[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Fix for shutdown problems

2010-05-04 Thread Scott McKellar
I just committed a fix to OSRF trunk for a shutdown bug.

Every once in a while when I shut down OSRF (using the command
osrf_ctl.sh -l -a stop_all), the script would fail when shutting down
the C services, and I would have to kill the remaining processes by
other means.

After some head-scratching I came up with a theory for what was going
wrong, and a fix for it.  It's hard to be sure whether it will really
fix the problem because the problem was intermittent and unpredictable.
However the new design at least seems to be no worse than the old.


If you don't care about the technical details you can skip this section,

The osrf_ctl.sh script had been using ps + grep to capture
the process ID (PID) of the opensrf-c daemon so that it could
send a SIGINT signal to it later to shut it down.  However the
script was also capturing the PIDs of the daemon's child processes
(i.e. the listener processes), which hadn't yet changed to
application-specific names.

[Explanation: the ps command reports the command line used to invoke
each process.  Both the opensrf-c daemon and the listeners that it
spawns change this command line by overwriting their argv arrays,
in order to change what ps reports.]

As a result, when shutting down, the listener processes would
receive signals from two different sources: from the opensrf-c
daemon and from the surrounding shell script.  If the signal
from opensrf-c got there first, the kill from the script would
fail, and the script would abort, even though the process had
already been successfully killed.

The solution is for opensrf-c to write the daemon's PID directly
to a file, instead of relying on ps + grep to capture it.  The
file name is specified by an additional command line parameter,
which (for upward compatibility) is currently optional.

If you install or reinstall OSRF from scratch, this change will be
included automatically.  If you are updating an existing
instance of OSRF, then pay attention to the following paragraphs:

Because this change involves a change to the osrf_ctl.sh
script, it will be necessary to run configure before the
usual make and make install.  If you are using the usual
configuration, run the following from within the OSRF
trunk directory:

./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf

If course if you are using some custom configuration, change
the above command accordingly.

If you don't run configure, the old osrf_ctl.sh script will
continue to work as it has in the past, and you won't get
the benefit of the change.

Scott McKellar

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] MFHD Commit to Serials Branch

2010-05-04 Thread Galen Charlton

On May 3, 2010, at 11:35 AM, Dan Wells wrote:
 I should also note that this module now requires a new, not-yet released 
 version of Marc::Record for the *field methods to work properly.  You can get 
 the updated code from Source Forge repository: 

I uploaded MARC::Record 2.0.1 to CPAN over the weekend, although it looks like 
I'll have to release a 2.0.2 (no functionality changes) soon to pick a nit so 
that the Debian folks will package it.


Galen Charlton
VP, Data Services
Equinox Software, Inc. / Your Library's Guide to Open Source
email:  g...@esilibrary.com
direct: +1 352-215-7548
skype:  gmcharlt

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Patch: holds go home feature idea

2010-05-04 Thread Doug Kyle

I've been testing some code for the situation where an item gets stuck
circulating at a non-owning library.  A number of people at the recent
hackfest expressed interest in various ways to get an item to fill holds
at it's home library depending on some setting, so I thought others
might be interested, and wondered if anyone else was working on this.

The idea is to compare a library setting, which is a time interval such
as '6 weeks', to the time interval since the item was checked in at its
home library. If the library setting has been exceeded, the system will
search for holds relative to the item's home library rather than the
current check in library.  In effect, the item will go home if holds
exist there, if not the item may at least start moving toward its home
library depending on what other holds exist and the layout of the
library system.

The code adds one storage call to compare the library setting(pulled via
item circ_lib), and if the setting is exceeded, calls the existing 
nearest_hold sub

with the item circ_lib rather than check in lib.  You'll need to add an
UPDATE_ORG_UNIT_SETTING.circ.hold_go_home permission if you want to try
it out.  The diff is against svn rel_1_6_0.

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By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

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Doug Kyle

Index: src/perlmods/OpenILS/Const.pm
--- src/perlmods/OpenILS/Const.pm	(revision 16362)
+++ src/perlmods/OpenILS/Const.pm	(working copy)
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 econst OILS_SETTING_ORG_BOUNCED_EMAIL = 'org.bounced_emails';
 econst OILS_SETTING_CHARGE_LOST_ON_ZERO = 'circ.charge_lost_on_zero';
 econst OILS_SETTING_VOID_OVERDUE_ON_LOST = 'circ.void_overdue_on_lost';
+econst OILS_SETTING_HOLD_GO_HOME = 'circ.hold_go_home';
 econst OILS_SETTING_HOLD_SOFT_STALL = 'circ.hold_stalling.soft';
 econst OILS_SETTING_HOLD_HARD_STALL = 'circ.hold_stalling.hard';
 econst OILS_SETTING_HOLD_SOFT_BOUNDARY = 'circ.hold_boundary.soft';
Index: src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Holds.pm
--- src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Holds.pm	(revision 16362)
+++ src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Holds.pm	(working copy)
@@ -1571,14 +1571,31 @@
 my $hold_stall_interval = $U-ou_ancestor_setting_value($user-ws_ou, OILS_SETTING_HOLD_SOFT_STALL);
+	my $hold_go_home_interval = $U-ou_ancestor_setting_value($copy-circ_lib-id, OILS_SETTING_HOLD_GO_HOME) || 0; #doug
+	my $homer;
+if ($hold_go_home_interval) {
+$homer = $U-storagereq(
+$hold_go_home_interval, $copy-id, $copy-circ_lib-id );
 	$logger-info(circulator: searching for best hold at org .$user-ws_ou.
  and copy $bc with a hold stalling interval of . ($hold_stall_interval || (none)));
 	# search for what should be the best holds for this copy to fulfill
-	my $best_holds = $U-storagereq(
-		open-ils.storage.action.hold_request.nearest_hold.atomic,
-		$user-ws_ou, $copy-id, 10, $hold_stall_interval );
+	my $best_holds;
+	if ($homer) {
+$best_holds = $U-storagereq(
+$copy-circ_lib-id, $copy-id, 10, $hold_stall_interval );
+	} else {
+		$best_holds = $U-storagereq(
+$user-ws_ou, $copy-id, 10, $hold_stall_interval );
+	}
 	unless(@$best_holds) {
 		if( my $hold = $$old_holds[0] ) {
Index: src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Publisher/action.pm
--- src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/Storage/Publisher/action.pm	(revision 16362)

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Re: ***SPAM*** ***SPAM*** Re: MFHD Commit to Serials Branch

2010-05-04 Thread Bill Erickson
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Dan Wells d...@calvin.edu wrote:

 Hello Bill,

  1.  I'd recommend keeping the seials-integration [sic] branch up to date
  with trunk.  It will make the final merge much simpler.  I've used
  [1] in the past with success.

 Sounds good, I'll do my best to keep up.

  2. I'd like to offer our assistance getting the serials schema defined in
  the wiki [2] into trunk.  (FWIW, I'm suggesting trunk instead of the
  integration branch for several reasons.  Dealing with upgrade scripts in
  branch won't be fun, trunk already has a serials schema in progress, the
  integration branch can absorb the changes (via svnmerge), and there are
  other features related to serials and ACQ that are pending the
  of the serials schema).

 I agree with this as well.

  What outstanding changes need to be made to the schema before it's

 I've been tinkering with the schema quite a bit since our pre-conference
 conversation, and testing it against various scenarios.  I definitely
 understand better now the need to have multiple shelving_units per
 call_number, but also think we cannot give up supporting multiple copies per
 shelving unit.  It is important for us to know relationally if two copies
 represent the same shelving_unit (that is, the same content).  So it would
 appear that shelving_unit is a corollary to neither call_number nor copy,
 but truly exists at some meta-level which falls in between.  For purposes of
 easier integration and backwards compatibility, I say we keep it there.
  With that in mind, we really have two options:

 1) a separate linking table to map copies to shelving units in a
 many-to-one relation
 2) a new 'serial.copy' table which inherits from asset.copy, but adds a
 reference to shelving_unit

If we need to support multiple shelving_unit's per call_number (honestly, I
missed the crux of the debate), then this approach seems reasonable to me.
The mapping table makes sense, since we are, as you indicated, representing
another dimension to the relationships between these objects.

 I think these are really two ways to do about the same thing, but since I
 do not have much experience with inherited tables, the wiki page has been
 updated to reflect the more traditional approach (#1).  I could rally behind
 either approach (or still another), though, so more thoughts here are
 certainly welcome.

  * I recall some discussion of dropping the unique constraint on

 This has been dropped, per above.

  * Do we need a serials.distribution.owning_lib column to cover the
  where serial.record_entry is owned by the root org unit?

 I think this sounds like a reasonable requirement.  It has been added.

  * I'm inclined to leave serial.claim out until we know how acq.claim
  affect things.

 Sounds fine.

Similarly, dropping serial.issuance.has_claims, since that will likely be a
derived value, based on the existence of claim data.

  * What else?

 I have made a few other changes.  Notably, first, I replaced all DATE
 columns with TIMESTAMP... columns, as DATEs were not playing nice in a few
 places.  Second I replaced 'is_expected' and 'is_received' with
 copies_expected and copies_received, as I believe this supports more use
 cases without adding much complexity to cases where the change would not be
 needed.  There are a few other similarly minor changes sprinkled throughout.
  I intend to eventually add note tables for Shelving Units and Distributions
 (the Issuance note table is now there), but just haven't gotten around to
 it.  They should be straightforward.

copies_expected and copies_received is a count?  I wonder if we'll need more
copy-level details like recv_date for individual copies, etc.

 Something not quite as straightforward, though, is the idea of having a
 'copy template' of some sort.  I have added at least some comments
 pertaining to the idea of using the copy_transparency table, but as I
 understand it, that is not quite what was in mind when that table was
 created.  Still, it or something like it would work and is desirable.

This, in conjunction with my question above, creates some disturbing
similarities to how acq.lineitem_detail's are used ;)  It's basically a
proto-copy with some values populated manually and/or from org_unit
settings, and some auto-generated at real copy creation time.  Integrating
the ACQ code at that level could very well be massive overkill for serials,

 All that said, I think getting this into trunk even more-or-less as-is
 would be a big step in the right direction.  I have updated the wiki page (
  to reflect the schema as it currently exists on my development instance
 (apologies in advance for any typos!).

 As the week progresses, I fully expect to get the bulk of our current
 serials code into the branch. 

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** RE: ***SPAM*** Re: ***SPAM*** Looking at BibTemplate

2010-05-04 Thread Soulliere, Robert
Hi Jason,

I was doing some simple experimenting this morning with BibTemplate and was 
able to create a very basic Call number display on our test server. Here is 
what we did to set this up:

1) In the default skin folder, edit js/result_common.js and add the line:


to the top of that file.

Then, add

 //instantiate bibtemplate
var here = findOrgUnit(getLocation());
new openils.BibTemplate({ root: r, record : rec.doc_id(), org_unit : 
here.shortname() }).render();

to the resultDisplayRecord(rec, pos, is_mr) function of the same file.

I stole this code directly from Conifer's Evergreen contribution repository at:
-check out that file for specifics.

2)  Add this line to the xml/result/result_table.xml file:
span type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=050]' 
id='rresult_cn'/spanbr /

This simply pulls the 050 call number  marc field into the page.

I placed this just above the title link line:
a title=result.table.keyword; name='item_title' class='title_link'

The results can be seen at:

Now, I emphasize that this is a simplistic starting point for testing purposes 
just to get started. Sometimes I like to start with the simplest example and go 
from there.

Conifer is working on a much more useful and sophisticated results page which 
will pull in copy level information. The possibilities of the BibTemplate being 
used in the results page are incredible.

Thank you Dan Scott for your presentation at Evergreen and Thank you Kevin 
Beswick for your work on the results page! And thank you to all the developers 
for the BibTemplate tool!


From: open-ils-dev-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org 
[open-ils-dev-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of Jason Boyer 
Sent: May 3, 2010 2:48 PM
To: Evergreen Development Discussion List
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Re:  ***SPAM*** Looking at BibTemplate

I'm working on getting a VM setup at work so I can spend more time with it, 
when I was having trouble getting results with other tags I was using my home 
laptop with a version of trunk that's got some age on it. All I've tried to do 
there was add fields to the record display, nothing terribly fancy. That's 
working out ok, I just wanted to see if it was a local issue (looks that way) 
or if I was misunderstanding the scope of BibTemplate's abilities.

Word of someone working on a results page with call numbers is what has me 
working on this in the first place. I got a lot out of your EG2010 conference 
presentation, and one of the complaints I've heard from staff ever since we 
migrated was that they wanted to see call numbers in search results instead of 
loading every record individually. I didn't know that there was a working 
example of a results page though, that will be a big help.

Thanks for the pointers.


Jason Boyer, IT Specialist
Jackson County Public Library
303 W Second St
Seymour, IN 47274


On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Dan Scott 
d...@coffeecode.netmailto:d...@coffeecode.net wrote:
On 2 May 2010 11:19, Jason Boyer 
jas...@myjclibrary.orgmailto:jas...@myjclibrary.org wrote:
 I'm looking a little at BibTemplate in 1.6 and have a couple quick
 One, I've been having some trouble getting any tags but td to work with
 the type and query attributes. I've seen examples using spans, but I
 couldn't get them to do anything.

On our system, I just tried adding:

p type='opac/slot-data' query='datafield[tag=245]'/p

to the top of our rdetails/rdetail_summary.xml file, above the table
that normally displays the elements. And... it showed the contents of
the 245 field as you would expect. Maybe you want to share an example
of what you were trying to do?

 Second, is BibTemplate enabled on the search results page, or only record
 details? If it's not on the results page, how difficult would it be to add,
 and is that already planned for a later release?

There's not much to do to enable BibTemplate; Dojo is already active
on the search results page, so you just need to clone the
dojo.addOnLoad() section of rdetails/rdetail_summary.xml that contains
the dojo.require('openils.BibTemplate') call and adjust the request to
reflect the bib ID of each record.

My colleague Kevin Beswick has an initial draft of a results page that
uses BibTemplate running at
- there's still some work he needs to do, but it's the direction we're
heading. And in general, yes, I think BibTemplate on the default skin
for search results and more use of it on the record details page are