T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2021-06-12 Thread Piyush Aggarwal
brute4s99 added a comment.

  F9931140: image.png 
  I think KDE Connect has a quite outdated icon too.
  I'm not quite versed with icon designing.. would someone like to take a jab 
at the revamp? 
  We recently had a revamp of the android app and it looks quite well with the 
times now, plus we're almost ready for the Windows release now.
  It'd be nice if someone breathes new life into the icon. :D


To: brute4s99
Cc: brute4s99, rrosch, churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, 
alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, 
mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, 
yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, 
#okular, #gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, nkufi, 
fabiogomes, azyx, dmenig, manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, 
alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-23 Thread Noah Davis
ndavis added a comment.

  In T10243#236012 , @tosta wrote:
  > Another icon that need improvement is elisa.svg. It looks bad with dark 
background. F8757493: elisa-dark-bg-looks-bad.png 

  there was another attempt at a new elisa icon, but the patch author seems to 
have disappeared and the patch doesn't apply correctly, which makes it very 
difficult to complete the patch.


To: ndavis
Cc: rrosch, churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, 
starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, 
aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-22 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  Another icon that need improvement is elisa.svg. It looks bad with dark 
background. F8757493: elisa-dark-bg-looks-bad.png 


To: tosta
Cc: rrosch, churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, 
starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, 
aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-22 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  Thank you @rrosch. @alex-l I will work with official Kwrite icon and try to 
improve it. Let it be clear that what I am presenting here are just ideas. 
Something that improves the distinction of applications by relating them to 
their functions as @rrosch said, which will be very important for new KDE 
Plasma users (especially the newly orphaned Windows 7) who will be added to our 
user base.


To: tosta
Cc: rrosch, churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, 
starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, 
aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-22 Thread Raphael Rosch
rrosch added a comment.

  Hi all, if it's ok for me to weigh in on this a bit, I will say firstly that 
I love kate/kwrite, and was immediately blown away by both when I (finally) 
discovered them recently.
  My main concern is that an icon should be not just unique but should quickly 
convey what the program is for. This is especially useful for new users who 
don't know what a program called "Kate" could possibly be for (the only clue 
would be if the user found teh shortcut in a properly organized and grouped 
menu). I'm not a big fan of the new Kate app icon, and have been finding it 
really hard to get used to it (as in, when visually scanning in my task list). 
I have included in the image below an example of some of my most used programs. 
I think the Kate icon could be improved by taking the Thunderbird approach, ie, 
a bird wrapping an envelope: unique, quickly conveys what it does. Just take 
the current Kate icon and add some kind of paper looking thing to it (could 
even use the one from the example below, with two sheets). I like gimp's new 
approach of having a preview with the app logo composited above it. I have 
several terminal applications in my taskbar, and each is slightly different so 
I know right away which one is for konsole. The other two icons below are for 
Kate and Kwrite as my system currently serves them in the switcher (I use Mate 
for my desktop). I like that that Kate icon conveys the strength of Kate: 
multi-document editing, and the Kwrite icon shows only a single document.  I 
also like the fact that the kwrite icon in the message above has a distinctive 
color to set it apart from other text editors. In any case, thanks to all, hope 
it's ok that I barged in here like that.
  F8756960: image.png 


To: rrosch
Cc: rrosch, churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, 
starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, 
aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-22 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  @tosta The current KWrite icon can be improved, but there is no reason to 
replace it with a totally different one.


To: alex-l
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-22 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  In T10243#235943 , @alex-l wrote:
  > In T10243#235942 , @tosta wrote:
  > > In T10243#235907 , @ndavis 
  > >
  > > > Now that Kate has its own special icon, I don't think Kwrite needs to 
be changed.
  > >
  > >
  > > I think the actual kwrite icon looks like a mimetype icon. It's palid and 
  > >
  > > Take a look at new Notepad icon from Microsoft as an example. 
  > >  It's nice and looks like an application icon for a simple text editor 
  > >
  > > F8752881: img_5d57130e2ae38.png 
  > Isn't this from Windows Vista?
  > P.S. Text editor =! app for notes
  Not sure if it is from Vista or other version. But this icon fulfills its 
purpose - to represent an application for notes (notepad). 
  The actual Kwrite's icon, not (represent a text only editor). I have various 
icons I have made various icons for kwrite and other apps, perhaps only
  of them is a good candidate to replace the current.
  | F8754437: kwrite-logo.png  | 
F8754423: kwrite-logo.svg  |
  | F8754443: kwrite.png  | F8754427: 
kwrite.svg  |


To: tosta
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-22 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  In T10243#235942 , @tosta wrote:
  > In T10243#235907 , @ndavis wrote:
  > > Now that Kate has its own special icon, I don't think Kwrite needs to be 
  > I think the actual kwrite icon looks like a mimetype icon. It's palid and 
  > Take a look at new Notepad icon from Microsoft as an example. 
  >  It's nice and looks like an application icon for a simple text editor 
  > F8752881: img_5d57130e2ae38.png 
  Isn't this from Windows Vista?


To: alex-l
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-22 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  In T10243#235907 , @ndavis wrote:
  > Now that Kate has its own special icon, I don't think Kwrite needs to be 
  I think the actual kwrite icon looks like a mimetype icon. It's palid and 
  Take a look at new Notepad icon from Microsoft as an example. 
  It's nice and looks like an application icon for a simple text editor program.
  F8752881: img_5d57130e2ae38.png 


To: tosta
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-22 Thread Noah Davis
ndavis added a comment.

  Now that Kate has its own special icon, I don't think Kwrite needs to be 


To: ndavis
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-21 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  You have a long history with Breeze icons and care a great deal about design. 
Maybe **you** should be reviewing icon patches and suggesting improvements and 
working on new versions of problematic icons.
  Be the change you wish to see in the world. :)


To: ngraham
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-20 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  @ngraham logo vs icon discussion is a very minor issue (though I would be 
happy to see if Ken Vermette, Uri Herrera and others who contributed to Breeze 
Icons for apps agree or disagree with me), instead I want Breeze Icons to be 
treated like any other component like Kwin, Kirigami etc i.e. with 
maintainers/major contributors that have the final say. I followed the 
development of other KDE projects in the past and I know there are always 
developers that know very well that specific codebase because they contributed 
a lot over the years and took responsability as maintainers. This used to be 
the case also with Breeze Icons. My contributions to it is good just because of 
the input by previous contributors, I was even lucky enough to learn in person 
from Ken Vermette.
  I think that when a group of people will contribute to Breeze Icons with new 
app icons and minor fixes to the current ones then they will have the right to 
make major changes and we will have good chances that those will be 
improvements, not changes for the sake of change like the icon for Activities. 
At the moment I see just the opposite and no offense, being good in an area 
doesn't imply being good in another one even if apparently similar.


To: alex-l
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-19 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  I get it, you think that there is or should be a meaningful difference 
between an application's icon and its logo, and that the breeze icon theme 
should be full of icons, not logos. But there doesn't seem to be much agreement 
with this idea: not among the current generation of VDG people; not even among 
some of the prior VDG people, who have complained about this to me; not among 
the developers of the apps in question who have complained about their current 
Breeze icons; not among users who file bug reports and complain about it. 
Furthermore, this proposed icon/logo split does not match the state of reality 
for most of the app ecosystem in the wider world; most apps use their icon as a 
logo, and design it accordingly to be able to serve both roles. And I'm not 
sure your counter-example of Firefox is something we want to emulate. For 
example, if I go to https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/mobile/, I see the 
  F8729164: Screenshot_20200719_153303.jpeg 

  To me, this is weird: the same brand name ("Firefox") is displayed with two 
different icons on the same page (fine, one is an icon and one is a logo). If I 
saw this on https://kde.org/applications/, I would file a bug report. Mozilla's 
choice is not something I would call self-evidently better design. To me it 
looks weird and inconsistent. And I think the app icon looks much better than 
the logo, which is bland, indistinct, and bears no relation to the name 
(there's no fox, not even a stylized abstract one).
  I think you're a great designer and I would love for KDE to be able to 
continue benefiting from your expertise. But I think this will be difficult if 
it means that you're going to constantly try to push this idea of an app's icon 
not being its logo which does not seem to be very popular, because the conflict 
that it generates strains relationships, drives away conflict-averse people (as 
evidenced by people unsubscribing themselves from this Task), and makes you 
feel marginalized and unappreciated. That would be quite a shame and I hope we 
can figure out a way to continue working together.
  Regardless, let's do the design review for proposed new icons in the 
applicable merge requests themselves, not here.


To: ngraham
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-17 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  In T10243#235654 , @tosta wrote:
  > F8709757: kwrite.png 
  As I said: use slight gradient to indicate source of light, NOT gradients 
between totally different colors.
  Anyway don't spend more time trying to redesign Breeze icons for core apps. 
I'm totally against changes like these, I don't consider them to be an 
improvement, no offense.


To: alex-l
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, 
aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-17 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  In T10243#235641 , @churaev wrote:
  > In T10243#235550 , @alex-l wrote:
  > > Mozilla, GNOME
  > Both are now pale shadows of their former selves. Features = removed, 
customizability = gone. Truth-tellers told and told and told them "please no" 
until blue in the face, but sadly all their efforts were for naught. It's like 
software stopped improving and is now actually deteriorating, just look what 
they did to GitHub... Professional UX design only ever leads to ruin these 
days, it seems.
  > Relevant: The Decline of Usability  and this 
tweet about Windows 95 
  > In T10243#235625 , @alex-l wrote:
  > > This is what professional visual designers paid by Mozilla set. But hey 
hobbyists here disagree.
  > https://pics.me.me/the-fox-is-out-of-the-bag-in-beta-on-63346294.png
  > Professional design = please no...
  This is not Reddit. Avoid off topic and shitposting. Thanks.


To: alex-l
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, 
aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-17 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  @alex-l. These icons was made using Inkscape default palette (the effort at 
it design time was to discuss the ideas). Later I redesigned the ark, gwenview 
and kwrite icons from scratch using the breeze palette and colorfull icon 
  In the case of gwenview, I tried to maintain the colors and shapes of 
original icon, but changing its center to looks like a camera with an eye 
  F8709760: gwenview.png 
  In the ark icon I tried to use some different of conventional design of file 
compressing programs icons - not so good, but its here to be discuted.
  Kwrite's icon proposal was remade, the label was removed and colors changed.
  F8709757: kwrite.png 
  And finally, Ocular's icon is one that it wasn't touched anymore.


To: tosta
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, 
aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-17 Thread Nikita Churaev
churaev added a comment.

  In T10243#235550 , @alex-l wrote:
  > Mozilla, GNOME
  Both are now pale shadows of their former selves. Features = removed, 
customizability = gone. Truth-tellers told and told and told them "please no" 
until blue in the face, but sadly all their efforts were for naught. It's like 
software stopped improving and is now actually deteriorating, just look what 
they did to GitHub... Professional UX design only ever leads to ruin these 
days, it seems.
  Relevant: The Decline of Usability  and this 
tweet about Windows 95 
  In T10243#235625 , @alex-l wrote:
  > This is what professional visual designers paid by Mozilla set. But hey 
hobbyists here disagree.
  Professional design = please no, hobbyist design = please yes...


To: churaev
Cc: churaev, tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 
cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, 
aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-17 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  In T10243#235383 , @tosta wrote:
  > Gweview icon inspired by: Circle-icons-eye.svg 

  > F8685826: gwenview.png 
  > Update: submitted in Gwenview (T13400 )
  Here the gradient from blue to white in the center is definetely wrong... In 
Breeze icons you can see sligthly gradients but they mostly indicate a light 
source, they are not gradients from a color to another totally different one.
  About the shape, it's cool but it's too much round compared to other shapes 
used in Breeze. And there are too much details namely all those circles.
  Anyway this is just an eye, I think it's too generic as metaphor. In these 
cases you should provide reasoning on why this should be an improvement. Keep 
in mind that app icons, especially the core apps ones, shouldn't be updated 
without a strong reasoning.
  In T10243#235386 , @tosta wrote:
  > An icon proposal for Ark.
  > Update: Icon improvements and licensed LGPL.
  > F8688969: ark.png 
  >  F8688968: ark.svg 
  Here you totally missed the Breeze color palette... the gradient makes the 
icon look shiny and the reflection makes it look glossy. Don't you see we 
haven't anything like that in Breeze?
  And the shape... why a circle should be better than the rectangle for an 
application to manage archives like Ark? I think the circle is hardly relatable 
to archives.
  In T10243#235432 , @tosta wrote:
  > Colored Kwrite icon proposition:
  > F8688852: kwrite.png 
  >  F8688851: kwrite.svg 
  DON'T write labels in the icon. This is so bad visually as small sizes and 
for localization... what if one just use generic names? Plasma has an option 
for that, I don't remember if it's the default.
  Again the color has nothing to do with other Breeze icons... and there are 
too many details in center while the left border is basically inherited from 
flat design...
  In T10243#235450 , @tosta wrote:
  > Okular icon proposal.
  > F8689327: okular.png 
  >  F8689326: okular.svg 
  This is not bad, it could be a Breeze icon, but the combination of that red 
and that blue is very bad. You will have a hard time trying to mix blue and 
red, they don't fit together because of color theory reasons. In this cases do 
some search on how to design color palettes to learn how to mix different 
  Anyway you should really try other tasks concerning icons and visual design. 
Breeze icons for core apps are too important.


To: alex-l
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-17 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  This is the Mozilla logo:
  F8709200: Mozilla-logo-650x245.jpg 
  This is the Firefox logo used in branding:
  F8709205: 1024px-Firefox_Project_Logo,_2019.svg.png 

  And this is the Firefox icon used as an UI element to launch Firefox:
  F8709207: 637px-Firefox_logo,_2019.svg.png 

  Why Mozilla have no icon? Because it's not an application, it's a company 
with a branding. Firefox as a project has its own branding and this project 
include some icons to launch different version of Firefox.
  This is what professional visual designers paid by Mozilla set. But hey 
hobbyists here disagree.


To: alex-l
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-16 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  @alex-l nobody shares your opinion that app icons are different from logos 
and that therefore they should have a minimal, understated style and do not 
need to mimic the original version. This isn't a self-evident design truth, 
it's  just your opinion on icon design, and nobody else seems to agree with you.
  Breeze icons are a theme among many themes, and not the canonical source of 
truth regarding apps' icons; changing an icon radically requires the consent of 
the app's author for them to change not only the Breeze icon, but also to 
change the original icon, potentially adopting the Breeze icon as the new 
original icon.
  You keep decrying that no real designers are reviewing icons yet you don't 
want to step up and do this, other than complaining that everyone else's work 
is crap. You should help guide new designers rather than just telling them to 
stop doing anything because the status quo is perfect.


To: ngraham
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-16 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  @alex-l can you say me what's wrong with these icons? I'm trying to do it 
following all HIG recommendations (sizes, margins, colors...). I'm not a 
specialist as you said, @ngraham does not recruited me, and I'm aware his OK is 
not a approval. But I'm trying to help because I love KDE and I'm doing 
personal hacks and improvements for years. Please contact me privately if you 


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-16 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  @ngraham can you stop this please? You all are ruining all our previous work. 
Aren't you able to see how much wrong these icons are? Can we please stop 
recruiting pleale without the needed skills for this work and don't give OKs by 
people who contribute in other areas (you)? This is serious stuff exactly like 
code, don't treat imagery like a second citizen. In other communities (Mozilla, 
GNOME, Elementary) this doesn't happen.


To: alex-l
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-15 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  Cool stuff. Could you start submitting your icons are merge requests to the 
breeze-icons repo?


To: ngraham
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-15 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  In T10243#235530 , @alex-l wrote:
  > Use Breeze color palette.
  Hi Alex. Already using the palette and guidelines. See gwenview icon 
  F8698716: gwenview-128.png 
  F8698710: gwenview-48.svg 


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-15 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  Use Breeze color palette.


To: alex-l
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  I have a feeling they will, with some polish. :)


To: ngraham
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  In T10243#235458 , @kossebau wrote:
  > @tosta hi. thanks for your artwork proposals, they show you are skilled, 
makes me jealous :)
  > When it comes to designing icons, it is not only about art though, but also 
about feasibility when used in context. Icons are less often used in the size 
you are presenting your work here (and what the table above shows), but rather 
in smaller sizes (like in menus or window title bars etc) and on normal DPI 
  > So to see if icons are good, it would be good to have at least a 48x48 
pixel version, but also smaller sizes liks 32x32 to get an impression how they 
will work (edit: or at least special icon variants with less details) and not 
e.g. look blury... cmp. also https://hig.kde.org/style/icons/colorful/index.html
  @kossebau, I'm not a profissional artist. Only an entusiast. I'm not fully 
skilled and not so familiar with icon development. The icons I'm submitted here 
is ideas based on personal hacks I have made to personalize my desktop. But I 
can try to made the required changes and submit it to KDE. I'll be pleased if 
someone of them will be approved.


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added a comment.

  @tosta hi. thanks for your artwork proposals, they show you are skilled, 
makes me jealous :)
  When it comes to designing icons, it is not only about art though, but also 
about feasibility when used in context. Icons are less often used in the size 
you are presenting your work here (and what the table above shows), but rather 
in smaller sizes (like in menus or window title bars etc) and on normal DPI 
  So to see if icons are good, it would be good to have at least a 48x48 pixel 
version, but also smaller sizes liks 32x32 to get an impression how they will 
work and not e.g. look blury... cmp. also 


To: kossebau
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  In T10243#235453 , @ngraham wrote:
  > With Okular, I'm interested in being more faithful to the original if we're 
going to redo the icon. See up-thread: T10243#201368 
  The original okular icon looks to me like a mimetype icon. But I'll give it a 


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  With Okular, I'm interested in being more faithful to the original if we're 
going to redo the icon. See up-thread: T10243#201368 


To: ngraham
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  Okular icon proposal.
  F8689327: okular.png 
  F8689326: okular.svg 


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  I like those!


To: ngraham
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  Colored Kwrite icon proposition:
  F8688852: kwrite.png 
  F8688851: kwrite.svg 


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Christoph Cullmann
cullmann added a comment.

  Hi, just to avoid any wasted work:
  For KWrite, one can think about altering the icon, not sure if that is 
needed, thought.
  For Kate, we have a new icon, we don't alter that again nor do I want to have 
an altered version in Breeze.


To: cullmann
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  Kwrite and Kate icons proposed:
  F8687712: kwrite.png 
  F8687713: kate.png 
  F8687714: kate.svg 
  F8687715: kwrite.svg 


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  Kwrite and Kate icons proposed
  F8687630: kwrite.png 
  F8687629: kate.png 
  F8687632: kwrite.svg 
  F8687631: kate.svg 


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  An icon proposal for Ark.
  F8686956: ark.png 
  F8686959: ark.svg 


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-07-14 Thread Christian Tosta
tosta added a comment.

  Gweview icon inspired by: Circle-icons-eye.svg 

  F8685826: gwenview.png 
  F8685808: gwenview.svg 


To: tosta
Cc: tosta, johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, azyx, dmenig, 
manueljlin, Orage, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-03-11 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham updated the task description.


To: ngraham
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, 
squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-03-11 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham updated the task description.


To: ngraham
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, 
squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-03-11 Thread Niccolò Venerandi
niccolove updated the task description.


To: niccolove
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, 
squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-02-29 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a revision: D25123: New yakuake logo/icon.


To: ngraham
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, 
squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-30 Thread Christoph Cullmann
cullmann closed subtask T12594: New Kate icon as Resolved.


To: cullmann
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-24 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  We should probably discuss this somewhere else so as to avoid derailing this 
poor task too much. :)


To: ngraham
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-24 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added a comment.

  (also, do kwin/plasma actually see the desktop file in the custom install 
prefix, e.g. by being started with respective paths in the respective env vars?)


To: kossebau
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-24 Thread Christoph Cullmann
cullmann added a comment.

  I assume that is because the desktop file we install doesn't have preference 
about the system wide one, or do you have only a master kate install without 
any system wide?


To: cullmann
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-24 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  I see it in the about window: F7931541: Screenshot_20200124_082434.PNG 

  But not in the window's titlebar, or the window switcher, or Kate's task 
manager icon. Basically anything outside of Kate's direct control is using the 
old icon.


To: ngraham
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-23 Thread Christoph Cullmann
cullmann added a comment.

  In T10243#218612 , @filipf wrote:
  > Are you sure this is the best decision though? Icon themes will just theme 
the new icon again, it will only have a short-term effect.
  But than at least they theme the new one. Otherwise I will manually need to 
ping all themes around to update theirs, or?
  And what is with themes no longer maintained? There Kate will be stuck with 
the themed old icon forever ;=)
  In T10243#218613 , @ngraham wrote:
  > Meanwhile I'm not actually seeing the new icon after updating the app from 
current git master. It should really be added to the Breeze icon theme.
  Hmm, that is a bug then.
  Thought the question is: Where is it missing? In the menus or in the 
application? For me the application uses it, e.g. in about, not sure if the 
system will prefer the new .desktop file thought.


To: cullmann
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-23 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  Meanwhile I'm not actually seeing the new icon after updating the app from 
current git master. It should really be added to the Breeze icon theme.


To: ngraham
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-23 Thread Filip Fila
filipf added a comment.

  Are you sure this is the best decision though? Icon themes will just theme 
the new icon again, it will only have a short-term effect.


To: filipf
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-23 Thread Christoph Cullmann
cullmann added a comment.

  In T10243#218606 , @ngraham wrote:
  > It's quite lovely! Much more aesthetically attractive than the current 
icon. However I fear that the recognizability as being a text editor has been 
lost; nothing about the icon connotes that it's for a text editor, which is 
compounded by the fact that the name "Kate" doesn't suggest that either. 
"KWrite" does though.
  > This is not a huge deal as many other apps have the same thing going on. 
But it's something to consider.
  Yes, that was done by intention.
  First we tried some variants involving "text" in any kind, but that is just 
like the old icons that look somehow some either a mime-type icon or a generic 
  If you look around, close to none of the currently relevant text editors have 
icons that have anything to do with "text" ;) (I look on you Atom, but same for 
Sublime and Co.)
  > The icon should be submitted to the Breeze icon theme rather than renaming 
it in the code and changing the name you refer to it with. That breaks all 
3rd-party icon themes (which I guess was the point, but is not so nice :) ).
  I am not that sure of that.
  Actually, I would like to have this as default for any icon theme now and not 
the other way around being waiting for any and all theme to try to catch-up.
  Actually, I was first very confused why my icon was never used before I 
remembered: ahhh, icon themes :P


To: cullmann
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-23 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  It's quite lovely! Much more aesthetically attractive than the current icon. 
However I fear that the recognizability as being a text editor has been lost; 
nothing about the icon connotes that it's for a text editor, which is 
compounded by the fact that the name "Kate" doesn't suggest that either. 
"KWrite" does though.
  This is not a huge deal as many other apps have the same thing going on. But 
it's something to consider.
  The icon should be submitted to the Breeze icon theme rather than renaming it 
in the code and changing the name you refer to it with. That breaks all 
3rd-party icon themes (which I guess was the point, but is not so nice :) ).


To: ngraham
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2020-01-23 Thread Christoph Cullmann
cullmann added a comment.

  Hi, after some longer feedback loop with Tyson Tan, Kate got a initial new 
  It is a icon variant of the mascot Tyson created for us some years ago (and 
the mascot will likely get a refresh to fit the new style, too).
  Initial commit here 
  To ensure the icon is used at all, I at the moment just renamed it.
  This can be changed later again if needed.
  And if there is feedback for fine-tuning this is appreciated.
  (the important aspect is "fine-tuning", not redo)


To: cullmann
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, manueljlin, Orage, 
cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, 
fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, 
skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-24 Thread Johannes Zarl-Zierl
johanneszarl added a comment.

  Thanks! I've added a subtask...


To: johanneszarl
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, 
ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, 
alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, 
jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-24 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  Sure, go ahead and edit the task. If you're dissatisfied with KPhotoAlbum's 
icon, VDG is happy to help.


To: ngraham
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, 
ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, 
alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, 
jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-24 Thread Johannes Zarl-Zierl
johanneszarl added a comment.

  Would it be possible to add KPhotoAlbum to this list as well?


To: johanneszarl
Cc: johanneszarl, Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, 
IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, 
lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, 
#kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, 
#gwenview, #konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, 
ian, jguidon, hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, 
alexde, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, 
jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-02 Thread Noah Davis
ndavis added a comment.

  In T10243#206631 , @alex-l wrote:
  > Activities don't add much on Virtual Desktops? It's litterally the only 
feature for me to use Plasma and don't consider any other DE, the reason I 
still use X11 despite it's insecure (Activities actually don't work on 
Wayland). Activities boosts productivity much more than any other software I 
ever tried! With this I'm done, good luck.
  I didn't say that and you ignored all of the more important points. Oh well.


To: ndavis
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-02 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  Activities don't add much on Virtual Desktops? It's litterally the only 
feature for me to use Plasma and don't consider any other DE, the reason I 
still use X11 despite it's insecure (Activities actually don't work on 
Wayland). Activities boosts productivity much more than any other software I 
ever tried! With this I'm done, good luck.


To: alex-l
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-02 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  In T10243#206539 , @alex-l wrote:
  > Thank you for your replies. As I said I discussed a new icon for Activities 
time ago but Ivan decided to stay with the 3-dots one. I can't always be around 
to check that previous decisions aren't overwritten by others. Isn't up to 
others to check if there were previous discussions on an icon?
  In any project, every single change can be seen as overriding a previous 
decision. Like I said, if you want previous decisions to have more weight, you 
or someone else needs to be around to provide the context, remember the 
discussion, bring up alternatives, etc. Previous decisions are not self-evident 
and self-enforcing, especially when the result is something that is problematic 
or accumulates complaints from users or developers. The hardest decisions to 
enforce in absentia are those that resulted in an imperfect compromise.
  > The one on the Activities icon is somewhere here on Phabricator. Found: 
  Unfortunately Phab search is so horrible that if you hadn't linked to it 
directly, there's no chance I would have ever found it even if I was 
specifically looking for it. :(
  > The most important rule in my opinion in VDG was: don't change things just 
for the sake of changing.
  This is a strong pet peeve of mine and I agree 100%. As a result, we never do 
this; every change is because we think the change is a positive improvement.
  For example we changed the activities icon because otherwise the icon it was 
using before was 1) used in other contexts, 2) nondescript and meaningless, and 
3) monochrome when we were trying to consistently use colorful icons for System 
Settings KCMs. This are not "chang[ing] things just for the sake of changing"; 
those are three good reasons. Maybe the result isn't amazing. I wouldn't say 
it's my favorite icon either. But doing something for good reasons and failing 
is not the same thing as doing thing for no good reason, such as because we're 
bored and restless, because we like changing things around to justify our 
existence, or because we feel the need to chase design trends. I constantly 
push back on proposals that I believe originate from one of these reasons.
  > In fact the current Dolphin, Gwenview, System Settings and other icons were 
designed for personal use by me but other VDG members noticed them from my 
screenshots and asked to submit them, despite the rule of not changing things. 
It is a matter of attitude: if there is broad agreement to update an icon then 
proceed. If you are not sure, keep everything as it is, trusting the previous 
designers who probably took that decision for reasons.
  When it comes to app icons, the VDG has in fact settled on a fairly strict 
guideline for apps that already have icons: don't erode the app's pre-existing 
branding; just make a Breeze-ey version of the icon. If you do want to make a 
Breeze icon that's substantially different from the app's existing icon, you 
need to have a conversation with the app's maintainer and/or developers to 
formally change the app's official icon to your new icon.
  Various Breeze icons violate this guideline, to the point where the apps' 
developers reject them in favor of the old ones (for example, Okular and Kile). 
That's ultimately the point of this task: to improve the breeze icons for 
various apps of ours so that they 1) look better, 2) match the branding 
guidelines we've set out, and 3) become accepted by the apps' developers.
  > One single person who gives the OK to update the icon for a core KDE app? 
It's the opposite of our previous attitude...
  That's a fair point. In general we should probably be more conservative when 
it comes to approvals. This requires more people with the time and willingness 
to review patches, of course. :). And node that for the two app icons we have 
changed so far--Kolf and Kile--we did seek and receive the approval of the 
apps' maintainers.


To: ngraham
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-02 Thread Noah Davis
ndavis added a comment.

  In T10243#206539 , @alex-l wrote:
  > Thank you for your replies. As I said I discussed a new icon for Activities 
time ago but Ivan decided to stay with the 3-dots one. I can't always be around 
to check that previous decisions aren't overwritten by others. Isn't up to 
others to check if there were previous discussions on an icon? The one on the 
Activities icon is somewhere here on Phabricator. Found: 
  While I agree that we should look for evidence of previous decisions, we 
can't be expected to go back and look in random places for evidence of old 
decisions. Most of the git commit summaries for old icons don't even have 
useful information for understanding why they were designed that way and no 
links to old reviews. We haven't done icon mockup posts since I started, so 
nobody ever thought to look in the Mockups section for icons. It seems like it 
would save time to submit a patch with the proposed icons and make the 
decisions there instead of making a mockup and then making the patch. The 
primary advantages to doing it that way is that it keeps the discussion all in 
one place (unless some of it happens in a chat room) and gives the reviewers 
direct access to the SVGs that the icon author made.
  I'd like to point out that no real conclusion was made in the discussion of 
that mockup. You got stuck because one of the designers disapproved because of 
the similarity to the Windows 10 icon and nobody replied back. I'd also like to 
point out that the real problem with the activities icons (old and new) are not 
what they look like, but that Activities don't actually make much sense as a 
separate feature from Virtual Desktops. Users have been saying for a long time 
that one should be removed or merged with the other and my experience with 
attempting to design an activities icon also made that obvious to me (which was 
never committed, but I believe it influenced the one that was committed). It's 
just too difficult to make good icons for Activities //and// Virtual Desktops 
because they're too similar and the advantages of Activities are too abstract. 
Maybe it'll finally happen in the transition to Wayland.
  > I know the guidelines on Breeze icons could be improved, but when I joined 
they were even worse but as I said who reviewed the icons was way more 
  > The most important rule in my opinion in VDG was: don't change things just 
for the sake of changing. In fact the current Dolphin, Gwenview, System 
Settings and other icons were designed for personal use by me but other VDG 
members noticed them from my screenshots and asked to submit them, despite the 
rule of not changing things. It is a matter of attitude: if there is broad 
agreement to update an icon then proceed. If you are not sure, keep everything 
as it is, trusting the previous designers who probably took that decision for 
  > One single person who gives the OK to update the icon for a core KDE app? 
It's the opposite of our previous attitude...
  We still don't change things just for the sake of changing. That phrase is 
really not useful because the reasons for change are almost never for the sake 
of change itself. Otherwise, we would have turned Plasma into a trendy art 
piece instead of trying to make usable software. Choosing to not change for the 
sake of changing is also not the same as choosing not to change things. A more 
useful saying would be "Don't rush and change thoughtfully", which is actually 
just saying the obvious, but it's still easy to forget when you lack experience 
and you've got a long list of problems to fix.
  Breeze is by no means perfect. While I respect the incredible amount of work 
done by the old designers, that means they aren't perfect, just like everyone 
else. The old icons have lots of problems, but are still what we base new icons 
on. **Breeze has a fundamental problem in that it wasn't designed well for use 
with the freedesktop.org icon specs**, which is why we have 32px monochrome and 
color icons used randomly in lots of 3rd party apps and even KDE apps. Every 
now and then a user or someone else points out an icon that doesn't make much 
sense (e.g., the plugins icon). There are lots of times when I'm not sure what 
to do, but there is an obvious problem with a bunch of old icons. I take a lot 
of time to figure out what to do and a lot of the time, there simply isn't 
enough usable material to work with inside our own bubble, so I (and others) 
have to look outside for inspiration.
  Your interpretation of the situation and your expectations are just not fair 
and even a little insulting.
  Anyway, we're very off topic now, but I just needed this opportunity to vent 
in response to someone else's vent.


To: ndavis
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-02 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  Thank you for your replies. As I said I discussed a new icon for Activities 
time ago but Ivan decided to stay with the 3-dots one. I can't always be around 
to check that previous decisions are overwritten by others. Isn't up to others 
to check if there were previous discussions on an icon? The one on the 
Activities icon is somewhere here on Phabricator. Found: 
  I know the guidelines on Breeze icons could be improved, but when I joined 
they were even worse but as I said who reviewed them was way more selective.
  The most important rule in my opinion in VDG was: don't change things just 
for the sake of changing. In fact the current Dolphin, Gwenview, System 
Settings and other icons were designed for personal use by me but other VDG 
members noticed them from my screenshots and asked to submit them, despite the 
rule of not changing things. It is a matter of attitude: if there is broad 
agreement to update an icon then proceed. If you are not sure, keep everything 
as it is, trusting the previous designers who probably took that decision for 
  One single person who gives the OK to update the icon for a core KDE app? 
It's the opposite of our previous attitude...


To: alex-l
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-01 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  In T10243#206510 , @ndavis wrote:
  > These things are what happens when the experienced people with all the 
unwritten knowledge go away. The redesigning of icons is a direct result of 
that. People redesign when they don't understand the system they are working 
  > This post might sound a bit hostile, but please understand that it's just 
so frustrating to work with so little from the beginning and have someone who 
is a capable designer and who seems to have some old forgotten knowledge 
complain about the state of things. Maybe you and everyone else had other 
things in your life, maybe you and everyone else got bored (I know I am getting 
bored with icon work). That's fair, but try to understand what the rest of us 
have to deal with and maybe help out.
  I don't know what happened in the past, but I've heard some vague stories 
about some split in the VDG and how all the designers left in 2016 or 
something. I know Uri went off to do his own thing, Jens is gone, Andy is gone, 
Hugo is mostly gone, you're mostly gone, and so on. When I joined KDE in early 
2017, the perception of the VDG seemed to have hit rock-bottom among 
developers, and it seemed to have no leadership or direction.
  This is the world we were left with, and without a real maintainership 
hand-off, we've basically had to rebuild things ourselves without--as Noah 
points out--documentation, experience, or a deep understanding of why things 
came to be. As a result, in our enthusiasm, we've made some mistakes and had to 
revert changes that weren't popular. We were learning as we went, because we 
had to build up the knowledge and experience ourselves.
  But this is a common fate for open-source projects where the maintainership 
duties are not handed off properly. Open-source projects are public. Without 
solid direction provided by a maintainer or leader, they drift randomly in 
different directions until either they die, or new leadership appears, at which 
point they might start to drift *consistently* in a different direction. :). 
The only way to ensure that a project goes in the direction you want it to go 
in is to continue being active in that project, or ensure that the leadership 
or maintainer positions are handed off to someone who shares your vision. You 
can't just say, "Hands off, we did things for a reason, please don't touch it," 
and then disappear, or else some weirdo internet randos like us may find it and 
decide that it's awesome but needs some changes, and you might not like those 
changes. :)
  So come on back! :) Teach us your knowledge. Help us make icons that are 
beautiful and meaningful and also win the support of the developers of the apps 
they're going to be branding. We want to learn from you!


To: ngraham
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-01 Thread Noah Davis
ndavis added a comment.

  In T10243#206508 , @alex-l wrote:
  > To be honest I don't like the new icons. In general Uri with the original 
Breeze and Ken with its revamped version set original styles with their 
consistency. They are for me real visual designers. Instead now I see new icons 
added with lower quality, mixing different styles and even recycling icons from 
other sets (I hate this so much that I manually delete them from my 
installation). Breeze icons are not "take an icon from another set, remove/add 
gradients, done."
  > When I submitted my first Breeze icons the review process was more 
selective and we all agreed that we should avoid updating icons as much as 
possible. I appreciate the enthusiasm in improving Breeze but this is KDE and 
it deserves much more in my opinion.
  > Now with an update of my system I saw the Activities icon was updated. I 
discussed a new icon for Activities once and after many attempts Ivan decided 
that the old 3-dots one should remain. I was OK. But now Activities icon is 
replaced by... I don't know how to describe it. Sorry for who designed it but 
it's just bad.
  > I think I will just fork Breeze for personal use, saving my icons without 
any "optimization" script to preserve them.
  It would be helpful if you pointed out what needed to be changed instead of 
making a vague complaint. Whenever I can, I try to use parts of icons that we 
already use or are similar enough to the existing style. I also try to make 
others do the same.
  I didn't write that specific patch, but do you have any idea how tough it is 
to design icons with little documentation and little prior experience with 
making icons?
  It would have been nice if thorough documentation was left behind by the 
creators of Breeze. The HIG at the time just didn't teach any of the important 
details for making an icon that looks like it belongs in Breeze. Most of the 
colors that are still used in the older Breeze icons are undocumented, so we 
have a very incomplete color palette for making icons. I mean I'm not better 
than anyone else in that regard because writing is hard, but still.
  I started making icons by learning how to make Breeze icons. I studied the 
existing Breeze icons for about half a year on my own (I was also working on 
making Breeze icons for YaST in this time) before I became a KDE developer. I 
can't expect other people to do that. When I started submitting icons, there 
weren't many people besides @ngraham to review them. Usually, its still just 
me, @ngraham and @trickyricky26; all people who haven't really seen much of the 
original designers of Breeze. Most of the colors in the older colorful Breeze 
icons are undocumented and the reasons why some shapes were chosen over 
(currently) more common designs were undocumented. If you know Breeze well and 
the current state of Breeze icons bothers you so much, why don't you help in 
the review process? It sure would have helped me when I started. Then I could 
have passed on more of what you already know.
  These things are what happens when the experienced people with all the 
unwritten knowledge go away. The redesigning of icons is a direct result of 
that. People redesign when they don't understand the system they are working 
  This post might sound a bit hostile, but please understand that it's just so 
frustrating to work with so little from the beginning and have someone who is a 
capable designer and who seems to have some old forgotten knowledge complain 
about the state of things. Maybe you and everyone else had other things in your 
life, maybe you and everyone else got bored (I know I am getting bored with 
icon work). That's fair, but try to understand what the rest of us have to deal 
with and maybe help out.


To: ndavis
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-11-01 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  To be honest I don't like the new icons. In general Uri with the original 
Breeze and Ken with its revamped version set original styles with their 
consistency. They are for me real visual designers. Instead now I see new icons 
added with lower quality, mixing different styles and even recycling icons from 
other sets (I hate this so much that I manually delete them from my 
installation). Breeze icons are not "take an icon from another set, remove/add 
gradients, done."
  When I submitted my first Breeze icons the review process was more selective 
and we all agreed that we should avoid updating icons as much as possible. I 
appreciate the enthusiasm in improving Breeze but this is KDE and it deserves 
much more in my opinion.
  Now with an update of my system I saw the Activities icon was updated. I 
discussed a new icon for Activities once and after many attempts Ivan decided 
that the old 3-dots one should remain. I was OK. But now Activities icon is 
replaced by... I don't know how to describe it. Sorry for who designed it but 
it's just bad.
  I think I will just fork Breeze for personal use, saving my icons without any 
"optimization" script to preserve them.


To: alex-l
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-10-11 Thread Mariusz Glebocki
mglb added a comment.

  Yes, I'll create review soon


To: mglb
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-10-11 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  @mglb would you be interesting in submitting patches with those new icons?


To: ngraham
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-10-06 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  Those are amazing and I love them! Especially the Yakuake icon where you've 
made the > character look like a subtle Y. That's just genius.
  The Konsole icon with the K in it might be a bit too complicated, but the 
simple version is top-notch. I would strongly encourage you to submit them in 
patch form. :)


To: ngraham
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-10-05 Thread Mariusz Glebocki
mglb added a comment.

  In T10243#202901 , @alex-l wrote:
  > As I said in another comment an example of problem in Inkscape is ">" 
symbol in Konsole 48x48px icon.
  Works OK here (Inkscape 0.92) - `>` is normal editable patch, with gradient 
recognizable by inkscape.
  > Btw those scripts are just to save package's size, there is no point to run 
them after installation, also because SVG icons are rendered once and then 
stored in the cache, so there is any advantage in making them optimized but 
reducing loading time for the first time the icon is shown.
  I forgot about caching. s/install process/packaging process/ - but I'm not 
sure cutting 1MB from something downloaded usually every few months is worth it.
  > If KDE wants their apps to have an identity, and this is what someone 
expressed in this thread, we can't ship just generic icon. In fact I see 
Konsole used without Plasma in /r/unixporn posts on Reddit.
  Yakuake/Konsole, 2 types - with full identity, and "generic looking but 
different than utilities-terminal":
  F7524018: konsole-icon.png 


To: mglb
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-28 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  In T10243#202038 , @mglb wrote:
  > In T10243#201329 , @alex-l wrote:
  > > EDIT: I have already said this here and there but please don't run any 
automated script to SVG icons, because when opening them back in Inkscape they 
are corrupted and everytime I edit a Breeze icon I have to do additional work 
to fix shapes and gradients corrupted by the scripts.
  > Samples please, it would be nice to fix inkscape and/or scripts.
  >  Also, we could store original/inkscape-friendly svg files in repo and run 
optimization script as part of install process.
  > > The diagonal thing in Konsole icon is to add some identity, without it we 
would have a classic terminal icon.
  > Why "different"/non-classic icon is better than classic terminal icon? 
Classic one is already known and everyone will be able to find it in their menu.
  > > Any ideas on how to add identity in general?
  > Basic/core applications (i.e. KWrite, Konsole, Dolphin, etc) come with the 
system "by default" and users need to find them easily without knowing how an 
app icon looks like in specific desktop environment. I guess people see them as 
"built-in" functions, not as stand-alone applications.
  As I said in another comment an example of problem in Inkscape is ">" symbol 
in Konsole 48x48px icon. Btw those scripts are just to save package's size, 
there is no point to run them after installation, also because SVG icons are 
rendered once and then stored in the cache, so there is any advantage in making 
them optimized but reducing loading time for the first time the icon is shown.
  If KDE wants their apps to have an identity, and this is what someone 
expressed in this thread, we can't ship just generic icon. In fact I see 
Konsole used without Plasma in /r/unixporn posts on Reddit.


To: alex-l
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-24 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  In T10243#202038 , @mglb wrote:
  > We already explicitly suggest to make 48px application icons only 
 (only few have more sizes). 
Titlebar and taskbar use ~22px icons, so you can either get bad looking small 
icons, or give up with nice details on 48px ones.
  Potentially bad-looking small app icons is an acceptable price to pay IMO.


To: ngraham
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-22 Thread Mariusz Glebocki
mglb added a comment.

  In T10243#201329 , @alex-l wrote:
  > EDIT: I have already said this here and there but please don't run any 
automated script to SVG icons, because when opening them back in Inkscape they 
are corrupted and everytime I edit a Breeze icon I have to do additional work 
to fix shapes and gradients corrupted by the scripts.
  Samples please, it would be nice to fix inkscape and/or scripts.
  Also, we could store original/inkscape-friendly svg files in repo and run 
optimization script as part of install process.
  > The diagonal thing in Konsole icon is to add some identity, without it we 
would have a classic terminal icon.
  Why "different"/non-classic icon is better than classic terminal icon? 
Classic one is already known and everyone will be able to find it in their menu.
  > Any ideas on how to add identity in general?
  Basic/core applications (i.e. KWrite, Konsole, Dolphin, etc) come with the 
system "by default" and users need to find them easily without knowing how an 
app icon looks like in specific desktop environment. I guess people see them as 
"built-in" functions, not as stand-alone applications.
  In T10243#201334 , @ngraham wrote:
  > In T10243#201332 , @alex-l wrote:
  > > @ngraham I don't know about macOS, but ElementaryOS icons look so good 
because they are designed for each size and I don't think we have the manpower 
to do that to Breeze icons.
  > But we already do this. Despite the fact that we use arbitrarily scalable 
SVG icons, we generally provide several sizes for each one so they look 
pixel-perfect at the common sizes that they're intended to be viewed at.
  We already explicitly suggest to make 48px application icons only 
 (only few have more sizes). 
Titlebar and taskbar use ~22px icons, so you can either get bad looking small 
icons, or give up with nice details on 48px ones.


To: mglb
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-20 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  In T10243#201461 , @ndavis wrote:
  > Are you talking about some of the mimetype icons?
  Also mimetype icons are definetly affected.


To: alex-l
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, 
arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-19 Thread Noah Davis
ndavis added a comment.

  In T10243#201445 , @alex-l wrote:
  > Most common problems for me are: (1) path that is correctly displayed but 
can't be edited with Inkscape, just moved around
  Are you talking about some of the mimetype icons? Some of them define shapes, 
give them an ID and then reference the ID so the part can be reused. No SVG 
optimizer that I know of does that and they were like that before I started 
working on Breeze. I fix that as I go, but it requires manual edits to the 
code. I rarely touch mimetype icons and I've only seen it a few times, so I 
don't know how many are like that.
  > (2) gradient correctly displayed but Inkscape's UI says the filling is "?" 
instead of gradient. You can check (2) with current 48x48 icon for 
Konsole/terminal, the shape is the ">" symbol.
  For me, the gradient is shown correctly in Inkscape's UI, but the gradient 
can't be changed to another gradient. I have to click the unset button 
(question mark icon), then click on the gradient button and it's back to 
working like it should without any extra work. For some reason, Inkscape can't 
change gradients unless the element is using a gradient that references another 


To: ndavis
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, 
arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-19 Thread Leon De Andrade
Leon0402 added a comment.

  Personally, I prefer branding icons much over functionality. It would be 
horrible if all my browsers and code editors would have the same icon. I want 
to know when I look in my task bar, what apps exactly I have open. Furthermore, 
it's always been like that ... no app on my phone or somewhere else uses a 
generic icon ... for good reason, I search for an app by looking at the icon 
and not at the text (in fact, some icons don't even have text like the icon in 
the bottom "favourite bar" on iOS). 
  Imho, a good branding icon gives some hint about the functionality as well, 
but it doesn't have to. And well the branding icon is designed by the 
application, not by breeze.


To: Leon0402
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, 
arrowd, abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-19 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  In T10243#201379 , @ndavis wrote:
  > In T10243#201333 , @ngraham 
  > > In T10243#201329 , @alex-l 
  > >
  > > > EDIT: I have already said this here and there but please don't run any 
automated script to SVG icons, because when opening them back in Inkscape they 
are corrupted and everytime I edit a Breeze icon I have to do additional work 
to fix shapes and gradients corrupted by the scripts.
  > >
  > >
  > > This is something you should bring up in the VDG chatroom and discuss 
with @ndavis in particular as we currently make heavy use of these scripts for 
optimization purposes. Hopefully we can come up with a solution together.
  > I actually hand check for errors when I optimize. If the gradients are out 
of place, then I put them back into place, optimize again and check again. 
Usually, the gradients get messed up when they're missing some data that is 
supposed to be in there and they get optimized with SVG Cleaner. If you ever 
see `Warning: The 'stop' element must have an 'offset' attribute. Fallback to 
'offset=0'.`, you need to check the gradients.
  > There are a fair amount of icons with gradient handles that are lined up 
right, but are way off to the side. Those were there before I started working 
on breeze-icons and I fix them as I go.
  Most common problems for me are: (1) path that is correctly displayed but 
can't be edited with Inkscape, just moved around and (2) gradient correctly 
displayed but Inkscape's UI says the filling is "?" instead of gradient. You 
can check (2) with current 48x48 icon for Konsole/terminal, the shape is the 
">" symbol.


To: alex-l
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Noah Davis
ndavis added a comment.

  In T10243#201333 , @ngraham wrote:
  > In T10243#201329 , @alex-l wrote:
  > > EDIT: I have already said this here and there but please don't run any 
automated script to SVG icons, because when opening them back in Inkscape they 
are corrupted and everytime I edit a Breeze icon I have to do additional work 
to fix shapes and gradients corrupted by the scripts.
  > This is something you should bring up in the VDG chatroom and discuss with 
@ndavis in particular as we currently make heavy use of these scripts for 
optimization purposes. Hopefully we can come up with a solution together.
  I actually hand check for errors when I optimize. If the gradients are out of 
place, then I put them back into place, optimize again and check again. 
Usually, the gradients get messed up when they're missing some data that is 
supposed to be in there.


To: ndavis
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  In T10243#201370 , @alex-l wrote:
  > I don't think glasses will ever look good at small sizes, can't we use 
something else for Okular? A clip? A highlighter?
  Looks okay to me at 32px: F7379054: Screenshot_20190918_145934.png 

  But again, if we want to actually change the icon rather than creating a 
Breeze version of it, that requires the consultation and permission of the 
developers (i.e. #okular  people).


To: ngraham
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

Re: T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Clemens Toennies
I'd agree that flatness taken too far becomes unattractive/dull also for me
personally. When comparing Breeze and latest Iphone icons though, I think
our set looks awesomeness, it is so good that i have yet to find something
else that i would stick to and not go back to Breeze after relative short
time, elemantary included. Since its all subjective, I am not sure if
changing some of Breeze would make things better, but leave everyone
unsatisfied in the end, as current Gwenview, K3B fit imho so good with the
rest that starting to change them would rather require a new style
altogether than mixing or going halfway back to something Oxygen-like?
Maybe look forward for this then for Plasma 6?

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  I don't think glasses will ever look good at small sizes, can't we use 
something else for Okular? A clip? A highlighter?


To: alex-l
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Christoph Cullmann
cullmann added a comment.

  Hmm, that looks more like a mail application ;=)
  As Tyson is already working on something, but at the moment has not much 
time, I would tend to just keep Kate's icon as is and look at the final stuff 
Tyson provides first.
  Otherwise I think that is a bit unfair.


To: cullmann
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  That's not a bad icon, but again, I think we owe it to the app developers to 
be as true to the original icon as possible. That text-origami-bird icon is 
cool, but it has nothing to do with Kate's original icon. The HIG specifically 
recommends against this:
  > https://hig.kde.org/style/icons/application.html
  >  When creating a Breeze theme version of an existing app’s icon, is 
critically important that the icon’s existing brand and visual style be 
preserved. The goal is to create a Breeze version of the icon, not something 
completely new and different.
  For example, here's Okular's original icon: F6517594: okular.png 

  Here's the Deepin icon theme version of it, as @filipf pointed out up-thread:
  F7378824: Okular-deepin.png 
  IMO this version of the icon is both much better than the Breeze icon 
version, and also more true to the original. That's the kind of thing we should 
strive for with Breeze icons. If we want to make a totally new icon, it needs 
to be done in coordination with the app's developers and have their approval.


To: ngraham
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  Would something like this being enough for Kate i.e. an origami bird made of 
current icon paper?
  F7378729: immagine.png 


To: alex-l
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Christoph Cullmann
cullmann added a comment.

  In T10243#201347 , @filipf wrote:
  > In T10243#201303 , @ngraham 
  > > Yeah, an app's icon is a part of its branding. It //should// look 
distinctive, not generic. Ideally it communicates both its purpose ("I'm a text 
editor!") as well as its identity ("I'm Kate!"). I think the problem with some 
of these icons is that they only do the former, not the latter. I don't think 
there is a conflict here, though!
  > This seems like the crux of the issue to me, I don't think it's that much 
about the flat vs. skeuo debate.
  > Some icons listed here are distinguishable, still do a decent job in terms 
of branding, and would maybe only benefit from a little tweaking (e.g. 
Gwenview). But others such as the Okular, Konsole, Kate, KWrite, Yakuake, and 
the previous version of the Kolf icon look somewhat generic to me.
  Yes, KWrite, ok, that is just some "non-SDI" Kate, I could live with it 
having just the same icon or the icon with some emblem like Kate.
  But Kate's icon is just maximal generic, could be any editor.
  The current draft of Tyson looks more like a simplified miniature version of 
the woodpecker mascot.


To: cullmann
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Christoph Cullmann
cullmann added a comment.

  In T10243#201341 , @alex-l wrote:
  > Here there is an example of brand artwork using that diagonal shape for 
  > F7377581: immagine.png 
  > Edit: to be honest I think this is both distinctive and descriptive:
  > F7378079: immagine.png 
  Yes, I think even the icon alone is recognizable enough.


To: cullmann
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Filip Fila
filipf added a comment.

  In T10243#201303 , @ngraham wrote:
  > Yeah, an app's icon is a part of its branding. It //should// look 
distinctive, not generic. Ideally it communicates both its purpose ("I'm a text 
editor!") as well as its identity ("I'm Kate!"). I think the problem with some 
of these icons is that they only do the former, not the latter. I don't think 
there is a conflict here, though!
  This seems like the crux of the issue to me, I don't think it's that much 
about the flat vs. skeuo debate.
  Some icons listed here are distinguishable, still do a decent job in terms of 
branding, and would maybe only benefit from a little tweaking (e.g. Gwenview). 
But others such as the Okular, Konsole, Kate, KWrite, Yakuake, and the previous 
version of the Kolf icon look somewhat generic to me.


To: filipf
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  Here there is an example of brand artwork using that diagonal shape for 
  F7377581: immagine.png 


To: alex-l
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  What do you think about this kind of icon? This one is for Discover: the 
puzzle pieces indicate apps and other addons, the triangles the packages that 
ship the apps and the ">" shape looks like Plasma logo.
  F7377482: immagine.png 


To: alex-l
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  In T10243#201336 , @starbuck wrote:
  > Maybe look forward for this then for Plasma 6?
  Good idea, for me.


To: alex-l
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Clemens Toennies
starbuck added a subscriber: IohannesPetros.
starbuck added a comment.

  I'd agree that flatness taken too far becomes unattractive/dull also for me
  personally. When comparing Breeze and latest Iphone icons though, I think
  our set looks awesomeness, it is so good that i have yet to find something
  else that i would stick to and not go back to Breeze after relative short
  time, elemantary included. Since its all subjective, I am not sure if
  changing some of Breeze would make things better, but leave everyone
  unsatisfied in the end, as current Gwenview, K3B fit imho so good with the
  rest that starting to change them would rather require a new style
  altogether than mixing or going halfway back to something Oxygen-like?
  Maybe look forward for this then for Plasma 6?


To: starbuck
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added a comment.

  In T10243#201331 , @ngraham wrote:
  > cold, barren, and excessively harsh and masculine. But you also don't go 
overboard on ornamentation or else it feels smothering, claustrophobic, and 
excessively feminine.
  I object to this attribution of sex. This is an expression of certain 
culture, please keep it to that one.


To: kossebau
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  In T10243#201332 , @alex-l wrote:
  > @ngraham I don't know about macOS, but ElementaryOS icons look so good 
because they are designed for each size and I don't think we have the manpower 
to do that to Breeze icons.
  But we already do this. Despite the fact that we use arbitrarily scalable SVG 
icons, we generally provide several sizes for each one so they look 
pixel-perfect at the common sizes that they're intended to be viewed at.
  > The diagonal thing in Konsole icon is to add some identity, without it we 
would have a classic terminal icon. Any ideas on how to add identity in general?
  Maybe we could play with the KDE logo and render it or parts of it in ASCII 
on the screen? We probably need to keep the `>_` symbolism though because we 
use this all over the place to mean "terminal stuff"


To: ngraham
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  In T10243#201329 , @alex-l wrote:
  > EDIT: I have already said this here and there but please don't run any 
automated script to SVG icons, because when opening them back in Inkscape they 
are corrupted and everytime I edit a Breeze icon I have to do additional work 
to fix shapes and gradients corrupted by the scripts.
  This is something you should bring up in the VDG chatroom and discuss with 
@ndavis in particular as we currently make heavy use of these scripts for 
optimization purposes. Hopefully we can come up with a solution together.


To: ngraham
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  @ngraham I don't know about macOS, but ElementaryOS icons look so good 
because they are designed for each size and I don't think we have the manpower 
to do that to Breeze icons.
  The diagonal thing in Konsole icon is to add some identity, without it we 
would have a classic terminal icon. Any ideas on how to add identity in general?


To: alex-l
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  I have a problem with //extreme// minimalism in same the way that I have a 
problem with extreme ornamentation. I don't like either one, when taken too 
far. The problem with doing this is that it irritates people who really dislike 
that style, and they push you to go in the opposite direction, and then the 
people who dislike that style object and push you back, and so on forever.
  This is by no means limited to icons; it's part of a global aesthetic cycle 
that has played out across the centuries. The way the excessively ornamented 
romantic style gave way to modernism in art and architecture is a great example.
  In my opinion, the best way out of this seemingly endless cycle is balance: 
you strive for simplicity, but with reasonable ornamentation. In the same way 
that artists and architects are re-discovering the value of targeted 
ornamentation in their designs, so too can we--but in a reasonable, focused 
way. You can't go too simple, or else it looks cold, barren, and excessively 
harsh and masculine. But you also don't go overboard on ornamentation or else 
it feels smothering, claustrophobic, and excessively feminine. A pleasing 
mixture is needed.
  In my opinion, macOS and ElementaryOS icons do a great job of this. They're 
simple, but not too simple. That have visual flourishes, but they don't go 
overboard. And they just look rich and beautiful. IMO. :)
  Regarding the Konsole icon, I like the idea of drawing a frame around the 
dark part to make it look more like an old-fashioned terminal and provide 
better visual continuity with the original Konsole icon (which after all we are 
trying to be faithful to). I'm not sure I like the diagonal swooshy bit that 
appears to overlap the central display though. It looks sort of weird and out 
of place. IMO it would look better without that. I also don't think the symbols 
in the middle need soft shadows. That makes then seem like they're popping out 
of the display when in fact the opposite is true: they're embedded within it. 
An embossed effect might be better, if anything at all is needed.


To: ngraham
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  @ngraham  I think you have a problem with minimalism :) original Breeze icon 
for Gwenview, Kate and KWrite were even worse than the current ones by me, in 
fact I already tried to go back to some Oxygen style.
  For reference, original Gwenview icon was the second one and Kate's the one 
between the hard drive and the calculator:
  F7377216: immagine.png 
  To better understand, do you like these additions to Konsole icon and if yes, 
which one? The style can be tweaked of course:
  F7377220: immagine.png 


To: alex-l
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  The problem I have with Gwenview's icon is that it just feels inferior to the 
Oxygen one.
  The Oxygen icon has presence and communicates a style and brand, but doesn't 
really do a good job indicating what the app does. The Breeze icon feels like 
it tries to fix that problem by putting a monochrome image inside the eyeball, 
but I don't think it really works because the symbol is small and it's only 
part of the original image symbol, and in the process the icon loses the 
presence of the Oxygen icon. It doesn't really look much like an eyeball 
anymore, and the pink color is so pale and unappealing (IMO) compared to the 
  In general it's a good idea to make the icon more obviously an image viewer 
but I don't think the current approach works. I think just making a Breezey 
version of the original icon would be more respectful to it. If it's deemed 
absolutely necessary to reinforce the "Hey, I'm an image viewer" information, 
maybe put the breeze-style eyeball inside a picture frame or something.


To: ngraham
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Marijo Mustac
mmustac updated the task description.


To: mmustac
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  Just to be clear, is Gwenview icon enough descriptive and distinctive at the 
same time?


To: alex-l
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  Yeah, an app's icon is a part of its branding. It //should// look 
distinctive, not generic. Ideally it communicates both its purpose ("I'm a text 
editor!") as well as its identity ("I'm Kate!"). I think the problem with some 
of these icons is that they on;y do the former, not the latter.
  The fact that we have a consistent visual style for Breeze icons is already 
something that builds the KDE brand. But that doesn't require that individual 
app icons are generic-looking and lack identity for the apps themselves.


To: ngraham
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

T10243: Some KDE applications could use better icons

2019-09-18 Thread Alessandro Longo
alex-l added a comment.

  In T10243#201291 , @cullmann wrote:
  > Actually, that is exactly what I want to have: an arbitrary logo that is 
  >  It does Kate a big disservice that we have no icon like 
  >  A generic "text" icon is nice for a mime-type.
  >  Users will easily detect where to start Atom, but not where to start Kate, 
as it could just be any other "editor".
  Distinghishable from other editors maybe, but here we have different ideas of 
what an app icon is. For me, the app icon is that UI element that let you start 
the app and indicate the app in the task managers etc. In this context, with 
the user having to start a text editor, the icon must be descriptive.
  Instead in the context of building branding to compete with other similar 
apps the icon and the logo could be the same. I don't think this was the case 
for KDE apps like Kate, KWrite and Gwenview and so they have those icons.
  In case one wants to build a strong brand for a KDE app, especially if it's 
available for other platforms, he should first design a logo and then an icon 
that would be at the same time similar to the logo and descriptive of what the 
app does. See for example Kdenlive.


To: alex-l
Cc: alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, abetts, stikonas, 
knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, elvisangelaccio, kossebau, 
trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, #kde_pim, 
#discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, #konsole, 
#kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, hannahk, 
Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, 
IohannesPetros, GB_2, crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, 
aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, mbohlender

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