Re: [osol-discuss] [zfs-discuss] ZFS root finally here in SNV90

2008-06-09 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 4 Jun 2008, Henrik Johansson wrote:

 Anyone knows what the deal with /export/home is? I though /home was  
 the default home directory in Solaris?

Nope, /export/home has always been the *physical* location for
users' home directories.  They're usually automounted under /home,


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Re: [osol-discuss] [advocacy-discuss] OpenSolaris Developer Preview 2 Available

2008-02-13 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008, Shawn Walker wrote:

 ...since it is a hasbin :)


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ogb-discuss] Let's focus. (2nd Draft)

2007-11-02 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 2 Nov 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 01:00:46PM -0400, James Carlson wrote:
  I'll counter with this amendment that I believe makes the requirement
  clear by citing the specific terms used on the web site:
Until that time, we ask that Sun require that references to Indiana
discontinue using the name OpenSolaris Developer Preview,
OpenSolaris binary distribution, or any other name implying
exclusive endorsement of the OpenSolaris Community.
 I'm happy with this amendment; I'd played with this language myself
 but it felt too cumbersome.


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] [ogb-discuss] This is not a Solaris helpdesk

2007-08-17 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Alan Burlison wrote:

 They post because it is the first mailing list we refer to on the site that
 looks even vaguely appropriate.  That's our fault, not theirs, and I'm going
 to attempt to improve the situation.  It may be a chicken-and-egg situation,
 but hiding our heads in the sand like ostriches isn't going to make any
 omelettes ;-)


I agree that making -help more visible in addition to spelling out what's OT
for -discuss on the signup page would be beneficial.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] [ogb-discuss] This is not a Solaris helpdesk

2007-08-17 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Alan Burlison wrote:

 Garrett D'Amore wrote:
  Btw, on the topic of this page, newbies might not be the best name for
  this page.  newbie or NOOB is often perceived as a derogatory
  term... I don't want us to be perceived as elitest...
 I don't personally feel it is derogatory, but please feel free to 
 suggest a PC alternative.  Where I come from we'd say 'offcomer' [1] ;-)

Newbie is OK by me, though I agree that things like NOOB would be
pushing it.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop-discuss] About CDE removing (In which Build?)

2007-07-18 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

 There is no schedule yet - at the moment individual pieces are starting
 to be removed (sdtimage is out already, sdtaudiocontrol will probably
 come out around the time OSS goes in), but there's still some dependencies
 on other pieces that need to be cleared up first (moving the default login
 from dtlogin to gdm, waiting for the new installer to remove the dependency
 of the current installer on dtwm  dtterm, etc.).

And, hopefully, making GNOME configurable enough so that it can be made to
be CDE-user friendly for those of us who think that (among other things) the
concept of a Launch button is stupid (compared to CDE's right click on the
desktop approach).

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris as NetBSD?

2007-05-31 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 30 May 2007, Girts Zeltins wrote:

 I want to start discussion about one important thing. I want to say
 that Solaris must be as NetBSD and must be available for all platforms.
 This is idea which come to my mind some time ago and now I want to ask
 all Solaris funs to start discuss about this.

Solaris is open source, so anyone is free to attempt a port to whatever
architecture they want.

 If Sun Microsystems will go this road then Solaris can become leader
 operating systems.

I don't believe it's Sun's job to do this.  Sun should (and does) sponsor
ports to platforms that are important to them (i.e., SPARC and x86), but
apart from good will, there's no need for them to fund other efforts.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [ogb-discuss] Re: [osol-discuss] Project Proposal - (what is/was Indiana)

2007-05-31 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 31 May 2007, Ian Murdock wrote:

 The slower moving release will be called Solaris. :-)

As long as it isn't called Slowaris!  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [ogb-discuss] Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Project Proposal - (what is/was Indiana)

2007-05-31 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 31 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, that seems to be to cumbersome; I would prefer OGB not to be
 involved in project creations as long as projects are started under
 the wings of a community and the community is not disfunctional


I think we (the OGB) should bemore concerned with meta issues rather
than smaller stuff like project creation.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] BASH as root shell

2007-05-23 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 22 May 2007, Gerard Nualla wrote:

 How can I make BASH the root's default shell?

If you need to ask, you shouldn't be doing it!

(Hint: man usermod, vipw, and vi).

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] [SVOSUG] Project Indiana, get the skinny direct from the source!

2007-05-23 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 23 May 2007, Alan DuBoff wrote:

 Might. I'm not sure. I have mixed experience using skype. I don't use it
 myself, but some of my friends that use it, it's been hit/miss.

And, perhaps more to the point, there's no Skype client for Solaris,
and given it's proprietory protocol, probably won't be until Skype
themselves port to Solaris.

When Ekiga finally works with Solaris/Nevada out of the box, that'd
probably be the way to go for VOIP (it's certianly what I'm planning
to use to call family and friends in the UK).

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-22 Thread Rich Teer
On Sat, 19 May 2007, UNIX admin wrote:

 are we talking about IT professionals here, or just plain Joe Sixpacks?

I couldn't agree more with your sentiments, but it seems to be a sad
fact these days that many shops hire Joe Sixpacks as their IT pros...

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-17 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 17 May 2007, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

 in the not all that distant future, it'll all be sorted out.  I just
 wish it were sooner than later, so that I could have some
 nice GUI sheet music/composition/MIDI editing tools (not
 to mention better multimedia stuff) on [Open]Solaris for SPARC.
 I can't play anything or sight-read worth a hoot, but with something
 that plays MIDIs while highlighting the notes, I could probably get better
 at the latter, and with a really friendly composition editor, the former
 might not matter so much.

Bring on Cubase for Solaris!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-17 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 17 May 2007, Ian Murdock wrote:

 On 5/17/07, James Carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ian Murdock writes:
   (And, once again, I'm not sure I see anything here that isn't fixed
   with a Solaris classic environment.)
  Do we force future project teams to test in both environments?
 I don't see why. If both environments are present, can't the application
 pick which one it wants to use? Classic is the default, so that existing

Don't forget that application refers as much to [Open]Solaris userland
apps as it does to third party ones.  Certainly for the former case, equal
testing in every environment is a must.  The only result of not doing so
can be expressed in three words: Quality Death Spiral.

Historically, we've been here before, with the switch from SunOS to Solaris.
Different paths (/usr/ucb vs /usr) were used to deal with that situation
and I don't see why Solaris classic and Solaris punk need be different.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-16 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 16 May 2007, Al Hopper wrote:

 Rich - please keep your sales pitch off this list.  And your current work
 status is equally off-topic and inappropriate.  As an OGB member you
 should be displaying a higher standard of examplary behavior.

You're quite correct, and I apologise for my OT post.

Suitably chastised,

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Open Solaris Distributions

2007-05-16 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 16 May 2007, James Mansion wrote:

 But I'd like to ask: *why* do you - all - maintain different distributions?

I think it's a matter of horses for courses.  The different OpenSolaris
distros were presumably created for much the same reason as many of the
Linux ones: to scratch the personal itch of the person(s) behind the distro.
And that to me is a good thing.

 All of these distributions seem to have started with a different focus and
 prioritisation.  And so far as I can tell, all have been successful.


 And yet as an end user, I have to choose how to align *my* priorities with
 just one these systems in practice.  And sometimes that's a shame.

???  How is that different from chosing (say) Red Hat over Ubuntu, or at an
even more macroscopic level, UNIX over Windoze?

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-15 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 15 May 2007, Ian Murdock wrote:

 My larger point: There's a big difference between ABI
 breakage (something Linux does regularly, and you're absolutely right to
 criticize it for doing that--but that's OPPORTUNITY) and tweaking
 the default output of a utility that may be used in a handful of scripts.

Tell that to the big customer who suddenly experiences very expensive
downtime because their scripts rely on the output format of those

Man pages have an Interface Stability section for a reason.  If a utility's
output isn't labelled as Evolving (or similar) then it should be changed
only after very serious consideration--and such a change has been proposed
to the community.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-15 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 15 May 2007, Ian Murdock wrote:

 Oh! None taken. We clearly don't know what we're doing, and it shows.

I hereby offer my services as a consultant in this process--on a fee-paying
basis (I'm currently resting between gigs and could really use the cash).
I'm currently the only non-Sun employee on the OGB, which presumably indicates
the community has at least a modicum of confidence in my ability to represent
them.  ;-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-15 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 15 May 2007, Ian Murdock wrote:

 Why not? Isn't OpenSolaris a product that has a market, and don't we
 need to make sure we're addressing the right market? In my experience,

To a degree you're right, but Alan specifically mentioned Sun marketing.
IMHO, Sun's marketing dept does NOT have the only voice in this kind of
decision for OpenSolaris (for Solaris[TM] yes, but not OpenSolaris).  I'd
say the only marketing voice that counts for OpenSolaris is that of the
Marketing Community here on (of which Sun's marketing is
but a member).

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-13 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 10 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let me add that if colorls becomes the default and needs to be undone,
 I will hunt down and kill the person responsible.

... And I'll hold him/her!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: [csw-maintainers] New F/OSS reference document spanning multiple projects

2007-04-16 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, John Weekley wrote:

 Exactly. Sometimes, Blastwaves' packages have more dependencies than I care to
 shake a stick at.  Here's the problem:  Blastwave maintainers tailor the
 package dependencies to *their* requirements.  Not mine. This not meant to
 disparage their work, as I frequently make use of Blastwave's packages, and
 find them to be of excellent quality; but sometimes, there are dependencies
 that don't fit into what I wish to accomplish.

I think that's a problem endemic to pretty much all pre-packaged software.
It's a tradeoff: a bit less flexibility vs convenience.  Most uninitiated
people prefer the latter but I personally prefer the former, which is why I
role my own packages for my own use, even though I recommend Blastwave to
people looking for pre-built stuff.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] b61 install with the sunsuite 11 compiler...

2007-04-13 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 13 Apr 2007, Mary Seabrook wrote:

 I'm using /usr/bin:/opt/SUNWpro/bin:/usr/ucb in my PATH to pick up

That's your problem: remove /usr/ucb from you PATH and add /usr/ccs/bin.
This article I wrote might be helpful:


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Xorg blows up on SXCE B61

2007-04-12 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Tom Haynes wrote:

 I've seen the same problem with Firefox - just on one of my machines. The
 other one is fine.

I too have seen this problem, on my Ultra 20, with Firefox and acroread.

Hopefully it'll be fixed soon!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Where can I get `pic' preprocessor?

2007-04-11 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, Jerry Sutton wrote:

 Wow, I didn't know anyone besides myself knew of the existence of these things
 any more.

Of course there are!  I wrote my entire book, Solaris Systems Programming,
using vi, tbl, pic, and groff; any subsequent books I may write will be
written using exactly the same tools.

 Are you *sure* you need this?  I don't believe anyone has maintained these
 tools in the last 15 years.  Are there any of the typesetters in captivity any
 more?  I have used PS (postscript) within the last decade.
 You may be able to use the GNU groff packages.

Yep; GNU pic is the tool I'd recommend.  It has some nice extensions
to the one that came with the Documentor's Workbench (or whatever that
ATT product was called).

 But I'd suggest importing into framemaker or some other publishing product,
 one you find to be in widespread use today.  The reason for the existence of
 UNIX is just not popular anymore.

Framemaker == , and less flexibility, albeit at less steep
learning curve.  But I assume the OP already knows pic...  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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[osol-discuss] OT: Coming to the UK

2007-04-11 Thread Rich Teer
Hi all,

Sorry for the OT post, but I'll be visiting the UK in the next
couple of weeks and was wondering if anyone would like to get
together for a social?  Unfortunately, I'll miss the regular
LOSUG meeting but maybe we can arrange something else.

Replies by email, please, to keep the ML's noise to a minimum.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Installing PHP on SunOS 5.8

2007-04-09 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 9 Apr 2007, Abdul Halim A. Aziz wrote:

 I'm new in SunOS. i have an existing SunOS 5.8.

Welcome to our community, but please note in future that this
mailing list is for OpenSolaris discussion, not previous
release (alhtough S10 is tolerated).

That said:

 i've been searching for a way on how to install PHP on the meachine
 and how can i know which webservice is running Apache / tomcat

The easiest way to install PHP on your machine is to get it from  But before you do that, I strongly recommend upgrading
to Solaris 10 or newer if you can.


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: How To Install Solaris 10 : A Step by Step Guide

2007-04-09 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 9 Apr 2007, Dennis Clarke wrote:

   As it stands .. I have to rewrite it now.  The contents looks like it was
 written by me.  That may not fly too well with some readers and it gives
 the whole document a community feel to it. Not very professional if you
 know what I mean.

I wouldn't worry about that too much.  Adding one's voice to a document
can make for a less dry read,hence the easter-egg humour in SSP...  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Fresh Install Problems

2007-04-09 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 9 Apr 2007, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

 Except that marketing is convinced every question you ask during install
 chases away thousands of users who are too confused to answer, and is
 removing as many questions as possible.

Oh, and renaming products every five minutes DOESN'T confuse customers?!

By my reckonging, Solaris 10 installs ask more questions than before (e.g.,
NFSv4 domain, etc.), and yet S10 has the greatest take up of any version
of Solaris in SUn's history, by a long shot.  I think that's enough to
dispell that line of thinking...

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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[osol-discuss] Re: [laptop-discuss] PROJECT PROPOSAL - Tadpole platform support

2007-04-05 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, Garrett D'Amore wrote:

 I would like to propose the creation of a project to incorporate various
 platform specific support for Tadpole platforms into OpenSolaris.   This would


+1.  Presumably, this would live under the Laptop community?

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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[osol-discuss] Is ath(7d) in build 41 OK?

2007-03-30 Thread Rich Teer
Hi all,

After seeing Casper's posting about the bcmndis driver being a bit
iffy after build 40-something, and a desire to try to stick to stuff
that's supported out of the box as much as possible, I recently
replaced my Ferrari 3400's mini-PCI wifi card with an Atheros-based
one, specifically the Wistron CM9.

After powering up the laptop (and issuing a devfsadm for good measure),
I tried plumbing ath0:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ifconfig ath0 plumb   

No immediate errors, but shortly thereafter, I get repeated messages
on the console from the ath driver:

ath: ieee80211_recv_auth(): authentication failed (reason 1) for 

(What's reason 1?) Issuing a scan gives questionable results too:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wificonfig -i ath0 scan   
essid   bssid type  encryption  signallevel
wifi-gw 00:13:10:xx:xx:xx access point  none0
2WIRE20000:18:3f:aa:9d:49 access point  WEP 0
default 00:13:46:14:b2:0c access point  none0
Heeter  00:13:46:46:c3:c2 access point  WEP 0
Sunvalley   00:16:b6:18:cc:de access point  WEP 0

The signal for my access point (wifi-gw) at least should be much higher than
0; 10 would be more usual!

I've tried wiring up the antenna wires both ways (i.e., I've connected
each to the Main and Aux terminals), with no changes.  The only other
piece of pertinent info I can think of is that my access point only
allows connections from the list of permitted MAC addresses.  I've added
the MAC address of the new card to that list and checked it several times.

Does this ring any bells with anyone?  (BTW, an upgrade to the current build
is on the books, but I was hoping to test the new wifi card first.)


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Procfs in Solaris vs Linux

2007-03-27 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 27 Mar 2007, James Carlson wrote:

 On the plus side, by burying text formatting in the kernel where it
 doesn't belong, it makes i18n support range from hard to
 impossible to achieve.  :-/

You mean you've not heard of the new Linux kernel 2.18 ioctl, 

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Procfs in Solaris vs Linux

2007-03-27 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 27 Mar 2007, James Carlson wrote:

 An ioctl?  How unlinucian.  Why wouldn't that be more like this?
   # echo en_US  /proc/sys/kernel/locale

You see?  That's why I'd never make it as a Linux programmer!

BTW, congrats on being elected to the OGB!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: joining Sun

2007-03-26 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, UNIX admin wrote:

 Add me to that list.
 --switch is not the UNIX(R) way. It's inconsistent with the
 -[a-zA-Z] phylosophy, and consistency is one of the most important
 benefits and perks UNIX has to offer.

Another thing that I find almost annoying is the use of -switch
(find(1) and dd(1M) are the most obvious examples that come to mind).
Should that be read as -switch or -s -w -i -t -c -h?  POSIX
(and I) say the latter.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Web Stack NG Project: Questions for the Community

2007-03-23 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 23 Mar 2007, UNIX admin wrote:

 That works too, although over time, you'll have lots of config dirs in 


 I deliver all my config stuff in /etc/opt/my-stock-symbol/ and then,
 if the app has more than two config files, in
 /etc/opt/my-stock-symbol/app, for example:
 ...and so on, and so forth...

That's a good idea!  It's in the correct place (below /etc/opt), yet
doesn't have the potential to create loads of directories at that
level.  I think I'll snarf that idea for my own packages...  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] joining Sun

2007-03-22 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 22 Mar 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All our tools accept man tool; that's actually 3 letters less typing.

Indeed; and for a concise Usage message, tool -? often (if
not always) does the trick.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] joining Sun

2007-03-22 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 22 Mar 2007, Shawn Walker wrote:

 That is a matter of preference. I always hated the -- options GNU
 utilities use since they were so much more to type. I will admit

You and me both!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Web Stack NG Project: Questions for the Community

2007-03-21 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, Stefan Teleman wrote:

 1. Should the initial components released for this project include the 64-bit
 bits in the initial Integration ?

Desirable, but not mandatory.

 2. The currently proposed Apache 2.2.4 integration installs Apache in
 /usr/apache2, thereby _overwriting_ the existing Apache 2.0.x. Valid arguments
 have been made pro, and against this approach, with the suggestion that Apache
 2.2.4 installs in /usr/apache2.2, thereby preserving the existing
 /usr/apache2. However, this alternate location would *not* alter the EOF/EOL
 timeout announced for Apache 2.0.x.
 What are the community's views on this ?

Overwriting the /usr/apache2 that comes on the Solaris media is a no-no,
in my opinion, and /usr/apache2.2 just pollutes the /usr namespace even
more than it is already.  IMHO, the correct place for this is under /opt.
I have no strong feelings either way, but I would prefer /opt/apache2 over

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Web Stack NG Project: Questions for the Community

2007-03-21 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, Stefan Teleman wrote:

 Please keep in mind that, there are two additional locations for Apache, in
 addition to the location of the actual binaries [/{usr,opt}/apache2]:
 These additional two locations *must* exist.

Right, if the Apache on the Solaris media is installed.  I believe
/etc/opt/apache2 and /var/opt/apache2 would be the correct locations
for the CoolStack stuff (or any other Apache package that didn't come
with the Solaris media).

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Web Stack NG Project: Questions for the Community

2007-03-21 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

 These ARC cases are for integration to Solaris, so /opt is inappropriate,
 and /usr is correct.

Oh in that case, I agree.  *Provided* that the CoolStack stuff will replace
the current stuff on the Solaris distribution media.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Web Stack NG Project: Questions for the Community

2007-03-21 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007, Shawn Walker wrote:

 I never liked the /etc/opt/apache2, and so on that some distributions
 did as sometimes it wasn't clear which apache2 read what configuration
 from where, it also made greps by lazy admins (like me) painful ;)

Agreed, which is why the docs actually suggest /{etc,var}/opt/packagename,
for example, /etc/opt/RICHTapache2 and /var/opt/RICHTapache2.  Although
the pathname is a bit longer, there can be no confusion as to what package
it's associated with!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] joining Sun

2007-03-19 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, David Lloyd wrote:

 Indeed, apt-get for Solaris would be quite useful :P is thataway -

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Intel Project going live

2007-03-16 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007, Eric Boutilier wrote:

 I'm not sure I agree. I think under the right circumstances, a project
 should be allowed to moderate write-access to their *-dev list.

Moderated write access, yes, but moderated read access doesn't feel
very open to me.  Transparancy is the keyword here, I think.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: Intel Project going live

2007-03-16 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007, Eric Boutilier wrote:

  Moderated write access, yes, but moderated read access doesn't feel
  very open to me.
 Absolutely. Maybe I'm confused, I thought read access wasn't an issue...

I wouldn't be so quick to rule out confusion on my part.  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: What is OpenSolaris success?

2007-03-15 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Amey wrote:

Please quote some context!  We have absolutely no clue what you're
responding to.

 It's limited at enterprise level only. Not affordable or user
 friendly solution for mid size companies who are running x86 systems
 with not much support for Sun hardware  software.

If you're sayingh what I think you are, you do realise that Solaris
is FREE ($0)?  How can that ot be affordable?

  Would prefer to stick to Intel based servers with Microsoft Windows Server 
 2003 .

My condolances.  Enjoy the latest round of viruses...  ;-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] virtual interfaces in non-global zone ?

2007-03-15 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, jason jin wrote:

 would it possible for a non-global zone to listen on multiple vip address?  

Yes.  Just use multiple add net statements in zonecfg.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Will Solaris be open-source in the future

2007-03-12 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, girish wrote:

 older S10 codebase. But what I really wanted to know was if ON and the
 other bits for S11 would be available when it's officially released. So

They already ARE available, so yes, at the point in time the current
code base is frozen for the official Solaris 11 (or whatever marketing
decides to call it), the source for whatever has been opened will be

 for example will I be able to compile the kernel or userland? Alan C.
 has said that it will be available.

He was correct.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project Proposal: Mozilla DTrace project

2007-03-07 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 7 Mar 2007, John Rice wrote:

 Darren - the infrastructure is in place for the whole mozilla suite, this
 includes browsers, email clients, calender clients and so on. We didn't want
 to restrict this to a particular sub component of the suite. So for
 OpenSolaris this will mean Firefox and Thunderbird as you pointed out :) We
 are making these changes in head so they are going into Firefox 3.0. We could
 backport them to earlier releases, but for now the target is head.


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris sessions at JavaOne

2007-03-07 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 7 Mar 2007, Bob Palowoda wrote:

Why would a Solaris developers go to an expensive Java developers 
 conference to see novice sessions about Solaris?

They probably wouldn't.  But Java developers who currently perform
their work on some other platform might be interested in investigating
the benefits of [Open]Solaris.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] OGB Nomination

2007-03-02 Thread Rich Teer
Hi all,

After much thought and careful consideration, I have decided to
nominate myself for the up-coming OGB election.  I am a long-term
[Open]Solaris advocate, and was among the first dozen or so people
to join the OpenSolaris pilot (Jim invited the Solaris Cabal to
participate in the pilot sometime in September 2004 IIRC).

I'm the author of the Sun Press book, Solaris Systems Programming,
and numerous articles about Solaris, a Solaris developer and sys
admin, and I was one of two community members elected by the Pilot
participants to the inaugral CAB (Al Hopper being the other).  I
think it would be useful if at least one current CAB/OGB member was
on the new board, if only for the sake of continuity.

I don't work for Sun (though I did do some consulting for Sun UK
a few years ago): I'm an independant consultant, and I've recently
launched a new business called My Online Home Inventory.  I've also
built my own kernel.  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OGB Nomination

2007-03-02 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, Dennis Clarke wrote:

 yeah but he is verbose as hell.
 He could have just said I'm Rich Teer and that would have been fine.

Now *THAT* was funny!  LOL!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: [install-discuss] About Solaris (mistakes) and future

2007-03-01 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 1 Mar 2007, Shawn Walker wrote:

[Snipped lots pf good stuff]

 As far as CDE goes though, I believe most people would agree that it
 is a dead-end for future development.

True, but I really hope that the GNOME/JDS team continues (and
finishes!) the great work they've done to make GNOME more friendly
to use CDE users.  (I was VERY pleased to note the the Front and
Open keys now work more or less as expected.)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Getting rid of CD images for future SX:CE deliveries

2007-02-23 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

 Would you have a problem with DVD-only images for SX:CE?   Do you have
 systems you use for OpenSolaris that don't have DVD drives and that
 you can't netinstall from another system or Live Upgrade from a mounted

Speaking personally, no I have no issues with this.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] /usr/gnu project?

2007-02-22 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 22 Feb 2007, Laszlo (Laca) Peter wrote:

 So the /usr/gnu proposal[1] was approved by PSARC.  Obviously, the
 reason for defining /usr/gnu wasn't theoretical -- it allows moving
 GNU packages from /usr/sfw to /usr or /usr/gnu and it helps us

I'm nor sure I see the point of exchanging /usr/foo for /usr/bar.
I mean what problem will /usr/gnu solve that /usr/sfw doesn't?
And doesn't that name preclude open source software that doesn't
use a GNU license?

I guess what I'm asking is: what is the rationale for /usr/gnu?

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] opensolaris stablization builds

2007-02-17 Thread Rich Teer
On Sat, 17 Feb 2007, Stephen Lau wrote:

 Given a build takes 2 weeks, I think 1 or 2 stabilisation builds every 3
 builds is a little much.  After all, we need some builds in which to
 *de-stabilise* things... ;-)


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: telnetd exploit

2007-02-12 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, sundaram ramasamy wrote:

 I am also looking for patch for this. need to install few servers.

I think the best fix for this is to not run telnetd in the first
place.  SSH is pretty much ubiquitous these days, and I really
don't see why people are still using ye olde telnet.

Fortunately, S10 11/06's secure by default disables telnet out
of the box.

As a semi-related aside, I wonder how many people who enabled
remote root logins are now bricking themselves (to use the UK
vernacular) because of this exploit?  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] CAB/OGB Position Paper # 20070207

2007-02-11 Thread Rich Teer
On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, Christopher Mahan wrote:

 I do 50% of the work, you do 50% of the work, we both enjoy 100% of
 the product. I am not restricting your use of my code as long as you
 allow me to use the code you write alongside it.

Agreed.  The CDDL also allows this.  The distinction is that the CDDL
doesn't force you to relicense your code should you want to use my code.

You write chris.c and it's GPLed, and I write rich.c and it's CDDLed.
rich.c has some nifty functions that you want to use.  The CDDL says
of course you can use the code in this file, with the provison that
it and any changes you make to it are made available under the CDDL.

The GPL says that you may not distribute your new program, unless you
convince me to change the licence of my code to GPL.

 It's fair. People are much more likely to contribute when they know
 that those who will use their product will also have to share the
 source code. 

Agreed.  Again, the CDDL enforces this.  If you make changes to rich.c,
the CDDL, like the GPL, requires that you make the source for those
changes available to everyone.  This would also be true if chris.c was
not open source: you're not obliged to release the source to chris.c,
but you DO have to make available the changes you make to rich.c.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] CAB/OGB Position Paper # 20070207

2007-02-11 Thread Rich Teer
On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, Christopher Mahan wrote:

 Rich, I am assuming you're a smart guy.

Some might say you assume too much--but not I.  :-)

 What am I supposed to do with 8 files out of 13 that it takes to
 build a program and run it? 
 I take rich.c and add chris.c, and I also add commonheader.h, but I
 don't make commonheader.h CDDL, but ChrisLicense (which in your case
 would require large monthly payments to me) and chris.c is a simple
 wrapper for commonheader.h. This means you could not use chris.c
 (unless you wanted to make large monthly paymnts to me) even though
 chris.c was CDDL. 

Eh?  That sounds kinda convoluted to me.  The example I was giving
assumed that rich.c was a standalone set of routines--a library if
you will--that has no dependancy on anything else (apart from its
own header file, perhaps).  I was further postulating that it was
you who wanted to use rich.c, not vice-versa.

However, in the secnario you describe, I'd obviously not be able to
use chris.c (unless I could reverse engineer commonheader.h), unless
I wanted to fork out large sums of cash.  Which I don't.  :-)

 To me, this is why file-base permissions does not work, and the GPL
 specifically says the entire project must be GPL. 
 I could use your file rich.c and chris.c (I own the copyright to 
 commonheader.h) in an app called Chris and Rich App 1.0, but you
 could not.

True; but doing so goes against the spirit of open software.  But
again I think this example is a little contrived.  I write rich.c
to scratch some itch I have, and release it under the CDDL.  You're
writing an app and decide that some of the stuff in rich.c would be
useful to you.  Your source, chris.c, can use rich.c however it likes,
regardless of chris.c's license (provided that chris.c's licesne
doesn't prohibit such a combination).  The only gotcha is that if you
modify rich.c you have to make the source to those changes avaialable.

Granted, because of commonheader.h's onerous license I can't use
chris.c for my stuff.  But that's not because of the CDDL.

 You may think I'm all FUD, and I'm just being trollish for my
 personal perverse pleasure. 


 they can get their hands on. You know why? It's too freaking
 Things have to get simpler before they'll get better.

Agreed; Shakespear had it right: first, shoot all the lawyers.  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: So-called mindless rules (was Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Community participation (was GPLv3 ravings))

2007-02-05 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, John Plocher wrote:

  JDS doesn't grok Gnome session files from Linux.
 Blame this directly on GNOME - their config file formats have
 been wildly unstable between versions, making it difficult to
 reuse them across versions.  IMHO, GNOME was not designed to work
 in an enterprise-style shared home directory environment, so
 it is not surprising that issues like this come up.  Are they
 frustrating? hell yes.  avoidable? could have been.  All Sun's
 fault or mindless rules? nope.

In fact, one might argue that had the GNOME project adopted some
of Sun's mindless rules (aka, sound engineering practices),
issues like this probably wouldn't have arisen in the first place.

Broad-ranging breakages and everything needing to be rebuilt
because libc was updated, anyone?

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Community participation (was GPLv3 ravings)

2007-02-05 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, UNIX admin wrote:

 Who is the supreme authority which decides what is, and what is not an open 

RMS?  GRND...  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Embeddable Open Solaris

2007-02-04 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, Ian Collins wrote:

 Has anyone done any work on a minimal embeddable Open Solaris that can
 boot from FLASH on a single board PC?


 If not, is there enough interest for an embeddable Open Solaris project?

Note only is there interest, but IIRC, there's already an embedded community
on  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Embeddable Open Solaris

2007-02-04 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, Ian Collins wrote:

 Is there?  I can't find it, are you think of the PPC community?

Nope, the Appliances one (though when I originally replied I couldn't
recall the exact name).

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] GPLv3?]

2007-02-01 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Erast Benson wrote:

 numbers are by looking at ON consolidation. And yes, we are growing, but
 not fast enough to me... 

I'd like us to grow faster too, but at the end of the day, these
things happen at their own pace.  If we adopt GPLv3, has the Open
Solaris community grown, or been subsumed by the GPL one?

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Community participation

2007-02-01 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 1 Feb 2007, Ben Rockwood wrote:

 The idea here is that if someone sits down on a Saturday afternoon
 and wants a challenge they pull up the list, pull one that looks tasty
 and start working on a solution.  Its got to be super easy for people
 to get started this way.

FWIW, I think that's a great idea.  Let's make the barrier to entry as
low as possible (without compromising Solaris' quality).  We have (most
of) the tools, we have sponsors, and we have willing peeps.  Let's make
it as easy as possible to find the low hanging fruit!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SXCR Build 56 available

2007-01-31 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Dennis Clarke wrote:

  Issues Resolved:
 BUG/RFE:6512841lpadmin performs poorly with large numbers of print queues.
 Files Changed:
 Is this the bug that Rich Teer was running into ?

Nope; the bug I was bitten by was fixed in build 54.  Hurrah!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] GPLv3?]

2007-01-31 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Stephen Harpster wrote:

 I'm also not asking to replace CDDL.  I'm asking if people think it would be a
 good idea to dual-license OpenSolaris CDDL code with GPLv3.  Of course that
 depends on what the final outcome of GPLv3 is, but assuming it looks close to
 what it is today, would you like that, not like that, or not care?

I've skimmed most of this (huge!) thread with interest.  Here, for the record,
are my thoughts so far on this subject, with the proviso that any final debate
should wait until GPLv3 is finished.

However, let me be clear: I am against the idea of dual-licensing OpenSolaris
with GPLv3.

The CDDL is not an impediment to others using the code as intended (Mac OSX's
use of DTrace and ZFS is evidense of this), so that's not a reason.  If GPLv3
fixes GPLv2's viral problem (i.e., if part of a project is GPLed, then the whole
project must be GPLed)--that is, allows GPLv3'ed code to be combined on a file
by file basis with non GPLv3'ed code--then I still don't see the need to adopt
it.  The CDDL already allows such combining, so what would be gained?

As others have pointed out, if this is some misguided attempt to appease the
GPL worshippers, I think it is doomed to failure.  Most of the GPLists I've
seen are staunch supporters of v2, and are unlikely to embrace v3.  Given that,
their attitudes towards OpenSolaris are unlikely to change.

Further, what about people who have already contributed code to OpenSolaris?  
they signed a Contributor Agreement, but presumably they did so in good faith,
and assumed that their code would not be retroactively dual-licensed.  The CA
does not state in as many words that that is a possibility.  Does the assignment
of dual-copyright entitle the assignee to change the licensing terms, especially
if it goes against the wishes of the code's originator?  IANAL but I doubt it.
And even if does allow it legally, is it morally right?

How many people have contributed code BECAUSE OpenSolaris was licensed under
the CDDL and not GPL?

We (rightfully) made a big hoo-haw about CDDL when Solaris was first opened.
In some circles, dual licensing could be seen as an admission of CDDL's
failure.  Frankly, who cares what prominant pro-GPL advocates think?  I think
most of them don't even get the intracies of the license anyway; they equate
open source with the GPL, and that is clearly wrong.

The CDDL is OSI-approved, encourages code sharing, mandates that changes to
CDDLed code are made available to the community, yet protects entities' IP
rights by allowing closed (proprietory) code to be mixed with open code
(at a file granularity).  Dual licensing OpenSolaris with GPLv3 is neither
necessary, nor IMHO, desirable, and it would take a LOT of persuasion to
convince me otherwise.


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] GPLv3?]

2007-01-31 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Erast Benson wrote:

 it to happen? None or one! And I bet Sun would like to increase outside
 contribution too but with CDDL alone it is just not possible in
 foreseeable future. People afraid to contribute to CDDL projects for
 variety of reasons, look how cdrecord has been forked to be pure GPL
 project just because of that.

I submit that the license is not why there are fewer external contributions
than we'd like.  I think it's because it's an onerous process at the moment,
and perhaps because people might be wary of signing a Contributor Agreememnt.

If anything, I think people are afraid to contribute to non-Sun CDDLed
projects is because of FUD spread by the anti-CDDL factions.  I remember
some assertions that said words to the effect of ownership of any CDDLed
code reverts to Sun, when that is patently not the case.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] GPLv3?]

2007-01-31 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Alan Burlison wrote:

 Please, let's not drag patent issues into this as well.
 ;-) ;-) ;-)

I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that!  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: [Fwd: Re: GPLv3?]

2007-01-31 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Christopher Mahan wrote:

 future. Also, you should realize that some people will just not want
 to release their copyright (something about getting paid).

My understanding of Sun's CA is that one doesn't release one's
copyright; one assigns the same rights to another party (Sun) in
addition to keeping them for yourself.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Re: [osol-discuss] GPLv3?]

2007-01-31 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Erast Benson wrote:

 I agree, re-licensing alone will not cure us entirely but will help
 dramatically. Its a combination of steps. 1) Re-licensing, 2) get rid of
 Contributor Agreement, 3) get rid of closed bins. 

1 isn't necessary IMO, 2 also (perhaps), 3 definately.

 and we don't want to constantly fight against this FUD...

Agreed, but not by rolling over and giving up.  The only way to fight
FUD is by education.  The more people are educated in the truth, the
less chance FUD has to spread.  Sounds like a job for FUD Fighters!
[Oh, wait.  That idea was canned.  :-(]

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: Fw: [osol-discuss] An opensource Sparc system...

2007-01-30 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Octave Orgeron wrote:

 Ideally, I'd like to see something like this:
 T1 (4 core)
 8GB RAM (max)
 2 x SAS drives
 1 x DVD-RW
 3D Nvidia Card  (Dual DVI)
 2 x USB for keyboard/mouse
 4 x USB 2.0 for devices
 2 x Firewire
 2 x 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports
 1 x Wireless card
 2 x DB9 Serial ports
 High quality audio ins and outs
 External Power supply

Nice idea except for two comments:

1. I'm not sure that desktop use is a good match for the T1, at
   least not yet.

2. Please, no external PSUs!  I HATE those wall-wart things!

 purple/blue led's, lit sun logo, etc. It should be extremely quiet and

The lit Sun logo is one of the coolest things I like about the
SB1000.  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: 3K man pages available

2007-01-29 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Bruno Jargot wrote:

 I think it's better to stick with bzip2 archives. They need less
 bandwidth and less room on disks. Using gzip again would be a step
 backwards. Really.

I resepctfully disagree.  Casper and I discussed this ages ago (I
forget exactly when); apparently the use of bzip archives is one
reasons why installing Solaris takes so long.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: 3K man pages available

2007-01-29 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Roland Mainz wrote:

  I resepctfully disagree.  Casper and I discussed this ages ago (I
  forget exactly when); apparently the use of bzip archives is one
  reasons why installing Solaris takes so long.
 Correct me if I am wrong... the 3K manual page archive for developers
 has nothing todo with Solaris install... right ?

Nothing per se; I was merely using that as evidense of my assertion
that bzip is slower than gzip.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: 3K man pages available

2007-01-29 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Eric Enright wrote:

 Given the option, I'll take gzip over bzip2 without consideration.
 Waiting a little extra time to receive the archive is far better than
 waiting a lot of extra time to unpack it.

Amen to that (and I have a reasonably fast 2.6 GHz Opteron CPU here)!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] 3K man pages available

2007-01-26 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Michelle Olson wrote:

 I'm pleased to announce that the snv_57 update to the Man Page
 consolidation adds more than 2700 files, bringing the total to 3146
 SunOS man pages available under CDDL.

That's fantastic news!  A favour though, if I may?  In future,
can you please use gzip to compress the tar files?  Yes, bzip2
does a *slightly* better job at compression, but it uses a LOT
more CPU.

Thanks and kudos to all involved!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: SXCR Build 55 available

2007-01-25 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, John Plocher wrote:

 fills the directory with all sorts of turds; with /root, at least they
 are all my invisible turds :-)

Never underestimate the value of invisible turds!  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: SVOSUG - Tonight - Why Joyent doesn't fsck?, Jan 25, 7:30pm-10:00pm

2007-01-25 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Glynn Foster wrote:

 Is this on? I'm on the conf call but can't hear anything - someone has started
 off a recording, but looks like the Auditorium hasn't dialled in yet.

It's working for me...

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: SXCR Build 55 available

2007-01-24 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

 I also went ahead and changed the default shell from sh to bash
 even for root ( created /root for it home directory).  While this used
 to be a big no-no, I was told it is OK after Solaris 10.  Is this
 advice correct?  Thanks.

Well, the technical reasons for not changing root's shell have become
moot with Solaris 10, but depending on your organisation, changing it
might not be very friendly to other admins.  And if you're the only
admin, then that problem goes away.

Naturally, your root shell and home dir should be on the root filesystem
(so none of this antiquated (IMHO) practice of splitting out /usr).

Me?  I change root's dir to /root (mode 600), but leave root's shell
alone, running ksh from root's .profile.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Sun to use Intel chips was Re: AMD buys ATI....

2007-01-22 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 22 Jan 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And what do you know, the live webcast even works with Solaris/x86
 (Solaris Nevada, b56, Fujitsu S2110; Turion :-)

Solaris Nevada, b54, Ultra 20, Opteron 152.  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: GPLv3

2007-01-20 Thread Rich Teer
On Sat, 20 Jan 2007, Shawn Walker wrote:

 can benefit. Personally, I think the folks on GPL island are just
 jealous of all the cool stuff we have. But that's just me...

Nah, it's not just you who thinks that!

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: SXCR Build 55 available

2007-01-20 Thread Rich Teer
On Sat, 20 Jan 2007, W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

 I have played with almost every release since SXCR44.  Release 55 is
 so refreshingly different from all previous releases, the most
 pertinent change log IMO probably should contain three simple words:
 Just try it!

Interesting; briefly, in your eyes, what has changed in b55 over b54
(which I'm currently using)?

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Running Solaris and ZFS on Sparc with 128MB of memory

2007-01-16 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, Ian Collins wrote:

 Just don't use it for any serious performance measurements!


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] GPLv3

2007-01-16 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

 Never could have ever imagined that this was going to happen, but looks like 
 it is:,1895,2084284,00.asp?kc=EWEWEMNL011507EP28A

Nothing is certain yet (to my knowledge), but I know of at least
two CAB members who have serious reservations about this idea.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: new to solaris, some differences from linux...

2007-01-14 Thread Rich Teer
On Sun, 14 Jan 2007, Dennis Clarke wrote:

  At what rev of Solaris does this work ?  Solaris 10 GA ?  Or is this a

Yep; it relies on process privs, which were introduced with
Solaris 10.

 feature that will work in Solaris 9 also ?   We know that Solaris 8 is out


Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] new to solaris, some differences from linux...

2007-01-13 Thread Rich Teer
On Sun, 14 Jan 2007, David Lloyd wrote:

 I wonder if a Migrating from Linux community exists...

Of course there is--it's part of the OpenSolaris community.  :-)

Actually, more seriously, I think this is the sort of thing that
the Immigrants Community on is for...

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] new to solaris, some differences from linux...

2007-01-13 Thread Rich Teer
On Sat, 13 Jan 2007, Dennis Clarke wrote:

 [1] the thing booted after install with a text console and pumped out errors
 about X this that and the other thing.  I suspect a broken FX-1200
 but then again .. the console worked fine in text mode.  :-(
 This was just a joke for the Linux sysadmins all around me.  arghhh.

Run that bask fork bomb one liner on a Solaris and Linux box--and watch
those Linux guys weep as their box dies while Solaris just chugs on.

Yes, the installer is important, but given that the installer's lifetime
is negligable compared to how long a SOlaris installation will last for,
I think we (the Solaris community) have our priorities right.

But yeah, it (the installer) could do with some updating (e.g., SVM
mirrors).  I htink there's a project/community on oso for that.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] new to solaris, some differences from linux...

2007-01-13 Thread Rich Teer
On Sat, 13 Jan 2007, Dennis Clarke wrote:

   Rich, you need to ask the question why was I there? of all people?


   you *know* where I stand on Linux vs Solaris issues.

Yep; you're about as anti-Linux as me.  :-)

   The collection of Linux sysadmins were laughing and saying outright stupid
 stuff because someone up the chain of command told them no, we are going
 back to Solaris now so just work within the project plan.  That stuck
 sideways in their throats as they tried to swallow the fact that some
 outside consultant was called in to begin installing Solaris on their
 desks and in their server room.

Good stuff!

 Solaris was chewing into their Linux world and some very geeky looking guy
 wearing a ragged Sun hat was parked in their office and there was no easy
 way to get rid of him. So let's laugh at him.  And write a resume.

... In crayon.

Wow; you look much more awake in that picture than the one I have
from your old web cam from your days at Livewire.  I didn't call
it sleepy.jpeg for nothing!  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: How to find the number of cores on T1 processor

2007-01-09 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 9 Jan 2007, Darren J Moffat wrote:

 You do know it is trivial to have the answer faked with a simple bit of DTrace
 or an LD_PRELOAD library ?

Users of commercial software would never resort to such tactics
to reduce their licensing fees!  ;-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: How to find the number of cores on T1 processor

2007-01-09 Thread Rich Teer
On Tue, 9 Jan 2007, Darren J Moffat wrote:

 regardless of that they will get very very annoyed at vendors that do this
 type of thing when they are in a disaster recovery situation and aren't using
 identical hardware with the same hostid/cores/whatever hardware tie.

Joking aside, I agree.

 Node locking is bad for service availability.

I'd go further: node locking is bad.  Period.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Its 2007, with an article vi on slashdot ?

2007-01-07 Thread Rich Teer
On Sun, 7 Jan 2007, Dennis Clarke wrote:

   Take a picture for us man !   Post it .. I want to see that :-)
   The oldest working technology that I have here is an IBM PS/VP 486 from
 1992.  Maybe 1993 .. not sure.  It will boot and run OS/2 Warp.  I still have

Bah!  That's new stuff.  The oldest bits of working tech I have here are:

1. A BBC Micro Model B + accesories, from ~1983.

2. A computer that I designed and built myself for my college project.

3. A single board computer I built for my A level project that has a
   telephone keypad for input!

Interestingly, all 3 of the above are based on variants of the venerable 6502.
Z80s were for pansies!  :-)

 a quad processor Sparc 20 also but thats not considered to be old because
 there are people out there still running Sparc 5's in business. I heard from
 a guy a few days ago that needed help moving files from his Sparc 5 to his
 Windows PC and he was running Solaris 2.5.1.  That was an awesome release of
 Solaris and I still have it installed and running on a P90 here.  That would
 be Solaris 2.5.1 for x86 back when people sneered at *that* like it was a 

Cool.  The oldest Sun tech I have here is my Sun 3/80 running SunOS 4.1.1_U1
and a pair of SPARCstation 2s running Solaris 7.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Its 2007, with an article vi on slashdot ?

2007-01-07 Thread Rich Teer
On Sun, 7 Jan 2007, Dennis Clarke wrote:

 the time honoured tradition of using vi and troff.  It says so on page

Appropriate page number...  :-)

 Well I entered every character of this message using toggle switches at the
 front panel with my left foot tapping out square wave clock signals to
 manually refresh the DRAM. :-)

DRAM?  You were lucky!  I had to use static RAM!

 from that page count.  I still have the pre-print manuscripts in a box
 here too.

Me too!  (All drafts coz I'm kinda sentimental like that.)

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Its 2007, with an article vi on slashdot ?

2007-01-07 Thread Rich Teer
On Sun, 7 Jan 2007, Dennis Clarke wrote:

 Rich Teer wrote his massive 1152 page book, Solaris Systems Programming in
 the time honoured tradition of using vi and troff.  It says so on page

For grins, here's the source for that bit:

.heading Colophon
This book continues the time-honoured tradition
of writing
.IW real
UNIX books using
.Cp vi
.Cp troff .
I produced camera-ready PostScript
using James Clark's excellent
.Cp groff
package on a Sun Ultra 60 running build 60
of Solaris 10.
I typed in all 417,259 words using the
.Cp vi
created the 84 illustrations using the
.Cp gpic
produced the 91 tables using the
.Cp gtbl
performed all the indexing
(using a set of
.Cp awk
scripts written by Jon Bentley
and Brian Kernighan),
and did the final page layout.
My own script,
.Cp c2ms ,
.Cp expand
.Cp nl
and one of my
.Cp sed
scripts were used to include the
12,619 lines (in 281 programs)
of C source code in the book.
.   ix Clark,~James
.   ix Bentley,~Jon
.   ix Kernighan,~Brian


Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: Shipping lsof with Solaris ? / was: Re: [osol-discuss] problem with /tmp FS still up

2007-01-05 Thread Rich Teer
On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Josh Hurst wrote:

 Vic's name is spelled 'Abell', two e-

Whoops, my bad!  Sorry Vic (I thought something didn't look quite
right when I wrote that post)...

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] What's the status of virtual consoles?

2007-01-01 Thread Rich Teer
On Mon, 1 Jan 2007, Ignacio Marambio Catán wrote:

 sorry, the question is killing me, why is it that roland's butterfly
 always shows right and your xmas tree is aways bad? :P

I have no idea!  My Xmas tree looks OK here (as does Roland's
butterfly), but then I use a plain-text email client.  If you
look at my stuff with a fixed-width font, it should be OK.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] What's the status of virtual consoles?

2006-12-27 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 27 Dec 2006, Dev Mazumdar wrote:

 Not a peep from anybody on Virtual consoles!

From what I understand, the project is progressing nicely,
although I must put my hand up and admit to being one potential
bottleneck.  There's some work that I volunteered to do--and
will start doing soon--but I've not found time to do it yet.
That will change very soon, though, as the project I've been
working on since last February will come to fruition in the
next couple of weeks, and I'll have much more time for this
sort of thng.

OpenSOlaris is important to me, but paying the bills must come

 This is not a good sign of open source in action for Solaris.

I'm sure all is OK.  Perhaps there's not much to report yet?

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Remote printing fixed in SXCR 54?

2006-12-21 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, Ghee Teo wrote:

  Bug 6487898 lpadmin doesn't add remote access
 is fixed in b 54.

Excellent; I'll download and install it today!

Thanks Ghee,

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Contributing to OpenSolaris

2006-12-21 Thread Rich Teer
On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, Stephen Potter wrote:

 Is OpenSolaris a separate legal entity from Sun?  Is it a registered
 not-for-profit or charity?  Or, irregardless of the charter and

At the moment, no.

 upcoming constitution, is it legally entangled with Sun?

At the moment, yes.  But I think it would be a desirable long term
goal to have OpenSolaris becoame a separate legal entity, much like
the Apache Foundation.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Remote printing fixed in SXCR 54?

2006-12-20 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006, Dennis Clarke wrote:

 .   /..'\ I think that you will need to   .
 .   /'.'\ download it and then see. It.
 .  /.''.'\must be documented in a change  .
 .  /.'.'.\list somewhere.  Maybe. .

I had a quick look and saw lp mentioned, but nothing definate.
I was hoping that someone had already tried it, to save me the
download + installation time.  :-)

If I don't hear anything in the next couple of days, I probably
will give it a whirl.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Remote printing fixed in SXCR 54?

2006-12-20 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006, Dennis Clarke wrote:

  you cut up my christmas tree !

Sorry 'bout that!  If it helps, I recycled the bits in my signature.  :-)

I hate printers.
 In my opiion they serve no purpose at all.  Unless something legally needs a
 signature on it then why print anything?  Maybe for the sight impaired but
 really, why re we still killing trees?  What happened to the dream of the
 paperless office ?

It's still a dream, alas...

 yep .. me too.

According to Bob Palowoda, b54 include Star Office 8.  I might give b54
a spin just for that.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] SCCS source code

2006-12-16 Thread Rich Teer
On Sat, 16 Dec 2006, Joerg Schilling wrote:

 I remember that there once was a note that SCCS will become OSS
 to the end of this year. I cannot find any time frame on SCCS any more.
 What is the current state?

IIRC, this was discussed recently on program-discuss.  I think the
source is pretty much ready for release, but there's some paperwork
that needs to be done first.  In other words, I think it's almost

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Re: Re: New to OpenSolaris, need help?

2006-12-06 Thread Rich Teer
On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, UNIX admin wrote:

 OK Rich, if Sun's Solaris is based on OpenSolaris, meaning it is
 Sun's distribution of OpenSolaris, what is the distinction?

Very simply, Sun takes what is in OpenSolaris, removes some stuff
and adds some other stuff.  The result is the Solaris we all love.
If you start with something, and then remove and add things, the
net result can't possibly be what you started with.  Hence, Solaris
is not OpenSolaris: it an OpenSolaris distribution.

The story is the same for the other OpenSolaris distros: they start
with the OpenSolaris base, add and subtract stuff, and end up with
their own OpenSolaris distribution.

Another way to look at it is this: if we have three entities
(Solaris (S), OpenSolaris (OS), and Nextenta (N)), then you
are asserting the following:

S == OS and OS == S

By the logic a paragraph or two back, you are also implicitly
asserting that

N == OS and OS == N

If S == OS and N == OS, then S must == N.  But it doesn't: Solaris
and Nextenta are very different beasts.  Therefore the assertion
that S == OS is wrong.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
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