Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack, timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-16 Thread Peter Dennis

This case has timed out with a +1 and, in addition, was approved
during the PSARC meeting of 16-Jun-2010.

opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack, timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-10 Thread Garrett D'Amore
The problem is toxicity in the PSARC mailing list software with the 
Android client.  I think what is happening is that the PSARC processing 
is stripping of the bits that are responsible for indicating the mime 
encoding for this.

I'm sorry about this, I just need to stop responding to PSARC mail from 
my mobile.

- Garrett

On 06/10/10 11:37, ольга крыжановская wrote:

How long did you type on the text below? :)

Something is wrong, either list or mail app.


2010/6/10 Garrett D'Amore:


opensolaris-arc mailing list




Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack, timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-10 Thread Michael Schuster

On 10.06.10 20:48, Andrew Gabriel wrote:

If you base64 decode it, it just says:


Garrett does sometimes have a roundabout way of saying things ;-))

Recursion, n.: see 'Recursion'
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack, timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-10 Thread Andrew Gabriel

If you base64 decode it, it just says:



ольга крыжановская wrote:

How long did you type on the text below? :)

Something is wrong, either list or mail app.


2010/6/10 Garrett D'Amore :


opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack, timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-10 Thread ольга крыжановская
How long did you type on the text below? :)

Something is wrong, either list or mail app.


2010/6/10 Garrett D'Amore :
> KzEKClBldGVyIERlbm5pcyA8cGV0ZXIuZGVubmlzQG9yYWNsZS5jb20+IHdyb3RlOgoKPkJlbG93
> IGlzIGFuIGFtZW5kZWQgcHJvcG9zYWwuIFRpbWVyIGlzIG5vdCByZXNldCBhcyBpdCBlc3NlbnRp
> YWxseQo+Y2xhcmlmaWVzIHRoZSBkaXNjdXNzaW9uIHNvIGZhci4KPgo+UmVxdWlyZWQgcmVsZWFz
> ZSBiaW5kaW5nOgo+ICAgICBQYXRjaCBiaW5kaW5nIGZvciB0aGUgYW5ub3VuY2VtZW50IGFuZCBt
> YXJraW5nIGFzIE9ic29sZXRlLgo+ICAgICBNaW5vciBiaW5kaW5nIGZvciB0aGUgcmVtb3ZhbC4K
> Pgo+Cj4xLiBJbnRyb2R1Y3Rpb24KPiAgICAxLjEuIFByb2plY3QvQ29tcG9uZW50IFdvcmtpbmcg
> TmFtZToKPiAgICAgICAgIEVPRiBsZWdhY3kgcHJvY2Vzc29yIHR5cGUgdHJ1dGggdmFsdWVzCj4K
> PiAgICAxLjIuIE5hbWUgb2YgRG9jdW1lbnQgQXV0aG9yL1N1cHBsaWVyOgo+ICAgICAgICAgVmVu
> NCwgMjAxMAo+Cj4KPjQuIFRlY2huaWNhbCBEZXNjcmlwdGlvbjoKPgo+ICAgICA0LjEuIERldGFp
> bHM6Cj4KPiAgICAgICAgICBUaGlzIHByb2plY3RzIGFpbXMgdG8gcmVtb3ZlIHByb2Nlc3NvciB0
> eXBlIHRydXRoIHZhbHVlcyBpbgo+ICAgICAgICAgIC91c3IvYmluIHdoaWNoIGFyZSBubyBsb25n
> OGssIG1jNjgwMDAsIG1jNjgwMTAsIG1jNjgwMjAsIG1jNjgwMzAsIG1jNjgwNDAsCj4gICAgICAg
> ICAgc3VuMiwgc3VuMywgc3VuM3gsIHN1bjQsIHN1bjRjLCBzdW40ZCwgc3VuNGUsIHUzNzAsIHUz
> ICAgU2luY2Ugbm9uZSBvZiB0aGVzZSBwbGF0Zm9ybXMgYXJlIHN1cHBvcnRlZCBieSB0aGUgY3Vy
> cmVudAo+ICAgICAgICAgIHJlbGVhc2Ugb2YgU29sYXJpcywgdGhlc2UgZXhlY3V0YWJsZSBhbHdh
> eXMgcmV0dXJuIGEgbm9uLXplcm8KPiAgICAgICAgICBleGl0IGNvZGUuICBBbnkgdXRpbGl0eSBz
> dGlsbCBkZXBlbmRpbmcgb24gdGhlc2UgZXhlY3V0YWJsZXMKPiAgICAgICAgICBmb3IgcHJvY2Vz
> c29yIHR5cGUgY2hlY2tzIHdpbGwgY29udGludWUgd29ya2luZyBhcyBleHBlY3RlZAo+ICAgICAg
> ICAgICh3aXRoIHNvbWUgZXh0cmEgZXJyb3IgbWVzc2FnZXMpIGFzICJjb21tYW5kIG5vdCBmb3Vu
> IGFyZSBjb25jZXJuZWQuCj4KPiAgICAgICAgICBBcyBhbiBleGNlcHRpb24sIHN1cHBvcnQgZm9y
> ICBydW4gb24gU29sYXJpcyA5IChhIHJlbGVhc2UgdGhhdCBzdXBwb3J0cyBzdW40bSkgbWlnaHQg
> cG9zc2libHkKPiAgICAgICAgICBiZW5lZml0IGZyb20gbm90IGVuY291bnRlcmluZyAiY29tbWFu
> cyBFT0wnZCwgdGhlIHN1bjRtIGJpbmFyeSBjYW4gYmUKPiAgICAgICAgICBkcm9wcGVkLgo+Cj4g
> cm9jZXNzb3IgdHlwZSB0cnV0aCB3aGljaCBhcmUgbm8gbG9uZ2VyIHJlbGV2YW50Cj4KPiAgICAg
> NC41LiBJbnRlcmZhY2VzOgo+Cj4gICAgICAgICAgVGhlIGZvbGxvd2luZyBpbnRlcmZhY2VzIHdp
> L2Jpbi9pODYwCj4gICAgICAgICAgL3Vzci9iaW4vaUFQWDI4Ngo+ICAgICAgICAgIC91c3IvYmlu
> L202OGsKPiAgICAgICAgICAvdXNyL2Jpbi9tYzY4MDAwCj4gICAgICAgICAgL3Vzci9iaW4vbWM2
> PiAgICAgICAgICAvdXNyL2Jpbi9zdW4zCj4gICAgICAgICAgL3Vzci9iaW4vc3VuM3gKPiAgICAg
> dXNyL2Jpbi9zdW40ZAo+ICAgICAgICAgIC91c3IvYmluL3N1bjRlCj4gICAgICAgICAgL3Vzci9i
> aW4vdTM3MAo+ICAgICAgICAgIC91c3IvYmluL3UzYgo+ICAgICAgICAgIC91c3IvYmluL3UzYjE1
> Cj4gICAgICAgICAgL3Vzci9iaW4vdTNiMgo+ICAgICAgICAgIC91c3IvYmluL3UzYjUKPiAgICAg
> RG9jIEltcGFjdDoKPgo+ICAgICAgICAgIFRoZSBtYW4gcGFnZXMgZm9yIGVhY2ggb2YgdGhlc2Ug
> dXRpbGl0aWVzIHdpbGwgYmUgcmVtb3ZlZC4KPgo+ICAgICAgICAgICBpQVBYMjg2LjEgaTI4Ni4x
> aGVyZSBpcyBubyBpbXBhY3QKPiAgICAgICAgICAgb24gaW5zdGFsbC91cGdyYWRlLgo+Cj4KPjYu
> IFJlc291cmNlcyBhbmQgU2NoZWR1bGU6Cj4gICAgNi40LiBQcm9kdWN0IEFwcHJvdmFsIENvbW1p
> dHRlZSByZXF1ZXN0ZWQgaW5mb3JtYXRpb246Cj4gICAgICAgICA2LjQuMS4gQ29uc29saWRhdGlv
> biBvciBDb21wb25lbnQgTmFtZToKPiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBPTgo+Cj4gICAgNi41LiBBUkMg
> Ogo+ICAgICAgICAgT3Blbgo+X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19f
> X19fX19fX18KPm9wZW5zb2xhcmlzLWFyYyBtYWlsaW5nIGxpc3QKPm9wZW5zb2xhcmlzLWFyY0Bv
> cGVuc29sYXJpcy5vcmcK
> ___
> opensolaris-arc mailing list

  ,   __   ,
 { \/`o;-Olga Kryzhanovska   -;o`\/ }
.'-/`-/   \-`\-'.
 `'-..-| / \ |-..-'`
  /\/\ Solaris/BSD//C/C++ programmer   /\/\

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack, timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-10 Thread Garrett D'Amore

opensolaris-arc mailing list

EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack, timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-10 Thread Peter Dennis

Below is an amended proposal. Timer is not reset as it essentially
clarifies the discussion so far.

Required release binding:
Patch binding for the announcement and marking as Obsolete.
Minor binding for the removal.

1. Introduction
   1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
EOF legacy processor type truth values

   1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
Venky TV

   1.3. Date of This Document:
June 04, 2010

4. Technical Description:

4.1. Details:

 This projects aims to remove processor type truth values in
 /usr/bin which are no longer relevant -- namely, i286, i860,
 iAPX286, m68k, mc68000, mc68010, mc68020, mc68030, mc68040,
 sun2, sun3, sun3x, sun4, sun4c, sun4d, sun4e, u370, u3b, u3b15,
 u3b2, u3b5, vax and pdp11

 Since none of these platforms are supported by the current
 release of Solaris, these executable always return a non-zero
 exit code.  Any utility still depending on these executables
 for processor type checks will continue working as expected
 (with some extra error messages) as "command not found" equates
 to "false" as far as the exit codes are concerned.

 As an exception, support for sun4m is still being retained
 because it is possible that a script which is also designed to
 run on Solaris 9 (a release that supports sun4m) might possibly
 benefit from not encountering "command not found" error
 messages.  Once Solaris 9 is EOL'd, the sun4m binary can be

4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):

 6958555 Remove processor type truth which are no longer relevant

4.5. Interfaces:

 The following interfaces will be deleted:


4.6. Doc Impact:

 The man pages for each of these utilities will be removed.

  iAPX286.1 i286.1  i860.1  pdp11.1 u3b.1
  u3b2.1u3b5.1  u3b15.i vax.i   u370.1

4.10. Packaging & Delivery:

  All these are part of the SUNWcs package.  There is no impact
  on install/upgrade.

6. Resources and Schedule:
   6.4. Product Approval Committee requested information:
6.4.1. Consolidation or Component Name:

   6.5. ARC review type:

   6.6. ARC Exposure:
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-09 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 01:15:18PM -0700, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> d) every bit costs something.  to compile, to link, to deliver.  [...]

There's also a run-time cost.  Anyone who's browsed for executables to
open media content with from Firefox will have observed that browsing
/bin borders on the painful.  (Granted, this is a problem in FF, not the
OS.  For non-GUI apps, with ZFS root, this cost is negligible.)
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-09 Thread Venky
On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 02:15:56AM -0700, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> Of those you just mentioned, it might be worth keeping sun4m for awhile,
> since AFAIK Solaris 9 (last that could run on sun4m) is still supported, and
> thus a script might exist such that it would still be true on Solaris 9
> (and might be a nice gesture for it to be silently false on newer versions
> rather than false with shell error messages).  The sun4m link could always
> be removed later, when no longer true on any still-supported version.

Makes sense.

opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-09 Thread Richard L. Hamilton
> > Nevertheless, if there are _any_ scripts that use
> it, unless you get
> > rid of all 29 (or however many) links to it, I
> don't see any incremental gain
> > by removing some of them.
> Am taking the conservative approach here by removing
> only those
> commands which could not possibly return true.  It
> would be great to
> be able to remove all processor truth value commands,
> but the risk
> of breaking existing scripts is too high.
> This is an attempt to get rid of as much clutter as
> possible without
> breaking anything.  (And in the process, get tiny
> benefits like making
> tab-completions of command names in bash more
> relevant, though that
> is not the main intent of this case.)
> And you are right.  There are more of these commands
> which are not
> listed in the manpages and are also not relevant any
> more -- the
> Motorola m68k series, for example.  Plan to add these
> to the case.
> We might end up with just the following left behind
> -- sun, sparc,
> i386, i486, i86pc -- and have all of these deleted
> (along with the
> ones listed in the original 1pager):
> /usr/bin/sun[234]*
> /usr/bin/mc68*
> /usr/bin/m68k
> ky.

Little as I like this, at least it would be more consistent to get rid of more 
of them.  And I've tried the missing command experiment on all of sh, csh, ksh,
and bash; as long as -e isn't in effect, all those shells happily proceed past
a missing command (well, happily save for an error message), so I have to
admit breakage would likely be little or none.

Of those you just mentioned, it might be worth keeping sun4m for awhile,
since AFAIK Solaris 9 (last that could run on sun4m) is still supported, and
thus a script might exist such that it would still be true on Solaris 9
(and might be a nice gesture for it to be silently false on newer versions
rather than false with shell error messages).  The sun4m link could always
be removed later, when no longer true on any still-supported version.
This message posted from
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-09 Thread Venky
> Nevertheless, if there are _any_ scripts that use it, unless you get
> rid of all 29 (or however many) links to it, I don't see any incremental gain
> by removing some of them.

Am taking the conservative approach here by removing only those
commands which could not possibly return true.  It would be great to
be able to remove all processor truth value commands, but the risk
of breaking existing scripts is too high.

This is an attempt to get rid of as much clutter as possible without
breaking anything.  (And in the process, get tiny benefits like making
tab-completions of command names in bash more relevant, though that
is not the main intent of this case.)

And you are right.  There are more of these commands which are not
listed in the manpages and are also not relevant any more -- the
Motorola m68k series, for example.  Plan to add these to the case.
We might end up with just the following left behind -- sun, sparc,
i386, i486, i86pc -- and have all of these deleted (along with the
ones listed in the original 1pager):


opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-09 Thread Scott Rotondo

On 6/8/10 1:15 PM, Garrett D'Amore wrote:

d) every bit costs something.  to compile, to link, to deliver.  Just in
the listing of /usr/bin.  Anything which serves no useful function
should IMO be removed.  (Individually, these costs are minuscule, but
taken collectively over the entire life of a distribution, across
everyone who ever looks at them, has to compile, build or install them,
and across multiple such "trivially useless" projects, the costs can be
much larger.)

While I don't feel strongly about this particular case, I have to say I 
don't really buy that argument in general. Many parts of Solaris may 
have value to only a relatively small audience, but the positive value 
to that audience is often much larger than the small gain to everyone 
else from removing the feature.

I'm not convinced that we have an effective way to figure out which 
features fall into this category, unless someone who cares about the 
feature happens to be watching PSARC when the EOF fast-track goes by. 
This is similar to the discussion about which packages to remove from 
SFW; even if each individual package (or feature) is valuable only to a 
small group, removing enough pieces makes it likely that everyone is 
affected by at least one of the removals.

For the SFW packages, I like the suggestion that was made earlier about 
reviewing the overall removal plan rather than discovering it through 
individual fast-tracks. I don't know that it's possible to review a 
similar plan for small feature removals like this case, but we should be 
aware that the same limitations apply in our ability to judge the impact 
of individual removals.


Scott Rotondo
Senior Principal Engineer, Solaris Core OS Engineering
President, Trusted Computing Group
Phone: +1 650 786 6309 (Internal x86309)
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Alan Coopersmith
Note that there is one known issue caused by having the /usr/bin/i386 &
/usr/bin/i486 binaries - every isaexec command on x86 trips over it when
looking for the subdir to find isa-specific binaries in before finding
them in /usr/bin/i86 (the more generic ISA required to avoid the name clash).

[Though given the current set of supported CPU's, that could also be fixed
 by renaming /usr/bin/i86/ to /usr/bin/pentium/ .]

 Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System

opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Richard L. Hamilton
> On Tue, 2010-06-08 at 13:03 -0700, Scott Rotondo
> wrote:
> > Several people have pointed out that the harm from
> removing these 
> > commands isn't that great because
> > 
> > (a) recent scripts tend not to use this mechanism
> to figure out the type 
> > of platform, and
> > 
> > (b) older scripts will still work (with error
> messages) because a 
> > missing command evaluates to false.
> > 
> > But what about the other side of the cost-benefit
> equation? What's the 
> > upside from removing a handful of tiny files? I'm
> afraid I don't see it.
> Its there:
> a) people might decide that these are good tools for
> portability checks
> (they aren't!)
> b) people might complain that other processor types
> are not included,
> but we've already said that no new cpu types are
> getting added
> c) therefore, should folks doing new ports create
> them for arm, s390,
> etc.?  I hope not!
> d) every bit costs something.  to compile, to link,
> to deliver.  Just in
> the listing of /usr/bin.  Anything which serves no
> useful function
> should IMO be removed.  (Individually, these costs
> are minuscule, but
> taken collectively over the entire life of a
> distribution, across
> everyone who ever looks at them, has to compile,
> build or install them,
> and across multiple such "trivially useless"
> projects, the costs can be
> much larger.)
>   -- Garrett

In general, this might be true.  But in case of these, they're all
hard links (total of 29 on snv_97, at least) to a single executable, which
just compares the basename of its argv[0] with uname -p, uname -m,
uname -c, and some hardcoded constants.  It doesn't need to be changed
in any way to add or delete names; only links need to be added (or if there
were any appreciable benefit, deleted).

This is not something that's going to get more broken over time, except
in the sense of a smaller percentage of truth values (eventually zero)
returning true on any platform existing outside of museums, collectors, and

Granted that it's a stupid command.  Granted even that adding more links
to it might be counterproductive; and that others (googling shows me HP in
particular) have also deprecated the command (although the man page of
theirs I found was dated 2002; I have no idea if they or others have weeded
out old processor names since then).

The common intent seems at the least not to _add_ any more names to it,
but to encourage the use of uname or getconf directly instead.

Nevertheless, if there are _any_ scripts that use it, unless you get
rid of all 29 (or however many) links to it, I don't see any incremental gain
by removing some of them.
This message posted from
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Garrett D'Amore
On Tue, 2010-06-08 at 13:03 -0700, Scott Rotondo wrote:
> Several people have pointed out that the harm from removing these 
> commands isn't that great because
> (a) recent scripts tend not to use this mechanism to figure out the type 
> of platform, and
> (b) older scripts will still work (with error messages) because a 
> missing command evaluates to false.
> But what about the other side of the cost-benefit equation? What's the 
> upside from removing a handful of tiny files? I'm afraid I don't see it.

Its there:

a) people might decide that these are good tools for portability checks
(they aren't!)

b) people might complain that other processor types are not included,
but we've already said that no new cpu types are getting added

c) therefore, should folks doing new ports create them for arm, s390,
etc.?  I hope not!

d) every bit costs something.  to compile, to link, to deliver.  Just in
the listing of /usr/bin.  Anything which serves no useful function
should IMO be removed.  (Individually, these costs are minuscule, but
taken collectively over the entire life of a distribution, across
everyone who ever looks at them, has to compile, build or install them,
and across multiple such "trivially useless" projects, the costs can be
much larger.)

-- Garrett

>   Scott

opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Scott Rotondo
Several people have pointed out that the harm from removing these 
commands isn't that great because

(a) recent scripts tend not to use this mechanism to figure out the type 
of platform, and

(b) older scripts will still work (with error messages) because a 
missing command evaluates to false.

But what about the other side of the cost-benefit equation? What's the 
upside from removing a handful of tiny files? I'm afraid I don't see it.


Scott Rotondo
Senior Principal Engineer, Solaris Core OS Engineering
President, Trusted Computing Group
Phone: +1 650 786 6309 (Internal x86309)
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Garrett D'Amore
On Tue, 2010-06-08 at 11:59 +0200, Steve McKinty wrote:
> Why are these "not relevant"? In my experience they are mostly
> used in scripts and Makefiles, to ensure that the right code path
> is taken. Won't removing them break older configure-style scripts,
> i.e. ones that test things like "if [ ! vax ]"  etc.?  
> Is the gain of removal worth more than potential breakage of
> older (especially FOSS) code?

Most such code is developed for Linux these days, and uses different
approaches (primarily parsing uname output) to determine the machine and
model type.

I've never seen a script that would misbehave if these tools were
absent.  (I've seen scripts that would misbehave if they existed and
returned a false positive, but even those cases are rare... I think
autoconf in particular does not use them.)

In case its not clear, here's another +1 on this case.

- Garrett

> Steve
> Peter Dennis wrote:
> > I'm sponsoring this case for Venky Tv.
> > 
> > Required release binding:
> > Patch binding for the announcement and marking as Obsolete.
> > Minor binding for the removal. 
> > 
> > Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.70 03/30/10 SMI
> > This information is Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All 
> > rights reserved.
> > 1. Introduction
> > 1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
> >  EOF legacy processor type truth values
> > 1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
> >  Author:  Venky TV
> > 1.3  Date of This Document:
> > 08 June, 2010
> > 4. Technical Description
> > 1. Introduction
> >1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
> > EOF legacy processor type truth values
> > 
> >1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
> > Venky TV
> > 
> >1.3. Date of This Document:
> > June 04, 2010
> > 
> > 
> > 4. Technical Description:
> > 
> > 4.1. Details:
> > 
> >  This projects aims to remove processor type truth values in
> >  /usr/bin which are no longer relevant -- namely, iAPX286, i286,
> >  i860, pdp11, u3b, u3b2, u3b5, u3b15, vax, and u370.
> > 
> > 4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):
> > 
> >  6958555 Remove processor type truth which are no longer relevant
> > 
> > 4.5. Interfaces:
> > 
> >  The following interfaces will be deleted:
> > 
> >  /usr/bin/iAPX286
> >  /usr/bin/i286
> >  /usr/bin/i860
> >  /usr/bin/pdp11
> >  /usr/bin/u3b
> >  /usr/bin/u3b2
> >  /usr/bin/u3b5
> >  /usr/bin/u3b15
> >  /usr/bin/vax
> >  /usr/bin/u370
> > 
> > 4.6. Doc Impact:
> > 
> >  The man pages for each of these utilities will be removed.
> > 
> >   iAPX286.1 i286.1  i860.1  pdp11.1 u3b.1
> >   u3b2.1u3b5.1  u3b15.i vax.i   u370.1
> > 
> > 4.10. Packaging & Delivery:
> > 
> >   All these are part of the SUNWcs package.  There is no impact
> >   on install/upgrade.
> > 
> > 6. Resources and Schedule
> > 6.4. Steering Committee requested information
> > 6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
> > ON
> > 6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
> > 6.6. ARC Exposure: open
> > 

opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread James C. McPherson

On  8/06/10 10:33 PM, James Carlson wrote:

Steve McKinty wrote:

If I wrote a portable configure script which contained something

if [ vax ]; then
 do vaxy setup

Obviously, that should be "if vax; then" rather than with the test
brackets, but otherwise I think Steve McKinty has a very good point.

How many bytes are saved by removing these aliases for /usr/bin/false?

Nit: they're links to /usr/bin/i286, which is an instance of

#   List of all links present on all architectures and machines.
#   Note that this function is obsolesent and we don't generally
#   add to this list (see psarc/1992/171).
LINKS = i386 i486 i860 i86pc iAPX286 \
m68k mc68000 mc68010 mc68020 mc68030 mc68040 \
sparc sun sun2 sun3 sun3x sun4 sun4c sun4m sun4d sun4e \
u370 u3b u3b15 u3b2 u3b5 vax pdp11


# Install the program as the first machine in the list.

A look at the SCCS history for the file shows that it has not
been touched since 1994.

James C. McPherson
Senior Software Engineer, Solaris
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread James C. McPherson

On  8/06/10 07:59 PM, Steve McKinty wrote:

Why are these "not relevant"? In my experience they are mostly
used in scripts and Makefiles, to ensure that the right code path
is taken. Won't removing them break older configure-style scripts,
i.e. ones that test things like "if [ ! vax ]" etc.?
Is the gain of removal worth more than potential breakage of
older (especially FOSS) code?



Can you tell me, with a straight face - and proof- that
Solaris 2.6 or later will even run on *any* of the above

The above processor truth types are all links to machid,
which contains this comment in $SRC/cmd/machid/machid.c:

 * This program replicates the function of the links from a machine name
 * (such as sun4c) through /usr/kvm to true or false as appropriate.  It
 * knows the correct special cases.
 * Do not modify this program to know about additional special cases or
 * reflect new platforms or instruction set architectures.  This is a
 * deprecated interface and strictly for backwards compatibility.  This
 * is psarc/1992/171.  Note the following excerpt from the opinion:
 *It is most important to note that the manual page states in
 *the NOTES section:  "The machid family of commands is
 *obsolete.  Use uname -p and uname -m instead."
 *The intent of Kernel Architecture Project team is to provide
 *only enough functionality to mimic the existing definitions
 *on the SPARC and Intel x86 versions of Solaris 2.x.  No new
 *identifiers will ever be added to the documented and
 *undocumented identifiers listed above.

I think it is long past time that we actually obsoleted
the above interfaces.

Pete: +1

James C. McPherson
Senior Software Engineer, Solaris
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Venky
On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 01:44:47PM +0100, Darren J Moffat wrote:
> On 08/06/2010 13:14, Steve McKinty wrote:
>> If I wrote a portable configure script which contained something
>> like:
>> if [ vax ]; then
>> do vaxy setup
>> else if [ u3b ]; then
>> do AT&T setup
>> else if [ sun ]; then
>> do Solaris setup
>> endif
>> it would work unchanged on all those architectures. Take out the
>> vax and u3b commands and it will then crash when run on Solaris.
> The same script will fail on Ububtu as well - I just checked they don't  
> exist there.

And technically, this will continue to work as expected, with an
extra error message like: vax: not found.

Since a "command not found" evaluates to "false", the logic would
still be intact.

opensolaris-arc mailing list

EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Peter Dennis
I'm sponsoring this case for Venky Tv.

Required release binding:
Patch binding for the announcement and marking as Obsolete.
Minor binding for the removal. 

Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.70 03/30/10 SMI
This information is Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All 
rights reserved.
1. Introduction
1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
 EOF legacy processor type truth values
1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
 Author:  Venky TV
1.3  Date of This Document:
08 June, 2010
4. Technical Description
1. Introduction
   1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
EOF legacy processor type truth values

   1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
Venky TV

   1.3. Date of This Document:
June 04, 2010

4. Technical Description:

4.1. Details:

 This projects aims to remove processor type truth values in
 /usr/bin which are no longer relevant -- namely, iAPX286, i286,
 i860, pdp11, u3b, u3b2, u3b5, u3b15, vax, and u370.

4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):

 6958555 Remove processor type truth which are no longer relevant

4.5. Interfaces:

 The following interfaces will be deleted:


4.6. Doc Impact:

 The man pages for each of these utilities will be removed.

  iAPX286.1 i286.1  i860.1  pdp11.1 u3b.1
  u3b2.1u3b5.1  u3b15.i vax.i   u370.1

4.10. Packaging & Delivery:

  All these are part of the SUNWcs package.  There is no impact
  on install/upgrade.

6. Resources and Schedule
6.4. Steering Committee requested information
6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
6.6. ARC Exposure: open

opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Casper . Dik

>The same script will fail on Ububtu as well - I just checked they don't 
>exist there.

if vax; then

will fail whether vax exists with one or with vax not present.

Whether "-e" is set is not important.  Other than the additional errors 
the script will continue to run.


opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Darren J Moffat

On 08/06/2010 13:14, Steve McKinty wrote:

If I wrote a portable configure script which contained something

if [ vax ]; then
do vaxy setup
else if [ u3b ]; then
do AT&T setup
else if [ sun ]; then
do Solaris setup

it would work unchanged on all those architectures. Take out the
vax and u3b commands and it will then crash when run on Solaris.

The same script will fail on Ububtu as well - I just checked they don't 
exist there.

This is an generic Unix application issue, not a Solaris one.

So which other "Unix" distributions still include these other than Solaris ?

Darren J Moffat
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread James Carlson
Steve McKinty wrote:
> If I wrote a portable configure script which contained something
> like:
> if [ vax ]; then
> do vaxy setup

Obviously, that should be "if vax; then" rather than with the test
brackets, but otherwise I think Steve McKinty has a very good point.

How many bytes are saved by removing these aliases for /usr/bin/false?
Is it even enough to fill an old-style directory block?  And why is
doing that a helpful thing?

Note for the case owner (Peter): this case is yet another one that seems
to be randomly marked "confidential," and thus isn't visible to
OpenSolaris participants, even though the discussion seems to be taking
place in the open.  That wasn't intended was it?

I don't know if anyone's watching the error messages out of the
publishing mechanism, but it'd be nice to see some of these cleaned up:

We still have a lot of cases that are empty because they're mis-marked
as "manual" when the case owner either meant "open" or just didn't
understand how the "manual" mechanism worked (e.g., PSARC 2005/603) and
others that are "redacted" into oblivion by a naughty phrase (e.g.,
PSARC 2009/514).

James Carlson 42.703N 71.076W 
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Steve McKinty

James C. McPherson wrote:


Can you tell me, with a straight face - and proof- that
Solaris 2.6 or later will even run on *any* of the above

No, of course not. Who mentioned Solaris at all? These commands
aren't there for Solaris, they are there so that generic
scripts can work out what platform they are runing on, Solaris
or not.

If I wrote a portable configure script which contained something

if [ vax ]; then
do vaxy setup
else if [ u3b ]; then
do AT&T setup
else if [ sun ]; then
do Solaris setup

it would work unchanged on all those architectures. Take out the
vax and u3b commands and it will then crash when run on Solaris.

This is an generic Unix application issue, not a Solaris one.

They're unlikely to be used in modern applications, true, but
were used a lot in legacy generic tools. It just seems pointless
to break those for no good reason. Why not just make all the
above binaries a link to /usr/bin/false?

The above processor truth types are all links to machid,
which contains this comment in $SRC/cmd/machid/machid.c:

The key item is in the middle:

   strictly for backwards compatibility.

we seem to have discarded that concept these days, which is a pity.



Steve McKinty   Architect - Sun Cluster Geographic Edition
Grenoble Engineering Centre, France:

NOTICE:  This email message is for the sole use of the intended
recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or
distribution is prohibited.  If you are not the intended
recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy
all copies of the original message.
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Steve McKinty

Why are these "not relevant"? In my experience they are mostly
used in scripts and Makefiles, to ensure that the right code path
is taken. Won't removing them break older configure-style scripts,
i.e. ones that test things like "if [ ! vax ]"  etc.?  

Is the gain of removal worth more than potential breakage of
older (especially FOSS) code?


Peter Dennis wrote:

I'm sponsoring this case for Venky Tv.

Required release binding:
Patch binding for the announcement and marking as Obsolete.
Minor binding for the removal. 

Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.70 03/30/10 SMI
This information is Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All 
rights reserved.
1. Introduction
1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
 EOF legacy processor type truth values
1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
 Author:  Venky TV
1.3  Date of This Document:
08 June, 2010
4. Technical Description
1. Introduction
   1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
EOF legacy processor type truth values

   1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
Venky TV

   1.3. Date of This Document:
June 04, 2010

4. Technical Description:

4.1. Details:

 This projects aims to remove processor type truth values in
 /usr/bin which are no longer relevant -- namely, iAPX286, i286,
 i860, pdp11, u3b, u3b2, u3b5, u3b15, vax, and u370.

4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):

 6958555 Remove processor type truth which are no longer relevant

4.5. Interfaces:

 The following interfaces will be deleted:


4.6. Doc Impact:

 The man pages for each of these utilities will be removed.

  iAPX286.1 i286.1  i860.1  pdp11.1 u3b.1
  u3b2.1u3b5.1  u3b15.i vax.i   u370.1

4.10. Packaging & Delivery:

  All these are part of the SUNWcs package.  There is no impact
  on install/upgrade.

6. Resources and Schedule
6.4. Steering Committee requested information
6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
6.6. ARC Exposure: open

Steve McKinty   Architect - Sun Cluster Geographic Edition
Grenoble Engineering Centre, France:

NOTICE:  This email message is for the sole use of the intended
recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or
distribution is prohibited.  If you are not the intended
recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy
all copies of the original message.
opensolaris-arc mailing list

Re: EOF legacy processor type truth values [PSARC/2010/211 FastTrack timeout 06/15/2010]

2010-06-08 Thread Darren J Moffat


I always thought it was a back to front interface anyway.

On 08/06/2010 09:52, Peter Dennis wrote:

I'm sponsoring this case for Venky Tv.

Required release binding:
 Patch binding for the announcement and marking as Obsolete.
 Minor binding for the removal.

Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.70 03/30/10 SMI
This information is Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All 
rights reserved.
1. Introduction
 1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
 EOF legacy processor type truth values
 1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
 Author:  Venky TV
 1.3  Date of This Document:
08 June, 2010
4. Technical Description
1. Introduction
1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
 EOF legacy processor type truth values

1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
 Venky TV

1.3. Date of This Document:
 June 04, 2010

4. Technical Description:

 4.1. Details:

  This projects aims to remove processor type truth values in
  /usr/bin which are no longer relevant -- namely, iAPX286, i286,
  i860, pdp11, u3b, u3b2, u3b5, u3b15, vax, and u370.

 4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):

  6958555 Remove processor type truth which are no longer relevant

 4.5. Interfaces:

  The following interfaces will be deleted:


 4.6. Doc Impact:

  The man pages for each of these utilities will be removed.

   iAPX286.1 i286.1  i860.1  pdp11.1 u3b.1
   u3b2.1u3b5.1  u3b15.i vax.i   u370.1

 4.10. Packaging&  Delivery:

   All these are part of the SUNWcs package.  There is no impact
   on install/upgrade.

6. Resources and Schedule
 6.4. Steering Committee requested information
6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
 6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
 6.6. ARC Exposure: open

Darren J Moffat
opensolaris-arc mailing list