Re: DLL hell

2013-08-16 Thread Patrick Pelletier

On Aug 15, 2013, at 10:38 PM, Nico Williams wrote:

Hmm, I've only read the article linked from there:

Yeah, that's the only place I've seen it, and then the Google+ thread  
I linked to is essentially the comment area for that post.  We  
(meaning those of us commenting in the thread) haven't gotten any  
official answer from Google, but Nikolay Elenkov has been very helpful  
in reconstructing what seems to be happening.  We've exchanged a few  
more posts this evening, and it appears that what's happening is that  
OpenSSL is correctly self-seeding when system_server starts, but then  
system_server forks (without execing) to start multiple processes, and  
these processes are producing the same random sequence.  It's not yet  
entirely clear why, since the OpenSSL source code looks like it's  
trying to be fork-safe, but it appears that somehow in practice it's  
not succeeding.

I'll take a look.  For now it seems there should be no need to set any
thread-related callbacks, no?  Or if they are needed, we should make
them no-ops on OSes with thread libraries.

Threading callbacks are currently needed for any application that  
isn't single threaded.  (The situation is still the same as what's  
covered in the 2002 O'Reilly book, Network Security with OpenSSL.   
It has some sample code for setting them up on Windows and pthreads.)   
I totally agree with you that I'd love to see support for at least  
pthreads and Windows threads baked into OpenSSL, much like libevent  
does, for example.  But I suspect that convincing the OpenSSL  
developers will be an uphill battle.

(Just to be clear about my role: I'm an OpenSSL user, an occasional  
contributor to the OpenSSL wiki, and also one of several admins on the  
wiki, simply because I was interested and volunteered.  But I'm not an  
OpenSSL developer, nor do I have a direct line to any of the  
developers.  Nor do I speak for anyone but myself.  So this is just me  
throwing opinions and speculation from the peanut gallery.)

I think that a crypto library should have no worse
initialization/finalization/thread safety/fork safety semantics than
libpkcs11 in Solaris/Illumos, which: a) thread-safely ref-counts
C_Initialize()/C_Finalize() calls, b) leaves locking around objects to
the app, c) re-initializes (and loses all objects) on the child-side
of fork(), d) no thread/lock callback setters.  (It's necessary to
finalize all objects that refer to sessions for crypto coprocessors,
TPMs, tokens, as well as any other stateful objects on the child side
of fork(), either that or establish new sessions.  It shouldn't be
necessary to finalize key objects, say, but hey, it's what PKCS#11
requires.)  Better yet: implied initialization (using pthread_once()).

I'm in total agreement with you on that, although even libraries that  
I consider pretty good in that regard, like libevent and GnuTLS, don't  
quite achieve that.

A lot of people seem to love static linking.  There are problems with
dynamic linking, to be sure, but static linking with dynamic dlopen()
is insane, and anyways, static linking unfortunately means having to
keep track of total dependencies at the program link-edit stage, which
is also basically insane (though at least that could be fixed).

Agree.  And yeah, I hadn't been thinking about static libc.  OS X, at  
least, has the (mostly) nice property that libc (called libSystem)  
can't be static.

Oh.  Is there any reason not to blow that away, or at least build-time
select which to use?

I'm in agreement with you; I just don't think you're going to get the  
OpenSSL folks on board.  They'll probably say something like we want  
to be totally agnostic to threading library without acknowledging  
that pthreads and Windows threads cover the vast majority of modern  
mainstream operating systems.

Great.  I was hoping that the response wouldn't be something like no
way, we need these callback setting functions for XYZ reasons or,
worse, no way.

Unfortunately, I think the response will be that.  (The OpenSSL folks  
just haven't weighed in on this thread yet.)  That's why I was  
floating the idea of writing an unofficial companion library that  
would smooth over these rough spots and provide a batteries included  
approach to people who want it, without having to convince the OpenSSL  
project to change the core library, which I think would be an uphill  
battle at best.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

OSX Open SSL Usage question

2013-08-16 Thread Andrew H
I have two version of OpenSSL on my OSX file system, the default 0.9.8r and 
1.0.1e.For the later I'm having trouble getting the syntax of the command 
correct, I think.
When I used this (in 1.0.1e's directory, /opt/localbin):./openssl s_client 
-connect ( replace the foo's ).I get responses that 
included the Cipher is NONE and 'unable to get local issuer certificate' 
Without the ./, using the default openssl, this works fine, the cipher is 
populated and no local issuer messages.
I tried variations of the CApath argument with no success:-CApath 
/System/Library/OpenSSL/certs/ That's the system path from 'openssl version 
-d'I messed around with similar values in the verify argument.  There's 
obviously a fundamental misunderstanding on my part regarding the proper usage 
of these arguments.
Tips appreciated.

Re: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Ztatik Light
strange i think it has something to do with me using rb and wb instead
of r and w...

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Ztatik Light

 So, I'm having a really weird issue... i'm trying simple file
 encryption/decryption with BIO_*, but if the encrypted file is in a
 subdirectory.. i get garbage data,

 I'll post the code i'm using, with a brief elaboration on how i'm using it
 and what behaviour i'm getting:



   Example of ssl read and write to a file

   gcc ssl_write_read.c -lssl



 #include openssl/bio.h

 #include openssl/err.h

 #include openssl/rand.h

 #include openssl/ssl.h

 #include openssl/x509v3.h

 int read_whole_file( char* filename, char** data ){

  FILE* file = fopen( filename, rb );

  fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );

  long fileSize = ftell( file );

  rewind( file );

  *data = malloc( fileSize );

  fread( *data, fileSize, 1, file );

  fclose( file );

  return fileSize;


 void encrypt_file( char* filename ){

 char new_filename[strlen( filename + 4 )];

  strcpy( new_filename, filename );

  strcat( new_filename, .enc );

  char* data;

  int fileSize = read_whole_file( filename, data );

  write_data( new_filename, data, fileSize, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  free( data );


 int write_data(const char *filename, char *out, int len, unsigned char


   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for writing */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, wb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 1);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   /* This loop writes the data to the file.  It checks for errors as if

  underlying file were non-blocking */

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_write(cipher, out + total, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   /* Ensure all of our data is pushed all the way to the file */




 BIO* decrypt_open( const char *filename, unsigned char *key ){

   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   //char *b = malloc(len);

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for reading */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, rb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 0);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   return cipher;


 char* decrypt_read( BIO* cipher, int len, char* b ){

   int total, written;

 // char b[len + 1];

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_read(cipher, b, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   b[total] = '\0';

   return b;


 int main(void)



 char *file_=test.txt;

  char* data = howdy\n;

  write_data( file_, data, strlen(data), mykey);

  BIO* cipher = decrypt_open( file_, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  char b[99];

  decrypt_read( cipher, 99, b );

  BIO_flush( cipher );

  BIO_free_all( cipher );


 //char* test=plain.txt;




 1. So, first run creates and writes encrypted file test.txt and then
 decrypts and prints out the contents, howdy,

 2. Now, comment out line 141 // write_data( ... re-run to verify howdy,
 works fine

 3. make directory temp, move test.txt into temp and change line 139
 to reflect that: char *file_=temp/test.txt;.. re-run - I get no results ??

 4. Even more weird: change line 139 back to just test.txt, and replace
 file_ on line 143 with 

Re: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Ztatik Light
maybe not - still confused

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Ztatik Light

 strange i think it has something to do with me using rb and wb instead
 of r and w...

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Ztatik Light

 So, I'm having a really weird issue... i'm trying simple file
 encryption/decryption with BIO_*, but if the encrypted file is in a
 subdirectory.. i get garbage data,

 I'll post the code i'm using, with a brief elaboration on how i'm using
 it and what behaviour i'm getting:



   Example of ssl read and write to a file

   gcc ssl_write_read.c -lssl



 #include openssl/bio.h

 #include openssl/err.h

 #include openssl/rand.h

 #include openssl/ssl.h

 #include openssl/x509v3.h

 int read_whole_file( char* filename, char** data ){

  FILE* file = fopen( filename, rb );

  fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );

  long fileSize = ftell( file );

  rewind( file );

  *data = malloc( fileSize );

  fread( *data, fileSize, 1, file );

  fclose( file );

  return fileSize;


 void encrypt_file( char* filename ){

 char new_filename[strlen( filename + 4 )];

  strcpy( new_filename, filename );

  strcat( new_filename, .enc );

  char* data;

  int fileSize = read_whole_file( filename, data );

  write_data( new_filename, data, fileSize, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  free( data );


 int write_data(const char *filename, char *out, int len, unsigned char


   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for writing */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, wb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 1);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   /* This loop writes the data to the file.  It checks for errors as if

  underlying file were non-blocking */

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_write(cipher, out + total, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   /* Ensure all of our data is pushed all the way to the file */




 BIO* decrypt_open( const char *filename, unsigned char *key ){

   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   //char *b = malloc(len);

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for reading */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, rb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 0);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   return cipher;


 char* decrypt_read( BIO* cipher, int len, char* b ){

   int total, written;

 // char b[len + 1];

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_read(cipher, b, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   b[total] = '\0';

   return b;


 int main(void)



 char *file_=test.txt;

  char* data = howdy\n;

  write_data( file_, data, strlen(data), mykey);

  BIO* cipher = decrypt_open( file_, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  char b[99];

  decrypt_read( cipher, 99, b );

  BIO_flush( cipher );

  BIO_free_all( cipher );


 //char* test=plain.txt;




 1. So, first run creates and writes encrypted file test.txt and then
 decrypts and prints out the contents, howdy,

 2. Now, comment out line 141 // write_data( ... re-run to verify howdy,
 works fine

 3. make directory temp, move test.txt into temp and change line 139
 to reflect that: char *file_=temp/test.txt;.. re-run - I get no results ??

Re: OSX Open SSL Usage question

2013-08-16 Thread Ztatik Light
From stackoverflow:

These hash values will comes from the Subject DN of each CA certificate
(since the aim is to look for a CA certificate with the subject matching
the issuer of the certificate to verify). You can either usec_rehash as
documented, or get the Subject DN's hash using openssl x509 -subject_hash
-noout -in cacert.pem and rename the file/link accordingly.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Andrew H wrote:

 I have two version of OpenSSL on my OSX file system, the default 0.9.8r
 and 1.0.1e.
 For the later I'm having trouble getting the syntax of the command
 correct, I think.

 When I used this (in 1.0.1e's directory, /opt/localbin):
 ./openssl s_client -connect ( replace the foo's ).
 I get responses that included the Cipher is NONE and 'unable to get local
 issuer certificate' messages.

 Without the ./, using the default openssl, this works fine, the cipher is
 populated and no local issuer messages.

 I tried variations of the CApath argument with no success:
 -CApath /System/Library/OpenSSL/certs/
 That's the system path from 'openssl version -d'
 I messed around with similar values in the verify argument.
 There's obviously a fundamental misunderstanding on my part regarding the
 proper usage of these arguments.

 Tips appreciated.


Re: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Ztatik Light
ps, yes, line 29 is a mistake and should read: char new_filename[strlen(
filename ) + 5];

But even with that fix i get the same results

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Ztatik Light

 maybe not - still confused

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Ztatik Light

 strange i think it has something to do with me using rb and wb
 instead of r and w...

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Ztatik Light

 So, I'm having a really weird issue... i'm trying simple file
 encryption/decryption with BIO_*, but if the encrypted file is in a
 subdirectory.. i get garbage data,

 I'll post the code i'm using, with a brief elaboration on how i'm using
 it and what behaviour i'm getting:



   Example of ssl read and write to a file

   gcc ssl_write_read.c -lssl



 #include openssl/bio.h

 #include openssl/err.h

 #include openssl/rand.h

 #include openssl/ssl.h

 #include openssl/x509v3.h

 int read_whole_file( char* filename, char** data ){

  FILE* file = fopen( filename, rb );

  fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );

  long fileSize = ftell( file );

  rewind( file );

  *data = malloc( fileSize );

  fread( *data, fileSize, 1, file );

  fclose( file );

  return fileSize;


 void encrypt_file( char* filename ){

 char new_filename[strlen( filename + 4 )];

  strcpy( new_filename, filename );

  strcat( new_filename, .enc );

  char* data;

  int fileSize = read_whole_file( filename, data );

  write_data( new_filename, data, fileSize, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  free( data );


 int write_data(const char *filename, char *out, int len, unsigned char


   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for writing */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, wb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 1);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   /* This loop writes the data to the file.  It checks for errors as
 if the

  underlying file were non-blocking */

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_write(cipher, out + total, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   /* Ensure all of our data is pushed all the way to the file */




 BIO* decrypt_open( const char *filename, unsigned char *key ){

   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   //char *b = malloc(len);

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for reading */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, rb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 0);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   return cipher;


 char* decrypt_read( BIO* cipher, int len, char* b ){

   int total, written;

 // char b[len + 1];

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_read(cipher, b, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   b[total] = '\0';

   return b;


 int main(void)



 char *file_=test.txt;

  char* data = howdy\n;

  write_data( file_, data, strlen(data), mykey);

  BIO* cipher = decrypt_open( file_, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  char b[99];

  decrypt_read( cipher, 99, b );

  BIO_flush( cipher );

  BIO_free_all( cipher );


 //char* test=plain.txt;




 1. So, first run creates and writes encrypted file test.txt and then
 decrypts and prints out the contents, howdy,

 2. Now, 

weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Ztatik Light
So, I'm having a really weird issue... i'm trying simple file
encryption/decryption with BIO_*, but if the encrypted file is in a
subdirectory.. i get garbage data,

I'll post the code i'm using, with a brief elaboration on how i'm using it
and what behaviour i'm getting:



   Example of ssl read and write to a file

   gcc ssl_write_read.c -lssl



 #include openssl/bio.h

 #include openssl/err.h

 #include openssl/rand.h

 #include openssl/ssl.h

 #include openssl/x509v3.h

 int read_whole_file( char* filename, char** data ){

 FILE* file = fopen( filename, rb );

 fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );

 long fileSize = ftell( file );

 rewind( file );

 *data = malloc( fileSize );

 fread( *data, fileSize, 1, file );

 fclose( file );

 return fileSize;


 void encrypt_file( char* filename ){

 char new_filename[strlen( filename + 4 )];

 strcpy( new_filename, filename );

 strcat( new_filename, .enc );

 char* data;

 int fileSize = read_whole_file( filename, data );

 write_data( new_filename, data, fileSize, (unsigned char*)mykey );

 free( data );


 int write_data(const char *filename, char *out, int len, unsigned char


   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for writing */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, wb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 1);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   /* This loop writes the data to the file.  It checks for errors as if

  underlying file were non-blocking */

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_write(cipher, out + total, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   /* Ensure all of our data is pushed all the way to the file */




 BIO* decrypt_open( const char *filename, unsigned char *key ){

   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   //char *b = malloc(len);

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for reading */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, rb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 0);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   return cipher;


 char* decrypt_read( BIO* cipher, int len, char* b ){

   int total, written;

 // char b[len + 1];

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_read(cipher, b, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   b[total] = '\0';

   return b;


 int main(void)



 char *file_=test.txt;

 char* data = howdy\n;

 write_data( file_, data, strlen(data), mykey);

 BIO* cipher = decrypt_open( file_, (unsigned char*)mykey );

 char b[99];

 decrypt_read( cipher, 99, b );

 BIO_flush( cipher );

 BIO_free_all( cipher );


 //char* test=plain.txt;




1. So, first run creates and writes encrypted file test.txt and then
decrypts and prints out the contents, howdy,

2. Now, comment out line 141 // write_data( ... re-run to verify howdy,
works fine

3. make directory temp, move test.txt into temp and change line 139
to reflect that: char *file_=temp/test.txt;.. re-run - I get no results ??

4. Even more weird: change line 139 back to just test.txt, and replace
file_ on line 143 with temp/test.txt ... so it reads: BIO* cipher =
decrypt_open( temp/test.txt, (unsigned char*)mykey ); // re-run... now
it works again all of a sudden. BUT - if you comment out line 139 // char

Re: DLL hell

2013-08-16 Thread Thomas J. Hruska

On 8/15/2013 10:24 AM, Nico Williams wrote:

Hi, I'm sorry if this has all been discussed extensively before.  A
brief search for DLL hell in the archives turns up disappointingly
(and surprisingly) little.  I do see a thread with messages from my
erstwhile colleagues at Sun/Oracle, so I know it's been discussed,
e.g., here:
.  Recent developments, like Android's failure to properly initialize
OpenSSL's PRNG make me think it's time to table (in the British sense)
the issue once more.

To summarize the rest of this long post (please forgive me):

I think a lot of the init logic heralds from the original SSLeay days. 
There seems to be intent that initialization is supposed to happen in 
main() in the application and libraries shouldn't be calling 
initialization routines in OpenSSL.

However, I agree that all the init logic for the library should be 
handled automatically and transparently in a thread-safe manner.

Thomas Hruska
Shining Light Productions

Home of BMP2AVI and Win32 OpenSSL.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: DLL hell

2013-08-16 Thread Viktor Dukhovni
On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 07:17:22AM -0700, Thomas J. Hruska wrote:

 I think a lot of the init logic heralds from the original SSLeay
 days. There seems to be intent that initialization is supposed to
 happen in main() in the application and libraries shouldn't be
 calling initialization routines in OpenSSL.

This is a big problem, when main() has no knowledge of OpenSSL,
rather OpenSSL is used indirectly via an intermediate library, that
may even be dynamically loaded (e.g. Java dynamically loading
GSSAPI, with Heimdal's GSS library using OpenSSL).

Now it is certainly not appropriate for other libraries to call
OpenSSL one-time initialization functions.  The result is a mess.

 However, I agree that all the init logic for the library should be
 handled automatically and transparently in a thread-safe manner.

Therefore, it is probably time to consider moving the OpenSSL
library initialization code into OpenSSL itself, with the set of
ciphers and digests to initialize by default as well as the thread
locking mechanism chosen at compile time.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

2013-08-16 Thread Unga
Hi all

I have a requirement to encrypt files, in such a way identical files should 
generate identical ciphertexts. 

I plan to use aes-256-cbc cipher with 128-byte long non-guessable password per 
input file. Identical input files will be provided with identical passwords.

1. Is it no salt the way forward for me?

2. How many rounds are recommended for EVP_BytesToKey() in my case?

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Ben Laurie

write_data( file_, data, strlen(data) + 1, mykey);

On 16 August 2013 03:34, Ztatik Light wrote:

 ps, yes, line 29 is a mistake and should read: char new_filename[strlen(
 filename ) + 5];

 But even with that fix i get the same results

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Ztatik Light

 maybe not - still confused

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Ztatik Light

 strange i think it has something to do with me using rb and wb
 instead of r and w...

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Ztatik Light

 So, I'm having a really weird issue... i'm trying simple file
 encryption/decryption with BIO_*, but if the encrypted file is in a
 subdirectory.. i get garbage data,

 I'll post the code i'm using, with a brief elaboration on how i'm using
 it and what behaviour i'm getting:



   Example of ssl read and write to a file

   gcc ssl_write_read.c -lssl



 #include openssl/bio.h

 #include openssl/err.h

 #include openssl/rand.h

 #include openssl/ssl.h

 #include openssl/x509v3.h

 int read_whole_file( char* filename, char** data ){

  FILE* file = fopen( filename, rb );

  fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );

  long fileSize = ftell( file );

  rewind( file );

  *data = malloc( fileSize );

  fread( *data, fileSize, 1, file );

  fclose( file );

  return fileSize;


 void encrypt_file( char* filename ){

 char new_filename[strlen( filename + 4 )];

  strcpy( new_filename, filename );

  strcat( new_filename, .enc );

  char* data;

  int fileSize = read_whole_file( filename, data );

  write_data( new_filename, data, fileSize, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  free( data );


 int write_data(const char *filename, char *out, int len, unsigned
 char *key)


   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for writing */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, wb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 1);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   /* This loop writes the data to the file.  It checks for errors as
 if the

  underlying file were non-blocking */

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_write(cipher, out + total, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   /* Ensure all of our data is pushed all the way to the file */




 BIO* decrypt_open( const char *filename, unsigned char *key ){

   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   //char *b = malloc(len);

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for reading */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, rb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last parameter

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 0);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   return cipher;


 char* decrypt_read( BIO* cipher, int len, char* b ){

   int total, written;

 // char b[len + 1];

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_read(cipher, b, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   b[total] = '\0';

   return b;


 int main(void)



 char *file_=test.txt;

  char* data = howdy\n;

  write_data( file_, data, strlen(data), mykey);

  BIO* cipher = decrypt_open( file_, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  char b[99];

  decrypt_read( cipher, 99, b );

  BIO_flush( cipher );

  BIO_free_all( cipher );


 //char* test=plain.txt;




Re: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Ztatik Light
same result - did you actually try it?

BIO_read is producing this error:

error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:28 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:


 write_data( file_, data, strlen(data) + 1, mykey);

 On 16 August 2013 03:34, Ztatik Light wrote:

 ps, yes, line 29 is a mistake and should read: char new_filename[strlen(
 filename ) + 5];

 But even with that fix i get the same results

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Ztatik Light

 maybe not - still confused

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Ztatik Light

 strange i think it has something to do with me using rb and wb
 instead of r and w...

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Ztatik Light

 So, I'm having a really weird issue... i'm trying simple file
 encryption/decryption with BIO_*, but if the encrypted file is in a
 subdirectory.. i get garbage data,

 I'll post the code i'm using, with a brief elaboration on how i'm
 using it and what behaviour i'm getting:



   Example of ssl read and write to a file

   gcc ssl_write_read.c -lssl



 #include openssl/bio.h

 #include openssl/err.h

 #include openssl/rand.h

 #include openssl/ssl.h

 #include openssl/x509v3.h

 int read_whole_file( char* filename, char** data ){

  FILE* file = fopen( filename, rb );

  fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );

  long fileSize = ftell( file );

  rewind( file );

  *data = malloc( fileSize );

  fread( *data, fileSize, 1, file );

  fclose( file );

  return fileSize;


 void encrypt_file( char* filename ){

 char new_filename[strlen( filename + 4 )];

  strcpy( new_filename, filename );

  strcat( new_filename, .enc );

  char* data;

  int fileSize = read_whole_file( filename, data );

  write_data( new_filename, data, fileSize, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  free( data );


 int write_data(const char *filename, char *out, int len, unsigned
 char *key)


   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for writing */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, wb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last
 parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 1);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   /* This loop writes the data to the file.  It checks for errors as
 if the

  underlying file were non-blocking */

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_write(cipher, out + total, len - total)) =


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   /* Ensure all of our data is pushed all the way to the file */




 BIO* decrypt_open( const char *filename, unsigned char *key ){

   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   //char *b = malloc(len);

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for reading */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, rb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last
 parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 0);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order cipher-b64-buffer-file

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   return cipher;


 char* decrypt_read( BIO* cipher, int len, char* b ){

   int total, written;

 // char b[len + 1];

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_read(cipher, b, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   b[total] = '\0';

   return b;


 int main(void)



 char *file_=test.txt;

  char* data = howdy\n;

  write_data( file_, data, strlen(data), mykey);

  BIO* cipher = decrypt_open( file_, (unsigned char*)mykey );

  char b[99];

Re: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Ztatik Light
If I simply replace EVP_des_ede3_cbc with EVP_des_cbc ... then it works

Some serious bug?

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:17 AM, Ztatik Light

 same result - did you actually try it?

 BIO_read is producing this error:

 error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:28 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:


 write_data( file_, data, strlen(data) + 1, mykey);

 On 16 August 2013 03:34, Ztatik Light wrote:

 ps, yes, line 29 is a mistake and should read: char new_filename[strlen(
 filename ) + 5];

 But even with that fix i get the same results

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Ztatik Light

 maybe not - still confused

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Ztatik Light

 strange i think it has something to do with me using rb and wb
 instead of r and w...

 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Ztatik Light

 So, I'm having a really weird issue... i'm trying simple file
 encryption/decryption with BIO_*, but if the encrypted file is in a
 subdirectory.. i get garbage data,

 I'll post the code i'm using, with a brief elaboration on how i'm
 using it and what behaviour i'm getting:



   Example of ssl read and write to a file

   gcc ssl_write_read.c -lssl



 #include openssl/bio.h

 #include openssl/err.h

 #include openssl/rand.h

 #include openssl/ssl.h

 #include openssl/x509v3.h

 int read_whole_file( char* filename, char** data ){

  FILE* file = fopen( filename, rb );

  fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );

  long fileSize = ftell( file );

  rewind( file );

  *data = malloc( fileSize );

  fread( *data, fileSize, 1, file );

  fclose( file );

  return fileSize;


 void encrypt_file( char* filename ){

 char new_filename[strlen( filename + 4 )];

  strcpy( new_filename, filename );

  strcat( new_filename, .enc );

  char* data;

  int fileSize = read_whole_file( filename, data );

  write_data( new_filename, data, fileSize, (unsigned char*)mykey

  free( data );


 int write_data(const char *filename, char *out, int len, unsigned
 char *key)


   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for writing */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, wb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last
 parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 1);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order
 cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   /* This loop writes the data to the file.  It checks for errors
 as if the

  underlying file were non-blocking */

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_write(cipher, out + total, len - total)) =


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   /* Ensure all of our data is pushed all the way to the file */




 BIO* decrypt_open( const char *filename, unsigned char *key ){

   int total, written;

   BIO *cipher, *buffer, *file;

   //char *b = malloc(len);

   /* Create a buffered file BIO for reading */

   file = BIO_new_file(filename, rb);

   if (!file)

 return 0;

   /* Create a buffering filter BIO to buffer writes to the file */

   buffer = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer(  ));

   /* Create a base64 encoding filter BIO */

 //  b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64(  ));

   /* Create the cipher filter BIO and set the key.  The last
 parameter of

  BIO_set_cipher is 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption */

   cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher(  ));

   BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(  ), key, NULL, 0);

   /* Assemble the BIO chain to be in the order
 cipher-b64-buffer-file */

 //  BIO_push(cipher, b64);

 //  BIO_push(b64, buffer);


   BIO_push(buffer, file);

   return cipher;


 char* decrypt_read( BIO* cipher, int len, char* b ){

   int total, written;

 // char b[len + 1];

   for (total = 0;  total  len;  total += written)


   if ((written = BIO_read(cipher, b, len - total)) = 0)


   if (BIO_should_retry(cipher))


   written = 0;






   b[total] = '\0';

   return b;


 int main(void)



RE: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Salz, Rich
Ø  Some serious bug?

Yes, but in your code:

Ø  char new_filename[strlen( filename + 5 )];

char new_filename[strlen( filename) + 5];

Principal Security Engineer
Akamai Technology
Cambridge, MA

Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

2013-08-16 Thread Swair Mehta
On 16-Aug-2013, at 7:49 AM, Unga wrote:

 Hi all

 I have a requirement to encrypt files, in such a way identical files should 
 generate identical ciphertexts.

 I plan to use aes-256-cbc cipher with 128-byte long non-guessable password 
 per input file. Identical input files will be provided with identical 

 1. Is it no salt the way forward for me?

Identical salts(ivs) should work. No salt works as well.

Not sure what the requirement is here. The very point of crypto is
that u dont leak any info at any cost.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Ztatik Light
yes, i fixed that.. it's not causing the problem..

Seriously - if i just use des instead of des_ede3 in works. that simple.
has got to be a bug

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Salz, Rich wrote:

 **Ø  **Some serious bug?

 ** **

 Yes, but in your code:

 **Ø  **char new_filename[strlen( filename + 5 )];

 ** **

 char new_filename[strlen( filename) + 5];

 ** **


 Principal Security Engineer

 Akamai Technology

 Cambridge, MA

RE: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Salz, Rich
Ø  Seriously - if i just use des instead of des_ede3 in works. that simple. has 
got to be a bug

Run your code through something like valgrind

Principal Security Engineer
Akamai Technology
Cambridge, MA

Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

2013-08-16 Thread Matt Caswell
On 16 August 2013 16:46, Swair Mehta wrote:
 On 16-Aug-2013, at 7:49 AM, Unga wrote:

 Hi all

 I have a requirement to encrypt files, in such a way identical files should 
 generate identical ciphertexts.

 I plan to use aes-256-cbc cipher with 128-byte long non-guessable password 
 per input file. Identical input files will be provided with identical 

 1. Is it no salt the way forward for me?

 Identical salts(ivs) should work. No salt works as well.

This would have the effect that two files which were identical at the
beginning for the first x number of blocks (but different afterwards)
would encrypt to the same first x number of blocks.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: DLL hell

2013-08-16 Thread Nico Williams
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:51:05PM -0700, Patrick Pelletier wrote:
 Oh.  Is there any reason not to blow that away, or at least build-time
 select which to use?
 I'm in agreement with you; I just don't think you're going to get
 the OpenSSL folks on board.  They'll probably say something like we
 want to be totally agnostic to threading library without
 acknowledging that pthreads and Windows threads cover the vast
 majority of modern mainstream operating systems.

Ah...  I need OpenSSL developers to consider this.  Would that mean
re-posting to the openssl-dev list?

 Great.  I was hoping that the response wouldn't be something like no
 way, we need these callback setting functions for XYZ reasons or,
 worse, no way.
 Unfortunately, I think the response will be that.  (The OpenSSL
 folks just haven't weighed in on this thread yet.)  That's why I was

I'm ever an optimist and I fail to see any reason to not make
initialization automatic and safe on all major platforms, keeping the
old callback setters as no-ops and as fallbacks in cases where
build-time configuration specifically requires that those setters not be

The alternative has to be don't *EVER* use OpenSSL from a library, or
always link with and initialize OpenSSL in every program that might -no
matter how indirectly- use an OpenSSL-using library, and *clearly* that
can't be what the OpenSSL devs want, or if it is, then it's clearly way
too late.

 floating the idea of writing an unofficial companion library that
 would smooth over these rough spots and provide a batteries
 included approach to people who want it, without having to convince
 the OpenSSL project to change the core library, which I think would
 be an uphill battle at best.

That can't really work unless *every* OpenSSL-using library used it, or
unless we specifically go for using symbol interposition (which means
dynamic linking, FYI, so it'd not work for statically-linked builds).

I'd like to get authoritative answers to my questions before considering

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: DLL hell

2013-08-16 Thread Nico Williams
On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 02:44:23PM +, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 07:17:22AM -0700, Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
  I think a lot of the init logic heralds from the original SSLeay
  days. There seems to be intent that initialization is supposed to
  happen in main() in the application and libraries shouldn't be
  calling initialization routines in OpenSSL.
 This is a big problem, when main() has no knowledge of OpenSSL,
 rather OpenSSL is used indirectly via an intermediate library, that
 may even be dynamically loaded (e.g. Java dynamically loading
 GSSAPI, with Heimdal's GSS library using OpenSSL).


 Now it is certainly not appropriate for other libraries to call
 OpenSSL one-time initialization functions.  The result is a mess.


 Therefore, it is probably time to consider moving the OpenSSL
 library initialization code into OpenSSL itself, with the set of
 ciphers and digests to initialize by default as well as the thread
 locking mechanism chosen at compile time.

But would patches for this be welcomed?

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

RE: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

2013-08-16 Thread Salz, Rich
 I have a requirement to encrypt files, in such a way identical files should 
 generate identical ciphertexts.

 Identical salts(ivs) should work. No salt works as well.

 This would have the effect that two files which were identical at the 
 beginning for the first x number of blocks
 (but different afterwards) would encrypt to the same first x number of blocks.

Derive the IV from a digest of the file.  Or encrypt the digest as the first 

Principal Security Engineer
Akamai Technology
Cambridge, MA
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

2013-08-16 Thread Unga
- Original Message -

 From: Swair Mehta
 Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 3:46 PM
 Subject: Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?
 On 16-Aug-2013, at 7:49 AM, Unga wrote:
  Hi all
  I have a requirement to encrypt files, in such a way identical files should 
 generate identical ciphertexts.
  I plan to use aes-256-cbc cipher with 128-byte long non-guessable password 
 per input file. Identical input files will be provided with identical 
  1. Is it no salt the way forward for me?
 Identical salts(ivs) should work. No salt works as well.
 Not sure what the requirement is here. The very point of crypto is
 that u dont leak any info at any cost.


Thanks for the reply.

The only info leak or known may be that my encryption generates identical 
cipher texts for identical files, and the pain text file is not known and the 
password also not known. I'm using very long non-guessable per file unique 
passwords. If by some luck find a password, it can only be used to decrypt one 
file, not any other file. So my question is, if I use no salt, does it become 
any less secure?

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

RE: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Salz, Rich
Ø  I have no idea wtf is up with all these bugs but i'm surprised openssl is 
this glitchy

It is not.  The problem is almost definitely in your code.  It is also hard to 
help when the code you post isn't the code you're trying to debug.

Get and run valgrind and see what it says.  Compile with many -W flags.


Principal Security Engineer
Akamai Technology
Cambridge, MA

Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

2013-08-16 Thread Unga
- Original Message -

 From: Matt Caswell
 Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 4:10 PM
 Subject: Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?
 On 16 August 2013 16:46, Swair Mehta wrote:
  On 16-Aug-2013, at 7:49 AM, Unga wrote:
  Hi all
  I have a requirement to encrypt files, in such a way identical files 
 should generate identical ciphertexts.
  I plan to use aes-256-cbc cipher with 128-byte long non-guessable 
 password per input file. Identical input files will be provided with 
  1. Is it no salt the way forward for me?
  Identical salts(ivs) should work. No salt works as well.
 This would have the effect that two files which were identical at the
 beginning for the first x number of blocks (but different afterwards)
 would encrypt to the same first x number of blocks.


Thanks for the reply.

I have mentioned I use the same password only if files are identical.

I get vastly different two AES encrypted cipher texts for two very large files 
with only one character different.

So is my approach any less secure?


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: weird bug

2013-08-16 Thread Ken Goldman

On 8/16/2013 1:51 PM, Ztatik Light wrote:

found yet another weird peculiarity...

In my full application, i need the following lines after both
encrypt_file() and decrypt_read(), otherwise i get garbage data:

char err[1024];
ERR_error_string( ERR_get_error(), err );
printf( %s\n, err );

And err is 0... but without those three lines then i get garbage data

And if i use a format string like %s\n i also get garbage again. HAS
to be %s\n. I have no idea wtf is up with all these bugs but i'm
surprised openssl is this glitchy

I would hesitate to blame openssl, used by 1000's of people for many 
years, while being so confident that your new code is bug free.

In particular, you observed that allocating an extra 1024 bytes on your 
stack fixes the problem.  You also observed that the bug is sensitive to 
the number of bytes in an array.

I conclude that you're overwriting some variable on your stack.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

Re: Displaying cert with ecdsa

2013-08-16 Thread Robert Moskowitz

On 08/14/2013 05:37 PM, Dave Thompson wrote:

From: On Behalf Of Robert Moskowitz
Sent: Wednesday, 14 August, 2013 15:49
I have a CA cert in pem format that uses ecdsa.  I have tried
to display the contents with:

openssl x509 -in x509-ca.pem -text -nameopt multiline -noout

I get errors:

  Subject Public Key Info:
  Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
  Unable to load Public Key
140661212006240:error:0609E09C:digital envelope
routines:PKEY_SET_TYPE:unsupported algorithm:p_lib.c:239:
140661212006240:error:0B07706F:x509 certificate
routines:X509_PUBKEY_get:unsupported algorithm:x_pubkey.c:155:

Is there an option I need to add?  Is there something special
with this cert's Public Key Algorithm?

I'm pretty sure not. OpenSSL versions before 1.0.0 needed a
cipherstring option to use ECC suites *in SSL/TLS protocol*,
but local operations have worked as long as I remember.

What version of OpenSSL are you running, and how was it built?
In particular was it from official source, or patched?

I am running Fedora 16, standard biuld stuff. Yes, I know it is time to 

Openssl seems to be 1.0.0.k-1 per the yum log (I tried a -v option, but 
that does not seem to be supporte, nor --version).

The fellow that sent me the .pem has 1.0.1c-10 and was able to send me 
the dump of the cert and the PK algorithm is id-ecPublicKey and the ASN1 
OID: prime256v1

So now at least I can move forward reviewing what they are doing with 
this cert, but it would be nice to be able to display it myself.

A couple of remote possibilities: do you have your openssl.cnf
set (editted) to load an engine, which doesn't support ECC?
I didn't think this level of parsing goes to an engine, but
I could be wrong. Do you have a FIPS-capable build and a
setting to force FIPS mode? FIPS should allow ECC (it is
NIST Approved), but something might be broken.

Can you try the same file with a different OpenSSL version
or build -- often easiest by using a different system?

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Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

2013-08-16 Thread Roberto Spadim
one idea...
use a salt with a MD5(file contents) + pseudo random salt based on others
this give a nice salt...


with different salts:
file1 contents = file 2 contents
salt of 1 = MD5(MD5(file1 contents) + file1 name)
salt of 2 = MD5(MD5(file1 contents) + file2 name)

or if you want same salts
salt of 1 = MD5(MD5(file1 contents) + fixed text)
salt of 2 = MD5(MD5(file2 contents) + fixed text)

since file1 contents = file 2 contents the salt will be the same, and since
information and salt is the same the crypt function will return same values
(if it's not based in another information, ie time of crypt function)

EVP_DigestSign*() and EVP_DigestVerify*() - help needed

2013-08-16 Thread Thomas J Pinkl
I'm using OpenSSL 1.0.1e and attempting to use the EVP_DigestSign*() and 
EVP_DigestVerify*() functions from within my C code.  I am able to 
produce a digital signature using EVP_DigestSignInit(), 
EVP_DigestSignUpdate(), and EVP_DigestSignFinal().  However, when I use 
the corresponding EVP_DigestVerify*() functions, EVP_DigestVerifyFinal() 
fails with:

139731000714920:error:0407006A:rsa routines: 
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1:block type is not 01:rsa_pk1.c:100:
139731000714920:error:04067072:rsa routines: 
RSA_EAY_PUBLIC_DECRYPT:padding check failed:rsa_eay.c:721:

I've tried the EVP_Digest{Sign,Verify}Init() functions both with and 
without a EVP_PKEY_CTX pointer.  When the EVP_PKEY_CTX pointer was 
provided, a variety of padding options have been tried, including 

If anyone can provide some guidance on this, I would appreciate it.

Thomas J. Pinkl

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Re: EVP_DigestSign*() and EVP_DigestVerify*() - help needed

2013-08-16 Thread Ken Goldman
The usual cause of a padding error is that the private key used to sign 
does not correspond to the public key used to verify.

That is, unless you're a newbie to crypto.  In that case the error is 
that you're passing the length of an encrypted blob using strlen().

The way I typically debug is to do a raw public key operation and trace 
the result.

On 8/16/2013 4:09 PM, Thomas J Pinkl wrote:

I'm using OpenSSL 1.0.1e and attempting to use the EVP_DigestSign*() and
EVP_DigestVerify*() functions from within my C code.  I am able to
produce a digital signature using EVP_DigestSignInit(),
EVP_DigestSignUpdate(), and EVP_DigestSignFinal().  However, when I use
the corresponding EVP_DigestVerify*() functions, EVP_DigestVerifyFinal()
fails with:

139731000714920:error:0407006A:rsa routines:
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1:block type is not 01:rsa_pk1.c:100:
139731000714920:error:04067072:rsa routines:
RSA_EAY_PUBLIC_DECRYPT:padding check failed:rsa_eay.c:721:

I've tried the EVP_Digest{Sign,Verify}Init() functions both with and
without a EVP_PKEY_CTX pointer.  When the EVP_PKEY_CTX pointer was
provided, a variety of padding options have been tried, including

If anyone can provide some guidance on this, I would appreciate it.

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Re: OSX Open SSL Usage question

2013-08-16 Thread Dave Thompson
From: On Behalf Of Ztatik Light
Sent: Friday, 16 August, 2013 03:31

From stackoverflow: 

These hash values will comes from the Subject DN of each 
CA certificate (since the aim is to look for a CA certificate 
with the subject matching the issuer of the certificate to verify). 
You can either usec_rehash as documented, or get the Subject DN's 
hash using openssl x509 -subject_hash -noout -in cacert.pem 
and rename the file/link accordingly.

That most likely explains the unable to get local issuer cert
because 1.0.0 and later changed the subject hashing from 0.9.8,
so either the existing (0.9.8) certs dir needs to be rehashed, 
or you need to create a separate -CApath using 1.0.0 hash,
or just put the CA cert(s) you want in a -CAfile instead.

But it doesn't explain cipher NONE, which should only occur if 
the handshake fails, and it's pretty odd for that to occur 
after (receiving and) validating the server cert.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Andrew H wrote:

   I have two version of OpenSSL on my OSX file system, 
the default 0.9.8r and 1.0.1e. 
   For the later I'm having trouble getting the syntax 
of the command correct, I think.

   When I used this (in 1.0.1e's directory, /opt/localbin):
   ./openssl s_client -connect ( replace the foo's
   I get responses that included the Cipher is NONE and 
'unable to get local issuer certificate' messages.

   Without the ./, using the default openssl, this works fine, 
the cipher is populated and no local issuer messages.

   I tried variations of the CApath argument with no success:
   -CApath /System/Library/OpenSSL/certs/ 
   That's the system path from 'openssl version -d'
   I messed around with similar values in the verify argument.  

You can't use similar values, -verify takes a number (indicating 
depth) and isn't really implemented anyway (the callback ignores 
it entirely unless there's already another verification error, 
and then it sets a variable that isn't used!)

   There's obviously a fundamental misunderstanding on my part 
regarding the proper usage of these arguments.

These arguments for s_client haven't changed, although some 
other options were added. 1.0.1 newly implements TLSv1.1 and 
1.2 and defaults to the highest available. 1.2 in particular 
has been known to cause problems with some (lame) servers. If 
you still can't connect after fixing CApath as above, try adding 
-no_tls1_2 or more restrictively -tls1 or -ssl3 . If that makes 
the difference and you want to understand what the exact problem 
is, show us *all* the output for a 1.2 attempt. 

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Encumbered EC crypto algorithms in openssl?

2013-08-16 Thread Scott Doty

As you may or may not know, Red Hat has vetoed use of ECC in openssl in
their stock Fedora.  The bug regarding this is here:

In a nutshell:  Red Hat is so afraid of patent trolls, they don't want
to enable ECC -- or even discuss the IP issues publically.  (And who can
blame them?  Legislative relief is definitely needed here -- so far, it
hasn't been enough.  But I digress...)

I see some references to standards in the sources for crypto/ec*, such
as ANSI X9.62 and IEEE 1363.  However, I'm not sure that that list is
inclusive -- and I certainly wouldn't be able to recognize whose
algorithm was being used by inspecting C code.  So I'm hoping for some
help with this, to allay Red Hat's fears of patent trolls.

Toward this goal, there is an informational RFC 6090 that outlines how
to implement ECC without patent encumbrance.  I'm wondering if we can
safely say that openssl's ECC is implemented in a way compatible with
RFC 6090 -- or at least, in a way that enabling it on Red Hat software
wouldn't open them up to a patent troll flawsuit?

I checked the FAQ, and it does reference the README regarding patents. 
However, it doesn't specifically mention ECC, and that would seem to be
the sticking point with Red Hat.

With more and more software systems requiring ECC to operate, I See A
Great Need in getting this resolved.  Thank you for any information you
can provide.  Also, if this belongs on the dev list, my apologies for
coming here first.

 -Scott Doty
 Co-founder, Co-owner, CTO:, Inc.

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Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

2013-08-16 Thread shathawa
Besides using the same cipher (session) key, you also need to use the same
initialization vector.  Note: in practice, the initialization is a random
number that should not be reused.
- Steve
 Hi all

 I have a requirement to encrypt files, in such a way identical files
 should generate identical ciphertexts.

 I plan to use aes-256-cbc cipher with 128-byte long non-guessable password
 per input file. Identical input files will be provided with identical

 1. Is it no salt the way forward for me?

 2. How many rounds are recommended for EVP_BytesToKey() in my case?

 Many thanks in advance.

 Best regards

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Re: Encumbered EC crypto algorithms in openssl?

2013-08-16 Thread Nico Williams
If only we could agree to use DJB's Curve25519...
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Re: Encumbered EC crypto algorithms in openssl?

2013-08-16 Thread Michael Sierchio
On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:40 PM, Nico Williams n...@cryptonector.comwrote:

 If only we could agree to use DJB's Curve25519...


Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

2013-08-16 Thread Unga

 From: Roberto Spadim
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: How to securely encrypt identical files to identical ciphertext?

hi, i don't know if i will answer your question, but i will give some tips 
about security...

the point about decrypt is crypt lists, reverse engeneer and many others 
solutions to decrypt informations
i didn't remember the name, maybe rainbow list or something like it is a 
normal feature used with hash functions
a salt is very interesting since the list without salt is normally 'weak', 
because anyone could create a list with a 

for(i=0 to infinity)
  crypted value (i) = crypt function ( i )
and yes, many guys create this lists... it's nice, and it's a problem... maybe 
you lost your password some day and found it in the list and ! now you have 
your password back !

about file decrypt, the attacker will try to decrypt a small part of file or 
the full file, normally when i try to decrypt i know +- what file have (a know 
file structure) in this case if the file is a image for example, or a zip 
file, i will try to run a program to decrypt and only check if the magic 
numbers of that know file structure is found, it's a way to hack a crypt, it 
take many time (maybe never happen), but it's a easy to understand strategy... 
there's more features about crypt/decrypt but i will give a superficial idea 

in real world, a salt is important, some users use a MD5('salt' + MD5(password 
+ 'salt2')) to ensure that the password isn't listed in a list or another 
hash/crypt function... 
well in my option (not statistic, but real world use cases) it's just a 
placebo, the point here is... 
if someone want your information, restrict the time he can try to read/access 
your information... example... 
a login system, should allow a 5 wrong logins, after this block by 5 minutes, 
after more 5 wrong logins block for more 10 minutes... it's like iphone screen 
lock, the attacker can have a very big high optimized cluster to extra world 
solutions, but it only have 5 tryes to know the password / 5 minutes... well 
sorry attacker i  could do the same job with my cellphone and maybe know the 
right password ... that's not the case if attacker know more informations 
about user password (her name, wife name, child name, birthday, first car, pet 
names, etc...)

again, the problem is: don't allow a intensive access to your information, if 
this occur check if the user have permissions to do this, if not block it with 
a pre fixed time and contact user... the user should ask about permission to 
admin, and admin could add more permission to user that's the 'right way' 
to add security to any system

i don't know if this help you, but these are some tips about security and i 
didn't checked if i answered your question :P sorry
maybe i talked something wrong, it just a idea i didn't checked the normalized 
ideas (there's some information at FBI docs about forense it's nice to read...)


Hi Roberto

Thank you for the reply.

My encrypted file is with you. It is encrypted without a salt. I'm scared you 
may use a sophisticated system to decrypt it and read the sensitive info. I use 
a per file not guessable 150 character password. This password is not repeated, 
only reuse on identical plaintext files only.

I want to understand is it any easy for you to decrypt it than a salted 
encrypted file?

Best regards

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