Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooRexx does nothing visible when installed.

2013-12-11 Thread hakan
May I suggest that when installation is finnished, bring up the ooRexx ref 
guide (hopefully pdf reader is installed) or the readMe pdf, for those that 
doesn't bother to look for what was installed.
Maybe  a new installation option instead  'tickbox - I want to know what to do 
after install'  and if ticked, bring up the Ref guide after install -:/

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: onsdag, 11 december 2013 21:03
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooRexx does nothing visible when installed.
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Oliver Sims 
The other day I was enthusing about the advantages of ooRexx to a chap who was 
well-versed in computer languages.

I'm not at all trying to discourage you from coming up with a better intro, but 
this sort of reminds me of the saying: you can lead a horse to water, but you 
can't make him drink.

The next time we spoke, he said, 
Well, I downloaded ooRexx and nothing happened. No icon on the desktop, no 

Well that's simply not true.  It is correct that no desktop icon is created, 
but to say nothing happens is fallacious.  The installer outputs a couple of 
hundred lines showing exactly what is happening.  It creates a program group in 
the Start Menu for ooRexx with links to the documentation and menu items to 
execute a number of sample programs.

Waste of time imho. 
I did try to convince him to look at Try Rexx, but he couldn't be bothered: 
Nah, he said, If it's any good it would have told me about when I installed 

Again, that's not true, the installer did tell him about it:

Create folder: C:\Rexx\ooRexx
Extract: rexxtry.rex... 100%
Extract: ooRexxTry.rex... 100%
Output folder: C:\Rexx\ooRexx\samples\oodialog\ooRexxTry
Extract: ooRexxTry.rex... 100%
Output folder: C:\Rexx\ooRexx\samples\oodialog\ooRexxTry\doc
Extract: ooRexxTry.pdf... 100%
Extract: ooRexxTry.pdf... 100%
Create shortcut: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Open 
Object Rexx\Documentation\ooRexxTry Reference.lnk

This reaction has lead me to believe that, if we want to spread the ooRexx 
word, we need a better way of showing people its advantages. For example, put 
an icon on the desktop that fires up Try Rexx. (But why not Try ooRexx?)

The installer could certainly put an icon on the desktop, but I fail to see why 
that is any better than the current entries in the Open Object Rexx Start Menu 
Group.  Your friend would still need to bother himself to double click on it.

But, again, I'm not arguing against adding a desktop icon.

Btw, I tried Try Rexx (GUI) and typed dir as suggested in the command 
prompt, but when I ran it I got an error. 

Hmm, if it didn't work that would be a bug and you should open a bug and we'll 
fix it.  However it works fine for me in 4.2.0.  You have to type dir in the 
code window and then you have to click the Run button.  The program itself 
includes help that explains this, so I think it is actually a pretty good Rexx 
program.  If you install Excel, you can't expect to be able to use it without a 
little research.

Mark Miesfeld

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[Oorexx-devel] ::Constant

2013-10-21 Thread hakan
/* rexx */
Trace i
Say .methods~HELLO
::constant  HELLO   'The computer says:'
 3 *-* Say .methods~HELLO
   E   .METHODS = a Directory
   M   HELLO = a Method
  a Method
a Method
 5 *-* Exit

I expected the say .methods~HELLO statement to return the value of the constant 
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Re: [Oorexx-devel] New ooRexx Windows Compile Error

2013-09-17 Thread hakan
In that lighting and David's case, can't rxapi kill it self when the build is 
finnished, that way David should be able to build both version on  same VM 
without bother about rxapi, except for the Win32Rel directory stuff.
If oorexx not installed, kill rxapi unconditionally. How to solve if oorexx is 
installed ? which rxapi (32 or 64) to kill and when/how, but as I recall if 
rxapi is not started it will be, maybe not as a service in these rare 
circumstances when someone building oorexx/oodialog, so kill them both (32/64). 

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Rick McGuire
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: tisdag, 17 september 2013 18:56
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] New ooRexx Windows Compile Error
Having ooRexx installed to build has not been a requirement in a LONG time.  
The use of xslt to generate the message files eliminated that need. 


On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 12:53 PM, David Ashley wrote:
Thanks everyone for you responses. It looks like I will need to bring up
2 virtual machines, a 32 and a 64 bit machine. Currently I have been
working with a 64 bit VM.

One last question. Do I need to even install ooRexx to build ooRexx. A
long time ago this was a requirement to build ooRexx. Has that
requirement been eliminated?

Thanks everyone,
David Ashley

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Re: [Oorexx-devel] New ooRexx Windows Compile Error

2013-09-17 Thread hakan
You probably have 2 instances of rxapi running, one 64bit and one 32 bit, you 
need to cancel one/both before the build

This happens when, building both 64 and 32 bit oorexx on same machine. Stuck on 
building REXX.img.
I get this when I build a oorexx 32 bits version first (on a 64 bit window 7) 
and then try to build the 64 bit version, and forget to kill the 32 bit rxapi 
that is started when building the 32 bit version, I also need to kill/disable 
the 64 bit rxapi before building the 32 bit version. Probably the other way 
around also gives this problem.
And also don't forget to rename/delete /trunk/Win32Rel directory, between 
buildning of the oorexx bitness versions (32/64) 


Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: David Ashley
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: tisdag, 17 september 2013 16:57
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] New ooRexx Windows Compile Error
New problem.

I decided to start fresh with a new copy of the source. So I did an svn
export (I am having a problem with svn co at the moment) and then
started a new build. The build hangs on creating REXX.IMG.

I let it run for 10 minutes with no progress at all. rexximage.exe shows
up in the task manager and the log has nothing useful. The last messages
are a successful link of rexxc.exe and then an All done message.
That's it.

Any ideas?

David Ashley

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Oorexx-devel mailing list

Re: [Oorexx-devel] New ooRexx Windows Compile Error

2013-09-17 Thread hakan
Is it with, without any big changes, possible the let the build directory 
(Win32Rel) reflect the bitness of the latest oorexx build, like 
Win64Rel/Win32Rel, that would make it easier to rebuild the independant 
oodialog when needed.
For now I keep two Win32Rel (x64 and x32) and rename them accordingly, when I 
need to rebuild independent oodialog, to avoid to rebuild oorexx at those 
occasions. Needs a change to independent ooDialog also, to pick the right 
Win32Rel. The rxapi stuff is no problem when building the independant ooDialog, 
it builds both bitness without problems if rxapi 64 bits is active.

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: tisdag, 17 september 2013 18:22
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] New ooRexx Windows Compile Error

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 9:07 AM, David Ashley wrote:
ooRexx 4.1.3 is installed on the system. The system is 64 bit Win7 and I
was trying to build a 32 bit version of ooRexx. Will that not work?

You might need to uninstall ooRexx if you're going to cross-compile.  Also, as 
hex mentioned, you will need to be sure to completely delete the build 
directory in between a 32-bit and a 64-bit build.

Or, maybe have 2 VMs one for 32-bit Windows and ooRexx and one for 64-bit 
Windows and ooRexx.

Mark Miesfeld

LIMITED TIME SALE - Full Year of Microsoft Training For Just $49.99!
1,500+ hours of tutorials including VisualStudio 2012, Windows 8, SharePoint
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2013, SQL 2012, MVC 4, more. BEST VALUE: New Multi-Library Power Pack includes
Mobile, Cloud, Java, and UX Design. Lowest price ever! Ends 9/20/13.
Oorexx-devel mailing list

[Oorexx-devel] Manuals on build machine

2013-05-27 Thread hakan
I wonder what have happend on build machine regarding the docs for oodialog and 
oodialog.pdf has not been built since revision 9180
oosqlite.pdf has not been built since revision 9929
As of this mail, latest revison is 9247 at build machine
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Oorexx-devel mailing list

Re: [Oorexx-devel] oosqlite 3.7.17

2013-05-22 Thread hakan
The attach file got thru and compile works.

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Datum: onsdag, 22 maj 2013 19:22
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] oosqlite 3.7.17

Attached is the file, although I'm not sure that SourceForge will let 
attachments through.

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 10:08 AM, hakan wrote:
As I saw that oosqlite was updated to sqlite 3.7.17 and as I am curious of new 
functionallity in that release
I tried to compile it (on windows) , but was stuck in that spellfix.c was 
missing from source (../src/sqlite/extensions)

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Oorexx-devel mailing list

Re: [Oorexx-devel] Getting Started - Basic Outline

2012-09-19 Thread hakan
For me this looks like it's overlapping the contents of  ooREXX Programming 
Guide too much,
maybe concentrate on a oorexx Programming Guide II advanced, which 
concentrate on objects/classes, threading
more ooStuff, that many, including myself, old rexx programmers have less 
experience with.

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: David Ashley
Till: ooRexxDevel
Datum: tisdag, 18 september 2012 22:43
Ämne: [Oorexx-devel] Getting Started - Basic Outline
All -

Here is my initial stab at a basic outline for the Getting Started
document. My hope is that a lot of these topics can be covered in one or
two pages at the most, but I know there will be exceptions.

This is just a first draft. Feel free to comment on it. It is all
flexible at the moment.

Installing ooRexx
   Available Platforms
   Downloading ooRexx
   Installing ooRexx on Windows
   Installing ooRexx on Linux
  RPM-based Distributions
  DEB-based distributions
   Running ooRexx programs/Scripts
   Historical Context
  Program Structure
   Data Types
  The Object
  Objects Are Simple But Powerful
   Classes and Instances
Variables and Expressions
   Assignment Statements
   Keyword Instructions
  Flow Control
  Environment Manipulation
  Input and Output
   Environment Commands
Introduction to the Default Available Classes
   String Manipulation
   Input and Output Streams
   Other Classes
Creating Your Own Classes and Methods
   Defining a Class
   Defining the Methods
   Relationships Between Classes
   Variable Scope
Procedures, Functions, Routines and Scope
   Builtin Functions
   Defining Your Own Functions and Procedures
Conditions and Traps

Topics Deliberately Left out

Early REPLY (threading)
MIXIN classes
Extended explanation of PARSE
The CLASS Class

David Ashley

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Re: [Oorexx-devel] Ad sorting arrays: request for discussion/thoughts ...

2012-08-24 Thread hakan
I reported this already (item #3151709, was opened at 2011-01-05 09:52), and I 
was also surprised. 
There is a note in REXXREF about sorting arrays and non-sparse arrays (page 
285). I found out after reporting.

I think it's not consistent with
Do s over array
   say s

This will show all existing items in the array. Skippning removed items

I prefer to think of, in this case, that removed items is nonexisting items and 
should not be included in a sort operation, which means array will shrink.
but it has already done that more or less, array~items will only count indexes 
with values (like the do over clause),
but array~sort statment will fail if item is removed from array, if not last 
item in array is removed.

As for current status shouldn't array~items return a count including removed 

Some inconsistency here I think

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Rony G. Flatscher
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: fredag, 24 augusti 2012 12:02
Ämne: [Oorexx-devel] Ad sorting arrays: request for discussion/thoughts ...
Yesterday I stumbled over a surprising behaviour of Array's sort, which led me 
to open a bug report Obviously 
the sorting is working as designed, hence the reported behaviour was not 
accepted as a bug.

Having slept a night over this and thinking about my utmost surprise that sort 
would raise an error condition if it hits an empty array element (one without 
an entry) in between, I try to summarize my thoughts about the current 
behaviour, requesting a change of the design and implementation to get rid of 
the surprising factor and to remove undeterminable fragility from the Array 

First, the current design and implementation:
The single dimiensioned array that gets sorted must not have empty entries in 
between. If the sort tries to refer to an empty slot it raises Error 
98.975:Missingarrayelementatposition xyz and the program is ended, if the 
condition does not get trapped.
Thoughts about this:
Having worked for many years sorting arrays, I was *totally surprised* about 
this unexpected (because never experienced) behaviour! The surprise factor for 
me was at the maximum. 
There is no documentation going with sorting arrays that would communicate that 
the arrays to be sorted must have no empty elements in between that I am aware 
of. Therefore one cannot expect this behaviour at all. If one uses single 
dimensioned arrays that get changed in routines and methods (written by others) 
such that elements get removed in between, then sorting such an array all of a 
sudden (and totally unforseeable) raises the above mentioned error condition, 
which makes sort quite fragile for programmers IMHO. To overcome this 
situation, one must advice every ooRexx programmer to do *always* a 
(potentially time-consuming) makearray before sorting an array just to make 
sure that the aforementioned error condition does not get raised. Finally, I 
would have expected that an array with empty elements should be sortable 
without a problem, therefore my utmost surprise! :) 
My expectations would be simply as follows: if a single dimensioned array 
contained empty elements, then sorting would work and all the empty elements 
are sorted to the end of the array, no matter what the comparison method 
returns. This way, after a sort, all empty elements are always at the end of 
the array. (The items and size messages would remain the same.) The questions I 
would have, before contemplating about filing a RFE: 

am I the only one who is surprised about a failing sort on a single dimensioned 
array if in between there are empty elements? 
Independent of this, would it be acceptable to change the current design and 
implementation of the sort such that empty elements are tolerated and put to 
the end of the array (what would be arguments, thoughts that speak against such 
a change)? ---rony

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Re: [Oorexx-devel] Testing new SysFileTree?

2012-08-23 Thread hakan
Michel try the Debian build, from buildmachine, usally it works for me on Ubuntu

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: fredag, 24 augusti 2012 04:45
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] Testing new SysFileTree?
Hi Michael,

I can build a package on a lower version of Ubuntu, but probably not
until the weekend.  I'll e-mail you directly on how to get the
package.  Jog my memory here, if you don't see an e-mail from me by

That's an odd error by the way, I would have expected a crash not  an
incorrect call to routine.

Mark Miesfeld

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 7:13 PM, Michael Lueck wrote:
 Michael Lueck wrote:
 I will test with 4.1.1 to make sure SysFileTree crashes, and then try with 
 the latest build... and report findings.

 mdlueck@ldslnx01:~$ rexx -v
 Open Object Rexx Version 4.1.0
 Build date: Dec  3 2010
 Addressing Mode: 32

 Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1995, 2004.
 Copyright (c) RexxLA 2005-2010.
 All Rights Reserved.
 This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
 the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
 distribution or at
 mdlueck@ldslnx01:~$ cd /
 mdlueck@ldslnx01:/$ rexx /srv/shares/data/Dev/Rexx/test/SysFileTree.rex
   5 *-* rc = SysFileTree('*', Chk., 'BLS')
 REX0040E: Error 40:  Incorrect call to routine
 REX0372E: Error 40.1:  External routine SYSFILETREE failed

 Thus reproducible.

 Unfortunately the 12.04 package does not play nice on 10.04 LTS.

 mdlueck@ldslnx01:/$ sudo dpkg -i 
 Selecting previously deselected package oorexx.
 (Reading database ... 35848 files and directories currently installed.)
 Unpacking oorexx (from .../oorexx_4.2.0-8244-ubuntu1204_i386.deb) ...
 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of oorexx:
   oorexx depends on libc6 (= 2.15); however:
Version of libc6 on system is 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.10.
   oorexx depends on libstdc++6 (= 4.6); however:
Version of libstdc++6 on system is 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1.
 dpkg: error processing oorexx (--install):
   dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
 Processing triggers for man-db ...
 Errors were encountered while processing:

 Could you build some on a lower version?


 Michael Lueck
 Lueck Data Systems

 Live Security Virtual Conference
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 threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
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Re: [Oorexx-devel] Allura - hmm

2012-08-15 Thread hakan
Now, it seems to show create ticket, but not for all items, for example 
support request is missing create ticket, maybe more. Besides that, is it 
possible to globally define the sort order on ticket number, to get the most 
recent at top, as for now one must click on # (twice) to most recent on top.

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Rick McGuire
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: onsdag, 15 augusti 2012 22:05
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] Allura - hmm

Try again.  I tweaked the permissions a bit.  I suspect David and I see 
everything because we're Admins.  I found the default settings to be a little 
strange...for example, nobody had Create permission. 


On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Mark Miesfeld wrote:
On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:39 PM, David Ashley wrote:
 Do you not see a vertical set of menus on the left. They are there for
 me and have most of what you want.

I do see that menu.  But it only has View stats and Group with a
list of the Groups we had used in the old Tracker.  There is no open
new, or edit, etc..

Mark Miesfeld

Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
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Oorexx-devel mailing list

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Re: [Oorexx-devel] Allura - hmm

2012-08-15 Thread hakan
For me it shows the oldest item (ticket)  as first item, for example in the bug 
list, by clicking on # (twice ?) it shows most recent on top, maybe it has to 
be done only once ( saving some session cookie or what ever) I must admitt I 
now get them with most recent on top.
We can leave it for the moment.

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Rick McGuire , Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: onsdag, 15 augusti 2012 22:33
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] Allura - hmm
What about the sort order?

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 4:29 PM, hakan wrote:
Ok, I see
How about the sort order ? 

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Rick McGuire , Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: onsdag, 15 augusti 2012 22:25
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] Allura - hmm
I intentionally left that off of Support Request. That's not really a category 
we really use, and for the most part, people mistakenly open bugs under that. 


On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 4:22 PM, hakan wrote:
Now, it seems to show create ticket, but not for all items, for example 
support request is missing create ticket, maybe more. Besides that, is it 
possible to globally define the sort order on ticket number, to get the most 
recent at top, as for now one must click on # (twice) to most recent on top.

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Rick McGuire
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: onsdag, 15 augusti 2012 22:05
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] Allura - hmm

Try again. I tweaked the permissions a bit. I suspect David and I see 
everything because we're Admins. I found the default settings to be a little 
strange...for example, nobody had Create permission. 


On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Mark Miesfeld wrote:
On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:39 PM, David Ashley wrote:
 Do you not see a vertical set of menus on the left. They are there for
 me and have most of what you want.

I do see that menu. But it only has View stats and Group with a
list of the Groups we had used in the old Tracker. There is no open
new, or edit, etc..

Mark Miesfeld

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
Oorexx-devel mailing list

Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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Re: [Oorexx-devel] Possible Documentation Change

2012-08-09 Thread hakan
Looked at the latest created rxsock pdf and see that, every odd page number, 
text is more indented then the text on even page numbers ! 
Any thoughts about the font used ?

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: David Ashley
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: torsdag, 09 augusti 2012 17:55
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] Possible Documentation Change
All -

I have added all the missing sections to the sample rxsock document. In
addition I tweaked a bunch of things to make the documents more

There are still some page break problems but as I stated in a previous
email we will have to live with those.

The documents are available at

Publican is a really nice system once you get past the initial learning
curve. And now that I know how to deal with it it will be easy help
others get started. The other nice thing about the system is that it
runs on both Windows and Linux without any source code changes.

The whole point with this exercise is that I am very concerned about the
future of the DocBook/DSSL system we use now. DSSL is not being
maintained and everyone is moving in other directions. Publican offers
the advantages of it being a DocBook/CSS system, it is maintained by Red
Hat, it is their strategic direction, and it is portable across multiple
platforms including Windows. And last, it does not take much effort to
fix up our documents to conform to Publican.

So please let me know if this is an acceptable direction for us to take.

David Ashley
ooRexx Team

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Re: [Oorexx-devel] New SYSFILETREE order of returned values

2012-08-09 Thread hakan
Fair enough.
If one expect that the returned values are in alpha order, that text will 
explain why the returned values from an OS, maybe, will be returned in a 
different order. 

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till:, Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: torsdag, 09 augusti 2012 20:54
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] New SYSFILETREE order of returned values
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 1:01 PM, hakan wrote:
 Brandon is correct.
 tried dir \\mypath and got the same arbitrary order.
 I think this should be mentioned in the manual.

There were a couple of clarifications to the SysFileTree doc that I
had intended to make, so I added this also while I was doing it:

SysFileTree uses operating system APIs to find the files. The found
files are  placed in the returned stem in the order they are found by
the operating system. This documentation does not attempt to define
what that order might be.

Probably not exactly what you wanted, but I don't feel that the ooRexx
documentation should try to define every single nuance of every
operating system ooRexx runs on.

I don't know what happens on AIX, I don't know what happens on OS X.
I don't know what will happen on Windows 8, etc., etc..  ;-)

Mark Miesfeld

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list

Re: [Oorexx-devel] Possible Documentation Change

2012-08-08 Thread hakan
Personally I don't like the font used in the text parts and the lack of 
Also the class object pictures is to low-res compared to the running text.
Maybe I have read to many IBM manuals, that has an easy reading font and 
mostly,  page-breaks at a suitable place.

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: David Ashley
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: tisdag, 07 augusti 2012 23:02
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] Possible Documentation Change
I have refreshed the documents on the Build Server. I created a new
brand so now the doc references the correct license. I think this is
pretty close to as finished as I can make it.

As to the formatting issues, the Publican system uses CSS formatting. As
you may or may not know CSS is very weak in formatting multi-page output
for PDF documents. This because it primary use is for HTML pages which
have no multi-page concerns. The result can be some odd page breaks in
your PDF outout. There is not much you can do about this and anything
you do will probably make the situation worse either now or in the
future. But for the most part we can live with these issues as long as
the content does not go missing completely.

David Ashley

On Tue, 2012-08-07 at 20:41 +0100, Jeremy Nicoll - ml sourceforge wrote:
 David Ashley wrote:
  The document looks outstanding!
 It's certainly polished, in places.  I just looked at some pages at random
 though and found one problem, where the shaded box around a syntax diagram
 straddles a page break - for 5.18 SockRecv at the foot of page 24.
 Similarly (though not as bad) see 7.2.16 state at the foot of p55. 
 And at the foot of p36 there's a where that's not connected with the text
 it introduces.
 I've never used XML or DocBook, but did long ago use IBM's DCF/Script
 package, writing macros for quite complex 3-pass processing of documents
 (where the macros did different things on different passes).  Script had
 control words (dot commands) for bracketing sections of text that should not
 be broken up, and others eg to force a page break if there was insufficient
 space at the foot of one page to start a new section of a document.  (These
 things only got used if one wrote macros that issued them with appropriate
 arguments in appropriate places.)
 The output from this system looks a lot like it's created nice looking text
 but just poured it onto a series of pages without taking page-breaks into

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[Oorexx-devel] New SYSFILETREE order of returned values

2012-08-08 Thread hakan
This is on win7 64bit and oorexx 4.2.0 8149. 
Using the new SYSFILETREE , maybe it also applies to the old SYSFILETREE!, I 
have a question.
In what order is the result returned in the steam ?
Reading a windows path, it seems the result is returned in alphabetic order, 
but reading a networkpath (UNC path) I can't figure out in what order the 
result is returned.
Using this:
call SysFileTree \\mypath\*.*, file, LB, **-**
the result seems to be returned in a arbitrary order.
\\mypath is a linuxmachine 
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will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list

Re: [Oorexx-devel] New SYSFILETREE order of returned values

2012-08-08 Thread hakan
Ok, I see
I haven't tried the old sysfiletree with UNC path so have no clue if it 
differs in result returned, probably not.
The new sysfiletree seems to work with UNC path's from Win7 anyhow and the 
returned values is in arbitrary order, the same arbitrary order is returned if 
the the path is on a mapped network drive (drive letter), but looking at the 
same path/drive letter in  windowsexplorer shows files in alphabetic order, 
maybe they are sorted before display!

Maybe a note in the manual about this can be useful, if this behaviour is 
confirmed by others/testing.

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till:, Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: onsdag, 08 augusti 2012 20:47
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] New SYSFILETREE order of returned values
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 11:07 AM, hakan wrote:
 This is on win7 64bit and oorexx 4.2.0 8149.
 Using the new SYSFILETREE , maybe it also applies to the old SYSFILETREE!,
 I have a question.

There is nothing in the reworked code that would change this from the
previous version.

 In what order is the result returned in the steam ?
 Reading a windows path, it seems the result is returned in alphabetic order,
 but reading a networkpath (UNC path) I can't figure out in what order the
 result is returned.
 Using this:
 call SysFileTree \\mypath\*.*, file, LB, **-**
 the result seems to be returned in a arbitrary order.
 \\mypath is a linuxmachine

SysFileTree does nothing to change the order of the files returned by
the Windows API.  It uses the Windows APIs, FindFirstFile() /
FindNextFile().  Whatever order these APIs return the found files in,
will be the order in the stem.  This is dictated by the operating
system, there are no options to pass into the APIs to change the

Note that I would be careful about using UNC path names for
SysFileTree().  There is nothing in the docs saying UNC path names are
acceptable.  And there is nothing in the original IBM code that points
to any consideration being given to the possibility of UNC path names
being used.

I'm not saying it won't work, and maybe there is no problem.  I'm just
saying it doesn't look like any thought was given to that possibility.
 I didn't dig into that possibility while going through the code

Mark Miesfeld

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list

Re: [Oorexx-devel] New SYSFILETREE order of returned values

2012-08-08 Thread hakan
Brandon is correct.
tried dir \\mypath and got the same arbitrary order.
I think this should be mentioned in the manual.

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: Brandon Cherry
Till: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: onsdag, 08 augusti 2012 21:22
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] New SYSFILETREE order of returned values
I noticed this issue with a samba share. If you try doing a 'dir' from 
the command line, my guess would be you would get the same results. My 
search lead me to this fix:
Brandon Cherry

On 8/8/2012 3:10 PM, hakan wrote:
 Ok, I see
 I haven't tried the old sysfiletree with UNC path so have no clue if it 
 differs in result returned, probably not.
 The new sysfiletree seems to work with UNC path's from Win7 anyhow and the 
 returned values is in arbitrary order, the same arbitrary order is returned 
 if the the path is on a mapped network drive (drive letter), but looking at 
 the same path/drive letter in  windowsexplorer shows files in alphabetic 
 order, maybe they are sorted before display!

 Maybe a note in the manual about this can be useful, if this behaviour is 
 confirmed by others/testing.

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list

Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite 'sanitizer' / 'encapsulate' functionality added.

2012-06-24 Thread hakan
Much appreciated and useful method/function

- Ursprungligt Meddelande -
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till: ooRexx Dev List
Datum: lördag, 23 juni 2012 22:53
Ämne: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite 'sanitizer' / 'encapsulate' functionality added.
After the discussion the other day, I have added a method and a function to 
ooSQLite that can be used as a sanitizer function.


This takes either a single object as the argument or an array of objects.  
A string is returned with the object or objects converted to SQL 
literals.  The string value of the object is enclosed in single quotes and 
if the string value contains any single quotes, those single quotes are 
escaped.  Any object that is the .nil object is converted to NULL, no 
single quotes.  If the argument is an array, then the indexes 1 through N 
where N == the size of the array are converted and added to the returned 
string with a comma separating the literals.  

If any index within 1 through N is missing, then that index is converted to 

ooSQLiteEnquote() is the classic Rexx function that does the same general 
thing.  Instead of an array it accepts a stem: stem.0 == N and stems stem.1 
through stem.N are converted.

Here are some examples from the documentation:

 r1 = .array~new(4)
 r1[1] = Tom
 r1[2] = Hanks
 r1[4] = male

 r2 = .array~of(Mike, , 555-9988, .nil)

 sql1 = INSERT INTO my_table (fName, lName, phone, gender) 
 sql2 = INSERT INTO my_table (fName, lName, phone, gender) 

 say sql1
 say sql2

/*  Output would be:

INSERT INTO my_table (fName, lName, phone, gender) VALUES('Tom', 'Hanks', 
NULL, 'male');
INSERT INTO my_table (fName, lName, phone, gender) VALUES('Mike', NULL, 
'555-9988', NULL);


str = It's a happy day!
say .ooSQLite~Enquote(str)

/*  Output would be:

'It''s a happy day!'


Similar thing for ooSQLiteEnquote():

 r1.0 = 4
 r1.1 = Tom
 r1.2 = Hanks
 r1.4 = male

 r2.0 = 4
 r2.1 = Mike
 r2.3 = 555-9988
 r2.4 = .nil

 sql1 = INSERT INTO my_table (fName, lName, phone, gender) 
 sql2 = INSERT INTO my_table (fName, lName, phone, gender) 

 say sql1
 say sql2

/*  Output would be:

INSERT INTO my_table (fName, lName, phone, gender) VALUES('Tom', 'Hanks', 
NULL, 'male');
INSERT INTO my_table (fName, lName, phone, gender) VALUES('Mike', NULL, 
'555-9988', NULL);


str = It's a happy day!
say .ooSQLite~Enquote(str)
/* Output would be:
'It''s a happy day!'

Separating the values in an array is very convenient for INSERT 
statements.  Are there any other uses of literals in SQL statments that 
this functionality could improve on?

Mark Miesfeld

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list

[Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite NULL value ?

2012-06-21 Thread hakan
Is it possible to get some assistance from ooSQLite code regarding NULL values 
in SQL statments ?
Lets say you define a table like this (from ooSQLite examples more or less) in 
a database
  sql = CREATE TABLE addr_type (  || .endOfLine || -
  id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, || .endOfLine || -
  somecol TEXT  , || .endOfLine || -
  type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Home'   || .endOfLine || -

Now with ooRexx and ooSQlite you use this SQL INSERT stmt
mytype = 'WORK'
somecol_value = '' -- or somecol_value = 'NULL' or somecol_value = .nil or 
somecol_value = NULL

i.e somecol_value has NO value (.nil in oorexx, NULL in SQL)
  sql = INSERT INTO addr_type (type,somecol) VALUES(' || mytype || ',' || 
somecol_value || ');
will give sql -- INSERT INTO addr_type (type,somecol) VALUES('WORK',''); or 
INSERT INTO addr_type (type,somecol) VALUES('WORK','NULL'); 
or INSERT INTO addr_type (type,somecol) VALUES('WORK','.nil object');

Note that SQLite treat the 'NULL' etc as a literal string and not a SQL NULL  

in the database the somcol will NOT be NULL ( in terms of SQL) it will have a 
value of '' or NULL (as a string) or nil object.. (as a string) etc..
My get around for the moment is to do a: SQL = SQL~changestr('NULL',NULL) 
before the exceution of the database stmnt
that will give INSERT INTO addr_type (type,somecol) VALUES('WORK',NULL); -- no 
quotes around NULL
But can it be possible to get support for .nil (NULL) in ooSQLite so the each 
sql statement is scanned (to remove the quotes) before handover to SQLite.
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Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLiteDB name change to ooSQLiteDbConn or ?

2012-06-15 Thread hakan
No offense, but...
 Isn't it great that someone take their time to implement the interface to 
SQLite when oneself is not talent/or lack the knowledge how to do it !. If 
SQLite will evolve and that is delayed/not implemented in ooSQLite, well you 
can always do the implementation yourself, but as I see it, you can't demand 
that it should be incorporated in ooSQLite.
That kind of support normally is something one have to pay for, so building a 
commercial ooREXX application with ooSQLite, one can't demand anything from 
the developers of ooREXX/ooSQLite.  The developed application is one owns 
responsibility and any demands should be solved by oneself or just accept the 
current status of the ooREXX/ooSQLite..
As English is not my native language, I don't want to argue, just to give some 
of my thoughts.
I think ooREXX/ooSQLite/ooDialog is a great piece of software and are very 
satisfied with it.
Great work !

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: Jeremy Nicoll - ml sourceforge
Datum: fredag, 15 juni 2012 17:17
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLiteDB name change to ooSQLiteDbConn or ?
Mark Miesfeld wrote:

 If the ooSQLite package gets included in the ooRexx distribution then an
 application written that uses ooSQLite will run on any system where the
 user of the application has ooRexx installed.  And the user will not have
 to install anything else.

But hopefully there's some way that the user can choose to install something
else - a different build of whatever binary you provide, that has a
different SQLite build inside(*) it?   

 * - if it is statically linked 'inside' your binary?  Or are you allowing
 a named DLL to be loaded by your interface code?

I know from reading the SQLite users mail list - though I've not yet used
SQLite for anything - that some users also make custom builds of SQLite
themselves (see compile flags at ).  I
would expect that if someone was using a custom-built SQLite binary for some
application they'd want to be able to include it or build an equivalent into
an instance of the ooRexx SQLite package, if they wanted to use ooRexx as
part of that application.
Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own

Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list

Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage

2012-06-14 Thread hakan
As I saw that ooSQLite was updated in incubator, regarding the SQLite backup 
API,I downloaded the source and compiled it under windows 7 64bit. From the 
sample /testing/loadDatabase.rex, I made my own database loading rex.
The program creates a sqlite database in memory, with 6 columns, read and parse 
a 181Mb file and creates SQL insert statements, then inserts the resulting 
records  (101657 records) into the memory database and last step save the in 
memory database  to disc.
This programs elapsed time was around  61-65 seconds( including copy to disc) , 
compared to the previous ~17 MINUTES when using a disc based database only, 
with same data.
Great improvment.
By the way I also downloaded the latest SQLite source 3.7.13 and used that in 
the compile above.
All works very well.

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: hakan
Till: Mark Miesfeld
Datum: fredag, 08 juni 2012 22:20
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage
Well, tried with BEGIN TRANSACTION. COMMIT and cut the time by around 5 
minutes, so when initial loading is done, it seems that inmemory database is 
much quickier, because of hardisc speed, if a possibility to save the inmemory 
database to harddisc is available.
Looking forward to your implementation of the .backup (.dot ) commands in 
Keep up your good work (as a side note I am very satisfied with ooDialog 4.2 
excellent work, I love it, maybe as I now understand how it works (at least to 
some point) and how to use it together with ooRexx, OO is hard for an old 
mainframer :-) )


Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till:, Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: fredag, 08 juni 2012 21:13
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage
Very cool.

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:07 AM, hakan wrote:
 After trying the ooSQLite package, I must say I am very impressed (well I am
 not a DB person, so the learning curve is step) but I find it useful for
 some of my ooREXX programs.
 The samples have been very helpful, I am now able to create, load and query
 a database/tables in ooREXX.
 One thing is performance, when creating a new database, I have read/parsed a
 file and then loaded it (92 000 rows) to a database/table , took around 17
 minutes on a i3 2.13Ghz !

From my reading (but I'm also not a DB person) this is a problem with
INSERTS with not using an explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION  COMMIT.

As I understand it, for every individual SQL statement executed,
SQLite will implicitly add the BEGIN TRANSACTION / COMMIT if it is not
already within a transaction.  The SQLite engine only does about 4 or
5 inserts a second under this condition.

If you add the explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION before the first insert and
then end with COMMIT the speed should be more normal.  Something like

INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(0, NULL, 'Good News Bad News');
INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(1, 1, 'Male Unbonding');
INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(2, 1, 'The Stake Out');
INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(3, 1, 'The Robbery');
INSERT INTO food_types VALUES(13, 'Seafood');
INSERT INTO food_types VALUES(14, 'Soup');
INSERT INTO food_types VALUES(15, 'Vegetables');

I guess it is COMMIT not END TRANSACTION.  I first thought it was END

The above is the raw SQL, I'm assuming you are wrapping the raw SQL in
a prepared statement.

 I then tried to to create a ooSQLite database in memory instead of a file
 (ooSQLite supports this, I used :memory: instead of a filename) then loading
 the same amount of data took around 15-20 seconds,
 but there is one problem I can't save the in memory database to a file with
 ooSQLite, as I understand from SQLite website there exist an backup API that
 let you save an in memory database to disc.
 I have tried it with the ooSQLITE3.exe (cli interface) doing the same as the
 ooRexx program( except backup) above does, by opening a :memory: database
 then create a table, then use .read file with SQL inserts and last use the
 .backup file CLI command. The result is that with the same amont of rows
 (inserts) it took around 30 seconds to have the database copied to disc
 including the SQl inserts.

 So, Question is is it possible to implement the backup api (to be able to
 copy a in memory database to disc) in ooSQLite, maybe also to make inserts
 into a database from a file (like the .read file CLi command). ?
 I may have missed something regarding this!

Yes, both of those things are next on my list.  Or at least very near
the top.  I intend to support the backup API as the next coding I do.

In addition, I've planned from the start to support the dot commands
present in the command line shell in ooSQLite classes.  The most
important ones like .dump, .read, .schema, etc., first.  Maybe not all
of them, I'm

Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage

2012-06-14 Thread hakan
Found one strange thing
The program creates an array of SQL insert statements, after parse of the 
source file. 
This array is then used to do the actuall insert in the memory database (the 
array is also saved to a file)

memDB = .ooSQLiteConnection~new(:memory:)

discDB = .ooSQLiteBackup~new(memDB, fileDB)
do sql over mycmds
   stmt = .ooSQLiteStmt~new(memDB, sql)
and then
/* here we do the backup to disc */
  ret = discdb~step(-1)
  if ret == discDB~DONE then do
say 'Back up finished with no error:'  --discDB~lastErrCode 

What's happening is that one empty record is inserted in the database !

creating an in memory database with ooSQlLite3 ( ooSQLite :memory:)
and create table and then loading the table with .read mycmds.txt will not 
create an empy row in memory database

the last 2 record of input file (array) is
INSERT INTO LIDS (lid, uid, empid, Name, privileges) VALUES('x', 
yyy   ', '  z', 'name', privileges'); -- can't show 
real values   
--empty line -- (just empty x'0D0A' )

file is created with
do line over mycmds/* Write the lines */
Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: hakan
Datum: torsdag, 14 juni 2012 21:22
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage
As I saw that ooSQLite was updated in incubator, regarding the SQLite backup 
API,I downloaded the source and compiled it under windows 7 64bit. From the 
sample /testing/loadDatabase.rex, I made my own database loading rex.
The program creates a sqlite database in memory, with 6 columns, read and parse 
a 181Mb file and creates SQL insert statements, then inserts the resulting 
records  (101657 records) into the memory database and last step save the in 
memory database  to disc.
This programs elapsed time was around  61-65 seconds( including copy to disc) , 
compared to the previous ~17 MINUTES when using a disc based database only, 
with same data.
Great improvment.
By the way I also downloaded the latest SQLite source 3.7.13 and used that in 
the compile above.
All works very well.

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: hakan
Till: Mark Miesfeld
Datum: fredag, 08 juni 2012 22:20
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage
Well, tried with BEGIN TRANSACTION. COMMIT and cut the time by around 5 
minutes, so when initial loading is done, it seems that inmemory database is 
much quickier, because of hardisc speed, if a possibility to save the inmemory 
database to harddisc is available.
Looking forward to your implementation of the .backup (.dot ) commands in 
Keep up your good work (as a side note I am very satisfied with ooDialog 4.2 
excellent work, I love it, maybe as I now understand how it works (at least to 
some point) and how to use it together with ooRexx, OO is hard for an old 
mainframer :-) )


Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till:, Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: fredag, 08 juni 2012 21:13
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage
Very cool.

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:07 AM, hakan wrote:
 After trying the ooSQLite package, I must say I am very impressed (well I am
 not a DB person, so the learning curve is step) but I find it useful for
 some of my ooREXX programs.
 The samples have been very helpful, I am now able to create, load and query
 a database/tables in ooREXX.
 One thing is performance, when creating a new database, I have read/parsed a
 file and then loaded it (92 000 rows) to a database/table , took around 17
 minutes on a i3 2.13Ghz !

From my reading (but I'm also not a DB person) this is a problem with
INSERTS with not using an explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION  COMMIT.

As I understand it, for every individual SQL statement executed,
SQLite will implicitly add the BEGIN TRANSACTION / COMMIT if it is not
already within a transaction.  The SQLite engine only does about 4 or
5 inserts a second under this condition.

If you add the explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION before the first insert and
then end with COMMIT the speed should be more normal.  Something like

INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(0, NULL, 'Good News Bad News');
INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(1, 1, 'Male Unbonding');
INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(2, 1, 'The Stake Out');
INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(3, 1, 'The Robbery');
INSERT INTO food_types VALUES(13, 'Seafood');
INSERT INTO food_types VALUES(14, 'Soup');
INSERT INTO food_types VALUES(15, 'Vegetables');

I guess it is COMMIT not END TRANSACTION.  I first thought it was END

The above is the raw SQL, I'm assuming

Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage

2012-06-14 Thread hakan
False alarm, 
After rereading my program code I found out that I had a return statement 
After writing the array of commands to a file, there was an item, which was an 
empty SQL INSERT statement, added to the array of commands.
Sorry for the confusion.

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till:, Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: fredag, 15 juni 2012 01:26
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 1:11 PM, hakan wrote:
 Found one strange thing
 The program creates an array of SQL insert statements, after parse of the 
 source file.
 This array is then used to do the actuall insert in the memory database (the 
 array is also saved to a file)

 memDB = .ooSQLiteConnection~new(:memory:)
 discDB = .ooSQLiteBackup~new(memDB, fileDB)
 do sql over mycmds
   stmt = .ooSQLiteStmt~new(memDB, sql)
 and then
 /* here we do the backup to disc */
  ret = discdb~step(-1)
  if ret == discDB~DONE then do
    say 'Back up finished with no error:'  --discDB~lastErrCode 

 What's happening is that one empty record is inserted in the database !

 creating an in memory database with ooSQlLite3 ( ooSQLite :memory:)
 and create table and then loading the table with .read mycmds.txt will not 
 create an empy row in memory database

 the last 2 record of input file (array) is
 INSERT INTO LIDS (lid, uid, empid, Name, privileges) VALUES('x', 
 yyy       ', '  z', 'name', privileges');             -- can't 
 show real values
 --empty line -- (just empty x'0D0A' )

Not sure I understand what is happening.  Does the empty line get passed into:

stmt = .ooSQLiteStmt~new(memDB, sql)

If you use the same file but load the records the way you first did,
not using an in-memory database, do you still get an empty record?

If you take the same file and chop it down to, say just the last 10
lines in file, do you still get the empty record?

Mark Miesfeld

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list

[Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage

2012-06-08 Thread hakan
After trying the ooSQLite package, I must say I am very impressed (well I am 
not a DB person, so the learning curve is step) but I find it useful for some 
of my ooREXX programs.
The samples have been very helpful, I am now able to create, load and query a 
database/tables in ooREXX.
One thing is performance, when creating a new database, I have read/parsed a 
file and then loaded it (92 000 rows) to a database/table , took around 17 
minutes on a i3 2.13Ghz !
I then tried to to create a ooSQLite database in memory instead of a file 
(ooSQLite supports this, I used :memory: instead of a filename) then loading 
the same amount of data took around 15-20 seconds, 
but there is one problem I can't save the in memory database to a file with 
ooSQLite, as I understand from SQLite website there exist an backup API that 
let you save an in memory database to disc.
I have tried it with the ooSQLITE3.exe (cli interface) doing the same as the 
ooRexx program( except backup) above does, by opening a :memory: database then 
create a table, then use .read file with SQL inserts and last use the .backup 
file CLI command. The result is that with the same amont of rows (inserts) it 
took around 30 seconds to have the database copied to disc including the SQl 
So, Question is is it possible to implement the backup api (to be able to copy 
a in memory database to disc) in ooSQLite, maybe also to make inserts into a 
database from a file (like the .read file CLi command). ?
I may have missed something regarding this!
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Oorexx-devel mailing list

Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage

2012-06-08 Thread hakan
Well, tried with BEGIN TRANSACTION. COMMIT and cut the time by around 5 
minutes, so when initial loading is done, it seems that inmemory database is 
much quickier, because of hardisc speed, if a possibility to save the inmemory 
database to harddisc is available.
Looking forward to your implementation of the .backup (.dot ) commands in 
Keep up your good work (as a side note I am very satisfied with ooDialog 4.2 
excellent work, I love it, maybe as I now understand how it works (at least to 
some point) and how to use it together with ooRexx, OO is hard for an old 
mainframer :-) )


Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Från: Mark Miesfeld
Till:, Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Datum: fredag, 08 juni 2012 21:13
Ämne: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooSQLite usage
Very cool.

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:07 AM, hakan wrote:
 After trying the ooSQLite package, I must say I am very impressed (well I am
 not a DB person, so the learning curve is step) but I find it useful for
 some of my ooREXX programs.
 The samples have been very helpful, I am now able to create, load and query
 a database/tables in ooREXX.
 One thing is performance, when creating a new database, I have read/parsed a
 file and then loaded it (92 000 rows) to a database/table , took around 17
 minutes on a i3 2.13Ghz !

From my reading (but I'm also not a DB person) this is a problem with
INSERTS with not using an explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION  COMMIT.

As I understand it, for every individual SQL statement executed,
SQLite will implicitly add the BEGIN TRANSACTION / COMMIT if it is not
already within a transaction.  The SQLite engine only does about 4 or
5 inserts a second under this condition.

If you add the explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION before the first insert and
then end with COMMIT the speed should be more normal.  Something like

INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(0, NULL, 'Good News Bad News');
INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(1, 1, 'Male Unbonding');
INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(2, 1, 'The Stake Out');
INSERT INTO episodes VALUES(3, 1, 'The Robbery');
INSERT INTO food_types VALUES(13, 'Seafood');
INSERT INTO food_types VALUES(14, 'Soup');
INSERT INTO food_types VALUES(15, 'Vegetables');

I guess it is COMMIT not END TRANSACTION.  I first thought it was END

The above is the raw SQL, I'm assuming you are wrapping the raw SQL in
a prepared statement.

 I then tried to to create a ooSQLite database in memory instead of a file
 (ooSQLite supports this, I used :memory: instead of a filename) then loading
 the same amount of data took around 15-20 seconds,
 but there is one problem I can't save the in memory database to a file with
 ooSQLite, as I understand from SQLite website there exist an backup API that
 let you save an in memory database to disc.
 I have tried it with the ooSQLITE3.exe (cli interface) doing the same as the
 ooRexx program( except backup) above does, by opening a :memory: database
 then create a table, then use .read file with SQL inserts and last use the
 .backup file CLI command. The result is that with the same amont of rows
 (inserts) it took around 30 seconds to have the database copied to disc
 including the SQl inserts.

 So, Question is is it possible to implement the backup api (to be able to
 copy a in memory database to disc) in ooSQLite, maybe also to make inserts
 into a database from a file (like the .read file CLi command). ?
 I may have missed something regarding this!

Yes, both of those things are next on my list.  Or at least very near
the top.  I intend to support the backup API as the next coding I do.

In addition, I've planned from the start to support the dot commands
present in the command line shell in ooSQLite classes.  The most
important ones like .dump, .read, .schema, etc., first.  Maybe not all
of them, I'm not sure they all make sense.  But .dump and .read are
very useful.

Right now, my plan is to add them to the .ooSQLite class.  So, something like:

.ooSQLite~read(dbObj, fileName)  would read the SQL statements in
fileName and execute them on the database connection dbObj.

.ooSQLite~dump(dbObj, fileName) would dump the data base to fileName.

Although both of those commands could be added to .ooSQLiteConnection
instead, makeing it:


I haven't though out the details completely yet, I just intend to add
them as soon as possible.

For the backup API, the plan is to have a ooSQLiteBackup class.:

obj = .ooSQLiteBackup(dbConnObj)

then methods on the class to do the backup.

I haven't tried the BEGIN TRANSACTION / COMMIT yet.  But I think
everything is in place to do it.  Just like using :memory for the file
name.  I hadn't tried it yet, but I knew it should work.

Let me know if you run into any bugs.  You can open them in Tracker,
probably best, so I don't

[Oorexx-devel] REXXGTK Any chance for a windows binary

2009-08-18 Thread hakan
Will there be a compiled REXXGTK available for windows in the near future ?--
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