[obrolan-bandar] Tutorial RAPIDSHARE : Bagaimana Men-download dari Rapidshare (DiSertai GAMBAR)

2006-09-15 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Tutorial RAPIDSHARE : Bagaimana Men-download dari RapidshareRapidshare adalah salah satu situs berbagi file secara gratis di  internet yang sangat terkenal. Anda bisa meng-upload (menempatkan) file  yang ingin di-share ke teman-teman di Rapidshare dan teman-teman Anda  bisa men-download file tersebut dari Rapidshare.Tutorial ini akan menjelaskan cara men-download dari Rapidshare, khusus  nya buat orang yang belum berpengalaman men-download dari Rapidshare.Untuk mudahnya, maka tutorial berikut akan dilengkapi dengan gambar.1. Mulailah dengan memasukan link ke browser (terus di ENTER tentunya),  kemudian gulung layar ke bagian paling bawah, pilih tombol FREE untuk  memulai proses download. [GAMBAR]2. Pada layar yang muncul, akan ditampilkan semacam COUNTER untuk  men-download file, Anda harus menunggu sampai COUNTER ini selesai  menghitung sebelum bisa melanjutkan proses download.[GAMBAR] 
   3. Setelah COUNTER selesai menghitung, akan muncul layar berikut, di  sini gulung ke bagian paling bawah dari layar dan cari KODE VERIFIKASI  (gambar berisi tiga huruf/digit), dan masukan ke kotak yang disediakan  ("HERE"), kemudian tekan START DOWNLOAD [GAMBAR]4. Setelah tombol START DOWNLOAD ditekan, Browser akan menampilkan kotak dialog untuk menyimpan file,   pilihlah SAVE.[GAMBAR]Catatan :   1. Tulisan di copy dari www.klubsaham.com2. Apabila Anda tidak bisa melihat gambar dalam postingan ini, maka coba akses ke situs aslinya :http://www.klubsaham.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2file=viewtopict=4483Lampiran : DAFTAR EBOOK, berikut Link nya :Daftar ebook :  ---  24. The New Technical Trader by Tushar S. Chande, Stanley Kroll  23. William J O Neil - How To Make Money In Stocks - A Winning System in Good Time  22. Security
 Analysis by Benjamin Graham  21. Gordon J. Alexander - Fundamentals of Investments 3rd Ed  20. Tom Williams - The Undeclared Secrets that Drive The Stock Market  19. Pat Dorsey, Joe Mansueto - The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing  18. Michael Jenkins - The Geometry of Stock Market Profits  17. David G. Luenberger - Investment Science  16. Barry Rudd - Stock Patterns for Day Trading  15. William F Eng - The Day Trader's Manual  14. George Angell - Sniper Trading  13. Bill Williams - Trading Chaos  12. Peter Navarro - Big Picture Investing  11. Steven B. Achelis - Technical Analysis from A to Z  10. Nicolas Darvas - How I Made 2,000,000 in the Stock Market  9. Elder Alexander - Trading for a Living  8. Steve Nison - The Candlestick Course  7. Gregory L. Morris - Candlestick Charting Explained 2nd Edition  6. Steve Nison - Beyond Candlesticks  5. K.h. Shaleen - Technical Analysis  Options
 Strategies  4. Murphy John J - Technical Analysis Of The Financial Markets  3. Acme Trader - Professional Stock Trading, System Design  Automation  2. Glenn Neely - Mastering Elliot Wave Version 2  1. Offline Archieve dari situs Investopedia_com (Not Up To Date) *  LINK - LINK   *  The New Technical Trader : Boost Your Profit by Plugging into the Latest Indicators by Tushar S. Chande, Stanley Kroll   10 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/32103962/TN_Tech_Trad.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104248/TN_Tech_Trad.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104208/TN_Tech_Trad.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104309/TN_Tech_Trad.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104263/TN_Tech_Trad.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104537/TN_Tech_Trad.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104324/TN_Tech_Trad.z06 
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 http://rapidshare.de/files/31545344/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/31545549/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/31545470/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/31545518/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/31545473/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z09  http://rapidshare.de/files/31546757/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z10The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing: Morningstar's Guide to  Building Wealth and Winning in the Market by by Pat Dorsey, Joe Mansueto  10 parts  

Re: [obrolan-bandar] mau nanya rapget

2006-09-08 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Begini..coba saya jelaskan ..Ada beberapa batasan download dari RAPIDSHARE (ini dari sono nya) :  1. HANYA BISA ADA 1 DOWNLOAD per 1 IP  artinya... kalau misalnya internet di kantor di sharing 1 kantor, maka  dari semua komputer yang ada hanya akan ada satu yang bisa download,  yang lain waktu akan download pasti akan di suruh Nunggu sampai org yg  lagi download selesai.2. Setiap akan download, RapidGet akan meminta input 3 kode digit/karakter.3. Maksimal download per jam per IP adalah 50MB, jika dalam 1 jam sudah  download lebih maka akan di suruh TUNGGU sekitar 60 menit.Nah, RAPGET tidak bisa mem-bypass no.1 (kecuali jika menggunakan  proxy..ini agak rumit saya tidak jelasin lebih lanjut..orang IT pasti  ngerti :D)Tapi RAPGET mengerti mem-bypass no. 2, artinya RAPGET bisa 'memasukan'  sendiri 3 kode digit yang diminta itu, tanpa campur tangan kita sama  sekali (makanya saya sebut DOWNLOAD AUTOMATIS
 :D)Trus RAPGET juga tidak bisa mem-bypass batasan 50MB per jam TAPI DIA  MENGERTI dan akan menunggu...setelah selesai menunggu dia akan  melanjutkan download secara otomatis...Jadi...   Jika koneksi internet Anda adalah permanent..maka dengan memasukan  semua link ke dalam rapget, trus Anda tinggal tidur, besok pagi  seharusnya RAPGET sudah selesai download semua link Anda...yach kecuali  link nya terlalu gede...Kalau 1 Jam rapget bisa download 50MB, maka seharusnya semalam, Rapget bisa mendownload semua ebook yang ada :DGituBy the way... saat ini saja saya masih men-download dengan Rapget...sudah seharian tidak ada masalah tuh...lancar...Hello wandyutomo,  --  Friday, September 8, 2006, 2:05:49 PM, you wrote:  Bener pak statusnya waiting melulu tidak jalan2Best Regards,  Wandy Utomo Gak bisa nya kelihatanya
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] mau nanya rapgetI

2006-09-07 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

TIDAK BISA nya di mana yach ?Waktu Paste link ke Rapget ?  Atau   Abis paste suruh download tidak bisa?Waktu download di sebelah kanan akan ada informasi status download, coba dilihat2..1 hal lagi, koneksi internet nya pakai proxy gak ya? kalau pakai maka  proxy ini harus diisikan juga ke RAPGET (menu SETTING, trus ke Tab  PROXY).Hello budi,Friday, September 8, 2006, 10:25:03 AM, you wrote:Hi bos,saya mau nanya sedikit mengenai rapget. tadi pagi gwe udah donload  rapget , tapi gwe coba copy link ebook yg lu kasih and paste di rapget  kok tidak bisa?? apa ada setting yg perlu di ganti untuk jalankan  rapget, by the way gwe pake browser firefox and pake koneksi speedy.  tadi juga gwe coba pake browser opera and ie, gwe coba copy and paste di rapget juga tdk ada efek apa2.  tolong kalo ada seting kushus gwe di beri info,  anyway very nice ebook collection thanks a lot. 
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] mau nanya rapgetI

2006-09-07 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

TIDAK BISA nya di mana yach ?Waktu Paste link ke Rapget ?  Atau   Abis paste suruh download tidak bisa?Waktu download di sebelah kanan akan ada informasi status download, coba dilihat2..1 hal lagi, koneksi internet nya pakai proxy gak ya? kalau pakai maka  proxy ini harus diisikan juga ke RAPGET (menu SETTING, trus ke Tab  PROXY).Hello budi,Friday, September 8, 2006, 10:25:03 AM, you wrote:Hi bos,saya mau nanya sedikit mengenai rapget. tadi pagi gwe udah donload  rapget , tapi gwe coba copy link ebook yg lu kasih and paste di rapget  kok tidak bisa?? apa ada setting yg perlu di ganti untuk jalankan  rapget, by the way gwe pake browser firefox and pake koneksi speedy.  tadi juga gwe coba pake browser opera and ie, gwe coba copy and paste di rapget juga tdk ada efek apa2.  tolong kalo ada seting kushus gwe di beri info,  anyway very nice ebook collection thanks a lot. 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] William J O Neil - How To Make Money In Stocks - A Winning System in Good Times

2006-09-05 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Salah satu buku saham yang sangat terkenal, silahkan DOWNLOADISBN: 0071373616  Author: William J. O'Neil  Publisher: McGraw-HillSummary:  From the school of unemotional investing comes the classic How to Make  Money in Stocks, by Wall Street analyst and publisher William O'Neil.  Readers new to securities will find it an excellent primer, one that  relies on time-honored indicators such as quarterly earnings, market  capitalization, and daily indexes. O'Neil's study of winning stocks  stretches back to the 1960s, and he shares his insights here,  describing what characterizes a growth stock, when to cut your losses  (at 7 or 8 percent, no more), and how to spot a market top.  The techniques in How to Make Money in Stocks are hardly revolutionary,  but therein lies their strength, as O'Neil claims his is "a winning  system in good times or bad." Investors interested in Net stocks might  be disappointed--the author's first rule is that
 a company must show a  pattern of growing profits, which disqualifies many dot coms. (Try Rule  Breakers, Rule Makers for a different take.) O'Neil's approach to  stocks is, above all, rational, and he pays little heed to market hype.  Those new to investing would do well to read this book before  embarking, and even more seasoned traders may find How to Make Money in  Stocks a refreshing return to basics. Markets may swing bull and bear,  but O'Neil promises to stand firm.5 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/32003735/O_Neil_HTMMIS.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/32003743/O_Neil_HTMMIS.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/32003741/O_Neil_HTMMIS.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/32003754/O_Neil_HTMMIS.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/32003750/O_Neil_HTMMIS.z04--Step by step Download dari Rapidshare :  1. Masukan alamat URL dari link yang mau di download ke
 dalam IE, jgn lupa di ENTER2. Scroll ke bagian bawah dari layar yang muncul, di sana ada pilihan PREMIUM dan FREE. di sini klik tombol FREE3. Di sini biasanya Anda akan disuruh menunggu kira2 sampai dengan 60  detik (kecuali Anda sudah download lebih dari 50MB dalam 1 jam  terakhir)... setelah detik2 tunggu selesai, akan di tampilkan 3 huruf  gambar yang mesti Anda INPUT, setelah itu klik tombol DOWNLOAD FROM di  sampingnya inputan gambar itu...4. Selamat mencobaCatatan :  Setelah men-download semua bagian dari sebuah ebook, cukup buka file  yang akhirannya .ZIP, gunakan program Winzip atau WinRAR atau GeniusZip-- 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] The New Technical Trader : Boost Your Profit by Plugging into the Latest Indicators

2006-09-05 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

The New Technical Trader : Boost Your Profit by Plugging into the Latest Indicators by Tushar S. Chande, Stanley Kroll Hardcover: 204 pages  Publisher: John Wiley  Sons Inc (April 1994)  Language: English  ISBN: 0471597805You watch the market challenge your position with every tick. But are  your chosen technical indicators helping or hindering your performance?  Do they cope responsively with the glut of fast changing electronic  data? Are they consistently generating the signals you need to make  profitable, real-time life and death decisions? Do they dovetail into a  trading system based on objective decision making and prudent risk  control? Are your risk control strategies proactive, letting you manage  your trades aggressively? If not, turn to 'The New Technical Trader'  for a new generation of robust indicators designed to provide a  valuable edge in today's markets.In this leading-edge guide, top analyst Tushar
 Chande and supertrader  Stanley Kroll show you their latest, most promising methods of price  analysis with the classic tactics and strategies of risk control and  money management. The result is a personalized, winning trading system  that adjusts automatically to market volatility, generates reliable  entry and exit signals, shrewdly estimates risk on new and current  positions, and promotes superior portfolio selection.Turn to 'The New Technical Trader' to redefine the basic building  blocks of a typical trading system: from moving averages, to momentum  oscillators; from price patterns to profitability templates. Learn how  to transform the components of popular, static technical indicators -  relative strength index, momentum, stochastic oscillator, and more -  into dynamic price oscillators that are nimbler than their static rules  for testing these oscillators, so you can readily adapt them to your  trading style.  Contents of The New Technical
 Trader1. An Abundance of Indicators  2. Linear Regression Analysis  3. The Variable Index Dynamic Analysis  4. Qstick : The Quantitative Candlestick  5. New Momentum Oscillators  6. Market Thrust and Thrust Oscillator  7. Controlling Risk: The Key to Profitability  8. How to Use This Book  Bibliography  Index10 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/32103962/TN_Tech_Trad.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104248/TN_Tech_Trad.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104208/TN_Tech_Trad.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104309/TN_Tech_Trad.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104263/TN_Tech_Trad.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104537/TN_Tech_Trad.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104324/TN_Tech_Trad.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104377/TN_Tech_Trad.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104339/TN_Tech_Trad.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/32104464/TN_Tech_Trad.z09 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham

2006-09-03 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham  Hardcover: 770 pages  Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 3 edition (December 10, 2004)  Language: English  ISBN: 0071448209The timeless edition of Security Analysis that most closely reflects  today's financial environment Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis is  hands-down the most influential investment book in history. The classic  1951 edition is the first edition of the bestselling investment bible  that was written during a time of economic stability and prosperity. It  provides investors with techniques and strategies for profitable  investing in an economic environment that most resembles today.  Security Analysis: The Classic 1951 Edition features a far more  contemporary focus on the wisdom and legitimacy of common stocks for  individual investors. This essential addition to any investment library  features: Graham and Dodd's original words and insights, unvarnished  and still compelling Timeless methods for
 measuring asset values and  cash flows, still a centerpiece of value investing worldwide Income  statements and balance sheets moved to the front of the book for ease  of useAbout the AuthorBenjamin Graham was a professor of finance at Columbia University and  has long been recognized as the intellectual father of modern security  analysis and value investing.David Dodd taught at Columbia with Benjamin Graham and played a major  role in helping Dr. Graham formulate his value investing theories.http://rapidshare.de/files/31540638/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31541224/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31541595/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/31541833/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/31542744/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/31545344/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z05 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] Fundamentals of Investments 3rd Ed by Gordon J. Alexander, William F. Sharpe, Jeffery V. Bailey

2006-09-03 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Fundamentals of Investments 3rd Ed by Gordon J. Alexander, William F. Sharpe, Jeffery V. Bailey  Hardcover: 781 pages  Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3rd edition (April 25, 2000)  Language: English  ISBN: 0132926172A comprehensive textbook on investing, giving students fundamental  knowledge of investment tools used by professionals and the ways in  which the markets for these tools operate. Topics covered include risk  free lending and borrowing, portfolio selection and analysis, capital  asset pricing, and many moreTable of Contents  1. Introduction.  2. Buying and Selling Securities.  3. Security Markets.  4. Efficient Markets, Investment Value, and Market Price.  5. Taxes.  6. Inflation.  7. The Portfolio Selection Problem.  8. Portfolio Analysis.  9. Riskfree Lending and Borrowing.  10. The Capital Asset Pricing Model.  11. Factor Models.  12. Arbitrage Pricing Theory. 
 13. Characteristics of Common Stocks.  14. Financial Analysis of Common Stocks.  15. Dividend Discount Models.  16. Dividends and Earnings.  17. Investment Management.  18. Portfolio Performance Evaluation.  19. Types of Fixed-Income Securities.  20. Fundamentals of Bond Valuation.  21. Bond Analysis.  22. Bond Portfolio Management.  23. Investment Companies.  24. Options.  25. Futures.  26. International Investing.  Glossary.  References.  Selected Solutions to End-of-Chapter Questions and Problems.  Index. 11 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/31528966/Fund_Inv_3rd.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31532462/Fund_Inv_3rd.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31532005/Fund_Inv_3rd.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/31533826/Fund_Inv_3rd.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/31533759/Fund_Inv_3rd.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/31535700/Fund_Inv_3rd.z05 
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 :  Setelah men-download semua bagian dari sebuah ebook, cukup buka file  yang akhirannya .ZIP, gunakan program Winzip atau WinRAR atau GeniusZip-   
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] The Undeclared Secrets that Drive The Stock Market by Tom Williams

2006-09-03 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

The Undeclared Secrets that Drive The Stock Market by Tom Williams140 pages  Language: English  ISBN: 0952346508This book will help you to understand the stock market the easy way.  The information will be a startling revelation to most readers.  Newspapers, magazines, and television newscasters always appear to give  authoritative statements on the latest stockmarket move, however you  can never be told the real truth.Most traders give little or no attention to how the stock market  actually works because they believe that they already know how it  works. The stock market is simple: it works on supply and demand like  any other free market place; if there is more buying than selling then  the market must go up, and conversely, if there is more selling than  buying it must go down. In principle this is correct, but in practice  it does not always work exactly the way it sounds.This book not only explains why moves
 occur, but also how to recognise  the underlying forces at work in the stock market. It shows you how to  select individual stocks with limited information. Fundamental  analysis, P/E ratios, advice from your broker, buy or sell  recommendations from newspapers and magazines - these are the  traditional ways of picking stocks, but there is a far better way to  pick the right stocks while leaving the poor ones alone.This book is the result of Tom Williams' 12 years trading in California  combined with what Wyckoff had to say about volume. Readers should  benefit immensely from the new and creative computer and  non-computerised market timing indicators and thinking that Tom opens  up.  Contents of The Undeclared Secrets that Drive The Stock Market1. Market Overview  2. Supply and Demand  3. How to Read the Market  4. How to Tell if the Market is Strong or Weak  5. End of a Rising Market  6. Volume  7. Understanding
 Volume  8. What is Bullish or Bearish Volume  9. Testing Supply  10. What is Supply to the Left?  11. High Volume  12. Effort vs Results  13. End of Down Moves  14. Volume in Related Markets  15. Different Time Frames  16. 'News'  17. Manipulation  18. Trend and Trend Lines  19. Trend Clusters  20. Volume Near Trend Lines  21. Absorption Volume  22. Bull and Bear Markets  23. Professional Support  24. Bear Markets  25. What is Needed to Be a Good Trader?  26. What is a System?  27. Signs of Strength  28. Signs of Weakness  29. Check List Before Trading  30. Likely End to a Rally  31. Stock Selection  32. Point  Figure Charts11 partshttp://rapidshare.de/files/31524918/Und_Sec_WS.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31525049/Und_Sec_WS.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31525569/Und_Sec_WS.z02 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing

2006-09-03 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing: Morningstar's Guide to  Building Wealth and Winning in the Market by by Pat Dorsey, Joe MansuetoHardcover: 384 pages  Publisher: Wiley (December 25, 2003)  Language: English  ISBN: 0471269654"By resisting both the popular tendency to use gimmicks that  oversimplify securities analysis and the academic tendency to use  jargon that obfuscates common sense, Pat Dorsey has written a  substantial and useful book. His methodology is sound, his examples  clear and his approach timeless."  –Christopher C. Davis  Portfolio Manager and Chairman  Davis AdvisorsOVER the years, people from around the world have turned to Morningstar  for strong, independent, and reliable advice. The Five Rules for  Successful Stock Investing provides the kind of savvy financial  guidance only a company like Morningstar could offer. Based on the  philosophy that "investing should be fun, but not a
 game," this  comprehensive guide will put even the most cautious investors back on  the right track by helping them pick the right stocks, find great  companies, and understand the driving forces behind different  industries–without paying too much for their investments.Written by Morningstar’s Director of Stock Analysis, Pat Dorsey, The  Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing includes unparalleled stock  research and investment strategies covering a wide range of  stock-related topics. Investors will profit from such tips as: * How to dig into a financial statement and find hidden gold . . . and deception   * How to find great companies that will create shareholder wealth   * How to analyze every corner of the market, from banks to health careInformative and highly accessible, The Five Rules for Successful Stock  Investing should be required reading for anyone looking
 for the right  investment opportunities in today’s ever-changing market. 10 partshttp://rapidshare.de/files/31521553/5_rules_Sto_Inv.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521587/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521659/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521633/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521568/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521670/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521955/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/31522020/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/31522879/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/31522875/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z09 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] The Geometry of Stock Market Profits by Michael Jenkins

2006-09-03 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

The Geometry of Stock Market Profits by Michael Jenkins  Paperback: 170 pages  Publisher: Traders Press  Language: English  ISBN: 0934380279, 170 pagesThis book is about Jenkins' proprietary techniques, with major emphasis  on cycle analysis, how he views and uses the methods of W. D. Gann, and  the geometry of time and price. Among the many topics you will learn:- Which angles are important  how to draw them correctly  - How professional traders think and the types of strategies they use day to day  - How to place stops correctly  - How to construct and use Gann Squares for analysis and forecasting of individual stocks and commodities  - How long the basic trend can be expected to last  - When and where to buy and sell  - How to utilize Gann angles and Methods that predict exact turning points with high probability  - The numerological interrelationships of price and time forecasting  - Ten
 trading tips to make you richThis book is a trading classic and you will treasure the contribution it will make to your trading proficiency and profits.  Contents of Geometry of Stock Market Profits  1. Introduction to Cycles  2. Why Technical Analysis  3. Charts  4. Theory of Geometry  5. The Hourly Chart  6. Proportion and Harmony  7. Trading Basics  8. Impulse Waves  9. Trading Options  10. Cycles  11. What is Professional?  12. Professional Trading  13. Commonsense Trading Rules  14. Ten Trading Tips to make you rich  15. Comments on Fundamentals and Economics  Epilogue  Appendix - Trader's Check List  Trader's Daily Worksheet  Exhibits  Review: technical analysis11 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/31518808/Geo_Sto_Prof.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31519183/Geo_Sto_Prof.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31519210/Geo_Sto_Prof.z02 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] The Geometry of Stock Market Profits by Michael Jenkins

2006-09-01 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

The Geometry of Stock Market Profits by Michael JenkinsPaperback: 170 pages  Publisher: Traders Press  Language: English  ISBN: 0934380279, 170 pagesThis book is about Jenkins' proprietary techniques, with major emphasis  on cycle analysis, how he views and uses the methods of W. D. Gann, and  the geometry of time and price. Among the many topics you will learn:- Which angles are important  how to draw them correctly  - How professional traders think and the types of strategies they use day to day  - How to place stops correctly  - How to construct and use Gann Squares for analysis and forecasting of individual stocks and commodities  - How long the basic trend can be expected to last  - When and where to buy and sell  - How to utilize Gann angles and Methods that predict exact turning points with high probability  - The numerological interrelationships of price and time forecasting  - Ten
 trading tips to make you richThis book is a trading classic and you will treasure the contribution it will make to your trading proficiency and profits.  Contents of Geometry of Stock Market Profits  1. Introduction to Cycles  2. Why Technical Analysis  3. Charts  4. Theory of Geometry  5. The Hourly Chart  6. Proportion and Harmony  7. Trading Basics  8. Impulse Waves  9. Trading Options  10. Cycles  11. What is Professional?  12. Professional Trading  13. Commonsense Trading Rules  14. Ten Trading Tips to make you rich  15. Comments on Fundamentals and Economics  Epilogue  Appendix - Trader's Check List  Trader's Daily Worksheet  Exhibits  Review: technical analysis11 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/31518808/Geo_Sto_Prof.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31519183/Geo_Sto_Prof.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31519210/Geo_Sto_Prof.z02 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing

2006-09-01 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing: Morningstar's Guide to  Building Wealth and Winning in the Market by by Pat Dorsey, Joe MansuetoHardcover: 384 pages  Publisher: Wiley (December 25, 2003)  Language: English  ISBN: 0471269654"By resisting both the popular tendency to use gimmicks that  oversimplify securities analysis and the academic tendency to use  jargon that obfuscates common sense, Pat Dorsey has written a  substantial and useful book. His methodology is sound, his examples  clear and his approach timeless."  –Christopher C. Davis  Portfolio Manager and Chairman  Davis AdvisorsOVER the years, people from around the world have turned to Morningstar  for strong, independent, and reliable advice. The Five Rules for  Successful Stock Investing provides the kind of savvy financial  guidance only a company like Morningstar could offer. Based on the  philosophy that "investing should be fun, but not a
 game," this  comprehensive guide will put even the most cautious investors back on  the right track by helping them pick the right stocks, find great  companies, and understand the driving forces behind different  industries–without paying too much for their investments.Written by Morningstar’s Director of Stock Analysis, Pat Dorsey, The  Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing includes unparalleled stock  research and investment strategies covering a wide range of  stock-related topics. Investors will profit from such tips as: * How to dig into a financial statement and find hidden gold . . . and deception   * How to find great companies that will create shareholder wealth   * How to analyze every corner of the market, from banks to health careInformative and highly accessible, The Five Rules for Successful Stock  Investing should be required reading for anyone looking
 for the right  investment opportunities in today’s ever-changing market. 10 partshttp://rapidshare.de/files/31521553/5_rules_Sto_Inv.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521587/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521659/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521633/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521568/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521670/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/31521955/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/31522020/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/31522879/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/31522875/5_rules_Sto_Inv.z09   
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] The Undeclared Secrets that Drive The Stock Market by Tom Williams

2006-09-01 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

The Undeclared Secrets that Drive The Stock Market by Tom Williams140 pages  Language: English  ISBN: 0952346508This book will help you to understand the stock market the easy way.  The information will be a startling revelation to most readers.  Newspapers, magazines, and television newscasters always appear to give  authoritative statements on the latest stockmarket move, however you  can never be told the real truth.Most traders give little or no attention to how the stock market  actually works because they believe that they already know how it  works. The stock market is simple: it works on supply and demand like  any other free market place; if there is more buying than selling then  the market must go up, and conversely, if there is more selling than  buying it must go down. In principle this is correct, but in practice  it does not always work exactly the way it sounds.This book not only explains why moves
 occur, but also how to recognise  the underlying forces at work in the stock market. It shows you how to  select individual stocks with limited information. Fundamental  analysis, P/E ratios, advice from your broker, buy or sell  recommendations from newspapers and magazines - these are the  traditional ways of picking stocks, but there is a far better way to  pick the right stocks while leaving the poor ones alone.This book is the result of Tom Williams' 12 years trading in California  combined with what Wyckoff had to say about volume. Readers should  benefit immensely from the new and creative computer and  non-computerised market timing indicators and thinking that Tom opens  up.  Contents of The Undeclared Secrets that Drive The Stock Market1. Market Overview  2. Supply and Demand  3. How to Read the Market  4. How to Tell if the Market is Strong or Weak  5. End of a Rising Market  6. Volume  7. Understanding
 Volume  8. What is Bullish or Bearish Volume  9. Testing Supply  10. What is Supply to the Left?  11. High Volume  12. Effort vs Results  13. End of Down Moves  14. Volume in Related Markets  15. Different Time Frames  16. 'News'  17. Manipulation  18. Trend and Trend Lines  19. Trend Clusters  20. Volume Near Trend Lines  21. Absorption Volume  22. Bull and Bear Markets  23. Professional Support  24. Bear Markets  25. What is Needed to Be a Good Trader?  26. What is a System?  27. Signs of Strength  28. Signs of Weakness  29. Check List Before Trading  30. Likely End to a Rally  31. Stock Selection  32. Point  Figure Charts11 partshttp://rapidshare.de/files/31524918/Und_Sec_WS.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31525049/Und_Sec_WS.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31525569/Und_Sec_WS.z02 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] Fundamentals of Investments 3rd Ed by Gordon J. Alexander, William F. Sharpe, Jeffery V. Bailey

2006-09-01 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Fundamentals of Investments 3rd Ed by Gordon J. Alexander, William F. Sharpe, Jeffery V. BaileyHardcover: 781 pages  Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3rd edition (April 25, 2000)  Language: English  ISBN: 0132926172A comprehensive textbook on investing, giving students fundamental  knowledge of investment tools used by professionals and the ways in  which the markets for these tools operate. Topics covered include risk  free lending and borrowing, portfolio selection and analysis, capital  asset pricing, and many moreTable of Contents  1. Introduction.  2. Buying and Selling Securities.  3. Security Markets.  4. Efficient Markets, Investment Value, and Market Price.  5. Taxes.  6. Inflation.  7. The Portfolio Selection Problem.  8. Portfolio Analysis.  9. Riskfree Lending and Borrowing.  10. The Capital Asset Pricing Model.  11. Factor Models.  12. Arbitrage Pricing
 Theory.  13. Characteristics of Common Stocks.  14. Financial Analysis of Common Stocks.  15. Dividend Discount Models.  16. Dividends and Earnings.  17. Investment Management.  18. Portfolio Performance Evaluation.  19. Types of Fixed-Income Securities.  20. Fundamentals of Bond Valuation.  21. Bond Analysis.  22. Bond Portfolio Management.  23. Investment Companies.  24. Options.  25. Futures.  26. International Investing.  Glossary.  References.  Selected Solutions to End-of-Chapter Questions and Problems.  Index. http://rapidshare.de/files/31528966/Fund_Inv_3rd.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31532462/Fund_Inv_3rd.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31532005/Fund_Inv_3rd.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/31533826/Fund_Inv_3rd.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/31533759/Fund_Inv_3rd.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/31535700/Fund_Inv_3rd.z05 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham

2006-09-01 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Security Analysis by Benjamin GrahamHardcover: 770 pages  Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 3 edition (December 10, 2004)  Language: English  ISBN: 0071448209The timeless edition of Security Analysis that most closely reflects  today's financial environment Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis is  hands-down the most influential investment book in history. The classic  1951 edition is the first edition of the bestselling investment bible  that was written during a time of economic stability and prosperity. It  provides investors with techniques and strategies for profitable  investing in an economic environment that most resembles today.  Security Analysis: The Classic 1951 Edition features a far more  contemporary focus on the wisdom and legitimacy of common stocks for  individual investors. This essential addition to any investment library  features: Graham and Dodd's original words and insights, unvarnished  and still compelling Timeless methods
 for measuring asset values and  cash flows, still a centerpiece of value investing worldwide Income  statements and balance sheets moved to the front of the book for ease  of useAbout the AuthorBenjamin Graham was a professor of finance at Columbia University and  has long been recognized as the intellectual father of modern security  analysis and value investing.David Dodd taught at Columbia with Benjamin Graham and played a major  role in helping Dr. Graham formulate his value investing theories.http://rapidshare.de/files/31540638/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/31541224/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/31541595/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/31541833/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/31542744/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/31545344/Ben_Grah-Sec_Analy.z05 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] William F Eng - The Day Trader's Manual

2006-08-27 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

William F Eng - The Day Trader's Manual - Theory, Art, and Science of Profitable Short-Term InvestingDesigned to make you a better, more complete trader, 'The Day's  Trader's Manual' offers practical coverage of price , time, and  volume-analysis techniques, money and position management strategies,  and mechanical and technical trading systems. And its step-by-step  explanation of computerized trading tactics will help you more  consistently earn substantial profits from your intraday trading.  Complete with abundant charts and graphs, plus fourteen real-world case  studies that depict the art and science of day trading in action, this  valuable working tool shows both on-floor and off-floor traders how to:- Adapt investing strategies to day trading time frames.  - Enlarge the number of decision-making points used to enter or exit trades.  - Use technical analysis to forecast duration and direction of market movements.  - Decide
 whether to hang on to existing positions, or initiate new ones at bargain prices.Featuring an array of loss-cutting and profit-taking techniques, 'The  Day Trader's Manual' provides the analytical tools you need to  withstand volatile market moves, make better informed investing  decisions, and improve your profitability.  Contents  Part One - the Theory of Day Trading1. Time, Price, and the Day Trader  2. Strategies for Profitable Day Trading  3. Day Trading Approaches Defined by Market Action  4. Chaos Theory and the Day TraderPart Two - The Science of Day Trading5. Tape-Reading Techniques  6. Spread Trading  7. Trading Market Profile  8. Using Chart Patterns  9. Mathematical Approaches to Day Trading  10. Sequential Patterns in Day Trading  11. Elliott Wave Theory and Day TradingPart Three : The Art of Day Trading12 parts 
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 http://rapidshare.de/files/27323129/Two_Mills.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/27323312/Two_Mills.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27323233/Two_Mills.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27323747/Two_Mills.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27323687/Two_Mills.z04  Elder Alexander - Trading for a Living  9 Parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/27324265/Elder_Trad.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/27324373/Elder_Trad.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27324357/Elder_Trad.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27324622/Elder_Trad.z03  

[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] Bill Williams - Trading Chaos - Applying Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits

2006-08-25 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Chaos theory now stands at the cutting edge of financial decision-making methods. The product of years of scientific investigation into unpredictable phenomena, it has the potential to offer traders entirely new perspectives on the movements of markets—and less risky routes to greater, more consistent profitability. Unlike other books on the subject, Trading Chaos takes chaos analysis out of the realm of the abstract and makes complex concepts easy to understand and use. It offers you the most practical, comprehensive guide available to applying chaos theory to the real world of trading and investing.  In this breakthrough work, author Bill Williams gives you the benefit of his unique qualifications: 35 years of successful trading and a PhD in psychology. The instructional techniques used in Trading Chaos have been tested and refined in the workshops, seminars, and  
   private tutoring sessions Dr. Williams has conducted in 12 different countries. 8 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/30667759/Trad_Chaos.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/30667760/Trad_Chaos.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/30667761/Trad_Chaos.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/30667762/Trad_Chaos.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/30667763/Trad_Chaos.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/30667764/Trad_Chaos.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/30667765/Trad_Chaos.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/30667766/Trad_Chaos.z07 
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[obrolan-bandar] [Ebook SAHAM] George Angell - Sniper Trading : Step-by-Step Exercises to Help You Master Sniper

2006-08-25 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

“ Important lessons and key investment strategies for trading stocks, options, and futures. Sniper Trading helps readers fine-tune their trading to the point where they know exactly where the market will go and when it will get there. With thirty years of experience, George Angell shows readers how to trade successfully on a consistent and informed basis. Sniper Trading is a complete guide to trading everything from stocks and options to futures. Readers will discover how to price trading, identify buy and sell zones, place spread or seasonal trades, and, most importantly, how to win at trading by overcoming common pitfalls and mastering common learning curves. Angell offers the individual trader the inside track on his most successful investment strategies, so they can profit like the professionals.Provides important lessons and key investment strategies for
 trading stocks, options, and futures. Helps readers fine-tune their trading to the point where they know exactly where the market will go and when it will get there. ” 8 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/30668794/Snip_Trad.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/30668795/Snip_Trad.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/30668796/Snip_Trad.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/30668797/Snip_Trad.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/30668798/Snip_Trad.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/30668799/Snip_Trad.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/30668800/Snip_Trad.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/30668801/Snip_Trad.z07 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] Barry Rudd - Stock Patterns for Day Trading

2006-08-25 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Barry Rudd - Stock Patterns for Day Trading“I've spent in the neighborhood of $500 on daytrading books in the past 12 months. If I could only purchase one daytrading book this would be the one. Over the past year of daytrading I've learned the three best tools for timing trades are 1 - real-time charts 2 - level II quotes  3 - time  volume of sales. This book has more examples of charts than the other 10 daytrading books I own combined (that doesn't include Barry's second charting book which I also highly recommend). This book is all about keeping things simple. Forget about stochastics, MACD,  all the other things recommended in the Compleat Daytraders I  II books. Barry believes in the KISS method. Keep it simple stupid (thats my paraphrase of what he recommends).Part of my enthusiasm for Barry's book has to do with my trading
 results before  after reading his book. Because his book was more expensive than others available I purchased some of the less expensive, introductory, daytrading books. I started trading  over about 7 months lost approximately $7,000. In the past 5 months (since purchasing Barry's book) I have become more patient waiting for the correct chart formations  have become a profitable, part-time daytrader. The $7,000 loss I had 5 months ago has turned around and become a $53,000 gain.Some of this turnaround is naturally a result of my maturation as a trader. Everyone writes about having to pay one's dues, so to speak, to get an education in daytrading. I certainly did. However, if I could pinpoint THE major turnaround in my trading activities, it would have to do with reading Barry's book.12 parts 
 http://rapidshare.de/files/30672891/St_Pattern.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/30673528/St_Pattern.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/30673272/St_Pattern.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/30674479/St_Pattern.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/30677187/St_Pattern.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/30673829/St_Pattern.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/30674269/St_Pattern.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/30674519/St_Pattern.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/30677005/St_Pattern.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/30676036/St_Pattern.z09  http://rapidshare.de/files/30676973/St_Pattern.z10  http://rapidshare.de/files/30677483/St_Pattern.z11 
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[obrolan-bandar] [EBOOK SAHAM] David G. Luenberger - Investment Science

2006-08-25 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

David G. Luenberger - Investment ScienceBook Description  Fueled in part by some extraordinary theoretical developments in  finance, an explosive growth of information and computing technology,  and the global expansion of investment activity, investment theory  currently commands a high level of intellectual attention. Recent  developments in the field  are being infused into university classrooms, financial service  organizations, business ventures, and into the awareness of many  individual investors. Modern investment theory using the language of  mathematics is now an essential aspect of academic and practitioner  training.  Representing a breakthrough in the organization of finance topics,  Investment Science will be an indispensable tool in teaching modern  investment theory. It presents sound fundamentals and shows how real  problems can be solved with modern, yet simple, methods. David  Luenberger gives thorough yet  highly accessible
 mathematical coverage of standard and recent topics  of introductory investments: fixed-income securities, modern portfolio  theory and capital asset pricing theory, derivatives (futures, options,  and swaps), and innovations in optimal portfolio growth and valuation  of multiperiod  risky investments. Throughout the book, he uses mathematics to present  essential ideas of investments and their applications in business  practice. The creative use of binomial lattices to formulate and solve  a wide variety of important finance problems is a special feature of  the book.  In moving from fixed-income securities to derivatives, Luenberger  increases naturally the level of mathematical sophistication, but never  goes beyond algebra, elementary statistics/probability, and calculus.  He includes appendices on probability and calculus at the end of the  book for student  reference. Creative examples and end-of-chapter exercises are also  included to provide additional
 applications of principles given in the  text.  Ideal for investment or investment management courses in finance,  engineering economics, operations research, and management science  departments, Investment Science has been successfully class-tested at  Boston University, Stanford University, and the University of  Strathclyde, Scotland, and used  in several firms where knowledge of investment principles is essential.  Executives, managers, financial analysts, and project engineers  responsible for evaluation and structuring of investments will also  find the book beneficial. The methods described are useful in almost  every field, including  high-technology, utilities, financial service organizations, and manufacturing companies.9 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/30677378/Inv_Sci.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/30677474/Inv_Sci.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/30677436/Inv_Sci.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/30680482/Inv_Sci.z03
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[obrolan-bandar] [SoftCopy Buku] Peter Navarro - Big Picture Investing

2006-08-23 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Course Syllabus  Lecture 1 An Introduction to Big Picture Investing.  Lecture 2 The Three Golden Rules and Four Stages of Big Picture Investing  Lecture 3 How the Corporate Earnings News and “Exogenous Shocks” Move the Markets  Lecture 4 How Fiscal and Monetary Policy Move the Markets  Lecture 5 How the Macroeconomic Calendar Moves the Market  Lecture 6 How Stock Prices Move Over the Course of the  Business and Stock Market Cycles and the Patterns of Sector Rotation  Lecture 7 The Interest Rate Cycle and Yield Curve as Leading Indicators of Stock Price Movements  Lecture 8 How—and How Not!—to Find Winning Stocks  Lecture 9 How to Properly Screen Your Stock Market Picks Using Both Fundamental and Technical Analysis  Lecture 10 Managing Your Portfolio and Its Many Risks  Lecture 11 Managing Your
 Money: The Key to Long Term Investing  Lecture 12 How to Buy and Sell Your Stocks Efficiently: The Art of Trade Execution  Lecture 13 How to Manage Your Portfolio Over the Internet  Lecture 14 A Day in the Life of a Big Picture Investor 12 parts   http://rapidshare.de/files/30319756/BigPict_Inv.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/30319757/BigPict_Inv.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/30319758/BigPict_Inv.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/30319619/BigPict_Inv.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/30319586/BigPict_Inv.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/30319646/BigPict_Inv.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/30320251/BigPict_Inv.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/30320260/BigPict_Inv.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/30321624/BigPict_Inv.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/30324700/BigPict_Inv.z09  http://rapidshare.de/files/30324701/BigPict_Inv.z10 
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[obrolan-bandar] [softcopy buku] Glenn Neely - Mastering Elliot Wave - Version 2

2006-08-07 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Mastering Elliot Wave: Presenting the Neely Method:   The First Scientific, Objective Approach to Market Forecasting with the Elliott Wave Theory (version 2)  Publisher: Windsor Books; 2Rev Ed edition (April 1, 1990)  Language: English  ISBN: 0930233441The definitve guide to interpreting Elliott Waves. In its original  form, many concepts and ideas concerning real-time application of the  theory were left unclear. Neely has greatly expanded upon and refined  the concepts first discovered by Elliott, to help you more accurately  apply them to your trading and investments. For the first time, these  concepts are presented in a logical, step-by-step fashion, in the  actual order they should be applied to a price chart. Consequently, all  the guesswork typically associated with the Wave Theory has been  eliminated for you. From the reviews: A masterpiece-the best book on  technical analysis in 50 years! Provides the most complete explanation  of
 Elliott Wave Thoery available... I've read everything I could find  on Elliott... (and this book) is more than I'd ever hoped for... 223  pgs.Table of ContentsElementary DiscussionsWhat is the Elliott Wave Theory? Why Learn Elliott Wave Theory? Why the  Controversy? Why this Book May Create More Controversy. What Makes  Elliott Wave Theory Unique? How Should You Learn the Theory? Why  Another Book on Elliott Wave was Necessary. The Neely Extensions. How I  Discovered These New Concepts and Techniques. Where is the Theory  Applicable? How Whould You Work with and Perceive Elliott? What's Next?General ConceptsWhat is a wave? Why do waves occur? Why are waves Important? How Do You  Categorize Waves/ How Do You Label Waves? What Data Should Be Used to  Analyze Wave/ How Do You Plot Date? How Complicated Do Waves Get? How  is this Knowledge Used to Analyze?Preliminary AnalysisChart Preparation
 and Data Management; Retracement Rules; Pre-Constructive Rules of LogicIntermediary ObservationsMonowave Groups; Rule of Similarity and Balance; Rounds; Zigzag Detour TestCentral ConsiderationsContruction of Polywaves; Impulsions; Corrections; Breaking PointNEELY EXTENSIONSPost-Constructive Rules of LogicImpulsions; Corrections; Compaction Procedures; Complexity Rule; More  on Degree; Flow Chart of Entire Neely method of Elliott Wave Analysis  Construction of Comples Polywaves, Multiwaves etc. Complex Polywaves;  Multiwaves; Complex Multiwaves; Macrowaves; Alternation; Extensions;  Where to Start a CountBasic Neely ExtensionsTrendline Touch Points; Time Rule; Independent Rule;Simultaneous  occurrence; Exception Rule; Necessity of Maintaining Structure  Itegrity; Locking in Structure; Flexibility of Progress labelsAdvanced Logic Rules  Pattern
 Implications  Advanced Progress label Application  Impulse Patterns; Corrective Patterns  Advanced Neely Extensions8 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/28475345/MasElliotW.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/28477868/MasElliotW.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/28475286/MasElliotW.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/28475260/MasElliotW.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/28475592/MasElliotW.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/28478370/MasElliotW.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/28478443/MasElliotW.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/28478374/MasElliotW.z07-    Acme Trader - Professional Stock Trading, System Design and AutomationPublisher: Acme Trader (July 2002)  Language: English  ISBN: 097185364911 parts 
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[obrolan-bandar] [SoftCopy Buku] Professional Stock Trading, System Design and Automation

2006-08-04 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Acme Trader - Professional Stock Trading, System Design and AutomationPublisher: Acme Trader (July 2002)  Language: English  ISBN: 0971853649Learn the art and science of trading systems from professional speculators.The authors share powerful long and short trading strategies that span  all time frames, including over one hundred annotated charts with  commentary and rationale.   The book contains a complete  implementation of a professional trading platform, including dozens of  TradeStation strategies, indicators, and functions. Further, advanced  trading techniques such as pair trading and float trading are explained.These systems are integrated into a fully automated framework for  position sizing and trade management. Finally, follow the authors as  they track their stock selections throughout the week in real time.Note: All of the free EasyLanguage code needed to run the trading  systems and
 indicators presented in each chapter is given in Chapter  11. TradeStation is required. 11 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/27657967/Prof_Stock.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/27658278/Prof_Stock.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27658302/Prof_Stock.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27658445/Prof_Stock.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27658506/Prof_Stock.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/27732991/Prof_Stock.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/27733003/Prof_Stock.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/27733061/Prof_Stock.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/27733047/Prof_Stock.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/2775/Prof_Stock.z09  http://rapidshare.de/files/27733342/Prof_Stock.z10  SoftCopy Buku Lainnya :    Murphy John J - Technical Analysis Of The Financial Markets  9 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/27655495/Murphy_TA.zip 
 http://rapidshare.de/files/27656523/Murphy_TA.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27656634/Murphy_TA.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27656602/Murphy_TA.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27656707/Murphy_TA.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/27657721/Murphy_TA.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/27657679/Murphy_TA.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/27657764/Murphy_TA.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/27657851/Murphy_TA.z08How I Made 2,000,000 in the Stock Market by Nicolas Darvas5 Partshttp://rapidshare.de/files/27323129/Two_Mills.ziphttp://rapidshare.de/files/27323312/Two_Mills.z01http://rapidshare.de/files/27323233/Two_Mills.z02http://rapidshare.de/files/27323747/Two_Mills.z03http://rapidshare.de/files/27323687/Two_Mills.z04K.h. Shaleen - Technical Analysis  Options Strategies  10 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/27643708/TA_Opt.zip 
 http://rapidshare.de/files/27645248/TA_Opt.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27645173/TA_Opt.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27645237/TA_Opt.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27645582/TA_Opt.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/27647062/TA_Opt.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/27647173/TA_Opt.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/27647040/TA_Opt.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/27648945/TA_Opt.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/27649067/TA_Opt.z09Steve Nison - Beyond Candlesticks  10 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/27329046/BeyCand.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/27329257/BeyCand.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27329247/BeyCand.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27329439/BeyCand.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27329464/BeyCand.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/27329705/BeyCand.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/27329694/BeyCand.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/27329903/BeyCand.z07 
 http://rapidshare.de/files/27330175/BeyCand.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/27329922/BeyCand.z09Candlestick Charting Explained  15 parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327438/CanExpl.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327571/CanExpl.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327678/CanExpl.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327858/CanExpl.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327781/CanExpl.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327937/CanExpl.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/27328016/CanExpl.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/27328217/CanExpl.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/27328444/CanExpl.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/27328389/CanExpl.z09  http://rapidshare.de/files/27328481/CanExpl.z10  http://rapidshare.de/files/27328708/CanExpl.z11  http://rapidshare.de/files/27328842/CanExpl.z12  http://rapidshare.de/files/27328810/CanExpl.z13  http://rapidshare.de/files/27328937/CanExpl.z14Steve Nison - The
 Candlestick Course  12 Parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326313/CandleS.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326268/CandleS.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326394/CandleS.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326401/CandleS.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326745/CandleS.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326800/CandleS.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326833/CandleS.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326870/CandleS.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327150/CandleS.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327202/CandleS.z09  

[obrolan-bandar] [SoftCopy Buku] Murphy John J - Technical Analysis Of The Financial Markets

2006-08-02 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Murphy John J - Technical Analysis Of The Financial Markets  Publisher: Prentice Hall Press; 2Rev Ed edition (January 4, 1999)  Language: English  ISBN: 0735200661This is an invaluable tool for traders/investors at all experience  levels. In John Murphy's latest book, Technical Analysis of the  Financial Markets, he takes the principles from his 1986 best-selling  book and expands it to cover all the financial markets. If you invest  in the stock market, this is an investment you cannot overlook.Learn the fundamentals of technical analysis and chart construction  Guides you from the basics of charting through the latest computer  technology Shows you 400 real-life charts that clarify every key point  Teaches you how to pull it all together and make it work for youCited in research studies by the Federal Reserve, John Murphy's  Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets, a comprehensive guide to the  concepts of technical
 analysis and their applications to the futures  markets, is widely considered the "bible" in its field. Now, in  response to widespread demand, John Murphy has completely updated and  revised this landmark volume, broadened its scope, and expanded it to  cover all financial markets.While it retains the clarity, simplicity, and logical structure that  made the earlier book so popular, Technical Analysis of the Financial  Markets thoroughly covers all the new techniques in charts and charting  and the many recent developments in this fast-changing area. Every  chapter has been updated. There is new emphasis on the stock market,  hundreds of up-to-date illustrations, and three completely new chapters  featuring extensive information on:Stock Market Indicators - advancing versus declining issues, hew highs  versus new lows, up volume versus down volume, and other tools to gauge  market breadth and provide early warning of potential trend changes. 
 Candlestick Charting - how to best use these fascinating, visually  appealing charts that deliver data with such impact it seems to  literally jump off the page or computer screen. Intermarket Analysis -  a much needed clear explanation of the vital interrelationships between  the various financial markets. In addition, the book provides extensive  new sections covering systems development, advanced technical  indicators, and such newer forms of charting as market profile.An invaluable tool for traders of all experience, Technical Analysis of  the Financial Markets guides you from the first application of Dow  Theory and the basics of charting through the latest computer  technology and most advanced analysis systems.Packed with some 400 real-life charts that clarify every key point, this authoritative, yet easy-to-follow guide covers:The fundamentals of technical analysis and chart construction What you  must know about trends and the
 building blocks of chart analysis  Various types of charting: point and figure, candlesticks, and more  Price patterns, including major reversal and continuation patterns  Long-term charts and the valuable perspective they provide Methods of  analysis - moving averages, oscillators, ontrary opinion, and others  Elliott Wave Theory and the anticipation of market turns Time cycles  Market interrelationships Money management and trading tactics Stock  market indicators How to pull it all together and make it work for you  Ralph Acampora, Managing Director, Prudential Securities, says: "One  way to get started in technical analysis is read a good book on the  subject. One of my favorites is Technical Analysis of the Financial  Markets by John Murphy. It's an easy read."Gail M. Dudack, Chief Investment Strategist, Warburg Dillon Read, says:  "No one in this generation had contributed more to technical analysis  than John Murphy. Through his series of books, he has
 opened the door  to many and raised the standard for all who use technical analysis. His  books should be required reading for everyone in the securities  business and are never more than a step away from my desk."Alan Shaw, Managing Director, Salomon Smith Barney, says: "John Murphy  appears to have done it again. . .only this time in a more contemporary  fashion. Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets is a must read for  the novice and professional and most important the Chartered Market  Technician (CMT) candidate. As a long-time point-and-figure devotee, I  was enthused to see the book's point-and-figure chapter not only cover  some of the more popular methods such as Chartcraft and Dorsey Wright,  but also explore the usefulness of the original point-and-figure  methodology which we practice here at Salomon Smith Barney."9 partshttp://rapidshare.de/files/27655495/Murphy_TA.zip 
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[obrolan-bandar] [SoftCopy Buku] K.h. Shaleen - Technical Analysis Options Strategies

2006-08-01 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

K.h. Shaleen - Technical Analysis  Options Strategies10 partshttp://rapidshare.de/files/27643708/TA_Opt.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/27645248/TA_Opt.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27645173/TA_Opt.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27645237/TA_Opt.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27645582/TA_Opt.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/27647062/TA_Opt.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/27647173/TA_Opt.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/27647040/TA_Opt.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/27648945/TA_Opt.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/27649067/TA_Opt.z09 
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[obrolan-bandar] [SoftCopy Buku] Candlestick Charting Explained - Timeless Techniques for Trading Stocks and Futures 2nd Edition

2006-07-31 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

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[obrolan-bandar] [SoftCopy Buku] Steve Nison - The Candlestick Course

2006-07-28 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Steve Nison - The Candlestick Course  12 Parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326313/CandleS.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326268/CandleS.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326394/CandleS.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326401/CandleS.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326745/CandleS.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326800/CandleS.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326833/CandleS.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/27326870/CandleS.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327150/CandleS.z08  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327202/CandleS.z09  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327202/CandleS.z09  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327157/CandleS.z10  http://rapidshare.de/files/27327316/CandleS.z11 
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[obrolan-bandar] [SoftCopy Buku] Elder Alexander - Trading for a Living

2006-07-28 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

Elder Alexander - Trading for a Living  9 Parts  http://rapidshare.de/files/27324265/Elder_Trad.zip  http://rapidshare.de/files/27324373/Elder_Trad.z01  http://rapidshare.de/files/27324357/Elder_Trad.z02  http://rapidshare.de/files/27324622/Elder_Trad.z03  http://rapidshare.de/files/27325027/Elder_Trad.z04  http://rapidshare.de/files/27325063/Elder_Trad.z05  http://rapidshare.de/files/27325049/Elder_Trad.z06  http://rapidshare.de/files/27325124/Elder_Trad.z07  http://rapidshare.de/files/27325434/Elder_Trad.z08 
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[obrolan-bandar] [SoftCopy Buku] Steve Nison - Beyond Candlesticks

2006-07-28 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

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[obrolan-bandar] [SoftCopy Buku] How I Made 2 Million In The Stock Market

2006-07-28 Terurut Topik masih_belajar saham

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