Re: including fonts

2016-01-03 Thread cogmission (David Ray)
I guess I was assuming the "ideal"/expected behavior applied? Sorry...

On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 10:14 AM, Tom Eugelink <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> Which would assume that if I specify no keywords, then it should take the
> normal version. It does not. Whatever version is loaded last is used.
> Tom
> On 3-1-2016 17:09, cogmission (David Ray) wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> I Believe in CSS, once you establish the family you can access the
>> sub-types via type keywords?
>> ...via
>> -fx-font-weight: bold,bolder etc.
>> -fx-font-style: plain, italic
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 8:52 AM, Tom Eugelink < >>> wrote:
>> Addendum:
>> If I list the font families using Font.getFamilies() I get "Roboto
>> Medium" once, given that both TTF files are added using @font-face. But if
>> I examine Font.getFontNames() I get separate entries for "Roboto Medium"
>> and "Roboto Medium Italic". Closer examination of the font loading reveals
>> that indeed each font has its own distinct name and some fonts shared the
>> same family name. That makes sense.
>> The thing is that in CSS -as far as I can see- fonts can only
>> accessed through its family name, not its own name.
>> Tom
>> On 3-1-2016 11:21, Tom Eugelink wrote:
>> I'm currently including Google's Roboto font in JFXtras and
>> making it easily available to other users. I noticed that the font-family
>> attribute in font-face is ignored, and you have to use the name as it is
>> specified in the TTF file. I found
>> which says "/Please
>> note that all @font‑face descriptors are ignored except for the src
>> descriptor./" That pretty much explains what is going on.
>> Now, Roboto comes in different styles, condensed, bold, etc, but
>> also italic. However, italic is a separate TTF file, so you have a
>> Roboto-Medium.ttf and a Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf. The name of the font
>> inside these two TTF files is the same, so when I use "font-family: 'Roboto
>> Medium'" whatever ever font is defined last by font-face is used, and the
>> other is not accessible.
>> My question is: is the way Roboto does Italic, with the same font
>> name in the TTF file, a bug of Roboto, or is this common?
>> Tom
>> --
>> /With kind regards,/
>> David Ray
>> Java Solutions Architect
>> * <>*
>> Sponsor of: <>
>> <>
>> <>

*With kind regards,*

David Ray
Java Solutions Architect

* <>*
Sponsor of: <>

The Case for JavaFX Emulated LFs (across iOS, Android etc.)

2015-07-29 Thread cogmission (David Ray)
The argument against emulated LFs hinges on one point: That they will
always be one step behind.

This (Greg Brown et al.) is a fallacy!

The reason being is that companies like Apple and Google count on
affinity, acculturation, and familiarization with a given method of
presentation in order to increase patronage!

It is *not* like these companies change their LFs with every new release.
You are confusing language/application features with presentation formats -
which *do not* change at the same rate. Apple has changed its iOS widget
set twice in the last ~10 years! (while features do in fact change) ...and
let's not talk about the speed of Android feature uptake; let alone actual
GUI widget-set changes?

Yes, Oracle can indeed keep up with LF changes - *easily*; and they do not
have to worry about features so much because much of that is passed to
implementation developers.

Another point.

HTML 5 usage idioms suck. (Sorry, I feel strongly about this). The whole
idea of spreading LF configuration across 2 or 3 different formats is
ill-conceived and painfully over-verbose! (Yes I'm talking about FXML,
BXML; CSS etc...) The fact that it allows designers  to function
autonomously is also a fallacy. I have never seen this play out in actual
practice - as time-to-market doesn't allow the creation of perfect code
(in terms of separation of concerns) - because developers cost too much
money; and while companies want expressively rich UIs - they are
concordantly not willing to pay for it. (unfortunately - I have seen this
over and over and over again).

Back to the point...

Spreading the UI definition across language formats means the developer has
to learn more than one format to get the job done - thus invoking the
eventuality; Jack of all trades; Master of none. This also makes
maintainability dependent on local convention (which is absurd and not
dependable across implementation entities).

The only thing it (FXML, BXML) is good for is automatic GUI builder
implementations; and it should be left at that.

CSS is not intuitive (as is a GUI widget toolset API; in the language of
implementation). Mastery depends on memorization (which is a losing
proposition for uptake); instead of intuitive insight across consistent
methods of accomplishing tasks.

I think in our field, if something is said often enough - it starts to be
accepted as truth. I for one would like to stand up against some of these

I apologize for my emphatic expression of these points - I have been
holding this in for a long time :-P

*With kind regards,*

David Ray
Java Solutions Architect

Sponsor of:

Like if you agree!

2015-07-29 Thread cogmission (David Ray)

I just wanted to share some opinions close to my heart...


*With kind regards,*

David Ray
Java Solutions Architect

Sponsor of:

Re: Show case: JFX on iOS and Android

2013-11-18 Thread David Ray
Awesome work Tobias!  :)

On Nov 18, 2013, at 4:02 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:

 For all who do not follow me on twitter: a few screenshots concerning JFX on 
 iOS and Android:
 Best regards,
 Tobias Bley
 Chief Executive Officer
 Tel  +49 351 - 264 49 86   Fax +49 180-3555688-50
 UltraMixer Digital Audio Solutions
 Am Waldschlößchen 2
 D-01099 Dresden

Re: JavaFX on iOS and Android - are we there yet?

2013-10-22 Thread David Ray
+1 re: Native LF.  IMO also there is nothing sacred about the exactness of 
Apple's ui. They 'll be changing it up a lot a also. Being someone who prefers 
custom looks to bland native looks anyway, I never did get the sacredness of 
repeating mirror-lookalike grey :). Just my opinion, I'm sure there are those 
who disagree.


Sent from my iPhone

 On Oct 22, 2013, at 7:17 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:
 1) Look and Feel:
 IMO it’s enough to build „native looking“ css based skins! That could be very 
 quickly without complex technologies like CALayer etc.
 2) After starting RoboVM JavaFX needs round about 10 seconds to start the 
 simple list example on iPhone4. So it’s too long. I tried to use the 
 preloaded class via property „-Djavafx.preloader“ but it doesn’t work, my 
 preloaded class is not instantiated…
 Am 21.10.2013 um 21:48 schrieb Richard Bair
 1. Can you provide me with a detailed summary of where the iOS/Android
 ports are currently?  This includes the platform specific stuff to make
 either RoboVM or an Oracle JVM work?
 I would say, it is in a good prototype stage. It hasn't had heavy testing, 
 so the biggest risk is the unknown. Luckily, on iOS at least there are only 
 a very few devices so it should be relatively easy for an app developer to 
 feel confident it works for their app. But for the OpenJFX project, to test 
 and certify a whole variety of APIs, will be quite a challenge. We have a 
 huge pile of tests, we just need:
   1) To have a way to run our unit tests on the actual devices
   2) Have a way to run graphical tests on devices (basically a port of 
 I haven't scoped either of these efforts, but both are ripe areas for 
 collaboration with anybody in the community.
 If it were heavily tested, I'd say most of the remaining work is actually in 
 the graphics / performance side. Path rendering performance is fairly bad 
 (though I've seen similar complaints for Cocoa path rendering performance, 
 so it may be we're not that bad relatively speaking, but it is still 
 horrendous IMO and needs to be looked at).
 The code is all there for the integration layer -- anybody with familiarity 
 with Objective-C and Cocoa, I'd say, go read the glass code! This is a huge 
 opportunity for community initial community involvement because:
   1) There is a ton of existing documentation and code in the Apple universe 
 describing all the sorts of things we need to do in Glass
   2) Glass is pretty decoupled from the rest of the platform, so you can 
 easily understand what is going on there without having to understand 
 everything else
 Contributing on the Graphics side is more work and requires more specialized 
 skills. The fortunate thing here is that the graphics code is shared with 
 embedded (and desktop Mac and Linux) so there is a lot of overlap.
 So those would be the main things from my perspective: performance testing, 
 functional / unit testing, native platform integration, and graphics.
 Another thing we've designed for from the beginning, but never validated, is 
 the ability to use a native control as the skin. The iOS prototype hot 
 swaps a native text field in when a TextInputControl gets focus, but this 
 is kinda funky (and there are lots of bugs here). The right thing to do 
 here would be to have a set of native skins for controls, and the ability to 
 create multiple core layers. So if you have a scene graph where on the 
 bottom you draw stuff, then have a native control, then draw more stuff over 
 the native control, then what you would want is, on the Prism side, use 3 
 hardware layers (one for below the native, one for the native, and one for 
 above the native). I don't know:
   1) How well this would work in practice with input events (but one could 
 imagine putting a native 'glass pane' on the top to intercept all events and 
 vector them through FX, forwarding to native controls as necessary as part 
 of the normal FX event dispatch) 
   2) How many layers you could have before things would explode.
 Alternatively, using image skinning to get the look right, and only do the 
 funky native control swap in for text input, like we're doing today.
 2. Are the iOS and Android ports at roughly the same level of
 I think so, David / Tomas, can you guys add some insight as to where we're 
 at from your perspective?
 3. Exactly what is left in making these ports viable?  Here the word
 viable is defined in my 6 Degrees of Separation post here
 1. Their look and feel is indistinguishable from native apps
 As described above, there is work to be done here either by beefing up the 
 emulation, or adding the ability to intersperse native controls. The latter 
 approach I expect to be significant work, although technically feasible.
 Also, I expect people 

Re: JavaFX on iOS and Android - are we there yet?

2013-10-22 Thread David Ray
I think you may be facing an absolute requirement which is placing demands on 
you to
replicate the exact look and feel of one or both mobile environments? I'm not 

 Even the most fab skins or CSS is not going to get us away from the need to
 integrate JavaFX controls with true native controls.  As has been pointed
 out, there are some native controls on both iOS and Android for which there
 is no JavaFX equivalent and this will always be the case.  Even if someone
 were to develop near identical lightweight controls in JavaFX, they would
 need to behave slightly differently on iOS than they do on Android and vice

I do not see the problem with the above? Yes, the controls in question 
would maybe
act differently than their native counterparts and Yes there may not be the 
exact complement
of controls each native platform has, but my reaction to that is… so what? The 
fact is, 
these controls are born of a different gui toolkit. This only is a problem if 
one has it stuck
in their head that JavaFX has to behave em exactly /em like the native 
platform -
I don't see why this is necessary, especially when the variations are minor 
aspects anyway? The CSS skinning in my opinion is to most closely approximate 
the native
look and feel IMO. I just don't see why it is necessary to reproduce the iOS 
toolkit or the Android 
toolkit in JavaFX? 

This to me is a way to ensure rigidity and lack of movement. As long as 
what *does* exist
is rock-solid, dependable and very close looking - then I say good enough. 
Otherwise, why not just use
Objective-C or Android??  It is way better to have vertical movement and 
obvious progress, IMO.

I did find the link to your 6 - degrees… publication - and I vow to read it 
in case my opinion comes
down on the misguided side of things, but I just don't see the need for such 
a tight constraint???


On Oct 22, 2013, at 3:26 PM, Felix Bembrick wrote:

 Even the most fab skins or CSS is not going to get us away from the need to
 integrate JavaFX controls with true native controls.  As has been pointed
 out, there are some native controls on both iOS and Android for which there
 is no JavaFX equivalent and this will always be the case.  Even if someone
 were to develop near identical lightweight controls in JavaFX, they would
 need to behave slightly differently on iOS than they do on Android and vice
 versa.  Then there's the issue that every time the OS changes and the
 behaviour or appearance of those native controls changes, the author of
 those JavaFX controls has to react accordingly.
 The issue of keyboard type and layouts is mentioned in my 6 Degrees of
 Separation post and is critical.  There's just no way we are going to get
 away with any kind of text control that does not support all the native
 features of entering text on mobiles and tablets.  Whether we place a
 borderless native text box inside a JavaFX shape or just integrate the
 native control itself, this is one of the most important features for a
 JavaFX app and one where it would fail spectacularly if this native support
 was not in place.
 I know some excellent work has been done on OS skins like AquaFX but
 appearance is only half the challenge.  As I said, it's the behaviour that
 will kill us.  To attempt to emulate all native control behaviour in
 lightweight controls is not only nearly impossible but in my view it's a
 massive waste of effort if it is somehow possible to integrate the actual
 native control itself.  I am hopeful that the layering paradigm will
 gives us this.
 Another issue though is that native controls are unlikely to be as
 skinnable as JavaFX controls and are probably more limited in the scope
 of the customisation of their appearance.  Integrating native controls may
 then impose limitations on the richness of the interface as it mandate an
 LCD approach so that the native controls don't look out of place.
 To me, the ideal solution would be to just extract/integrate the non-visual
 aspects of native controls (such as the auto-complete, keyboard
 customisations, other behaviour etc.) and then render them with the JavaFX
 On 23 October 2013 05:22, Stefan Fuchs wrote:
 Hi Richard,
 I currently try to release updates of the jfx78 back port in 1-3 days
  whereever this comes from) has been updated (usually every Friday).
 This obviously depends on the number of changes required and my available
 2) After starting RoboVM JavaFX needs round about 10 seconds to start the
 simple list example on iPhone4. So it’s too long. I tried to use the
 preloaded class via property „-Djavafx.preloader“ but it doesn’t work, my
 preloaded class is not instantiated…
 What is the state of the jfx78 back port, and how often is 

Re: JavaFX on iOS and Android - are we there yet?

2013-10-22 Thread David Ray
Ok, I have read your 6 Degrees… publication, and I have to say I agree 
wholeheartedly with points 
2 - 6. I just don't see why 90% of the common set of gui widgets, rock solid 
dependability and performance
isn't good enough? Maybe others disagree I don't know… but if it comes down to 
being an engineering nightmare
or so complex that the dependability or upgradeability is not there, then I 
just don't see it as important enough
to warrant the abandonment of the effort?


On Oct 22, 2013, at 3:51 PM, David Ray wrote:

 I think you may be facing an absolute requirement which is placing demands 
 on you to
 replicate the exact look and feel of one or both mobile environments? I'm not 
 Even the most fab skins or CSS is not going to get us away from the need to
 integrate JavaFX controls with true native controls.  As has been pointed
 out, there are some native controls on both iOS and Android for which there
 is no JavaFX equivalent and this will always be the case.  Even if someone
 were to develop near identical lightweight controls in JavaFX, they would
 need to behave slightly differently on iOS than they do on Android and vice
   I do not see the problem with the above? Yes, the controls in question 
 would maybe
 act differently than their native counterparts and Yes there may not be the 
 exact complement
 of controls each native platform has, but my reaction to that is… so what? 
 The fact is, 
 these controls are born of a different gui toolkit. This only is a problem if 
 one has it stuck
 in their head that JavaFX has to behave em exactly /em like the native 
 platform -
 I don't see why this is necessary, especially when the variations are minor 
 aspects anyway? The CSS skinning in my opinion is to most closely approximate 
 the native
 look and feel IMO. I just don't see why it is necessary to reproduce the iOS 
 toolkit or the Android 
 toolkit in JavaFX? 
This to me is a way to ensure rigidity and lack of movement. As long as 
 what *does* exist
 is rock-solid, dependable and very close looking - then I say good enough. 
 Otherwise, why not just use
 Objective-C or Android??  It is way better to have vertical movement and 
 obvious progress, IMO.
 I did find the link to your 6 - degrees… publication - and I vow to read it 
 in case my opinion comes
 down on the misguided side of things, but I just don't see the need for 
 such a tight constraint???
 On Oct 22, 2013, at 3:26 PM, Felix Bembrick wrote:
 Even the most fab skins or CSS is not going to get us away from the need to
 integrate JavaFX controls with true native controls.  As has been pointed
 out, there are some native controls on both iOS and Android for which there
 is no JavaFX equivalent and this will always be the case.  Even if someone
 were to develop near identical lightweight controls in JavaFX, they would
 need to behave slightly differently on iOS than they do on Android and vice
 versa.  Then there's the issue that every time the OS changes and the
 behaviour or appearance of those native controls changes, the author of
 those JavaFX controls has to react accordingly.
 The issue of keyboard type and layouts is mentioned in my 6 Degrees of
 Separation post and is critical.  There's just no way we are going to get
 away with any kind of text control that does not support all the native
 features of entering text on mobiles and tablets.  Whether we place a
 borderless native text box inside a JavaFX shape or just integrate the
 native control itself, this is one of the most important features for a
 JavaFX app and one where it would fail spectacularly if this native support
 was not in place.
 I know some excellent work has been done on OS skins like AquaFX but
 appearance is only half the challenge.  As I said, it's the behaviour that
 will kill us.  To attempt to emulate all native control behaviour in
 lightweight controls is not only nearly impossible but in my view it's a
 massive waste of effort if it is somehow possible to integrate the actual
 native control itself.  I am hopeful that the layering paradigm will
 gives us this.
 Another issue though is that native controls are unlikely to be as
 skinnable as JavaFX controls and are probably more limited in the scope
 of the customisation of their appearance.  Integrating native controls may
 then impose limitations on the richness of the interface as it mandate an
 LCD approach so that the native controls don't look out of place.
 To me, the ideal solution would be to just extract/integrate the non-visual
 aspects of native controls (such as the auto-complete, keyboard
 customisations, other behaviour etc.) and then render them with the JavaFX
 On 23 October 2013 05:22, Stefan Fuchs wrote:
 Hi Richard,
 I currently try to release updates of the jfx78 back port in 1-3 days

Re: Why is almost everything in the API final

2013-09-03 Thread David Ray
Final methods more so take the control out of the hands of the many developers, 
and places it in the hands of the API designers.
If there is an issue, and demands are high - would we rather 

A. Report the issue and wait for the original API designer's development 
process to acknowledge, repair, and release a fix?


B. Report the issue to begin the above process, and improvise a workable 
workaround that let's a developer continue on with their work?

I too observed the advantages of being able to do this in SWING countless times…

Just a thought…


On Sep 3, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Mario Torre wrote:

 On Tue, 2013-09-03 at 08:34 +0200, Fabrizio Giudici wrote:
 On Tue, 03 Sep 2013 07:16:06 +0200, Tom Eugelink wrote:
 AFAIK there was never a framework that used final a lot, so time will  
 tell if the choice was right. Swing and the JDK made it this far. But
 The NetBeans Platform API does use final a lot for the same rationale  
 we're discussing now.
 I'm suspecting the choice may have been made motivated more from the  
 perspective of the developers of the framework (a few people) and not as  
 much from the users (many people).
 That's true, but you're misusing the perspective. Many users would only  
 see some minor impact of extending a class, while the few developers would  
 see the accumulation of a huge number of problems because those minor  
 things are multiplied by the large number of users. It's precisely by  
 putting oneself in the perspective of the developers that 'final' makes  
 I've designed quite a few APIs and have extended Swing in a number of
 very creative ways over the years. While the extensibility comes handy
 after the 10+ years old API doesn't do anymore the things you would
 like, you quickly realise it's really part of the problems in the first
 place, so I agree completely with Fabrizio here.

Re: Why is almost everything in the API final

2013-09-03 Thread David Ray
By we I meant the place where I work… (not JWrapper Inc.)!  :)


On Sep 3, 2013, at 1:28 PM, David Ray wrote:

 I would strongly recommend leaving the shared JRE install world behind.
 As a suggestion, try JWrapper - we have flawless installs now, even using an 
 OSGI deployment procedure! Bundled JVMs are really the only dependable way to 
 go now it seems?
 On Sep 3, 2013, at 1:23 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
 Wouldn't it be better to allow developers to override methods at their own 
 There's no such thing. When some big customer overrides methods, we have no 
 choice but to support their app for the foreseeable future. Which is why 
 deprecated stuff never could be removed from the JDK as well. And a host of 
 bugs won't be fixed. When the CEO of a customer with a major hardware 
 contract comes knocking -- well, at that time you really wish you had 
 designed the API differently.
 Yet, those that are willing to take the risks, can do something to keep 
 their business alive.
 I would strongly recommend leaving the shared JRE install world behind.

Re: Why is almost everything in the API final

2013-09-03 Thread David Ray
When you have a new version of your app to distribute, you would repackage it 
using the same tool you did before - maybe specifying a new JVM target (if you 
would like to update the JVM that gets bundled with the app). Then upload your 
app to the Apple App Store and voila' :)  (Ok so there's the extra step of the 
endless slew of provisioning licensing and packaging hurdles introduced by 
Apple -- then voila' !!!)   :-D


On Sep 3, 2013, at 1:48 PM, Mario Torre wrote:

 But this puts the task to update the jre in the hands of the developer, no? 
 This would be very insecure in my opinion then.
 Il giorno 03/set/2013 20:36, Richard Bair ha 
  I would strongly recommend leaving the shared JRE install world behind.
  As a suggestion, try JWrapper - we have flawless installs now, even using 
  an OSGI deployment procedure! Bundled JVMs are really the only dependable 
  way to go now it seems?
 If my business were betting on it, I'd not use a shared install for a couple 
   - I want to control the *exact* version of the JRE such that my app testing 
 was done against a specific version of the JRE
   - I have the freedom to modify the JRE as needed for my app
   - I can deploy as a normal desktop app using normal mechanisms
   - Related, I don't have to field support requests around what version 
 of Java is installed or not, or Java install problems
 I can still have auto-update with an app cobundle, so I don't miss out there 
 None of these points are suggesting the problem is with WebStart's 
 implementation, they all hold even if WebStart were completely bug free. 
 They're just the natural side-effect of a shared install system.

Re: Mixing 2D and 3D

2013-07-23 Thread David Ray
And Voila! 

Webstart fails again!

Cannot launch the application…

jnlp spec=1.0 xmlns:jfx=; 
titleFXTuxCube 0.6/title
vendorInteractiveMesh e.K./vendor
descriptionFXTuxCube 0.6/description
j2se version=1.8+/
jar href=fxTuxCube-0.6-ssign.jar size=23 download=eager/
jar href=jimObjModelImporterJFX-0.4-ssign.jar size=3 
property name=jnlp.packEnabled value=true/
property name=prism.dirtyopts value=false/
property name=javafx.animation.fullspeed value=true/
  update check=background/

Re:  FXTuxCube is a simple JavaFX 3D example with 2D elements drawn on top of a 
3D SubScene:

Just letting you know (as if you didn't already).  I'm running a iMac 3.4 ghz 
Intel core i7, with Java SE build 1.7.0_21-b12


On Jul 23, 2013, at 6:45 AM, August Lammersdorf, InteractiveMesh wrote:

 Vidio games usually draw the player's 2D UI elements in a second step on top 
 of the perspective 3D scene in the parallel/orthographic projection mode 
 (overlay or head-up display - HUD).
 This approach is already widest supported by JavaFX even with perspective 3D 
 transforms. Using a StackPane or a self-written layered pane the user 
 interface can be rendered onto the 3D SubScene and can be designed, updated 
 and animated with:
 - layout panes : javafx.scene.layout.*
 - UI controls : subclasses of javafx.scene.control.*
 - two-dimensional shapes : javafx.scene.effect.shape*
 - graphical effects : javafx.scene.effect.*
 - images : javafx.scene.image.*
 - shapes and background filler : javafx.scene.paint.*
 - transformations : javafx.scene.transform
 - animations : javafx.animation
 Is there any other 3D API or game engine based on C++ or Java which can beat 
 this scenario?
 FXTuxCube is a simple JavaFX 3D example with 2D elements drawn on top of a 3D 
 Worth reading: User interface design in games
 Am Sonntag, den 21.07.2013, 16:07 +0200 schrieb Herve Girod
 What is the use case for rendering 2D pixel-coordinates-based shapes
 (or even controls) within a 3D scene consisting of meshes constructed
 on 3D coordinates of arbitrary unit?
 In my field of work (avionics displays),we might have a lot of use
 cases for that. However, you also have that in video games, where they
 like to render 2D interactive panels in a 3D perspective in the game

Re: JavaFX 8 Progress

2013-07-18 Thread David Ray
I don't want to open up the webstart can of worms here, but we have multiple 
issues surrounding recognition and validity of signed jars when using certain 
VMARGS in combination with OSGi style deployment. We finally settled on 
JWrapper due to WebStarts apparent brittleness - but as you say, this is 
neither here nor there as far as JavaFX is concerned…

Anyway, thanks for getting back to us on the deployment tools organization… 


On Jul 18, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Joe McGlynn wrote:

 No, the deployment team works on these, not the FX team.  It's the same bits 
 for FX and Swing/AWT when running browser-deployed apps (which includes 
 applets and web start).  Deployment, FX and Swing are all part of the Java 
 client org.
 There are a number of bug fixed being worked in this area, as well as new 
 requirements around how to deploy a secure applet or web start app.  The 
 deploy code base is currently identical between 7u and JDK 8.  If you are 
 working with deploy technologies you should know this area is rapidly 
 changing and I'd strongly advise staying on the latest release (currently 
 7u40 EA) and following the updates to the docs, especially around best 
 practices for deployment.
 In short, these are:
 Buy a code signing certificate from a recognized CA and sign your app
 Use the new permissions and codebase JAR manifest attributes
 I'd recommend avoiding the use of mixed code if at all possible as that 
 results in additional warning prompts to the end user and additional runtime 
 I'd also recommend testing your app with the security slider at the Very 
 High level with every update of the JRE.  Typically new restrictions are 
 introduced first at Very High, and then propagated down into High and 
 ultimately Medium over time.
 If there are problems using deployment with FX, of course report the issue 
 and the team will investigate.  I'm aware of one problem that causes some FX 
 web start apps not to work with the latest release.  It's being investigated 
 right now.
 On Jul 18, 2013, at 6:40 AM, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
 Sure, but no one other than the JFX team are (or will be) working on these
 right? They are effectively desktop technologies and no other team has any
 interest in them I'm guessing?
 I'd assume if they're not on the JFX roadmap, they're not on the Java
 On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Artem Ananiev 
 On 7/18/2013 3:00 AM, David Ray wrote:
 Hi Richard,
 I don't see any mention of WebStart and JavaFX on the milestone list -
 are issues surrounding (and suffocating :)) WebStart going to addressed as
 part of the JDK release 8 instead?
 Java Plugin and Java Web Start are not parts of JavaFX (although JavaFX
 provides some APIs for them), they are shared between JDK and JavaFX and
 released as a part of Oracle JDK8 (not included to OpenJDK).
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jul 17, 2013, at 12:06 PM, Richard Bair
 Hi Peter,
 Our dates match up with JDK 8:**
 Feature complete was a month ago (but little API tweaks continue to
 happen). Things are supposed to be reasonably stable by October 24 (Zero
 Bug Bounce**projects/jdk8/milestones#Zero_**
 and GA in March.
 On Jul 17, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Peter Penzov
 I'm new to JavaFX I'm interested what is the current progress of
 development of JavaFX 8. I want to use it for base framework for my
 enterprise application but I have concerns is it stable to be used? Can
 give me some information do you plan to add something else before the
 official release?
 Best wishes,

Re: JavaFX 8 Progress

2013-07-18 Thread David Ray
JWrapper (no plug - I don't work for them or own stock) solves all of this - 
you have to bundle the jvm but it's small and the installation is hitch-less…

Oracle should buy them out - seriously!


On Jul 18, 2013, at 4:09 PM, wrote:

 The various applet and Web Start deployment options are severly damaging the 
 entire Java brand. and should be discontinued ASAP.
 Even before the recent security issues raised their ugly heads there have 
 been several issues with either launching Java applications from within a web 
 page or running them as applets and the user experience has been dismal to 
 say the least.
 The main reason why Java applets had such a short-lived period of popularity 
 was because Flash came along.  Flash applets started significantly faster, 
 didn't pop-up any security warnings and almost always just worked.  The 
 exact opposite was true of applets and, sadly, this has only gone further 
 downhill lately.
 For many years the browser vendors have gone out of their way to make running 
 Java in the browser a very painful experience for the end user.  Now we have 
 the situation where most people assume every Java applet is a security threat 
 and avoid them like the plague.
 Anyway, I do not believe Java, JavaFX or any plugin-based technology has any 
 place in a web browser.  This includes Flash and Silverlight.  We have HTML5 
 for that kind of app.  Surely it won't be long until all browser vendors make 
 it *impossible* for Java to run inside the browser or simply not support 
 *any* plugins.
 What's the point of investing any further effort into the Java Plugin?  Yes, 
 I know there are legacy apps and applets out there that need to run but 
 Oracle should be focused on getting JavaFX into the modern platforms and 
 their associated app stores.  Why not issue an End Of LIfe bulletin that 
 signals the end of the Java Plugin so anyone out there still relying on Java 
 applets can have time to find an alternative.
 Let's face it, almost *all* the security vulnerabilities exposed in recent 
 months only affect Java in the browser.  All the effort Oracle expends on 
 patching these vulnerabilities and tightening up the security model should be 
 spent on advancing JavaFX on mobiles and tablets.
 - Original Message -
 Daniel Zwolenski
 David Ray
 Cc: Ehrenberg,, 
 Fri, 19 Jul 2013 06:47:46 +1000
 Re: JavaFX 8 Progress
 Among general complaints and my own disasters with it, I had this guy write 
 to me:
 The failure of webstart is making him lose customers (they literally are 
 emailing him and telling him it's too hard to install). This is one of the 
 very few commercial, public apps that use desktop-java and webstart (I'd be 
 keen to know about any others - I know of none that use jfx?). 
 From what I understand of the work being carried out, I highly doubt any of 
 the fixes or improvements being worked on are going to help people like this. 
 I love the idea of web deployment but it's failed and getting worse with the 
 complexities now added in your attempts to keep it secure. In my opinion, web 
 deploy should be deprecated or at least placed in minimal 'bandaid' only 
 fixes and all effort should be put into making native bundles actually useful 
 and into adding app store support. 
 On 19/07/2013, at 2:10 AM, David Ray wrote:
  I don't want to open up the webstart can of worms here, but we have 
  multiple issues surrounding recognition and validity of signed jars when 
  using certain VMARGS in combination with OSGi style deployment. We finally 
  settled on JWrapper due to WebStarts apparent brittleness - but as you 
  say, this is neither here nor there as far as JavaFX is concerned…
  Anyway, thanks for getting back to us on the deployment tools organization… 
  On Jul 18, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Joe McGlynn wrote:
  No, the deployment team works on these, not the FX team. It's the same 
  bits for FX and Swing/AWT when running browser-deployed apps (which 
  includes applets and web start). Deployment, FX and Swing are all part of 
  the Java client org.
  There are a number of bug fixed being worked in this area, as well as new 
  requirements around how to deploy a secure applet or web start app. The 
  deploy code base is currently identical between 7u and JDK 8. If you are 
  working with deploy technologies you should know this area is rapidly 
  changing and I'd strongly advise staying on the latest release (currently 
  7u40 EA) and following the updates to the docs, especially around best 
  practices for deployment.
  In short, these are:

Re: Mixing 2D and 3D

2013-07-18 Thread David Ray
I'm not a 3D expert but my gut tells me that the two pipelines should remain 
distinct as you say. I can't imagine the evolution of such different functions 
converging in such a way where the semantic treatment of the two will coincide 
in a clean, simple and unconfusing manner. That only seems like it would lead 
to compromise and the inability to develop both concepts to their full maturity 
- and what about what you mentioned regarding possible OpenGL exposure from the 
3D API ? Would this be possible while still merging 2D and 3D semantics?


On Jul 18, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Richard Bair wrote:

 While working on RT-5534, we found a large number of odd cases when mixing 2D 
 and 3D. Some of these we talked about previously, some either we hadn't or, 
 at least, they hadn't occurred to me. With 8 we are defining a lot of new API 
 for 3D, and we need to make sure that we've very clearly defined how 2D and 
 3D nodes interact with each other, or developers will run into problems 
 frequently and fire off angry emails about it :-)
 Fundamentally, 2D and 3D rendering are completely different. There are 
 differences in how opacity is understood and applied. 2D graphics frequently 
 use clips, whereas 3D does not (other than clipping the view frustum or other 
 such environmental clipping). 2D uses things like filter effects (drop 
 shadow, etc) that is based on pixel bashing, whereas 3D uses light sources, 
 shaders, or other such techniques to cast shadows, implement fog, dynamic 
 lighting, etc. In short, 2D is fundamentally about drawing pixels and 
 blending using the Painters Algorithm, whereas 3D is about geometry and 
 shaders and (usually) a depth buffer. Of course 2D is almost always defined 
 as 0,0 in the top left, positive x to the right and positive y down, whereas 
 3D is almost always 0,0 in the center, positive x to the right and positive y 
 up. But that's just a transform away, so I don't consider that a 
 *fundamental* difference.
 There are many ways in which these differences manifest themselves when 
 mixing content between the two graphics.
 This picture shows 4 circles and a rectangle. They are setup such that all 5 
 shapes are in the same group [c1, c2, r, c3, c4]. However depthBuffer is 
 turned on (as well as perspective camera) so that I can use Z to position the 
 shapes instead of using the painter's algorithm. You will notice that the 
 first two circles (green and magenta) have a dirty edge, whereas the last 
 two circles (blue and orange) look beautiful. Note that even though there is 
 a depth buffer involved, we're still issuing these shapes to the card in a 
 specific order.
 For those not familiar with the depth buffer, the way it works is very 
 simple. When you draw something, in addition to recording the RGBA values for 
 each pixel, you also write to an array (one element per pixel) with a value 
 for every non-transparent pixel that was touched. In this way, if you draw 
 something on top, and then draw something beneath it, the graphics card can 
 check the depth buffer to determine whether it should skip a pixel. So in the 
 image, we draw green for the green circle, and then later draw the black for 
 the rectangle, and because some pixels were already drawn to by the green 
 circle, the card knows not to overwrite those with the black pixel in the 
 background rectangle.
 The depth buffer is just a technique used to ensure that content rendered 
 respects Z for the order in which things appear composited in the final 
 frame. (You can individually cause nodes to ignore this requirement by 
 setting depthTest to false for a specific node or branch of the scene graph, 
 in which case they won't check with the depth buffer prior to drawing their 
 pixels, they'll just overwrite anything that was drawn previously, even if it 
 has a Z value that would put it behind the thing it is drawing over!).
 For the sake of this discussion 3D World means depth buffer enabled and 
 assumes perspective camera is enabled, and 2D means 2.5D capable by which I 
 mean perspective camera but no depth buffer.
   1) Draw the first green circle. This is done by rendering the circle 
 into an image with nice anti-aliasing, and then rotating that image
 and blend with anything already in the frame buffer
   2) Draw the magenta circle. Same as with green -- draw into an image 
 with nice AA and rotate and blend
   3) Draw the rectangle. Because the depth buffer is turned on, for each 
 pixel of the green  magenta circles, we *don't* render
any black. Because the AA edge has been touched with some 
 transparency, it was written to the depth buffer, and we will not
draw any black there. Hence the dirty fringe! No blending!
   4) Draw the blue circle into an image with nice AA, rotate, and blend. 
 AA edges are blended nicely with black 

Re: Java Deployment (was Re: JavaFX 8 Progress)

2013-07-18 Thread David Ray
So you're saying, once I create my new JavaFX app with all the new beautiful 
and wondrous JavaFX goodies - I can do what?  Sit at home and look at it?  :)


On Jul 18, 2013, at 5:02 PM, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:

 There are definitely credible alternatives. The problem is currently the 
 alternatives are not implemented well enough so web still ends up a contender 
 just by being the only one able to stand up. 
 And for the record I build both public facing apps and back-office apps and 
 web deploy does not work well for either. I stopped using jfx because of 
 deployment. I now build only webapps because of deployment. 
 Credible alternatives:
 1. Native bundlers, but we need:
 - auto updating so people can easily release patch updates
 - smaller co-bundled jre's so that the initial download and install is smooth 
 and quick
 - better build tools to make this easier to integrate into a standard build 
 process, with some solution for cross-platform build support or to at least 
 minimize the pain
 2. App stores:
 - ready to go right now for Mac but we don't have the tools and I think we 
 need everything fully open sourced for licensing reasons (hard to say)
 - need to either pick one of the unofficial win app stores for pre-win8 
 support (there's a few), or build our own app store
 - we just need tools for building and deploying to app stores (not that hard) 
 and cut down jre sizes again (app stores are an extension of cobundling 
 3. Self-hosted 'app store' for corporate settings. install a small, native 
 client on the machine that allows that user to download and install apps from 
 your private server, with auto-updating, etc
 - we need to build one, not that hard, maybe a month or two of work to get a 
 first working version out. I would have built one by now but because jfx 
 packaging tools are so bad I've burnt up all my spare time just putting 
 wrappers around these to get the most basic of maven plugins to work. 
 All of the above could have been implemented by now if there was just a 
 little bit of love in this area. One resource ticking away would have been 
 enough to get something going. As it stands there has been zero, nada, zip 
 changes into anything other than web/security deployment efforts over the 
 last year. J8 due next year (!) will not include any of the above, or even 
 any simple improvements to deployment approaches other than web, to the best 
 of my knowledge. 
 On 19/07/2013, at 7:30 AM, Mark Fortner wrote:
 I've heard the webstart is broke, don't fix it, move on song before from a 
 number of people.  What I haven't heard is a credible solution to solving 
 the very real problem of keeping an app up-to-date in a corporate setting.  
 For the most part, I agree that if you're in the business of selling 
 commercial software, selling and distributing through an app store probably 
 makes sense for you. Although I wouldn't relish having to build on all of 
 those platforms. 
 However, posting proprietary apps to external OS-specific app stores doesn't 
 really work for anyone in a corporate setting.  Neither does making a user 
 re-install an application every time you post a bug fix.  In addition, many 
 corporations limit the privileges they give users.

Re: Java Deployment (was Re: JavaFX 8 Progress)

2013-07-18 Thread David Ray
A list of JWrapper's features:

Oracle, are you ready to buy these guys yet? If you don't, we will… :)

Easily deploy Java as native apps (for free)

But lets break that down...
To us, this means being able to build for everything, on anything - true cross 
platform builds.  Multiple developers can share one build file, yet everyone 
can build for every OS.  Users can get hold of your app and updates no matter 
what web server or scripting language you use.

You issue a new automatically updated release by overwriting some files on your 
web server, and if we do our best to ensure your app has a predictable, stable 
environment.  If use a system JRE we even copy it so you aren't exposed when 
Oracle decides to update it and break API.
…deploy Java...
To us, this means creating signed, iconified, automatically updating OS-native 
apps that can pick up a system JRE, download or bundle a heavily compressed one.

Since we're replacing applets it also means making your app available on your 
website by just sharing the files and adding one line of HTML to embed a 
JavaScript download button.  It also means stuff like automatically detecting 
HTTP proxies from wherever makes the OS has that info (system settings, browser 
settings) so that you don't have to guess at them yourself or hope that the 
system JRE is set up to use the right one (if there even is one).
…as native apps
To us this means it looks and feels like a native app.
On Windows this means a signed executable which can elevate as you need.
On OSX this means a signed .app file inside a DMG.
On Linux this means a native exe inside a double-click extractable tar.

Re: JavaFX 8 Progress

2013-07-17 Thread David Ray
Hi Richard,

I don't see any mention of WebStart and JavaFX on the milestone list - are 
issues surrounding (and suffocating :)) WebStart going to addressed as part of 
the JDK release 8 instead? 


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 17, 2013, at 12:06 PM, Richard Bair wrote:

 Hi Peter,
 Our dates match up with JDK 8:
 Feature complete was a month ago (but little API tweaks continue to happen). 
 Things are supposed to be reasonably stable by October 24 (Zero Bug Bounce and GA in 
 On Jul 17, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Peter Penzov wrote:
  I'm new to JavaFX I'm interested what is the current progress of
 development of JavaFX 8. I want to use it for base framework for my
 enterprise application but I have concerns is it stable to be used? Can you
 give me some information do you plan to add something else before the
 official release?
 Best wishes,

Re: Making Color Final (and Paint too, for all intents and purposes)

2013-07-12 Thread David Ray


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 12, 2013, at 3:15 PM, Richard Bair wrote:

 I have two different changes I might want to make, both of which are 
 definitely incompatible for subclasses, but are otherwise source compatible. 
 public abstract class Paint {
Paint() { } // --- Add this package constructor. Anybody who subclassed 
 Paint will die
 public final class Color extends Paint { … } //  Added final
 Nobody can do anything useful today by subclassing Paint. Each Paint subclass 
 has hardcoded support in the graphics pipeline. If you were to subclass Paint 
 with WackyPaint and use it in the scene graph, it would do absolutely nothing 
 (except maybe explode in the graphics pipeline someplace). Likewise, if you 
 extend Color with WackyColor, it will only be used as a Color object.
 Color however does have non-final methods (blast!) which somebody could 
 override. Now, they could do nefarious things with it (as far as the graphics 
 pipeline is concerned), but other than logging when somebody called a method, 
 there is nothing else they could do by overriding (since Color is immutable), 
 except for the deriveColor method which could be reimplemented in a 
 reasonable manner, although the platform will never call your method so it 
 doesn't do you much good.
 Both of these *should* have been final / effectively final when defined in 
 the first place, and we've made subclassing these classes sufficiently 
 worthless by other methods (other final methods plus the way the pipeline 
 works) that nobody should really be broken but such a change. Besides which, 
 we added a new abstract method in the last release which essentially breaks 
 any subclasses in a binary manner (they would have to update their code), and 
 I'm about to do it again while fixing
 Anybody with major heartburn let me know now, 'cause its going down!