Re: Table of Contents Usability?

2012-10-24 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 24.10.2012 12:14, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Oct 2012 10:53:47 +0100
> Rory O'Farrell  wrote:
>> A recent thread on the en-Forum threw up problems with the interface of the 
>> Table of Contents generation.  Perhaps Kevin Grignon might care to note this 
>> as an area worthy of improvement.
> A further note on this in

Maybe also user generated indices which cannot be hyperlinked. This is strange 
as well, as it seems
to be "natural" that any generated table links to the references giving the 
page number, but not
allowing one to hyperlink the entries. Hence exporting such documents to PDF 
will have hyperlinks on
the TOC, but not on the user generated tables.
(Rather, one needs to use a cumbersome trick that has to do with unused heading 
levels; something a
regular writer user won't know about.)


Re: ACE12: odp-template for AOO-presentations ?

2012-10-21 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 21.10.2012 14:50, imacat wrote:
> On 2012/10/21 20:13, Rony G. Flatscher said:
>> On 21.10.2012 12:58, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:
>>> On 21.10.2012 09:37, imacat wrote:
>>>> I have uploaded mine. You are welcome to try it. ^_*' 
>>> thank you very much for sharing, looks great to me!
>> Hmm, there seems to be a problem, however:
>> if running a slide show the title page orb gets clipped and the remainders 
>> of a white rectangle
>> becomes visible. Tried to make sure that the orb is at the very front in the 
>> master layout, but to
>> no avail.
>> ---rony
>> P.S.: Exporting to PDF will leet the title page intact.
> I have uploaded a new version. It seems that I should not play with
> SVG. :p The current version should have this issue fixed. Please try
> again. Thank you.
That works great now, thank you very much!


Re: ACE12: odp-template for AOO-presentations ?

2012-10-21 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
Hi imacat,

On 21.10.2012 09:37, imacat wrote:
> I have uploaded mine. You are welcome to try it. ^_*' 
thank you very much for sharing, looks great to me!


ACE12: odp-template for AOO-presentations ?

2012-10-20 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
Hi there,

is there an odp template available for AOO presentations (employing the latest 
AOO/ASF art work) at
the upcoming Apache Con Europe 2012 in Sinsheim? If so, where can one obtain it?



Re: 3.4.1 Crashes on MacOS 10.7.4

2012-08-25 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 25.08.2012 11:56, Andreas Säger wrote:
> Am 25.08.2012 09:44, Fernando Cassia wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 4:18 AM, Andreas Säger  wrote:
>>> Most of this office suite runs very well without Java.
>> Of course "most" does not include the database component.
>> "Java is required for complete OpenOffice (
>> functionality. Java is mainly required for the HSQLDB database engine
>> (used by our database product Base) and to make use of accessibility
>> and assistive technologies. Furthermore some wizards rely on Java
>> technology"
>> FC
> Even the database component works well without Java.
> Connect to some non-JDBC database, add queries and forms. For reporting you 
> can still use the Calc
> component.
> The most important core functionality is still there, otherwise we could not 
> print serial letters
> without Java.
> The Java based "wizards" are totally counterproductive anyway. They hide more 
> functionality than
> they are able to offer.
> Mind that Java is just a major annoyance for many computer users (and for 
> Microsoft of course). I
> ran OOo 2.x without Java for many years and I am a comparatively heavy user 
> of Base.

Just a few, brief remarks:

  * Java adds important functionality to AOO, like it or not. There are 
extensions, components
written in Java that are helpful, like it or not. The AOO scirpting 
framework is written in
Java, hence removing Java removes the ability to add and use scripting 
languages besides Basic
and Python. Ad database: how can you run HSQL without Java, which is the 
default base engine AOO
has been using for many years now?
Removing Java would cripple AOO bad times (for other reasons as well).

  * Problem at hand, some Java installation on Mac, which causes problems to 
one person so far.
Shooting in the dark and pointing to untested Javas for MacOSX is not a 
solution, but adds to
the grief. So, as long as there is no correct error/problem description, 
please do not point to
"solutions" that are none. Java on MacOSX has been *very* special from the 
day that Apple
tweaked it to get it into its UI and operating system the way Apple deemed 
to be the "correct"
way. Until Sun/Oracle has not completely implemented all aspects of that 
special Apple Java
support, and tested it and made a 32-bit version available to it, I regard 
any "solution"
pointing to OpenJDK as adding confusion and problems to the table.

And a question ad MacOSX port of AOO:

  * One question I would have is: why is the MacOSX version of AOO compiled for 
32-bit only? Are
there any problems compiling and distributing a 64-bit version for MacOSX, 
now that the newer
versions seem to be 64-bit ?


Re: Developer ID for digitally signing Apple OSX releases?

2012-08-01 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 01.08.2012 06:08, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 1. August 2012 um 02:41 schrieb Rob Weir:
>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 7:23 PM, Keith N. McKenna
>>  wrote:
>>> With the release of OSX Mountain Lion and its new Gatekeeper feature I
>>> wanted to ask if any thought had been given by the community of applying to
>>> Apple for a Developer ID. My limited understanding is that by signing the
>>> installation files with the Developer ID it automatically unlocks the
>>> gatekeeper and allows the application to run. Otherwise there is a short
>>> process that one must go through to change the security settings for the
>>> application allowing it to open.
>> We'd like to do code signing, not only for Mac but for Windows as
>> well. Signed installers are the new normal and are expected by
>> browser, anti-virus scanners and increasingly by operating systems.
>> Although we have volunteers willing to do the build integration work,
>> and funds available for acquiring certificates, we've been told that
>> individual Apache projects may not do their own signing. The Apache
>> Infrastructure team is trying to figure out some way that this can be
>> done centrally. But no estimate for when this will happen.
> exactly and at the moment we can only wait, I have no idea how we can help 
> further at the moment. Any ideas are welcome.
> In the meantime we should add a note about the new Gatekeeper of Mountain 
> Lion. It's a one time ctrl-click or opening via the context menu. After that 
> you can run it as normal without any further dialog from the system.
> I tried it out and forget to take screenshot to document it.
>From another opensource project: they are contemplating of using a digital key 
>service which would
enable them to sign their code for Linux, MacOSX and Windows,
Maybe infra is attempting to do somehting like them, otherwise they could check 
them out (or other
such services).


Re: trunk build breaks in qadevOOo because of missing class TextFitToSizeType

2012-07-30 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 30.07.2012 14:36, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 10:08:05AM +0200, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>> On 7/28/12 11:57 PM, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
>>> Hi Regina,
>>> On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 6:41 AM, Regina Henschel
>>>  wrote:

 I start to build trunk with MSVC Express on WinXP. The build breaks in
 qadevOOo with error message

 cannot find symbol
 symbol : class TextFitToSizeType
 location: package
 if (oldValue instanceof{
 Reason seems to be, that the changes in
 r1366087: #116001# TextToFitSize item/property optimized to boolean
 are incomplete.
>>> IMHO besides of being incomplete, they are incompatible, and thus the
>>> API changes should be reverted: this kind of incompatible API changes
>>> should happen only on mayor versions, they should wait for AOO 4; in
>>> the meantime, the solution seems to be:
>> in general yes and I would agree but in this case Armin told me that the
>> implementation was always different and the IDL was wrong.
> It doesn't matter what the implementation did internally, API users
> don't care about implementation details. And it is a mistake to assume
> that no API clients are using this API. In fact, it is more justified to
> asume it is being used, as it's been documented in the SDK example:
> main/odk/examples/DevelopersGuide/Drawing/
> It also seems logical to assume that people read the documentation and
> follow the examples ;)
>> We did such
>> changes in the past as well but always very seldom and carefully.
> But this change is *not* carefully done: the change is not tracked in
> the IDL documentation; as API user, I would expect a @deprecated tag in
> the IDL, not simple removal without further information (besides the
> Developer's Guide being updated too
>> It doesn't help to keep wrong IDL types that never have worked and were
>> not really used.
> This is a wrong assumption, see the example from the SDK quoted above.
> You cannot mesure how many API users are using this API, but assuming
> that some people actually read the examples and follow them seems more
> reasonable.

FWIW, here a snippet that references a constant from that type (existing as an 
ooRexx sample for
more than five years and being employed by students!):

... cut ...
proportional = bsf.getConstant("", 
xShapeProps~setPropertyValue("TextFitToSize", proportional)
... cut ...


Re: MacOSX: problems deploying an extension in shared mode

2012-07-24 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 22.07.2012 14:07, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:
> In the context of creating a new version of BSF4ooRexx for MacOSX as well
> (<>)
> the automatic installation of an oxt-extension to AOO 3.4.0 to add ooRexx as 
> a macro language
> directly to AOO, there are errors with the MacOSX version.
> If you download the package from the above link you'll get ooRexx and 
> BSF4ooRexx for MacOSX in
> 32-Bit (as OOo is still 32-bit on MacOSX) installed and both ooRexx and 
> BSF4ooRexx (a Rexx function
> package camouflaging Java as the dynamically typed ooRexx) are operational.
> Unfortunately, the OOo extension named "ScriptProviderForooRexx.oxt" cannot 
> be added to the MacOSX
> AOO 3.4 installation using "unopkg"! Here a few infos to the locations and 
> the scripts that are run
> as sudo with the error message:
> wu114123:sources rony$ *ls -al 
> /Applications/**
> lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 rony  admin 10 Apr 19 08:28 
> /Applications/ -> unopkg.bin
> -r-xr-xr-x@ 1 rony  admin  13568 Apr 19 08:28 
> /Applications/
> wu114123:sources rony$ *ls -al 
> /System/Library/Frameworks/BSF4ooRexx.framework/Libraries/ScriptProviderForooRexx.oxt*
> -rwxrwxrwx  1 root  wheel  330778 Jun 15 17:24 
> /System/Library/Frameworks/BSF4ooRexx.framework/Libraries/ScriptProviderForooRexx.oxt
> wu114123:sources rony$ *sudo 
> /Applications/ add --shared 
> /System/Library/Frameworks/BSF4ooRexx.framework/Libraries/ScriptProviderForooRexx.oxt*
> *ERROR: Error binding package: 
>Cause: an error occured during file opening
> unopkg failed.
> There is no directory named "Qpgmug_" in the shared cache directory; not sure 
> why.
> ---
> Trying to do the same from AOO's "Tools -> Extension Manager" is not 
> successful either, if intending
> to install for "All users" with the scarce error message "an error occured 
> during file opening".
> However adding this extension via AOO's "Tools -> Extension Manager" for 
> "Only for me" works o.k.!
> Restarting AOO, and the extension is available and operational allowing 
> ooRexx to be used as a macro
> language!
> Using the user extension has another irregularity: if using for the first 
> time in a totally
> fresh AOO session "Tools -> Macros -> Run Macro" and then executing any 
> ooRexx macro will yield
> an error ("unable to load language"). However, if first doing a "Tools -> 
> Macros -> Organize
> Macros -> ooRexx" and editing any ooRexx macro and running it via the 
> edit window menu, ooRexx
> can be later found via "Tools -> Macros -> Run Macro" as well.
> [Using the oxt-extension on Windows and Linux with AOO, OOo, LO works in 
> shared mode, and AFAIK
> there are no anomalities that I know of.]
> Any ideas, what might be wrong, what I could do?
> [To duplicate: just install the MacOSX package and then run the above 
> commands from a command line
> to see for yourself.]
> TIA for any hints, ideas and suggestions,
> ---rony
Just tested this with the developer snapshot build 3.4.1 for English (en-US), 
with the same behaviour..

Filed a new issue such that this remains documented:


Re: [RELEAASE][3.4.1]: propose the next build for 3.4.1 based on revision 1364583

2012-07-24 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 24.07.2012 18:45, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
> Hi Rony,
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
>  wrote:
>> Probably a stupid question (tried cwiki search and google to no avail): what 
>> is the current URL for
>> the download page for the 3.4.1 RCs (currently interested in the MacOS 
>> version)?
> if nothing is broken, it should be as easy as going to the main download page:
> The last item will lead you to
Hi Ariel,

thank you *very* much, will bookmark this link!

Best regards,


Re: [RELEAASE][3.4.1]: propose the next build for 3.4.1 based on revision 1364583

2012-07-24 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 24.07.2012 11:24, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> On 7/24/12 10:58 AM, RGB ES wrote:
>> 2012/7/24 Rory O'Farrell :
>>> It looks as if the entire column of Windows rc candidates does not have 
>>> correct permissions. I tried four or five in that column ad got 403 
>>> Forbidden errors.  The Ubuntu candidate D/Led OK.
>> That's because the builds are not ready yet: only the 32 bits debs are
>> ready so a bit of patience is needed ;)
>> Regards
>> Ricardo
> In general we put a short mail here on the list when the builds are
> available
> MacOS +  Windows should be available and I am currently updating the wiki.

Probably a stupid question (tried cwiki search and google to no avail): what is 
the current URL for
the download page for the 3.4.1 RCs (currently interested in the MacOS version)?


MacOSX: problems deploying an extension in shared mode

2012-07-22 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
In the context of creating a new version of BSF4ooRexx for MacOSX as well
the automatic installation of an oxt-extension to AOO 3.4.0 to add ooRexx as a 
macro language
directly to AOO, there are errors with the MacOSX version.

If you download the package from the above link you'll get ooRexx and 
BSF4ooRexx for MacOSX in
32-Bit (as OOo is still 32-bit on MacOSX) installed and both ooRexx and 
BSF4ooRexx (a Rexx function
package camouflaging Java as the dynamically typed ooRexx) are operational.

Unfortunately, the OOo extension named "ScriptProviderForooRexx.oxt" cannot be 
added to the MacOSX
AOO 3.4 installation using "unopkg"! Here a few infos to the locations and the 
scripts that are run
as sudo with the error message:

wu114123:sources rony$ *ls -al 
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 rony  admin 10 Apr 19 08:28 
/Applications/ -> unopkg.bin
-r-xr-xr-x@ 1 rony  admin  13568 Apr 19 08:28 

wu114123:sources rony$ *ls -al 
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root  wheel  330778 Jun 15 17:24 

wu114123:sources rony$ *sudo 
/Applications/ add --shared 

*ERROR: Error binding package:$UNO_SHARED_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages/Qpgmug_/ScriptProviderForooRexx.oxt*
   Cause: an error occured during file opening

unopkg failed.

There is no directory named "Qpgmug_" in the shared cache directory; not sure 


Trying to do the same from AOO's "Tools -> Extension Manager" is not successful 
either, if intending
to install for "All users" with the scarce error message "an error occured 
during file opening".

However adding this extension via AOO's "Tools -> Extension Manager" for "Only 
for me" works o.k.!
Restarting AOO, and the extension is available and operational allowing ooRexx 
to be used as a macro

Using the user extension has another irregularity: if using for the first 
time in a totally
fresh AOO session "Tools -> Macros -> Run Macro" and then executing any 
ooRexx macro will yield
an error ("unable to load language"). However, if first doing a "Tools -> 
Macros -> Organize
Macros -> ooRexx" and editing any ooRexx macro and running it via the edit 
window menu, ooRexx
can be later found via "Tools -> Macros -> Run Macro" as well.

[Using the oxt-extension on Windows and Linux with AOO, OOo, LO works in shared 
mode, and AFAIK
there are no anomalities that I know of.]

Any ideas, what might be wrong, what I could do?
[To duplicate: just install the MacOSX package and then run the above commands 
from a command line
to see for yourself.]

TIA for any hints, ideas and suggestions,


Ad scripting languages (Re: OpenOffice in Java

2012-07-08 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
Hi Andreas,

On 07.07.2012 17:36, Andreas Säger wrote:
> Am 06.07.2012 16:26, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:
>> In addtion, the very important AOO scripting framework is totally Java based.
> Why can I run all non-Java macros on a machine with no Java?
not sure, what you are after.

AFAIK, originally there was "StarBasic" implemented as the scripting language 
for OpenOffice (later
renamed to " Basic") and part of it.

Then, later, Python got added as a scripting language, by implementing a Python 
UNO binding.

That was it for quite some time as it is everything else but a trivial task to 
create the
infrastructure to add a new scripting language to OpenOffice from scratch for 
programmers who might
have no working knowledge about the UNO framework.

Then later (2004?, 2005?), a Java scripting framework got added to OpenOffice.

This Java scripting framework allowed in the first place to finally add 
JavaScript (Rhino, a very
popular Java implemenation of JavaScript) as a scripting language to OpenOffice.

In addtion BeanShell ("interpreted Java") was added as an additional scripting 
languages to
OpenOffice as well taking advantage of the new Java scripting framework.

Because there has been a Java scripting framework for OpenOffice it has become 
a feasible job to add
any scripting language to OpenOffice for which a Java implementation existed, 
without the need of an
intimate knowledge of the UNO framework. A feasible example of adding scripting 
languages to
OpenOffice via the Java scripting framework would be all the Apache BSF 
scripting languages (cf.
<>). Starting with Java 1.6 the "javax.script" 
package got introduced
into Java which could be used to add new scripting languages to OpenOffice as 
well, using the
existing Java scripting framework.

The interesting thing here is, that one can use the Java scripting framework 
for OpenOffice also for
scripting languages, that are implemented in C++, believe it or not!

This may sound strange, but in effect, this is simpler than starting from 
scratch to create some UNO
binding for a new scripting language for programmers who have no intimate 
knowledge of the UNO
framework and its implementations. An example for such a possibility is the 
oxt-package that adds
the opensource and "human centric" scripting language ooRexx (cf. 
<>) to
OpenOffice using Java as the bridge (there is an ooRexx package, that has 
extensive Java support via
JNI for ooRexx, camouflaging all of Java as the dynamically typed, caseless 
programming language
ooRexx, and does so successfully and fast, cf. 
<>, the
oxt-package is part of the distribution and gets automatically installed with 
BSF4ooRexx, if
OpenOffice is installed on the machine).


Two years ago, there was a presentation of an OpenOffice introspection tool 
implemented in ooRexx,
which can be used interactively or via all the OpenOffice scripting languages 
via the dispatch
interface, which is able to create great overviews of the UNO objects (and/or 
UNO classes) you have
in hand, including links that lead to the OpenOffice API documentation on the 
Internet. Here is a
link to a brief tutorial which might be interesting for OpenOffice developers, 
hence giving links to
the slides, the brief tutorial on how to use it from Basic, 
Java, JavaScript, ooRexx,
and Python:

  * slides:

  * tutorial/readme:

  * result of introspecting an UNO writer object on-the-fly, one level only, 
yielding 11 pages of

  * result of introspecting an UNO writer object on-the-fly, two levels, 
yielding 55 (!) pages of

As you (hopefully) see, having a Java based scripting framework is a boon for 
OpenOffice. It
allows/enables programmers to rather quickly make a scripting language 
available to OpenOffice
taking advantage of the Java scripting framework.


Re: OpenOffice in Java

2012-07-06 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 05.07.2012 22:04, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012 um 19:57 schrieb Dennis E. Hamilton:
... cut ...
>> 3. Are you aware that the tendency is to remove Java dependencies from 
>> OpenOffice? I don't know the reasoning, but it is happening.
AFAICT there was quite an anti-Java stance before the OpenJDK came along by 
different groups.

Therefore, I was surprised to read this statement, because for quite some time 
there has been no
"Java-bashing", which IMHO would just simply be stupid, unfprofessional and 
actually harm AOO in
todays world.

> really, I don't see it at AOO at the moment. I still recommend Java for 
> extensions because it's
> much easier to develop and to maintain on all platforms.

In addtion, the very important AOO scripting framework is totally Java based.
(BTW, this does not mean that one is only able to deploy Java-implemented 
script languages, but it
means that it is very easy to add any Java-based scripting language in addition 
to AOO. As another
example there is an oxt-package that adds the C++ implemented ooRexx scripting 
language to AOO/LO
exploiting/using the Java based scripting framework, and it works well and 


Homepage still showing 1 million downloads in sidebar ...

2012-06-08 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
FYI,  shows the following text in the right sidebar:

Apache OpenOffice 3.4 Blows Past 1M Downloads

After last week's release of Apache OpenOffice 3.4, the project is pleased 
to note the strong
positive reception by users and the press. Apache OpenOffice 3.4 has been 
downloaded over one
million times! 

As there are more than 3M by now, this text should either get removed (replaced 
by another
up-to-date news item) or constantly updated.


Re: a question of Export custom file format?

2012-06-07 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 07.06.2012 18:02, Oliver Brinzing wrote:
> Hi,
>> I write a extention.
>> In my  extention how can I get openoffice program path.
> Sub Test
>   Dim oService as Object
>   oService = CreateUnoService("")
>   ' see 
>  for details
>   MsgBox oService.getSubstituteVariableValue("inst")
>   ' get your Extension Path
>   ' 
>   oService =
> getDefaultContext().getByName("/singletons/")
>   MsgBox oService. getPackageLocation("my.extension.identifier")
> End Sub
> Regards
> Oliver

Here is an example (ooRexx, "listPathSettings.rxo") which lists all path 
settings available in AOO
to .stdout:

xContext = UNO.connect()-- connect to server and retrieve the 
XContext object
XMcf = xContext~getServiceManager   -- retrieve XMultiComponentFactory

xpaths=oPathSettings~XPropertySet   -- get XPropertySet interface
paths=xpaths~getPropertySetInfo~getProperties   -- get the sequence of 

do i=1 to paths~items   -- iterate over all properties (all 
path names)
   name=paths[i]~name   -- get the Property's name
   call printPathSetting i, name, xpaths~getPropertyValue(name) -- display 
on .stdout

-- end of program, start of directives (each led in by two colons '::')
::requires UNO.CLS   -- get the UNO/OOo support, which itself gets the Java 

::routine printPathSetting/* print the PathSetting name with its 
value(s) */
  use arg i, name, propValue

  tmpStr=i~right(3)":" pp(name)

  resArr=processPathUrls(propValue) -- returns array
  say tmpStr || detTabs(tmpStr) pp(resArr[1])
  do k=2 to resArr~items
 say "090909"x pp(resArr[k])


detTabs: procedure /* determine indentation, depends on length of path name 
  parse arg string

  if  len<8  then return "090909"x -- three tabs
  else if len<16 then return "0909"x   -- two tabs
  else if len<24 then return "09"x -- one tab
  elsereturn ""-- no tab (empty string)

   /* take care of special case that multiple paths are encoded in a single
  value (instead of defining them as an array of java.lang.String;
  the URL-style will delimit different paths with the semi-colon char 
  on all platforms; will return a Rexx array of strings representing the
  defined URLs rendered to the operating system's file system 
representation. */
processPathUrls: procedure
   use arg propValue


   if propValue~string~left(18)=="[Ljava.lang.String" then -- a String 
array in hand
  if propValue~items=0 then -- empty array
  do k=1 to propValue~items
   else -- value is a string already 
(representing single path)
   return resArr

   /* parse string, could be that more than one path is encoded and 
delimited by semi-colon,
  return an array of converted strings */
convertPathUrl: procedure
   parse arg str

   if str="" then   -- path is explicitly an empty string
   do while str<>""
  parse var str before ";" str -- parse using ";" as delimiter
  arr~append(uno.convertFromUrl(before)) -- turn URL into opsys' path 
   return arr

You'll get the idea looking at the code, such that you can map it to your 
preferred programming


Re: ODF Command Line Tools -- Request for community feedback

2012-05-29 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 5/29/2012 3:49 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Rob Weir  wrote:
>> For example, does
>> JRuby pre-req a JDK version?
>> -Rob
> I am 100% sure it runs both on the propietary Java one gets from,
> (1.6 onwards, including JDK7) and also on OpenJDK (1.7 here on Linux).
> I know because I have run JRuby on both. It' s safe to say JRE or JDK 1.6
> or higher is a requirement. All previous Java versions are EOL' d.
If possible at all, the base line support should be Java 1.4 as long as 
possible as there are still
quite a few Java deployments at that level (also 1.5) in the market despite 
Sun/Oracle putting the
EOL death spell on Java 1.4 and 1.5. (Of course, support for 1.4 can only be 
granted, if it is
possible to compile the ODF toolkit for target 1.4 and not using Java methods 
only available in Java
1.5 or higher, as 
1.5 as a minimum JDK level.)


Little suggestion for improving the AOO 3.4 Release Notes slightly ...

2012-04-23 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
In the process of checking the AOO 3.4 release notes, I did not find a link to 
Rob Weir's timeline

communicates how much work has gone into this project. Hence, I would suggest 
the inclusion of that
link, such that interested readers of the AOO release notes can learn what has 
been done/achieved in
the past eleven months.


Re: writer: question ad defining a relative font-size for a "character style" that works in all "paragraph styles"

2012-04-03 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
Hi Oliver,

thank you very much for your answer!

> The defined 90% in your Character Style "xyz" is relative to the font size of 
> the parent Character
> Style of "xyz". You found the parent Character Style in the format dialog on 
> pane "Organizer",
> field "Linked with".
> Change the font size of this Character Style and you will see the effect on 
> text which has "xyz"
> applied.
Did set this to "none", because the Character Style "Default" is not allowed 
(pop-up warning to the
effect that otherwise a recursion would occur), which seems to be the "logical" 

> Currently, I have no simple solution at hand.
> But, you can go to http:// Here you find 
> a forum, may be in
> your native language. May be somebody there has a solution.
Thank you *very* much for this link too, which I was not aware of at all!

Best regards,


writer: question ad defining a relative font-size for a "character style" that works in all "paragraph styles"

2012-04-03 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
If this is the wrong e-mail list for user-questions, then please advise which 
one would be the
correct one.


Maybe someone on this list knows the answer/solution?

Here is the problem to solve: in a writer file it should become possible to set 
sections of a text
to a monotype font, where the font size should be 90% of the current font-size 
(e.g. "Paragraph
Style: Default" or "Paragraph Style: Footnote". The reason for reducing the 
font size relative to
the Paragraph Style's defined font-size is, that monotyped words tend to be 
wider than serif fonts;
by reducing the current size by 10% such monotyped text looks nice again.

To solve the problem I created a "Character Style" named "xyz" and defined it 
to be:

  * Organizier: name=xyz, Linked with=- None -, Category: Custom Styles
  * Font: Western text font: Font=DejaVu Sans Mono, Typeface=Book, Size=90%, 
Language=German (Austria)
  * Background: Yellow 2

After saving the changes to this "Character Style" and studying the 
definition in the
"Organizer" tab of the "xyz" character style gives: Normal position + 
DejaVu Sans Mono + 90% +
RGB(255,255,153),Not Transparent + RGB(255,255,153),Not Transparent

Assigning this "Character Style" to text in a "Paragraph Style: Default", works 
as expected; the
Default's Font size of 12pt, causes the "xyz" character styled text to be set 
to a font size of 10,8
(correct: 12*0.9 -> 10.8).

However if assigning the "xyz" character style to text in a "Paragraph Style: 
Footnote" also yields
a size of 10.8pt as above:

the Footnote paragraph style defines the font size to be 10pt, hence 
expecting the character
styled text to be of size 9pt. However the "xyz" font-size is 10.8pt, 
making the "xyz" character
styled text larger, not smaller than the surrounding text!

Is this an expected behaviour?

If so, is it possible to define character styles somehow to cause its text to 
be always 90% of the
font size of the current paragraph style? How?



Re: ?

2012-03-11 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

On 11.03.2012 03:26, Rob Weir wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Dave Fisher  wrote:
>> Rob,
>> This site is not hosted by oracle.
>> It is another third party.
> Do you have the details on that, e.g., what 3rd party?  We should
> probably have a conversation and ensure that suitable disclaimers are
> put in place and that we're not giving one 3rd party favorable access
> at the exclusion of others.

Here's the pointer with the e-mail address of the hoster.

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: Just a minor remark: codesnippet pages look a little bit 
    Date:   Mon, 02 Jan 2012 18:49:39 +0100
From:   Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) 

Hi Dave,

On 02.01.2012 18:39, Dave Fisher wrote:
> It is not hosted at Oracle, and has not been migrated.
> The site is powered by Apache AxKit and BestSolutions@ 
> Nslookup yields:
>  canonical name =
> Name:
> Address:
> Another job for the PPMC, Infrastructure, and/or Trademarks - make 
contact with bestsolutions @
contact in this case would probably be "", 
who has been also very
active in the Eclipse project AFAIK.





A question ad Lotus SmartSuite filters for AOO by IBM (Re: Updates: IBM Lotus Symphony, Apache OpenOffice, IBM Docs and other fun stuff

2012-01-19 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)

thank you for your informative post, which caused me to think about Lotus 

Will IBM work/release Lotus SmartSuite filters for AOO, such that WordPro, 
Freelance, Lotus 1-2-3
(perhaps also Lotus Organizer) files can be imported to and exported from AOO?



Re: Just a minor remark: codesnippet pages look a little bit strange

2012-01-02 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
Hi Dave,

On 02.01.2012 18:39, Dave Fisher wrote:
> It is not hosted at Oracle, and has not been migrated.
> The site is powered by Apache AxKit and BestSolutions@ 
> Nslookup yields:
>  canonical name = 
> Name:
> Address:
> Another job for the PPMC, Infrastructure, and/or Trademarks - make contact 
> with bestsolutions @
contact in this case would probably be "", who 
has been also very
active in the Eclipse project AFAIK.



Just a minor remark: codesnippet pages look a little bit strange

2012-01-02 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
Going to  displays the 
Codensippet homepage

However it looks a little bit strange from its layout, due to the list on the 
top left which
probably should be layed out in a single row.

It is great that the codesnippets have made it through !

*Great job* and thanks for all the efforts!
