Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-18 Thread Jim Klimov

On 2012-09-09 22:50, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:

A lot of the talk you've seen on the oi-dev mailing list regarding
changing the default shell, splitting off /usr or switching to Schillix
is coming from the peanut gallery of people who like to provide their
opinions on things but who have never actually contributed to the project.

No offense taken ;)

As for the things I wrote about (i.e. splitting the root fs into
components), these are things I did myself with OI and OpenSolaris
before that and with older Solarises way before that (when it was
customary to have many filesystems for core OS components). This
does have certain benefits in exchange for certain complications.

Yes, some people are better at having an erudition and common
sense, others are better in the coding role. None is fundamentally
better, these are just different proficiencies (thoughtlessly coding
something useless is about as bad as having no coding in a software
project at all - so two different heads are better than one).
Some people can change roles depending on amount of coffee and
recency of the last sleep, but I was like that too long ago ;)

So, as far as a peanut gallery goes, I truly did not provide much
code - and I'm not a specialist in that part. I did provide some
improvements to project documentation, some bug reports and ideas.
I thought that did count as contributions to project in general...

Like many other things I wrote on the OI and Illumos wikis, I did
document the procedure (although I agree that a cleaner rewrite is
due, I went over this while setting up my laptop and did find my
own text counter-intuitive at times). Unfortunately, trying to earn
money while raising a baby leaves little time for volunteer work -
but I still hope to code/script and integrate the changes needed to
support the split rootfs if anyone desires to use that on their
systems. I'd be just as happy to help if someone else takes to
implement this and other improvements I propose in vast numbers ;)

As for default /sbin/sh shell, this was only a practical matter
for my project. KSH did not work (has too many dependencies into
/usr space), changing /sbin/sh to BASH did not break anything and
allowed my project to work. I'm happy to use a static-built KSH
just for the sake of not changing the OI ecosystem, if anyone
or myself ever compiles a static KSH binary and RTIs that into
illumos-gate, oi-build or somesuch.

So let's say I'm a typical community member with an opinion what he
wants to do with his desktop/server OS, preferably without applying
homebrewn patches to each installation to make them subjectively
perfect - but upstreaming them into the common distribution and
having a choice out of the box. That I am looking forward to doing.

//Jim Klimov

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-09 Thread Alasdair Lumsden

On 06/09/2012 20:27, Ken Gunderson wrote:

As for Alasdair having resigned as project lead, I would politely ask
  if we could prevail upon him to re-don his lead hat for this one last
  action.  Why?  In short; I feel he, likely more than anyone, has the
  community's trust.

Hi Ken,

Sure I don't mind providing some input on this...

I think OI is a member of the illumos family and I'd be more than happy 
for the illumos foundation to take donations on our behalf, as long as 
it's earmarked for OI use specifically. If someone wants to donate to OI 
rather than illumos, it makes sense for it to be ringfenced. (Otherwise 
they'd just donate to illumos).

It may be worth illumos setting up some kind of method of taking 
donations via something like PayPal. The illumos website could let 
people donate to illumos, and the OpenIndiana website could let people 
donate to OpenIndiana (but via the same facility), with some way of 
differentiating between the payments so they can be earmarked for 
illumos-general or OpenIndiana (or other projects that live within the 

Does that make sense? Or is that too complicated?

I also am happy for it to take a cut of the donations for administrative 
overheads, as long as it's not too excessive. Obviously there is work 
involved in maintaining the foundation.



oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-09 Thread Alasdair Lumsden

On 07/09/2012 06:07, wrote:

There have been technical disagreements, and I've pointed out that there has 
been in the past what I think represents a lack of clear vision for OI.  But 
that's *my* opinion, and I don't speak for illumos in this regard.  (Nor can I 
-- or anyone else -- illumos is moving towards a mutual benefit corporation 
that would preclude a single person dictating the position of illumos.)

I'm sorry if our vision wasn't communicated properly.

When OI started, Oracle were still publishing all the source to 
OpenSolaris including ONNV. OI was started to provide binary builds of 
that so that those of us using OpenSolaris could continue to do so. This 
made us equivalent to the CentOS-RedHat relationship.

Then Oracle closed the gate and illumos took on a life of its own, and 
soon after OpenIndiana abandoned any notions of being a clone of Solaris 11.

The new vision that arose from this was very much about being the 
leading *community* developed illumos based general purpose operating 
system. Basically what Debian is to the Linux world.

I hope that's clear.

However I think OI and illumos have been fairly symbiotic -- indeed OI still builds upon 
the illumos base, and at the moment OI is the de-facto reference distribution 
of illumos.  However, if OI is considering a different base -- say SchilliX -- then that 
would probably represent a significant rift.   (I have some concerns about the topics of 
conversation on oi-dev of late; decisions to for example change the shell or filesystem 
layout can have broad ramifications.  While a distro can choose to do as it wants, if 
there is that much difference between the base and the distro, then it will be much 
harder for the base developers to continue to use the distro as a reference.)

The relationship has been entirely symbiotic and I don't think we've 
really had that many disagreements, perhaps only some tension at the 
beginning. OI was always understaffed and it took a lot of time and 
effort for the volunteers to get up to speed on how everything worked.

A lot of the talk you've seen on the oi-dev mailing list regarding 
changing the default shell, splitting off /usr or switching to Schillix 
is coming from the peanut gallery of people who like to provide their 
opinions on things but who have never actually contributed to the project.

We have no intention of moving away from illumos-gate nor making any 
major changes. I also want to RTI all the non-branding related changes 
in our illumos-gate fork - we only maintain it because none of us have 
had time to RTI stuff.



oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-09 Thread Deirdre Straughan
That doesn't sound too complicated. I should be able to set up a PayPal
account for the Foundation and enable setting categories or at least
putting notes on donations.

The illumos Foundation does have a bank account, so far I'm the only person
with access to it but I expect to add more eg board members. The Foundation
is required by law to provide an annual report and accounting of some sort,
so you'll be able to see that I'm not using the funds to go to Tahiti. ;-)
At the moment, the account contains a grand total of $20 which I had to put
in there to keep it open!

If the illumos Foundation actually gets a significant amount of funding,
it's possible/likely that a full-time exec director would be hired to take
on all this. For the moment, I'm doing it as part of the job that Joyent
pays me to do.

On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 2:45 PM, Alasdair Lumsden alasdai...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 06/09/2012 20:27, Ken Gunderson wrote:

 As for Alasdair having resigned as project lead, I would politely ask
   if we could prevail upon him to re-don his lead hat for this one last
   action.  Why?  In short; I feel he, likely more than anyone, has the
   community's trust.

 Hi Ken,

 Sure I don't mind providing some input on this...

 I think OI is a member of the illumos family and I'd be more than happy
 for the illumos foundation to take donations on our behalf, as long as it's
 earmarked for OI use specifically. If someone wants to donate to OI rather
 than illumos, it makes sense for it to be ringfenced. (Otherwise they'd
 just donate to illumos).

 It may be worth illumos setting up some kind of method of taking donations
 via something like PayPal. The illumos website could let people donate to
 illumos, and the OpenIndiana website could let people donate to OpenIndiana
 (but via the same facility), with some way of differentiating between the
 payments so they can be earmarked for illumos-general or OpenIndiana (or
 other projects that live within the illumosphere).

 Does that make sense? Or is that too complicated?

 I also am happy for it to take a cut of the donations for administrative
 overheads, as long as it's not too excessive. Obviously there is work
 involved in maintaining the foundation.



 oi-dev mailing list**mailman/listinfo/oi-dev


best regards,
Deirdré Straughan
Community Architect, SmartOS
illumos Community Manager

cell 720 371 4107
oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-07 Thread Jonathan Adams
On 7 September 2012 06:01, wrote:
 I have no problem with illumos handling earmarking.  In the future, I'll
 want to take a percentage of such donations for illumos general use, but I
 expect it to be reasonable -- perhaps 20% or 25% - and that seems not
 inappropriate given that OI uses illumos as its base anyway.

I am not sure about the 20% mark ... it seems high to me since OI
projects could and should support the community outside of OI.

I understand that for small donations this might _seem_ reasonable,
and that while there is little or no governance of OI it is hard to
see how this funding is spent in a sensible manner, but 20% is a large
slice of any cake.

I know I've already said my peace and am happy for the Illumos
Foundation to take and earmark the funds (it seems by far the sanest
option IMHO) and I could see a 10-15% cut straight to Illumos, I would
prefer not to see it any higher than that.

I would expect any projects, that OI specifically gets involved in,
that affect the Illumos kernel, will benefit Illumos directly and
because of this the OI ring-fenced funding will benefit Illumos too,
but indirectly.

 As far as deciding how it gets spent outside of the earmark - I think the OI
 community will still need to appoint someone or a small body of people, to
 determine the further allocation of the earmark.  That sounds like
 governance to me -- even if not much.

my first preference, as I've said, would be bounties, although as was
suggested some contribution towards transport funds for specific OI
dev's to Illumos events might help the bitterness in the community.


oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-07 Thread garrett . damore

On Sep 7, 2012, at 3:14 PM, Jonathan Adams wrote:

 On 7 September 2012 06:01, wrote:
 I have no problem with illumos handling earmarking.  In the future, I'll
 want to take a percentage of such donations for illumos general use, but I
 expect it to be reasonable -- perhaps 20% or 25% - and that seems not
 inappropriate given that OI uses illumos as its base anyway.
 I am not sure about the 20% mark ... it seems high to me since OI
 projects could and should support the community outside of OI.
 I understand that for small donations this might _seem_ reasonable,
 and that while there is little or no governance of OI it is hard to
 see how this funding is spent in a sensible manner, but 20% is a large
 slice of any cake.

Ultimately, I'm concerned about the health of illumos itself.  We (the initial 
board members of the foundation) expect to spend significant amounts of money 
for benefit of all illumos -- including having money that can be used for 
projects which tend not to be commercially interesting.  (For example, these 
funds might be used for the graphics drivers or WLAN work, etc.)

I'm thinking about funds that might be spent also on things like common build 
and test infrastructure, expanded project hosting, etc.  This stuff is 
*expensive*.  If we only do bounties, then the project will probably die.  
(I've proposed to the illumos board a rough spending allocation of 30% for 
bounties/development, 30% for infrastructure and supporting tech, 30% for 
marketing, and 10% for administration overhead.  (We need to hire a project 
admin - what would in other terms be an Executive Director for the illumos 
project -- this has to be a person without other commercial affiliations in the 
community  so we really probably do need to pay someone to do this work.  I 
don't expect it to be a lot though. :-)

You need think about this in the context of large commercial sponsors.  I think 
20-25% is the right figure for giving back to the central organization.  Think 
about this way:  Ultimately, illumos represents greater than 20% of the effort 
and code base (at least the code base that is actively maintained by this 
community and not just incorporated verbatim).  My fear is without this we 
could wind up with a lot of funds earmarked, but ultimately have a central 
organization that is financially unhealthy.  That wouldn't be a good state to 
be in.

Ultimately *right now* there is no preallocation.  But when the bylaws are 
settled there will be an amount that will be agreed upon by the foundation 
board members.

Of course OI is free to set up its own foundation (but this is non-trivial), 
and of course its possible for a sponsor to give directly (e.g. by hiring 
developers, etc.)  But that will come without involvement of the illumos 

 I know I've already said my peace and am happy for the Illumos
 Foundation to take and earmark the funds (it seems by far the sanest
 option IMHO) and I could see a 10-15% cut straight to Illumos, I would
 prefer not to see it any higher than that.

Again, the illumos Board will set the percentage here.  It will most likely be 
a percentage for all earmarks (e.g. if someone wants to give money to fund 
development of virtualization, then the foundation will take a cut for the 
general fund.) 

I'll pass on your concerns to the board about the sizing, although again I 
don't agree for the reasons I've elaborated.

 I would expect any projects, that OI specifically gets involved in,
 that affect the Illumos kernel, will benefit Illumos directly and
 because of this the OI ring-fenced funding will benefit Illumos too,
 but indirectly.

Possibly very very indirectly.  Its hard to see that in very much detail, since 
I don't know how funding will be applied within OI.  I'd *recommend* that 
effort/money ought to be given to improving the quality and release engineering 
as a priority over just integrating yet more packages.  But that's just my 

 As far as deciding how it gets spent outside of the earmark - I think the OI
 community will still need to appoint someone or a small body of people, to
 determine the further allocation of the earmark.  That sounds like
 governance to me -- even if not much.
 my first preference, as I've said, would be bounties, although as was
 suggested some contribution towards transport funds for specific OI
 dev's to Illumos events might help the bitterness in the community.

Maybe.  I think there are other ways too… OI needs some unsexy tasks done -- 
like release engineer, QA, etc.   In fact, I think these are far more urgent 
than just adding new packages.

- Garrett

 oi-dev mailing list

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-07 Thread Jim Klimov

2012-09-07 9:07, пишет:

However I think OI and illumos have been fairly symbiotic -- indeed OI still builds upon 
the illumos base, and at the moment OI is the de-facto reference distribution 
of illumos.  However, if OI is considering a different base -- say SchilliX -- then that 
would probably represent a significant rift.   (I have some concerns about the topics of 
conversation on oi-dev of late; decisions to for example change the shell or filesystem 
layout can have broad ramifications.  While a distro can choose to do as it wants, if 
there is that much difference between the base and the distro, then it will be much 
harder for the base developers to continue to use the distro as a reference.)

I do also think that the assumptions about symbiotic and reference
distro are valid as of now and before now. As long as this remains
in place, I think it would be correct to leave the bureaucratic
burden (and cost) minimized to the required number of entities -
i.e. one in the person of illumos Foundation. Increasing the
inproductive workload is the last thing we need now ;)

As for shell changes, I believe this may refer to my suggestion
about hierarchical root filesystem and the presence of a /sbin/sh
within the root filesystem (not as a link to ../usr/bin/ksh).
If that is the case, I believe a static compile of ksh may suffice
for that task (ability to mount and use rootfs while /usr is not
yet mounted) and would be completely compatible with current distro.
I did not have such binary at hand, and the one in /usr/bin was
linked to many libraries, so I tried to use bash and this incurred
no errors that I'd have noted and needed no extra workarounds.
I also did try old bourne shell from SXCE, but this did have some 
functional downsides with OI (although that binary is IIRC tangibly

more compact on disk and in RAM and just as such serves as a better
system shell; doesn't have to be the every user's interactive one).

//Jim Klimov

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-07 Thread Deirdre Straughan
The exact percentage of any earmarked funds to be withheld for a general
fund should be discussed by the illumos Foundation board, probably after
the board is expanded sometime in the near-ish future. There's no agreed
guideline on this at present.

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 2:14 AM, Jonathan Adams t12nsloo...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 7 September 2012 06:01, wrote:
  I have no problem with illumos handling earmarking.  In the future, I'll
  want to take a percentage of such donations for illumos general use, but
  expect it to be reasonable -- perhaps 20% or 25% - and that seems not
  inappropriate given that OI uses illumos as its base anyway.

 I am not sure about the 20% mark ... it seems high to me since OI
 projects could and should support the community outside of OI.

 I understand that for small donations this might _seem_ reasonable,
 and that while there is little or no governance of OI it is hard to
 see how this funding is spent in a sensible manner, but 20% is a large
 slice of any cake.

 I know I've already said my peace and am happy for the Illumos
 Foundation to take and earmark the funds (it seems by far the sanest
 option IMHO) and I could see a 10-15% cut straight to Illumos, I would
 prefer not to see it any higher than that.

 I would expect any projects, that OI specifically gets involved in,
 that affect the Illumos kernel, will benefit Illumos directly and
 because of this the OI ring-fenced funding will benefit Illumos too,
 but indirectly.

  As far as deciding how it gets spent outside of the earmark - I think
 the OI
  community will still need to appoint someone or a small body of people,
  determine the further allocation of the earmark.  That sounds like
  governance to me -- even if not much.

 my first preference, as I've said, would be bounties, although as was
 suggested some contribution towards transport funds for specific OI
 dev's to Illumos events might help the bitterness in the community.


 oi-dev mailing list


best regards,
Deirdré Straughan
Community Architect, SmartOS
illumos Community Manager

cell 720 371 4107
oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Deirdre Straughan
Any further thoughts on this, anyone?

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Garrett D'Amore

 Originally Alasdair indicated that he wanted OI to be part of the illumos
 foundation, so this approach of earmarking the donation makes sense.

 Note that in the future I hope that illumos will reserve a percentage of
 earmark donations for its general fund but since we have not set up the
 administration to deal with that yet, it seems like right now is a great
 time to donate and ensure that 100% of your donation goes exactly to OI.

   - Garrett

 On Sep 5, 2012, at 8:08 PM, Jonathan Adams wrote:

  On 5 September 2012 16:47, Deirdre Straughan wrote:
  I know that it's really none of my business, since I have yet to
  actually give anything except support/bugs to the community ...
  I think that the money being placed with the Illumos Foundation, with
  potential ring-fencing for OI is a sane idea.
   If large enough, perhaps it
  could be used to fund travel for an OI representative at illumos/ZFS
 Days in
  Your thoughts?
  I personally would prefer it to be set aside for OI specific bounties
  ... but anything that enables OI to have a more visible/vocal voice in
  the Illumos community could only be seen as a good thing.
  oi-dev mailing list

 oi-dev mailing list


best regards,
Deirdré Straughan
Community Architect, SmartOS
illumos Community Manager

cell 720 371 4107
oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Ken Gunderson
At Thu, 6 Sep 2012 11:54:31 -0700,
Deirdre Straughan wrote:
 Any further thoughts on this, anyone?


Since you asked

While OI and Illumos should retain and nurture a collaborative
relationship, I also think OI should foster and maintain it's own
independence, as imho Illumos and Nexenta have not always acted in
OI's best interest.  Hence, my vote would be for OI to form it's own

Whether this can be accomplished in a time frame suitable for the
donation referenced is another matter.  I think having some clue as to
rough figures would help here, and if not too large amount I would
vote for it just to handed over to Alasdair and let him handle it as
best he sees fit until an appropriate legal entity could be
established.  Heck, setting up such may well be the best use of said

As for Alasdair having resigned as project lead, I would politely ask
 if we could prevail upon him to re-don his lead hat for this one last
 action.  Why?  In short; I feel he, likely more than anyone, has the
 community's trust.

Regards-- Ken

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread magnus

On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 13:27:02 -0600, Ken Gunderson

 While OI and Illumos should retain and nurture a collaborative
 relationship, I also think OI should foster and maintain it's own
 independence, as imho Illumos and Nexenta have not always acted in
 OI's best interest.  Hence, my vote would be for OI to form it's own

The gift could be used to establish a foundation. 

This comes back around to that word that so many people don't like, though:

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Ken Gunderson
At Thu, 06 Sep 2012 15:31:21 -0400, wrote:
 On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 13:27:02 -0600, Ken Gunderson
  While OI and Illumos should retain and nurture a collaborative
  relationship, I also think OI should foster and maintain it's own
  independence, as imho Illumos and Nexenta have not always acted in
  OI's best interest.  Hence, my vote would be for OI to form it's own
 The gift could be used to establish a foundation. 
 This comes back around to that word that so many people don't like, though:

The foundation doesn't necessarily need to govern anything.  Indeed,
my preference is that it would not.  Rather it just needs to be a
shell legal entity that can deal with legalities such as banking and
copyright type stuff.  The community at large can still direct/weigh
in on decisions w/o a whole lot of change from how things are handled

Regards-- Ken

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Ken Gunderson
At Thu, 06 Sep 2012 15:57:13 -0400, wrote:
 On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 13:54:02 -0600, Ken Gunderson
  The foundation doesn't necessarily need to govern anything.  Indeed,
  my preference is that it would not.  Rather it just needs to be a
  shell legal entity that can deal with legalities such as banking and
  copyright type stuff.  The community at large can still direct/weigh
  in on decisions w/o a whole lot of change from how things are handled
 That's the thing, though; there is no such thing as an ungoverned shell
 corporation (at least in the US). You must, in order to be able to accept
 definitions, have articles of incorporation, trustees, something like a
 board of directors, regular board meetings, financial statements, etc. You
 can't just file a piece of paper once and forget about it. The fine details
 of all of this stuff are somewhat malleable but there very much needs to be
 governance in place to establish, and maintain, a not-for-profit entity.

Doesn't need to be a C corp.  Keep it simple.  Maybe an LLC or S
corp?  I think all that is needed is a secretary and president.  Heck,
I think for an S Corp they can even be one in the same.  Need to
refresh my memory, but I think you can get away with a single annual
meeting.  I've participated in ones for the family business around the
x-mas holidays and we talk mostly about craft beer because there's not
much more that really needs to be discussed.  You just need to
document that you had one and who was there.  Maybe a different story
is you're a multi-million dollar C Corp.  But OI is not so there's not
a need to make much ado about nothing.  KISS.

My $0.02.  I'm not a lawyer and you get what you pay for...

Ciao-- Ken

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread magnus

On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:15:48 -0600, Ken Gunderson

 Doesn't need to be a C corp.  Keep it simple.  Maybe an LLC or S

Not if you want to accept tax-deductible donations.

The cliff's notes:

A 501(c)(3) may or may not be the right way to go. It's the kind of
corporation that is attractive for people and corporations (and other
Foundations, potentially) to make tax-deductible donations to. But there
are responsibilities involved with keeping it going.


oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Ken Gunderson
At Thu, 06 Sep 2012 16:32:41 -0400, wrote:
 On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:15:48 -0600, Ken Gunderson
  Doesn't need to be a C corp.  Keep it simple.  Maybe an LLC or S
 Not if you want to accept tax-deductible donations.
 The cliff's notes:
 A 501(c)(3) may or may not be the right way to go. It's the kind of
 corporation that is attractive for people and corporations (and other
 Foundations, potentially) to make tax-deductible donations to. But there
 are responsibilities involved with keeping it going.

To be clear, I was not advocating for a 501, as I don't think that in
 OI's case such would qualify for tax deductible donations anyhow.
 What such could achieve is tax exemption for the monies taken in by
 the Foundation.  And you're correct that such entails much
 administrative overhead, outside audits, etc.  But we don't have to
 do this in the US where capitalists are so greedy  Anybody
 somewhere else in the world have any suggestions?  OTOH, I know some
 folks running 501's on a shoestring (1 person) so it is doable.

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Andrew M. Hettinger

I think this is alot of work for no gain. As long as the illumos foundation
is willing to earmark donations for us to use (even if they want to keep a
small amount to cover their expenses for doing so), and is fine with us
handling our governance ourselves I see no reason to go through the trouble
and cost of making a fully separate entity. This is not something that just
happens, there are legal hurtles, mostly to the initial separation, but to
a lesser degree ongoing in setting up to be able to accept donations and
remain in compliance with the law.

The Illumos Foundation has been vary generous to provide us with hosting,
support, and not make any real demands on us in return. I think the best
with regard to this is to continue with our existing symbiotic

Andrew Hettinger
http://Prominic.NET  ||
Tel:  866.339.3169 (toll free) -or- +1.217.356.2888 x.110 (int'l)
Fax: 866.372.3356 (toll free) -or- +1.217.356.3356(int'l) wrote on 09/06/2012 03:32:41 PM:
 On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:15:48 -0600, Ken Gunderson

  Doesn't need to be a C corp.  Keep it simple.  Maybe an LLC or S

 Not if you want to accept tax-deductible donations.

 The cliff's notes:

 A 501(c)(3) may or may not be the right way to go. It's the kind of
 corporation that is attractive for people and corporations (and other
 Foundations, potentially) to make tax-deductible donations to. But there
 are responsibilities involved with keeping it going.


 oi-dev mailing list
oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Ken Gunderson
At Thu, 6 Sep 2012 15:46:54 -0500,
Andrew M. Hettinger wrote:
 [1  multipart/alternative (7bit)]
 [1.1  text/plain; US-ASCII (quoted-printable)]
 [1.2  text/html; US-ASCII (quoted-printable)]


 The Illumos Foundation has been vary generous to provide us with hosting, 
 and not make any real demands on us in return. I think the best with regard 
 to this
 is to continue with our existing symbiotic relationship.

If memory serves, EveryCity and OI initially provided hosting for

Moreover, and I think there are others who would agree (although perhaps not
publicly), that there have been instances where the relationship was
less than symbiotic.  Not to put too fine a point on it.

But that's just my opinion.  Others are certainly free to disagree.

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Deirdre Straughan
In fact, the establishment of the illumos Foundation has been a fair amount
of work and is still in progress. It is incorporated in California as a
501(c)(6), has an initial board (Garrett, Jason Hoffman of Joyent, and Even
Powell of Nexenta - we expect to expand this soon), and by-laws are in
progress. All this has taken time and does cost money (you need a lawyer).

For the time being and likely near to mid future, the Foundation does not
have much money, but it doesn't have much in the way of costs, either. I'm
acting as community manager for illumos as well as SmartOS (paid by Joyent
to do both, among other tasks), and do my best to represent the interests
of all impartially. All of our services and infrastructure are donated by
eg ListBox and Joyent.

The foundation is meant to foster the interests of core illumos and its
children, and OI is assuredly part of the family. If you (collectively)
would like us to handle funds for you, I'm pretty sure we can do that,
though formally we need to put it to the Foundation board.

I'd agree that there's not much need for governance (nor do we want much
for illumos itself). You don't need me or Garrett to tell you what to do -
just go do it, and let us know how we can help.

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Andrew M. Hettinger

 I think this is alot of work for no gain. As long as the illumos
 foundation is willing to earmark donations for us to use (even if they want
 to keep a small amount to cover their expenses for doing so), and is fine
 with us handling our governance ourselves I see no reason to go through the
 trouble and cost of making a fully separate entity. This is not something
 that just happens, there are legal hurtles, mostly to the initial
 separation, but to a lesser degree ongoing in setting up to be able to
 accept donations and remain in compliance with the law.

 The Illumos Foundation has been vary generous to provide us with hosting,
 support, and not make any real demands on us in return. I think the best
 with regard to this is to continue with our existing symbiotic relationship.

 Andrew Hettinger
 http://Prominic.NET ||
 Tel: 866.339.3169 (toll free) -or- +1.217.356.2888 x.110 (int'l)
 Fax: 866.372.3356 (toll free) -or- +1.217.356.3356 (int'l) wrote on 09/06/2012 03:32:41 PM:

  On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:15:48 -0600, Ken Gunderson
   Doesn't need to be a C corp. Keep it simple. Maybe an LLC or S
  Not if you want to accept tax-deductible donations.
  The cliff's notes:
  A 501(c)(3) may or may not be the right way to go. It's the kind of
  corporation that is attractive for people and corporations (and other
  Foundations, potentially) to make tax-deductible donations to. But there
  are responsibilities involved with keeping it going.
  oi-dev mailing list

 oi-dev mailing list


best regards,
Deirdré Straughan
Community Architect, SmartOS
illumos Community Manager

cell 720 371 4107
oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Andrew M. Hettinger

Andrew Hettinger
http://Prominic.NET  ||
Tel:  866.339.3169 (toll free) -or- +1.217.356.2888 x.110 (int'l)
Fax: 866.372.3356 (toll free) -or- +1.217.356.3356(int'l)

Ken Gunderson wrote on 09/06/2012 03:59:54 PM:

 Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

 At Thu, 6 Sep 2012 15:46:54 -0500,
 Andrew M. Hettinger wrote:
  [1  multipart/alternative (7bit)]
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  [1.2  text/html; US-ASCII (quoted-printable)]


yes, yes I hit the wrong button when replying.

  The Illumos Foundation has been vary generous to provide us with
 hosting, support,
  and not make any real demands on us in return. I think the best
 with regard to this
  is to continue with our existing symbiotic relationship.

 If memory serves, EveryCity and OI initially provided hosting for

 Moreover, and I think there are others who would agree (although perhaps
 publicly), that there have been instances where the relationship was
 less than symbiotic.  Not to put too fine a point on it.

 But that's just my opinion.  Others are certainly free to disagree.

If there have been any major disputes that were not resolvable in a
mutually agreeable way, it is news to me. While the OI project and the
Illumos project may not have always seen eye to eye on all technical
matters, the Illumos Foundataion (to my knowledge) never made any move with
regard to what the OI project has wanted to do. We have been given complete
control with regards to our own direction. I do not forsee that changing in
the near future. So, if I am mistaken please, put a fine point on it. If
you have a legitimate complaint, let's get it out in the open.___
oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread garrett . damore
I have no problem with illumos handling earmarking.  In the future, I'll want 
to take a percentage of such donations for illumos general use, but I expect it 
to be reasonable -- perhaps 20% or 25% - and that seems not inappropriate given 
that OI uses illumos as its base anyway.

As far as deciding how it gets spent outside of the earmark - I think the OI 
community will still need to appoint someone or a small body of people, to 
determine the further allocation of the earmark.  That sounds like governance 
to me -- even if not much.

- Garrett

On Sep 7, 2012, at 2:46 AM, Andrew M. Hettinger 

 I think this is alot of work for no gain. As long as the illumos foundation 
 is willing to earmark donations for us to use (even if they want to keep a 
 small amount to cover their expenses for doing so), and is fine with us 
 handling our governance ourselves I see no reason to go through the trouble 
 and cost of making a fully separate entity. This is not something that just 
 happens, there are legal hurtles, mostly to the initial separation, but to a 
 lesser degree ongoing in setting up to be able to accept donations and remain 
 in compliance with the law. 
 The Illumos Foundation has been vary generous to provide us with hosting, 
 support, and not make any real demands on us in return. I think the best with 
 regard to this is to continue with our existing symbiotic relationship.
 Andrew Hettinger
 http://Prominic.NET ||
 Tel: 866.339.3169 (toll free) -or- +1.217.356.2888 x.110 (int'l) 
 Fax: 866.372.3356 (toll free) -or- +1.217.356.3356 (int'l) wrote on 09/06/2012 03:32:41 PM:
  On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:15:48 -0600, Ken Gunderson
   Doesn't need to be a C corp. Keep it simple. Maybe an LLC or S
  Not if you want to accept tax-deductible donations.
  The cliff's notes:
  A 501(c)(3) may or may not be the right way to go. It's the kind of
  corporation that is attractive for people and corporations (and other
  Foundations, potentially) to make tax-deductible donations to. But there
  are responsibilities involved with keeping it going.
  oi-dev mailing list
 oi-dev mailing list

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread garrett . damore

On Sep 7, 2012, at 2:59 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:

 At Thu, 6 Sep 2012 15:46:54 -0500,
 Andrew M. Hettinger wrote:
 [1  multipart/alternative (7bit)]
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 [1.2  text/html; US-ASCII (quoted-printable)]
 The Illumos Foundation has been vary generous to provide us with hosting, 
 and not make any real demands on us in return. I think the best with regard 
 to this
 is to continue with our existing symbiotic relationship.
 If memory serves, EveryCity and OI initially provided hosting for

OI's bug database lives in illumos'. :-)  But EC hosts OI resources, and 
originally offered some resources for illumos as well (we don't use them 
anymore though - we moved that stuff to a common infrastructure at Joyent.)

 Moreover, and I think there are others who would agree (although perhaps not
 publicly), that there have been instances where the relationship was
 less than symbiotic.  Not to put too fine a point on it.

There have been technical disagreements, and I've pointed out that there has 
been in the past what I think represents a lack of clear vision for OI.  But 
that's *my* opinion, and I don't speak for illumos in this regard.  (Nor can I 
-- or anyone else -- illumos is moving towards a mutual benefit corporation 
that would preclude a single person dictating the position of illumos.)

However I think OI and illumos have been fairly symbiotic -- indeed OI still 
builds upon the illumos base, and at the moment OI is the de-facto reference 
distribution of illumos.  However, if OI is considering a different base -- say 
SchilliX -- then that would probably represent a significant rift.   (I have 
some concerns about the topics of conversation on oi-dev of late; decisions to 
for example change the shell or filesystem layout can have broad ramifications. 
 While a distro can choose to do as it wants, if there is that much difference 
between the base and the distro, then it will be much harder for the base 
developers to continue to use the distro as a reference.)

- Garrett

 But that's just my opinion.  Others are certainly free to disagree.
 oi-dev mailing list

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-06 Thread Nick Zivkovic
On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 12:07 AM, wrote:

 However I think OI and illumos have been fairly symbiotic -- indeed OI still 
 builds upon the illumos base, and at the moment OI is the de-facto 
 reference distribution of illumos.  However, if OI is considering a different 
 base -- say SchilliX -- then that would probably represent a significant 
 rift.   (I have some concerns about the topics of conversation on oi-dev of 
 late; decisions to for example change the shell or filesystem layout can have 
 broad ramifications.  While a distro can choose to do as it wants, if there 
 is that much difference between the base and the distro, then it will be much 
 harder for the base developers to continue to use the distro as a reference.)

The filesystem layout change discussion was initiated by me, because
of a perceived inconsistency in the way Illumos stores binaries on
disk. But Alan C has since cleared that up, and I no longer intend to
pursue the idea. Instead I am now focusing my attention on pre-built
(detached) zones, which would offer a true functional separation
between groups of applications.

As for the shell changes, I can't speak to the technical merit of that
option as I haven't looked closely at that code or the problem(s) it
claims to solve.

I don't think anyone is going to rebase the OI distro on Schillix-ON
just yet. If they did, that would create a significant rift not just
between Illumos and OI but a rift within the OI community itself.

 - Garrett

 But that's just my opinion.  Others are certainly free to disagree.

 oi-dev mailing list

 oi-dev mailing list

oi-dev mailing list

[oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-05 Thread Deirdre Straughan
I've received email from someone who wants to make a donation (of
unspecified magnitude) to OpenIndiana. They contacted me as manager of the
parent illumos community, but I think it right to turn the question over to
the OI community.

Is there any mechanism in place for taking donations? If (as I suspect)
not, the best alternative I can think of is to accept the donation to the
illumos Foundation (which is now a legal entity with a bank account and a
board, working on by-laws), and earmark it for OI. If large enough, perhaps
it could be used to fund travel for an OI representative at illumos/ZFS
Days in October:

Your thoughts?


best regards,
Deirdré Straughan
Community Architect, SmartOS
illumos Community Manager

cell 720 371 4107
oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-05 Thread Jonathan Adams
On 5 September 2012 16:47, Deirdre Straughan wrote:

I know that it's really none of my business, since I have yet to
actually give anything except support/bugs to the community ...

I think that the money being placed with the Illumos Foundation, with
potential ring-fencing for OI is a sane idea.

  If large enough, perhaps it
 could be used to fund travel for an OI representative at illumos/ZFS Days in

 Your thoughts?

I personally would prefer it to be set aside for OI specific bounties
... but anything that enables OI to have a more visible/vocal voice in
the Illumos community could only be seen as a good thing.

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] is there a vector for donating to OI?

2012-09-05 Thread Garrett D'Amore
Originally Alasdair indicated that he wanted OI to be part of the illumos 
foundation, so this approach of earmarking the donation makes sense.

Note that in the future I hope that illumos will reserve a percentage of 
earmark donations for its general fund but since we have not set up the 
administration to deal with that yet, it seems like right now is a great time 
to donate and ensure that 100% of your donation goes exactly to OI. 

  - Garrett

On Sep 5, 2012, at 8:08 PM, Jonathan Adams wrote:

 On 5 September 2012 16:47, Deirdre Straughan wrote:
 I know that it's really none of my business, since I have yet to
 actually give anything except support/bugs to the community ...
 I think that the money being placed with the Illumos Foundation, with
 potential ring-fencing for OI is a sane idea.
  If large enough, perhaps it
 could be used to fund travel for an OI representative at illumos/ZFS Days in
 Your thoughts?
 I personally would prefer it to be set aside for OI specific bounties
 ... but anything that enables OI to have a more visible/vocal voice in
 the Illumos community could only be seen as a good thing.
 oi-dev mailing list

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