Re: openssl s_client -dtls1 and ECC key

2011-10-21 Thread Robin Seggelmann
Hi Erwin,

Thanks for the report. I found the bug and submitted a patch (#2628). You can 
also download it from our website at and it would be very helpful if 
you can confirm that the patch fixes your issue.


On Oct 12, 2011, at 11:33 PM, Erwin Himawan wrote:

 Does anybody know whether openssl s_client and s_server support the use of 
 -dtls1 option while the server uses ECC key?
 The issuing CA and root CA use ECC keypair.
 These are my openssl s_server and s_client options:
 openssl s_server -accept 12000 -cert server.pem -certform pem -key 
 server_key.pem -keyform pem -CApath . -CAfile CAECCRoot.pem -dtls1 -cipher 
 ALL -debug -msg -state
 openssl s_client -connect: -CApath . -CAfile CAECCRoot.pem 
 -dtls1 -cipher ALL -debug -msg -state
 When I attempted to do this, the s_client gives error:
 SSL3 alert write:fatal:decrypt error
 SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 read server key exchange B
 5551756:error:1408D07B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE:bad 
 further down, I notice that the Verify return code: 0 (ok).
 I also use openssl verify to verify the server certificate using the issuing 
 CA and root CA. The result agrees with the result shown by the s_client debug 
 On the second note, I also try the s_server with RSA keypair, issued by the 
 same issuing CA; the server certificate has RSA public key with signature 
 algorithm is ecdsa-with-SHA256.
 In this scenario, the s_client was able to establish tls connection with the 
 Does this mean that the openssl s_client and s_server does not support ECC 
 Any pointer or idea how further troubleshoot this?

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Access SSL connection in multiple threads

2011-09-30 Thread Robin Seggelmann
Hi Flo,

On Sep 28, 2011, at 5:37 PM, Flo Wohlfart wrote:

 Is it safe to call SSL_write() in thread B, while thread A is blocking
 at DTLSv1_listen() for the same SSL connection?
 Here comes an example for better understanding:
 while (DTLSv1_listen(ssl, client_addr) = 0);
 /* handle connection */
 SSL_write(ssl, buffer, len);

This will not work, because the SSL object used for DTLSv1_listen() is not 
connected to any client. There is nothing SSL_write() could send to. 
DTLSv1_listen() will hold the SSL object until it is connected. Then you can 
use it with as many threads as you like, as long as you handle locking issues.

Best regards

OpenSSL Project
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Re: How to derive EAP-TLS key material from TLS?

2011-06-01 Thread Robin Seggelmann
Hi Neo,

On Jun 1, 2011, at 4:02 AM, Neo Liu wrote:

 On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Michael Tüxen wrote:
 What about using SSL_tls1_key_extractor()?
 I didn't this function in OpenSSL source.
 I can get master secret from SSL_SESSION-master_key, but how can I find the 
 PRF api used to calculate:
 RPF(master_secret, client EAP encryption, client_random || 

as Michael stated, the function SSL_tls1_key_exporter() is exactly what
you're looking for. The TLS Key Exporter is described in RFC 5705. The
patch #1830, which Michael also mentioned, is available for the current
OpenSSL 1.0.0 release on and
already included in the development version of OpenSSL 1.0.1 in the CVS,
which can be checked out with:

cvs -d co -rOpenSSL_1_0_1-stable openssl

Best regards

OpenSSL Project
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Re: DTLS new testing ways

2011-01-24 Thread Robin Seggelmann
Hi Sebastian,

On Jan 24, 2011, at 2:27 PM, Sebastian Proca wrote:

 I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 with 2.6.32-27 kernel. 
 So, I've been following your advice and put wireshark to check the packages 
 on the lo wire. Besides the Destination unreachable(Host unreachable) 
 message that I receive I can see the flow from Source port 40673 to 
 Destination port 23232 both on, of course. Is this (at least) 
 flow's correct behaviour? Besides this messages I don't get anything else.

Destination unreachable tells you that you're not running a server or it's 
blocked by a firewall.

Have you updated your OpenSSL installation? Ubuntu 10.04 comes with an old 
0.9.8 release in which the DTLS implementation is entirely broken. You need to 
update OpenSSL to at least 1.0.0a. Make sure that you either overwrite your 
base installation or use appropriate paths when compiling. A ./configure  
make  make install installs to /usr/local which is ignored because you 
already have an installation in /usr by default. So either configure OpenSSL 
with --prefix=/usr to overwrite your default installation or compile your 
client and server with -L and -I to the lib and include paths where you 
installed the newer OpenSSL, e.g. -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include.

Best regards

OpenSSL Project
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Re: DTLS new testing ways

2011-01-20 Thread Robin Seggelmann
Hi Sebastian,

On Jan 19, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Sebastian Proca wrote:

 Thank you for your help! I understand now the way that this application 
 should be used. Yet, I didn't manage to obtain a working dtls session.
 After I start the server :
 # ./dtls_udp_echo
 I start the client, but I receive the error bellow:
 # ./dtls_udp_echo
 Unexpected error while writing: 1
 error:14103138:SSL routines:DTLS1_READ_FAILED:read timeout expired, but the 
 started server shows no error, nothing.
 So the message that both server and client have is Resource temporarily 
 Did someone have the same problem? How can this be solved?

Which operating system are you using? Do you have a firewall active? Make sure 
nothing is blocking either server or client. If its still not working, use 
Wireshark or tcpdump to check what's happening on the wire.

Best regards

OpenSSL Project
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Re: DTLS new testing ways

2011-01-18 Thread Robin Seggelmann
Hi Sebastian,

On Jan 17, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Sebastian Proca wrote:

 It's strange for me how comes that, depending on the specified arguments, I 
 get two different errors:
 I case :
 # ./dtls_udp_echo
 SSL_connect: Connection refused
 Unexpected error while writing: 5
 II case :
 # ./dtls_udp_echo -p 23232 -V
 SSL_connect: Connection refused
 Connected to
 Segmentation fault
 Wireshark shows the beginning of dtls negotiation, but it's clear that after 
 these errors, it stops.
 Does someone know the correct usage of this sample? I'm out of ideas!

You probably don't have a server running. Use:


without any parameters to start a server listening on all available addresses. 
You can then start a client with:


All of the examples listed on our website are both server and client. If you 
specify an address on the command line, it will use it to start a client which 
connects to it. Otherwise, without an address it will start a server and listen 
for incoming connections.

Best regards

OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager

Re: DTLSv1 SSL_renegotiate

2009-11-02 Thread Robin Seggelmann

Hi David,

Which version of OpenSSL are you using? The current 0.9.8 stable is  
*very* buggy and also in 1.0.0 beta 3 are still several known bugs.  
You should either use the development version in the CVS repository or  
apply our patches from to have them fixed. You can  
also find some DTLS example code there. If you still experience any  
problems, please supply a detailed description so that I can try to  
reproduce it.


On Nov 2, 2009, at 6:46 AM, David Isaac Wolinsky wrote:

Hi all,

I am implementing a project that uses OpenSSL DTLSv1.  I noticed  
that even after sending approximately 1 GB of data, the cipher spec  
did not change.  So I implemented a manual renegotiate and I  
attempted to verify that it worked.  It didn't.  For some reason,  
after the server receives the renegotiate message from the client,  
it gets stuck at SSLv3 read client hello B.  I then tried the  
exact same code but switched the SSL_method to SSLv3 and TLSv1 and  
it worked just fine.  The peers renegotiated a new cipher spec.  Any  

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Re: Memory leak in threaded server

2009-09-02 Thread Robin Seggelmann
I was able to solve the problem, the session cache was activated and  
stored all the sessions and a bug in DTLS caused that twice as much  
sessions as necessary have been created. The bug will be fixed with an  
updated version of bugfix #2028.

- Robin

Am 02.09.2009 um 10:47 schrieb Robin Seggelmann:

Hi all,
I have written an DTLS echo server and client for testing purposes.  
In this case I want to test my new DTLSv1_listen() function, which  
waits for new connections with responding to ClientHellos with  
HelloVerifyRequest messages until a ClientHello with a valid cookie  
arrives. The SSL object can then be used for that connection and  
DTLSv1_listen() is called with a new SSL object again. Unfortunately  
the server has a memory leak which I was unable to find yet.  
According to my debug tools the problem seems to be that some  
certificates aren't freed. However, there are no leaks in terms of  
memory that is not accessible anymore. Here is the scheme of my  

void start_server(int port, in_addr_t* local_address) {

... (variables) ...

ctx = SSL_CTX_new(DTLSv1_server_method());
SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, ALL:NULL:eNULL:aNULL);
pid = getpid();
if( !SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(ctx, (void*)pid, sizeof pid) )

	if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, certs/server-cert.pem,  

printf(\nERROR: no certificate found!);

	if (!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, certs/server-key.pem,  

printf(\nERROR: no private key found!);

if (!SSL_CTX_check_private_key (ctx))
printf(\nERROR: invalid private key!);

/* Client has to authenticate */

SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead(ctx, 1);
SSL_CTX_set_cookie_generate_cb(ctx, generate_cookie);
SSL_CTX_set_cookie_verify_cb(ctx, verify_cookie);

... (create listening socket) ...

while (1) {
memset(client_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr));

/* Create BIO */
bio = BIO_new_dgram(fd, BIO_NOCLOSE);

/* Set and activate timeouts */
timeout.tv_sec = 5;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
BIO_ctrl(bio, BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_RECV_TIMEOUT, 0, timeout);

ssl = SSL_new(ctx);

SSL_set_bio(ssl, bio, bio);
SSL_set_options(ssl, SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE);

while (!DTLSv1_listen(ssl, client_addr));

info = (struct pass_info*) malloc (sizeof(struct pass_info));
memcpy(info-server_addr, server_addr, sizeof(struct 
memcpy(info-client_addr, client_addr, sizeof(struct 
info-ssl = ssl;

if (pthread_create( tid, NULL, connection_handle, info) != 0) {


The function connection_handle is called when DTLSv1_listen()  
returned and therefore a new connection is about to be established.  
The SSL object is passed and the handshake finished before data  
transmission begins.

void* connection_handle(void *info) {

... (variables) ...


... (created connected socket) ...

/* Set new fd and set BIO to connected */
BIO_set_fd(SSL_get_rbio(ssl), fd, BIO_NOCLOSE);
	BIO_ctrl(SSL_get_rbio(ssl), BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_CONNECTED, 0,  

/* Finish handshake */
if(SSL_accept(ssl) = 0) {
goto cleanup;

... (read and write until client disconnects) ...


pthread_exit( (void *) NULL );

Any suggestions where I forgot any free or threading function? I  
also read about a built-in memory leak detection in OpenSSL but  
didn't find anything in the documentation. Since it might help, how  
do I use that? When I use a shell script which continously starts a  
client which connects, sends some messages and disconnects, the  
server is working fine but constantly allocats memory which is never  
freed. Since the client initiates the shutdown, there is no problem  
with an unfinished shutdown process. The server's SSL_shutdown()  
always returns 1.

OpenSSL Project

Re: DTLS communication problem

2009-02-04 Thread Robin Seggelmann

On Feb 3, 2009, at 11:27 PM, Russell, Joshua wrote:

I am trying to get a sample DTLS application working.  The following  
indications are provided when I try to connect with the client:

After a successful call to dtls_connect(), I receive SSL_ERR_SYSCALL  
when attempting to write from the client.

ERR_get_error() results in 0.
rc from SSL_write = -1
errno shows “No route to host”

I checked netstat on the server to confirm that a UDP port is bound  
at 8001

The return from netstat shows nothing at 8001.  Before I start  
looking closer at my server, I would like to make sure a properly  
configured SSL server should show a UDP connection on the selected  

The error could be everywhere since you have not submitted any code or  
said which sample you're using.

I suggest to visit and have a look at the  
samples there. They should be easy to understand and are working out  
of the box. To avoid several bugs, you have to use the latest OpenSSL  
version with the bugfixes also listed there anyway.


Josh Russell
CSX Technology
RNX 633-3493

This email transmission and any accompanying attachments may contain  
CSX privileged and confidential information intended only for the  
use of the intended addressee. Any dissemination, distribution,  
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you have received this email in error please immediately delete it  
and notify sender at the above CSX email address. Sender and CSX  
accept no liability for any damage caused directly or indirectly by  
receipt of this email.

OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager

Re: DTLS server implementation experiences and documentation

2009-01-27 Thread Robin Seggelmann

On Jan 26, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Daniel Mentz wrote:

I'm surprised that you can use accept() on UDP sockets. I checked  
the man pages of a Debian GNU/Linux system. They say that you can  
use accept() only  with connection-based socket types (SOCK_STREAM,  
SOCK_SEQPACKET). Is this something specific to FreeBSD? Could you  
please provide me with more information. Maybe you could make your  
source code available.

Hi Daniel,
sorry for causing confusion, of course you can't use accept() with  
UDP. You have to create a new socket, use bind() to assign it to a  
specific connection and create another socket. Everything else is like  
handling TCP connections. Unfortunately it was too long ago that I  
have written the code so I hadn't had all of it in mind anymore.  
Probably you can use connected UDP sockets with Linux, but I'm not  
sure. I'm working with FreeBSD and Mac OS X which support them.

Sample UDP server code:

while (1) {
memset((void *) client_addr, 0, sizeof(client_addr));

accfd = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int));
*accfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
setsockopt (*accfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, optval, sizeof(optval));
	bind(*accfd, (const struct sockaddr *) server_addr,  

bio = BIO_new_dgram(*accfd, BIO_NOCLOSE);
ssl = SSL_new(ctx);

SSL_set_bio(ssl, bio, bio);

info = (struct pass_info*) malloc (sizeof(struct pass_info));
info-fd = *accfd;
info-client_addr = client_addr;
info-ssl = ssl;

rc = pthread_create( tid, NULL, connection_handle, info);
if (rc != 0) {

OpenSSL Project
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Re: DTLS server implementation experiences and documentation

2009-01-22 Thread Robin Seggelmann

On Jan 22, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Wes Hardaker wrote:

RS As a workaround you can use connected UDP sockets. Just use  
RS and connect() as you would with TCP connections and create new  
BIO and

RS SSL objects for every connection. I have tested that and it works
RS pretty well so far.

And that keeps OpenSSL from reading too much data from a single  

If so, that'd certainly be a good thing.

If you meant keeps reading data from more than one connection, then  
yes. With connected UDP sockets the kernel handles the differentiation  
between connections and distributes incoming data to the corresponding  

OpenSSL Project
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Re: How to detect dead peers with DTLS?

2009-01-21 Thread Robin Seggelmann

Hi Michael,
unfortunately, you're wrong. You need my patches to perform  
renegotiations at all, since the current implementation is broken in  
this respect. Technically, the abbreviated handshake is supported, but  
OpenSSL does not provide any API to initiate it without reconnecting.  
The functions for session handling can be used to save a session and  
reassign it before connecting to perform an abbreviated handshake.  
This has no effect on an established connections because your saving  
and overwriting the session with the same data without any further  
action. I already criticized this in a mail to the list but there were  
no answers beside the explanation how to use the session functions  
when reconnecting.


Am 20.01.2009 um 18:38 schrieb Michael Tüxen:

Hi Giang,

I think Robin tested it, so yes it works... But you need the bugfixes
he sent to the list...

Robin: Am I right?

Best regards

On Jan 20, 2009, at 5:59 PM, Giang Nguyen wrote:

I think I will go for the hack that misuses re-negotiation as a  
kind of

heartbeat, keep alive or echo request. I tried to avoid this hack at
first because it is a computational burden. AFAIK re-negotiation  
restarting from scratch which means that expensive public key  

have to be performed.

to avoid expensive full handshakes, what about using sessions?

from what i read at,  
To the greatest extent possible, DTLS is identical to TLS.

and from what i read at section  
3.4: multiple DTLS connections can be resumed from the same DTLS  
session, each running over its own DCCP connection.

so my assumption here is that DTLS supports abbreviated handshakes  
for session resumptions.

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Re: How to detect dead peers with DTLS?

2009-01-21 Thread Robin Seggelmann

Hi Michael,
since there seems to be no function, option or whatever to trigger  
session resumption for an established connection, I would have to  
modify the API to add this functionality. This is kind of critical  
because it would not only affect DTLS but also TLS which supports  
session resumption, too. In my opinion neither a DTLS specific method  
nor an untested generic method is a good solution.


Am 20.01.2009 um 19:42 schrieb Michael Tüxen:

Hi Robin,

what would be needed to add support for renegotiations in DTLS?

Best regards

On Jan 20, 2009, at 7:01 PM, Robin Seggelmann wrote:

Hi Michael,
unfortunately, you're wrong. You need my patches to perform  
renegotiations at all, since the current implementation is broken  
in this respect. Technically, the abbreviated handshake is  
supported, but OpenSSL does not provide any API to initiate it  
without reconnecting. The functions for session handling can be  
used to save a session and reassign it before connecting to perform  
an abbreviated handshake. This has no effect on an established  
connections because your saving and overwriting the session with  
the same data without any further action. I already criticized this  
in a mail to the list but there were no answers beside the  
explanation how to use the session functions when reconnecting.


Am 20.01.2009 um 18:38 schrieb Michael Tüxen:

Hi Giang,

I think Robin tested it, so yes it works... But you need the  

he sent to the list...

Robin: Am I right?

Best regards

On Jan 20, 2009, at 5:59 PM, Giang Nguyen wrote:

I think I will go for the hack that misuses re-negotiation as a  
kind of
heartbeat, keep alive or echo request. I tried to avoid this  
hack at
first because it is a computational burden. AFAIK re-negotiation  
restarting from scratch which means that expensive public key  

have to be performed.

to avoid expensive full handshakes, what about using sessions?

from what i read at,  
To the greatest extent possible, DTLS is identical to TLS.

and from what i read at  
section 3.4: multiple DTLS connections can be resumed from the  
same DTLS session, each running over its own DCCP connection.

so my assumption here is that DTLS supports abbreviated  
handshakes for session resumptions.

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OpenSSL Project
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Re: DTLS server implementation experiences and documentation

2009-01-21 Thread Robin Seggelmann

Hi Wes,

The biggest issue comes from needing to deal with multiple clients
trying to talk through the same UDP port, which isn't handled by at
least the 0.9.8i code at least.

Using multiple connections with one socket is still not implemented as  
the OpenSSL architecture and API does not support this. To be able to  
choose which connection within a socket you want to send to or receive  
from, major changes would be necessary, starting from SSL_read,  
SSL_write, etc. and ending with the relation between BIO and SSL  

As a workaround you can use connected UDP sockets. Just use accept()  
and connect() as you would with TCP connections and create new BIO and  
SSL objects for every connection. I have tested that and it works  
pretty well so far.

I'd love feedback on some of my conclusions.  I'm not in any way an
OpenSSL exert and dove further into the code this time than I have in
the past.  But I'm not swimming in the deep end yet.

The write up is written on the Net-SNMP wiki, since that's what I was
working on it for.  It's written fairly generically so you don't  
need to

understand SNMP (and people who know SNMP don't need to know a huge
amount about OpenSSL).  IE, There is a fair amount of introductory  

To avoid getting into trouble with already fixed bugs you should apply  
the patches I sent to the dev list. I'll set up a website with a patch  
collection and some instructions soon.

OpenSSL Project
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Re: DTLS server implementation experiences and documentation

2009-01-21 Thread Robin Seggelmann

On Jan 22, 2009, at 7:47 AM, David Woodhouse wrote:

Is there anyone who actually cares about DTLS and getting patches

Very good question. I hope someone will apply at least the bugfixes  
soon. I have several patches adding new features in the pipe, but they  
understandably rely on the bugfixes. However, I'll probably publish a  
list of patches on a website with an explanation which of them have to  
be applied in which order for a feature. Not very satisfying, but that  
seems to be the only solution by now.

I've had patches to make OpenSSL capable of talking to production
servers out there in the wild, which use the OpenSSL-specific pre-RFC
version of DTLS and I've been able to write a complete VPN client
along with NetworkManager support, and get it into Linux  

in the time it's taken to get the patch into OpenSSL... and I'm still

It's getting to the point where I wonder if it would be quicker and
easier just to reimplement DTLS in GNUTLS and use that.

Ya, I also thought about that already, but was afraid of starting from  
scratch yet.

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