Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Merging feature/zuulv3 into master in Zuul and Nodepool repos

2018-01-15 Thread James E. Blair
Clark Boylan  writes:

> Hello,
> I think we are very close to being ready to merge the zuulv3 feature
> branch into master in both the Zuul and Nodepool repos. In particular
> we merged which should
> prevent breakages for anyone using that deployment method
> (single_node_ci) for an all in one CI suite.
> One thing I've noticed is that we don't have this same handling in the
> lower level individual service manifests. For us I don't think that is
> a major issue, we'll just pin our builders to the nodepool 0.5.0 tag,
> do the merge, then update our configs and switch back to master. But
> do we have any idea if it is common for third part CI's to bypass
> single_node_ci and construct their own like we do?
> As for the actual merging itself a quick test locally using `git merge
> -s recursive -X theirs feature/zuulv3` on the master branch of
> nodepool appears to work. I have to delete the files that the feature
> branch deleted by hand but otherwise the merge is automated. The
> resulting tree does also pass `tox -e pep8` and `tox -epy36` testing.
> We will probably want a soft freeze of both Zuul and Nodepool then do
> our best to get both merged together so that we don't have to remember
> which project has merged and which hasn't. Once that is done we will
> need to repropose any open changes on the feature branch to the master
> branch, abandon the changes on the feature branch then delete the
> feature branch. Might be a good idea to merge as many feature branch
> changes as possible before hand?
> Am I missing anything?
> Thank you,
> Clark

Thanks for looking into that!

I don't think we're in a great position to merge a lot of the
outstanding changes on the feature branch -- many of them are post 3.0
things and I don't want to distract us from stabilizing and finalizing
the release.  We may just want to plan on porting a bunch over.

Let's plan on performing the merge this Thursday, Jan 18th.


OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Adding ARM64 cloud to infra

2018-01-15 Thread Ian Wienand

On 01/16/2018 12:11 AM, Frank Jansen wrote:

do you have any insight into the availability of a physical
environment for the ARM64 cloud?

I’m curious, as there may be a need for downstream testing, which I
would assume will want to make use of our existing OSP CI framework.

Sorry, not 100% sure what you mean here?  I think the theory is that
this would be an ARM64 based cloud attached to OpenStack infra and
thus run any jobs infra could ...


OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Adding ARM64 cloud to infra

2018-01-15 Thread Dan Radez

On 01/12/2018 07:21 PM, Clark Boylan wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018, at 3:27 PM, Dan Radez wrote:
>> fwiw
>> We've been building arm images for tripleo and posting them.
>> This uses delorean and overcloud build:
>>     DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF+="/etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-deps-${OSVER}.repo
>> /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-${OSVER}.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo
>> /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/radez.fedorapeople.repo" \
>>     openstack --debug overcloud image build \
>>     --config-file overcloud-aarch64.yaml \
>>     --config-file
>> /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-common/image-yaml/overcloud-images.yaml \
>>     --config-file
>> /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-common/image-yaml/overcloud-images-centos7.yaml
>>     # --config-file overcloud-images.yaml --config-file
>> overcloud-images-centos7.yaml --config-file aarch64-gumpf.yaml --image-name
>>     #openstack --debug overcloud image build --type overcloud-full
>> --node-arch aarch64
>> It's not quite an orthodox RDO build, There are still a few things in
>> place that work around arm related packaging discrepancies or x86
>> related configs. But we get good builds from it.
>> I don't know the details of what overcloud build does to the dib builds,
>> Though I don't believe these are whole disk images. I think the
>> overcloud and undercloud are root partition images and the kernel an
>> initrd are composed into the disk for the overcloud by OOO and we direct
>> boot them to launch a undercloud VM.
>> Happy to share details if anyone wants more.
>> Radez
> Looking into this a big more `openstack overcloud image build` takes in the 
> yaml config files you list and converts that into a forked diskimage-builder 
> process to build an image. The centos7 dib element in particular seems to 
> have aarch64 support via building on top of the upstream centos7 aarch64 
> image. We do use the centos-minimal element for our images though as it 
> allows us to do things like install glean. Chances are we still need need to 
> sort out UEFI and GPT for general dib use.
> Just to be sure there isn't any other magic going on can you provide the 
> contents of the overcloud-aarch64.yaml or point to where it can be found? It 
> doesn't appear to be in tripleo-common with the other configs.
> It is good to know that this is working in some cases though.
> Clark
> ___
> OpenStack-Infra mailing list
The centos support that's there is because I added it. :)
Here's the overcloud-aarch64 file, Its purpose is just to switch the
arch for the two images built.
I think the packages reference was because there was a missing dep that
has since been resolved.

[stack@localhost ~]$ cat overcloud-aarch64.yaml
    imagename: overcloud-full
    arch: arm64
  - os-collect-config
    imagename: ironic-python-agent
    arch: arm64

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Adding ARM64 cloud to infra

2018-01-15 Thread Ian Wienand

On 01/13/2018 01:26 PM, Ian Wienand wrote:

In terms of implementation, since you've already looked, I think
essentially diskimage_builder/block_device/ create() will
need some moderate re-factoring to call a gpt implementation in
response to a gpt label, which could translate self.partitions into a
format for calling parted via our existing exec_sudo.

bringing up a sample config and test, then working backwards from what
calls we expect to see

I've started down this path with

... still very wip


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