Re: [opendx-dev] Problem writing loadable modules which use HDF 4

2003-10-22 Thread Michael Wiltberger

Hi John,
  Thanks for the code.  I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few 
questions because I'm having the same problem with your modules as I did 
with mine.  Namely SDstart returns -1 when I try to open the file.  What 
versions of HDF and OpenDX are you using?  Did you compile either set 
yourself or use precompiled binaries?  Would you mind sending putting a 
datafile on your ftp site so I can see if the problem is with my data?


John Stark wrote:


I've written a runtime loadable hdf 4 import module designed for single
file SD data - I've put the code on our ftp site:

It can be found here:

The code contains makefiles for IRIX, Solaris, and linux - see

The code imports array data from a file, taking a start, stride and edge
as vectors. It attempts to assign the axes to X,Y,Z,T in a similar
method to the ferret package for netcdf data. There are some hacks in
there specifically for our ocean model data sets - sorry.

John Stark
Applications Programmer
Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
Tel. +44 (0)23 8059 6571
e-mail jods at soc . soton . ac . uk

Michael Wiltberger wrote:

Hi All,
  I'm trying to write a runtime loadable module which uses the SD or
Multifile Scientific Data Interface to HDF 4.x.  The problem is that if
I use the SDstart command to open my file it returns an error code.  If
I use the DFSD or Single-file Scientific Data Interface I can open the
file, but I loose the random access features which make HDF so useful.
Has anyone else had any success with writing HDF 4.x modules which use
the SD interface?
  Another option would be to use an outboard module (which worked for
4.1.3), but I'm encountering the previously reported problems with
outboard modules for version greater than 4.2.
  Any assistance is greatly appreciated since I'm growing desperate.


|Michael Wiltberger, Ph.D |   |
|NCAR/HAO | Life's unfair -   |
|3450 Mitchel Lane|  but the root |
|Boulder, CO 80301|  password helps!  |
| |   |
|Ph: (303)497-1532| VI VI VI  |
|Fx: (303)497-2180|   The editor of the   |
|email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   beast   |


|Michael Wiltberger, Ph.D |   |
|NCAR/HAO | Life's unfair -   |
|3450 Mitchel Lane|  but the root |
|Boulder, CO 80301|  password helps!  |
| |   |
|Ph: (303)497-1532| VI VI VI  |
|Fx: (303)497-2180|   The editor of the   |
|email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   beast   |

[opendx-dev] Problem writing loadable modules which use HDF 4

2003-10-21 Thread Michael Wiltberger

Hi All,
  I'm trying to write a runtime loadable module which uses the SD or 
Multifile Scientific Data Interface to HDF 4.x.  The problem is that if 
I use the SDstart command to open my file it returns an error code.  If 
I use the DFSD or Single-file Scientific Data Interface I can open the 
file, but I loose the random access features which make HDF so useful. 
Has anyone else had any success with writing HDF 4.x modules which use 
the SD interface?
  Another option would be to use an outboard module (which worked for 
4.1.3), but I'm encountering the previously reported problems with 
outboard modules for version greater than 4.2.

  Any assistance is greatly appreciated since I'm growing desperate.


|Michael Wiltberger, Ph.D |   |
|NCAR/HAO | Life's unfair -   |
|3450 Mitchel Lane|  but the root |
|Boulder, CO 80301|  password helps!  |
| |   |
|Ph: (303)497-1532| VI VI VI  |
|Fx: (303)497-2180|   The editor of the   |
|email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   beast   |

[opendx-dev] Minor JavaDX bug

2002-01-30 Thread Michael Wiltberger
  I'm not sure if this is the right forum for making bug reports, but I
thought I'd send it here and see what happens.  I've created a JavaDX
webpage which displays results from our magnetospheric simulations and
contains a Pick module which allows the user to choose a set of foot
points for magnetic field tracing.  The webpage

works wonderfully with one problem.  If you chose a set of foot points
and excute the network to create the field lines and then rotate the
view the field lines you initially created are removed from the view. 
It appears to me that the state of the pick module is reset upon each
executition unlike OpenDX which leaves the last state around.  

  Normally, I'd try to sugguest an explict fix, but I'm not a Java
programmer.  Any assitance in fixing this problem would be appericated.

Take Care,

|Michael Wiltberger, Ph.D |   |
|Research Asst. Professor | Life's unfair -   |
|Dartmouth College|  but the root |
|Dept. of Physics  Astronomy |  password helps!  |
|6127 Wilder Laboratory   |   |
|Hanover, NH 03755| VI VI VI  |
|(603)646-0428|   The editor of the   |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|   beast   |
| |   | 