driving a hard drive utk dapatkan ijin
penambangan juga di Sulawesi.
Keep Inco for long term investment menurut saya.

On 5/4/07, Herman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Cak.. aku mau tunggu harga bawah lagi mau ambil INCO

2007-05-03 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Tuh dpt di 62400 buruan deh..

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Cina macan kertas?

2007-04-26 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Mungkin bener juga ya Tiongkok macan kertas. Kenapa tapi Amrik cemas banget
dng mata uang Tiongkok?
Dulu desek desek spy di peg, skrg minta minta ngancam segala spy di
Double standard Amrik dimana mana udah terkenal. Kalau kata bung Karno alm.
neo imperialism.
Selamat berakhir minggu happy cuan,

Re: [obrolan-bandar] MLPL -- Saham gorengan masa depan

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

saham group Lippo mah jangan dipegang deh kalau buat investor.
Kalu ada temen di grup situ tanya baik baik gimana cara manajemennya.

On 4/25/07, julius_angkawijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  percaya gak ..?

buy now for future profit

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Inco

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Pak I, Pak JA,
apakah news / laporan Quarter 1 udah di discounted / factored in thdp down
trend harga Inco ini?
Kindly enlighten please.
thanks pak

On 4/26/07, ihsg 88 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

54000 tidak akan tersentuh kecuali market crash. Dan dalam seminggu lagi
saya tidak melihat tanda-2 tersebut.
Saya tunggu Bozz di 58500 - 59000. Patternnya sudah bagus.
Waktu sudah dekat tinggal 6 hari kerja.
Paling-2 kalau Bozz niat kerjain cuma 3 hari lagi, tapi tidak hari ini.

Dalam analisa saya (BIN) cuma ada 2 bozz yang konsisten PT.

Salam cuan.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Selasa Koreksi

2007-04-24 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

udah ada mas, di posting pa Sudes pertama, roughly bisa ngitung sendiri dng
ratio itu saya pikir.

1 poin INCO = Rp.50 = 0,077647 poin index
20 poin INCO = Rp.1.000 = 1,552941 poin index

On 4/24/07, Daniel Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Berarti lebih baik diajarkan cara menghitungnya saja pak, biar kita
bisa menghitung sendiri? ;)



[obrolan-bandar] Timah di bursa KL siang ini rebound dikit

2007-04-22 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

[image: The image http://www.kltm.com.my/daily.gif; cannot be displayed,
because it contains errors.]

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM upgrade, INCO-- TARGET WAJAR

2007-04-21 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Betul pak Oentoeng, setelah tgl pencatatan nama pemegang saham Inco
kemungkinan akan ada penurunan setidaknya sebesar dividen yg diperkirakan
sekitar Rp.4000 after tax.

Namum perlu di ingat juga ga lama lagi hasil Quarter I 2007 akan di umumkan,
dan secara jangka panjang utk porto folio Inco saya pikir ada baiknya di
consider sebagai investment bukan utk trading.
Jadi ekspektasi saya dividen interimnya pun nanti akan gemericing nyaring
spt dividen 2006 ini.

Saya percaya dng rata rata harga jual nikel masih tinggi spt di analisis
oleh pak Eka beberapa bln lalu, tingkat keuntungan PT Inco akan tetap
kinclong banget. So will ANTM.

Beli saham sebenarnya seperti kita ikut berusaha diperusahaan tsb jangan
Jangan selalu melihat saham sbg komoditas.  At the end it is important to
win the war (if we can say bursa is a battle ground).

Itu pandangan saya sbg pemula di portofolio investasi kategori equities.

So Rp. 100.000 per lembar is realistic dan cukup konservatif.
Ada kemungkinan juga saham Inco post dividen minggu depan, malah naik
kencang ngambilin yg jual utk trading paska dividen. Ingat barangnya udah

Plan your investment. As the wise saying says:  no body plan to fail, we
only fail to plan.

Selamat berhari Minggu yg bahagia, sejahtera,


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Trading Softwares in 36 Hrs India/4 Days Non-India.

2007-04-21 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim


Just be carefull to all with this kind of  offers. We recently had so many
fly by night operators in Indonesia swindling so much from unaware,
unsophiticated investors.

Trust no body but yourself and do lots of homework to verify before you part
with your monies.

Best regards,

ps: Pak Moderator, mudah mudahan info spt ini tetap dianggap spam, krn

On 4/20/07, Trading Softwares [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   DEAR MODERATOR/GROUP OWNER: I apologise if U do not allow your group to
be used for business purpose, but I am sure there will be many members in
this group who would be interested in this offer. Hence I am taking this
Liberty this ONE Time. Pls Xcuse me  allow me to mail. Appreciated.

This is not a SPAM as its mailed bcz V R in same group.This is Sale offer
of SWs. Pls reply if U dont want this mail with subject ~DELETE ME~.

 Read the attached file about Technicals Analysis-A readworthy

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM upgrade, INCO-- TARGET WAJAR

2007-04-21 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Betul pak I, beli lagi kalau turun itu rencana saya minggu depan ini.
Percentage saya akan bobotkan lebih banyak dari total portofolio ekuitas.

I will take this one for a long haul..

Best regards,

[obrolan-bandar] Graph Jumat lalu nikel Re: ANTM upgrade, INCO-- TARGET WAJAR

2007-04-21 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Tambahan info latest graph ex LME.com per hari Jumat kemarin dulu ini, kalau
di related dng kejadian data pertumbuhan ekonomi Tiongkok maka kebutuhan
nikel utk proses stainless stell tidak akan surut dalam thn ini.
Blm ditambah kebutuhan negeri negeri dng pertumbuhan tinggi spt BRICK.

[image: http://www.lme.com/price_charts_director.asp]

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Ada apa dg INCO ?? FRIDAY the 13th

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Weleh weleh koq bisa balik ke Jumat tgl 13 Mr Boen? Besok mah udah tgl 25
.. wake up sir it is just a nightmare dream..

Have a great Friday the morrow.


 yang punya TINS and ANTM mulai pusing pusing dan kalau gak cepat
cut loss mungkin mulai mencret mencret .  Kalau tetap maksain market
mungkin besok pingsan beneran ..muntah darah hehehe
remember,.. tomorrow is friday the 13th ( bad dreams )
ada yang bisa nolongin gak !!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Ada apa dg INCO ?? FRIDAY the 13th

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Hahaha kirain ga pada ngeh ..betul pak 20 April 2007..
Dan rasanya besok masih lanjut rah merah... kali tergantung bank Sentral
Tiongkok apa naik ga interest rate nya dng segera. Kalau masih pending ya
market saya rasa akan wait and see.

Tiongkok Consumer Indexnya sih turun , cuman GDP Quarter I yg naik
gile..jauh diatas prakiraan.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Ada apa dg INCO ??

2007-04-18 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Ayo dong bang bandar cobain tuh masa ditantangin ga geming dikit?
Apa kontrarian aja mau mau gw dong hahaha.. market mau turun gw naikin swgl

[obrolan-bandar] Tin closing di Kuala Lumpur hari ini

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

[image: The image http://www.kltm.com.my/daily.gif; cannot be displayed,
because it contains errors.]

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mr Fs tidak pelit :(

2007-04-11 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Pentingkah orang mana?
Yg penting buat saya mendapatkan informasi secara berimbang dan saya mencoba
mencernakan, menafsirkan sebaik baiknya di kombinasi dng masukan lain dari
TA, FA, termasuk juga rasa takut dan congok bin serakah saya.

Bahasa? Selama saya bisa ngerti maksudnya cukup. Kita bukan milis bahasa
Salam sejahtera, investor proletar
my two lots.


[obrolan-bandar] Re: TINS

2007-04-11 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Mid-day price Kuala Lumpur Exchange:
Tin price.
[image: The image http://www.kltm.com.my/daily.gif; cannot be displayed,
because it contains errors.]

Re: [obrolan-bandar] K.E.J.U.T.A.N. M.A.N.D.I.R.I

2007-04-04 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

pola nya sama persis dng asiabagus yg tempo hari di tendang dari beberapa
milis. SCAM udah pasti at least Ponzi's scheme.. pyramide game.
jangan ketipu lah

On 4/4/07, Barkah Widyantoro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  PT. Investasi Mandiri, Tbk. kode tickernya apa yah? SCAM.JK kali ye...

On 4/4/07, Dean Earwicker  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yang kenal sama pihak bank mandiri, mending dilaporkan ke polisi karena
 ini menggunakan identitas yang *SANGAT MIRIP *dengan bank Mandiri
 (warna, logo, nama). Daripada nanti jadi SCAM/PENIPUAN dan Bank Mandiri
 dikait-kaitkan, ntar sahamnya jeblok deh..hehehehehehehe..


 Dean Earwicker

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 -Original Message-
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 mailto:obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of kejutan_mandiri
 Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 8:55 AM
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] K.E.J.U.T.A.N. M.A.N.D.I.R.I


 Selamat Datang di Program Investasi Mandiri !
 Program ini ditujukan bagi siapa saja yang saat ini membutuhkan bantuan
 dana untuk keperluan yang positif seperti :
 -Investasi membuka/mengembangkan usaha
 -Biaya sekolah atau kuliah (beasiswa), dalam dan luar negeri -Kegiatan
 sosial, termasuk LSM dan sebagainya.

 Dalam program ini tersedia dana dengan jumlah tak terbatas yang berasal
 dari ribuan sumber sehingga memungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk mendaftar dan
 berpeluang mendapatkan dana hibah, tanpa perlu mengembalikan, dan tanpa
 syarat apapun !!!.
 Daftar Sekarang dengan klik dua kali……di bawah ini


 Demi kebersamaan, sekarang gue promosiin temen gue aja deh…siapa yang
 mau jadi temen???
 And, kamu juga bisa mengirimkannya ke email rekan-rekan, siapa tahu,
 mereka sedang membutuhkan info ini


Barkah Widyantoro


[obrolan-bandar] Timah sareng nikel

2007-04-03 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Timah siang ini di KL rebound, sementara berita di LME nikel juga positif
rebound lagi.

[image: Subscribers
*Nickel closes LME up $3,100 at $48,500/t, just $50 below
*BaseMetals.com - Martin Hayes - Nickel ended an active LME session trading
$3,100 a tonne, or 6.8 percent, higher at $48,500, having earlier equalled
its March 16 all-time high of $48,550. Gains were trigged by the general
strong trend in the

[image: The image http://www.kltm.com.my/daily.gif; cannot be displayed,
because it contains errors.]

[obrolan-bandar] Bombay India drop 3.27%, hati hati

2007-04-02 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

SymbolNameLast TradeChange^AORD http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EAORDAll
Ordinaries*5,908.20* 2:11AM ET[image: Down] *70.60*
Composite*3,241.68* 2:03AM ET[image: Up] *57.69*
Seng*19,883.72* 1:33AM ET[image: Up] *82.79*
30*12,645.24* 2:33AM ET[image: Down] *426.86*
Composite*1,848.40* 2:33AM ET[image: Up] *17.48*
Composite*1,246.87* Mar 30[image: Up] *10.98*
225*17,028.41* 2:00AM ET[image: Down] *259.24*
50*4,137.95* 1:37AM ET[image: Up] *30.81*
Times*3,234.98* 2:34AM ET[image: Up] *3.74*
Composite*1,459.53* 2:02AM ET[image: Up] *6.98*
Weighted*7,884.99* 1:46AM ET[image: Up] *0.58* *(0.01%)*

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Ngambil Deviden INCO dimana?

2007-04-01 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Baca di iklan INCO di Kompas hari ini ada.

[obrolan-bandar] Norilsk Says Nickel May Be in Surplus on New Chinese Supplies

2007-04-01 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim


Norilsk Says Nickel May Be in Surplus on New Chinese Supplies

By Matthew Craze

March 29 (Bloomberg) -- MMC Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest producer of
the metal, said the market may be in surplus this year on increasing
``unconventional'' supplies from China, easing near-record prices.

Nickel pig iron, which China makes from laterite ores imported from the
Philippines and New Caledonia, may make up for a global shortage of the
metal, Moscow-based Norilsk's chief economist David Humphreys said. China
may be producing between 70,000 and 100,000 tons a year of the metal, he
said, citing estimates made by other analysts.

China's imports of laterite ores may rise more than 59 percent this year as
demand for nickel increases from mills that need the raw material for
booming stainless-steel production, according to Beijing Antaike Information
Co., which advises the government on metal policies.

``This unconventional supply from China is big,'' Humphreys said in an
interview at the CRU World Copper Conference in Santiago. ``China is not
going to be growing its purchases of refined nickel.''

Nickel closed at a record $47,700 a ton on March 16 and has risen eightfold
on the London Metal Exchange since 2001 amid falling stockpiles. The
substitute nickel pig iron may cause China's nickel imports to slow,
according to Norilsk.

The material costs 40 percent less than the refined metal, Xu Aidong, a
metals analyst at Beijing Antaike, said March 21.

Currect nickel prices may discourage buying from stainless- steel producers
because they may be unable to pass on the cost of purchasing the metal as a
surcharge, Humphreys said.

Norilsk Nickel may have a ``small'' increase in production this year through
the acquisition of Cleveland, Ohio-based OM Group, a $408 million deal it
completed on March 1, Humphreys said.

Norilsk may increase nickel production to 260,000 tons a year by 2010,
compared with 240,000 tons now, he said. Norilsk may be overtaken by Rio de
Janeiro-based Cia. Vale do Rio Doce as the world's largest nickel producer
after Vale purchased Toronto-based Inco Ltd. for $16.7 billion this year.

To contact the reporter on this story: Matthew Craze in Santiago at
*Last Updated: March 29, 2007 20:06 EDT*

[image: Print] javascript:window.print()
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] FTSE opening lower

2007-03-28 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

SymbolNameLast TradeChange^ATX http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EATXATX*4,
636.47* 3:21AM ET[image: Down] *6.50*
BEL-20*4,461.66* 3:21AM ET[image: Down] *10.56*
40*5,568.72* 3:21AM ET[image: Down] *18.34*
DAX*6,834.09* 3:06AM ET[image: Down] *24.25*
General*506.54* 3:21AM ET[image: Down] *1.67*
All Share*518.28* 3:07AM ET[image: Up] *2.43*
MIBTel*32,107.00* 3:21AM ET[image: Down] *44.00*
National-100*95.86* Mar 27[image: Down] *0.46*
General*1,610.25* Mar 27[image: Up] *7.11*
General*393.44* 3:05AM ET[image: Down] *2.16*
Market*8,919.38* 3:21AM ET[image: Down] *46.91*
100*6,292.70* 3:21AM ET[image: Up] *0.10* *(0.00%)*
14:22 WIB

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Sideways was Setelah membaca berita dibawah ini, kita tunggu DOW malam ini.

2007-03-28 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Ameriak Syarikat tutup:

Streaming Quotes:   javascript:void(0)

Turn OFF

 javascript:void(0)[image: NASDAQ Composite Index
SymbolLastChangeDow http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EDJI12,300.36[image:
Down] *96.93* *(0.78%)*Nasdaq
Down] *20.33* *(0.83%)*SP 500 http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EGSPC1,
417.23[image: Down] *12.38* *(0.87%)*
Stocks End Lower Amid Inflation

Stocks fell Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke chided
investors who may have looked past long-standing concerns about inflation
after recent comments from the central bank.

  - Bernanke: Economic Expansion Not

Sementara Eropa kemarin:

SymbolNameLast TradeChange^ATX http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EATXATX*4,
609.69* 11:35AM ET[image: Down] *33.28*
BEL-20*4,441.23* 12:27PM ET[image: Down] *30.99*
40*5,552.69* 12:32PM ET[image: Down] *34.37*
DAX*6,816.89* 11:45AM ET[image: Down] *41.45*
General*505.11* 12:27PM ET[image: Down] *3.10*
All Share*519.52* 10:29AM ET[image: Up] *3.67*
MIBTel*32,074.00* 11:40AM ET[image: Down] *77.00*
National-100*95.08* 4:29PM ET[image: Down] *0.78*
General*1,605.07* 11:38AM ET[image: Down] *5.18*
General*391.68* 11:44AM ET[image: Down] *3.92*
Market*8,870.56* 11:30AM ET[image: Down] *95.73*
100*6,267.20* 11:36AM ET[image: Down] *25.40* *(0.40%)*

Re: [obrolan-bandar] UBS : UNSP is top plantation pick of UBS

2007-03-27 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Jangan lupa UNSP ini grup Bakri.. jadi consider bener bener deh.
Saya mending pegang AALI, LSIP.

[obrolan-bandar] Berapa harga jual terkontrak INCO d/h Re: China Jinchuan

2007-03-23 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Apakah total (100%) product INCO sudah terikat kontrak beli jangka panjang?

Kalau iya apakah ada klausul bila ada kenaikan harga atau penurunan harga yg
bisa mempengaruhi tingkat profitabilitas INCO?

Seandainya sudah terkontrak katakan  di harga U$ 24.725 ./ ton ga banyak
artinya kenaikan harga nikel global kepada bottom line INCO thn 2006/2007.

Bisa tolong pencerahan terhadap aspek ini. Sejauh ini saya blm baca ada
analisa (atau keliwat ga baca) ttg ini.

terima kasih,

On 3/24/07, Ardiat P. Purna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Mengulang kembali informasi dari direksi, berdasarkan press
release direksi INCO awal Maret, harga rata2 nikel penjualan 2006
terealisasi di harga US$24,725/ton. Produksi 2006 turun 7% dibanding 2005,
tapi tahun ini ditargetkan akan naik kembali menyamai 2005.
Kemungkinan target bisa tercapai, indikasi adalah produksi Q4 2006 lebih
baik dari Q4 2005 dg kondisi tidak lebih baik dari 2005.
Untuk mendukung produksi 2007 berjalan lancar, INCO sudah memesan
generator diesel, jika kekurangan pasokan listrik dari PLTA.

Komentar saya, setuju dg analisis bahwa EPS INCO sebesar US$ 1 bisa
tercapai dg harga nikel US$ 32,000 saja. Pergerakan harga nikel yg kembali
jatuh di LME mungkin akan berhenti stabil di kisaran US$ 40,000. Jadi INCO
secara fundamental sudah sangat murah sekali di harga pasar Rp. 49,000 saat

Dari analisa bandar, kelihatan transaksi Jumat, bandar sudah berhitung
dari inventory LME bahwa meskipun nikel telah rebound hari sebelumnya, tapi
akan jatuh kembali. Dan terbukti harga nikel anjlok ke kisaran US$ 45,000 (
sekitar 5% ).

Senin kemungkinan bandar akan nge-short, dibawa ke 48,000, lalu ke 46,000
Bagi fundamentalis tidak usah hiraukan pergerakan harga, tapi bagi trader
silakan ambil bagian 


On 3/23/07, dazzledtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

   USD 32000/wmt adalah kira2 rata2 harga nikel pada 4Q06. Sedangkan
 untuk 1Q07, kira2 harga rata2 nikel adalah USD 42000/wmt. Dg asumsi
 USD 32000/wmt EPS INCO = 1 USD, dg hitungan USD 42000/wmt INCO EPS =
 1.6 USD.

 Dengan EPS = 1.6 USD, bukankah INCO menjadi pencetak laba terbesar
 BEJ, bahkan melebihi TLKM utk 2007 ini?

 Untuk EPS = 1.6 USD, bahkan dengan PER hanya 8x, harga sudah di atas
 100rb. Bagaimana kalau PER = 10x? Dan jika nikel tahun 2007 terus
 naik dan rata2nya menjadi USD 47000/wmt??

 Bagaimana opini para fundamentalist ttg ini?


 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
 Samuel Sudeswanto Yeung

  harga nikel memang bisa turun suatu saat nanti,
  karena itu kita asumsikan harga jual nikel untuk ANTM dan INCO
  di level USD 32000/mt, yang berarti diskon sekitar 30% dari harga
  nikel sekarang dan itu sudah lebih dari cukup
  sekedar tambahan, nikel maupun hasil tambang lainnya adalah sumber
  daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui, kalaupun bisa, tidak
  jangka waktu dekat; nikel adalah salah satu bahan logam yang dapat
  kita temui dalam sehari-hari sehingga kebutuhannya juga cukup
  dengan jumlah sumber daya alam yang terbatas dan kebutuhan yang
  cukup tinggi, seberapa jauh dia akan turun? (dalam jangka panjang
  sekali...sumber daya nikel akan habis ditambang) yang bisa
  dilakukan hanya di daur ulang, biaya daur ulang untuk saat ini
  mahal daripada biaya menambang
  mungkin saya salah mengenai pandangan akan nikel, (berbeda dengan
  sumber daya energi seperti minyak dan batubara, walaupun mereka
  tidak dapat diperbaharui, tetapi sekarang sumber daya energi sudah
  ada subtitusinya yaitu CPO dan ethanol yang bisa didapat dari
  sawit, pohon jarak, jagung, dsb), namun dengan asumsi harga nikel
  USD 32000/mt maka EPS dari INCO untuk tahun 2007 bisa mencapai USD
  1/saham; berapa valuasinya per saham nya? silahkan hitung sendiri
  sekali lagi, perkiraan EPS sebesar USD 1/saham untuk INCO dibuat
  berdasarkan asumsi harga nikel sebesar USD 32000/mt, andaikata
  nikel di pasaran dunia bisa turun drastis, selama berada diatas
  32.000/mt; EPS INCO tetap diperkirakan sebesar USD 1/saham (asumsi
  yang sama juga digunakan pada ANTM)
  i dont care about market mover or bandar, i care only to God!
  so...kalo harga INCO dan ANTM turun? silahkan...saya malah senang
  dan sangat berterimakasih ^^
  ini dibuat berdasarkan perhitungan fundamental yang ada saat ini
  yang dapat berubah bila ada penyesuaian terhadap informasi yang
  tolong dibedakan dengan pergerakan harian yang lebih cenderung ke
  arah teknikal.
  semoga bermanfaat dan God bless you all ^^
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
 Joe Grunk joe_grunk@
   China Jinchuan warns pricey nickel may cause crash
   International nickel prices reached $48,500 a tonne on Friday
   China`s top nickel producer Jinchuan Group Ltd warned that
  oversupply could cause a crash in nickel proces in the next few
  years as crazy 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] BULLISH 2 BULAN....INCO...

2007-03-22 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Ngumpulin buat dividen kali pak..udah dekat khan tgl 30 Maret RUPS di Grand
Hyatt Jakarta.
Kalu bener dividen 4-5 rb kan mayan tuh. Ave jadi murah hehehe..he..

Tadi di gejrot kaya tahu gejrot biar rontok semua kaum proletar abis itu di
pancing lagi barangnya balik.
Mayan kan tadi ngambil dibawah selagi hawa dingin serem bertiup.

On 3/22/07, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  eh...ngomong2 Inco ada apa ya? Tadi masih -400, sekarang sudah +1800

*jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 Saat ini IHSG 1800 (+21)...

Kalo dalam 2 bulan bisa sampe 2000 (+200), artinya KURANG LEBIH
IHSG naik 7 point sehari

Embah perkirakan dana yang masuk BEJ akan masuk secara merata
selama 2 bulan kedepan


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
laksono dwighty

 hidup mbah...!
 ramalanbikin sedihbikin takut..
 mending naikin ihsg ampe 1870 sampai april

 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Embah engga percaya sama yang namanya RAMALAN, embah cuman
 percaya ama ANALISA ILMIAH atau RAMALAN yg didasari analisa

 Embah sih percaya ama Mamanya Anak anak aja... hehehe...

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
  Amin Mbah! Semoga saja, TAPI Mama Lauren meramalkan sebelum Juni
 ini akan ada gempa besar yang akan membuat Jakarta panik! Mirip dgn
 gempa di Kobe 1995... Alamak! Percaya nggak percaya... ini mah
 terserah yang di atas. Kita bisa apa?
  jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
  Dari analisa FUND-FLOW, embah melihat kemungkinan dalam 2
  kedepan ini akan BULLISH...
  Embah meliat AWAL bullish ini kemarin ketika, index sectoral BEJ
  HIJAU tapi di 'REKAYASA' dengan menekan TLKM (-200) 
  Strategi formasi X mungkin DIGELAR, tapi embah memprediksikan
  bahwa dalam 2 bulan ini IHSG akan bullish terlepas dari
  Mudah mudahan benar hehehe...
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
   Dimana DJ naik kenceng, regional hijau (STI tadi sampe up 2%),
  index kita nggak bergerak banyak meski up 12 pts saja dan
  mandek...wuah, ngantuk. Bosan...
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Nickel koreksi lagi

2007-03-20 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Maksudnya Rp.50.000 per lembar saham saya rasa.
Data di LME sih turun harga nikel udah 2 hari ini.

Entah kalau ada data lebih baru lagi tengah malam buta di London atau bursa

On 3/21/07, Mr. T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Kayaknya kebalik dia, mungkin ngomong harga spot?

[obrolan-bandar] Regional ini hari ijo, timah sidways, nikel naik ke US$ 50rb/ton

2007-03-19 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

SymbolNameLast TradeChange^AORD http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5EAORDAll
Ordinaries5,839.30 1:10AM ET[image: Up] 21.50
Composite3,014.44 3:00AM ET[image: Up] 83.96
Seng19,172.44 2:44AM ET[image: Up] 218.94
3012,566.81 3:44AM ET[image: Up] 136.41
Composite1,777.89 Mar 16[image: Up] 1.53
Composite1,193.19 3:44AM ET[image: Up] 10.99
22517,009.55 3:00AM ET[image: Up] 265.40
504,050.31 1:35AM ET[image: Up] 12.72
Times3,115.77 3:44AM ET[image: Up] 47.02
Composite1,443.39 2:01AM ET[image: Up] 15.51
Weighted7,737.46 1:46AM ET[image: Up] 17.66 (0.23%)
Harga Timah Kuala Lumpur 19 Maret 2007:
[image: The image http://www.kltm.com.my/daily.gif; cannot be displayed,
because it contains errors.]
** Nickel tops $50,000/tonne

* G Chandrashekhar *

* Market fears delay in supplies, disruption in supplies *

* Behind bull run
Global nickel consumption posted a strong 8.1 per cent year-on-year rise in
Experts say if price rally continues nickel demand will suffer from
substitution. *

Mumbai March 17 Nickel prices have rallied and are setting a series of
all-time highs. The impressive price performance can be gauged from the
market movement. London Metal Exchange cash prices registered $50,875 a
tonne on Friday, up $800 from the previous day.

LME three-month is $47,700/tonne, disclosing a cash to three-month
backwardation of around the wide $3,000/tonne level.

Strong demand for stainless steel has continued unabated. In addition is the
delay in supplies and fear of disruptions. At the LME the inventory levels
are critically low at 3,564 tonnes.

High consumption

The latest data released by International Nickel Study Group showed that
the nickel market was in a 39,700 tonnes cumulative deficit in 2006 as a
whole. In January this year, the market fell into a modest 1,800 tonnes

Global nickel mine production edged modestly lower in January on a
month-on-month basis, but is up 5.6 per cent year-on-year. Global refined
nickel was up 6.4 per cent year-on-year and posted the highest ever monthly
output figure at 12,190 tonnes.


Global nickel consumption, meanwhile, posted a strong 8.1 per cent
year-on-year rise in January, which is the third highest consumption figure

While much of the strength is attributed to positive demand conditions, in
the light of sustained rally in prices, it looks likely that nickel demand
will suffer from substitution before too long, according to experts.

In the short term, there may not be any easing in the supply situation. So,
the market is only likely to ease should demand subside.

Substitution is already taking place in certain stainless steel grades in

If cash prices continue to be at $ 50,000/tonne, further substitution or
reduced demand can be expected from the stainless steel sector.

Interestingly, however, critically low nickel inventories suggest that price
volatility will stay high with big price risk in either direction.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Biodiesel: Minim incentive realization, reduce investor interest

2007-03-14 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Kuncinya juga di harga minyak bumi.
Selama harga minyak bumi hovering di sekitar $ 60 - 70 ada insentif dan
tekanan psikologis utk mmbuat biodiesel dan alternatif enersi lain.

Tapi kalau minyak bumi di $ 30 ~ 40an manusia mahluk pelupa.. lihat kejadian
fenomena kategori mobil SUV ..getting bigger and not energy efficient at

Dari jagung sulit krn jagung memakan banyak sekali air sehingga dampak
lingkungannnya besar sekali konon.

Kmd persaingan dng manusia sebagai pemakan minyak kelapa sawit itu juga
merupakan disinsentif utk biodiesel krn akibatnya spt disebutkan di artikel

Selama harga minyak bumi dan minyak biodiesel berbanding terbalik dng
advantage harga di minyak bumi, maka sulit industri biodiesel tumbuh dng
kompetitif dan alami (tanpa insentif dll).

My two liter of ...


[obrolan-bandar] INCO lari udah ke 47600 (9:39)

2007-03-14 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

*DJ BASE METALS: Nickel Hits New High;Caution Over Equities*
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 5:54:10 PM

DJ BASE METALS: Nickel Hits New High;Caution Over Equities

 By Lisa Yuriko Thomas


 LONDON (Dow Jones)--London Metal Exchange nickel jumped to a fresh record
high Wednesday amid low supplies and generally positive sentiment across the
base metals, but traders will continue to cast a wary eye on further
developments with the equity markets, analysts said.

 Recent metals price weakness illustrates that despite firming fundamental
indicators, the sector remains extremely vulnerable to deteriorating economic
sentiment, Barclays Capital said in its daily note.

 Late Wednesday, U.S. stocks were sharply lower following falls in European
and Asian equities. On Tuesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its
second-biggest points drop in four years as problems with subprime lenders

 Fund selling early Wednesday emerged following the sell-off in Asian equities
but by midday had regained ground on trade support and short-covering, said

 Three-month nickel pushed to a record high of $45,000 a metric ton before
retreating to a PM kerb of $44,800/ton.

 Nickel benefited from the positive sentiment seen across the base metals
complex Wednesday, an LME trader said earlier. And a drawdown in LME nickel
stocks highlights an already tight supply situation, adding to price support,
he added.

 LME nickel stocks fell 60 tons to 3,816 tons Wednesday. And with canceled
warrants - or material accounted for and to be drawn down at a later date - at
36% of global LME nickel stocks, available inventories comprise less than one
day's worth of nickel consumption.

 Meanwhile, three-month lead inched towards it's recent record high of
$1,955/ton by pushing to a session high of $1,890/ton before retreating to a PM
kerb of $1,870/ton.

 Ongoing supply concerns in Australia add to an already tight market.

 Lead shipments at the Magellan mine in western Australia have been suspended
on concerns that about 4,000 birds in the region have died of lead poisoning,
with an investigation expected to take weeks.

 The suspension also follows on from Xstrata PLC declaring force majeure on
lead deliveries at its Northfleet refinery in the U.K. due to falling lead
grades at the Mount Isa mine in Australia.

 At the same time, total LME lead stocks are down over 20% since the start of
the year.

 In other metals, copper and aluminum traded modestly lower by late Wednesday.

 Copper has traded in a range between $6,120 and $6,330/ton for the past
several sessions as concerns over global risk aversion caps gains from strong
supply/demand fundamentals.

 Uncertainty is keeping some investors on the sidelines, London-based
commodities analyst Michael Widmer of Calyon said. It's a tricky situation at
the moment and I expect copper to remain rangebound unless there is a major
breakout in the outside markets.

 LME copper stocks fell 1,975 tons to 197,750 tons Wednesday and are down 8%
from a month ago.

  Prices in dollars/ton.
3 Months Metal Bid-AskChange from
Tuesday PM kerb
Copper  6220.0-6230.0Unch
Lead1870.0-1880.0   Up   25
Zinc3210.0-3220.0   Dn   10
Aluminum2714.0-2715.0   Dn   23
Nickel 44800.0-44900.0  Up 1225
Tin13500.0-13525.0  Dn   50
Aluminum Alloy  2230.0-2240.0   Up   10
Aluminum Alloy  2110.0-2120.0   Dn5


 -By Lisa Yuriko Thomas, Dow Jones Newswires; +44 (0)20 7842 9410;

 (END) Dow Jones Newswires

 03-14-07 1354ET

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